The Clique

By moc.loa@aoHIV

Published on Jun 10, 1999


Hi everyone! My English teacher has always given my completments on my writing, so I thought I'd give it a shot. I bet she never knew I could right about stuff like this!!! Well, I thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy for freshman attempt at writing a story. Drop me a line at and tell me what you think. Please be gentle, I haven't had much experience in this sort of thing. I'll try my best to reply if I get any. ENJOY!

The Clique By: Phil

Chapter 1: Absenses

Dear Journal,

Why is it that everytime my parents make some kind of decision, my world suddenly gets turned upside down? I mean, they've never really been involved in my life anyway, all they do is throw Benjamines is my face and tell me to be good before going off on some one or two week vacation! What gives them the right to move me half way across the country? I already set down 16 years worth of roots in the rich Southern California soil when my parents decided that it would be in our family's best (finacial) interest to move from our big beautiful beach house in Sunset Beach to what I'm supossing is a farm or a ranch, since we are moving to... ugh! Houston, TX. No more childhood friends to walk to school with, no more hanging out at the beach, crusing the mall for clothes, food, girls, and... or course the California boys! (THAT'S RIGHT. I'M BI! I like both guys and girls, but I tend to lean more towards guys though. It basically comes down to how much I like his or her personality. You're probably thinking being bi means the best of both worlds, but I'm at the age where hormones and sexual frustration is at it's highest!!! My mind works doubletime. When my friends say, "Ohhh! Look at her! Damn she's FINE! Only if she wasn't with that guy, the things I'd do to her!" I also think of the things I'd do to her... and the guy she's walking with! Argggh!!!!) Damn this SUCKS!!! I wonder is there are any good looking kids around my age in Houston? They'll probably be too busy chasin' after their cousins, or "roaming the range" to notice me. Oh well. I'll just apply for UCLA or UCI when I get ready to go to college in a couple years... A COUPLE YEARS!!! Did I mention how much this SUCKS! (sigh) Well I let you know how it goes. Of all the ways to end this entry, only one seems fitting... "Y'all come back now , ye hear?" Phillip

P.S. I know I haven't done a great job of keeping up entries but I'll try to this time. (Mental Note: Don't write to your journal like it's a real person... It's creepy and just plain stupid!)

"Ugh! 5:45 a.m.!?!?!" That morning was the earliest I have ever gotten up at. Why Houston high schools start at 7:25 in the morning and not at 9 like Cali schools is beyond me. It was an late spring morning. I laid in bed thinking about what school was going to be like. I was going to start school the day the kids came back from Spring Break, half way into the second semester. All the kid would've already known each other and I would be the outcast. I reluctantly got up and started a shower. As I waited for the water to warm up a bit, I put on some music to start my day. Something alittle high energy to liven me up a bit. I need some *NSYNC. I turned up the volume and looked at the CD insert to find a song that would get me going. After finding my self getting hard from looking at pics of Justin Timberlake and Lance Bass rather than finding a song, a just decided to let the CD play and take my shower. A hot shower was just what I needed! That and a wet early morning jack off. If you've never heard of *NSYNC... you're missing out. When I got out, I dried myself up and took a good long look in the mirror. I saw what I was gonna present to the kids at my new high school. I saw a 6' tall, lightly taned, 17 year old Vietnamese boy with black hair with brown highlights. I guess I'm kinda cute, atleast that's what all the girls in Cali told me. They said they liked my dark brown eyes, my medium tanned skin, and my "swimmer's body."

I rummeged through my closet to find something to wear. Afterall, the first impresion is the one that sets your social ranking in high school.

Something of high quality, but not showy or gaudy. Slim fit and figure flattering. Something that would reflect me. I chose to wear a pair of Calvin Klein boxer-briefs my thin, ribbed, black Armani sweater that clung to and defined my upper body and waist, some grey wide-leged slacks that I had a tailor in Downtown Houston make, and a pair of Armani loafers. Pleased with myself, I turned off the stereo, placed my *NSYNC CD back into it's slot in my CD case and went down stairs to the kitchen.

