The Clique

By moc.loa@aoHIV

Published on Oct 3, 1999


Hello all! I'm back with another installment of "The Clique." I wanna give a big "THANK YOU" too all of you for welcoming me back to the highschool section with open arms. Thank you! Now to the story. Do y'all really hate Angel that much? I mean, are there ANY Angel fans out there? Sit down Dave... I already know you love the guy. Well, if you love the manipulative and deceitful blond then read about what happens to him in the next millennium. Angel Valmont is a permanent character in "After 'N SYNC." A story that you can find in the Celebrity/Boy band section. He's just as evil in the future as he is in highschool. Ya gotta have some previous knowledge of 'N SYNC to understand a large part of the story line, but read it anyways! (^_^) I wanna give special shout outs to all my online friends who have helped me with this story line. Josh! I'm talking to you man!

So let's continue where the Season Premier left off. E-mail me at


Chapter 12: Choice and Consequences By: Phil


As the first period tardy bell rang, the hustle and bustle of students rushing to class before teachers closed their doors echoed through the hallow halls of Westfield High. Inside Mrs. Pikus' first period English Class, students were randomly settling into the start of the school day and casually conversing with one another. Mrs. Pikus dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a polo shirt, displaying the school's colors and crest, grabbed her attendance roster and prepared to start the class day.

"Alright class. Settle down so I can take attendance. Gavin! Sit! Alright... Ricky?" Mrs. Pikus asked among the loquacious bunch.

"Here!" A voice from a far off corner of the room shouted. "I'm right here!!!" Ricky Martinez shouted again, making sure that his teacher noticed his presence in her room.

"I heard you the first time Ricky, Phillip?"

"Here! Stop it Brandon... not here." Phillip whispered to Brandon, who had just slipped him a slip of paper containing a dirty suggestion in it.


"HAHAHAHA!!! Here!" Brandon loudly chuckled. He snatched the note from his boyfriend's hands and tossed it towards the trash can, situated right next to...

"Patric? Patric! Will some one tell Patric to wake up? It's class time." Far in the back corner of the class room, Patric Wilson slept slouched over onto his desk. The projectile piece of paper left Brandon's hands and flew across the room and hit Patric on the side, causing him to wake up.

"Uh... Oh! Here..." Patric replied, grogingly as the class burst into a wild fit of laughter.

"Nice to see you awake Mr. Wilson. Okay, Gavin's here and Kathryn Eastwick is here... Robert?" Mrs. Pikus asked, continuing her roll call.

"Present." Rob answered solemnly.

"Brandon!" Phil scolded as he got out of his seat.

"I'm sorry, but he was in the way." Brandon tried to explain himself with a hint of laughter still in his voice. Phillip walked over to where the piece of paper laid next to Patric and bent down to pick it up. Holding the paper in his hand, he bent over to Patric who had his head down on his desk, buried in his arms.

"I apologize for those people over there. It was suppose to hit the trash can. Really, I'm sorry." Phillip apologized on behalf of Brandon and the rest of the class who were still snickering and staring.

"I... I... I'm used... to it... Ph... Phil..lip." Patric stuttered out, amazed by the fact that Phillip Le, the object of his affection, was actually talking to him.

"Maybe, it still doesn't make it right though, but..." Phillip tried to think of a away to put Patric's situation in a positive light. "Hey... It's not like it was something you did." Phillip bent down to Patric's ear and began to whisper, "Atleast you didn't fart." Phillip softly laughed, causing Patric to chuckle a little too. He walked over to the trash can and threw the note away and sat back down in his seat.

Patric was in awe. The guy he has been obsessing about for nearly a month now has finally spoken to him!!! He could still feel Phillip's warm breath on his ears. "If..." Patric whispered, as the roll call continued.

"Dolan? Dolan Kwan? Is Dolan here today? Dol... no? Tsk... that's his fourth absence since the long weekend. Rebecca?"

