The Clique

By moc.loa@aoHIV

Published on Jun 17, 1999


O.K. y'all. Here's the thrid chapter of my story... Hope you like what you read. As always, all comment and critisims are welcomed. You can reach me at Oh, one more note... There's sex in this chapter!!!! hehehehe :P

Chapter 3: The First Night

O.K. O.K. What do I wear when meeting the hottest guy in school for dinner? Nothing I picked out seemed right. It was either too much or not enough. I didn't want to seem too casual, but I didn't want to be over dressed. I finally just decided on a black Banana Republic ribbed t-shirt, you know, the tight fitted kind, and some deep blue Request wide leged jeans.

Hair stilled looks the same as this morning, the Kevin Richardson from BSB look. And I was on my way. I hoped into my Beemer and sped off to the address Brandon gave me after Chemistry. "Hmm... 13747 Stabledon Dr. in the Northgate sub-division." O.K. I heard that Brandon was well off, but this is ridiculous! As I drove through the neighborhood I saw mansion upon mansion upon estate... And God forbid I see a car that was under 40 grand! As I turned onto Stabledon, I immediately stoped the car. Brandon's house took up the whole block! His house was so huge that it was the only house on the street!

As I pulled up to the gates, I saw Brandon in the drive way running up to my roadster. He opened the gates and hoped in without using the doors.

God! He smelled of Calvin Klein's Eternity which made me wanna jump him right their in my car! Normally, that whole jumping into my car thing would've pissed me off royally, but after one glance at Brandon, that was the last thing on my mind. "Go change." I mummbled. "What?" "Go change your clothes. We're wearing the exact same outfit!" "No, my t-shirt's white and your's is black." "FINE" I yelled at him, with a friendly smile of course! Hey! We have the same style! "Damn Brandon, I knew you were rich, but I didn't know it was like this!" "Well..." Brandon began to blush. "Geez Brandon! That guest house is as big as my normal house!" I said I pointed to this building adjacent to Brandon's mansion. "Umm, Phil, that's the garage. THAT'S the guest house." Brandon pointed to this building on the other side of the estate that was a mansion all it's own. I then sugested that we leave before I drool anymore at his house.

Getting to sit next to Brandon was an experience all to wonderful. I tried hard to try to conseal the tent forming in my pants, but everytime I look at Brandon's face or hear his voice, IT sprung to attention. "Where are we headed?" Brandon asked. "I don't know many places around here, but Christie recomended the Sambuca in downtown. She said her uncle owns it and that they'll let us in after six even though they're not suppose to." "I know that place, The Sambuca Jazz Cafe and Bar. The clique went their in April after the *NSYNC concert, you've gotta try the Sambuca, but if you do, I think I'll drive home." "Wait! HOLD UP! You like *NSYNC?" "We all do! Why? Don't you?" "Look in my Case Logic." Brandon gave me a funny look and unziped my Case Logic. "Very impressive CD collection!" "Thanks, look in the back." Brandon fliped to the back and his eye sprung wide open. "You have every *NSYNC CD don't you?" "I have all the albums, even the imported ones, but I'm still trying to collect all the singels." "Marry Me!" Those words almost drove me off the freeway. "Whoa! Didn't mean to scare you, I'm just very impressed by how much an *NSYNC fan you are!" I blushed. "You're even more *NSYNC crazy than me." As Brandon finished that sentence, I pulled up to the cafe.

The cafe was dimly lit with a 1920's jazz club atmoshpere. As I opened the door, soft jazz music calmed me. As we walked in, the host approached us. "Excuse me sir, we don't allow minors in here after six, I'm gonna need to see some I.D.s" "Sorry, but we're guest of Christie Le's, she said she made a reservation for us." Brandon retorted. "Oh my, I'm sorry Mr..." "Lauderdale." "Sorry Mr. Lauderdale. Would you and your guest follow me please." The host lead us to a booth to the immediate left of the stage in the back corner of cafe. It was perfect, we got the best view of the stage. "This is the table Christie's uncle reserves for Christie and all her friends." Brandon explain with his gorgeous smile as we took our seats. Brandon sat across from me and started to look at his menu.

