The Clique

By moc.loa@aoHIV

Published on Jul 20, 1999


Hey everyone! Phil here, author of "The Clique." Now I know y'all are anxiously waiting for chapter 8, and I'm working on it. It's gonna take awhile though. There are some things in the story line that I want to get straightened out. To tied you over, I collaborated with a good friend of mine to bring you "If." It's based on a popular song... just try to guess what it is. I hope you like it. Oh, and then there's the small matter of the webpage. Well, I'm happy to report that it is up. With a lot of help from some dear friends of mine on AOL, The Clique Homepage is up and running. is the address to go to. Just do the copy and paste thing. The page digs deeper into the Westfield storyline. Well, I hope you enjoy the web page and this story. Chapter 8 of "The Clique" will be out in a couple of weeks... fingers crossed.


These characters are totally fictional I repeat TOTALLY FICTIONAL!!! AS IN MADE UP!!!

"If" By Phil and Patric

Well, Spring Break was a total bust. All I did was go t visit my wretched relatives, and spent the rest of the time working and reading hold up in my room. I guess it wasn't very different from what I usually do, just minus the school. I probably live the single most boring life of anyone here at Westfield. God... why can't I have good looks, and the money to back it up?

Why couldn't I be in.... The Clique. But they aren't interested in my kind, I'm not rich, or beautiful, and I don't wear the right clothes, as for that matter the right attitude. No, I'm the only real "gothic" kid at Wesfield, unless you count those black lipstick wearing, Manson loving morons that eat in the corner. No, I am the only one reading Herman Hesse, listening to The Cure, and wearing all black. There's also The Society, but they're seniors. They wouldn't want anything to do with me. And that's okay, I am used to it, I have been doing it alone since the sixth grade, you'd think I could get it down by now. I have a few friends, if you could call them that, but only because I help them in English and Math, they're all idiots anywise.

In case you're wondering. My name is Patric, Patric Wilson. Just your average out cast. I sit in the back of rooms, lunch in the library, and get out as quickly as possible . Nothing special. I dress how I like, sometimes I will try something fun, but usually it is simple black, covering as much of my pale skin as possible. Not a real fashion statement I know, but at least I'm not in some out sized Tommy crap with his logo tattooed on my ass. I'm 17, 6'1'', and around 140... see, nothing special. Yeah I am a little thin, but that's what three years of skipping lunch and reading instead will do to you. Short, spiky, black hair with little purple highlights, probably the only reason people notice me, what the latest hair color is. This is about as fashion conscience as I get. But at least I don't have zits, or some horrible stutter to get over.

I headed to school the first morning after Spring Break just like every other morning, pop in some Tori Amos, and pray that the school would have some sort of crisis and cancel classes. No luck, not here in the 'burbs, but I can live in hope right. As I approached the school, I was stopped by the school police so he could let other kids enter the parking lot. As soon as those kids passed, he waved me in. I roamed the parking lot looking for a parking space. I tried to look for one close to the entrance but they were already taken up. The sweetest parking spaces of course taken up by The Clique, could it be any other way? Brandon's Benz, Sebastian's Expedition, Angel's Jag, Tyler's Integra, Kim's Lex, and Dolan's 4Runner... Dolan Kwan, probably the finest thing to ever grace this planet, next to Audrey Hepburn of course.

Now, I have had it bad for this guy ever since elementary school. I knew I was gay the first time I saw him, he was always playing dodgeball. I hated that game, like every other game, probably cuz I kept getting hit by the ball, but I endured... just to be around Dolan. At first, I didn't even think of it as anything sexual, come on, I was how old? I just wanted to be around him. To look at him. And my dream was to one day be associated with him. Have him call me his friend. Then puberty hit, and my dreams changed ever so slightly, call me his friend, became boyfriend, and be associated with him, became his lover. But lets be serious, it's been almost ten years, if he hasn't acknowledged me by now, he never will. He probably doesn't even know I'm still alive, i am sure he doesn't recognize me, nor does he probably care. But I know he's alive, and that's what really matters... at least to me anyway. And oh is he alive!