I immediately went through my morning routine, only this time... I actually did it in the morning! I opened the refrigerator door to get a glass of milk and read the note that my departed daddy left:

Dear Phillip,

Your mom and I have been called away on another business trip, this time it's a two week trip to New York. I know you wanted us to be there to support you on your first week of school in a new city but if we don't go to this meeting... blah, blah, blah, blah,... You still have your platinum card right? If it runs out, here's $500 to tie you over 'til we get back.


As many times as I've read that or any note, I've never read the middle part.

I gave up on figuring the reason why my parent's business meetings are more important than their one and only son. It came to the point to where I only cared about where they've gone, how long they're gonna be gone for, and how much money they've left me. I finished my milk, had some cookies, and left.

I jumped into my BMW (My parents way of saying their sorry for missing my 16th bithday) and sped off for my new school. As I drove, I put on some Janet Jackson. God how much I loved this woman! She's so free of her inhibitions! I'm sure if I'd make a pass at some guy, I'd get a beating of a lifetime! And with being here in the south, I'm sure it'd be worse. For now, I think I'll just let my straight half take over. As I drove to school, I noticed Houston was not what I pictured it to me, no one was riding horses or wearing 10 gallon cowboy hats. So much for stereotypes. I put the CD on "Rope Burn" and let that song play until I reached the school. Never thought Janet singing about S&M would be a turn on, but needless to say, as I parked my car, my 8 1/2 inches was straining! I just had to sit in my car 'til I calmed down, or rather, IT calmed down. I knew I was gonna have to do some waving today if I wanted to make friend but if I go in like this, I'd be giving them a "full salute."

Chapter 2: A New Begining

After, I got my straining cock down, I headed for the front doors. I looked around expecting to see inbred hicks, but again, I was wrong. Almost 90% of the school looked... well... normal. Of course there were the usual nerds and outcasts, and the recently emerged group of Goth kids that just sprung up a couple years ago, but the rest of the people looked like kids I'd find in Cali. And in my opinion, 80% of the 90% were, for lack of a better word... well... FUCKABLE! I checked in, got my schedual, and headed to my first period class. All the while thinking, "Oh my, he's tasty. Damn, she's cute! Oh my, a blond adonis! Almost all the guys here are totally hot! Well... maybe not that one, or that one, not him, definately him, possibly her, OH HELL NO! Her yes, but I'd rather have that guy she's with." Almost everyone was eye candy for me! That makes Westfield High a proverbial candy store.

I sat down in my first period class, English IV Advance Placement, doing the same thing I did as I was walking in the hall. Then THEY came in. They came in and surronded me. A group of the most gorgeous guys I've ever seen. One guy was Asian. He had short, straight, black hair that was split in the middle, a well defined body, and this adorable face that resembled that of a puppy dog. Both of his friends were white. One guy had the softest baby face I have ever seen! He was a little taller than his Asian frined but they seemed to have the same build. This guy had short brown hair that he combed forward giving him bagns. The other guy was a blond god. About my height, but with a very defined body, flawless face, green eyes, and this sexy, deep voice! Vaguely resembles Justin Timberlake of *NSYNC, but with short, straight blond hair that parts in the middle. The Asian guy sat directly to my right and the guy with the brown hair sat infront of him. The blond god took a seat infront of me. He turned to talk to his friends, then suddenly turned to my direction. I prayed that he didn't catch me staring at him, but he just introduced himself to me. "Hi, you're new here right? Never seen ya around before." "Yeah I am." I replied, kinda coldly. "Well... I'm Brandon, to your right is Dolan Kwan," "Hi." Dolan greeted. "Hello." Brandon started back up again, "and infront of him is Robert Anderson, but everyone calls him Rob." "Hi, how ya doin'?" "Fine thanks." Needless to say, the four of us hit it off great. In that short hour of class, I found out that Brandon's last name was Lauderdale, Brandon drives a Mercedes ML320, Rob and Dolan ride to school together in Dolan's 4Runner, and Rob was the only one who has lost his virginity." Amazing what kind of topics come up in conversations these days. They asked me what Cali was like and stuff like that, and I asked them about things to do here in Houston to kill bordem. As I asked them that, Rob and Dolan looked at each other and giggled softy, and when they finally reclaimed their composure, they told me about Astroworld, Splashtown, The Galleria, and other places. "What's so funny?" Was all I could think about. Oh well, the class bell rang and I split from the three of them and thought to myself that, they'll proably be the kind of friends that will only talk to me in class and sometimes wave in the halls. Probably no more than that.