I STARTED to look at my menu, but Brandon was just so capitvating! I did this hide and peek thing until the waiter came up to take our orders. "I'll have the... umm... I'll have the grilled chicken platter with fries and a side salad." The waiter wrote down my order. "And you sir?" "I'll have the same minus the fries, I'll just bum some off my friend here." Brandon said with another one of those sexy grins of his. "And to drink?" "Umm... I think I'll have the..." "We'll both have a cup of coffee and a Sambuca!" Brandon interupted me... again. And what the hell's a Sambuca?!?!? "You're gonna love the Sambuca Phillip, I always have one when I come here but I never finish it. I only take acouple of sips and I'm done with it, but it's good." "What exactly is a Sambuca?" "It's a small glass of liquor with coffee beans floating on the top, set on fire." "FIRE!?!" "Yup! Oh, and waiter? A pitcher of ice water to accompany our Sambucas." "Yes sir!" "The number of beans on the top tells you your fourtune." Brandon explained. "What kind of fortune?" I asked. "Even numbers mean good luck and odd means bad except for 3 beans which mean love." "Oh, cool, I'm not much of a drinker though." "Me either, I only have some when I come here, and it's only a couple sips."

Suddenly an uncomfortable silence came between us. "So.... " "So... Why do you like *NSYNC so much?" Brandon questioned as he tried to liven the situation up a bit. "Do you like their music a lot?" "Well, it's not so much their music, I mean IT IS great music, but I like them because of how they present themselves, so natural and unrehearesed. They're real and I can relate to them." "I know what you mean... That's the exact same reason I like them. And of course because of those phat threds they sport!" "Oh of course! I love their style!" "I can tell, you have the same hair cut as Lance." "No I don't, I was going for the Kevin look." "Yeah, sure, sure ya were, keep tellin' ya self that." I needed a comeback and quick! "What about you Brandon!" "What about me?" "You have the exact same face, no body as Justin!" "Well, guy, I was born this way. It's not like I have any control over it." "Not true, there have been excelent advances in plastic surgery these days. Who knows? You could've been black before you suddenly got obsessed with Justin and had to look exactly like him." "Phil, you need to wake up!" "Yeah, sure, keep tellin' ya self that." Brandon and I continued to take cheap shots at each other until our food came. Once we started eating, we conversations got alittle more personal. "So Phil, do you have a girlfriend?" "Nope, what about you?" Brandon seem uncomfortable, looks like he couldn't take his own medicine, but he then replied no with a smile. "Why not?" I asked. "Well, if you haven't heard by now I used to go out with Kim, and well, let's just say it didn't work out." "Why?" "I just didn't feel it." "It?" "You know, the clicking. It wasn't there. You know." "Well, actually, I don't." "Huh?" Brandon looked alittle confused. "Well, I have never had a girlfriend." "What? A good looking guy like you? Why?" "I've never felt the need. I'm happy the way my life like it is now..." "I know exactly where you're comming from Phil, I feel the same way too sometimes." Brandon interupted me. He's been doing that a lot. I continued, "But I'm not giving up on the idea of a girlfriend, who knows? Li..." "Lightning could strike." O.K. not only does he think like me and dresses like me, but now he's finishing my sentences? This is weird, but a good kind of weird. It was like I was talking to an old friend. It was like their was this... I don't know? I just know that when Brandon finished my sentence, my little crushed turned into something more, much more. I had fallen for Brandon... HARD!

As we were finishing our dinner, I kept staring at Brandon, off and on of course. I didn't want to let on about my newly found affections towards him. If I told him I was madly in love with him and wanted to make sweet, passionate love to him right then and there... eh hem. Sorry about that... Where was I? Oh, well, let's just say that I thought "outting " myself to Brandon would probably scare him away and make me a social outcast.

God! Everything about him turned me on. His physique, his sexy swagger and demenor, the way he cut his chicken! See, when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING. We kept up conversation, then our waiter bought us our Sambucas.

