The Coach

Published on Jun 29, 2015


Coach 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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I did not see Johnny again for several weeks. Johnny was the lead officer in a triple murder. It was drug related and possibly the work of a serial murderer. Johnny was a workaholic and when he was on a case, he had time for nothing else. Freddy had another man who needed help, Ralph Winter.

Ralph was an assistant to the Director of Public Works. The Director took care of budgeting and personnel problems, Ralph took care of everyday operations. With a degree in engineering, he was the man who resolved everything technical. Freddy said he suffered from a serious case of Evangelical Overdose.

His family was conservative Baptist and he swallowed it all, hook line and sinker. His church was a "be good or be damned," Baptist, not a "love your neighbor" church. A man named Roland Smith led church. He was an old style, hell and damnation preacher.

Roland currently lived on a small Caribbean island with no extradition treaty. He had abandoned his wife and eight children and was living with the wife of one of his deacons. He also had four million dollars of the church's building fund. This event caused an emotional earthquake in Ralph's life. He was lost.

Ralph was still looking for the right woman. A friend of his sent him to Dr. Freddy because he suspected that the only right woman for Ralph had to shave daily and possessed a penis. Freddy said that Ralph's life was all black or white, but always joyless. He had avoided sin, but he had also avoided life.

One of the worst things about being betrayed is that you feel stupid for letting it happen. Roland was a master manipulator. He knew how to manipulate his flock. Ralph was an intelligent man and he felt humiliated. He came to my house without any expectations of a good outcome.

"Freddy told me that sex might cheer me up. I can't believe that, but my sexual experiences are few and far between. I can't say if that is true," Ralph said. "I've never seen a man naked in the flesh. I went to a Christian School and that sort of thing didn't happen."

"I was a jock in school and a coach for most of my life. Being naked isn't a problem," I said.

"Do you think that being naked is sinful?" I asked. Ralph nodded.

"Let me make it very clear, nudity isn't sinful. We are the only creature on earth that wears clothes," I said.

"I know Dr. Freddy wants you to teach me about sex. Could you just describe it?" Ralph asked.

I smiled. "Freddy told you that I am a coach," I said. "I know from coaching that telling guys the rules of the game and describing what they are supposed to do is of almost no value. You have to do it and then practice until you get it right," I said. "Sex is much easier to learn than baseball or football. We are hard wired to do it. For most of us it's natural and effortless."

"Maybe I'm a freak of some sort," Ralph said.

"I doubt that," I replied. "Think of this as a science experiment. It isn't sinful or virtuous; it's just an experiment. In every experiment we learn something whether it is successful of a failure." That approach worked. We went to the hot tub.

I stripped and got into the tub. Ralph held back, but he joined me. Once he was naked, he quickly jumped in the water. He was uneasy letting me see him naked. Ralph was in good shape. He wore ill-fitting clothes that made him look fat. He told me that he liked hiking and was trying to walk the entire Appalachian Trail. He was blond, and his body hair did not show.

We talked for a while and eventually I sat on the edge of the tub, to give his a full view of my equipment.

"Is your penis big?" he asked as he looked at it.

"I think I am on the higher side of average," I said. "You can never judge the full size of a cock when it's soft. Cocks are inflatable. Size is also not a sure fire guarantee of effectiveness." He laughed and sat on the edge too. Ralph was uncut and the skin covered the action part of the cock. I began to get hard. He noticed and I could feel the tension rising. His cock responded.

"This is embarrassing," he said.

"You are reacting the same way that 99.9 % of the men in the world react," I said. "Any suggestion of sexual potential tends to cause a response. Nature made men that way. There is nothing wrong. You may have noted that trying to stop and erection only stimulates your cock to get harder." Ralph looked at his cock and blushed. The skin was pulling back as the cock expanded.

His cock head appeared. It was a beautiful shade of pink. His slit seemed to be wide and there was a drop of liquid on it. It dripped into the water, connected to the slit by a thin filament. It was precum, not just water.

"At one time I thought I was feeling nervousness when I encountered a naked man. Now I don't know if it is nervousness or excitement," I said.

"You are hard too," Ralph said.

"Sex existed long before animals could talk. The erect cock is a clear indication of sexual interest. We are both interested," I said.

"I'm not sure about that," Ralph said with little conviction. I smiled.

"Actions speak louder than words. Your cock is excited and interested. It is a basic part of a man's anatomy. If it is interested, you are interested." I moved closer to him and he did not move away. I slipped into the water and wrapped my lips around his cock. He was shocked and then moaned.

"You don't need to do that!" he exclaimed.

"I like doing this," I replied. "Relax and enjoy it." Ralph definitely did not relax, but he did enjoy it. His cock head was exceptionally sensitive. After a few minutes of sucking, his sex juice flow increased. After ten minutes more, he warned me he was going to shoot.

