The Club

By Woodrow Harrison

Published on Sep 4, 2009


This story involves sexual relations among males. If this offends you or is illegal please go elsewhere. Comments and criticism welcomed at

The Club

It was 1956, my senior year of high school. I had just turned seventeen and was dating a girl who worked with me at Sears after school. One day after gym in the locker room I noticed a boy who had just transferred in to the school. He was Black and sitting on a bench in front of his locker. Though I had never been attracted by other boys, I guess I was curious as to what his equipment looked like, never having seen a Black person nude outdide of National Geographic Magazine. I tried to be as nonchalant as possible, pretending to be rooting around in my locker a few spaces down from his. Finally he stood up, the towel which had covered him dropped and I could plainly see a thick black tube of flesh that must have hung four inches down his leg. Mine was barely longer when hard I thought ruefully. This kid was hung!

Embarassed at my own curiosity, I closed my locker and went out to the bus stop. A few minutes later the bus drew up to the curb. I walked to the extreme rear of the coach and took a seat on the bench. The jostling of a bus ride invariably produces a hard-on for me so to defend myself from embarassment I keep my book bag in my lap. I looked up and saw the Black kid coming down the aisle ready to take a seat next to me.

Maybe I blushed at the sight of him. I couldn't be sure, but I felt as if I was busted and that he had caught me checking him out in the locker room. To my relief he said nothing to me so perhaps my fears were unfounded. After a few stops he took his bookbag and set it on his lap. He gave me a conspiritorial look and joked that this always happened to him on bus rides assuming my bookbag was concealing the same thing as he was attempting to.

I just smiled and nodded. The ice broken we exchanged names and made small talk over classes we had in common and how we felt about the teachers. The more we talked the more at ease I became and had really begun to warm to him by time we reached my stop. I bade him goodbye and said I'd see him the next day.

It was Thursday, my day off from work. Classes seemed to really drag out endlessly. Finally 6th hour came and it was time for gym. I got into my togs in the locker room and was vaguely disappointed that my new friend was nowhere to be seen. I went out and worked awhile on the parallel bars, then the horse. The whistle blew signalling it was time for basketball scrimmage. By that time he had emereged from the locker room and was chosen to be on the same team as I. He was tall, which was promising, but not terribly athletic which was not. The coach assigned him to play center and I was point guard. Every time the ball came to me I fed him, and he never scored a single bucket in the 15 minutes that we played. He was definitely not Harlem Globetrotter material.

Finally the class was over and we headed for the showers. He took the head adjacent to mine and once again I was fascinated at his prodigous manhood hanging from a glistening patch of kinky black pubic hair. I wondered what he might think of my modest endowment as it shrank from the cold of the shower almost disappearing into my abdomen.

I dried off and was dressing as he emerged from the showers. I deliberately looked away as he began dressing, thinking that this would prove I was not interested in him other than as a bus buddy. Fetching our bookbags, we walked to the bus stop.

When the bus came we again headed for the back bench and covered our laps with the bookbags. Our conversation turned to music and we discovered we shared an interest in jazz. My friend described his collecxtion of work by George Shearing, Miles Davis and Gerry Mulligan. I told him I particularly enjoyed Mulligan, but couldn't play any of his stuff as the only record player we had at home was an old windup Victrola that only played 78 rpm records. He invited me to come over to his house sometime and we could enjoy some music together. In fact he said today would be ideal since I didn't have to work after school.

Richard Washington lived in a large house in south Oak Park. His father was a doctor and his mother an attorney. Since they worked almost day and night, he had a great deal of time alone to pursue his interests. The home was immaculately clean and luxuriously furnished. The Washingtons were obviously well off. Richard led me to the den where stood a large stereo system.

"Want a coke Woody?"

I nodded and he left, returning with two icy bottles of Coca Cola. He excused himself to change clothes and told me to make myself comfortable. I browsed through his recordings. There must have been over a hundred of them, neatly cubbyholed in alphabetical order. I pulled out a Mulligan album and set it on the top of the stereo.

Richard came into the room wearing a pair of shorts which had a bib and shoulder straps like a set of farmer's overalls. He was shirtless. At six feet even and I guessed about 160 pounds I had to admit that he was a rather handsome young man. He put the record on and the room filled with the unique sound of Gerry Mulligan. Richard sat on an overstuffed chair opposite me. Quietly we enjoyed the music but about halfway through the album I noticed that the head of his cock was peeking out the end of his left pant leg. Seeing that mushroom head I was fascinated and could not avert my gaze. To my surprize I could feel myself going hard and my trousers begin to tent.

