The Clique

By moc.loa@aoHIV

Published on Aug 14, 1999


Hey everyone! I'm back with the tenth chapter!!! YEAH!!! I made it!!! Ten chapters and the series is going to end with a bang! I hope you like it... Psh! Like I'm going to stop at just ten... Gotcha! This is chapter is just the end of "Brandon and Phillip," and the actual starting point of "The Clique." From this point on, the other members are going to have a larger role in this story.

Now about this chapter. The story line that I wanted to do, can't be worked unless I make this a two -parter, and with senior year starting like Wednesday, I can't do that. So I just told this chapter from a third person view point. I'll occasionally do this in the future, but I'll mainly stay with first person. Just bear with me here and enjoy! I would also love to get some feed back from y'all on this chapter, being it is the big one-zero. Send all comments to PEACE!!!

**Announcement: After this chapter, I'm going on hiatus for acouple of weeks to get settled into the new school year. Aren't y'all proud of me? I'm a senior in high school now!!! c/o 2000!!! Anyways, with my new term as Student Council President and the AP classes I'm taking, I'll have to put "The Clique" on the back burner for awhile. I'll try to get back to it ASAP. All I can say is PACE YOURSELVES. I've separated the story into sections just for that purpose. Now, on with the show!!!

Chapter 10: Pilgrimage

Brandon and Phillip sat quietly in the front seats of Brandon's Benz. The two had just arrived at the country club, but neither had stirred since Brandon had stopped the engine. Brandon looked worringly onto his lover as Phil just sat in his seat, starring out the window. Still afraid of upsetting Phillip any more than he already was, Brandon decided to sit back and let Phil make the first move. Nothing happened. Finally giving into his angst, Brandon spoke up.

"Baby? We're here..." Brandon leaned over in search of any emotion that his lover may display. There was none. "You know Phillip, Angel's really a girl. That's why he's being such a bitch right now. I bet if ya give him 4 or 5 days, he'll be back to normal." Brandon jokingly chuckled out, trying to get a rise out of his boyfriend. Still there was nothing. Brandon fell back into his seat and sighed before giving it one last try. "Come on Phillip, your parents love you. You know that! They'll be back in no time. You'll see!" Brandon said chipperly as he tried to cheer Phil up. Still nothing. "Well fine! Be that way! I promised your Pops that I would take care of you and I stand by that promise, but I can't help if you won't let me in!"

Phillip shifted his body so that he would be facing Brandon. The last thing he wanted was to make Brandon upset or feel worried. He looked deep into Brandon's sky blue eyes and sighed. Phillip raised his hand to rub Brandon's cheek, before cradling the right side of his face. Brandon genteelly snuggled his face into Phillip's soft palm, waiting for his boyfriend to say something. "Brandon, it's not my parents that has me thinking. I'm used to the idea of them not being around... but it's when ever they leave, that moment when they drive away, that I feel hurt. I just needed time to deal, and I'm thankful you gave me that time." Phillip spoke sincerely and lovingly as Brandon looked on, taking in every word that came from Phillip's mouth. "The thing that I WAS thinking deep about was us." Phillip explained, diverting his eyes from Brandon's and taking his hand away from Brandon's face.

"Us?" Brandon asked nervously. "What about us?" The last time he heard someone said something like this, it was when Kim broke up with him. Although he never loved Kim as much as Phillip, he was still heart broken. A fear came upon Brandon. How was he going to handle Phillip breaking up with him. How would he go on? "Whatever it is Phillip, I can change! Just... just don't leave me..." Brandon yelled out to quickly for Phillip to get a word in. Tears started streaming down Brandon's face as he feared the worst.

"Leave you? How can I ever leave someone that I love so much! The problem isn't you Brandon... it's me." Brandon stopped crying and looked back to Phillip. Phillip sat back in his chair and sighed again. "Brandon, back at my house, you asked me how many shots I had, remember? Well, I never gave you a straight answer..."

"Is this what all this about? Look Phillip, I don't care how many..."

"Brandon, shut up for a minute an let me say what I've gotta say." Brandon leaned back and gave Phillip his full attention. "K... well, I felt that you lost faith in me when you asked me that."

"I can nev..." Phillip held up his palm to stop Brandon from saying anything. Brandon threw up his hands, signaling his giving up of anymore attempts at interrupting Phil, and sat back again, giving Phillip his full attention.

"I want us to have an open and honest relationship Brandon." Phillip then reached over to grab Brandon's hand for comfort. "I want to tell you that I didn't try to drink my sorrows away. Not one drop. I was about to, but decided otherwise." Brandon clenched Phillip's hand tighter to show that he was proud of him.

"Doesn't matter Phillip. I love you regardless." Brandon smiled and pulled Phillip into a loving hug.

Phillip clutched onto Brandon's shirt and a tear run down. "I just don't want you to ever lose any faith in me. Ever. That would hurt so bad..." Phillip softly cried out.

"Never had, never will. I hope that goes the same for me too." Brandon asked.

"Never had, never will." Phil cried out as he kissed Brandon's neck. Brandon tightened his hug as Phil did the same. "Come on Brandon. Your friends are waiting on us."

"Okay, but they're your friends too." Brandon smiled.

"If you say so..." Phillip shrugged. Not wanting to add any fuel to the fire, Brandon let Phil's final statement stand. He knew that Phil had what it took to be part of The Clique. Most of them had already excepted Phillip as their own, he just hasn't realized it yet.

The Country Club was a large white building that resembled an old Spanish mission. With tera cotta tiles on the floor and adobe walls. The roof was all orange tile and all the furnishings inside enhanced it's Spanish influence. All the people working in the Country Club were busily hustling and bustling around. Brandon lead Phillip through the maze of people towards the back of the club. On the way, he occasionally raised his hand and greeted several people that Phillip had never seen before. Some way to old to seem to have any involvement with Brandon whatsoever. "They're my parent's friends." Brandon explained as he noticed Phillip looking at them. "We're almost there." Brandon ran out to a vine covered walkway on the outside of the club. Wooden beams supported these flowering vines as they cascaded overhead. Phillip then emerged through the double glass doors that lead outside, to where Brandon was standing. He grabbed onto Brandon's waist and laid his chin lovingly on Brandon's shoulder.

"You weren't trying to leave me with those people were you?" Phillip whispered into Brandon's ears, still holding tight onto his waist.

"Them? Of course not. I'm not one to share anything... especially you." Brandon chuckled. Phillip only gave out an accepting sigh and continued holding onto Brandon.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Brandon asked his lover as he looked at their surroundings.

Phillip took his eyes of Brandon and looked around. "Yes it is, but not as much as you." He lovingly confessed as he began to kiss Brandon's neck seductively.

"Anymore of this and I'll have to take you right here and now." Brandon said, obviously getting turned on.

"Mmmm... but wouldn't this be a great backdrop to the love we would make?" Phillip asked, now nibbling on Brandon's earlobe.

"I'll keep that in mind baby, but seriously now... Mmmm... We've Mmmm gotta get going... Uhhhhmmm..."

"Okay." Phillip said letting go of Brandon. The two held onto each other's hands as they proceeded down the flowered corridor. A couple yards down, small houses started to line the corridor. "What are these places?" Phillip asked curiously.

"They're cabanas. Like private guest homes. The Clique just rents one when we need a place to relax. Lord knows, that we can't do that at home with parents and..." Brandon caught his tongue before what he was about to say could send Phillip back into that silent slump.

"It's okay babe. I'm fine. Like I said, it's only the first couple of minutes that they're gone that I go all drama mama." Phillip assured. Brandon smiled as he knocked on the door of Cabana 5.

"What's the password?" He heard a voice call out from inside.

"Open the fucking door Rob, or do you want me to beat you up like in the 6th grade?" Brandon shouted, jokingly. Small snickers and teasing remarks could be heard from inside as Robert opened the door.