I spent the next two periods thinking about my three new friends, nothing sexual, just about how much fun they were to hang out with in English. After the third period bell rang, I ran to my locker while looking over my schedual, so I didn't know what was in front of me, then BANG! I fell to the floor. "Why don't you watch where you're going!!!" "Me?!?! If you didn't have your fucking head down, then... Oh hi Phil!" That's when that voice hit me. It was Brandon. I had just made a fool of myself infront of the cutest guy in school! "Oh Brandon! Hi, umm... sorry, about that. I guess I should've watched where I was going." "That's o.k. I should've tried to dodge you better..." "No, no! It was completely.." "HEY BRANDON!!!" Dolan came running up to us. "I leave you for a minute and look what happens. Can't we just have one day that Brandon is not accident proned?" "Listen Dolan, it's completly my fault." I stood up for Brandon. "Sup Phil! So, you're telling me that this is not another Brandon accident?" Dolan asked. I started to speak when Brandon interupted me. "Well it's is kinda, I was look at this Freshman being harrased by Tommy and kinda didn't pay attention to wear I was going." "No! It was my fau.." "No, mine!" Dolan, obviously getting tired of our bickering finally setteled it for us. "You two, shut the fuck up! It was both of y'all fault so both of y'all will pay. I declare that both of you owe each other dinner. Phil, you drive and pay for gas, and Brandon, you pay for the food. 'Aight?!?!" Dolan comanded forcefully. We both softly agreed and continued on with the rest of the school day. I was giddy with joy inside. DINNER WITH BRANDON LAUDERDALE!!!!

Brandon and Dolan both walked me to lunch and invited me to sit at their table. There was 9 of them sitting at that table, and from what I see around me, their table was the most popular. It was in the center of the cafeteria for all to see. I met with their clique, which I'm sure composed of only the most beautiful people at school, so that made me feel honord. I clicked with everyone their as well as I did with my friends back in Cali! I took a seat to the right of Toni Truong, across from her was Linda Phanprasa, at the head of the table. They were probably the most gorgeous girls there, on my right was Brandon, and across from me was Dolan. Next to Dolan was Rob who was next to Brandon's ex, Kim "The Blond Bombshell" Bell. "They still get along for the most part. From what I've heard they broke up cuz Kim was smothering him too much, but I'm not sure cuz they both don't like talking about it," Toni informed me as she caught me staring at Kim. "Don't even think about getting involved with her," she added, " she's alittle slow, she still thinks Brandon's still with her." Linda interupted us, "I got some dirt y'all gotta hear!"

