The Clarksons

By Jason Clarkson

Published on Dec 2, 2011


If you are not of legal rights and/or age to read any type of adult literature or if you find the material offensive, please do not read any further. The author and site cannot be held liable as you agree to accept all responsibility for reading said material. If you wish to contact the author of this series, please do so at, I will respond to all e-mails. This story is fiction. All names,descriptions and actions of the characters are not real.

Thank you for the many emails. Sorry for the delay in continuing the story! JC

The three boys, Justin, his friend Jay and Jay's younger brother Kevin, floated around in the pool. All three were physically and sexually spent, however, all three were careful to keep their distance from each other. They all knew that contact with either of the other two was more than likely sexually charge them up immediately.

Mr. Clarkson had joined them outside, his own balls aching after unloading them with Jay in the closet. Mr. Clarkson was admiring the hot guys floating in the pool. He could feel the sexual energy that was all around the boys as they did their best to resist each other.

Mr. Clarkson had downed a few beers and was beginning to worry he was going to lose control and make a big mistake. However, he was quite horny again. So, he decided he would go in and check out some porn or video chat with someone to relieve himself.

"Hey guys, I have some work to get done and a conference call to make," Mr. Clarkson lied to the swimmers. "So, please don't disturb me. If the office door is closed, don't come in. If you really need something, Justin, send me a text. OK?"

"Sure thing, pops. Don't work too hard!" teased Justin.

"If the kid only knew," thought Mr. Clarkson.

"I think he is pretty well spent," Jay devilishly thought to himself.

Justin had been running through many scenarios in his head while the boys had been floating around. He had finally decided that he wanted Kevin to join in on some of the fun he and Jay were having. He figured Jay would be weird about it at first, and maybe Kevin too, but the brothers had seemed to be getting along pretty good lately, so he thought he would try.

He had a plan to test the idea out to see if it was possible.

As soon as the door closed behind Mr. Clarkson, Justin dove under the water. His first victim would be Jay. Getting Jay all horned up would be the key. He knew Kevin had seen Justin and Jay earlier, and admitted enjoying seeing his brother having sex with Justin. So, he figured Kevin would be the easy one to go along with joining in.

The excitement of the whole idea had Justin quite pumped up which caused him to lose the subtlety that he had wanted to use. He swam directly in front of Jay and drove his head right into his crotch and wrapped his arms around Jay, squeezing both ass cheeks. He wriggled his face into Jay's soft cock and balls as he successfully lifted Jay off his feet, causing Jay to fall back into the water.

From above the water it would simply look like a playful tackle in the water, but Justin hoped that it would arouse Jay.

As Jay fell backwards, Justin held tight and continued to wriggle his face into Jay's dick. Justin knew it was working as he could feel Jay's cock beginning to grow already.

The attack caught Jay off guard. It felt great to have Justin's face down there, but he was also being drawn under the water and needed to resurface. Plus, he had to find a way to deliver a counter attack on his friend.

Jay grabbed Justin's head to try to free himself from his control. Before trying to pull Justin away, Jay pushed Justin's face deeper into his crotch, further arousing himself. Jay then pulled Justin back and wriggled his way out of Justin's grasp. However, as Jay slipped out, Justin was able to catch the waistband of Jay's swim trunks. Jay's movement away from Justin caused his swim trunks to slide down to his thighs. Justin didn't let go and in fact pulled hard, yanking the trunks below Jay's knees.

Jay was now thrashing in the water and as he tried to stand to get away further, the trunks at his lower legs caused him to fall back into the water.

Justin took the opportunity to dive back down, this time from behind Jay, burying his head into Jay's ass while reaching around and beginning to stroke Jay's cock.

Kevin watched in amazement. He couldn't believe Justin was pretty much sexually mauling Jay in front of him, but he also couldn't believe how turned on it made him. He so badly wanted to join in on it, but knew he couldn't until Jay invited him, and he didn't think that would ever happen. Kevin was also getting nervous that Jay might be embarrassed to have his little brother see any of this.

Jay was enjoying Justin's attack but he also needed to resurface. Justin was now humping Jay from behind while stroking Jay's cock to its full and upright position.

Jay was lost in his lust and hadn't even thought about Kevin being in the pool with them. Jay struggled to get free but Justin had him pinned. Jay relaxed and enjoyed the sensations Justin was providing him, noting that being trapped was adding to the excitement. He realized Justin would have to surface soon anyway, and that was when he would launch his counter attack.

