The Clique

By moc.loa@aoHIV

Published on Jul 22, 1999


Story getting a little dry? Here's something to spice if up. Consider it a peace offering to those who haven't really gotten off while reading. More to come. I know this chapter is short but I gotta make it short cuz of the way I want to tell the next scene. Any send all comments to and check out the webpage at Just do the copy and paste thing to save time. Until next time! CIAO!


Chapter 8: The Early Bird...

Instant Message From: NY152

NY152: Hey Phil! How's life? Phil52482: Geeze, haven't hear from you since I moved to Houston. I'm great! NY152: Cool, how is Houston? From what I can remember, you weren't to thrilled about moving there. Phil52482: That was then. Now I couldn't be happier that I did! NY152: Oh? Well, don't keep me waiting... hold up, let me guess. You found someone. NY152: Is it a guy or a girl this time? Phil52482: It's a guy... His name is Brandon and he's the best thing to come into my life. I just spent the entire day with him. NY152: Oh really... serious? Phil52482: Totally! NY152: That's good to hear. I'm glad you're happy. Phil52482: Hold on, there's something tapping at my window... NY152: It's getting hotter here in New York and... oh o.k. I'll hold. Be careful, it might be a burglar... NY152: Phil? Are you still there? NY152: Hello?!?!? Phil52482: Yeah, I'm still here, and I'm really sorry but I gotta go. An angel is coming through my window to take me to heaven. NY152: Okay, but I really hate it when you use symbolism! Phil52482: Sorry, but I really gotta go. NY152: K... BUT I WANT DETAILS WHEN YOU COME BACK ON-LINE!!!! Phil52482: Gentlemen NEVER kiss and tell... bye. NY152: Who ever said you were a gentleman? :oP Laterz


The sun broke through my bedroom window with intensity. Cascading it's rays over my head, causing my almond eyes to crack open and embrace a new day. DAMN SUN!!! I can't believe it has the audacity to come out at 5:45 in the morning! I turned my head away from it, trying to get back to sleep. I was having such a good dream too! It was me and Brandon, together... wait, that wasn't a dream. I turned my head back towards the sun to see waves of golden hair shinning in it's light. Brandon. His golden skin glowed in the fresh sunlight. I laid there in the same position we both fell asleep in, watching Brandon's torso rise and fall as he continued sleeping. His left arm was tucked under my neck, while his other arm wrapped around my waist. I have both of my arms wrapped around his shoulders with my legs entangled with his. It was one of those moments that you'd just want to last forever and a day.

I lifted and hand and traced it over his skin. Feeling the subtle, soft hairs on forearm, then running my finger up to his shoulders ever so slightly. Brandon gave out a soft groan and his eyes fluttered open. I melted when I saw those baby blues look at me.

"I love you Phillip." He said with a smile.

"I love you more..." I then leaned forward and bonded my lips with his. We kissed with intensity, still holding each other. I then broke the kiss and sat up. Brandon followed and faced me. We were now both kneeling, facing each other, still nude from our night together. He reached for my hands and cupped them between his. He then started to rub his thumb in a circular motion on the tops of my thumbs as he looked me in the eyes. Again I fell into his baby blues as he began to speak.

"Phillip..." He started sincerely, "last night... Last night was amazing... It's hard for me to think of words to express the happiness I'm feeling right now..." His voice was raspy, but filled with emotion. There was something in what he said that captured my soul and claimed it as his own. A tear rolled down his cheek. I lifted my right hand from the grasp he had on it and caught it with my thumb. My hand then wrapped around the left side of his face. His skin was so soft, as if the soft peach fuzz would never be replaced by a beard. He nestled his face in my hand and started to kiss me on my wrist. He then looked at me again, "I... I just lo..." I took my hand away from his face and placed my fingers on his lips. He didn't need to say anything more.

"Shhh..." I leaned forward and replaced my fingers with my lips. Once more, I bonded my lips with his. He leaned back which made me lay on top of him. This kiss was even more passionate then the last. He pulled my hair back to add fuel to the kiss. I then ended what I started and looked him in the eye again, "I feel the same way Brandon. You took me to heaven and back." I said with a smile.

"I didn't hurt you did I? I mean, you feel all right, right?" He asked with concern.

"Please... strong as steel here." I commented with a the smirk I knew drove Brandon crazy.

"You're so cute." He commented as he leaned in for another passionate kiss. I stayed in his loving arms, kissing and loving him for another five minutes before raising my head.

"We should get ready for school." I said with a frown, not wanting what was happening to ever end.

"I guess so." He replied, disappointed. "Are we late?" I glanced over to the clock which only displayed 6:20 a.m.

"No." I replied. A frown appeared on Brandon's face, which I hated immensely. "But we can pretend we are!" I said, smiling back at him. I knew what he was thinking. He wanted to relive yesterday morning. I lifted my body off of his and walked over to my closet to get my things in order. Brandon also got up and walked over to his backpack by the window of my room.

He bent down to pick up his backpack. I couldn't help but look at him as he bent over. Two firm globes, a pair of very sculpted legs, with thin, blond hairs, and penis, just as beautiful flaccid as it is erect. He unzipped the backpack he had brought in over with him when he climbed in through my bedroom window and pulled out a set of clothes. He laid them out on my bed and then approached me as I stepped out of my closet.

"So you're finally coming out of the closet huh?" He said with the smirk HE knew drove me crazy.

"Oh, so funny I forgot to laugh." I shot back. I laid the my set of clothes next to his on my bed and walked him to my bathroom.