She waited 'til Brandon left to get his lunch and then beckoned Toni and me closer to her. "Guess who's got a crush on Brandon?" Toni and I both shrugged our shoulders. Linda, with the most gorgeous smile I've ever seen pointed at the end of the table. "Christie?!?!" Toni asked. Christie Le...

a beautiful Vietnamese girl sitting across from Kim. "Isn't there a rule where you can't date you're bestfriend's ex?" Toni asked Linda. "No idiot! Next to her, Angel." "ANGEL?!?!" Toni shouted. "What?" Angel asked. "Oh nothing... it's... it's just that... it's been all summer since I've seen you Angel, and..." Linda and I laughed at Toni's pathetic attempted to cover up. She gave us an evil glare and sat down after she finished talking to Angel. "I didn't know Angel was gay." Toni stated. "I didn't know either 'til last month." Linda retorted. "Angel's gay? Did you know Angel's gay?" Toni asked me. "Hey! I don't even know Angel! Don't ask me!" "How did you find out?" Toni questioned Linda. "We saw each other a lot during the spring break, since we both got jobs at Armani Exchange, and one day after work, we went to Starbucks and he just 'outted' himself," Linda explained. "He just 'outted' himself to me and then told me he had a crush on Brandon." "Just like that?" I asked. "Just like that," Linda said. "And you felt the need to betray his trust and tell us." "Well, I knew I could tell you anything. Cuz I know you can keep a secret, and Phil... well, Phil's so gosh darn cute and innocent that I just had to dirty him up with some gossip!" I blushed a little at Linda's complement and spent the rest of luch staring at Angel.

Angel Valmont. He was an exact copy of Lance Bass of *NSYNC to the very last detail. Maybe Angel was a little more muscular and had a more defined jaw line but other than that, he probably has girls chasing him up and down the mall asking for his autograph thinking he was Lance. It was hard to beat his good looks, but Brandon did. As soon as Brandon sat back down with his plate of food, I was again captivated by his beauty. DAMN THIS BOY IS FINE!!!!

I kept up conversations with Brandon and well as talking with Toni, Linda, Dolan, and Rob. As the lunch bell rang, everyone dispanded. "Say Brandon, wanna shoot some hoops over at my house after school?" Angel asked.

"Sorry Ange, I owe Phil a dinner." "Why?" "Cuz I'm dumb." "Well, then I'll join you two." "Not this time Ang. We're taking Phil's car and it only seats two." "Damn Phil, I still don't believe you drive a Z3!" I shrugged my shoulders as Angel continued. "But..." Angel was cut short by Brandon, "Don't Ange. I'll meet you tomorrow after school. Promise." Angel gave me this look of anger, jelousy, and envey. he then gave Brandon a sad puppy dog face with those gorgeous eyes of his. "Don't worry, you have the voices in your head to keep you company," Brian giggled, "and if that doesn't work, you can hang out with Toni, Rob, Dolan, any of these guys!" Brandon then pulled Angel in closer, "If it were up to me... I'd stay in my room and listen to the voices." Brandon laughed with Angel then came over to me and flung his arm over my shoulder. "Here, let me show you to your next class." "Sure, I still don't get the numbering on these rooms!" "It takes awhile, I'm still trying!" As Brandon walked me to chemistry, I looked over my shoulder at Angel. He was still giving me that look, this time minus the envey. Oh well, fuck it! It's not like Brandon and I are gonna have mad passionate sex after dinner, we're just two new friends out to get to know each other better. That's it. Not that the fact that Brandon was a total stud and I had alittle crush on him. No biggie. It's probably not gonna be any more than a crush either. Brandon's got to be straight. As Brandon, Toni, Linda, and I left the clique, Christie gave me a once over and flashed me a VERY seductive smile, and so did Kim.

I had fun that afternoon, and immediately felt like I belonged. For the rest of the day, I had at least three people from the lunch table in each of my classes. Brandon, Toni and Linda was in fourth period chemistry with me, Brandon, Linda, and Angel had fifth period physics, and Christie and Toni had 6th period pre-cal with me. As a finally reached me front door, I thought to myself, "Even though I miss Cali something awful, I have a feeling Houston's gonna be a blast! I have so much to look forward to! All in all, it's been a very productive first day. New friends, new clique, new life, and... OH MY GOD! I almost forgot! I have a date... err... I'm going to dinner with Brandon! Two hours. Just enough time to get ready.

Next: Chapter 2

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