As much as Justin wanted to continue grinding his swim suit covered cock against Jay's firm ass cheeks, he needed to get above water and get some air. Justin released Jay's cock from his grip and headed to the surface. He burst through the water gasping for breath and laughing heartily, knowing his bud would soon be following.

Jay came up similarly, not concerned that his trunks were now at his ankles. Jay didn't say anything, but rather stood away from Justin taking in some much needed oxygen. Just a few more breaths and he would dive under and go right for Justin's crotch. He felt Justin's hard cock on his ass, so he knew he would have something to hold on to. He planned to swoop in, pull the swimsuit down with one hand and grab Justin's cock tight. He would pull Justin around the pool by his cock, making Justin at least beg for mercy, but other ideas were also racing through Jay's head.

He was lost in his revenge and lust that he still hadn't remembered that Kevin was with them.

Kevin, meanwhile, had moved to the edge of the pool, patiently sitting on the side, rubbing his cock through his shorts. Kevin had removed the torn up shirt, and was using his other hand to rub up and down his smooth chest and stomach.

Kevin had seen his brother and friend having sex a few times now, but never this close. He wanted to join so badly, but for now he was content with his ringside seat.

Justin caught his breath as well and glanced at Kevin with a seductive grin. Justin saw that Jay wasn't trying to cover up his hard cock and wasn't yelling at Justin as a ruse to keep Kevin from figuring out what was really going on. Justin figured either Jay didn't care or was just caught up in the fun that he didn't remember that Kevin was there. Either way, Justin was pleased that his plan was working.

Justin gave Kevin a wink while he loosened the tie on his swim trunks, so that they would slip off easier. Justin knew that Jay was planning a counterattack and he was getting ready.

Without even turning around to look at Justin, Jay went under and headed straight for Justin's cock as he had planned.

Justin was ready and balanced himself so as to not fall when Jay came crashing into him.

Jay banged into Justin's hard cock. He grabbed at Justin's trunks and easily pulled them down, but before he could grab the rocket, Justin grabbed Jay by the wrist preventing him. Justin quickly put his other hand on Jay's head and forced it into his crotch.

Jay could hear Justin's muffled laughter above the water as Justin taunted him. Jay was frustrated as Justin had control over him once again. This time, Jay's face was being rubbed against Justin's cock. Jay felt Justin's balls on his chin. Justin held tight to Jay's right hand. Jay was using his left hand to try and push away from Justin but to no avail. Rather than continuing to struggle, Jay decided to enjoy the moment, and possibly distract Justin enough to get him to loosen his grip.

"Then," Jay thought, "I'll teach my hot friend a lesson!"

Jay opened his mouth underwater and began to suck the balls that were now bouncing off his face. Justin obviously enjoyed the attention and did lighten his grip. However, Jay was also enjoying what he was doing. He was able to free his head to get to the surface for a breath, but he plunged back down immediately and began to work on Justin's cock. Taking Justin's cock in his mouth underwater was an amazing feeling for both boys. It was quite tricky to not swallow water and keep coming up for air, but Justin was handling it all quite well. It was quite an impressive feat.

Kevin was certainly amazed at the show. The horseplay between his brother and friend was hot enough, but now this was unbelievable. Kevin had dropped his shorts to mid thigh and was feverishly stroking his cock, hoping that the two boys would soon let him join.

Justin was leaning back against the side of the pool now as his best friend continued to service his now throbbing dick. He looked up and saw Kevin on the other side of the pool completely enjoying the show.

Justin smiled and Kevin understood. Justin hadn't forgotten about Kevin and would now find a way to get Jay to allow Kevin to join. At least this was what Kevin took from the quick smile. Regardless of whether it was true or not, the idea brought Kevin even closer to the edge of ecstasy. The edge that Kevin has quickly fallen off after these two hot boys have brought him to it on so many occasions lately.

Justin took both hands and lifted his hot, underwater, cock-sucking friend out of the water. The two boys were now standing, facing each other. Justin kissed Jay passionately. The two friends hugged and enjoyed the touch of their lips and warm tongues. Their saliva mixed with the pool water that had entered Jay's mouth as he had sucked his friend underwater.

Justin moved his hands to Jay's tight ass cheeks and squeezed them while also pulling him so that their bodies were pressed tight against each other. Jay's tightened his hug around his best friend and the two boys began to grind their rock hard dicks against their wet bodies.

