The Clique

By moc.loa@aoHIV

Published on Sep 29, 1999


Hey everyone!!! I'm back and ready for another season of "The Clique." I bet y'all thought I was dead or something huh? Well I'm back and still writing. I just need some time off to do the school thing and write another story that I've been dying to do. If y'all don't know, I'm also the writer of After 'N SYNC which is in the Celebrity/Boyband section. Angel fans, here's where you find out what happens to him in the new millenium.

The abridge version of what happened in Chapter 9 & 10 so y'all won't have to re-read it. Well, Brandon and Phil are still together after many failed attempt at their relationship by Angel. One by one, each member to "The Clique" find out about their relationship and either excepts it or learn to live with it. Sebastian then suggests that the gang should all take a vacation to his family's ranch house. So the pilgramage begins. On the way Angel tries to put the moves on Brandon again, only to get punched in the face. Tyler outs Phillip to Dolan and Rob who are really okay with the situation. Finally the taughting by Tyler backfires on him in the form of Phillip's fist. He then learns to accept Brandon and Phillip's relationship as the real thing and finds out that Brandon is planning on giving Phillip a ring and asking him to "go steady." The first night at the ranch proved too enjoyable for Angel who gets drunk and hits on Brandon again. He gets carried up to his room by babyface Rob and the two shag. Then Phil and B shag and that's it.

So anywhoo... On with the season primere of "The Clique."

Enjoy!!! Any coments should be mailed to by the way.

Chapter 11: That's The Way Love Goes

Dear Journal,

"We had the kind of night, where morning comes too soon. We watched the light from a flickering candle across the room, make the kind of shadows that only one thing could make... love."

-Janet Jackson


An un-seasonalbly chilly wind blew over the Texas countryside. The stars and the moon still held their grip on the sky firmly, grasping the last few moments perpetual twilight, before the sun wisked them away. A heavy mist hangs over open fields, dew drops settle themselves on blades of grass, and an aura of love eminates from the Valmont compound.

The main house stood still in the cool night air. Dark and silent. Quietness rang through the house, except for upstairs in the east wing living quarters. Soft moans, barely audible, whispered through the halls. So quiet and soft, that only the sharppest ear could tell you that the lustful sounds were coming from the bedroom across the hall from the bathroom.

"Angel..." The soft whisper of his lover's name gracefully slipped out from between the lips of Robert Anderson. Angel Valmont maintained his position on top of his lover, thrusting with great passion, leaving Rob breathless. Angel leans down and kisses his lover ever so slightly on his lips. Barely touching between grunts and moans. Rob ran over Angel's back, ocassionally squeezing Angel's flesh between his palm and his fingers. Rob slowly traced his fingers down the small of Angel's back, sending shivers up his spine. Angel softly moaned as he again bent down to kiss Robert on his neck. Using his tongue, he lapped up the sweat coming off his lover's young teen body. "A... Ang..." Rob moaned as the head of Angel's cock burried deep enough to rub against Rob's prostate. The feeling caused all of the muscles in Rob's tight, athletic body to tighten. Rob's head flew back in ecstasy, sending beads of perspiration into the air. Angel took this opportunity to lick Rob's Adam's apple and the nape of his neck once more. Angel then traced his tongue down to Rob's collar bone and then to his clevage. Angel licked as far down Rob's body as he could while still keeping his rythm. Rob suddenly grabed the back of Angel's head and pulled him back up. Robert intensly forced his lips upon Angel's. Their tongues danced wildly between the two. Each tongue, massaging the other. Their breathing increased as Angel pushed further into Rob. Angel let go of his body and fell onto Rob, entrapping Rob's hot and throbbing penis between the two. Angel fiercly grinded his hip into his lover, who enturned reached back far enough to finger Angel's tight, pink hole. Rob felt himself leave for another plane as his cock rubbed against Angel's rock hard abs and his own. Twelve tight muscles massaging his cock sent Rob into heaven. "Angel!" Rob moaned again as Angel's head nuddged his prostate even harder. Angel laid back onto Rob's body. Rob slid his finger out of Angel's tight hold and graciously licked the tip. Rob turned his head to the side as he tightly closed his eyes. Angel bent down to whisper something into Rob's ear.

"That's it baby... Mmmm... I'm almost there... Mmmmmake me cum." The very words Angel spoke accompied by another nudge on his prostate sent Rob into orgasim. All the muscles in Robert's body constricted tightly. His pecs, abs, arms, and ass tightened, stopping Angel during mid thrust. Angel; however, continued. The friction pushed Rob further over the edge. His dick throbbed for a good minute before finally releasing the pent up load inside. Angel leaned back off of Rob and watched as his lover came with a fury. Volleys upon volleys of cum spashed onto Rob's chest and abs. Some even landing in his short brown hair. Rob's head flew back as bolts of electricy coursed through his body.

