The Coach

Published on Mar 2, 2016


Coach 10 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Freddy went on a month long vacation, and I had a lull in his referrals. I did get one referral from one of his colleagues, Dr. Newton Miller. Dr. Miller knew of my services; Freddy was a very close friend. He had a difficult case. Elton Malton, was a radio personality who had temper control problem. He flew off the handle for no real justification. It made for good radio, but the station was worried about him. He seemed to have no self-control.

Miller discovered a man who was deep in the closet and was both desperate and frightened to get out. He was well educated and well read, but he didn't get out of the studio much. The station director was afraid he was too volatile in public.

He came by my house for a chat. He was pretty average looking man, prematurely bald and a bit dumpy. Like many radio men, he was poorly dressed wearing old shorts, flip flops and a faded tee shirt that proclaimed "shit happens." He slipped in to his radio, over the top persona. I put an ended to that. I am a big imposing man who was used to dealing with over confident teen agers.

"Can we cut the radio crap and talk like normal men?" I asked. "You are in a living room, not a studio."

"I slip into it without thinking," he said. "It's hard to relax and cool down after a broadcast."

"I can understand that. I have a hot tub whirlpool. Would that help?" I asked.

"Maybe," he said. We went to my tub and I turned it on.

"We are all men here. Is skinny dipping a problem?" I asked. I took off my shirt and dropped my pants. I was in the pool seconds later. Elton was uneasy, but he joined me.

"It's nice," he said. "I was afraid you might jump me."

"I don't need to jump guys. If they are into it, they volunteer," I said.

"Do many volunteer?" he asked.

"I was a high school coach. Lots of men had fantasies about that when they were kids," I said.

"They were all gay?" he asked.

"Some may have been, but others were just going through a phase. They were with an authoritarian man who wasn't their Dad. I was a successful coach and I am good with kids," I said.

"You didn't get in trouble?" he asked.

"I had no desire to get in trouble. I like men, not boys," I said. "I hate the idea of tricking kids into a poor situation."

"Some wanted that, I bet," Elton said.

"Teen aged infatuations and raging hormones play a role," I said. "They might want it, but I was not giving it to them. Wanting something and wanting what is right or good for them are not the same thing."

"I want lots of things, but I can't seem to get it," Elton said. "I'm all talk, not much action."

"Are you looking for a balance between the two?" I asked. The tub was getting hot and I got out of the water and sat on the edge.

"Too hot for you?" he asked.

"I take a break so I don't over heat," I said.

He was looking at my cock. "You have a big one," he said. "Damn your balls hang low."

"Hot water does that. It is the opposite of a cold mountain stream," I said.

He sat on the edge of the tub and glanced at his own equipment. "Mine is not as impressive as yours," he remarked.

"I've seen hundreds of cocks through the years. As long as they work, everything is fine," I said.

"I've never been in a tub with a naked man before," Elton said. "It is relaxing."

"I can be relaxing or exciting. It depends on the situation," I replied.

"I guess it could be too exciting," he whispered.

"It can be relaxing, exciting or really exciting. Too exciting has never occurred in my experience. Too exciting wouldn't be a problem most of the time," I said. "We all have the same equipment. Some men don't know how to get it tuned up and producing at peak efficiency."

"You know how to do that?" Elton asked.

I smiled. "I've come close, but I always hope I will get closer the next time I work on it."

"Do you have friends to help you out?" he asked. "I'm not very experienced."

I nodded. "I have friends and I am very experienced.

"Well, coach, could you help me out?" he asked.

"You need to help me first," I said. He returned into the water, came over to me and took my cock into his mouth. He didn't actually suck me. He just let it rest there.

"The more you do, the better it will be," I said.

"You might shoot off," he whispered.

"I sure will. I was hoping we would trade our sex juices," I said.

"Do I have to take yours?" he asked.

"Only if you want to take it. If you want it, you can have it," I said. "Most guys want it bad. I hope someday you will too."

"I don't think I could do that," he said.

