The Coach

Published on Jun 11, 2015


The Coach By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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I had just retired after forty years as a Chemistry teacher and wrestling coach for a high school in New York. I loved my work, but it was more than time for me to move on.

I never married so I was a bit suspect sexually, but I was a good teacher and a great coach. We won many league championships and two state championships. If you win enough, no one worries about you sexual tastes. I had always been attracted to men, not boys. I like mature men with everything in working order and with some mileage on them. I was strictly hands off my students and team members.

My folks had died years earlier. They lived in Fort Lauderdale and I had rented out their house. I decided to move there. I sold my house in New York and renovated the Florida house. My next-door neighbor was Dr. Frederic Miller. He was a counselor who specialized in sexual dysfunction. He turned out to be a nice guy and we became friends.

His clients were mostly gay, older men. He was not good about teenager's angst. His specialty was gay closeted men. Many had the urges, but were too timid or scared to act on those urges.

"It is a lot easier if you get your experimenting done when you are young. When you are forty or fifty the trial and error method of sexual discovery is deeply embarrassing. You feel like a fool," Freddy said. "They have the urges, but no technique. They don't know what to do."

"I would think porn would help that," I remarked.

"There is a big difference between watching a porn star sucking a cock and actually tasting a cock and encountering precum or cum for the first time," Freddy observed. "The chances are the man you are with isn't much like the tanned beach bunnies you see in the videos either."

"That isn't that different from wrestling. My team members watch wrestling on television, but it is not the same as real wrestling. As a coach I helped them make the jump," I said. "You need to find a sex coach. Someone to teach them the real deal."

"That makes sense, but I would lose my license and go to jail for doing that," Freddy said. "You, in contrast, are a free agent."

"That is still hard for me to get used to," I said. "Being a wrestling coach in a high school was difficult. Everyone is off limits."

"No sex?" he asked.

"No sex near home. I had a camp in the Adirondacks. I could get away there on vacations and during summer breaks," I said. "I had some friends there. They were mostly older than I was. Most are dead or in retirement homes now. They were lumberjacks, a Park Ranger and highway department workers. There was one interior designer from Albany. He was a trip."

"What do you mean?"

"Sexually he could have won an Olympic level sex decathlon. He seemed to know every possible way to reach an orgasm, but he also knew how to postpone the climax to get maximum pleasure," I explained. "He taught by example, and I was a good student,"

"Did you pass this knowledge onto your lumberjack friends?" Freddy asked.

"I did. At first, they were classic, I'm not gay, I just like sex with men types," I explained. "I suggested that if you pretended you were gay it would be much more pleasurable. I gave them some lessons, and then we tried things out. It was hot."

"I should send some of my shy wall flowers to you," Freddy said. "They could use a sexual guide."

"I am willing." I said.

"Really?" he asked.

"You are serious about this?" I asked. He nodded. "Well I guess I could be serious. If I give a man a sex lesson, do I get to shoot off?"

Freddy laughed. "I think that would be an absolute requirement," he replied.

A week later, he called me and said he had a prospective student. "His name is Arnold and he is a nice guy. He was the youngest of five children and he stayed home to take care of Mom," Freddy explained. "I told him about you and he is interested. He has an appointment at 2:00. If you could be outside at 3:00, look for me and I will send him your way."

I was watering the yard at 3:00. They emerged and Freddy brought him over to me. He introduced us and then left. I took Arnold into my house for a drink.

Arnold was a handsome, well-dressed and well-groomed man of about 40. He was thin and of about average height. I am six-two and beefy. Most of the beef is still muscle and has not tuned into fat yet. I am a bit on the shaggy side.

He was nervous, but that was not a problem for me. All of my team members were nervous the first time we meet. After a little conversation, Arnold was comfortable.

He had been essentially a prisoner of his mother. She seemed to have been afflicted by strange ailments that flared up every time he left the house for anything other than work or groceries. He did get to go to Choir practice at the local Baptist Church.

"Did Dr. Miller tell you I like men?" I asked.

He nodded. "You don't look like that kind of man," he said. "You look like regular guy."

I smiled. "I am a regular man. Did he tell you that I like sex a lot too?"

"He did. I think I would like it, but I've never done anything," Arnold said.

"Would you like to learn?" I asked. He nodded his head again.

I slipped into my coach mode. "Arnold, I'm going to need more that a nod to get into the mood. If you want to have some fun, let's show some enthusiasm!" I said.

I had used my Marine Drill Sargent voice. He replied, "Yes Sir!"

"I have a brand new whirlpool hot tub," I said. "Will you join me in it?"

Arnold smiled and said, "Yes Sir!" again.

The tub was on the rear patio. While it was open air, it was also entirely secluded. Arnold was very pale, but in good shape. He was uncut and half-hard. That was a good sign,

I am easily inspired and soon I was one-step harder than he was. He liked that. He glanced at my erection and turned away.

