The Coach

Published on Aug 21, 2015


Coach 7 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Edmund did not shoot off that quickly. His cock was tender and responsive. Every lick, every swipe of my tongue, every motion caused a response. It took a minute or two to get his balls working. Precum tends to turn me on anyway and he had an unusually rich brew.

Roscoe eased his cock into my rear end. That just added to my pleasure. Somehow, Roscoe and Edmund managed to coordinate their orgasms and I was bread from the front and the rear. Edmund had an orgasm that could have won the blue ribbon at the State Fair. Roscoe had a forceful orgasm that tickled my rectum. I was on the edge myself.

Roscoe seemed to sense that. I sat on the edge of the tub and the two men shared my cream. The first ejaculations were on Edmund's beard. Edmund kissed me and ate the remains of his orgasm from my mouth as Roscoe took my load.

He did not swallow and the three of us had a cum filled make out session. We frolicked for the next hour and a half. Edmund had both stamina and a seemingly endless supply of sperm. He was an affectionate man. He didn't just suck and fuck; he made love.

Later that day, Roscoe called me. He thanked me and said Edmund had a good time.

"I could tell. I had a good time too," I said.

"He wants to come back another time. Is that a possibility?" Roscoe asked. I said it certainly was a possibility.

"Edmund would like it solo, just you and him," Roscoe added. "He would like to wrestle. He would like a real match with the winner fucking the loser?"

"He outweighs me by 50 pounds," I said. "He will win, but that is okay with me."

"I kind of think he wants to lose," Roscoe replied. "He really liked eating your spunk. It turned him on big time." We talked a little longer and Roscoe said he would talk to Edmund.

Edmund would have to wait in line. Freddy had another patient for me. This was a young man of twenty-five who has Cerebral Palsy. "It is a comparatively mild case and he functions well. His mind is unaffected and he speaks well with only a slight stutter. He is in a wheel chair."

"Mark is a big wrestling fan, and 100% gay. He has some online friends, but there is no real-time experience," Freddy said. "He hasn't been able to convert his online experience to actual man to man sex. He is too shy to do that. He does not know if he could actually do it or if he would like it if he did. I was hoping you could help him out."

"I have no idea if I can help. Quite frankly this many be above my pay grade," I said.

"Mark is a nice guy; I think you will like him. I know he will like you," Freddy said. "Will you give him a chance?" I agreed, somewhat reluctantly. He had an appointment with Freddy two days later. Tommy rolled up to my house at 3:00.

He was young, but he had a beard to make his look older.

"I'm a little nervous," he said, "When Dr. Miller suggested this it seemed odd to me. The idea kind of grew on me. I was hoping for something romantic, but I realized that wasn't going to happen."

"Why is that?" I asked.

"I knew I would be so nervous and excited, I couldn't manage romance. I've looked at porn. Actually I've looked at a lot of porn, but they all know what they are doing," he said. "I don't have a clue!"

"From my experience sex is something that teaches itself. Let's just take our time and see what happens," I said. "It is easier to do that to explain. You tell me what works for you. If you don't like it, just tell me. Are you ready to go to the bedroom and get naked?"

"I'm not really ready, but I want it bad," he said. I led the way and he followed. I stripped as soon as we were in the bedroom. He was slowly unbuttoning his shirt.

"Damn, you are a big man," he said when I was naked. "It's bigger than mine and you are still soft."

I went over to his wheel chair and lifted him out of it. I helped him undress. Tommy was already hard. I smiled.

"I see you are ready to play," I said as I stroked it. He moaned.

"Can I touch yours?" Tommy asked.

"Sure, that's why you are here," I said. I got on the bed so that he could see mine and I could suck his. That worked out well. He had a standard six incher. He was cut and his cock head was a beautiful of lavender. I licked it. He shivered and oozed a good-sized glob of precum.

"I don't know if I can do that for you," he said. "You don't have to do it for me."

I'm fine," I said. "You do what is comfortable for you; I will do what I like."

"I might shoot off!" he protested.

"Don't worry, I can deal with that," I said. I returned to sucking his cock. I was careful and took my time. I figured that when he was excited enough, he would begin to suck me. Mark had much more stamina than I had guessed. His cock oozed and spurted continuously but he did not shoot.

"I want to suck yours but I can't seem to do it," Tommy said. "It's so big. Do you fuck guys with it?"

I stopped sucking him and then rotated my body to look him in the face and said, "I sure do."

"I can't believe it would fit in me," he replied. "Have you been fucked?"

"I've done it all and liked almost all of it. Does that bother or excite you?"

"It excites me, but I can't visualize me being comfortable doing it," he replied.

"I had a friend who told me to relax and let my cock do the thinking for me," I said. "90% of the time that is bad advice, but this isn't one of those times."

"I was always afraid my mother would find my cum after I jerked off," he whispered.

"My plan is to eat every drop of it. You don't need to worry about that," I said. Mark was hard as a rock, so I coated his cock in lubricant and sat on it. Mark had no idea what I was planning when I straddled him. He was pleasantly surprised.