"Elton, you have a limited view of what you can do. There is a lot of pleasure to be had if you take the next step." I said. We traded places and I sucked him. Elton was verbally aggressive, but sexually timid.

Elton responded with more enthusiasm five minutes later. It seemed to take a while for his hormones to get up to speed. I think his balls must have been full and had extra capacity. When he finally began to spurt, he flooded my mouth with his man spooge. He was apologetic, and I told him I liked it. Elton went home. I was afraid it was too much for him, but for most men orgasms are their own reward.

He came back the next week. He was more nervous, but that was because he was afraid I had been turned off by his orgasm. He thought I wouldn't take it again. We went to the hot tub again, and he relaxed a little. This time I suggested that we try the sixty-nine position. We dried off and went to my bedroom.

I knew he was uneasy about sucking, but I hoped his need to be sucked by me would overcome that fear. Most men feel they should reciprocate. I sucked him vigorously; he was a little tentative about sucking me, but after five minutes he got into it. We took a few rest periods. I noticed after the second rest period he resumed sucking me before I returned to his cock. He shot off again and I took it all.

We talked after he climaxed. We were still in the sixty-nine position, so he was talking to my cock. Oddly, that was good for him. He was uneasy. Face to face conversation was hard for him, and his attention would wander off. My cock focused his mind and kept him on the subject at hand. Once and a while he licked it. Apparently he had made peace with cock sucking.

Randy, my retired forest ranger friend, was staying with me when Elton visited next. He had planned to go to his bedroom to leave us alone, but it took me only a few seconds to realize that Randy turned on Elton. Randy was less excited by him, but lust and curiosity took charge of Randy's libido. I liked Randy too, but I knew too much about men's sex drive to worry. I knew that sex and affection were not always connected and a little variety was nice.

I laughed at myself. I was a sex coach who had sex with many men and enjoyed it greatly. Randy knew this and wasn't shocked or worried. I had been worried that Randy and Elton's coupling might leave less sex for me. I had enough sex for ten men; missing a romp with Randy would not be a problem.

We went to the hot tub and Elton like the view. Randy was unconventionally attractive. Most people saw him as an ordinary and average guy. I like very masculine, bear-like men, and in that department Randy hit the spot. It seems to have hit Elton's spot too. Randy liked the appreciative looks and glances. Like many bald men, Elton had a hairy chest. Randy liked that.

Elton went for Randy's cock and tried to swallow it whole. Randy was pleased that Elton went for him instead of me. We went to my bedroom and formed a three-man daisy chain. Elton sucked Randy, Randy sucked me and I took care of Elton. Elton was excited and he was oozing precum.

Randy had a short fuse. I was going to warn Elton, but decided to let nature take its course. Randy shot off a few minutes later. Elton took the load. I was sucking Elton and tasted his increased precum flow as he tasted Randy's cream. A second or two later, Elton popped, filling my mouth with his ball juices. Randy was still ejaculating, so Elton was taking in man cream as his cock squirted. For a brief time, Randy was short changed, but my cock rectified he situation as it unloaded in his mouth.

I was surprised Elton had been so involved and willing. I was more surprised when he stayed on the bed licking up whatever drooled from our cocks. Elton seemed relaxed and comfortable as the tenderly used his tongue to catch Randy's cock drips. We talked a little about sex afterwards. Randy said he liked to top, but didn't get the opportunity often. Elton told him his ass was virgin.

"I've never fucked a virgin ass before," Randy said. "I'd be worried I might hurt the guy. The first time I was fucked was not good. I couldn't do that to a guy."

"You like it now? Elton asked.

"Yes but that is due to Coach. He takes his time and eases it in," Randy said.

"He's big, I would guess that it would hurt more?"

"Coach was fine for me. There were a few tight spots, but Coach worked in me slowly. He told me he would pull out it I had any problems," Randy explained.

"Randy is a good top, nice and meaty," I said. We talked a little longer and then Elton went back to the radio station. I was surprised when Elton called me the next day. He wanted to know if Randy was still staying with me. I said he was.

