The Coach

Published on Mar 9, 2016


Coach 11

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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My experience with Elton was good, and he gained more control of his emotions. Dr. Miller was satisfied that the "treatment" was beneficial. Miller tended to deal with problematic persons in business or organizations. These were typically good and productive people who had a trait or quirk that compromised their effectiveness. Many of his clients were sent to him by the businesses. It was essentially a "shape up or ship out" situation in many cases.

Roy was typical of these problem employees. The was a branch manager for a bank, and on his way up, except for a tendency to make sexist comments about women. Most of the time this was in private, but when it was overhead, it was a big problem. Roy was a he-man, aggressively masculine and macho. He was also unmarried. He kept his private life private. Dr. Miller discovered he didn't date and he didn't interact with women socially.

Miller discovered that Roy's preferred men sexually. That is not quite right. Roy would have preferred men sexually if he allowed himself to have sex at all. He was a small town boy, with serious case of Southern Baptism. He was in a fundamentalist sect that saw all sex as sin and degrading. They didn't really approve of heterosexual sex. Roy told Miller that the church didn't grow much and most members were getting old. He was a perfectionist and a bit anal retentive. He bought it hook line and sinker. Roy was a good looking, athletic man; even in a businessman's suit you could see that.

Freddy had a client for me too, a young man named Harvey. Harvey was in his late twenties and had almost been a pro football player. That was before he broke his back in practice. After a long period in the hospital and rehab, he was walking again, but any strenuous athletic activity was out of the question. He had loved the comradery of the shower room and missed it. Harvey thought his was comradery; Freddy thought it was the titillation of a group of naked jocks. Harvey was depressed and had a drinking problem that he attributed to losing his athletic career. Freddy wanted him to find an alternative source of pleasure.

Since I had been High School coach, Miller thought I was the ideal man to guide Roy to a more congenial approach to life. Freddy thought I could do the same for Harvey. When I met them I suspected that they knew their true sexual preferences, but needed to meet a man with a similar problem. Both men were afraid of being labeled a fag, and neither were effeminate in any way. They had a television sit-com view of gay men.

I asked them over to my house to watch a football game. I took then to my basement rec room. Luckily, Roy liked mentor role and Harvey liked daddy types. They got along well. The room had a television, but also had a six-by-six-foot shower. I told them I had been used the school's gang shower for years and the normal residential shower was claustrophobic. The shower also could be used as a steam room.

We had a few beers and watched the game. I had quite a few snacks to counteract the beer and Harvey didn't drink too much. He was checking out Roy when Roy looked away. Roy was interested in my equipment. When the game was over, Harvey's back was acting up. Staying in any one position for too long was a problem. I suggested that we go to the steam room, crank up the steam and get the kinks out. The bad back provided a good excuse. I had towels stacked by the shower room door. We showered first and that gave the steam time to get going.

"This reminds me of high school and the team showers," Harvey said. "I feel young again."

"You are young!" I said.

"Did you shower with your teams?" he asked.

"Once and a while, but not often," I said. "I never did it with only one team member, only in a group, where there were many witnesses. If a kid got mad at the coach, he could tell tales."

"I showered alone, if possible," Roy said. "I'm uncomfortable in a group."

"We all boys here," I said. "We all have the same equipment. By the way, you both put on a good show!"

"I didn't shower with the boys when I was younger; some guys already had hair on their chests," Harvey said.

"I was embarrassed to have a hairy chest," Roy said. "The guys called me a gorilla."

"My cock matured early. That embarrassed me," I said. "Looking back most guys are embarrassed at whatever characteristic they have. It doesn't make any difference; you can be embarrassed regardless." Roy and Harvey laughed in agreement.

"My parents were worried there might be some funny business," Roy added.

"I was hoping to find some funny business, but it never happened," I said. "When you read the newspapers today, you get the impression half the men in the world are child molesters. I never encountered one. I was hoping someone would know something about sex and tell me about it. I actually would have liked someone to show me what to do. I didn't have a clue."