"I'm right next to you." Rebecca snickered.

"Oh! I didn't see you. Okay... Justin?"

"Right here!"

"Justin! Sit in your own seat and not of Faith's lap! Okay... and the rest of you are here. Today we're going to talk about your essay writing skills..." Mrs. Pikus continued into her lecture but that was the last thing on the mind of Phillip Le. He was still fixated on his friend, Dolan.

It's been days since 'the incident' and he hasn't been seen since then by anyone. He hasn't even answered any phone calls or e-mails. Almost everyone in The Clique had become very worried. For days, they have come to Dolan's house right after school, but are turned away by his parents everytime. It has become virtually impossible to contact him.

Dear Journal,

I feel so sick. I can't even look at myself in the mirror anymore cuz when I do, all I see is a cheater. I see the guy that hurt the one that has been a key part of his life. Dolan won't talk to me, take messages that I've asked people to deliver, he's even blocked his account from accepting my e-mail. I just want to tell him that I'm sorry. I'm sorry he had to find out that way.

But one thing I'm not sorry about is sleeping with Angel. Angel may have been drunk, but I was totally aware of what I was doing. That night, Angel showed me the love that I needed. Phillip and Brandon were strong enough to confront everyone about their relationship, why couldn't Dolan? After that incident in the 4Runner, there was nothing left to hide. Afterwards, I pulled him aside to ask him if it would be okay if we just told everyone about our love for each other.

"No, not right now Rob... everything's too tense with Phil and B."

He didn't even look at me after that conversation. That's why I went to Angel that night. I was about to cry my eyes out when I saw Dolan on the floor with Linda. I know they were just dancing, but the way he focused all his attention on her without even thinking about how I felt made me die. I would've broken down right there had not Brandon and Phil asked me to carry Angel up to our room. Well... you know what happened next, so that's my justification for my actions. I'm not sorry for sleeping with Angel. I'm not sorry for loving Angel.

Wait, I didn't just write that did I? I did... in ink too. Do I love Angel? Not after what he did to me. How can I someone that would intentionally hurt another to get what he wants? Someone so greedy? So self-centered... so.... I don't know what love is anymore. I'm just so confused right now. I thought I knew love with Dolan, obviously I was wrong. If I truly knew love with Dolan, then Angel would've just been my room mate and nothing would've happened.

Now the others won't even look at me the same way. Sure, they may say hi to me in class and the hall ways, but I know everything coming out of their mouths is empty. The only person at still think of me as a friend is Phillip. Thank God for him!

I truly think it's over with him though. Dolan and Rob are no longer... but is that what I truly want? Then there's Rob and Angel. I don't know... right now, I just want to be alone. Not totally alone, just no boyfriend. That's all I want, friends, not lovers.


Christie waited outside the front door of the Kwan residence patiently waiting for someone to come open the door for her. A shadowy figure lurks from behind the stain glass door and slowly opens it. As the door become ajar, the fragrant scent of steamed rice and vegetables pour out of the house. Standing in front of the beautiful Christie Le, Mrs. Kwan.

"Christie... I've already told you yesterday. Dolan doesn't want to see anyone. He won't even talking with us. Please, just leave him be. He need time." Mrs. Kwan begged in her broken English. As she started to close the door, Christie stuck out her hand and held the door in place.

"But Mrs. Kwan! I have some homework for Dolan. Can I please just see him?" Mrs. Kwan looked at Christie with uncertainties. "Please Mrs. Kwan, your son can't stay alone by himself. He needs someone to talk to." Christie asked. Mrs. Kwan hesitated with her answer, but willingly gave into the girl's request.

Christie walked into the Kwan household and up to Dolan's room. He knocked on the door twice with no answer. "Dolan?" She asks with no reply. She then places her hand on the door knob and turns it slightly to see if it was open. The door slowly opens revealing a dark room. Although the afternoon sun was still shinning brightly outside, Dolan's room was nearly pitch black. Rays of light could be seen trying desperately to enter the room, but a dark navy blue curtain prevented it. Christie hesitated in entering the room, she didn't know what to expect. "Dolan? Are you here?" She called out quietly.