Nonchalantly Richard reached down and gave himself a squeeze. As if in answer to some sort of ritual I did the same. He smiled coyly and repeated the action to which I again responded in kind.

" I usually jack off as soon as I get home from school. How about you?"

" I thought I had a monopoly on that." I said, grinning.

"Want to do it now? Nobody will be home for hours."

I felt a bit squeamish. A little nonplussed at his boldness and shy about revealing my modest endowment in the face of his prodigous size and never having done it in front of anyone before, I hesitated for a moment then stammered a weak assent.

That was all Richard needed. He unzipped his fly and hauled out his meat eyeing me in anticipation. I pulled mine out and we began massaging ourselves slowly and luxuriously. After a minute or so Richard suggested we strip naked and without waiting for an answer from me, stood and undid the straps to his outfit and stepped out of it, standing before me completely nude, his rock hard penis pointing at me. I hurriedly got out of my clothes and we stood facing one another rubbing our cocks.

With a combined sense of curiosity and lust, I wondered what it would feel like to stroke him and have him stroke me. I took my eyes off his cock and looked him in the eye. As if on some cue, we each stepped forward and reached for each other's cock. It felt awkward yet intensely exciting to be handling another guy's cock and having him gently rubbing mine. Suddenly Richard dropped my cock and sank to his knees. He caressed my balls and opening his mouth took the length of it in. O! What a feeling! Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined the pleasure that this was giving me. His tongue swirled the underside of my cockhead and I felt my stomach tightening as I was ready to cum.

Reluctantly I pushed his head away and suggested we lie down on the floor. I was overwhelmed with the desire to perform for him what he was for me. We lay down head to crotch. He immediately engulfed me again. Hesitantly I parted my lips and flicked my tongue against his slit. I opened wider and felt his cockhead enter my mouth. I was sucking a cock! I could hardly believe it was me. It had never crossed my mind that I would do such a thing yet here I was with a massive penis in my mouth and mine in his.

I gripped his muscular legs as I bobbed in his crotch. The tension returned to my gut and I felt his body stiffen. Simultaneously we rolled onto our backs and finished ourselves by hand. My first shot went wild then the subsequent ropes puddled onto my belly. Richard began spurting and whether by design or not each shot landed on my stomach forming a large puddle as it blended with mine.

We rested for a minute then Richard rolled over to me and pulled me into a tongue jousting kiss. Our bodies writhed together working the sperm on my belly into a sticky paste. The kiss must have lasted more than a minute and I was quite breathless when we finally broke the embrace.

"Was that your first time?" Richard crooked an elbow and looked at me searchingly.

"That's the first time anyone's even touched my cock or let me touch them for that matter."

"It was fun though, wasn't it?"

"That's the hottest experience of my life that's for sure."

"I couldn't believe how hot it was my first time. A couple of my uncles came to visit and one took the guest bedroom and the other had to sleep with me. We went to bed and the next thing I knew he was rubbing his cock, jacking off. He asked me if I was into it and I admitted I was. I started jacking off too and suddenly we were jacking each other. The rest played out pretty much like we did. He was here three days and we really went at it. Say, let's take a shower and wash this cum off us."

"Good idea. The stuff is getting cold on my gut."

We went upstairs to his room and stepped into the adjoining shower. The warm water felt good to me. We soaped each other up and then rinsed off. Particular attention was paid to the genital areas and we both were half hard by time we stepped out of the stall. Still naked we returned to the den and Richard put a Shearing album on the stereo. We sat side by side on a leather covered davenport enjoying the music. Richard's hand stole over to my crotch and began toying with my cock. I turned to him and gripped his cock in my hand as I kissed him. We must have necked for at least a half hour until I realized that it was close to five o'clock and my parents would be home from work soon.

We dressed and kissed each other goodbye then I walked to the bus stop. Myriad thoughts swirled in my head. What I had just done was unmistakably a homosexual act. Does that mean I'm gay? "Sissies" were always a subject for ridicule. I did not want to be isolated as one of them. All the pejorative terms for gays raced through my mind. Still, I had really enjoyed what we'd done and would probably be willing to do it again. I was amazed at the speed of all this. Despite hours of hot necking Diane wouldn't let me touch her tits. I'd usually go home from a date with her with a case of "lover's nuts". Nonetheless I was very fond of her and half admired her resistance to a teen with raging hormones. Obviously she was resolved to approach the altar a virgin. Being only teenagers with college ahead of us marriage was out of the question.

Such thoughts occupied my mind as I rode home. Oddly I was looking forward to seeing Richard the next day.

Next: Chapter 2

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