"I was sick that day Brandon..." Rob softy rebutted.

"Sure ya were Rob... sure ya were." Brandon replied in his southern accent, patting Rob on his shoulder as he stepped inside.

"Hey Phil! Come on in." Rob said enthusiastically as he ushered Phillip into the room. The Cabana wasn't much, but was still comforting, as long as there were friends inside. It was a regular sized room, decorated in the Spanish style that the main club was decorated in. As Phillip stepped inside, a heavy dance beat took over his body and he began to bob his head with the beat. He then started to look around. There was a sofa that Dolan was laying on. Linda was also laying on the sofa. She made herself comfortable as she laid between Dolan's legs and had her back on his chest. They were both watching t.v. Sebastian was also watching t.v. sitting in a big arm chair. Kim was on the floor, laying on her side while flipping through an issue of Teen People. Toni was also on the floor. She was busy painting her toe nails, occasionally asking the people around her for their opinion on the choice of color she was using. Crystal was sitting in another arm chair on the other side of the room, talking on her cell phone. She was sitting up-side down. Her legs were draped over the head rest and her long, thin, braids covered the floor. Angel, Ty, and Christie were no where to be found.

"Where are the others?" Brandon asked.

"They won't becoming. Something about a sale at Neiman Marcus. I've already told them my announcement and they're all for it." Sebastian answered.

"What is your announcement anyways Sebastian? We're all here now." Kim asked, interrupting Brandon and Sebastian's conversation.

"Well, in acouple more weeks, there is going to be a long, four day weekend. The last one of the year. Well, I was wondering if y'all would like to come up to my family's ranch and throw a party. Just us this time. No Elites, Untouchables, Populars, Mouseketters... just The Clique." Everyone talked it over with themselves and answered individually.

"Sure, Toni and I'll be there." Linda answered.

"I'll go." Dolan answered.

"If he's going then I'm definitely going!" Rob followed.

"This is gonna be a blast!" Kim announced enthusiastically.

"Count me in too!" Crystal shouted, still busy with the caller on the other end.

"Phillip? What about you?" Sebastian asked. All eyes were on Phillip now.

"Are you all sure you want me to go?" He asked sheepishly.

"Of course we do hon! You're one of us now!" Kim said as she gave Phillip a warm hug. Everyone else nodded in agreeance. Phillip gave out a huge smile. He finally felt that he belong. Brandon also joined in the hug, but stealthily kissed Phillip on the back of his neck and whispered into his ear.

"So are ya gonna be at the ranch? Or do I have to get friendlier with my hand?" Brandon joked.

"I'm going then!" Phillip shouted. Yeas came from all as they piled onto Phillip, Brandon, and Kim. They all laughed and giggled. Dolan and Rob then jumped off of the pile and straightened themselves out. They got their stuff together and started to leave.

"Hey you two! Where do ya think you're going?" Linda asked.

"We gotta get some business taken care of. We'll see y'all tomorrow in school." Dolan stated as he put on his fisherman hat. Linda shrugged her shoulders and returned to the pile on.

"What about you B?" Sebastian asked.

"Don't you know me at all Papi?" Brandon smiled. "Of course I'll be there. Someone needs ta keep the peace and be the father figure!"

"Hey that's my job!" Sebastian retorted as he grabbed a nearby pillow and swung it at Brandon.

"Oh it's gonna be like that now, huh?" Brandon asked, rubbing the area on his head that Sebastian just hit him with the pillow.

"No... IT'S GONNA BE LIKE THIS!!!" Sebastian shouted as he threw the pillow at Brandon. Brandon ducked out of the way as the pillow flew and hit Toni.

"Alright Pops, it's on now!" Toni warned Sebastian as she picked up her own pillow.

"Bring it on!" Sebastian taunted. Toni leaped to her feet and charged at Sebastian. Sebastian turned his back to Toni and got in a running position to try to sprint away from her but she was too fast. As Sebastian was crouching, Toni jumped onto his back. This made him fall back down. He was now kneeling down on the ground, while Toni was draped over him. "Geeze Toni... if ya wanna do me doggy style, ya could've just asked!" Sebastian joked. Everyone joined in on the laughter, even Toni.

"I believed that position has been patented by Phil and Brandon!" She retorted, still laughing. Only this time, she was the only one. Then she realized what she had just said. Sebastian slowly got out from under her and sat on the floor. All eyes were on Toni now.

"What do you mean by that Toni?" Kim asked.

"N... Nothing Kimmy, I was just joking around that's all." Toni spoke, her voice slightly shaking.

"No. Don't lie Toni. I think it's about time y'all know the truth." Brandon announced. He then looked to Phil for reassurance. Phillip nodded his head and told Brandon to proceed. Brandon took a deep breath before looking at everyone. "Well, Phillip and I are kinda together. Actually, I love Phillip." Brandon spoke, scratching his head in nervousness.

"And I love him just as much." Phillip stated joining in.

The two looked around the room. Toni, Linda, and Sebastian were doing the same thing. "Well if you two are in love, then I have no problem with that." Crystal confessed. "I mean, I don't do the whole gay thing myself and don't plan to ever. But if you two really love each other, then I see that those words and those feelings are stronger than anything I believe. So you go boys!" Crystal spoke as sincerely as she could.

"This is BULL SHIT!!!" Kim shouted out. "How can you two love each other when you've only known each other for what? Two, three days?!?!?! In four years of dating, you have never told me you loved me." Kim shouted, turning her attention to Brandon.

"It wasn't there Kim. Never was. You just used me to get popular! Now you're Westfield's answer to Britney Spears... will you just let me live my life!?! We had a thing, and now it's over!" Brandon screamed back.

"But we were sooo hot together Brandon! What makes you think Phil can do any better? What's he got that I don't got... besides the obvious." Kim stated, demanding an answer on why Brandon would think a relationship with Phillip would work and why one with her didn't.

"Well, one thing... He didn't use me to get popular. He's not self-centered. He's got a heart of gold. And oh! He's got my virginity." Brandon knew exactly where to stick it to her, All during the four years they have been off and on, Brandon had never had sex with Kim. It drove her crazy! Now, after just one day with Phillip, Brandon had given to him his most prized possession. Kim's mouth dropped to the ground in shock.

"You're lying!" She shouted.

"No he's not." Phillip cut in. "We gave each other our virginities the night after we met. We both knew it was love the second Brandon said 'hi' and I said it back. Face it hon... you lose. It's over between you two, has been... still is. Get over it!" Brandon then casually walked over to Phillip and locked his lips with Phillip. Hoots and hollers started to come from Toni, Linda, Sebastian, and Crystal.

"You go boy!" Crystal cheered. Kim shot her a death stare, but Crystal don't play like that and she shot one right back.

"I stand here and get bombarded by my ex-boyfriend and his new boyfriend and the least you could do is stand my by side! But no, I stand here sideless." Kim whined to Crystal.

"Oh stop your bitchin' mama drama!" Crystal yelled back. "I believe in true love and I think that these two have the genuine article!"

"Thanks Crys." Brandon thanked.

"Yes, thanks for having faith in us." Phillip added as he wrapped his arms around Brandon's waist and laid his chin on Brandon's shoulders.

"Awww! And you two look so cute together too!!!" Crystal cooed as Brandon and Phillip both blushed, "And y'all are blushin'!!! That's so cute!!!"

"Sideless..." Kim said flatly before storming out of the cabana and slamming the door behind her,

"Oh don't mind her, she's just mad for right now." Crystal assured Phillip, knowing he would be worried that Kim was going to out him and Brandon. Once she finds herself a pool boy to screw or a sale at the mall, she'll forget all about you two." Phillip laughed as he held onto Brandon even tighter.

"What about you two?" Sebastian asked Toni and Linda, ruining the mood.