"Would you think it was strange if I said I wanted him to fuck me?" Elton asked.

"Getting fucked is often easier if you like the man who is doing the fucking," I said. "Wanting it in you makes it better," I explained. "You noticed he has a short fuse. There is a good chance he will shoot off in you. Does that bother you?"

"Actually, that makes it more exciting," he replied. "Do you think he would be willing?" I told him that I doubted that would be a problem. Randy talked to him for a while and they agreed to try it. That afternoon he came by after the radio show. Randy told me he would fuck him only if I had some ass play with him and had opened him up.

Elton arrived a little after 4:00. There was a football game on the television. Randy and I had a few beers and I offered one to Elton. We relaxed and went to the hot tub. I asked Elton if he had changed his mind.

He laughed. "No more than six or seven times," he replied.

"Don't worry, Coach and I can entertain ourselves," Randy replied.

"This may sound strange, but I don't want you to shoot the cum I wanted into Coach's ass," Elton said. "I want it, but I'm afraid to take it. Maybe I could just eat it again."

"I'm afraid that won't work. It's not just the cum; it's the delivery system," I said. "To have a guy you like getting so excited that he fucks and breeds you is what you want. You want his seed planted in you. You want his cock doing the planting."

Given how uneasy Elton was, he opened up quite easily. I lubricated his anus and then worked a finger past the sphincter. He moaned when I encountered his prostate. I worked a second finger him and gently squeezed the little organ. He moaned again. My plan had been to take my time to get him excited. He was already excited and I guessed Randy's cock would work some magic.

Randy's cock was thick, but he oozed a lot and took his time. Elton loved it. When Randy's bloated knob rubbed his prostate, Elton moaned and his eyes crossed. Randy was excited too, and whenever that happens he shoots quickly. He gave Elton's prostate a massage and a sperm bath.

When Randy pulled out, Elton looked a little deflated. I think he wanted it to last longer. He looked sad, so I eased my cock head to the dark side of Elton's sphincter to cheer him up. Randy's cock cream provided the lubricant. My plan was just to plug the hole. Somehow my cock slid all the way in. Elton grabbed for his cock, but I wanted to see if I could fuck the semen from his balls. Five minutes later, sperm spurted from his balls like Vesuvius erupting.

Randy had been watching and at the first spurt, he launched himself towards Eton's tool. He caught or licked up every spurt. Elton almost passed out from the pleasure. We cooled down and Elton went home a little later. Randy told me he had been surprised at Elton's receptiveness.

"I had a suspicion he had no idea what the prostate does sexually. I liked it more than I thought I would. I don't know if it was his open ass or your cream filling that hot the spot," I said.

"Watching you fuck him was a turn on," Randy said. "I had never seen a man react the way I do to your cock."

"That didn't bother you?" I asked.

"Not one little bit," he replied. He went home the next day with a week's supply of my sperm in his ass. Elton called later and thanked me for the hot session. He wanted another, but I was busy the next week. I told him Randy would be back with a few friends for a little party late in the week.

"Could I come?" he asked.

"You can, but it may be too heavy duty for you," I said. "The men are mostly tops, and somehow few bottoms are available."

"I could help you with that," Elton said.

"There may be six or more men," I said.

"How many would want to fuck me?"

"All of them," I replied.

"I hate to say this, but that would be fine for me," Elton replied. "Ever since you and Randy did me, I can't think of anything else. I have a video of a gang bang. I would love that. Maybe I would get it out of my system."

Randy arrived in the morning on Friday. His buddies would arrive at three or so in the afternoon. They included a ranger, a cop and two EMTs. They lived in small communities with no gay life at all. They wanted a chance to let off steam and get a year's worth of sex in an afternoon. I had been in their situation while I was coaching, and understood the urge. They arrived promptly in a van and two cars. Elton was only a few minutes later.

I answered the door. I didn't get all their names at first, but they were solid, beefy men who tended to be bearish. Randy greeted them. He was naked and that got things off to a good start. They stripped and most went for the nearest cock. Eton fit in well. One of the visitors, a man called Red, was a cop. He erected a sling.