"That's what we are here for!" I said as I returned to my sucking duties. A few seconds later, he filled my mouth with his thick man cream. He shivered, twitched and moaned as he ejaculated. I continued sucking to taking care of later ejaculations.

I soon discovered that Ralph had a special skill. He was one a one-orgasm wonder. The post-orgasmic drool soon turned into precum and he never lost his erection. He had a second orgasm fifteen minutes later and a third twenty minutes after that. The later orgasms were just as productive as the first if not more so.

There was one major change. Each orgasm seemed to be more pleasurable and intense for him than the preceding climax. He became more responsive and it seemed that his cock became increasing tender and responsive. I think the intensity of the first climax had surprised him. His body knew a good thing when it encountered it.

All the orgasms were productive and vigorous. After the first climax, I think he was less nervous and more responsive to the pleasure. I don't know if the pleasure was more intense, of if he was allowing himself to respond to the pleasure.

I like to suck, but sucking for more than an hour was a marathon for me. It was more pleasurable for me than I anticipated. His cock was a sexual thermometer; I could sense and taste his reactions as the pleasure intensified. By the time he went home, he was drained emotionally and physically. There could not have been a drop of sperm left in his balls. He thanked me as he left. I told him I would like to get together again and gave him my phone number.

Sometimes there is a problem with post-orgasmic letdown. I hoped he would comeback, but he was hard case and I did not know if two hours of sex was enough to undue a lifetime of mean spirited purity.

Ralph called me two days later. He asked if we could talk. It was a Saturday and I asked him over for coffee. He was nervous. After some chat and a cup of coffee, I asked him how he was doing.

"I am fine," he said and then he paused. "What we did the other days wasn't what I expected."

"In what way?" I asked.

"It was much more intense than I had guessed it would be. I thought it might be disgusting, but that is not what I felt. I thought it was a joke when you told me to let my cock do my thinking. I had no intention of doing that, but when you began to suck me, my cock took over."

I smiled. "It can do that," I remarked. "Am I right in thinking that it didn't take over just a little bit. It took full control?"

"That's a good way to describe it," Ralph said. "It wasn't just pleasurable either. I didn't know anything could feel that good."

"I've been there and I know what it feels like," I said.

"I don't know what I am supposed to do now," Ralph said. "I mean with you. What do you expect from me? Do I have to suck you?"

"There are no fixed rules." I explained. "You don't need to do anything until you want to do it."

"What if I never want to do it?" he asked.

"That may happen and it is okay if it does," I said. "I think it is pretty rare when it does. There are men who only like to suck or be sucked."

"What do you like?" he asked.

"I seem to like it all," I replied. "I like to suck and be sucked. I like to fuck and be fucked. It depends on the man I am with and his wants and desires. Remember we are not doing this to make babies and have a family. It all pure fun. Whatever floats your boat is fine with me."

"Are there some things that turn you off?" he asked.

"I'm not into pain and pretend punishment. I like sex. I associate it with fun and pleasure, not with sin and punishment. Transvestites do not excite me. I like men. Playacting does nothing for me. I like sex. I don't need to be ordered by a fantasy cop to suck a cock. I am more than willing to do that."

Ralph laughed. "Once and a while, I have a dream that I am tied up and men are using me for sex. They force me to do things," he said.

"I hate to disappoint you, but I can't force you, or even pretend to force you to do anything. I need for you to want to do it," I said. "That is the way I like my teams. They want to win and play well. Some just pretend and that never works out."

"Is that problem with the weaker members of the team?" he asked.

"The lack of desire often is a problem with the biggest and most potentially capable players. The big guys sometimes think they deserve to be star. It is their due, and they don't think they need to work to become a star," I explained. "There is another problem that can be more serious. A team wins the game, not just the star. Some players focus only on their own playing; they forget about the team. If your only objective is to make your own touchdown, you are shortchanging the team."

"Sex can be the same. If you are only concerned about your own pleasure, you miss sharing your partner's pleasure," I added.

"Did I shortchange you?" Ralph asked.

"No, you were fine," I replied. "After your third orgasm, you were great!" Ralph smiled.

"It felt great," he said. "I didn't guess anyone would eat the stuff I squirted. I thought it would be disgusting."

"You are a nice guy, Ralph. It is your own home brew, made in your balls. Sex is all about getting it from your balls into your playmate's body," I said. "That little trip of six or eight inches is wild and pleasurable. If you make it, I am willing to take it. If I take it in my mouth, it is a lot easier to clean up."

"I've never tasted it," he said.

"Well, put that on your to do list!" I replied. We talked a little longer and then he went home. He said he had to run some errands. He had some thinking to do. I had a feeling a lot of the thinking would deal with my cock and the way my cream tasted.

The next day Freddy sent me another man, Roscoe. Roscoe was a small, thin and almost frail looking bookkeeper. His problem was almost crippling timidity. He was also a Catholic of the old-fashioned sort. He believed it all. Remarkably, his priest sent him to see Freddy. Father Don was a good man of liberal leanings. He was prone to be into social ministry and concern about the poor.