"Me?" They each asked in unison. "What about you?" They asked, again in unison.

"Me?" Sebastian asked feeling shocked.

"I already knew!" The three of them said at the same time.

"You did?" The three again asked in unison, before answering 'Yup' in unison also. The room filled with laughter as how much like a sit-com/soap opera this week had become and announced how relieved they will be when they all leave for Sebastian's ranch in a few weeks.

When the day came, everyone showed up in front of the country club with all the stuff they need for the trip. The cars that were going to be used to get up there were the Clique's SUVs. That meant that Brandon would be driving with his Benz, Dolan in his 4Runner, and Sebastian in his Expedition. Everyone rushed to get into Brandon's Benz first. Phil tried his best to get in, but by the time he got there, Kim, Toni, and Angel had already taken up the seats. There was suppose to be room for one more but the cargo took up a seat. Toni felt bad and offered to give her seat to Phillip but he said, "That's o.k. Toni, I'll just go sit in one of the other cars."

"Are you sure?" She asked, offering her seat again.

"I'm fine Toni, don't worry about it." He then looked over to Brandon who had this hurt expression on his face, "It's only a three hour drive." Phil said with a smile as he tried to comfort Brandon.

"That's right it is... a LONG three hours. Don't worry Phil, I'll make sure Brandon's alright." Angel said with a huge grin. It was the first time Angel had spoken to either Phil or Brandon in weeks. Phil got this lump in his throat as he picked up his bags and headed for one of the other SUVs.

"Hey Phillip!" Brandon called out, "did you leave that note just incase your parents came back?"

"Yeah Brandon, I did." Brandon blew Phillip and kiss and sat back down in his Benz. Phil again turned around and headed for the other SUVs. Sebastian's Expedition was full so Phil went decided to go with Dolan's 4Runner. Phil felt a little better seeing Dolan and Rob there. He'd really click with those two. Linda was also easy on his eyes when he saw her in Dolan's SUV, but next to her sat Tyler. That gave Phil an uncomfortable feeling. Linda patted the seat next to her.

"Come on Phil, throw your bags in the back and let's get going. We got a long trip out to the country ahead of us."

"That's right Phil, a LONG trip." Ty added. Phil shot an evil stare at Ty and then threw his bags in the back. He stepped in and sat next to Linda. Linda patted Phil's thigh and whispered,

"Don't worry Phil, it's not that long, before you know it, you'll be back in Brandon's arms." Phil cracked a smile. Sebastian then honked his horn and signaled everyone to get moving. Sebastian took lead, followed by Brandon, and then Dolan in tow.

As Dolan drove out of the city, Phil just sat there. As he stared out his window, he traced the letters B. L. on his window as he let out a long sigh. Only fifthteen minutes into the trip and he had already missed Brandon. Dolan unknowingly slipped in Janet Jackson's "The Velvet Rope" CD and played "I Get Lonely" as Phillip let out another sigh. As he sat there listening to the words, he wondered what Brandon was doing.

"I get so lonely

Can't let just anybody hold me

You are the one

That lives in me

My dear

I want no one but you"

"Don't worry Phil, it's only a short trip. We'll be there in no time. If it's any consultation, I bet Brandon's just as miserable." Linda's words were of no comfort to Phil.

"Thanks Linda, but Brandon has Angel with him... They're probably having a blast." As the song continued, so did Phil's longing for Brandon. "Brandon is his Frick." Phillip sighed.

"His what?" Linda asked confused as to what Phillip meant by Frick.

"Nevermind. I'll tell ya later."

"Sitin' here with my tears

All alone with my fears

I'm wonderin' if

I have to do


But there's no reason why I

Fell asleep late last night

Cryin' like a new born child

Holdin' myself close

Pretendin' my arms are yours

I want no one but you"

Phil let a tear roll down his face but quickly wiped it up. "Awww, does Phil miss somebody?" Phil shot Ty a cold stare. Linda quickly nudged Tyler in the ribs.

"Why do you have to be just a jerk Ty?" Linda shouted.

"Me jerk? No dear, the only one jerking is Phil on Brandon." Linda sat up in her seat and came to the defense of her friend.

"What the hell are you talking about Ty? That didn't even make any sense!" She shouted back in Phil's defense. Phillip just sat there as Linda and Tyler squabbled.

"Hey! What's going on back there?" Dolan shouted, trying to keep his concentration on the road. Rob turned his head to see what was going on.

"Hey! I'm trying to get some sleep here and Dolan's trying to drive so if y'all don't shut up... umm... I'm gonna make Dolan turn this car around and we'll all just go home!"

"Yes mom!" Phillip whined, trying to lighten things up. Dolan giggled, no one else did. Linda and Tyler just sat back, both with their arms crossed.


As Brandon drove down the country road, all he could think about was Phillip. He flipped on the radio and turned it to 97.9 FM. The song "Anywhere" by 112 came on which made the trip seem even longer for Brandon.

"I could love you in the shower

Both of our bodies drippin' wet

On the patio

I would make it a night you won't forget

On the kitchen floor..."

As Angel listened to the song, he turned around to check on the two girls in the back. Toni was leaning her head against a pillow that she had placed on the window. The two were fast asleep. Kim had her head rested on Toni's shoulder as she lightly drooled onto it. "This is a 'must see' picture of the prom queen that the school newspaper would kill for!!!"

Angel then looked around for a camera but slouched down in his seat in disappointment when one couldn't be found. He returned his attention to the song playing and remembered why he had turned to check on the girls in the first place. It's time to "play" with Brandon.

"Don't you just love this song B?" Angel asked.

"It's okay." Brandon replied, knowing very well that this song made him think back to the time Phillip and he made love on his kitchen floor. Brandon kept his eyes on the road, not looking at anything else as he thought about how great making love with Phillip felt and how much he loved him. A tear tried to escape from his eye, but he held it back. The torment Angel would inflict on his relationship with Phillip would rip his heart apart.

"It just make me SO hot!" Angel moaned lowly as he started to rub his crotch seductively. Not able to get Brandon's attention, Angel started to move his hips up and down to the beat 112 sang their sweet harmonies to. He then reached over to un-buckle his seat belt. With his hips free, he started to grind fiercer.

"What the HELL are you doin' Angel? ARE YOU FUCKIN' CRAZY?" Brandon shouted. He then looked in the rear view mirror, making sure neither Kim nor Toni were seeing what Angel was doing.

"I'm crazy for you B. Oh Brandon we'd be so hot together!! Come on, take me. I can show you the love Phillip never can!" Brandon ignored everything Angel had to say, but Angel wasn't going to take no as an answer. He leaned over and started to nibble on Brandon's ear as his right hand grabbed Brandon's crotch.

"Get the hell of me!" Brandon shouted as he used his right hand to push Angel away. Angel fell back into his seat as his back hit the passenger door. Angel still wasn't about to give up. He's never been denied of anything he's wanted in the past, and he wasn't going to be denied of Brandon.

Angel slowly unbuckled his belt and started to un-zip his khaki shorts. He reached into the slit of his boxers and pulled out his now hard cock. All 8 inches were out in the open for Brandon. "Come on B. Remember the old days when we used to jack off together? Remember wanted to touch my cock? Here it is!" Angel moaned. He reached over for Brandon's hand and slowly moved it towards his straining dick. "Touch it B. Feel it, feel me. Jack me off now and we'll continue at the ranch. Don't worry about Toni and Kim, I'll be real quiet... promise." Angel slowly coaxed Brandon's hand over to his awaiting dick. Brandon quickly jerked his hand away and pulled his fist back. With one quick swing, he punched Angel right in the face.