"My folks told me sex was bad and sinful," Roy said. "That was the total sex education I received as a teenager. Did you ever figure it out?"

"I was on the wrestling team and one of the team members had practices sessions in his rec room. Both his parents worked, so it was just us. The loser of each match had to suck the winner."

"Was that terrible?" Roy asked.

"No, I won most of the time," I lost to a couple of guys, but looking back, I may have lost on purpose," I said. "They were the guys I liked."

"Did you ever fuck the loser?" Harvey asked.

"Not at first, but we had what we called the championship match. In that case the winner fucked the loser," I explained.

"Did you get to that match?" Roy asked.

"I came close but never did make that level," I said. "We were all pals by that time and I would have been willing. Again, I didn't realize it, but I liked the sexual part of the matches." By this time the steam was thicker and we sat on a wooden bench. I spread my towel on the bench and was now naked. Harvey did the same, but Roy kept his towel wrapped around his waist.

"Did anyone suck you?" Harvey asked.

"Several guys did. I was pretty well endowed. I think they liked it hard. I had a suspicion that one or two, lost the match on purpose. If you lost twice, you were supposed to eat the jiz. That was the subject of a lot of joking and ribbing," I explained, "They spit it out, but one guy, Willy swallowed before he spit out the rest. I can shoot off without showing outward signs of a climax. The next time I fed Willy the whole load."

"You liked that?" Roy asked.

"I sure did," I replied. "There was no muss and no mess. My cock gets pretty sensitive during an orgasm. It felt really good. Willy loved it too. We were just pals discovering sex together. I had been warned about getting girls into trouble. Being a fifteen-year-old daddy was a great fear. No one mentioned sex with men. We were just experimenting."

"My folks never mentioned sex with men. I didn't have many friends outside of family and church," Roy said. "Dad was worried about bad influences."

"Would I have been a bad influence?" I asked.

Roy laughed. "From their point of view yes. My view would be different. I wanted to know what life was like outside the family cocoon. I liked my folks, but for all the religion and purity, they didn't seem to be that happy. I'm not sure they liked each other," he explained. "They dreaded sin, but didn't seem to have any joy or love."

"My early sexual experiences were uneasy at first, but quickly turned into plain old fun," I said. "Looking for love is good, but having fun along the way is good too."

"That sounds superficial," Harvey said.

"What wrong with guys just having fun?" I asked. "We were all friends who curious and horny. We shared resources. Life isn't all grand passions; day to day pleasures are good too."

"Even sexual pleasures?" Harvey asked.

"It sounds odd to say this, but sometimes it can be hard to let yourself enjoy pleasure. I briefly wondered if sexual pleasure was so intense that it must have been bad," I explained, "It's like drinking. Some is fine; getting a little drunk is okay; getting shit faced is bad. Sex isn't bad, tricking people into sex is bad; forcing them into sex is a crime."

"Do you have a lot of sex?" Roy asked.

"I think I do. I like it and enjoy every minute," I said.

"Do you want to have sex with us?" Harvey asked.

"Of course I do. That's why I'm here," I said. "It is not a requirement, but that is my objective. You are both handsome, masculine men. I suspect you are attracted to other men, but you aren't effeminate. You are afraid you might be labeled as fags. It is private here; it is time to relax and go with your natural inclinations." Harvey's cock had firmed up, but Roy's fully erect member poked out of his towel. I leaned over and sucked it.

"You don't need to do that," he said.

"Unless you tell me to stop, I'll just do what comes naturally to me," I said. He was still reserved, but his cock wasn't. He was already oozing.

"Do you need some help with that?" Harvey asked.

"Hell no, but I do share," I replied. A second later he was on his knees next to me licking Roy's cock. Roy began to moan. I was them able to suck Harvey as he took care of Roy. Harvey and I switched places several times and made sure Roy was always sexually engaged.