"Oh... oh... oh..." Angel could feel himself getting close. Oh so close. "Oh baby... shit!" Angel quickened his thrusts as cum filled up his cock.

"Come on Angel. Give it to me baby!" Rob moaned as he raised his body to nibble on the nape of Angel's neck. Angel could feel the cum prying itself out of the top of his hot, swollen cock, wanting to be set free. So close... come on... so... so...


Brandon laid in his bed, deep in slumber. Colorful visions of a life with his love danced in his mind. A life of solitude, a life of freedom, but most importantly... a lifetime of love. Suddenly, as quick as it seemed to start, as quickly as it was gone. Brandon jumped from his sleep when a loud sound woke him up. "What the fuck?!?!?" Brandon called out, still dazed from his slumber. He wasn't sure where the sound came from or what made it, after finally sitting up for half a minute, he was still so tired that he didn't even care anymore. He scanned the room with his eyes half open. Only the light from a flickering candle showed him around. Seeing nothing, Brandon tiredly closed his eyes and fell back onto his bed. Feeling a cold chill, he pulled the covers over his naked body and turned to the side as he reached out his arm. Expecting to find the man that he had been dreaming about, the man that he loved, he found emptiness. Brandon blindly ran his hand across the mattress trying despreatly to find his Phillip, but found cotton pillows, sheets, and a small spot of cream left over from earlier. Brandon's eyes flew open when he realized that Phil was no longer in bed with him. He quickly sat up, wide awake. "Phillip?" He called out. No answer. He scanned his eyes across the room, searching for any sign of his lover. "Phillip?" He called out again. Still, no answer. 'Where is he?' Brandon asked himself mentally. 'He's probably down stairs.' As he turned to step out of his bed, a cold wind blew into the room, sending shivers to run through his body. That was when he noticed that the sliding glass door, leading out to the balcony, was open. Another gust blew through the room, sending the satin, white curtains into a light flutter. Brandon jumped onto the floor and made a mad dash for his suitcase. He quickly rummaged through his clothes and pulled out a pair of black D&G jogging pants and a tight fitting, long-sleeved t-shirt. He quickly slipped on his clothes and slowly walked towards the slidding glass door.

As Brandon approached the door, curtains flew into his face as another gust blew into the room. He stuck out his hand and drew back the curtain. Peering outside, he noticed nothing but an empty balcony. Brandon stepped outside. As his feet touched the balcony outside, chills ran through his body as he actually realized how cold it was outside. He stood his place for a few moments to get used to the cold and continued on to the fence surrounding enclosing the balcony. As he leaned there, he began to think about Phillip again. So much so that it all started to sound like music...

"I used to cry myself to sleep at night

but that was all

before he came

I thought love had to hurt

to turn out right

but now he's here

it's not the same

it's not the same..."

Whitney Houston's "All The Man That I Need" never sounded so sweet as when coming from Brandon's lips. He filled the song with so much emotion that it would be imposible to top... We'll almost impossible.

"He fills me up

He gives me love

More love than I've ever seen

He's all I got

He's all I got in this world

But he's all the man that I


Brandon turned his head to see where the voice was coming from. In the far corner of the balcony sat the one person his eyes have been yearning for. Wearing only a pair of boxer-briefs, Phillip Le sat in a lounge chair with his legs brought up to his chest. He smiled at Brandon as he rested his head on his knees. "I didn't know you could sing." Brandon said. Phil simply smiled.

"I could say the same thing to you." Phil retorted. Brandon smiled and continued the song from where he was standing. He casually leaned onto the railing and continued serenading his boyfriend.

"And in the morning when I kiss his eyes

He takes me down

And walks me slow"

Brandon then slowly walked towards his boyfriend as Phil took over the song.

"And in the evening when the moon is high

He holds me close

And won't let go

He won't let go"

"Why are you out here?" Brandon asked as he approached his boyfriend.

"Oh, just writing in my journal... thinking... reflecting..." Phil explained.

"Okay, then why are you out here writing in practically nothing?"

"Oh, don't worry about me. Strong as steel." Phillip assured. Brandon took a seat next to him and wrapped his arms around Phillip's shoulders.

"Yikes! And it also feels like you're cold as steel too! Hold up, I'll get you something." Brandon quickly stood up and dashed into the bedroom. Moments later, he re-emerged with a sweatshirt and a blanket. Brandon unfolded the blanket and drapped it over Phil as he took a seat behind him. "Here." Brandon handed Phillip the sweatshirt. Phillip took the folded sweatshirt and took a look at the logo.