"Your gonna like this Phillip." Brandon handed me the flaming drink. He could've handed piss in cup full of shit and I wouldn't drank it like it was nectar. That's how strong the feeling was. Both of our cups had three beans in it. "Whoa, looks like we're gonna get lucky!" Brandon exclaimed. "What?

Oh yeah, three beans. I don't know about lucky but I do know about love." "What? Does Mr. Le have a crush on someone already?" Brandon asked. "Maybe." "Alright, seems like you want to keep it a secret. Well, let's see if the Sambuca can pry it out of you. Bottoms up!" We blew out the flames. Brandon took a sip a wildly shook his head to lessen the effect of the Sambuca. I took a sip and then another and then another. Whoa, before I knew it, my Sambuca was all gone while Brandon only took two sips. "I think I should drive us home Phil, you seem really out of it." "Yeah... I guess... I think I had alittle to much Sambuca..." I slured out. Brandon paid the bill and helped me into the passenger side of my roadster, then he sat in the driver's seat. I was so out of it, as Brandon drove me home I fell fast asleep.

When I woke up, I had this weird feeling. It wasn't the huge head ache, it wasn't the fact that it was 2:00 a.m., it was the fact that I didn't know where the hell I was? I looked around all dazed and confused when I noticed something, or rather someONE familiar. I saw Brandon in an arm chair facing me. He stood up, walked over to me, and took a seat at my side. "Nice to see you awake." "Where am I and what am I doing here?" "Well... As I was driving you home, I relized that I didn't know where you lived. I tried to ask you but you were so out of it, all you did was babble on and on.

So I just decided to take you back to my place. You're in the guest room." Oh, that was a big relief. Hmmm... Let's asess the situation. I'm in the man of my dreams' house and he's been up all night watching me sleep? I think a mental "yippee!" is needed. "So what did I babble on about?" "Alittle bit of this, alittle bit of that. Something about loving me and wanting to tear my close off." "WHAT?!?!?!" Now it wasn't the fact that I said those things or that he heard me say them that shocked me, it was the fact that he said it so nonchalantly. It wasn't like he was mad or anything.

"Well, I was drunk, and .... umm... you know how it is, when you're drunk... I mean, I didn't know... umm... oh God!" Brandon placed a finger on my lips to calm me down, which worked oh so well I might add, and then said, "Yeah, I know how it is." He then leaned closer to me and pressed his lips against mine.

He placed small kisses at first, I guess it was his way of "testing the waters." Yeah! Like I was gonna refuse kisses from Brandon Lauderdale. I gladly opened my mouth and excepted his tongue. He placed his hand on my face, drawing me in for kisses of even greater passion! We kissed for what seemed to be forever and a day. I was on cloud 9. I never wanted this moment to end. Brandon then moved down to my neck and continued kissing while also giving me little "love bites." We moaned in ectasy and breathed heavily while our lips touched and electricity shot through our bodies. Brandon laid me down and crawled on top of me, not losing his place on the nape of my neck. I smelled and ran my fingers through his hair. It smelled of apples and turned me on even more. As he was on top of me I could feel his penis inflating from all the excitment, and I was damn well sure he could still feel me because I still had my morning wood. I then broke our kiss causing Brandon to moan like a wildman. We sat back up, lost in each other's eyes. "Brandon... I want you. I've wanted you since the..." "The first time I saw you? Yeah, me too."

God! Did this boy know me or what?!?! I've wanted this for the longest time. The passion, the excitment with someone I loved. Someone I genuinly loved. I knew from then on that I wanted to lose my virginity to him. "So where do we go from here?" I asked. "The only place left to go." Brandon pulled off his T-shirt, revealing his chilsed chest and rock hard abs. I did the same. I ran my hand over his smooth chest as he caressed my face with his. "Brandon..." I was cut short by Brandon putting his thumb on my lips while the rest of his hand was still holding my face. "Shhh, I want to savor this moment. The moment when I finally give myself to someone I love. Someone I genuinly love. I want you to be my first Phillip." O.K. Now he can read my mind too. Brandon and I were definately ment to be. I let go a small tear as I looked at his face. It was full of love, passion, and sincerity. "And I you, Brandon."

