The Clique

By moc.loa@aoHIV

Published on Jul 1, 1999


Hi everyone! I'm back with another installment of "The Clique." I bet ya'll were dying to find out what's gong to happen with this whole Brandon, Phillip, Angel thing huh? Well, just read! And for all of you who've e-mailed me, asking me to kill Angel. (Run him over with a car, have an asteriod hit him on the head, have the earth open up and swollow him whole...) The answer is NO! I personally like Angel. Y'all are just gonna have to put up with him and his antics. I would like to thank Pat again for proofreading my story. And a special thank you goes to Phillip (Another Phil) too. You're a great friend! And Phil, smile more!!! So without further ado... Chapter 6! Enjoy! All comments and critisms can be sent to ""

Chapter 6: Have You Ever?

Dear Journal,

I can't even write. It just hurts too much...



Have you ever loved somebody so much It makes you cry Have you ever needed something so bad You can't sleep at night Have you ever tried to find the words But they don't come out right Have you ever, have you ever

Have you ever been in love Been in love so bad You'd do anything to make them understand Have you ever had someone steal your heart away You'd give anything to make them feel the same have you ever searched for words to get you in their heart But you don't know what to say And you don't know where to start


Have you ever found the one You've dreamed of all your life You'd do anything to look into their eyes Have you finally found the one you've given your heart to Only to find that one won't give their heart to you Have you ever closed your eyes and Dreamed that they were there And all you can do is wait for that day when they will care


What do I gotta do to get you in my arms baby What do I gotta do to get to your heart To make you understand how I need you next to me Gotta get you in my world 'Cuz baby I can't sleep


That song played in my head as I walked. I took the long way home that evening. I walked past my house and wandered around the neighborhood thinking about the past events. I could feel the cool air cooling my skin as it blew against my tears. Leaves rustled on the pavement as I aimlessly step on them, leaving them flat and broken... much like my heart.

The images of Phillip and Brandon flashed through my head. Them on the kitchen floor, naked. Phillip, in Brandon's loving embrace. The cheap slut. How could two people who just met fall for each other so suddenly? I thought of what I saw as just meaningless sex but quickly tossed that idea. Brandon would never have MEANINGLESS sex. He's too kind and caring to give his virginity up to meaningless, passionless sex. Brandon is the kind of person that would make love. This is just not like him! Why is this happening!!!

As I walked around my neighborhood aimlessly, I thought about the chances I had to tell Brandon how much I love him. I knew my feelings for him were real since last summer. It's been months, months of opportunities, months of chances to tell him how I feel about him. I stopped where I was and sat down on the curb. I held my head in my hands, thinking about my relationship with Brandon so far. Like the first time we met...

It was crisp fall afternoon, school had just let out. It was my first day and I didn't know anyone. I was waiting in front of the school for my mom to pick me up, when BAM! A red dodgeball hit me on my head.

"Oww..." I rubbed my head in pain.

"Oh geeze, sorry about that. Are you o.k. dude?" I looked up and there he was, I didn't know it, but there stood the guy that would be my best friend. He was about my height. He had a mouth full of braces and long, golden blond hair. He was wearing an oversized New York Yankees jersey, Converse sneakers, and a pair of long shorts. I guess, back then, I didn't know what a cutie he was.

"I'm fine." I said coldly.

"Are ya sure dude?" He asked with genuine concern.


"Listen... umm..."


"Hi, I'm Brandon. If you're not busy, some of my friends and I are playing dodgeball over there on the playground and we need one more person... if ya want to play..." He said, taking a seat next to me on the ground.

"No, thanks... but my mom is coming and she doesn't like to wait." I explained. I was never really good at meeting new people back then.

"Oh, o.k." He said with a tone of disappointment.

"Hey B! Are ya coming?" A voice called over from the playground.

"No, I gotta wait for my mom." And with that, he threw the dodgeball back over to an Asian kid, who I'd later find out was Dolan. Dolan caught the ball and walked back to the game.

"So what grade are you in?" He asked, flashing me a friendly smile.

"Third, you?"

"Third too! What teacher?"

"Mrs. Kelner."

"Oh, you're the new kid! Yeah, now I know where I've seen you before." He said in amazment.