I finally found a parking space in what seemed to be... Canada, and started that seemingly miles long trek towards the school. I realized as I passed the rows and rows of cars, there seemed to be a lot more of them today than before the break. Looks like the most of the Sophomores finally got their cars, and not bad ones at that! Well, I'm not jealous... I'll let them be jealous when my chauffeur pulls up to the reunion in my vintage Rolls, and even more so when they realize who I am, or was that is. Yeah, that's it. I kept on walking towards the school when, SHIT!!!! DAMMIT ALL TO HELL!!! I realized that while I was dreaming about Dolan, I missed the open parking space right next to his 4Runner! It could've been a chance to see him, to say hi or something! Damn! God am I so pathetic as to get this upset over a parking spot? Then, as I stood there scolding myself, a red Beemer pulled into the space. Oh, a Z3... so nice! The car was all shiny and gorgeous, too bad to top was up, I would love to see the interior.

As I got closer to the car, the door swung open, and I shit you not, a god stepped forth. This boy made Dolan look like... something that wasn't so fine? But was still gorgeous. Let's just say that THIS guy had Dolan's looks brought to the tenth power!

He had the most chiseled face I had ever seen on an Asian guy. So defined, and arrogant looking. Damn! He had a trim sleek body, like a swimmer's, and his pecs and abs showed through that thin sweater he was wearing as he stepped out of the car, no doubt designer judging from the lines. This guy was dressed to the nines. His hair was short, black, and spiky with brown highlights, sticking up, everywhere, like mine but more natural looking. He looked like one of those runway models I've seen on E! or Entertainment Tonight, or even a GQ model, but he wasn't. He was a student, attending Westfield of all places. I had to follow this guy. There was something about him, something that made me want to follow him and know everything about him. Maybe it was the way he held himself, or maybe it was that butt, you don't know amazing until you see a well sculpted Asian ass, ummm! It's something like what I had for... umm... for... starts with a D... Dole? Dorritto? Dolan... Dolan! Yeah, that's him. Something like what I had for Dolan. But stronger, and if the rest of him looks that good, much stronger.

As I followed him inside, I kept a safe distance, trying not to lead anyone on that I was... well, following this guy, thankfully I am but wall paper to these people. Stalking's just such a negative word, more appropriate maybe, but following sounds so much nicer, don't you think? It's just innocent infatuation right? I mean, Dolan's the one... I love? Oh my God! Going up the front stairs, the undy outline gave me something very nice to distract myself with. Two perfect globes just waiting to be touched. And such broad shoulders! As I waited across the foyer, watching this Asian adonis check-in at the main office, I thought about what I really have with Dolan.

I mean, I have wanted him for a long time, and I do already know everything there is to know about him. But that also gives me something new, not only is this guy gorgeous, but he's new, and that means a new history to learn, all new likes and dislikes to find out, and a whole new dream option. I thought what I had for Dolan was love, but maybe it was more lust and loneliness, Anyways, this guy definitely blows Do-boy away. Hmmm....

Just as I decide to at least pursue this a little farther, he's gone. Damn it! Where did he go so fast? Ah, the stairs, I thought that ass looked familiar. I pushed through the throng of over dramatic, I am an actor crowd, and past the tree huggers, and ah......there he is, just at the end of the hallway, perfect. Damn, even from here I can see those almond-shaped eyes shining out like beacons.

"PATRIC!!! WHAT'S UP!!!" I heard a voice yell from behind. I was about to ignore it but it persisted. "PATRIC!!! WAIT UP!!! HEY PATRIC!!!" I had no choice, I had to turn around to shut her up, before she made a scene.

I turned around to great the girl bent on embarrassing me. "Hello Magie!" I greeted her with a fake smile and no enthusiasm. Magie Tran, the most annoying girl in the world! This girl looked as if she had never stepped out of the fifth grade. Today it was a koala bear T-shirt and a tan skort. Is it a skirt? Or is it a pair of shorts? Who gives a fuck?!?! Even the low rent alterna-punks know those things are out. She, on the other hand, thought, and I quote, "They're the bomb!" If "the bomb!" means that skorts blow, then I guess she's right. She still had the long stringy hair she'd always had, and wore floppy jellies, God! Was she blind?. With a skirt? Or skort? Or whatever? I was just as embarrassed to be around her as she should have been to be her. But being as she lived next me, I tolerated all that and put up a front. "What's up Magie?" That was my first mistake. She droned on and on about how her Spring Break in Australia went. She could've spent in Antarctica for all I care, she made me lose track of my dream guy. I sat on my ass all break, so she could lick me. Good thing the warning bell rang for first period. That gave new meaning to "Saved by the bell." I thought she was just gonna keep going!