"Go away Christie... I'm not in the social mood right now." A groggy voice called out. Christie quickly whips her head around the room, searching for the source of the voice. With her hand, she feels the wall by the door way for a light switch. "I wouldn't do that. I'm not in the light mood right now either." Christie refrained from turning on the light and walked over to the window. She slightly lifts the curtain and used the natural light from outside to look around the room.

"Dolan? Where are you?" Christie looks over to his bed, only to find it empty.

"Why are you here? I just want to be alone?" Christie jumps as she see Dolan crouching in a near-by corner.

"GOD DOLAN!!! Could you be anymore 'Let's scare the shit out of Christie?'" Christie shouts, startled by Dolan's presence in front of her. She slowly makes her way towards where Dolan is seated on the floor and crouches down to him. "You're crying..."

"So what if I am. I have a right to be." Dolan states, getting up from his where he had been sitting.

"Is this where you have been for the past... it's almost been a week boy! This is where you've been?" Christie asks, demanding an explanation for her friends strange behavior.

"What does it matter where I am?"

"It matters Dolan. It matters to us. Everyone's been worried about you. Wonderin' about what you've been doing. Even your parents." Christie explained.

"Does it matter to Rob?" Dolan retorted, leaving Christie speechless. "Hmph... so why are you here?"

"To give you these homework assignments." Christie tossed the stack of paperwork on his bed and was about to leave when Dolan stopped her.

"I loved him, I really did." Dolan confessed.

"Did you tell him you did?" Christie asked.

"He knew I did."

"That's not what I asked Dolan, I asked if you told him you loved him." Christie asked again.

"So few, I can't even remember." Dolan sobbed. Christie took a seat on Dolan's bed and pulled him into an embrace. "Some... something inside me held those words back. I don't know... but I loved him, I really did." Dolan cried, trying to explain himself.

"Was it just the sex Dolan? Was that all you wanted from Rob?"

"It started out that way. Remember last summer when we all went to Cancun?" Chirstie nodded as she remembered the night she and Tyler fell asleep on the beach in each other's arms. "Hello? Christie?" Dolan asked, knocking Christie out of her trance.

"Yeah, yeah, I remember. That night we all went clubbing and everyone got smashed except for you two. The next night you two wouldn't shut up about these two chicas y'all hooked up with." Christie recollected.

"God Christie, dense much?" Dolan laughed, still standing over her.

"I am not dense!"

"I was with Rob the whole night. We had sex. That's when it started." Dolan confessed. He walked over to Chrisite and plopped himself next to her on his bed and started to cry all over again. Christie gently wrapped her arms around Dolan's shoulder for comfort.

"So it started out as sex, but it didn't end that way did it? It ended with you falling in love with him." Christie concluded. Dolan nodded painfully, clutching Christie's blouse. It pained him to just hear that word, 'end.' Because he didn't really want his relationship with Rob to end. But in his mind he knew it was the end. "I never told him Christie... I never told him I loved him."

"But you did acouple of times right? You just told me you said it a few ti..."

"I NEVER TOLD HIM I LOVED HIM ALRIGHT!!!" Dolan shouted in frustration. "I let it stand as just a sex thing. I might've well just have thrown him into Angel's arms." Dolan's eyes were red as blood. It hurt him just to open them anymore. He held onto Christie tighter as he continued to cry.

"Did he tell you he loved you?"

"Everyday since Cancun. I'm the one at fault here." Christie was left speechless. She didn't know how to answer.


"Don't Christie... just don't." Dolan let go of Christie and stood up. "I think you should go now."

"But..." She didn't even want to try anymore. She stood up and walked towards the door, with a tear of her own in the corner of her eye.