"You're in my class? I didn't see you." I asked.

"I sit in the back of the room." He explained.

"Oh..." The conversation died down, then Brandon started it up again.

"So... do you like... stuff?"

"Yeah, I like... Nintendo games." I replied.

"Me too!" And with those two words, we became the best of friends. We told each other what we liked, what we hated, what was cool, what was not cool. Boy Scouts, Summer Camp, Sleepovers... What ever there was for two best friends to do, we did it.

In middle school, we even got the nicknames "Double Trouble." I was "Trouble 1" and Brandon was "Trouble 2." He was my partner in crime. Freeing the frogs from the science department, starting food fights in the cafeteria, performing during the talent shows... Brandon still can't sing for crap, but that's one of the things I love about him. He's always trying.

Then high school came and we still were "Double Trouble." He got me through freshman year. The 5 break-ups I had ever since I started school here at Westfield, the endless nights of studying at the last minute for mid-terms and finals, the parties... everything! He shared everything with me... everything except the fact that he was gay... or bi... whatever. Now he's with that whore Phillip. How? How could this happen? Could it be possible that they've fallen in love? In two days?!?!!? After one date? What do they serve there at Sambuca?

I wish he'd never came here. I really do. I wish that plane from California would have crashed into the Rockies and disintegrated. He comes into town like he owns the place and steals B. away from me. I'm gonna make him pay. I'm gonna make him pay for causing me all this pain. I'm gonna make him pay for stealing Brandon away. I'm gonna make him pay for living! This kid is going down. I'm gonna make it so he will never be able to show his face in Westfield, Houston, or Texas. Make him go running back to Cali.

I was so caught up in thought I didn't even realize I was in the middle of the street, let alone the two high beams comming at me. Wait... HIGH BEAMS!!!

ANGEL!!!! I felt a body flung itself upon me and push me out of the way. We tumbled on the ground as the car rushed by not stopping while honking it's horn. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?!? DO YOU WANT TO GET YOURSELF KILLED?" It was Tyler. I was right in front of our houses and I didn't even know it! Then I realized what had just happened. Tyler saved me from a car that wasn't gonna stop.

"Sorry Ty, I was just caught up in thought, I didn't know what was happening around me." I said now shaking from realizing what had just happened.

"It was a good thing I came out to pick up the mail or you'd be road kill. That car didn't look like it was gonna stop." Tyler screamed while giving me a stern look. "What had you so preoccupied that you couldn't see bright headlights glaring at you? Or me shouting your name?"

This was the opening I was looking for. Operation: "Make Him Pay" is ready to go. "I was just so shocked by what I just saw over at Brandon's that I was totally out of it."

"What did you see at Brandon's? Was he skinny dipping?" I wish.

"No, but he was naked..." I said.

"Oh no, was he jacking off... No, NO! I don't even want to know..." I wish... again!

"No, he was with someone... naked... together."

"Brandon? 'I'm waiting 'til I find true love' Brandon?" 'Til I find true love... that quote sent an arrow through my heart. Then I figured, I'd just pull it out and stick it in Phil's back. hehehe

"Yup... and you won't believe who he's with."

"Don't say Kim. That whole Brandon and Kim thing was as annoying as that whole Rachel and Ross thing." Ty shouted referring back to the show "Friends."

"No, not Kim..."

"Who? You're killing me here Ang!"

"I don't know if I should tell you. It's not my place to say really." I said solemly, but secretly laughing inside. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! ( Dr. Evil type laughter.)

"Ang, we've been neighbors for years! You can tell me... whoever it is, she's gotta be a good person. I mean as long as she's not Kim, Christie, or a guy, I'm cool with it." He said putting a hand on my shoulder. Perfect. What he just said was music to my ears...

"It was Phillip." I mumbled out, barely audible with my head down.

"Wha? Phylis? I don't know a Phylis..." He asked leaning in closer. I picked my head up and spoke up.