Well, I broke away from Magie and made a mad dash for English. God she's annoying! And the worst part about it is that because I'm polite to her, she thinks I'm her dream boy. I wouldn't be suprised if she thought we were a couple. Heaven forbid! Doesn't she know I'm gay? Everyone else does! Oh that may be another thing to know, I'm out, so that probably doesn't help the popularity thing. But right now, she's out of my mind. As I made my way to my locker, to fetch my English book, I ran across some of what my principal calls "budding gentleman," and I call inbred country folk. Who find it quite amusing to yell "freak!" at me every time they see me. God, get a new line! Even fag would be refreshing. But that's my life. Now it's time to catch up on my sleep, to English I go. What is sad is that the books they are reading now, I read for fun three years ago.

As I took my usual seat in the back corner, I saw "The Clique" enter. Rob, so cute with his baby face; Brandon, too tall, too blond, and too perfect; and Dolan... Dolan... All the emotions threw away downstairs came back to me with a vengeance when I saw him, that was until he walked in. Now I was really in trouble. My dream guy was right there! Sitting in my English class!!! And next to Dolan!!! With Brandon in front and Rob sitting diagonal from him. I was always glad I sat with a good view of them, now it was paying me back ten fold. That had officially become the finest corner of the class. No one could ever compare to anyone of these guys...well unless Rupert Everette was the teacher that is, grrrrr. But that was unlikely. Now... if I could somehow find out my new dream guy's name...

"Phillip Le?" Mrs. Pikus asked. "Is there a Phillip Le present?"

"Over here!" He raised his hand. Oh my god! Even his voice was sexy! Deep and strong! I can't stand it! Good thing we had notes on a new book today. This will probably take my mind off of him.... ... yeah, notes will... they'll keep my mind... ... off of him...

"O.K. class!" Mrs. Pikus announced waving a piece of paper in her hand. Damn, the teacher bitch woke me up. I regained composure to hear what she had to say. "I have here, the assigned partners for your upcoming English report. You and your partner are to research and present the biography of any author from the 1920s to the present. Remember that this project is to be done on your own time. It's getting too close to the end of the year, and I'm too pressed with assignments to give you any class time to work on it." Everyone in class started to buzz with angst. I was too! I was dying to know who I'd be paired up with.

"Why do YOU get to chose our partners?" Brandon asked in a displeased tone.

"Because the last time I let you all pair up on your own, y'all chose the people you knew as partners. Now you're actually going to meet new people. There is a world outside your clique Brandon." She shot back. Boo's came from all around the class. It seemed that everyone had already chosen their partners and did not want to be split up. I could care less, no one ever chose me anyway. I usually just did my own, and if I was paired up with someone, I just did it all myself.

Mrs. Pikus reached into a baseball cap and rummaged through the pieces of paper containing the names of every student in the class. "Brandon and... Robert. Hmm... figures. Even fate can't break up the Clique." Brandon and Rob both jumped up and high fived each other. She continued through the class. I didn't pay any attention to her until she got to me. "Patric and..." She rummaged through the hat and pulled out the piece of paper containing my partner's name, "Patric and Phillip." She announced.

It was all but impossible to stop myself from busting out in a big grin, thankfully I had a Jack Kerouac to concentrate on. Phillip!!!! The dream guy!!! The hunk-o-man that I followed around all morning! The finest Asian guy in school!!!! Hell the finest guy in school!!!! Speaking of fine Asian guys... she came up to Dolan,

"Sorry Dolan, odd class so you have to find a group to be with." Dolan jumped up and ran over to Brandon and Rob.

"I'll be in their group!" He said enthusiastically

"I know I don't have to ask this, but is it o.k. that Dolan join your group?"

She asked with a sigh.

"Perfectly o.k.!" They both said in unison. Then they revealed in how Lady Luck couldn't break up the Clique. Oh give me a break! Well, fuck them... I have Phillip. He got up out of his seat and made his way to where I was sitting. He sat on top of the table across from me. My eyes at the same level as his crotch.

"Hi! I'm Phillip, but call me Phil. And you are?..." I didn't hear a word he said, I kept staring at his crotch... wondering.

"Helllllloooooo?!?!!?" He said flailing his arms wildly. I snapped out of my trace and met him eye to eye. Oh my GOD! I hope he didn't catch me starring at his crotch! But then again, it wasn't like I was trying to be discreet... please, oh please.

"Oh, Hi! Sorry, still hooked on that episode of... of... FRIENDS last night. So we're partners right?" I asked, playing it cool as ice.

"Yeah, I'm Phillip, but call me Phil. Mrs. Pikus said, since this thing is being done outside of class, that we should exchange phone numbers or something." THANK YOU MRS. PIKUS!!!!!