"Arnold, you can look all you want. You don't need to pretend you aren't interested," I said.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

I laughed, "You can look, touch or lick. It is all good!" I said. He looked and I rearranged my equipment. I am cut and have a big knob. That can be a problem fucking, but once it is on the dark side of the sphincter, it is very good. I looked at his cock.

"Is mine okay?" he asked.

"It sure is. Have you used for anything other than pissing?" I asked.

"Not really," he said. "I stroke it sometimes. It makes a mess. I thought it was piss at first, really thick piss."

"I hope it feels good while it's making the mess?" I asked. He smiled sheepishly.

"There is nothing wrong with the mess as long as it feels good," I said. "I like the taste of man cream."

Arnold looked shocked, but his cock got harder and it twitched a little. I leaned over and wrapped my lips around his foreskin-covered knob. He had extra skin, so I pushed it back with my lips, exposing the tender cock head. As my tongue caressed it, Arnold shivered in excitement. You can never be sure, but I suspected this was his cock's first contact with another man.

He had a wide slit and I licked it, tasting some of his balls' rich brew. I was as gentle and delicate as I could be. I knew that any second he could lose it and flood my mouth with his semen. After a few minutes, I pulled off.

"Are you done?" he asked with a trace of anxiety in his voice.

"To tell you the truth, I have just started. Is that a problem?" I asked.

"Oh no, not at all," Arnold answered. "What do I have to do?"

"You don't have to do anything. If you do feel an urge to become more involved, do not be shy. It will be fine with me," I said as I returned to his cock.

"What would be a good start?" he asked. I told him about the 69 position. He seemed interested, so we got out of the pool and went to my bedroom. I was not sure he was ready to sixty-nine, but it would give him some up-close-and-personal time with my cock.

I sucked him some more as he looked at my equipment. He began to edge closer. I guess it took him five minutes or so to build up enough courage to stick out his tongue in the direction of my cock.

I continued to suck him and when his tongue finally touched my cock head, I tasted a spurt of precum from his erect organ. That was a good sign. He may not have known what he wanted, but his body knew what it liked. He had just begun to suck me when he flooded my mouth with a bucket full of sperm. That was another good sign.

He tried to pull away but I took it all. It was thick, creamy and hot.

'I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that!" he cried.

"Arnold, just relax and let me get the rest of it out of your balls!" I said. I finished him off and he said he had to leave. I understood and asked him if he wanted to visit again.

"Is there more we could do?" he asked. I assured him there was. I gave him my phone number.

Three days later, he called me. He said he had told a close friend of his about me and the friend wanted to meet. "Ollie is in the church choir with me. He is a nice older man. He became excited when I told him what we did. He is really shy." Arnold was not exactly an extrovert. If he thought this guy was shy, I assumed he most have been almost catatonic. I agreed to meet him that night after Choir practice.

Ollie knocked on my door at eight that night. He was a huge man, six feet four or five, and more than 250 pounds. He was a construction laborer. We talked and I realized he thought he was a freak. In grade school, he had become very big and very hairy by age fourteen and he seemed to scare people.

Big and hairy does not bother me one bit. He was my type. I asked if he would like to try out the whirlpool. He said he had never done that. My coach skills came to the fore again. Getting my team member to do things they did not want to do was an everyday occurrence.

I stripped and got in the pool. He stripped more to be polite than from desire. Big me are usually not big everywhere, but Ollie was an exception. He had a telephone pole hanging between his legs. I tend to like big meat, but I was surprised to discover that I like very big meat.

"Damn, you have a beauty!" I said. He tried to hide his cock with his hands. They were not big enough.

"If I had your cock I would go naked all the time just to show if off," I said.

"You would? I thought it was gross," he said almost in a whisper.

"It's beautiful," I said. "Can I take a closer look?"

"Are you going to do the same things you did with Arnold?" he asked.

"If that is okay with you, I will."

"I'd like that," he said, "I'd like that a lot." I took his pole into my mouth.

For some reason I assumed such a huge man would be insensitive. Every movement I made seemed to please him. He was a mass of pent up sexual needs and desires waiting for released. The second my mouth touched his cock he was in heaven. He loved it all and wanted to do it all.

Given his level of excitement, he had remarkable stamina, and one orgasm barely reduced the store of semen in his balls. He also wanted my cock, and went for it like a man in the desert who had just found water.

It was almost as if he had found the Holy Grail and was taking a drink from it. Ollie could deep throat effortlessly. He could breathe and suck at the same time. His cock was a mouthful, but it was like sucking a bottle. There was an endless flow of precum, with periodic explosions of sperm.

I was surprised to be so excited at his genital flow. I usually though of precum as a cocktail. With Ollie, it was a main course. He copied whatever I did and soon became a skilled cocksucker. I warned him when I was ready to shoot off, but he continued to suck and he took my load. He was affectionate between sexual interludes.