"DON'T FUCK WITH ME ANGEL!!! DON'T EVER FUCKIN' PLAY WITH ME LIKE THAT!!! I WILL KICK YOUR ASS I SWEAR!!!" Brandon shouted. He then took a glimpse in the rear-view mirror to see if Toni and Kim saw any of this. They were still asleep. As Brandon continued driving he heard the faint sound of whimpering coming from Angel. He looked over to where Angel was sitting and saw that Angel still had his hand over the place Brandon had just hit him. Deep inside, Brandon felt sorry for Angel. Angel was, and always will be, his best friend, even if he can get crazy sometimes. "Angel..." Brandon struggled to find the words to say, but just the sound of Brandon's voice caused Angel to break into a full sob. This scene toar Brandon apart.

"I'm... I'm so... I'm so sorry Brandon... I just love you so much... You have... you have no idea how much... I... I... I love you." Angel started to sit back into his seat. He put his penis back into his shorts and zipped them back up. "I see... now... that... your love for Phil is the real... thing. But I'll always... I'll always... I'll always love you." Angel continued to cry softly as he looked out the window.

"I'm sorry Angel, but I can't have the same feeling for you." Brandon thought to himself. He wanted to tell Angel out loud, but he knew that it would only hurt Angel even more.

Brandon continued to drive deep into the country as Angel sulked in his seat. Brandon turned off the radio and put on his Vengaboys CD to lighten the mood. He knew that Angel loved this CD and it would help him cheer up, if only a little. "What's going on? I'm trying to get some sleep here!!!" Toni complained. She then felt Kim on her shoulder and nudged her to get off of her. Then she noticed Kim's "present." "Oh my God Kim!!! That's so gross!!! Do me a favor and don't ever EVER sleep on me again?" Kim turned a bright shade of red in embarrassment. Brandon laughed hysterically, even Angel let out a little chuckle. Brandon was pleased to see that Angel wasn't crying anymore, but he still knew that deep inside, repressed somewhere, Angel was still hurting.

The Benz bounced up and down as it traveled deep into the Texas Hill Country. Everyone in the 4Runner; however, watched the Benz in front of them bouncing which caused Rob to say, "What the fuck's going on in there? Looks like their having and orgy!"

"Shut up Rob!" Phil yelled.

"I was only kidding. Why? Don't want anyone laying a hand on your precious Toni?" Rob laughed.

"Try his precious Brandon!" Ty interjected. The SUV got quite. Rob turned around and stared at Ty before saying anything.

"What are you talking about Ty? What do you mean HIS Brandon?" Rob asked.

"Oh nothing..." Ty answered, turning his head to the window.

"No, no you said that Phil wouldn't want anyone to touch HIS Brandon." The car got silent again. All eyes were on Phillip. Linda was getting tense. She was getting really worried for her friend. Phil couldn't stand it anymore, he finally cracked,

"ALRIGHT! IT'S TRUE! I'M IN LOVE WITH BRANDON! AND HE LOVES ME! Are you all happy now? How about you Ty? Are you happy?" Tyler just sat back in his seat and resumed looking out the window. Phil lowered his head cried into his hands. Linda gave Ty a smack upside his head.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY THAT FOR?" Linda screamed at Ty. Her eyes were in full on "death stare mode."

"Hey, I just told the truth. Phillip's a fag. He's a fudge packing, pole sucking f-a-g."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP TY!" Phil shouted, as he pulled back and swung his arm at Ty. He hit Tyler square in the jaw. Tyler fell back into his seat and just sat there in shock. He'd never guess that Phil would be the guy that fought back. But underneath that reserved demeanor lay a violent dynamo. The car got quite again. Dolan then broke the silence.

"Umm... Phil... If you're wondering... and I guess I speak for Rob too when I say that we don't think any different of you." Rob nodded his head and turned around to look at Phillip.

"Thanks, that's nice to hear." Phillip answered somberly.

"No Phil, we want to be sure that you know that we don't see you any differently." Dolan clarified.

"I understand you guys perfectly. I just wish that all people were as understanding as you two, and Linda and Toni."

"They know about this too?" Rob asked. Linda and Phil both nodded their heads.

"You know what? I knew you two would understand." Phil stated.

"What do you mean." Dolan asked.

"Well, aren't you two... umm... together?"

Dolan and Rob got a look of shock on their face. "Uh... no, NO... we're not... we're not together." Dolan stuttered out.

"Of course not, hehehe..."

"But I could've swore you two were involved." Linda interrupted. "I mean, that whole thing last summer in Cancun. You two had that glow about you! You two got laid by someone. I thought you two... you know..."

"Cancun?!?!?! Rob and I were with those two twins we met when y'all were gettin' messed up in the club... Jamie and Jannie."

"Maybe..." Linda said quietly, trying to recollect her memories of last summer.

"No maybes, nothing happened! We're not gay! Umm... no offense Phil." Dolan shouted.

"None taken. So nothing happened or is happening between the two of you. No biggie. We're all friends here." Phillip smiled.

"Yeah nothing..." Rob said half-heartedly. Dolan looked at Rob. A sad expression formed on his face as he saw Rob slouch down in his seat and let a tear go. He then took out the "Velvet Rope" CD which was still playing all this time and put in an *NSYNC CD to lighten up the mood. Five minuets into "Tearin'' Up My Heart" and everyone started dancing in their seats. Even Ty, with his swollen lip was singing.

By the time the CD in Dolan's 4Runner reached "I Want You Back" the clique was already pulling up a dirt path leading to the Valmont Family ranch. The ranch was gorgeous to say the least. As the sun set, it left a red glow across the landscape. As everyone emptied the SUVs, they were in awe of the surroundings. The ranch house was a huge, two story log cabin. Behind the house was a large lake that was part of the property. There was a large forest surrounding the lake, but other than that, the whole area was only grassland.

"O.k. everyone! Start unpacking before it gets dark!" Sebastian commanded in his fatherly voice.

"Geeze Ty, what happened to your lip?" Brandon question as he approached Ty, coming out of Dolan's 4Runner.

"Nothing, your boyfriend just saw it fit to teach me a lesson."

"Well, did you learn?"

"Yeah, don't mess with Phillip and the man he loves." A smile cracked on Ty's face causing him to hiss in pain.

"Ya got that right!"

Brandon gave Tyler a smirk, "So Ty, did it hurt?"


"Good, you deserved it."

"I know. I was totally in the wrong. The truth is that I thought that well, you'd change and not be well... Brandon... I thought you'd be some weirdo queer."

"That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! Ty, I've always been gay... well, bi to be exact. And no, Kim didn't change me..." They both burst out laughing, "I knew I was attracted to guys and girls ever since I was little and got turned on by both of those actors in "The Blue Lagoon," umm... Brook Shields and that other guy. It has always been apart of me. So don't think I'm gonna change just cause I'm dating Phillip now."

"So you two really love each other that much huh?"

"More than you know." Brandon reached into his pocket and pulled out a platinum band.

"WHOA!!! B!!! You only know the kid for a couple of weeks, not even a month now and you want to ask him to marry you? You aren't even 18 yet!"

"It's not an engagement ring you dork! I just want to ask him to, I know this sounds cheesy, but I want to know if he'll go steady with me."

Tyler looked at Brandon's face, "You're serious about this aren't you? Huh, to think, Westfield's resident playboy settling down with someone... a guy even!"

"Believe it buddy. Phillip's the one I love and that's that."

"Well, if no one's said it yet, I want to be the first to say congratulations and wish you two crazy kids the best!"

"Well thank you." Brandon pulled Ty into a warm hug.

"Well, I hope you two aren't getting to friendly... I don't want to give Ty another fat lip." Ty jumped off of Brandon like he was a bomb ready to explode.

"No, no, we were just talking... hehehe... just don't hurt me."

"It's cool Ty, I was only joking!"

"Yeah, yeah... hehehe... I knew that."

"So you are you cool with the situation between me and Phillip?"

"Cool as Antarctica!"