It was an easy fit and his tool rammed my prostate every time I bounced on it. I had not expected much, but a cock that is a perfect fit is a good thing. I don't think Mark had any real idea what it would feel like and he was overwhelmed with pleasure. With each bounce on his cock, he relaxed more and surrendered himself to the pleasure.

After ten minutes, we broke part. "I need a break," I said. "Are you okay?"

"Is it always that good?" he asked. "It was unbelievable. Did you like it?"

"Can't you tell?" I asked.

Mark smiled. He leaned over and kissed my cock before he began to lick my cock head. He then looked up at me. "Are you going to shoot off in my mouth?" he asked.

"If you want me to, I can do it," I said.

"Would you take mine?" he asked.

I smiled at him. "Of course I would. Would you like that?" He nodded. I shifted and sucked his cock. Mark was excited and ready to boogie. He asked me to stop a few times, but as soon as my lips pulled from his cock, he begged me to suck more. He had a top of the line orgasm and I took every drop.

He was on a schedule and had someone coming by to pick him up, so I helped him dress and had him ready for his ride. An hour later Freddy called me. Mark had called him and was afraid he hadn't done enough. I said everything was fine and there was no problem.

"Mark is twenty-six years old and you are his first sexual encounter. You were good for him," Freddy said. "He told me he would do anything you wanted no matter how much it hurt."

"I was afraid I was taking it too fast," I said. "I apparently didn't make it clear that I don't want to hurt him at all. It is supposed to be fun for both of us."

A little later that night I had a call from Eddie. He had been the high school wrestler who had just been dumped by his wife. He wanted to come over with a friend for a nude wrestling match. I asked him about his friend.

"Cory is a young guy who does yard work. He's in his early twenties but seems to have no ambition, other than to watch wrestling on the television," Eddie said. "I told him I had wrestled in school. He asked me if I had ever done it Greek Style. I told him we had a few, informal matches. Cory then asked if anyone showed hard. I laughed and said that of course we showed hard. That was just a natural part of Greek wrestling. I told him I had set up my rec room for wrestling."

"I assume nature took its course from that point on?" I said.

Eddie nodded. "We had a little match in my basement rec room. He was dirty from the yard work so he showered and we did it naked. I am a lot bigger than he is and he lost. We had a good, sweaty and mostly erect time. Cory asked me if there was a prize for winning. It told him officially there was nothing, but it was understood the loser sucked the winner."

Cory asked if I lost. I said that I sure as shit did. He then asked if it bothered me. I told him that I thought it would, but it was not a problem. We were all buddies. Well, I guess you can tell where this is leading. I think he would really like to meet you. Cory likes older men," Eddie said.

I told Eddie about Mark. He liked wrestling and would like to watch. "Is Cory shy about being naked?" I asked.

"Not at all," Eddie replied. "He's a muscle man and likes to show off." Eddie said he would ask Cory if he was interested. The next day he called back. Cory was interested. I called Mark and asked if he was interested. He was fine with it.

I went to pick up Mark. That would give us more time to play. Eddie and Cory appeared ten minutes after we got in the house. I had rolled out some mats in the rec room, I was a little worried that the men would tend to ignore Mark, but that was not a problem. We made Mark the referee, and that suited him.

Cory took one look at me and I knew that I was his wet dream come to life. We stripped and they we all helped Mark get out of his clothes. Mark could do it on his own, but it was faster when we helped. Mark played a game of lick the cock, and that made friends quickly. Cory seemed to like that game. He made sure is cock was easily accessible for Mark.

We wrestled for about a half hour. We used standard high school rules. Since I was more experienced that Cory and Eddie, we had a handicapping system, to even things out.

Cory wanted a winner sucks the loser arrangement. Eddie suggested the grand prize should be the loser sucks the winner to completion. Cory's cock twitched at that suggestion. As Eddie had said, Cory was young, excited and well endowed. He didn't mind showing off his ready-for- action cock.

"Does the loser have to eat the winner's cock scum?" Cory asked.

"What do you think?" Eddie asked me. "It is your house."

"First, it's pure man cream, not scum. Secondly, I do not like a mess. The loser either takes it from the spigot, or he licks it off the mat," I said. Cory's cock twitched again. My answer excited him."

"I could lick it up if that is a problem," Mark volunteered. "Some guy may be squeamish about that." Cory like that idea too.

As you would expect the matches became more overtly sexual as we progressed. Cory and Eddie were competitive men. Several of their matches looked real. I was more casual and relaxed. Marks role as the referee was a joke, but he took it seriously and knew his stuff. It was a good arrangement.

When Eddie and I wrestled, Cory sat next to Mark. He bent over a few time to lick up Mark's cock drool. The first time he did it, he was just being polite. The second and third times, Cory was noticeably more enthusiastic. I was pretty sure there was something in Mark ooze that rang Cory's chimes.

I won the first round of matches. Eddie sucked me with considerable enthusiasm. I shifted so I could suck Cory as he licked up Mark's cock. Cory was ripe and ready.

Eddie and I began the next round of matches. This time the match was more keeping our cocks in contact with our opponents than wresting. Cory was talking with Mark as they watched. I won the match and wrestled with Cory next. I won and Cory both sucked me and took a mouthful of my seed.