"One more thing Christie," Dolan said with pain in his voice. Christie turned around, her long black hair whipping around her head as she acknowledged Dolan. "Tell them I'm okay. I miss y'all and I'll be back on Monday. Until then, just let me have acouple of days to myself." Dolan asked, tears slowly forming in his eyes. Christie nodded her head and kissed her friend on his forehead. She left Dolan's room quickly, leaving him in the dark, alone once more. Dolan walked around his room for acouple more minutes before returning to his corner on the floor. Pulling his knees up to his chest, Dolan rests his head on them and slowly cries himself to sleep the same way he's been doing for the past couple of days.

The hustle and bustle was immanent throughout the Barnes and Noble Bookstore. There were the usual people at the "Periodicals" sections flipping through the wide variety of magazines from around the world. Others were randomly scattered through the store. "Self help", "Humor", "Fiction", and "Science Fiction". Overhead, the sounds of a symphony performance of Cannon in D Minor softly played throughout the store. Some reading, some whispering, and some, like Brandon Lauderdale and his boyfriend Phillip Le, sat at the instore Starbucks drinking coffee and studying.

"Will you read already!" Brandon shouted at his boyfriend who had been staring at him for the past twenty minutes.

"I'm sorry, but you're just so gosh darn cute!" Phillip said with a smile.

"Look, the AP Bio exam in next week and you still have yet to get Advanced Cellular Respiration down. Now study!" Brandon commanded, tossing a Cliff's Notes AP Biology book at Phillip.

"Yes MOM!" Phillip teased as he took another bite from his blueberry scone. The grabbed the book off the table when he heard the pitter patter of little feet running up to the table. A little boy with platinum blond hair pulled out a chair and quickly leaped on top. Dressed in a pair of Nike shoes, baggy jeans, a cream colored turtle neck, and an orange vest, Brandon's little brother, William smiled brightly as he sat down.

"Whatcha got there lil' bro?" Brandon asked. Without saying a word, Will holds up a small book about Pokemon.

"Whoa... Pokemon! Totally cool little man." Phillip complimented as he took the book and had a look at it. Will jumped onto the seat and and stood over Phillip's shoulders as he flipped through the pages.

"Look, look," Will said as he pointed at one of the pictures. "That's Pikacu. And that Magicarp, and that's Arboc, and Ekans. Oooo Oooo and look look! That's Bulbasaur!!!" Will exclaimed with the amount of enthusiasm only a child can have. Brandon sat in his chair trying to contain his laughter as he watched his brother get excited, displaying his vast knowledge of Pokemon for Phillip to witness.

Phillip and Brandon both played with Will for a couple more minutes before he ran back to the children's center to look for more books about Pokemon to look at. "Okay, so basically, the cell theory states that..."

"So what do you think about this whole Rob and Dolan thing?" Brandon asked, interrupting Phillip's attempt at learning biology.

"What about biology?" Phillip asked with a smirk.

"Test is next week. Anyways... I've heard that you've been giving Rob a ride to school every morning, and then home again." Brandon said, closing his book.

"Yeah, well someone has to."

"Why? You actually feel for him?"

"Listen, I can't say what Rob did with Angel was right, because it wasn't, but he's gotta get to school somehow." Phillip explained.

"Yeah, I know. And a big yellow limousine with his own personal chauffeur that shows up at the corner of his street to pick him up and drop him off every day." Brandon announced without a tone of remorse.

"Damnit Brandon! He's your friend and you're acting like he's your worst enemy! He's been nothing but supportive of you and me and now, you turn your back on him?" Phil shouted, slamming his biology book shut.

Brandon was captivated of how passionate Phillip was about their friend's situation. He then realized what friendship meant. It wasn't something that you take for granted, something that you throw away the minute it doesn't please you anymore. Phil knew that friendship has it's own value. It was a treasure that you kept when it was good, and kept when it became not so good. Rob may had messed up with Dolan when he slept with Angel, but that's between those three. There shouldn't be a reason why Brandon had to not like Rob, for Rob had not done anything to him. "Plus, from what Rob has told me... I don't feel that much sympathy for Dolan anyways." Phillip stated his opinion, as he took another sip of his coffee.