Roy wanted to be the strong, silent type. His cock betrayed him. Harvey was the opposite. He had wanted this for years and finally the dam broke and a flood of repressed sexual emotions flowed from him. He loved cocks and he loved sexual juices.

While Roy was reserved, his cock was a soda fountain of precum. His cock head was ultra- sensitive as were his tits. Eventually, I played with his tits and Harvey sucked and we induced his first orgasm, a gully washer. Harvey took it. I was afraid having Roy cum in his mouth would be too much. Harvey thought Christmas came early. He loved it. Roy was gasping for breath.

"You just shared your man seed with another guy," I said.

"It's embarrassing," he whispered.

"We are all men here. We know what you are feeling and you should know we feel the same. Harvey loved it. I would love a taste," I said. "Shooting off is what men do! It is one of the things that makes us men. An excited man is a beautiful thing, enjoy it." I bent over and sucked Harvey. As I expected, he shot off quickly. He also dumped a huge load into my mouth.

Roy had recovered enough to watch us. When I stood up, he leaned over and sucked me. He was timid at first, but cock sucking is its own reward and soon he became enthusiastic. I told him I was going to shoot off shortly, but he didn't stop. Harvey joined him and they shared my orgasm. We all calmed down and arranged to meet a week later.

Roy called me a few days later. He admitted he had enjoyed it, but he was afraid we thought badly of him. He was trapped in the active-passive role model of sexual relations. Real men were active. Gay men were passive. He had played the passive role and then he sucked me. I reminded him that I had sucked both of them, and Harvey had sucked me. We were a brotherhood of men who shared pleasure and enjoyment. It was not a contest.

"For me sucking is as much fun as being sucked," I explained. "Everyone has his own preferences. That is just human nature. I don't think most guys have a problem with that. No one is going to complain about you anyway. You are a good looking man. Other men will make allowances."

"You think so?" he asked.

"As I told you, I am experienced. I've been around the block a few times," I said. That seemed to satisfy him. I also told him that if he admitted he liked it, it would be more pleasurable for him.

I then had a call from Harvey. He hemmed and hawed a little then came to the point. He had an old friend who would like to join us. Jimmy was a timid momma's boy, who needed to get out. His mother was now in a home, and Jimmy was lost. He had been Harvey's next door neighbor growing up and they had done a little, "you show me yours and I'll show you mine" stuff growing up.

"This is a bit more intense than that," I said. "If nature takes its course, it will get more intense as we get to know each other better. Jimmy might be shocked."

"I don't think that is a problem. Jimmy's seen porn videos and it excites him," Harvey said. "He is just too timid to make take the first step and meet a guy." I said he could come.

Harvey and Jimmy came early to our next game day. Jimmy was a stock boy at a grocery store. He was a little pudgy and tended to look at his feet a lot. We talked a little and Jimmy finally got up the nerve to join in.

"The guys in the school gym laughed at me when I was in the showers naked," he said.

"We are all adults here. No one will laugh," I said. "It is probable that someone will suck your cock, though. Is that a problem?"

"No," he replied and the paused. "I'm afraid I might shoot off."

"I usually suck it all up until your balls are drained," I said. That was the right answer for Jimmy.

"Do you fuck?" he asked.

"We haven't fucked yet, but I like to do it," I said. "Are you interested?" he nodded as the doorbell rang. It was Roy. We went to the rec room. Harvey was complaining that his back hurt. Harvey, Jimmy and I went to the shower-steam room. Roy said he wanted to watch the beginning of the game.

Jimmy was short and hairy. I stayed naked after the shower as the steam warmed us up. Jimmy was hard but he looked at Harvey who was hard too. I was semi-hard. Jimmy relaxed some.

"I told you Coach is a nice guy," Harvey said.

I put my arm around Jimmy. "I hope Harvey told you that I like sex, man sex not schoolboy sex?" Jimmy nodded. "I'm pretty experienced and something tells me you want a cock in your ass? Am I right?" He nodded again. "You wouldn't mind if there was a load of coach sperm in you either. Am I right?"