"UCLA? You're a Bruin backer?" Phillip asked.

"Yeah, Cali's been really good to me... especially recently." Brandon smiled. "Put on the shirt or you're gonna catch a cold." Brandon advised with a sly smile.

"What are you smiling about?" Phillip asked, noticing the devilish look on his boyfriend's face.

"Nothing, now come on and put on that sweatshirt or you're gonna be sick." Brandon pressured.

"Alright, but this blanket is doing just as good, plus with you sitting behind me..."

"Phillip hon, just put on the sweatshirt." Phil shurgged his shoulders and decided to do as Brandon said and unfolded the sweatshirt. From out of the center of the sweatshirt dropped a small black box. The box rolled down the part of the blanket covering Phillip's legs and stopped at about his feet. Phillip slipped on the sweatshirt before noticing the box.

"What's this?" He asked as he picked up the box.

"Open it." Brandon whispered in Phillip's ear. With a slight smirk, Phil pulled back the top of the box.

"Oh my..." Phil was in total shock. His eyes flew open as he saw the platnium band in front of him. "Brandon... why? I mean, I love it but... why?"

The platnium ring was smooth all the way around. Inscribed inside the band were the letters, "P.L. & B.L." Phillip slipped the band onto his ring finger. It fitted perfectly. Phillip's eyes started to fill with tears as he held his hand in front of him. "I love you Brandon... I love you so much." Brandon then leaned onto Phillip's back and wrapped his right arm around his boyfriend as his left hand lined up with his boyfriend's. Brandon spread apart his hand to reveal that he too had the same ring on the same finger. Phillip placed his hand on top of Brandon's. Brandon gently placed his head on Phil's shoulders and softly whispered in his ear.

"Say you'll be mine Phillip. This ring symbolizes my promise to you, my promise that when the time is right, when both of us are ready... I know we've only known each other for a couple of weeks now, but... I... I just want to be with you Phillip... I love you." Brandon's eyes started to well up. Tears slowly graced his face as they fell from his eyes. Phillip was right with him. He was also filling up with emotions. One by one, the tears fell from his eyes too. The loving couple then leaned back onto the chair, still holding their hands on top of each other's.

"I love you too Brandon... And I want to be with you... forever... and a day."

Brandon and Phillip laid together motionless as the cold night turned into day. The two could feel the sun's brilliant rays at it casacaded over their body. 'This isn't just the dawn of a new day,' Phillip thought as Brandon held tightly onto his body, 'It's the dawn of a new, deeper, more loving relationship for me and Brandon.' He turned around to face Brandon and lovingly kissed him. Their lips bonded with a love that was beyond comprehension. "Come on babe, let's get back to sleep." Brandon suggested. Phillip agreed and the two went back inside, hand in hand.

"EVERYONE!!!! WAKE UP AND GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE!!!! BREAKFAST IN 15 MINUTES!!!!" Kim screamed into the intercom causing everyone to wake up in shock.

"Heart attack much?" Crystal giggled, as she poured the pancake batter onto the skillet.

"Hey, if I have to be down here at 5 a.m. to cook breakfast for those guys then the least they could do was come down at 7 to eat it." Kim stated, waving her spatula at Crystal.

"Girl, you better watch where you're waving that thing. Get any grease on me and you're getting a tub of "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" in your face." Crystal warned as she continued flippin' the pancakes. The aroma of Sausage, Ham, Eggs, and Pancakes traveled to every corner of the house. Moving it's way through the ventalation system in filled Phillip and Brandon's room, who were already awake... well, Brandon was.

"Phillip... Phillip..." Brandon tried to coax his boyfriend out of bed, as he slipped on some clothes. "Come on lover, it's time to grub." Phillip picked up one of Brandon's pillow and threw it towards the direction of the voice that was interupting his sleep. "Oooo... you wanna play like that now huh?" Brandon ran over and picked up the pillow Phillip had just thrown and threw it back at him. Phillip just simply grabed the pillow, placed it under his head and spread himself out on the bed. Brandon cocked his eyebrow and knew the perfect way to wake up his boyfriend.

Brandon crawled back onto their bed and lifted the sheets that were covering Phillip. Very carefully, he revealed Phillip's naked lower body. Placing his hands on either side of his lover, Brandon lowered himself down between Phillip's legs. Brandon sensually began to lick Phil's inner thighs, running his tongue up and down the tight muscles, before moving his head towards Phillip's flaccid cock.

