The Coach

By Lara Porter

Published on Dec 2, 2011


As a teenager I was in my local gymnastics team. I'd started at school and had carried on after I left at 18. I'd got a job locally so I could carry on competing. Everything changed when Craig joined as coach. Craig was in his mid-thirties, had been involved in a successful club up north and had moved down with his job. He was friends with my old physics teacher Mr Wells - he was quick to tell me this and that they'd had a long discussion about me!

The first few weeks with Craig were pretty uneventful. He was a good coach and improved my routine. I was delighted when he offered to give me some one-to-one coaching after our evening sessions. We started to stay in the club and worked on a few areas in my routine. Occasionally Craig would mention my feminine figure and I would make a great female gymnast. I just laughed it off and took it as a bit of banter.

As the sessions continued, Craig began to hold my body in place. I thought nothing of it at first but his hands started to linger. One day I was bent over and his hand came to rest on my buttock. I felt him slowly squeeze my cheek and he told me my cute girly ass was slightly out of position. He applied more pressure to move my body position but as he did so his fingers slipped to the edge of my ass and slightly parted my cheeks. I was now very flustered and was glad when the session ended. I quickly made my excuses and headed straight for home. I was hoping Craig hadn't noticed the effect he'd had on me!

A few days later, Craig suggested I should attend a weekend camp with him to give me "just the sort of training I needed". I was a little hesitant after recent events but I accepted anyway. Craig was a good coach after all and I have to admit, part of me was curious as to what might happen. The plan was we would train on the Friday night at the club and then head off afterwards.

Friday quickly came around and our training session was pretty routine. When the session ended, Craig suggested we carry on while everyone else changed and left. I was feeling good so agreed. Craig wanted to look at my pommel horse work so I ran through my usual routine. After I finished, Craig said he wanted to look at my leg position. He got me to lift my body off the horse and hold my legs straight out it front. He clasped my left leg in one hand and having straightened it, he began to stroke my leg slowly moving onto my thigh.

"You've got such feminine legs. With a body like yours, you should be a top girl gymnast." With that, he placed his other hand on my butt and began to stroke me. I involuntarily groaned in pleasure. What was happening to me? Craig let go of my butt and turned me round to face him. I couldn't look him in the eye so looked downwards. That brought me into contact with the large lump that had appeared in his tracksuit bottoms. My eyes bulged at the sight. When I looked up, Craig had clearly caught sight of my eyes and had a contented smile on his face.

"We best get moving. You take a shower gorgeous and we'll head off." He said while his hands landed on my thighs and continued to stroke me.

Slightly dazed, I headed off into the showers. As I stepped out of my kit, I became aware of my own erection. I was seriously worked up. Standing in the shower, I began to imagine myself with Craig. I'd never had these sorts of thoughts before. As I soaped myself down, I began to rub my cock. Within seconds, I'd shot a load. God, I was horny not to mention confused!

I staggered out of the shower to find my kit bag had disappeared. All that was left in the changing room was a pink bag in the same spot where I'd left mine. Opening the bag, I found a pair of floral girl's panties, a short dark skirt, a pink strappy blouse and a pair of heeled sandals. They all looked about my size to boot. I was overcome with a strange mixture of fear and curiosity. I had no clothes left of my own yet I was drawn back to Craig's comments about my girly body. The clothes looked gorgeous and I was really drawn to try them on. I decided to put the panties on. They felt wonderful on my skin. I tried the skirt on as well and loved the feel of it.

To my horror, the door opened and Craig walked in. He was grinning broadly and clearly not the least bit surprised by my appearance.

"I knew there was a cute little girl in there" He exclaimed. I was like a rabbit caught in the headlights. I was standing by the bench and couldn't move while Craig made his way over to me. He placed his hands on my butt and massaged it through the skirt. One hand crept under my skirt and started to knead my buttock until it slipped under my panties. Craig's fingers began to probe the crack of my ass and one glanced across my hole. I gasped in delight and Craig took the opportunity to kiss me. I was so horny now I responded with gusto. Craig's finger returned to my hole and slowly started to penetrate me. I found myself starting to plead with him to not stop.

Craig guided my hand down to his crotch and I felt that throbbing bulge for the first time. I squeezed it and now it was Craig's turn to groan. He broke our kiss and began to push me to my knees in front of him.

"Now young lady, you can't get me that excited and not do something for me can you?" He said. Down on my knees, I pulled his shorts down to reveal his large cock standing to attention. I placed my hand on his pulsing shaft and began to stroke him. I kissed around his hips and then began to run my tongue over his balls. I moved up the shaft with my tongue and finally kissed the head. Craig placed his hands on my head and guided me so I began to swallow the shaft and pulled my head back so I began to fuck his cock with my mouth. While it's fair to say I was frightened at the thought, I found myself loving it. His cock tasted good and I placed my hands on his buns to steady myself as I increased my pace. I looked up at Craig and saw a look of total lust in his eyes.