"I would love that," Jimmy replied. "Are you going to do me?"

"Eventually I would like too, but it takes time," I said. "I like it when my partner enjoys it. It may take some time to open you up, so my cock will fit."

"My cock is thinner than yours," Harvey added.

The door opened and Roy joined us. I had wondered how long he would wait before lust took over. "What are you guys talking about?" he asked.

"Jimmy here is new to the scene and he wants to be fucked," I said. "We were discussing the possibilities.

"I'm new to the scene too," Roy said. "Coach and Harvey are a nice guys. I've never done anything like that."

"What have you done?" Jimmy asked.

"I've sucked some, and took Coach's load in my mouth. I swallowed it," Roy replied.

"How was that?" Jimmy asked.

"I was shocked that I did it. I guess it was scary and exiting," Roy said. "I've been thinking about it all week and I want to do it again. Actually, I am desperate to do it again."

Jimmy leaned forward and sucked Roy's cock. Roy moaned. After a minute or so, Harvey sucked Roy and I sucked Jimmy. He shot off about thirty seconds later. I took his load and then discovered that Jimmy had a useful skill. He was still hard and ready to go. Jimmy was new to man sex, but he was eager to learn. His enthusiasm spread to Roy.

It wasn't that Jimmy was enthusiastic, he was responsive and receptive to anything sexual. His cock remained hard, dripping and prone to ejaculate. He had no post-orgasmic let down. He was always ready for sex. Roy, Harvey and I all tasted his orgasmic juices.

I asked Jimmy if he still wanted to be fucked. He wanted I bad.

"Would you mind if Harvey was to pop your cherry? His cock is nice and long but thin. That would be easier to take then Roy's or mine." I asked.

"Does he want to?" Jimmy asked.

"I don't know, but let me tell you a secret. Most man want to!" I said. Jimmy laughed. Harvey was interested and willing. Roy was a bit standoffish, but his cock firmed up nicely. If Harvey did well, Roy could help stretch Jimmy's sphincter.

When Harvey's cock head touched Jimmy's hole. I knew it would be a success. Harvey met some resistance at the sphincter, but I told him to massage it and want for Jimmy to open up for him. He waited some, but he made a forceful push and popped in. I don't think Harvey knew it, but his knob rubbed Jimmy's prostate and winded him.

"Just make small movements. Don't go deeper, let him get used to it," I said. I knew Jimmy was feeling intense sexual pleasure unlike what he had felt before. Harvey did as I asked but soon his own urges took over. He went deep.

"This is fucking great!" Harvey said. He began to twitch as he rear-loaded his old friend. Harvey ha a shot fuse.

"Is it over?" Jimmy asked when Harvey pulled out. He was disappointed.

"Maybe Roy can help you." I said. Roy was rick hard by then.

Roy stepped up and positioned his cock on the used hole. "There is cum in him," he remarked.

"Cum is a great lubricant, warm and slippery. It was make it easier for Jimmy to take your tool," I said.

We discovered that Jimmy's ass was receptive and his prostate was responsive. His pleasure was a turn on for all of us.

"He's tight! Roy moaned.

"It is good, really good," Jimmy said.

"That means it is prefect for both of you," I remarked. As I watched Roy's cock rhythmically pulse into Jimmy's ass, I realized that Roy was a natural top. He felt and gave pleasure. He increased the frequency of the thrusts until he achieved the desired result. He pulled out and I took his place.

In a normal situation, I would have been too big for Jimmy, but his cum-lubricated ass shrink wrapped itself to my cock. Some of Harvey and Roy's sperm squirted out as I entered. I like to keep things neat, so I pushed it back into him. After about five minutes, Jimmy began to ware out. I pulled out to let him get a rest and catch his breath.

Jimmy re-entered. He didn't fuck, he just rested his in Jimmy's ass, so that he would have a slow, cooling down period. Roy finally relaxed and came to terms with man sex. it was so good he couldn't retain his detached attitude.

Next: Chapter 12

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