"Good." The three then grabbed their bags and headed into the house.

The house was huge! "Geeze! Hey Sebastian, I thought we were gonna rough it this weekend!" Phil shouted.

"We are! There's only two bathrooms for twelve people!" Everyone laughed at Sebastian's joke and Phillip's naiveness.

The house was stocked. There was a full chef's kitchen, satellite t.v., pool table, refrigerator, indoor grill, and huge fireplace. There were; however, only 6 bedrooms. "Everyone's gonna havta double up." Sebastian announced. Toni ran up to and jumped into Sebastian's arms.

"What's up roomie?"

"Wha? I thought you and Linda were gonna get a room."



Toni leaned into Sebastian and whispered into his ear, "She snores."


"It's like a having a bear growling at you all night."

Sebastian bursted into laughter and agreed to let Toni stay in his room. Rob and Angel ran to their favorite room. It wasn't cuz the room was decorated nice or anything like that, it was because it was directly across from the bathroom. They finally decided that they should share the room. "Hey Dolan wanna stay with me for the weekend? I mean, if you don't mind rooming with girl." Linda asked.

"Sure, it should be me asking you if you don't mind shacking up with a guy for the weekend."

"Oh I don't mind... not with a hot, muscular man like you." Linda ran her hands over Dolan's chest.

"Uhhh..." Dolan started to shake a bit.

"Damn boy! Chill, I was only screwin' with you!" She looked down and saw a tent forming in Dolan's pants. She reached down and gave his dick a little tug. Dolan closed his eyes and let a small moan escape his lips. "Down boy." She kissed Dolan on the cheek and ran off giggling.

"OH YOU'RE GONNA GET IT TONIGHT LINDA!" Crystal and Kim decided that they were going to room together because they had breakfast duty the next morning. That left the couples to get rooms with each other. Tyler and Christie and Brandon and Phillip.

Upon entering the kitchen, Sebastian immediately opened the cooler he had brought with him. he reached in and dropped a big slab on ribs on the grill. "Dinner will be ready in a few!" Sebastian yelled.

"Just don't let Toni cook it!" Everyone started to laugh at Linda's joke.

"O.K. Just for that, Linda dear, you get a dinner prepared especially by me." Toni then gave an evil cackle.

"Are you done? People need to eat."

"Yes I am Sebastian." She gave him a peck on the cheek and continued helping him cook dinner.

Dolan disappeared into the cellar, when he came back up he had three bottles of red wine, a case of beer, and a case of wine coolers in his hand. "Dolan, you aren't serious are you?" Linda chastised him.

"Oh, lighten up you. It's not like anyone's driving anywhere. It's just for dinner, and maybe a little dancing." Dolan placed the bottles down on the dinner table. He then ran over to the stereo and put on a "Booty Mix" CD. Rob got Dolan's lead and proceeded to move the coffee table and make room for a dance floor. Ty then dimmed the lights and music started playing. Two Live Crew's "I Want To Sex You Up" was the first song to come on.

I want to sex you up

I know the way you like it

I want to sex you up

uh huh uh huh

Everyone got on the floor and started to bump and grind except for Sebastian and Toni who were busy cooking. Linda started to get nasty as she grinded her ass into Dolan's crotch. The room started to get hot. Everyone began to dance as dirty as possible. As Christie squatted and shook her ass in the air, Tyler got behind her and started to thrust his hips and do a spanking motion.

After about three songs of grinding with each other, Brandon and Phillip collapsed on the couch in the far corner of the room. Phillip laid his hand on Brandon's thigh and started to rub it back and forth. He then whispered in Brandon's ear, "Tonight, after dinner, you, me, and dessert." Brandon started to get aroused as Phil started to nibble on Brandon's ear lobe. Just then Angel plopped down next to the happy couple, with a bottle of beer in hand.

"What's up you two? Fuck yet?" Angel slurred out.

"No Angel, barf yet?" Phil asked in spite.

"Funny... you're a funny one Phil."

"Angel, don't talk to us. I don't like it when you're drunk."

"Aww, Brandon... don't hurt my feelings now. Why don't you two go upstairs and fuck each other's brains out."

"No Angel, why don't you go upstairs and go to sleep."

"I can't sleep without you baby." Angel then leaned over and forced a kiss on Brandon. Phil got up helped Brandon push Angel to the other side of the couch.

"Get the hell off me Ang!" Brandon looked around and saw Rob close by, not dancing.

"Rob!" He shouted.


"Umm... Rob, if you're not busy, can you get Angel to y'all's room? He's done for tonight."

"Sure, I'm tired anyways. Apologize to Toni and Sebastian for my absence at dinner. I'm just gonna put Ang to sleep and I'm out too. Later you two lovebirds." Rob swung Angel's arm over his shoulder and helped him upstairs to their room.

Brandon then turned to Phil with a shocked expression on his face. "Rob knows too?"

"Yeah, he found out during the ride up here. Don't worry, he's totally cool with it, and so is Dolan, and from what I see, so is Ty now."

"Yeah, we had one of those t.v. heart to heart." Phillip leaned over and kissed Brandon on the lips.

"I love you Brandon."

"I love you more."

"You always have to do something 'more' don't you?"

"Uh huh."

"Maybe that's why I love you so much... well, that and great sex."

"Great sex huh?" Brandon started to tickle Phillip who was laughing hysterically.

"So it's not mind blowing, earth shattering, out of this world sex? It's just great?" Phil was laughing way too hard to get a word. Brandon then stopped his tickling and let Phil speak.

"It's mind blowing, earth shattering, out of this world sex... and a bad of chips." They both started to laugh.

The lights suddenly came on and the music stopped. There stood Sebastian with a big chef's hat and an apron. "Dinner's ready you dancing hevans!" Everyone booed and hissed, "Hey, I just don't want Dolan to throw out his hip, that would ruin everyone's weekend." Everyone laughed at Sebastian's joke except Dolan who just turned 5 shades of red.

Everyone readjusted themselves and headed to the dining room. Sebastian took a seat at the head of the table. To his right sat Toni, next to her sat Kim. Across from Kim and Toni sat Phillip and Brandon. Next to Brandon sat Dolan and Linda. Across from Dolan and Linda sat Crystal and Christie. Next to Christie sat Ty, at the end of the table. "Where's Robert and Angel?" Christie asked looking around the room.

"Rob said he was tired and Ang's wasted. Rob took him upstairs and then he's gonna go to bed too." He then turned his attention to Sebastian and Toni. "He sends his apologies for not attending dinner."

"That's o.k. we'll just make them make us lunch tomorrow." Toni joked.

"Alright y'all, I didn't slave over a hot grill so y'all can just look at the food, dig in!" With Sebastian's approval, everyone dug into the salad, barbecue ribs, rolls, and corn.

Angel and Rob stumbled into their room. Rob flipped the light switch and helped Angel to his bed. He sat Angel down on the edge of his bed. Rob then bend down and began taking Angel's shoes off. Rob then stood up and headed for the bathroom. "Where are you going?" Rob heard Angel call out. "Rob! Don't go!" Angel started to cry, "I don't want to be alone..." Rob turned around and sat next to Angel on his bed. Angel leaned his head on Rob's shoulder and started crying. "Why does this always happen to me? Why can't I just find someone to love me?" Angel cried uncontrollably.

"I don't know Ang, I just know that one day you'll find the one person that will make your life worthwhile. One... day... you'd..." Before Robert knew it, Angel started to kiss his neck. Rob let a soft moan as Angel worked his tongue on the nape of his neck. "Angel... dude... I can't... I love... I love ummmmph." Angel locked lips with Rob not letting him finish his sentence. Rob's cock started to grow, uncontrollably. Angel then grabbed hold of Rob's throbbing cock, squeezing it through the material. The two laid back on Angel's bed. Angel laid on top of Rob, grinding his hips into him. Their tongues swirled around wildly in and out of each other's mouths. Angel then opened his eyes. He broke their kiss and sat back on the edge of the bed.