Phillip's cock bent up, and laid flaccid on his stomach. Brandon took this to his advantage and ran the tip of his tongue underneath the head of Phillip's penis. As Brandon continued to trace around the head of Phillip's penis, he felt his lover's penis began to grow erect. He looked up to see that Phillip was trying desperatly to get back to sleep but was losing. Brandon took this as a sign to give it his all so he wrapped his lips around the top of Phil's hot cock and created a suction. The he carefully grazed his front teeth on Phil's sensitive head, causing Phillip to moan. Brandon couldn't help but smile and the sound. He could taste the dropplets of pre-cum seeping out of his lover's cock as he fiercly licked the head from inside his mouth. Brandon then released the head and used his tongue to lick the sides of Phil's hot shaft. Brandon's salvia coated all sides of Phillip's cock. The feeling was to great to ignore any longer. Phillip still had his eyes closed but not because he was asleep, but because he was experiencing pure bliss. Brandon again engulfed Phillip's shaft and took it all down his hot throat. All 9 inches of Phillip's hot teen cock slid down Brandon's throat. Brandon took Phillip in to the point that he was rubbing his nose in Phillip's patch of hair. Brandon took a deep wiff of his lover's scent before coming back up, only to go back down again. Brandon continued his motions as Phillip clenched the bed sheets. The tastebuds on Brandon's tongue lovingly massaged the outside of Phillip's cock, pushing him to the brink of orgasim. "Brandon..." Phillip whispered, almost breathless. The sensation was too great. Brandon began to speed up his bobbing, making sure that each time he reached the head of his lover's cock, to graze it lightly with his teeth. Brandon also increased the suction which added friction and pleasure to his lover. "I'm almost there... I'm almost there baby, come on... cum..." Phil moaned between breaths. Brandon then took his right hand and stuck his index finger into Phil's tight ass. He firecly fingered his boyfriend as the moans started to increase in volume. "Oh... I'm cumming... I'm cumming..." Brandon stopped his motions at the head, but continued sucking. With his mouth sucking firmly at Phil's head, Brandon used the tip of his tongue to lick the slit, coaxing out the cum. Phillipwildly grasped the sheets as he shoot volleys of cum into Brandon's mouth. Cum coated the inside of Brandon's mouth and throat. Brandon savored each taste of his lover's sweet nectar and continued sucking. Brandon collapsed on Phillip's spent body and held his lover's cock in his mouth until his went flaccid and slipped out. "Br... Brandon... Can... you... Can you wake me up... like that... for the rest of my life?" Phillip huffed as he was coming down from his orgasim. Phillip propped himself on his shoulders to look at his lover, but found a sleeping angel in his lap. "And he was the one wanting me to get up..." Phil chuckled as he laid back down on his bed, with Brandon still in his lap.

Phillip had just joined Brandon in peacful slumber when... "BRANDON AND PHILLIP!!!! STOP FUCKING AND GET THOSE TIGHT ASSES OF YOURS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!" Kim's voice again rang through the house, only this time it was aimed towards the two lovers still asleep.

Phillip groaned loudly as he awoke. So did Brandon. "Geeze Brandon, how did you date a girl with a voice like that?" Phillip joked, as he got out of bed.

"Two word... ear plugs." Brandon chuckled as he watched Phillip get dressed.

"Oooo... I bet she'd love to hear that!" Phil laughed as he gave off a hint of black mail.

"Tell her that, and I'm with holding sex." Brandon chuckled. Phillip's eyes flew open and he threw his hands over his mouth. "You are too cute! You know that? Come on, I'm starving... All I had this morning was a creamy milk shake." Brandon laughed as he opened the door.

"Handsome and raunchy. What more can a boyfriend ask for?" Phillip shot back as he exited the room.

The two of them started to decend the stairs when all of a sudden, Kimberly's voice again echoed through the house, "HEY YOU TWO! WHILE YOU'RE UP THERE, WILL YOU GET ROB AND ANGEL DOWN? I DON'T REALLY FEEL LIKE SCREAMING!!!!"

"Really? I hadn't noticed." Phillip whispered to Brandon causing him to laugh. The two turned around and acended the steps and walked towards the bedroom belonging to Angel and Rob. Brandon knocked twice, but there was no answer. He then knocked again and still there was no answer. Phillip took the initive and turned the door handle which wasn't locked. Both Brandon and Phillip peered into the room to find clothes scattered on the floor and two beds, one perfectly made as if it hasn't even been slept in and the other still cradling Angel, covering himself with his blanket. Brandon walked over to Angel and took a seat next to him as Phillip took a seat on Rob's neatly made bed.