Brandon was throw back. "Wait, why? Isn't he your friend too?" Brandon asked, confused by Phillip's sudden one sidedness.

"Yeah, but... Do you know the reason why Rob slept with Angel that night?"

"Either he was horny or Angel seduced him. I'm guessing the former, rather than the latter."

"Neither. It's because, at that moment anyways, Angel actually showed Rob the love that he wanted. Rob said that he and Dolan had be a 'couple' ever since the time y'all went to Cancun and not once had he told Rob that he loved him." Phil explained.

"Really? That's so unlike him. I've known Dolan since grammar school and he's always been truthful with his feelings." Brandon weakly defended Dolan.

"Not one single, 'I love you.' Rob on the other hand told Dolan he loved him almost everyday since that night that the first had sex." Brandon was left speechless. He had never known Dolan to be such a cold person. "That's why I don't feel for Dolan. I don't even Dolan's sorry for not telling Rob that he loved him, I think he's sorry that Rob found that love somewhere else, even if it was for a fleeting moment."

"That's not fair Phillip. You haven't even heard Dolan's side of the story. You don't know how he's feeling to come to a conclusion like that." Brandon defended his friend. Phillip didn't say anything. He crossed his arms and sat back into his chair, Brandon followed suit. Nearly fifteen minutes past with neither person saying anything to the other.

"So is this how it's gonna be Brandon?" Phillip spoke, finally breaking the silence.

"What?" Brandon questioned , still not looking his boyfriend in the eyes.

"You and me on opposite ends, fighting because our friends can't keep their actions in check?"

"That's not what I want Phillip. From the start I wanted to stay out of it. I told you that at the ranch." Brandon reminded as he took another sip from his tea and broke off a piece of Phillip's scone.

"You brought it up again, remember?"

"Only because you didn't stay neutral like we agreed."

"I was being Rob's friend Brandon!"

"And I'm being Dolan's!"

"Fine. I'm going home." Phillip announced standing from his seat. He got together his text books and back pack and headed for the door, not before stopping by the children's section to say bye to Will.

"You're leaving already?" Will asked with childhood disappointment.

"Yeah, it's time for me to head back home." The unhappiness on Will's face was something that Phil just couldn't handle so he reached in his pocket and reached for a ten dollar bill. "Here, buy that Pokemon book on me." Will's face lighted up for only a moment before a frown appeared again.

"Are you still gonna go?" Will asked again.

"Don't worry, It's not like I'm moving away. You'll see me again tomorrow, if not then," Phillip crouched down onto one knee to be able to look Will face to face. "You'll see me the next day," He traced an "X" over his heart and smiled. "Pokemon trainer's honor!"

A bright smile grew on William's face he two traced an "X" over his heart and repeated, "Pokemon trainer's honor!" He took the ten dollars from Phil's hand and shoved it in his pocket.

"One more thing little man." Phillip again reached into his pocket and pulled out the receipt he got from Starbucks. He then reached into his back pack and pulled out a pen. Phillip started to write something on the back of the receipt and folded it up. "Come on, let's pay for that book."

The two of them got onto their feet and walked to the cashier. They waited patiently in line until they were called to the counter. "Is this all for you today?" The cashier asked. She was a beautiful woman slightly older than Phillip. With blond hair and model quality smile, she looked onto Phil and Will as if they were to two most adorable things on earth.

"Yes this is..." Phillip was about to answer, but he felt Will tugging on his jeans.

"I can do it myself silly, I'm a big boy remember?" Will spoke with Brandon's heart melting grin.

Phillip again kneed down to Will and slapped his forehead. "How could I forget?!?!? I'm so stupid!!!" The cashier softly giggled at Phil's display of playfulness and affection towards his boyfriend's little brother.