"Listen Rob, I'm sooo sorry, dude... I'm just so out of it right now... I don't mean to..." He just turned his back to Robert in embarrassment. His face fell into his hands and he started to cry again.

Rob crawled over to Angel, he leaned over and whispered in his ear, "It's o.k. Ang, I'm here."

Rob then kissed Angel on the neck and licking behind his ears. Angel moaned in ecstasy. Angel then leaned back onto Rob's defined chest. Rob's hands started to unbutton Angel's shirt, allowing his hands to slip and and stroke Angel's smooth pecs and graze over his well defined abs. As they continued their kiss, Rob's hand began to undo Angel's pants. He then slid them down and started to squeeze Angel's cock through his boxers. He then slid his boxers down too. Rob started to stroke Angel slowly. Angel let out a low moan.

"Rob, you don't... Mmmmmm..."

"It's o.k. Ang, I want to." Rob then kissed Angel on the neck again and increased the speed of his stoke. Rob's cock, at this point, was straining in his pants. It almost hurt him everytime it pressed against the cotton. This only caused Rob to increase his speed. Rob's strong hand slid up and down Angel's shaft, then rubbing little circles around the head. Angel's body started to tense up, he knew he was going to cum. He tried to hold it in as much as possible. Rob continued to stroke faster and faster, he then came in his boxers. Rob came furiously, the cum began to show through his jeans. The orgasm caused Rob to release a earth shattering moan as he violently stroked Angel's cock. The sound of Rob cumming caused Angel to explode himself. The volleys of cum shot onto his chest, into Rob's hair, and dripped down Rob's hand. Rob secede his actions and the two sat there, exhausted.

Angel then stood up. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself. He went over to his bag and grabbed a change of clothes. The only thing the two of them could think about was, "Damn, I want to fuck him." As Angel opened the door he took alook back at Rob. "Looks like you need a shower too."

Rob then looked down at his cum soaked jeans and then looked back up at Angel blushing, "Yeah guess I do."

"Well, I'm not going to wait forever." Rob quickly ran to his bag and grabbed a change of clothes. He than ran after Angel and into the bathroom. As he ran across the hallway, he could hear the loud music play. "The music must have covered up that moan I let out. Good, I don't want..."

"Robert, are you coming? The steam's getting out." Angel stood in the doorway, a blond Adonis with the prefect chiseled body standing naked in the bathroom doorway beckoning Rob to join him in the shower. Rob quickly recollected himself and walked into the bathroom with Angel.

Down stairs, as soon as everyone had finished eating, music once again filled the house. The party kicked off with Janet Jackson's "Throb." The very sound of Janet Jackson moaning in the prelude to the chorus sent everyone on the dance floor to start bumping and grinding. When the chorus finally came in, Sebastian was already doing a kind of humping dance with Toni, while Dolan and Linda were rubbing their bodies together intensely. Phillip saw this as the perfect opportunity to steal Brandon away from the others and have him all to himself. "It's time Brandon." Phillip said seductively. Brandon looked into Phil's eyes and immediately got the hint. He grabbed Phil's hand and started to lead him upstairs as the music continued.

"I can feel your body

Pressed against my body

Wrap yourself around me

Love to feel you throbin'




Brandon and Phillip were so filled with love and want that they didn't even hear the sound emanating from the bathroom as they walked right by it.

Angel held Robert under the large spray of water. Rob's hands ran across Angel's face as they kissed under the stream flowing onto them. Angel rubbed his hands up and down Robert's back, feeling the water slide between his hands and Rob's flesh. Their tongues, tasting each other, savoring every lick. Angel's and Rob's head moved from side to side instinctively. They were taking the passion they had felt minutes ago to another level. It was a desperate kiss of desire. Water slide over their bodies like a waterfall to the rocks. Angel pulled Rob closer to him, stroking his fingers through Rob's brown locks as they kissed underneath the water.

The water still poured over their bodies as Angel looked deep into Rob's blue eye. Rob panted lightly and looked back into Angel's eyes. Neither of them could come up with the right words to say. A small part of both of them knew this was wrong, that this wasn't the person they wanted to be with, but that was overridden by a lustful desire for each other, they both need someone to love them, or at least hold them. Rob was there when Angel need that someone to be with him and Angel was there when Rob needed someone to be with him. Angel sensed Rob's weariness and brought his hand to Angel's shivering chin. He moved in and placed his lips right in front of Rob's. "Don't be afraid..." Angel whispered into Rob's mouth. Rob gave a small nod and let Angel kiss him. He brought his hands up to Angel's cheeks and ran his fingers over the drops of water that shimmered on Angel's face. He could feel the smoothness of Angel's face. His lips shook as Angel ran his hands to Robert's shoulders. "It's okay..." Angel whispered as he let Rob's lips part from his. Rob's eyes were still shut and he felt Angel's lips maneuver their way to his neck. "I won't hurt you." Angel whispered to Robert while kissing his neck gently. Robert began to feel safe inside, like Angel would be the one. The one that would never EVER hurt him. Rob felt Angel's hand moving to his chin again. He held Rob's chin up and smiled at him. "You are so beautiful." he whispered to Rob. Robert was so hypnotized by Angel's green eyes that he was at a loss for words.

The only words that came out was, "Make love to me Ang, make me feel loved."

Brandon grabbed Phil's hand and guided him towards the bedroom. "Tonight, I want to make love to you 'til your body can't take it anymore." Brandon whispered to Phil as he opened the bedroom door. Brandon held Phil's hand tightly and walked backwards towards the bed. Brandon slowly left Phillip's side and lit some candles that were on the nightstand. He then rejoined Phillip and the two kissed passionately. When the two released, Phillip stood by the side of the bed and looked into Brandon's eyes. They glimmered with the shine of the ocean in the candlelit room. Phil let go of Brandon's hands and grabbed hold of his own shirt. Brandon quickly stopped him.

"No, I want to make love to you. Let me remove your clothes." Brandon placed his hands on Phillip's heaving chest and slowly began to unbutton his shirt. Brandon spread the shirt apart to reveal Phil's lean, chiseled chest. He rubbed his hands over Phillip's chest and removed the rest of his shirt. Phillip turned his back to Brandon as Brandon slipped the shirt off of his arms and threw it on the floor. Phil then fell back into Brandon's body as Brandon's arms wrapped around him and held him in the pale glow of the candlelight. The warmth of Brandon's body made Phillip feel at ease as his bare skin pressed against Brandon.

Brandon stepped back slightly and removed his own shirt. He threw his shirt on the floor and quickly ripped off his jeans. Phil looked at Brandon's graceful body as Brandon removed his boxer-briefs. Phil's heart was thumping in his chest. His lover looked heavenly to him in the light of the candles. Brandon walked nervously towards Phil and began to kiss his lips. Phillip closed his eyes and softly pressed his lips to Brandon's. Brandon placed his hand behind Phil's head and guided his tongue into Phil's mouth. Their heads moved in sync as they breathed in ecstasy. Brandon ran his fingers softly over the peach skin. He guided his hands over each nipple, gently caressing them with the tip of his fingers. Brandon lowered himself on top of Phillip, meeting abs to abs, grazing over each fraction of Phillip's lower body. He fully admired the cock that laid between his thighs.