Brandon place his hands on Angel's shoulders and gently shook them, "Psst. Ang... time to get up dude. Kim's being a total bitch about it and if you don't show..." As Brandon's shaking got fiercer, the blanket slid down to reveal a pillow, not Angel. "It's not Angel."

"I can see that Brandon."

"If he's not here, and Rob's not here... then where are they?" Brandon asked as he stood up.

"I don't know babe, but I'm starving. Come on, they'll be back for breakfast. They must've smelt it by now, if not, they must've heard Kim's voice." Phillip chuckled. Brandon shrugged his shoulders and the two lovers went down to the dinning room.

By the time Brandon and Phillip reached the table, everyone had already gotten their plates, silverware, and food. "Hey you two!" Linda greeted.

"Hey to you too." Phillip replied lightly kissing Linda on the cheek as she danitly chewed a piece of toast. Linda politly handed both Phil and Brandon a plate. Brandon got some bacon, eggs, a couple pieces of toast cut in triangles, and a glass of orange juice. He took a seat next to Sebastian close to the end of the table. Phil got some fresh fruit, pancakes with syrup, some sliced ham, and a glass of grapefruit juice mixed with orange juice. He took a seat across from Brandon, next to Linda. The two sat across from each other quietly... not saying a word to each other or anyone else. Just letting out an occasional sigh of content as they gazed lovingly at each other.

"Look... they're even having sex with they're eyes!" Kim jokingly snickered as she took a bite of her toast. After acouple of week of getting to know Phillip, she had to fall inlove with him and accept his and Brandon's relationship as the real thing. Phillip and Brandon momentarily broke their gaze to find that everyone was looking at them.

"WHAT?!!?" Brandon asked.

"Oh nothing... I just think it's so romantic... that's all." Toni sighed as she rested her hand on her proped up arm, leaning onto the table in envy of Brandon and Phillip's relationship. Everyone awwed and cooed causing Phil and Brandon to blush, before returning to their meal. Fifteen minutes after Phillip had sat down. The back door to the house opened, letting two figures enter the house.

"Where have y'all been?" Phillip questioned as looked over his shoulder and saw Robert and Angel stroll in. Single handedly, he drew everyone's attention to Robert and Angel.

"Oh, nowhere." Angel said with a huge grin. Angel frowed and took a seat next to Dolan. Angel grabbed a seat next to Brandon, still wearing his silly grin.

"Are you okay bab... Rob?" Dolan asked. Robert didn't reply. He just sat motionless staring at the tablecoth. Phillip glared at Angel and began to figure things out slowly.

"So how are things with the loving couple?" Angel asked as took the plate that Linda handed him.

"Do you want something Rob?" Linda asked, turning her attention to him. He still sat motionless. She handed him a plate, but Dolan took it for him a set it in front of his friend. Everyone suddenly became worried about Robert, Dolan most of all.

"Better than ever." Brandon brightly smiled as he raised his left hand. The sound of forks and knives dropping onto china echoed through the house. Silence fell upon the dining room as everyone's attention waivered from Rob and focused on the platnium band around Brandon's ring finger... everyone except for Tyler and Phil.

"Whoa B! Where'd..." Linda's head quickly flew to Phillip's left hand, followed by everyone else. "You have one too... Oh my God!!! You two are too cute!" Linda cooed. Almost everyone felt the love in the room as they gazed at Phillip and Brandon's matching rings.

"So are you two like, married now?" Christie asked, shyly.

"No... we're in love, and deeply dedicated to each other, but we're not married. Girl, we're still in high school! You must've lost your damn mind." Brandon laughed as Phil sat and blushed.

"What do you think Angel?" Sebastian questioned his cousin.

"I think... it's... great. I'm happy for you two... I really am... happy. Will you excuse me?" Angel scooted out of his seat and strolled over to the living room table and flipped on some cartoons. Everyone knew Angel's sudden ergency to leave, but they kept it to themselves.

Breakfast slowly started to pick up again. Everyone started to converse about irelevent topics, when suddenly, a softy whimmper could be hear coming from the far end of the table. "Rob, what's wrong dude?" Phil asked in concern for his friend.

"Nothing, just leave me along guys." Rob said softly. Phil could hear a hint of pain in his voice and wanted to know what had caused it. He remembered that last night, Rob was not in the partying mood.


"Don't worry your pretty little head about it Phil." Angel said, turning around from the couch wearing a wicked grin.

"Shut up Angel! He's my friend and I'll worry if I fucking want to." Phil shouted boldly.

"Are we going to get into this mess again?" Sebastian asked, trying to intervine from the head of the table.