"You're a natural cock sucker darling. We knew you would be. We're going to have so much fun with you!" His words just spurred me on until I could feel his body stiffen. His sperm poured down my throat at a rate I just wasn't expecting. A lot crept out of my mouth and down my naked torso. I cleaned up Craig as best I could and looked up lovingly wondering what would happen next.

"That was great. Now finish getting changed. We've got a long drive ahead of us before I can give you your reward." I quickly put the blouse on over my cum- splattered body and put the sandals on. I walked out of the changing rooms and joined Craig out by the car.

The journey to our training venue took just over an hour. Little was said on the way with occasionally Craig leaning over and stroking my thighs. We finally arrived at the house that would be base for the next couple of days. Craig opened the door and ushered me in, patting my ass as I walked past him. He guided me to "our" bedroom and told me he was off to get some food so I should get myself prepared for dinner.

I took a shower to wipe the dried cum off and looked at what to wear. There was an array of ladies' clothes, all strangely in my size and looking quite new. For somebody who hadn't worn female clothing before today, I really wasn't sure what to choose. I decided Craig would like some sexy lingerie so went with a white bra, panties, stockings and suspenders set. Over that I found a flowing evening dress and put high heels on. I moved over to the vanity table and had an attempt at some makeup as well as applying a bit of perfume.

Finally ready, I made my way downstairs if a little unsteadily in the heels. I couldn't believe what was happening. This morning I'd been an ordinary boy but now here I was dressed as a sexy woman looking to please her man.

The effort was worth it for Craig's reaction. He was sorting out the food when I came down. He quickly put everything down to come over and kiss me passionately and run his hands greedily over my body. He soon released me and guided me to the table for us to eat.

After dinner, I cleared up and began to wash up. Soon Craig came behind me and cupped my breasts in his hands while his tongue explored my neck. His hands were soon roaming my body brushing over my hardening cock and squeezing my ass.

"I think we need to get these clothes off so I can see to that pussy". He said. I was still pretty scared but was too horny to resist. He led me back to the bedroom and made me stand while he took off his clothes then sat on the bed. He ordered me to remove my dress, which I duly did. While I did this, he stroked his growing cock. My eyes were glued to the sight and I was sure it was now bigger than when I'd placed it in my mouth earlier.

Craig ordered me onto the bed and onto my hands and knees. He moved behind me and opening my ass cheeks to reach my puckered hole. He began to tongue around my buttocks until he was ready to begin an oral assault on my boi-pussy. His tongue began to open me up and I cried out in utter pleasure. I'd never felt anything like it. He began to tongue fuck me leaving me a quivering wreck.

"Oh Jeezus. Craig.please..don't stop" I cried out in delight. Craig was clearly experienced, as he knew just how to prolong my pleasure. He reached around and began to stroke my girly-clit. This was just too much for me and I shot a load all over the bed. I was now barely able to stand under this glorious attack. Then to my utter frustration Craig got off me and climbed off the bed.

"Please, please don't leave me like this. You can't," I gasped. "Oh don't worry darling" chuckled Craig, you're going to get just what a little sissy slut like you deserves". He reached into the drawer and took out some lube that he applied to his cock.

"You never knew what a slut you were did you? Here you are begging for me to pleasure you. What do you really want me to do?"

"I want you to fuck me. Please Craig, I need your cock!" I didn't know what had come over me but I knew what I wanted. The torture of that tongue in my boi-pussy and the sight of Craig applying the lube had me out of all control.

Craig moved behind me and began to push his cock against my hole. I screamed in pain at first. I'd never experienced anything like that. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. I begged Craig to stop but he carried on slowly inserting his manhood until finally he had entered me. Then he began to withdraw only to thrust forward again. At this point, the pain dissipated into pleasure. I was being fucked like the girly slut Craig said I was. This was glorious.

As he thrust in and out, Craig began to fondle my chest, squeezing my hard nipples. I was squealing loudly with the sheer joy of it now. Craig was now moving harder and faster, my tight hole clutching his powerful cock for all it was worth. Finally, Craig began to stiffen and shot his cum deep inside me. We both collapsed in a sweaty, sticky heap. I felt the cold as he popped out of me with the feeling on his cum beginning to dribble down my legs.

I quickly repositioned myself to hug my lover and share a kiss with him. Craig had the look of the cat that had got the cream.

"So now you're our girly slut. You'll do what we ask of you anytime."

"Yes Craig, anything" I meekly responded. I loved his dominance and would do anything he asked of me. I was totally changed from the creature that had started the day. I noticed that his cock was beginning to recover and went down to clean it with my mouth. Craig groaned and began to grow.

In truth, I was still so turned on I knew I wanted that cock back inside me. I climbed on top of Craig and lowered myself onto his weapon. This time it went in much easier, my hole stretched and lubricated by our lovemaking. I began to ride his cock, bouncing up and down. I was in utter heaven.

I turned round to face Craig to allow him to play with my nipples and so I could kiss him. I was exhausted but didn't want it to end. Craig was now moving his hips to the same rhythm of my bouncing. I was crying out in joy until Craig came again. We collapsed together and quickly fell asleep exhausted.