Father Don was also kind, comforting and helpful in trying situations. His parish might not admit they disapproved of his concern for the poor, but when someone was sick or troubled, he was the man you wanted to see. Don knew his strengths and limits. He sent people to Freddy when they had sexual problems. Most could not talk to a priest about those things.

Roscoe seemed to feel that anything remotely pleasurable must be sinful. He told me he was an only child and that his mother had hoped to become a nun. His father was a burly Irish bricklayer and worked long hours. He had not played much of a role in his son's upbringing. Roscoe had inherited his father's taste for drink and nothing else. Roscoe drank to avoid life's problems. The concept of having a drink to socialize with friends or with dinner was foreign to him. Drink was an anesthetic.

I think Roscoe was afraid of me. I am big, masculine and outgoing. I later found out I was a bit like his father. Roscoe was shy and small. My very size scared him. I had some practice with that situation since I sometimes scared some of my team members. I am not aggressive, but I am insistent and I tend to be a leader of men. I did not give my team members a sense that things are optional.

I talked with Roscoe a while and then said it was time for my daily hot tub session. I told him I get stiff and the hot water helps me. "Have you been in a hot tub?" I asked.

"No," he replied.

"Well, it is time you tried it," I said. "It does wonders for aches and pains." I think he wanted to beg off, but he was too shy to do that. We went to the tub.

He was bald with a carefully trimmed beard and mustache that made him like a Victorian dandy. He body was pale, scrawny, but quite hairy. I am not sure he possessed a well-defined muscle in his body. His cock hid in the pubic thicket.

Roscoe happened to sit on one of the whirlpool jets. It was oddly located and if you sat on it in one particular way, it tended to massage your anus. Most people move when they find it. Roscoe sat there and seemed to enjoy it.

Normally I show off my semi-erect cock to get the ball rolling. I could tell that Roscoe was fully erect as the jet of water worked its magic. The jet took care of the preliminaries. I moved closer to him and put my arm around his shoulders. He knew I could see his erect cock.

"You enjoy this, don't you?" I asked.

"I'm embarrassed," he whispered.

"Nothing you do should embarrass you or will embarrass me," I said as I stroked his cock under the water. "You are excited and that excites me too." I shifted my hand and touched his hole. He moaned a little and shifted his position, giving me better access to his ass. Roscoe touched my cock.

"Your dick is thick," he whispered.

"Do you think it would fit?" I asked.

"I don't know. I have thought about it. I've seen it done in porn movies but I've never done it," he said. "I think I would like to fuck, but I'm not sure about being fucked."

"I would not mind if you want to fuck me," I said, "I wouldn't mind if you got all hot and bothered," I said. "It is nice when a guy shoots deep." I fingered his hole. When I worked in in a little deeper rubbed his prostate. He gasped for breath.

I stood up and straddled him. I held into the edge of the pool and sat on his cock. I had lubricated my ass before he came, just in case there was an opportunity. Roscoe's cock was thin, but longer than I had expected. It slipped in easily. I was facing him so I could see his reaction.

"How does it feel?" I asked. I knew the answer from the glow on his face. I bounced a little. His eyes crossed. Since I was holding on the edge of the pool there was no weight on him. I was essentially masturbating his cock. He was obviously in heaven. He soon shot off with multiple, ass tickling ejaculations. I think he would have gone home, but since I was sitting on his cock; he was stuck.

"I hope that was good," I said.

"I don't know what I feel," Roscoe replied. "I had no idea what to expect."

I squeezed my sphincter and he moaned. He had gone partially soft. I squeezed a second time.

"You don't need to do that. I should go home," he said in an unconvincing way. I squeezed again and then rotated my ass. This shifted his cock so that it was in direct contact with my prostate. I began to squeeze my ass, rubbing his cock against my prostate. He was soon fully erect again. That intensified the feelings for both of us.

"Are you going to shoot off?" he asked.

"I'm pretty sure that will be happening shortly," I said. "Have you ever watched a man shoot off?"

"I've seen it in porn movies, but not in real life," he answered. We had a joint orgasm. He shot into my ass, as I coated his hairy chest with my own seed. He rubbed it around his chest and then licked it off his hands. I got up and fed him the remains of my orgasm directly from my cock.

I was shocked at the transformation from being an uptight virgin to a cum-swilling slut boy. I had not encountered any man who was so ripe and ready for sex. We broke apart.

"Could we do this again?" he asked.

I smiled. "I am more than willing, but you need a day or two to calm down," I said. "This has been a big day for you."

He nodded. "Will it be as good the second time?"

"Some people think it is most exciting the first time. I'm not one of them," I said. "I think the more you do, the better it gets. When you get to know a man and know what he likes, it is gets better." We showered together and he went home.

Next: Chapter 4

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