Brandon placed his hands on the zipper to Phillip's jeans and held it there. He slowly undid the belt and then the button to Phillip's jeans. He stood there and let Phil wait in excitement. Phil leaned his hands over Brandon's chest and felt the small goosebumps forming over the traces of his fingertips. Phil admired the slightly tanner flesh as if it was the first time he was touching Brandon. Phil held Brandon's attention for a moment before Brandon returned his eyes to Phil's jeans. Brandon finally began to unzip the jeans, slowly pulling the zipper towards it's end. Brandon let the zip hang and then let the jams fall gracefully down the sides of Phil's legs. Phillip placed his hands on Brandon's shoulders and slowly stepped out of the jeans. Brandon helped Phil get himself untangled from the jeans. Phillip slyly kicked the jeans to the side, causing him to trip forward some. He fell directly onto Brandon's chest, Brandon supporting Phillip as he regained balance. Phillip felt safe in Brandon's strong arms, taking in the manly scent that vibrated from Brandon's body. Brandon let Phil stand back up. Brandon grabbed hold of Phil's Calvin Klein boxer-briefs and pulled them down slowly. Phil took a deep breath as Brandon removed the boxers. Phil stepped back and let Brandon admire his now naked body. Brandon gazed up and down the young man's developed body.

Rob let out a soft moan, feeling the heat of Angel's breath on his neck. Angel ran his hands down to Rob's thighs and gently began to pick Rob up. Rob stood on his toes to help Robert boost him up. He could feel Angel's strong, erect penis running gently over his inner thigh. The feeling sent shivers and goosebumps up Rob's back. Angel grabbed both of Rob's legs, pulling them apart and holding them at the side of his waist. Rob could feel Angel's deep breathing on his shoulder and he ran his hands over Angel's wet hair.

The water shimmered over their bodies as Angel felt Rob's smooth penis run over his abdomen. Angel held Rob up for moments, making every second of heat and silence between them last. "Angel please..." Rob pleaded in fear and want. Angel ran his shaking hands over Rob's ass and held it. Rob slowly wrapped his legs around Angel's waist, interlocking his feet behind Angel. Angel's strong penis slowed moved upwards as Robert slowly moved downwards. Rob felt the quick jolt as Angel entered him. Rob gasped softly and held onto Angel's neck. Angel kissed Rob's chest as he tried to move further in Rob. Angel slowly began to thrust in and out of Robert, listening to Rob's pants in his left ear. Rob's brown locks dripped with water pouring over their tingling bodies. Angel moved his hands up towards Angel's back and ran them up and down. "Oh... God! Yes!" Rob groaned in his lover's ear. Rob lifted his head from Angel's shoulder and felt Angel's soft lips touching his again. Their lips pressed firmly together as Angel's balls began to slap Rob's ass. Angel's tongue curled out into Robert's mouth, rubbing and massaging Rob's tongue. Angel leaned back against the wall to keep his strength and quickened his pace.

Brandon took Phil's hand into his own and held it tightly. He pulled Phil forward slowly and placed his lips upon Phil's. Phillip gladly accepted the kiss, letting his mouth open cautiously. Brandon darted his tongue in Phil's mouth, causing the kiss to get intense. Phillip placed his hands around Brandon's neck and widened his kiss. Brandon raised his arms and guided them to Phil's back, letting Phil's hand go. Brandon grasped Phil's lower back and let their kiss prolong. Phil ran his hands through Brandon's soft, golden hair and felt each strand between his fingers. Brandon's penis jumped in ecstasy as he kissed his lover. Brandon slowed the pace of their kiss and let his hands slip lower down Phil's back. Phillip let his tongue slide back into his own mouth and titled his head more in their kiss. Brandon finally let Phil's lips go, causing Brandon to grunt in frustration. Phillip backed away from Brandon's face and winked his eyes open. Brandon guided his hands up Phil's body, moving from his hips to his chest. Brandon wiped the saliva from Phillip's lips and stuck his fingers in his own mouth. He licked his lover's saliva from his fingers and gave Phillip an intense look. Brandon's hands dropped back to Phil's hips and Brandon lifted Phil into the air.

Brandon laid Phillip gently on the ivory sheets and laid softly on top of him. Brandon began to kiss Phil's neck with desperation. Phil closed his eyes once again and moaned in a feverish battle to control his hormones. Brandon ran his hands over Phil's sides and examined every aspect of Phil's neck. Phil's hands grazed over Brandon's back and then clinched to it in a desperate cry. Brandon licked excitedly at Phil's sex dripped neck. "Mmmph Brandon..." Phil called out as Brandon's lips touched his neck again. Brandon crawled his way back to Phil's lips and licked them gently. Phil opened his eyes and gazed up at Brandon. Brandon gave Phil a look of need and Phil returned the look. Phil looked over Brandon's shoulders and could see a mirror on the bed's canopy. This gave Phil an even more sexual feeling stirring within his groin.

Phil rolled out from under Brandon and reached to the side of the bed. He pulled out a small cooler and a small bag that he had brought with him. He reached inside the bag and pulled out a small bottle of baby oil and crawled back to Brandon. "Roll on your stomach." Phil whispered into Brandon's ear. Brandon slowly and seductively turned onto his stomach and gave Phil full view of his backside. Phil poured the baby oil onto Brandon's back and gently massaged the oil into Brandon's skin. He started at Brandon's calves, then worked his way up to Brandon's ass and then upper back. Brandon groaned in a pant. He had never been so turned on in his life. Phillip's hands worked miracles over Brandon's body. Phil ran a finger slowly from Brandon's shoulder blades down to his inner thighs. Phil could tell Brandon was hot, just by the sounds coming from Brandon's mouth. Phil grazed his fingertips over Brandon's ass. Brandon moaned as he felt Phil's baby soft hands touch his butt. Phil massaged the skin with the touch of an angel. He admired Brandon's glowing skin as he rubbed his fingers into it. Brandon stretched his arms out and grasped the silky sheets between his fingers.

"Oh yes..." was the only words that escaped his lips as Phillip massaged his ass. Phil got on top of Brandon's ass and sat up. He began to lean forward and ten retract back, his hard dick running over Brandon's upper back. Brandon grunted as he felt Phil's shaft and head run over his body. Phil moaned in passion as Brandon's slippery skin touched his hot dick. Phil's thighs became slippery with the oil. Phil got off of Brandon and rolled to his side. Brandon too rolled over on his side and admired his lover's glowing body. Phil ran his baby oil wet hands over Brandon's chest. Brandon's chest began to glow in the pale light of the room. Phil reached under one of the pillows and pulled out a bowl of strawberries and a small container. Brandon watched as Phillip sat up on his knees on the bed.

"Lay on your back." Phil instructed to Brandon. Brandon leaned back and laid on his back. Phillip took one of the strawberry and placed in Brandon's navel. Phil then leaned down and sucked the strawberry out. Brandon shivered in the hear of the moment. Phillip chewed the strawberry slowly and then swallowed. "Mmm, taste good." Phil commented as he fed Brandon a strawberry.

"This feels so right, so good." Brandon said as he chewed on the strawberry.

"I wanted tonight to be perfect. I want to make sure you have a time that you'll never forget." Phil whispered as he laid down next to Brandon.

Brandon threw his arm over Phil's chest and whispered, "Everytime with you is a time I'll never forget."

Phil blushed and looked into Brandon's blue eyes, "I think it's time we returned to our activities." Phil said softly. Phillip sat up again and grabbed the small container. He moved his body down towards Brandon's midsection. Phil sat up on his elbows and squeezed the container right over Brandon's cock. Whipped, white cream came gushing out of the container. It fired onto the head of Brandon's penis, some falling onto his pubic hair and his balls. Phil leaned down and began to lap the cream from Brandon's balls. Brandon laid his head back and screamed in pleasure. Phillip kissed the firm balls, one-by-one before leaning up towards Brandon's penis. Phil licked tenderly at the wiped cream covered rod. He kiss the slit and then the rosy red head. He lapped up every spot of whip cream on the head before taking the rest of Brandon's meat in his mouth. He savored the taste of whipped cream, sweat, and pre-cum. Phillip worked his mouth in a slow pace over Brandon's penis. Brandon's hands clinched the sheets to control his outbursts. He nearly ripped the sheets apart as Phil's head began to bob faster and harder. Phil sucked with the intensity of a vacuum cleaner on Brandon's ample cock. Phil licked up every trace of whipped cream before Brandon let a rage of cum shoot into Phil's mouth. Phil swallowed what he could and let the rest slide down the sides of his mouth.