"You're a silly guy Phil. But I like you." Will smiled. Phillip then stood up and picked Will up by the waist. He swung Will around acouple times before placing him on the counter, feet first, causing the cashier to step back a little. Will smiled brightly as he handed her the ten dollars to pay for his book and smiled even more when she handed him back the book in the plastic bag. He felt as if we was all grown up. Phillip picked him up once more and placed him on the floor.

"I'll see you soon Will." Phil said, bidding his good bye. "But I need you to do something for me first." Phil reached back into his pocket and pulled out the folded Starbucks receipt he had written something on earlier. "I need you to deliver this TOP secret message to your brother. It's very important and I'm using you, my top secret agent to deliver this to Brandon." Will's eyes lighted up at the important responsibility he had been assigned. "Can I trust you?"

"Yes sir!" Will exclaimed, giving Phillip a salute.

"Alright then. Remember it's top secret and only Brandon can see what is written on it. Okay?"

"Yes sir!" Will snatched the piece of paper out of Phillip's hand and zig zagged his way around the store, finally reaching Brandon, still seated at the Starbucks cafe, who had been watching everything very closely.

"This is a secret message from Phillip and he said that only you can read it." Will whispered. He handed Brandon the note. Brandon took the note from his little brother and then ruffled up the boy's platinum blond hair. He looked at it strangely first, not even un-folding it. He then looked over to the doors to find Phillip smiling at him. Brandon cocked his eyebrow at Phil's motives and preceded in reading the note.

Dear Brandon,

I hate it when we fight, especially about topics that can be easily avoided. Let's don't anymore, I love you to much to risk what we have.

Your love forever, Phillip

P.S. It's such a nice night, I think I'll sleep with my window open. HINT HINT!!!

Brandon looked up from the note to see Phillip sensually lick his lips and ending with a wicked smile from the door before walking out. A feeling of overwhelming joy swept over him as he realized how he couldn't stay away from someone so loving, so thoughtful, so... so Phillip. "I think I need to REALLY apologize to him tonight." Brandon chuckled.


You got the best of me

But I just keep on coming back


Oh why

Did ya have to run that game on me

I should have know right from the start

You'd go and break my heart

Gimme your love

Gimme your love

Gimme your love...

Rob sat alone in a far off corner of the Roxy, a Houston night club that was THE place to see or be seen. That was the last thing Rob wanted to be was seen. Water droplets formed on his glass of Ginger Ale as he sat there listening to Mariah Carey's "Heartbreaker" which to him was very ironic. To Rob, it seemed like even the club was against him. He watched as the crowd during Thursday's teen night dance themselves into oblivion, noticing nothing but the person in front of them. These images brought him back to a couple of nights ago when Dolan was on the floor with Linda. The images were so clear, as if they were there at the Roxy. He couldn't take it anymore. He wetted his hand on the side of the glass and then rubbed his eyes, trying desperately to get that last image out of his head. When he opened his eyes again, Dolan and Linda were gone.

He got up from his seat and grabbed his jacket when a voice called out. A voice all to familiar asking him where he was headed off to.

"No where Angel." Rob turned around to see Angel, dressed in a black, tight knit V-neck T-shirt and very much defined his upper body, and a pair of baggy blue jeans. Blond hair, sticking out in all directions and piercing green eyes that made Robert's knees weak.

"Looks to me like you were going somewhere." Angel smirked as he pulled out a seat and made himself comfortable.

"I was just about to go home."

"Awww... so soon?"

"What do you want Angel?"

"Absolutely nothing. Except for someone to hang out with. How about it Rob? Have a seat." Angel offered. Rob gave a long breath before returning to his seat. "Waitress! Can I have a Ginger Ale? And my friend here will have another... what were you drinking?"

"Ginger Ale."