The warm water pour over both of us and soap suds dripped down our bodies as we ran our hands over every patch of skin on each other's bodies. I ran my hands over Brandon's strong chest as he slid his between my ass. He rubbed my pucker with his fingers, causing me to moan uncontrollably. He leaned towards my ear and whispered, "Give it to me Phillip." He removed his hand from my ass and turned around. My cock was at full attention from the both of us groping each other. Brandon leaned against the back wall of the shower and spread his legs to steady himself. I took my position behind my lover and kneeled down. I placed my hands on his firm globes and pulled them apart to reveal his tight, pink ring. He seemed nervous since he's never done this before. I shared his feelings, but it just seemed natural to lean forward and use my tongue on his opening.

I used my fingers to spread his cheeks a little more to give me better access. Then, with my tongue, I licked his outer ring. I ran circles around his hole causing my lover to moan wildly. When I finally darted my tongue in him, he let out a moan that would wake up my neighbors. I saw him spread his legs a little more to steady himself. My tongue darted in and out of Brandon as I rubbed my face further into his backside. Lapping up the water that dripped down his crevasse. For some reason, water just taste sweeter when it comes off of Brandon's skin. It was like each drop that I lapped up had an essence of Brandon in it. I backed away from Brandon's ass and stood up and positioned my cock right in front of where my tongue once was. I leaned forward and whispered in Brandon's ear, "I love you bab... huh!"

"Oh G.. uh!" Brandon moaned as the head of my cock pushed into him.

I pushed past his ring and beyond. I was almost completely inside of him. The job my tongue did on Brandon's ass made it easier for me to slide right into him. I pushed and retracted in a rhythmic motion. My left hand held tightly onto his hip as my right hand was on his shoulder. Brandon had one hand on the shower wall, while the other was furiously jacking his dick.

I felt that Brandon was about to cum because he clenched his ass together and held it tightly. This caused a surge of electricity to shoot through my body as the friction between us increased. "Ahhh! Phillip... oh... oh yes! I'm... so... close..." Brandon's moaning only caused me to increase my speed. The sound of his continued moaning finally took it's toll on me and I exploded in his ass. His voice sent streams of my cum deep into his bowels. Soon after, Brandon exploded himself. His cum landing on the shower wall and floor. I stood up right as Brandon leaned back into me. He reached back and pulled my lips towards his. Our lips met with such passion, I was sure the water that continue to pour on us would evaporate upon contact with our skin due the heat we were giving off.

"I love you... so much... Phillip. Thank you..." Brandon huffed and puffed out, looking very flushed in his usually white cheeks.

"No... th... thank you." I retorted. I kissed him one more time on the his neck, right under his jaw bone. Only this time, I didn't let go. I stayed on his neck, sucking on his soft flesh. Brandon released a wild moan as I used my tongue to lick his skin inside of the suction. It was so intense I could feel the blood pump and move through his carotid artery. Through the moans, Brandon was able to whisper out in his southern accent,

"We really need to get going dear." I turned around and turned off the nozzle. As I turned around, Brandon had already stepped out of the shower and into my room. I reached over and grabbed my towel and followed the wet foot prints he left behind. As I walked into my room, I saw Brandon's wet body glisten in the sun. He was standing there, still naked as he rummaged through his backpack.

"DAMMIT!!!" She shouted in frustration.

"Wha? What is it?" I stood in the doorway asking him.

"I didn't bring a towel with me." I huffed.

"Hear..." I took the towel I had draped over my shoulders and dried off Brandon. I began by kneeling down and drying his legs. Rubbing the towel up and down each calf and thigh. I then rubbed the towel over his cock. My hands gripped them through the towel and slowly squeezed. Brandon flung his head back in ecstasy, but didn't make a sound. I wanted to take it a step further, but we were pressed for time, so I stopped and handed him the towel. Brandon sulked as he took the towel from me. "We're pressed for time Brandon. I promise, I'll make it up to you in a VERY special way." Upon hearing my promise Brandon quickly toweled off and got dressed. We went down stairs and each got a cup of coffee and a bagel with cream cheese before heading out the door.

"Which car?" He asked.

"I don't know? But I don't really care... as long as I'm riding you." I said. Brandon gave me a smirk. "What?" He then busted out with laughter. What was so funny? All I said was I wanted to ride... him... "You know what I mean!" I shouted back at him, now knowing what all the commotion is about. "As long as I'm riding with you." I said flatly as Brandon laid his hand on my Beemer to steady himself.

"The funny thing was you didn't even realized you said it! HAHAHAHAHA!!!" He couldn't control himself. "Who's the pervert now huh? HAHAHA!!! I'M the one that always has sex on my mind huh?" He teased.

"So not funny." I took out my keys and pressed to button to unlock the Z3. I opened the door and took a seat. As Brandon reached out for the door handle I quickly locked the door. He looked at me though the window wondering what was up. "Who laughing now?" I asked as I sped off.

"HEY BITCH! GET YOUR 'TOO TIGHT TO GET A GOOD RHYTHM GOING' ASS BACK HERE!!!" Brandon shouted at the top of his lungs. I took one spin around his circular drive way and ended up right in front of him. I pushed to top down and unlocked the door to let Brandon in. He sat down with his arms crossed and a very pissed off look on his face.

"I guess you'll just have to keep tenderizing it until it get soft." I joked. Brandon tried his best to keep his straight face but when I flashed my smirk, he broke. I gave me a slight punch in the shoulder and we were off to school.

Short and sweet. That pretty much sums it up doesn't it? Well, send any comments to and check out the webpage at Just do the copy and paste thing to save time. CIAO! (If you're wondering... I had itallian food for lunch so, "Ciao" just seems appropriate for the mood I'm in.) :o)

Next: Chapter 9

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