Brandon pulled me in for another kiss. We then held the kiss as he slowly leaned back. We repositioned ourselves so that he was spread out on his back and I was on top. I then sat up on Brandon's hips and moved my hand from his shoulders to his bare chest as his nipples were hardening. Brandon let a moan escape as I licked my way down his clevage and down the middle ridge his rock hard abs made. I stoped when I got to his belt buckle. "Do it Phillip! Set me free." Brandon's voice was so full of pasion and want. I did what he said and un-did his belt and slid his pants and boxer-briefs off. There it stood. Brandon's 10 inches of pure manhood. I caressed it as if it was the most fragile thing on this planet. He pulled me up for another kiss as I started to slowly jack Brandon off as he moaned and whimmpered in ectasy. He then whispered, "I want you... I want you inside of me..." He grabed the back of my neck and gave me an even harder kiss as I took my hand off his throbbing cock and un-did my belt.

I quickly got my pants and underwear off. We were now, both, completely naked. Our bodies glisened in the moonlight. Nothing more to hide. Sitting their baring our souls to each other in the most intimate way.

He slowly spread his legs and I positioned myself between them. I laid on Brandon as he ran his strong hands over my back. Then with his left hand still caressing my back, his right hand ran down to the small of my back and then into my ass. He ran his hand up and down my crack until stopping to give my hole a good rubbing. He continued to run his finger in little circles around my virgin hole as I moaned in his ear. He then let his finger slip in, I was in heaven. In and out, in and out. "Ohhhggh! BRANDON!" I called out my lover's name as he pleasure me with his finger. I wanted to cum right then and there but I held back. I had to be inside of his love first.

I grabed his arm and stoped his motion. He looked me dead in the eye and knew what was comming. He pulled his finger out and started to suck on it. Brandon then raised his legs. I bended down to give my lover another kiss before I entered him. "You don't have to do this Phillip." Brandon said as I raised back up and position myself at his tight pucker. "I know, but I want to. I really want t...ughh..." And with that I pushed my way inside him. Slowly, Brandon took in my head. He pressed his head into the pillow, trying not to cry out in pain. "Are you O.K.?" I asked. "I'm fine, don't stop. Go on." I started to move furter inside of Brandon. I got half way in and stoped when I felt something tighten around my dick. Brandon let a cry escape which made me froze. "Oh my goodness, Brandon, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you like this, not on our first time. Listen, we can stop right now, I love you enough to wait." "No, don't stop. I want you to be the first person to take my virginity." Brandon placed his hands on my cheek and forced his ass forward to try and comfort my worries.

I understood and slowly slid further inside of Brandon. I forced down hard, making Brandon cry out again, telling me to go further. Finally, I slid past the tightness and Brandon let a tear roll down his face. This was it. He gave himself to me and I accepted with open arms. I stopped my movements to let Brandon get used to me inside of him and to let the pain go away. I was feeling pure pleasure making love to a man for the first time...

making love for the first time, period! I leaned down and licked the tear away from Brandon's face then smiled lovingly at my lover. Brandon retured the smile. "Go on Phillip," he said softly as he closed his eyes again.

I kissed him on the forehead and continued thrusting inside of Brandon. I slid as far as I could inside of him. Brandon squinted his eyes but his smile still remained. I slowly pulled out and then drove back in. I could tell that Brandon was feeling great pleasure from my efforts because he began to moan loudly with every thrust. I grunted as I fucked Brandon gently. I loved the feel of Brandon's ass grabbing hold of my penis.

Brandon wrapped his hands around my back and slid them to my ass. He then started to slowly kneed my ass in his hands. I loved the feel of Brandon's strong hands on my ass again and gave Brandon a kiss on the lips. We kissed passionately as I moved my hands to Brandon's thighs. I grabbed hold of them and thrusted harder. We stopped kissing and I began to breath hard against his neck. "Brandon... It feels... It feels so good! I've... heh heh never felt... This way before" I moaned into Brandon's ear. "UH! Yes Phillip, take me there... I wanna go there... please make me cum..." Hearing him say those words made me increase my speed. "YES PHILLIP!" I thrusted harder as I came closer to climax. Before I knew it, Brandon let out a loud moan and spilled his seeds upon my stomach. I felt the warm fluid create an even greater bond between us as I closed my eyes and continued thrusting into Brandon. I then felt my body shake, I let out a long moan as I felt myself cumming inside of Brandon. My body shook and the whole bed was creeking as I thrusted harder in Brandon. Soon we both stopped moving, relaxing after our incredible orgasms.