"Another Ginger Ale for him." Angel ordered. The waitress wrote down the orders and suggestively walked away, swaying her rear back and forth. Angel couldn't help but snicker as she walked away. He then turned his attention back to Rob. "Well well... Ginger Ale. We're two of a kind huh?"

"Anything but."

"Look Rob, I'm sorry for what I did, but ya gotta understand that I have loved Brandon ever since we were kids."

"I don't want to hear..."

"But obviously that won't be since that Phil has sunk his claw into Brandon so deep he can't tell light from night so I guess I'll just have to move on." Angel announced as he took another sip from his ginger ale. Rob kept silent as Angel continued. "Look Rob, I'm lonely alright! We're both shunned by those people that we've been calling friends. I'm lucky if Brandon even looks at me."

"I'm sure he'll get over it. You two are Frick and Frack."

"There's that word again!"

"What I mean is that he is your best friend. You'll pull through." Rob laughed.

"I think we lost our friendship." Angel confessed, as the waitress came with two ginger ales. She placed them on the table and slipped Rob and Angel her number on the cocktail napkin before walking away. Rob didn't even notice the note, but Angel simply laughed at her pathetic attempt at a hook up and used the napkin to wrap his gum in.

"No you haven't. Dolan and I, we've lost our friendship." Rob said.

"So we both lost our best friends." Angel concluded.

"I guess so."

"We could be each other's best friends... possibly more..." Angel suggested. Rob's eyes shot open and his defenses went up.

"No Angel! I'm not falling for your tricks again! You're not gonna hurt me again!" Rob shouted.

"No tricks Rob. Just friendship... We're two of a kind you and I. There's no denying it." Angel reached out his hand, offering himself to Rob. Rob hesitated at first, but then he too reached out his own hand and took Angel's. "Good, let's dance."

Ladies leave your man at home

The club is full of ballers and their pocket's full grown

And all you fellas leave your girl with her friends

Cuz it's 11:30 and the club is jumpin' jumpin'

Boy you say you got a girl

Yes true you got a man

But the party ain't gonna stop

So we gettin' down down

The Roxy pumped to the beat of Destiny's Child "Jumpin' Jumpin'" as Rob and Angel danced the night away. Their bodies pumped in an erotic fashion, leaving nothing to the imagination. It was like they were both on some incredible high. Atleast three hours of dancing non-stop went by before the two collapsed on a couch in the dark corner of the club.

"That... that was great!" Rob huffed, exhausted.

"I know! I never danced so hard in my life!" Angel heaved, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He turned his head towards Rob who's body was still recovering. Angel watched as Rob's chest rose and lowered, how flushed his face was and how tired his eyes were. "So how are you getting home? Did you drive your mom's Camry here?" Angel asked, inching closer to Rob.

"No, my neighbor dropped me off, and I guess I'm taking a taxi h... hommmme... Mmmmm..." As Rob spoke Angel began to lick behind his ear, causing an instant erection and a wild sense of pleasure to course through Rob's tired body. Angel took the initiative and sat on Rob's lap, kissing his neck. "We're two of a kind Rob... I can give you... a RIDE home if you want." A wicked smile grew on Angel's face. The pleasure Angel was giving Rob was too much for him to bare. Rob could hardly keep his eyes open. "So how 'bout it Rob?"

To be continued...

I just love cliff hangers, don't you? Will Rob go with Angel again? I don't know? Really, I haven't decided yet. And I don't know when the next chapter's gonna come out cuz I want to get back to "After 'N SYNC. But rest assured, I won't go on another month long hiatus like last time. I hoped you like this installment. I think with each chapter, I write more and more. Don't they seem to get longer and longer? Oh well, more for y'all to read. So whatcha think of my new format? I like it, I think it's less Brandon and Phillip now. Tell me whatcha think at And don't forget about "After 'N SYNC" and my boy Angel. Oh, and sorry for the lack of sex in this chapter. I like drama a whole lot better than just random sex. That's just my opinion. I just think it makes the sex a whole lot better. Anyways, until next time!

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