Phil let the saliva covered cock go and crawled up to Brandon's face. He began to lick Brandon's soft cheeks with his cum and cream covered tongue. Brandon wrapped his arms around Phil's neck and let Phil kiss his chin and face. Brandon then opened his mouth and tasted Phil's mixture of whipped cream and cum on his tongue. Their lips didn't meet, but their tongues danced around between them. Brandon began to jerk Phil's cock slowly as they intensified their kiss. Phil ran his hand over Brandon's thighs as he kissed Brandon harder. Soon Phil was cumming in a fit in Brandon's hand. Brandon slid his cum covered hand over Phil's chest and abs. Phil let Brandon's lips go and gasped for air. Brandon panted under him and wiped the cum from his fingers. Phillip laid down on top of Brandon and did his best to recover from his orgasm. "Just take you time baby." Brandon whispered as he rubbed his hands over Phillip's back.

Rob placed his hands on Angel's neck, leaving room for his elbows to rest just above Angel's chest. He couldn't figure out what was changing in his life, but he knew in his heart it had something to do with Angel. Rob began to grind his hips into Angel's ass, trying to bring his penis off without jerking off. Their lips moved apart as Angel released his own moan. He let Rob do some of the work as Rob began to move his body up and down on Angel's cock. Angel panted hard against Robert's chest and then began to lick his way up to Rob's neck. His tongue found Rob's adam's apple and licked it cautiously. Rob moved his hands to Angel's chest and pinched his nipples. "Ooh... uh... Rob. yes... mmm..." Angel moaned as Rob increased Angel's pleasure..

"Don't stop..." Rob whispered to Angel as they continued their sexual escaped. Angel felt himself slowly slipping into the zone in which he knew he would cum.

"Uh.. oh God! It's... too much..." Angel grunted as Rob brought him even closer.

Water trickled down Angel's face as he opened his eyes to look up at Rob. Robert ran his hands across Angel's face and glared into his crystal eyes. Their lips slowly met each other again, kissing at a slower pace. Angel's lips trembled, causing their kiss to end. "I can't... oh, uh... Rob!" Angel found himself cumming before he could get the words out. Rob felt the warm jets of cum splash into his ass and slowly drip out. Rob's reaction to his lover cumming set him off, causing another orgasm to burst between their heaving bodies. Rob gripped onto Angel's shoulders and let out a strong moan.

The water still dripped over their bodies as they tried to recover. Angel found himself sliding down the wall of the shower, still holding Robert's body on top of his. Angel sat on the floor, holding Rob in his arms. Rob bent down and kissed Angel's head. Rob eased up slowly, letting Angel's soft cock slip out of him. He ran his fingers over Angel's cheeks, watching tears run down Angel's face. "What's wrong?" Rob asked. Angel looked up at Rob, trying to wipe the tears from his eyes. "I'm just happy, that's all." Angel answered softly. Rob placed his arms around Angel's shoulders and gave him a small hug.

Phillip sat up again and got off of Brandon, He then grabbed Brandon's back and lifted Brandon. Brandon and Phil rolled towards the head of the bed and Phil pulled the sheet over their bodies. "I want to make love to you until I can't anymore." Phil spoke softly into Brandon's ear. Brandon responded by moaning softly. They looked into each other's eyes and felt the heat between them. Phil lifted Brandon's thighs, causing Brandon to wrap them gently around Phillip's hips. Phil led his cock to Brandon's entrance and held it there for a moment. He then leaned forward to kiss Brandon, causing his cock to force it's way into Brandon. Brandon sucked air through his teeth in pleasure and let Phil make love to hi, Phil eased into Brandon and then pulled back slowly. Brandon grabbed Phil's shoulders and let Phil move his penis inside of him. Phil finally reached Brandon's lips and planted a deep kiss on the, Brandon closed his eyes. He never pictured that he would every have an experience like this in his life. Phil moved slowly inside of Brandon, making sure to hit every spot of Brandon that made Brandon scream. Phil let go of Brandon's lips so he could hear Brandon's cries of pleasure. Brandon tighten his grip around Phil's hips. Brandon felt Phil's soft hands being to rub his penis with ease. Brandon pressed his head firmly into the huge pillow. Phil repeated his gentle thrusts into Brandon, causing heavy friction between the two. Brandon's head whipped from side to side as Phil forced deeper into his body.

Phillip ran his hands over Brandon's face as he moved harder and deeper in Brandon. Brandon's face was twisted in a scene of ecstasy. Phil let Brandon have a little more control as Brandon rolled their position. Brandon laid on top of Phil, forcing his body down onto Phil's red hot cock. The began to toss and turn in an exotic roll of pleasure. Phil continued making love to Brandon and jacking him off as they rolled around on the bed. Brandon's usually perfect hair was tossed in a mess of sex and sweat as he was finally pinned by Phil. Phil shook the bed even more as he felt himself getting closer. Brandon finally came in Phil's hand, opening his eyes as he cried out Phil's name. Phil loved to hear Brandon squeal his name while they were making love. But this night it was even more important to him. He wanted nothing but pleasure for his boyfriend as he made passionate love to him. Brandon looked up at the ceiling mirror and watched Phil's ass move up and down under the sheets. He could tell Phil was really into what he was doing. Brandon ran his hands over Phil's swear covered back and felt the drops of moisture rub over his palms. PHil leaned forward and kissed Brandon's neck as he humped faster. "Uh, Brandon!" Phil finally screamed as he came inside of Brandon. Brandon felt the whole bed begin to shake hard as Phil came. Phil's balls were spent after he emptied a huge load into Brandon's ass.

As the night rolled on. Rob and Angel regained contiousness after their orgasms halted and their dicks softened up. Angel turned off the running water that continued to pour on them as they laid on the shower floor, recovering. They both stepped out and started to dry themselves up. Angel then stepped in front of the mirror and took a long look at himself, "What's to become of us?" He asked Rob.

"I don't know?" Rob walked over to Angel and wrapped his arms around his waist and also looked into the mirror.

"I just know that what I feel for you this very moment is like no other feeling I have had for anyone else... ever. I love you Angel Valmont."

"Yeah...." The two kissed for what seemed to be five minutes. "We better get going before someone has to use the restroom and sees us like this." Rob nodded and gathered up his towel and loose articles of clothing. The two then disappeared into their room and locked the door behind them.

Brandon rolled them over so that Phil was at the bottom again. Brandon could tell Phil was worn out from their love making. "Just close your eyes and go to sleep babe." Brandon whispered as he ran his hands through Phil's hair. Phil nodded and shut his eyes. Brandon kissed Phillip's forehead and laid back. He felt Phillip wrap his arms around his body. Soon after his lover fell asleep, Brandon was out cold too.


Now if that wasn't a long chapter, I don't know what is! I really hope y'all liked it and y'all paced yourselves cuz it's gonna be a while until you find out what's going to happen between Rob and Angel. I have yet to work out a REAL story line for them. Although I DO have some things in mind. If y'all wanna help with this whole Rob and Angel thing then e-mail me and give me some of your ideas. If I use them, then you'll get full credit... of course! Or if you just want to yell and gripe at me for putting Rob and Angel together, then send it to me also! My e-mail address is

Like I said, my hiatus from writing is only going to be acouple of weeks. Just enough so I can get settled into this new school year. I'll still be able to check and answer e-mail and talk to y'all on AOL Instant Messenger if you want to just wanna talk or something. See ya!


Next: Chapter 11

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