"O.k." I replied. I was about to give him my phone number when he cut me off.

"You know what?" He asked.


"Since we only have a week to work on it, how about you come over and work on the project over at my house, tonight? I mean if you don't already have plans, may as well get started now right?" He said with a smile. Was I dreaming? Please don't tell me I'm dreaming this!

"Helllooo!!! Are you there? So what's it gonna be? Are you coming over later?"

"Yeah... I had some plans, but they can be canceled, I'll be there around seven okay?" Did I just hear myself? I'm going over to his house! If I'm dreaming this, may I never wake up. Then the bell rang to get me back to reality.

"O.k. here's my address and directions to my house from the school. And if nobody answers the door, just come on in, sometimes I get so into my music I can't hear anything else." He said with a shy grin, ahhhh he's nervous since this is his first day.

Hmmmm, I wonder about him. Good looking, well dressed, and nice? Could he be...? No I'm sure he's your average straight boy, he just isn't used to this place yet, he'll be an ass in no time. And even if he is gay... why would he want me? I mean, look who's he sitting by! Brandon, Rob, and Dolan! The three hottest guys in the world! If he was gay, he'd probably be with Brandon, not me.

I must have some kind of mental disorder or something cuz that afternoon, I actually found myself going to the cafeteria! I haven't been down there in years... if at all! I thought that since Phil was new that he might not have anyone to sit with, and being the nice guy that I am, I could go over to him and we could have lunch together. With my fingers crossed, I searched the lunch room for him. Then, just coming out of the line, he stood. He was looking around for a place to sit. This was my chance. I took a couple steps towards his direction and stopped. He had been shanghaied! Coming from behind, Brandon swept him up and brought him to The Clique's table. DAMMIT! They have everything! Popularity, money, status... Why do the get Phillip too?!?!? I was mad... I needed to get out. But no. The doors to the main school were closed, sealing the cafeteria. I guess that prevented kids like me from roaming the halls. I made the best of a bad situation. I got some snacks from the candy machine, and can of ginger ale and plopped myself down as close to the doors as possible. I sat there sulking, but constantly looking towards Phillip.

"I wonder what he's talking about?" That was all I could think about. Then he got up. It looked like he was excusing himself from the table. He grabbed his book bag and started to walk away from The Clique. Where was he going?

He walked away from "The Clique", past the theater "drama queens and kings", hanging a left at the jocks, straight past the mouseketters (computer geeks),

then turning right as he came up towards the band people. He continued straight while ducking to avoid the pep squad doing flips in the lunch room like they were at practice, shielding his ears while passing the choir peeps, hung a right when he came up to the Future (current) Business (drug) Professionals (dealers) of America (of Westfield), and continued straight again while veering to the left to avoid the "Goth wannabes" and the smell coming from where the "Smokies" sat, ending up in the seat next to me... NEXT TO ME!!

He took that trek through the lunch room just to come and sit next to me! "What's up?" He asked. I returned his question with a smile and a "not much." I didn't know what to say, so he took the initiative and started talking. We started to talk about everything from music to movies. I still think he's pretty cool, even though he's into 'N SYNC and The Backstreet Boys and I'm well... not. But we found other things we had in common to talk about. He turned out to be everything I wanted and then some! I was falling for this guy... HARD!

The rest of the day went by in blur. Probably cuz I spent most of it thinking about Phillip. I was really going to go over to his house! What a trip! What was I going to wear? Should I change or would that be trying too hard? Just random thoughts filled my head. I have never been this nervous about just going over and working on a project at someone's house, but it's wasn't just anyone. This was Phillip. Phil, no, Phillip, it just sounds better that way.

As I got dressed, I thought about what it would be like to be Phillip's boyfriend. If I was his boy, oh the things I'd do to him. I'd make him call out my name and ask who it belonged to. Whoa, calm down there Patric! You've only met the guy for one day. You're not his boyfriend. You don't even know if he's gay, so you can't do anything with him. But if I WAS his boy... Damn, I think it's time to go.

I decided to show up at around 8:15, don't want to be to seem anxious. I looked at the directions to his house and followed them exactly. Geeze, his house looked liked one from Northgate... Well, maybe not that big, but big regardless. Being from the Sun Springs neighborhood, primarily middle class, I never had any reason to got to an upper-middle class neighborhood like Riverwood. I parked my '98 Saturn on the curb in front of his house and made my way up the walkway, no need for my alarm here. I stopped at the front door to check my reflection in the glass door. Then I rang his bell. Hmph, no answer. As I extended my finger to ring the bell again, I heard a splash from behind the house.