"No Sebastian, If Phil would just worry about him and Brandon, then there'd be no mess." Phil rolled his eyes and once again looked onto Rob. Brandon was beginning to notice Phil's concern for Rob and decided to lend a hand.

"Rob, dude, do you wanna talk about it?" Brandon asked. Rob just ignored him. Dolan glared at Angel and stood. He walked away from the table and out to the deck outside. He pulled a lawn chair over to the railing facing the lake and ploped his body in it, knowing in his heart, that there was something eatting away at Robert.

"What's with him?" Tyler asked as he ate his bacon.

"I don't know?" Angel shuggred as he got up from the couch and again approached the table. PHillip could now hear the whimper coming from Rob and decided that something had to be done. Rob was so supportive of him and Brandon that he would want to support Rob right now.

"Would y'all excuse us?" Phillip asked as he grabbed Brandon by the arm.

"Sure, just clean up when you're done." Crystal cracked, causing an outburst of laughter from everyone except for Rob and Angel. With Brandon in tow, Phil walked back upstairs to their room, and outside to the balcony. "What is it Phillip?" Brandon asked in confussion.

"Something is definitly wrong with Rob." Phil said with serious concern.

"If it had to do with Angel, then it's none of our business. If he wants to tell us, he will. Until then, I just want to enjoy this break we have from school." Brandon responded.

"How can you be so cold? Rob has been nothing but supportive of us since he found out. The least we could do is try and be there for him." Phillip said in anger.

"What do you mean? I don't want all of us getting involved in something that's going to end up hurting me and you." Brandon retorted. He placed his hand on Phillip's shoulder, only to have it shuggred off. "Look Phillip, I know he's your friend, and he's mine too, but we can't just jump into things we know nothing about." Phillip stomped away from Brandon and went back down to the dining room. By now, Rob had his face in his hands, trying to conceal his tears. Angel sat stuffing his face with scrambled eggs, oblivious to what Rob was doing.

"So what are we gonna do for the rest of the day? Sit here and waste our vacation?" Sebastian asked as he finished off his orange juice.

"Sebastian... show me how to ride horse back. Last time I was here you promised me, but never did." Toni begged as she ran her hand up and down Sebastian's tighs, causing him to jump a little.

"Su... sure... sure thing." Sebastian nervously stuttered out. The two stood and left for the stables as Tyler joked around some with Crystal. Brandon stared at Phil who in turn was staring at Rob.

"What the fuck is your problem Phil?" Angel said finally.

"You prick! But I'll let your ass slide for now." Phillip shouted, pointing at Angel.

"Don't use strong words unless you plan on backing them up." Angel warned boldly.

"Hey you two... let it go. Don't do something you're gonna regret." Kim begged as she witnessed the hostility created by the two of them.

"Rob... are you okay?" Brandon whispered.

"Leave me the fuck alone Brandon. You're the reason I'm not okay!" Rob yelled. Brandon looked confussed. Rob's face was twisted in anger, with teears rapidly falling down his face.

"What are you talking about Rob?" Phil questioned in Brandon's defense.

"He's the reason I'm suffering! He's the reason I'm crying. He has to have everybody! He has you and he has to have Angel too!" Robert cried harshly. Phillip, along with everyone else stared at him with confusion.

"What do you mean 'I have Angel too?'" Brandon questioned.

"I don't want to talk about it." Rob cried, turing his face away from the others. He wiped the tears from his eyes and sat in anger. Phillip quickly snapped his head in Angel's direction. Angel sat with a smile.

"What the hell is he talking about Angel?" Phil barked.

"I have no idea Phil... none at all." Angel's sly grin grew into a wicked smile.

"Robert, I don't 'have' Angel. Nor will I ever." Brandon said sincerly.

"Rob'll get over it." Angel cooed.

"Get over what?" Phillip questioned.

"Let's just say some things were said last night while me and Rob were having a little fun... that's all." Angel unconvincingly assured. Suddenly, a loud crash of thunder roared overhead, as the house began to darken.

"A little fun? Said what?" Brandon shouted, demanding an answer.

"Angel and I had sex last night ALRIGHT?!?!?" Rob cried. Tears rolled over his face as he tried to clear up the conversation. Another sound of thunder crashed over the house.

"You two had sex?" Tyler exclaimed. By now, Crystal and Kim were deep into the conversation, along with Christie. Again the thunder struck.

"I can't believe this." Phil caught on quickly to what Angel was getting at, but chose not to believe his intuition. The others still stood, trying to figure out what was happeneing as another crash of thunder rang through the country side, followed by lightning.

"What do I have to do with this?" Brandon asked, not paying attention to anything else.