When I woke the next morning, Craig wasn't there. He'd left me a note though with some instructions. It read:

"Good morning my little slut. Today is a big day for your training. Please get changed into the sluttiest, girliest clothes you can find and be ready for your big surprise later."

I got in the shower and then got changed. I went for black stockings and suspenders with matching bra and throng. Then I found a short school girl skirt and an open blouse. I applied some make up and found a pair of clip on earrings and a heart shaped necklace.

At that point, I heard the front door open and went downstairs to get my " big surprise". Craig was standing in the hall way as I came down. He had a big grin on his face and ushered me into the living room. Standing there to my horror was Mr Wells.

"Well here she is Jim the source of all your fantasies". Announced Craig. I was dying of embarrassment.

"Craig, she's even hotter than I imagined! I can't believe you've had her you lucky sod." Mr Wells moved across the room towards me and began to stroke my hair. He wasn't a bad looking man and I started to realise why Craig and kept saying "we" and "our" last night.

"She's a great cocksucker and has a really tight pussy. You're in for a real treat Jim" Craig exclaimed.

By now Mr Wells' hands were beginning to wander down my body. I looked over at Craig who had a video camera in hand and was starting to film us. Mr Wells' hands grabbed my butt and pulled me towards him. He kissed me on the lips forcing his tongue into my mouth.

I decided that if this is what they wanted then I'd obey. I began to touch Mr Wells and placed my palm on his crotch. My hand undid his zip and button. I slid his pants down releasing his cock. He wasn't as big as Craig but I was still fascinated by what I saw. I got down on my knees and began to suck him.

Mr Wells groaned and quickly clamped my head with his hands to control my rhythm. I was loving the feel of his cock in my mouth and just wanted to taste his cum. Craig was right - I had turned into a girly slut. I attacked Mr Wells' erection occasionally teasing the tip with my tongue. I looked up lovingly at him and that seemed to turn him on even more. I could feel him getting bigger in my mouth.

"I'm cuming you little slut" he screamed. I was better prepared for the deluge this time and swallowed nearly every drop. I cleaned his cock off and knelt contentedly awaiting my next instruction.

"Now while Jim recovers from that baby we want you to do a little dance for us" said Craig. I obliged and began to dance as sexily as I could. Craig told me to remove my top and play with my nipples. I did so going right up to Mr Wells offering him one of my tiny cupped breasts. He greedily placed in his mouth and began to tease me with his teeth.

I pulled away and began to sway my hips. I slowly removed my skirt and moved back towards Mr Wells. I straddled his legs and kissed him on the lips, my hand moving down to tease his recovering cock. Mr Wells' hands were all over my thong and moving between my ass cheeks.

"All the years I watched you shake that cute girly butt in my classes and now I'm finally going to fuck it" He exclaimed.

"Please sir. Please fuck me with your cock. My pussy is aching for it"

"Lie down on the sofa and sir will take care of you".

I did as I was told and lay down. I felt Mr Wells' hand press against my hole and began to lube me. I couldn't believe I was about to be fucked by one of my old teachers but I wanted it so badly. The thought of a hard cock in by boi-cunt was just too much for me.

Mr Wells started to press against my hole and entered much easier than Craig had yesterday. Clearly I was stretched ready for fucking. Mr Wells' excitement was clear as he was straight into a frenetic rhythm pounding my pussy with gusto.

"Oh you sweet little bitch. Sir is giving you what you've always needed. Craig, she's superb. What a find! It's a shame we'll have to share the little slut!"

"Don't worry Jim" replied Craig, "I've got my eye on another one for later. Meanwhile, there's plenty of time for fun with this cutie".

My mind was racing on their plans for me. I loved this. I felt I was born to be a girly slut. The feeling of Mr Wells' cock in me was amazing. He'd hit a spot that felt sooo good. I moved my body accordingly so he kept hitting it!

"Oh please sir. Fuck me harder. This is so good. Please sir, don't stop". My begging seemed to drive Mr Wells on further and it wasn't long before he came inside me. He popped out of my hole and walked around to face me so I could clean him up.

As he did so, I noticed Craig put the video camera on a tripod and remove his clothes. He moved behind me and entered my sopping hole. I now had both holes filled and could do nothing but obey. Such was my lust that in cleaning Mr Wells, I managed to get him back to full strength and worked on his cock with renewed fury. Craig was pounding my hole for all he was worth. This was sensational.

It wasn't long until both men came. Craig came first but held his cock in my gaping hole while I swallowed Mr Wells' love juice. Once I'd cleaned his cock off, Craig moved round for me to do the same. This time I could taste the mix of both men's juices out of my pussy.

With my cleaning duties done, Craig had one last job for me. He wanted me to lie on the sofa and rub my throbbing clitty for the camera. Not surprisingly, this didn't last long and I exploded over my tummy. I scooped up my goo and started to eat it. I just loved the taste of cum and couldn't get enough. Craig and Mr Wells told me I'd been a good girl and I should go and clean up while they went out. They'd be back later for my next lesson.

I couldn't wait.

Next: Chapter 2

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