That's probably him. I took it upon myself to go around an see him. Phillip in a bathing suit... this is gonna leave an impression. I went around the house and stopped dead in my tracks when I approached the gate. There he was, lifting himself out of the water... naked! Water droplets running between his pecs and down his well defined abs. I followed down his body and admired his 6 or 7 inches of flaccid manhood. Goodness! He was a site to behold. I ducked down as he turned around, hoping that he didn't see me. When I stood back up, his back was turned and he was toweling off. Again, very nice ass. Looked tighter and firmer than in school.

"Would you mind turning around until I get some close on?" He said, his back still turned as he toweled off. Oh my god! He saw me!!! I quickly turned around. I became tense and cursed myself under my breath. So embarrassing! I had to say something.

"Uhh... sorry about that... uhhh..." I felt a hand touch my back and I jumped forward in fright.

"Whoa calm down! I didn't mean to startle you." He said with a slight chuckle.

"That's o.k." I said, getting my composure back.

"I didn't think you were coming, it's so late. So I guess that's the reason I went for a swim."

"Do you always swim naked?" I asked as a joke, but it was a joke filled with hope.

"No. We just moved in and we haven't un-packed yet. That explains the no trunks." He chuckled. Well, no more plans to buy binoculars. He was dressed now. With a pair of cargo shorts and a wife-beater, he lead me into his house.

His house was amazing! I was big, but filled with boxes. He wasn't kidding when he said they haven't un-packed yet. I asked him about the whereabouts of his parents and found out that they work all hours of the day and don't get home 'til late. He lead me through the maze of stacked crates and boxes until he stopped in the library.

The library was decorated floor to ceiling in oak. There weren't as many boxes in here as the other room, everything seemed to be un-packed. It seemed to me that his parents were either doctors and/or lawyers because there were volumes and volumes of legal and medical books on the shelves. I took a seat on the over-stuffed, leather couch while Phillip looked for some books on the shelves.

"Here's what we need." He stated as he tossed volumes of books at me. I looked over the books on various contemporary authors and said that this was more than enough information. Then it happened. For the first time since I saw him, my mind wasn't on Phillip. It was completely fixated on the life and times of F. Scott Fitzgerald... weird I know.

Hours went by and I kept myself on task, but I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. I chose to ignore it, but then a big encyclopedia slammed onto the couch cushion in front of me. I looked up in shock to see that it was Phillip that did that. He had this disgruntled look on his face. "Dude!

What is it?" I asked. He looked up at me and said, "I can't play this guessing game anymore... are you gay?" Whoa, this was the last thing I expected. "I mean, I saw you looking at my dick in class like you were gonna jump me right then and there..." I decided to answer truthfully. I mean, everyone else knew I was gay, why should he be any different. "Yes I am." I said proudly. "Good, then make me cum already!" WHAT DID HE SAY??? Did he say what I thought he said?

"I want you Patric. Whoop me into submission! Make me scream your name." Either this guy was really horny or... well that's the only logical explanation for it isn't it? He then started to crawl towards where I was sitting on the couch. He crawled up my body and pressed his lips on me... HARD. Our tongues darted in and out of each other's mouth. When he broke our kiss, all I could get out was a shaky, almost nervous, "Alrighty then..."

I carefully placed the books we were reading on to the floor. I stood from Phillip and turned to face him. I lifted my shirt and then dropped it to the floor. I then unzipped my jeans and let them slid down my legs. Phillip sat back into the couch and gave me an innocent look. "Just lay back Phillip." I asked of him. Phillip nodded and laid back on the couch. I then straddled Phillip's legs and began to pull down his shorts. He placed all of his trust in me as I took the steps to bring them to ecstasy. I pulled his shorts fully off as Phillip flicked his sandals off. I dropped everything to the floor and then moved back up to him. Phillip's briefs were black with white lining. I wore light blue boxer briefs. I stared at Phillip's athletic look as he laid in his wife-beater and his briefs.

I let out a slow exhale as I began to grind my crotch into Phillip's. Phillip groaned loudly and then placed his hands onto my hips. I kept the steady moving, trying to make Phillip fully erect. It only took him seconds before the head of his cock was slipping out of the top of his briefs. I released a small smile at my accomplishment. I let my erect penis jab into Phillip's crotch for seconds before I stopped I movements.