"Let's just say that instead of screaming Rob's name, your's just popped out of my mouth several times." Angel replied plainly. All mouths were dropped open and hit the floor.

"You sick mother f.." Christie quickly leaped towards Phil, restraining him from attacking Angel.

"What can I say. A kiss is never enough from dear Brandon. He's like some glorious drug that I can't get enough of." Angel villianously snickered as he licked his lips in Brandon's direction. Tyler and Crystal leaped onto Phil, assisting Christie with restraining him. Rob cried and whimpered, refussing to say anything, fearing that he would have to relive the moment when Angel dared utter Brandon's name.

"Angel... of all the things you have done in your life. This has got to be the lowest. First you sleep with Robert, and then you call out my name during sex of all times!" Brandon yelled.

"I know it was wrong of me... but I can't help it if you're on my mind twentyfour-seven. You should've really heard it B. I really put some passion into your name. Don't you wish Phil would do that?" Brandon took no hesitation in his action. He raised his fist and with one swift blow, Angel was knocked off his feet. Suddenly, the glass door leading to the backyard opened allowing Sebastian, Dolan, and Toni to step in soaking wet. Sebastian stopped dead in his tracks when he saw his cousin lying on the ground cradeling his jaw while Brandon stood over him, with Phillip in the back being restrained by the rest of his friends. Sebastian quickly dashed for Brandon and pulled him back, away from Angel.

"Let me go Sebastian! I'm gonna teach that cousin of yours a lesson he'll never forget!!!" Brandon hollered as Sebastian tugged him away from Angel.

"Calm down B. Tell me what happened." As Brandon retold the drama to Dolan, Toni, and Sebastian, Phillip felt his body getting weak and gave up on struggling with his friends. He remained still on the floor as atear escaped his eye. Rob quickly ran out of the room sobbing, as Dolan ran the opposite direction, outside into the rain.

"I'm sorry Robert. I don't think I'll fall for anyone but Brandon." Angel yelled to the sobbing Rob.

"You bastard. Look what you've done. In a half an hour, you have ruined three lives, including your own. If you want to get fucked that bad... You can have it!" Phil cried as he quickly dashed out of the house.

"Phillip!!! Wait!!!" Brandon yelled as he shoved Sebastian over. Angel quickly grabbed Brandon's arm and stopped him.

"No B. He said it himself. He said we can be together. He doesn't want you..." Angel pleaded.

"Get the hell out of my face Angel!" Brandon yelled as he shoved Angel to the floor. Angel fell over the chairs and onto the floor. The others didn't bother to help him up. they were too disguested and shocked over what they had just heard.

"This shit's getting to tough for a guy to take." Ty huffed as he walked back to his room, followed by the others. Angel fell back onto the floor and closed his eyes. He ran his hands through his blond, spiky hair and laid there... thinking.

"Phillip!!!! PHILLIP!!!" Brandon yelled as he ran outside of the house. Rain had already been pouring for a while as Brandon searched the imediate premises.

Phillip stood on the dock of the lake, unsure of what to do. His hair hung over his eyes as water pourd off of them. His clothes were soaking wet as he just stood there and watched the ripples form in the water in front of him. He felt his body begin to shiver as the cold rain hit him time after time. He head Brandon calling to him, but he paid no attention. Brandon ran up to him, soaking wet from the rain. "Phillip, what's wrong?" Phillip stood there, trying to hold back his tears. His eyes were bloodshot and screaming for release. "Please tell me." Brandon pleaded. He grabbed Phillip's hands and felt them shaking.

"I don't know anymore." Phillip whimpered.

"Then why would you say that Angel can have me. I don't want him Phillip... I want you." Brandon replied sincerly.

"Because he's Hell bent on getting you." Phillip cried.

"Well, guess what? He's not going to get me." Brandon replied with a smile. Phillip pulled Brandon into a comforting embrace, crying as the rain poured on them. "Come on babe, it's okay." Brandon assured as he rubbed Phillip's back. "Angel's makes some dumb mistakes, but we don't have to suffer because of them. I feel for Rob, I do... but I care about me and you first and foremost. Remember? As long as we're together, everything's gonna be okay. Right?" Phillip agreeingly nodded his head and sniffeled. "Good, now let's get you inside before you catch your death of cold." Brandon suggested in his warm southern accent. He helped Phil walk back to the house, occasionally splashing in puddles along the way. They stood for a moment outside, soaking wet from teh fierce rain before heading inside. "Do me a favor babe. Don't let Angel get involved in our relationship anymore." Brandon whispered. Phillip nodded and reached out for the door knob. As they stepped in, the living room, the scene for so much drama was abandoned. Phillip peeled the wet shirt from his body, then released a strong sneeze. "Bless you!" Brandon exlaimed as he wiped the water from Phillip's face.