We talked and I explained gay sex. He thought all sex was monogamous, and was worried about finding the right partner. I explained the concept of friends with benefits. He seemed a bit dense when we first talked, but he caught on to things quickly. I think he had been classified as being dumb in school and he was typecast.

He too had to go home early since he had a job that started at seven in the morning. I gave him my phone number.

My next referral from Dr. Miller was entirely different. Charleston F. McGruder IV was stunningly up tight and conventional. He was a Republican County Committee member, and was gay. He could not admit that to himself, and he had used Demon Rum as a coping mechanism. He had a near death experience courtesy of alcoholic over-indulgence and came to see Dr. Miller. While he was an articulate man, when it came to talking about sex he was almost mute.

Dr. Miller was a patient man. Charleston was terrified of associating with men who "looked" gay. He had seen me working on my yard next door to Dr. Miller's and he liked what he saw. I was not too excited to help. Ultra-conservative, anti-gay, Republican fags are not my type. Dr. Miller told me that Charleston was a man who badly needed help. I agreed to meet him.

Charleston liked me. I did not have any of the mannerisms he associated with gay men. He was unaware of the leather, biker and Bear sub cultures. He had every hair in place and in another era, he might have been a dandy.

I told him that I was only interested in sex, and was not into romance. He told me that he was not that interested in sex. His marriage had been a disaster. I did not mention that he had married a person of the wrong sex to make him happy. He said he wasn't interested, but when I suggested getting in the whirlpool to relax, he agreed.

Charleston did not realize that you can't fool Mother Nature. Once he saw me naked, his hormones kicked in. Charleston was well equipped but not exceptional. My cock is thick and meaty and I have big, low-hangers. He shaved his body, and I could serve as a model for the missing link. He loved what he saw.

I talked with Freddy about it later. Charleston was a closet case, terrified of gay sex, until he was actually in the presence of a naked man. When confronted with a genuine, all-America naked man, the temptation was too much. I rang every bell in his sexual carillon.

Charleston was unaware of that until he saw me. He lived in a button-down world. He would wear a Polo shirt and linen slacks when he wanted to be wild and crazy. He moved from his home to his office and then to the country club. He meet men outside his social circle, not to mention naked men. He did not know what turned him on.

He sat next to me in the whirlpool.

"Can anyone see who is in the tub?" he asked.

"It is completely private and secluded," I said and I rubbed his leg under the water. He jumped a little. He relaxed a little and felt my leg, but then he went for my cock. I was already partially erect. He moaned when he found it. When I did not object, he stroked it. I stroked his organ and he moaned again.

"You are hard, that's nice," I said. "I'm excited too."

"What do I do next?" he asked. I told him to leave that to me. He was sitting on the edge of the pool. I leaned over and sucked the entire organ into my mouth. It was longer than it looked. As I pulled off, I suctioned some precum. I half expected him to climax, but he was able to hold off. I looked up at him and saw he had closed eyes and he had a blissful look on his face.

I took his cock and again and worked it with my tongue. He reacted to each movement of my lips and tongue. After a few minutes of this, Charleston was drooling pre cum at a good rate.

"What do I need to do?" he asked.

"What would you like to do?" I asked in reply.

"I have no ideas,"

"Have you ever dreamed or fantasized of sex with a man?" I asked.

"I have been too afraid to even think what I might do."

"Just relax and something will come to you," I said as I resumed my sucking duties. A few minutes later, he asked if we could switch places. I was agreeable. He stared at my cock for a little while and then opened his mouth wide.

"We've both been in the water; it is clean," I said.

"I know that but it is hard to get my head around it," he whispered.

"You don't need to do anything that bothers you," I said. "I understand." That was exactly the right thing to say. He closed his lips on my cock head. A little later, his tongue made a tentative lick on my knob. As luck would have it, he licked my slit. He pulled away.

"It is sweet!" he said. "What is it?"

"It is precum. It's the juices you secrete when you are excited," I said. "Semen is thicker, more plentiful and not as sweet." Charleston looked at my cock head and went for it a second time. All was well.

"It is nice when you are sucking a guy and the juice begins to flow. It means he is excited and that makes me excited," I explained.

"You are excited?"

"I sure am!" I replied. "Sex is more intimate than any other human activity. You are not always in control. People joke that some men had a brain in their cock. That is a joke but it's partially true. I cannot control when I get excited. I can't control when I'm going to climax either. I was thinking that at any time while I was sucking you, you could have popped."

I was really close a few times," Charleston admitted. "Would that have bothered you?"

"I would have dealt with it. I could look at it as an accident, or as a tribute to a job well done. It is nice if you ask before you pop, but orgasms can sneak up on you," I said.

"Are you close?" he asked.

"I'm getting there," I replied.

"Don't tell me, just let it happen," Charleston whispered.

"Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded. My cock liked that reply. A minute later Charleston had a mouthful of my special sauce. He didn't gag or choke. I had the feeling he had been waiting a long time to taste men seed. I was beginning to like Charleston.

Next: Chapter 2

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