I then carefully pulled down Phillip's briefs. He smiled as his penis was released from captivity. I threw the briefs across the room. Then I lifted my body from Phillip's and then pulled down his own boxers. I dropped the boxers to the floor and spread Phillip's legs. He let one of his legs hang off the couch as I knelt between his legs. "Softly... and quietly..." I said as he looked at him. I ran my hands over Phillip's smooth and hard abs. My fingers traced each curve on Phillip's stomach. He grasped the side of the couch and moaned quietly.

I lifted my hands from Phillip's stomach and then grasped my own cock with one hand and Phillip's right thigh with the other. I brought my cock to Phillip's leg and carefully rubbed it over his thigh. "Aaaahhhh..." I groaned as the head of my cock touched the soft flesh. Phillip watched as I repeated my motion, running my cock over Phillip's leg. The erotic nature of my act caused Phillip to begin to jack off his own dick. "Hmmmm..." I hummed as my cock moved faster over his thigh. My red head dripped with pre-cum on Phillip's inner thigh. "Say me name. Who's giving you this pleasure?" I demanded as a feeling of pure pleasure rushed through my body. "Patric..." Phillip gasped as his hand moved rapidly over the head of his own penis. I leaned down further and let my cock and balls run over Phillip's thigh. He gasped for air with me trying a form of sexual pleasure that I didn't know existed. I'm doing this on pure instinct. My eyes were closely shut while I could feel his staying wide open. I could feel him watching as I worked with a gentle hand, yet a quick thrust.

The couch began to creak slightly as I came closer to pleasure. Phillip began to buck with the action of his masturbation. "Ooh... ah, ah..." He grunted, edging closer to his orgasm. I panted hard as my penis rubbed over Phillip's. I decided to further our sexual act and moved my penis from Phillip's thigh to his stomach. I ran the head of my thick member over Phillip's stomach. He reached his hand under me and tried to jerk off while I worked my own meat. "Phillip... Phil... yeah.." I grunted as we both moved quicker. "Oh baby!" Phillip hollered out. His hand gripped his cock tightly and soon, his cum was jetting up into the air, some drops landing on my back.

I listened to Phillip's screams of joy as he orgasimed. I grunted harder as I slipped further into orgasm. "Phillip....... OH!" I gasped out. My penis shot several loads of cum onto Phillip's abs. He held my hips so that I would cum without worry. My eyes stayed firmly shut as I came on his stomach. "Relax..." Phillip suggested as I tried to stand while my last drops were released from my softening penis. I found myself laying on top of Phillip for a breather.

He wrapped his arms around me, feeling the drops of sweat and cum on my back. I felt the stickiness of my cum being squished between their stomachs.

"Oh Phillip..." I groaned as I laid on him. "Mmmhmm." He replied, rubbing my back. "Oh I love you..." He whispered. I wrapped his arms under and around his neck. I kissed his chest and then his collar bone. "Welcome to Westfield." I whispered. His hands moved up my back and to the back of my head. He then gave out a little sigh and then looked at me with a smirk. "Now let's get to the good part."

I nodded and we switched positions to where I was on top of him and he was face down on the couch. I spread his cheeks wide open and aimed my cock directly at his pink pucker. I with one quick thrust I caused his head to pop up and scream in a mixture of pain and pleasure.


My head lifted off my desk to see what had just happened. It was all a dream. IT WAS ALL A FUCKING DREAM!!! I looked around the classroom to see my object of desire leave the class with non other than The Clique. I can't believe it! It seemed to real!

Shit... I guess it was too good to be true. These kinda things would probably only happen in those stories on Nifty, written by some pathetic homebody. We were so hot together too. Patric and Phillip, Phillip and Patric... together. For one sweet period in time, I was his boy. I did things to him that I thought would never do to him. But now I realized that I'm not, so I can't, and I won't, but... If I was his boy.


Well, there it is. I know all of you have experienced a similar situation at one time in your life. Dreaming about an object of desire that you can't have. Well, if you haven't figured it out yet. This story run side by side with chapter 2 of "The Clique." And if you haven't guess the song yet then... I suggest you get out from under that rock. It's "If" by the fantabulous Janet Jackson (Ms. Jackson if you're nasty like me!) COME ON! I even put the lyrics in the story... TWICE!!! Oh well, if you haven't read "The Clique" or would like to know more about the storyline then go to Just do the copy and paste thing to save time. Until next time! PEACE!!!


Next: Chapter 8

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