"Mark told me he had fucked you. Is that true?" Cory asked afterwards. I said yes.

"I'd love to fuck you. If we do this again would you be willing to make this a winner fucks the loser match?" he asked.

"You do realize you could lose, don't you?" I asked. "You've seen me hard. Do you think you could take it?" he nodded.

"Let me tell you something," I whispered. "It's going to hurt like hell unless you want m it up your ass. Once I'm in you I'm going to shoot until cum is spurting form your mouth!" I just happened to have his cock in my hand and it twitched. "Has anyone been in your hole?" He shook his head.

"Why don't you get together with Mark? He had a nice one and he could open you up," I said. It was getting late and our party broke up. When I took Mark home, he was happy.

A week later, Mark called me. I found out he connected with Cory. Mark had both plowed and seeded Cory's ass. "I want Cory to do me, but he's afraid he might hurt me," Mark said. "I don't have a standard issue body." he wanted to know if I could help them out. I said I would try.

I called Dr. Freddy and talked with him about the situation. "I know is cock and balls are in tip-top shape and whatever makes a young man horny is also working," I said. Dr. Freddy was not sure but he said he would call Mark's doctor and ask him.

The next afternoon, Dr. Freddy called back and said the all was well as far as anyone knew. There was some mal-formation of the hip joints the resulted in Mark's walking problems, but everything in the genital-urinary system was fine. "I'd just take it easy," Freddy said.

"It might be better if we erred on the side of caution," I said.

"Mark is the same as every other young man, except for the problems that occurred at birth. I think he will feel better about himself if he had a normal sex life. In his case he needs a normal gay sex life." Freddy said. "His parents treated him as a fragile China Doll. He wants to act like a man and be treated as a man." That made sense to me. I called Mark and told him to go for it. Mark wanted to have another wrestling match. He said he would arrange it with Cory.

A few day later, he asked if Saturday afternoon was okay. I said that would fine. Cory would bring him. They arrived at two. They had a third guy with them.

"Coach, this is a friend of mine, Hal. He's a neighbor and likes wrestling too," Cory said. We shook hands. Hal was about thirty. He was short, stocky and already bald. He told men that worked as a nurse's aide at a rehab center.

"My title is a nurse's aide, but I'm actually the muscle. I do the heavy lifting, too many of the nurses hurt their backs moving heavy patients," he explained. "I have no problems with that at all."

We went to the rec room. We had a soft drink and stripped. Hal helped Mark undress. It was effortless for him. Hal looked like a short, fat man with his clothes on. Naked, he was all muscle. Cory and Mark were talking. They talked the way old friends do.

Hal came over to me. "Cory told me this was going to be naked wrestling followed by some ass fucking," he asked in a whisper. "Is that the program?"

"That is the plan. Are you okay with that?" I asked.

"It sure is. I usually top," he said. "He said you had a big one."

"Does that bother you?" I asked.

"Not really. It sure looks good," he said. He dropped his voice to a whisper again. "To tell you the truth, it looks tempting."

"You like them big?" I asked. I fondled his meaty equipment.

"I didn't think I cared one way or the other about cock size," he replied. "It seems that I was wrong about that."

I'm a good loser, by the way," I added. Hal smiled. We understood each other. Hal was not a shrinking violet. The matches were both energetic and erotic. When I pinned Cory, Mark was nice enough to cheer Cory by sucking his cock. He also made Hal feel welcome the same way. Everyone knew this was the oral prelude to an anal finale, but we took our time.

I had lubricated my ass before, just in case the fucking was more spontaneous than I anticipated. When I was wrestling Hal, I noticed his ass glistened some, and smelled a pine scent. He had used one of the high-end scented lubricants. He had used an illegal move by gripping my ass with two fingers in my hole his thumb on the base of my cock.

I repeated the move on him, but I had a finger on each side of the prostate and squeezed it a little. Hal like that a lot. Mark and Cory were not lubricated. Cory was nice enough to lubricate Mark. He used his finger to make sure the lube was deep enough.

Mark was spread eagled with his ass open and Cory was on his hands and knees as he worked Mark's ass. Hal took care of Cory's hole. He used his cock to shove the lubricant deep. Hal pushed Cory forward and eventually Cory's cock was at Mark's ass pucker, touching the sphincter.

I went over to Mark. "All you need to do is relax a little and Cory will be in you. Are you scared?" "A little, but I want it," Mark said. "I loved it when I was in him. I shot off in him."

"Do you want him to cum in you?" I asked. He nodded. Cory thrust and Mark's ass swallowed Cory's tool. Mark sighed. It was not a sigh of pleasure. It was a sigh of relief; he finally was fucked. The pleasure came half dozen thrusts later.

Hal had pulled out of Cory and he looked at me. He got on his hands and knees and spread his legs to open wide. I took the invitation.

Fifteen minutes later, I had discovered that Hal was indeed a size queen and had strong tendencies toward being insatiable. Mark loved the bottom and Cory was very close to being in love with Mark.

By the time our little wrestling event was over, I also discovered that Hal liked me a lot and that I found him to be increasingly attractive.

Next: Chapter 8

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