The men were cheerful, enthusiastic and directed. They wanted sex and a lot of it. The men knew each other slightly. They weren't close, but they certainly weren't shy or uneasy about their wants. Randy had introduced me as the owner of the house and the host. Red came over to me.

"Do you have any problem, with fucking or sucking?" he asked. I shook my head. "I mean personally," he whispered.

"I do it all," I replied and then I paused. "I like the top and the bottom," I added.

"Would you mind taking a ride with a stranger and seeing where we go?" he asked.

I nodded. "Do you only give rides? Do you take them too?" I asked.

"Normally, I only give rides," he answered as he leaned closer and fondled my cock. "I'd take yours. Shit, I wouldn't mind if you left a creamy souvenir in me." Elton joined us. I introduced him to Red. "Red is looking for a bottom," I told him. Red and Elton went off to work out the details. Elton got in the sling.

One of Randy's EMT friends, Greg came over to me. I had met him before at Randy's house. Greg was tall, bear like and had a double dose of body hair. He said "Hi," and then dropped to his knees and sucked me. To say he sucked is crude; he made love to my cock. His tongue and lips worked wonders, his throat was even better. Apparently, Greg had no gag reflex.

I heard Elton moaning as Red fucked him. Red was aggressive and fucked like a mad man. it was vigorous but that seemed to be fine with Elton. The other EMT, Frank, came over to us and rubbed his cock against my ass crack. I shifted my legs to give him better access to my hole. Frank noticed and appreciated that.

Things became confused after that. Somehow I was soon on the floor in the sixty-nine position. Frank was in my ass. that was okay for me, but better for Frank and Greg. I later found out that Frank and Greg were close, but both men were tops. Greg was excited seeing his lover getting all hot and bothered as he fucked me.

Greg was all hot and bothered too. Frank lost it and spurted men seed on my ass, before he shoved it in deep. Greg lost it as he watched and flooded my mouth. I couldn't hold back and Greg took mine.

When we broke apart, I saw that Elton was still on his back, but Randy had replaced Red as the man giving the anal massage. Red's rough fucking had opened Elton's ass nice and wide. Red had also lubricated the fuck tunnel with sperm. I happened to know that a cum filled ass floated Randy's boat and that Randy turned on Elton. It was exciting for both.

As I watch them enjoy the sensations, Red came behind me and slipped his cock into my ass. "You've shot off already?" he asked. I nodded. "Who has cum in you? It is nice and slippery inside."

"Frank," I replied. Red wrapped his arms around me and played with my tits. He gently pulsed his semi-hard cock.

"Do you mind if my cock has some quality time in your ass?" he asked. I said that was fine and asked if he had shot off already.

"Oh yes," he replied.

"I did and it was a good one," he said. "Usually one does me for the day, but somehow, I don't think this is one of those days. Do you object to a stranger's cum in your hole?"

"Somehow, I don't think we will be strangers by the time you cum," I said. When I said that, he laughed and his semi-hard cock became fully erect, but he continued the gentle pulsing deeper in my ass. He stroked my cock with on hand and my tits with the other. I shot off and he caught the sperm in his hand. He let me lick it off his hand as he shot off. He pulled out and kissed me, tasting my cum in my mouth. Randy moaned as he climaxed a few feet away.

Apparently, my cum filled ass was too much temptation for Greg. He quickly shot off in my ass. We all broke apart and went over to Randy and Elton. Randy had pulled out and we helped Elton to his feet; he was a bit dizzy. He got on his hands and knees and opened his hole for view and use.

Gangbangs tend to be crude and almost violent. This was more of a friendly, get acquainted session. Clearly, Elton loved it. I didn't get the name of the ranger, but he must have been the horny, silent type. He sucked and fucked whoever was nearest.

Elton liked being the center of attention. It was a long way from the closet. As each cock slipped in, the closet receded further into his past.

Next: Chapter 11

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