I looked at Brandon lovingly as my dick slowly pulled out of Brandon's ass. "Oh, Brandon... I have never felt something like that before... I loved it. You were great Brandon." I kissed him on te forehead. "Thank you so much for making love to me Phillip. I love you..." He said as he kissed me tenderly on my lips. We then rested in each other's arms for awhile.

Sonn I realized that Brandon's penis was still erect. I touched it and rubbed it gently with my fingers. Brandon let a soft moan part his lips.

He ran his hands on my ass and pulled me on top of him. "Brandon, I want you to be MY first." "I'd love to be your first Phillip, I want to show you the same pleasure you showed me." Brandon embraced me with another kiss as he lifted my body and gently rolled me over. I could feel that he was kind of hesitant towards the idea. After all, he had just made love for the first time to another guy. I leaned in and kissed Brandon on the cheek. He knew I was ready. I saw Brandon smile devishly and put some saliva on his hands. He then rubbed it on his own cock. I took a deep breath as I prepared to be fucked by my lover. Brandon slowly placed his wet penis at my entrance. I ran my hands over Brandon's smooth chest awaiting his move. Brandon slowly pushed inside of me which made me let out a cry. Brandon stopped his movement as I got used to him inside of me. I let my muscles relax and exhaled slowly. "Go ahead Brandon." Brandon forced more of himself into me.

I let out a yell as Brandon pushed in. Tears started to run down my face and I pushed my head harder into the pillow. I was getting this feeling mixed with pleasure and pain. Brandon ran his hands over my shoulders to comfort me.

Soon the burn of a cock in my ass faded from my mind and body. Brandon glided his hands up to my chest. He began to rub his hands all over my chest. I had never dreamted of feeling so much pleasure in my life. I ran my hands through Brandon's hair, trying to feel at ease with my lover. By now, I was heated with passion and excitement, so much so that my dick was ready to shoot it's second load of cum. My ass muscles loosened up slightly, as I began to relax and enjoy the feel of Brandon's long cock. Brandon started to encressed his movements. Brandon began to moan softly and I began to ride his cock as in an effort to get some freiction between us. Our lips grazed over each other several times as we moaned in the heat of passion. I moaned and groaned as I enjoyed the feeling of having my virginity being taken away by Brandon. Brandon began to sweat heavily. I began to pant, "Brandon! YES! GOD I LOVE YOU! YES..." in hopes of getting Brandon to cum inside of me. I pressed my lips on Brandon's, forcing my tongue into his mouth. My eyes let lose several tears as Brandon loved me faster.

We both moaned and shuddered suddenly. I felt my dick spasm. My cock let lose several volleys of cum between our hot, young bodies. I could feel Brandon begin to cum inside of my loving ass, as we reached our second climax at the same time. Cum began to seep out of my ass as Brandon finished his climax. He colapsed onto my chest. Brandon waited until he was limp before he withdrew from my ass. I looked over to Brandon and loving whispered, "I love you Brandon Lauderdale." "I love you too Phillip... I love you with every essense of my body and soul." We both relaxed and sighed. I felt a permenant bond with Brandon that night. I wrapped my arms around him and we fell asleep on the guest bed.

Well... there it is, my freshman attempt at writing a love scene. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. :) Again, any comments and/or critisms will be greatly appreciated at Send me a line about the story. Or if you want to, you could just say hi, or tell me about your day, you know... whatever. Even if you wanna talk about that time the mail man bit the dog... o.k. that's going too far. Whatever. I try to respond to all the e-mail I get. I like hearing from y'all. :) Chapter 4's coming, and it's really long! PEACE!!!

Next: Chapter 3

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