Kevin watched intently as he stroked his cock on the other side of the pool.

Justin removed his right hand from Jay's ass and raised it out of the water. He softly made a waving gesture, signaling Kevin to come over and join them. He continued to kiss his friend, Jay. A wave of excitement but a twinge of panic shot through him. He hoped Jay would be up for Kevin joining them. He didn't want to mess up what he and Jay had going and he certainly didn't want to cause any problems between Jay and his brother, Kevin.

Kevin couldn't believe it when he saw Justin wave him over. He felt a quick orgasmic like blast as he realized what might happen. He pulled off his cock quickly as a few more strokes and that little blast would be a full eruption.

Kevin lowered himself into the water and began to wade over to the hot older boys. The cool water of the pool helped to settle his throbbing cock down a bit. Kevin started to get a bit nervous as he realized that Jay might not be up for this. He stopped and looked down, unsure if he should continue.

Justin spotted Kevin and saw the fear in his face. Justin realized that the panic he felt was probably justified. He and Kevin were taking a huge risk.

Justin raised his hand once again, signaling Kevin to stop.

Kevin saw the signal and gladly held still in the middle of the pool.

Justin decided to try a different tact. He pulled his lips away from Jay's and used his right hand to push Jay's head into his shoulder. Jay began to kiss and suck on Justin's neck, assuming that was why Justin had forced his head onto Justin's muscular shoulder.

Justin was now positioned to whisper into Jay's ear.

"Hey Jay," Justin whispered, "are you sure you are cool with Kevin watching us?"

Jay's body jerked a bit, but Justin was sure to keep Jay's head buried into his shoulder. Justin knew it was best to get Jay comfortable with the idea before Jay made any eye contact with his brother.

"Oh fuck," Jay whispered back, "I totally forgot he was here. Is he watching us? What's he doing?"

Jay felt like crying. How could he let his brother see this? He dug his face deeper into Justin's shoulder, trying to hide himself from the shame he felt.

Justin held tight, letting Jay get his reaction out but not letting him move.

"Oh no, I can't face him. He is gonna hate me forever. Fuck, how could I be so stupid. I am such a dick." Jay babbled on, grunting in disgust of himself.

Justin realized that only Kevin could reassure Jay that everything was ok. Jay was not mad at Kevin for being there, but feeling afraid that Kevin would hate him for what he was doing.

Justin tried to reassure Jay that it was going to be ok, while waving Kevin over at the same time.

Justin kissed Jay's neck and whispered, "It's going to be ok, Jay. Kevin is cool, I am sure he will understand."

Jay continued to agonize while keeping his face buried in his friend's neck, "Oh fuck, Justin, he is gonna hate me. We were really starting to get along, too. Oh shit, I can't look at him. I can't see the disappointment..."

Suddenly, Jay felt a hand on his shoulder.

"It's ok, Jay, I love you and will always love you no matter what," whispered Kevin into Jay's ear.

Jay tightened up and kept his face buried in Justin's neck.

"Oh, Kevin, I am sorry you saw us. It's not what you think, we just kinda play around," Jay tried to explain, his words muffled as he was speaking into Justin's neck.

Kevin stepped in closer so that his hard cock rested against Jay's ass. Kevin let his chest melt into Jay's back and he slid his hand down Jay's shoulder, along his arm and found Jay's hand. He held it as he leaned in and kissed Jay's neck.

"I know Jay, there is nothing wrong with 2 friends having fun. Just like there is nothing wrong with 2 brothers having fun," Kevin said as he slowly began to grind his cock up and down his older brother's crack.

"And there is certainly nothing wrong with a friend having some fun with a friend and his brother, either," said Justin, giggling, hoping that Jay was going to be ok with this.

Jay kept his head buried. Kevin's soft touch and words sent incredible waves of pleasure through him. He was so happy that Kevin wasn't mad and he also realized that he was now extremely aroused that Kevin wanted to do more than the showing off that they had been experimenting with at home.

Kevin continued to kiss Jay's neck, hoping that Jay would respond favorably. Justin waited nervously as well. Both boys were so turned on but still weren't sure that Jay wanted to be a part of this.

Jay was still a little embarrassed but was completely fine with Kevin knowing and was quite anxious to have him join in on the fun. Jay also quickly thought about how much fun he would have his brother at home.