"It was Phillip. Phillip Le. Brandon and Phillip were fucking each other on the kitchen floor. I saw them when I was looking in the back windows to find Brandon." He's gonna flip out. I know he's not gonna do anything to Brandon since they've been friend for such a long time, but I expect Phil to be ran out of school by the end of the week. Rumors can be very damaging to a person. Mental note: Once word is around school, plan to organize a lynch mob. (he he) I wanted to crack a smile so bad when I saw Tyler's mouth hit the concrete. But my acting skills hid my smile with a hurt expression. Like the one I had before.

"Y... you're joking... right? I mean... Brandon's not gay! Neither is Phil! I mean, I saw how much he's been flirting with Linda! I saw Linda give him that kiss before they went to Chemistry! They can't be..."

"Ty, I saw them together! It was them, on the kitchen floor!" I said sternly.

"No... they're just friends! I mean, it's only been two day Ang!!! They've only been together two fucking days!!!" He stated in disbelief.

"Yeah, but in those two days. Have you ever seen them apart?" I questioned.

"No... but they're friends! I mean... are you sure it was even Phil? What if it was a really ugly Asian girl?" Ty argued jokingly.

"Umm... Because, one: Brandon already tried hooking up with Toni and she shot him down. Two: Toni's been making eyes at my cousin ever since he started school here, and three: Brandon wouldn't just give up his virginity on someone he doesn't even know." I've gotta make Ty accept that it was Brandon and Phil.

"Yeah... but still!"

"Red BMW Z3." And with that, Ty got silent. I did it. Phil's very noticable car was the one thing that distinguished him from everyone else we knew.

Ty just stood from the sidewalk and ran towards Brandon's estate. I wasn't gonna miss this! I ran after him. He should really join the track team cuz he made it over there as fast as my Jag did. And he has a really cute ass. But none of that right now. Operation: "Make Him Pay" is ready to blow into major proportions! Tyler pushed in the securty code and flew passed the gates before they fully opened. He ran down the driveway and behind the house. I tried my best to catch him but he disappeared behind the house. I gave up and walked the rest of the way.

I stopped at Phil's Z3 and admired the interior. "What a shame I won't get to see this car for much longer..." Then I walked over to B's Benz. But I do get this really nice SUV. I would look better in it with Brandon than Phil would anyways.

I left the cars and continued around the house. As I made my way around the corner, I saw him. Tyler was standing there in the glow of the lights from inside. His jaw on the floor and eyes filling up with tears. It's working!!! I hid my joy behind a solemn face and stood next to Ty. I peered into the house to see Phillip asleep while Brandon's arms held him tight. "Umm... Ty? Are you o.k.?" I asked.

"He's... he's a... fag..." Although those words hurt me greatly, but they were exactly what I wanted to hear. But Ty's gotta turn around. I mean, he's just mad cuz he doesn't know Phil that well, and he won't have a chance to get to know him anymore! Ty continued, "They're both fags! HOW CAN YOU ASK ME IF I'M O.K. WHEN ONE OF MY CLOSEST FRIEND TURNS OUT TO BE A ROUGH PUTTING, FUDGE PACKING, COCK SUCKING FAG!!!! And this is who he chose to give it up to? This other fag?!?! He could've at least given it up to someone he knew for more than two days!"

Ty ran off in anger. Fate had finally made up for kicking my ass this afternoon! On the walk home, Ty continued ranting on and on about Brandon and Phil. The best part was that he didn't blame Brandon. He blamed Phil! Just like I planned. He said that Phil was the one that made Brandon gay. Kinda ridiculous, but if this way of thinking is going to drive Phil out of our lives then more power to him! Ty's not gonna let me down. Once Phil's gone, Brandon will be devastated and I will be the one he turns to. I'll be there for him to lend a shoulder for him to cry on, to console him, and to pick up the pieces. I'll be there to hold him and to love him. He's mine...

To be continued...

Well, there it is! The long awaited Chapter 6! Well, not that long. Other authors make you wait even longer. (Com! With his two weeks bull! :oP Just playin'. Speakin' of bulls, how ya enjoyin' all those cows in Chicago Com?) Did I make you feel for Angel in the beginning? Awww... Now don't you just want him to die... painfully?!?!?! Don't you love it when I play with your emotions like that? :o) Well, I guess you're just gonna have to wait until the next chapter to see what happens. All comments and critism can be sent to "" Laterz y'all!

PEACE!!! Phil

Next: Chapter 6

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