"Thanks." Phil replied softly. Brandon took his boyfriend face in his hand and drew it closer to his. The two lovers kissed passionatly as the sound of rain lulled their pains away.

Dear Journal,

Can my life get anymore fucked up? I mean, I'm in love with two people. One of which loves his bestfriend. Now I'm alone again. The guy I'd spent the past few years with won't even talk to me after what he heard today. SHIT! This isn't fair! It wasn't suppose to turn out this way. I wasn't suppose to sleep with Angel. I wasn't... It was just that at that moment, he showed me the love and attention that I never got from my lover. Then afterwards, he held me in his arms and told me he loved me. What a fucking idiot I turned out to be. The whole time I was making love to him, he was thinking about Brandon.

Brandon... why Brandon? The boy's got everything handed to him! He's rich! He lives in Northgate! He went out the with most beautiful girl in school. He drives a Benz. To top it all off, he's engaged to Phillip Le. May another heavenly body grace this earth for me someday.

Angel Valmont... Angel in disguise is more like it. But why can't I stop thinking about him? The sent of his hair, of his body. The tone of his voice and his moans. I can't do this to myself. He loves Brandon... Again with the Brandon...

Then there's

"Rob, are you in there?"


"Yeah, we need to talk. Let me in." Rob closed his journal and slipped in under his pillow. He lazily rolled off of his bed and walked to the door. Turning the knob to un-lock it, he let Dolan in. As Dolan stepped into the room, he left a trail of wet foot prints. I had been obvious that he had been out there in the rain for quite a while. His almond shapped eyes were red and his once flawless hair hung limp across his forehead. He seemed to be only a shell of the person he once was.

"Dolan, I'm so sor..."

"Just tell me one thing Rob. Tell me it didn't happen." Dolan interupted Rob, as he tried his best to hold in his tears. "Tell me Robert Alexander Anderson that you did not sleep with Angel Prescott Valmont!!! TELL ME!!!" Dolan shouted. Rob couldn't even look at him. Rob flung himself onto his bed and weeped. "I loved you Rob... sure I wasn't the best at showing it, but I did... I really did love you. Now I can't even look at you the same way again. You're not the guy I fell in love with. The Robert Alexander Anderson I fell in love with would never hurt me like this! HE WOULD NOT SLEEP WITH ONE OF OUR CLOSEST FRIEND AND HE WOULD... he would... not..." Dolan couldn't even keep steady. His legs were getting week as he lost all control of his emotions. Dolan feel down on his knees weeping for all he was worth. Rob momentarily stopped his crying and took a look at the man he had just betrayed the night before.

Rob bent down and placed his arms around Dolan's shoulders for comfort. Dolan looked up, tears flowing out of his eyes and looked at what Rob had to say. "Don't say it's over Dolan... Don't. I don't know how I go on without you, without these eyes... this nose... these lips... this body... this heart... you're beautiful heart Dolan and your arms. Don't take these comforting arms away from me. Say we can go back baby. Say... we can go back..." Rob begged as tears flowed out of his eyes. Dolan could only look onto his lover's beg for forgiveness, but deep inside... he knew that if it were to happen, now was not the time.

"I can't Rob... I can't... not what after you did... not with Angel." Dolan sobbed.

"Dolan... don't..."

"I'm... I'm gonna go. Yeah, I'm packing up and going home. I don't spend enough time with my parents anyways." Dolan stated, trying to contain the tears that were still waiting for release. Rob sat back speachless... only able to shake his head in disbelief. Dolan stood up from the floor and walked to the door, "Bye Rob. It was great while it lasted."

The door slowly closed with a light click at the end. Minutes later, the sound of a SUV pulling away echoed throughout the house. That evening, dead silence was the only thing to be heard. No one had very much anything to say to one another. At dinner Sebastian suggested that they should just cut this weekend short and head back home. He said that everyone just needed a break from eachother. Everyone agreed. By the next evening, everyone was back in Houston, with many issues unresolved.

To Be Continued...

So there you have it, Chapter 11. And you thought it would never come out. I'm glad to be working with Phil and Brandon again. Kinda missed them. That didn't sound weird did it? Anyways. I hope you like my new format, cuz I do. I'm gonna keep it this way. Drama, drama, drama... There's no lack of it in this story. Especially since I got Angel. I hoped y'all liked this chapter. I really would like to know what you think. Drop me a line at Thanks and take care.


Next: Chapter 12

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