Still, his embarrassment made him hesitant to look up. He could feel the two boys tense up as they waited for his response. Jay actually enjoyed the control of keeping his friend and brother in suspense. He thought about messing with them and freak out and act all pissed, but he didn't want to risk ruining this very erotic moment. Jay decided to just open it up and let his friend and brother go with it. Jay was surprised, but pleasantly, that Justin was up for having Kevin join in. Although now thinking back over the past few years, Justin always was including Kevin in on stuff when they would hang at Jay's house. Even today, Jay thought, Justin was sure quick to invite Kevin to hang out.

"Hmmm," Jay thought further, "I wonder if Justin had been planning this little rendezvous."

Jay didn't care. It was happening and he was now thrilled with the idea.

Jay felt Kevin's light kiss once again on his neck. Justin was still hugging Jay but Jay could tell he was tense and not moving. The two boys were dying for Jay's reaction.

"Well, Kev, I guess you better find some way to punish your big brother for all those years that I was a dick to you," said Jay, raising his head a bit but still not looking at Kevin or Justin.

Justin smiled, and chimed right in:

"Yeah, Kev, stick that nice, hard cock up your brother's tight hole. Make him moan, he deserves it. All those times he wouldn't let you hang with us. Go ahead. Fuck the big dickhead."

Kevin felt unsure. Yes, he definitely wanted to slide his cock into his brother, but he didn't want Jay to really think he was mad at him or anything. He decided to play along, hoping Jay knew it was just part of the little game they were now in.

"Yeah, big brother, I am gonna pay you back for all the shit you gave me through the years. I am gonna make you whine like the little baby you are. I am gonna fuck your tight hole and make you my bitch." Kevin excitedly announced.

"Oh yes, Kev, fuck me hard. I deserve it." Jay encouragingly said as he rose up on his toes to let Kevin's cock slide down his crack to his wanting ass.

Justin held his ground, his eyes practically popping out as he watched the two brothers.

Kevin positioned his cock head at Jay's hole which was completely underwater and drove in. Jay buried his head back into Justin and began to moan. Kevin was inside him quickly. The three boys swayed and stumbled a bit as Kevin tried to thrust in and out of Jay.

Justin realized they needed to reposition.

"Keep your cock in that sweet hole, Kev, but let me get your bro in a better position to take his punishment," Justin said as he pulled away from Jay and moved him so that he was leaning on the side of the pool, slightly bent over. Kevin began to rapidly drill his brother.

"Fuck yeah, Kev, that's how you do it," exclaimed Justin.

Jay began to moan even louder.

"Well, Jay," Justin continued, "I think Kevin's got a lot of pent up anger for all the shit you pulled on him; looks like he is finally getting his payback."

Jay tried to speak between moans:

"No, Justin, I think he is going to need more payback than just this once."

Kevin was thrilled to hear that from Jay.

"Yeah, Jay, this is only the start," said Kevin, "You owe me plenty."

Kevin began to groan. Justin remembered the sound from earlier. He knew it meant Kevin was about to dump his hot load into his brother.

Kevin and Jay were in a nice rhythm. They weren't splashing the water too much but they were certainly creating some waves and Kevin showed no mercy when driving deep into his brother. As Justin watched, he saw that there were really years of feelings being let out. It wasn't anger or payback as the boys were teasing about, it was something much different. Kevin must have wanted this for a long time. Justin noticed the same emotions in Jay as well. Justin had fucked Jay a few times recently but Jay had never let himself go like this.

When Justin and Jay had been together so far, it was extremely hot, but it was two hot buds enjoying the sex and getting off. Justin was watching Jay give himself to his brother. Justin was certainly enjoying the pounding that Kevin was giving him, but Justin could tell it was more than just that beautiful cock rolling over Jay's prostate. It was the consummation of a special and deep bond that had been blossoming for years and years.

Kevin's moans got louder as did Jay's which snapped Justin out of his thoughts and back into the action.

"Jay, I think your bro is about to deposit his first load of payback," Justin said excitedly.

"You are right, Justin, I am gonna shoot. Jay, it's going to feel so good to fill you up with my cum," said Kevin in between grunts and groans.

"Oh yes, Kevin, fill your big brother up with your seed. Give me your cum, little bro!" Jay yelled.

Justin pulled further away and stroked his cock while he watched the two brothers reach the height of their passion. Justin had never seen such intensity and passion as Kevin made love to his big brother. Justin could tell he could never satisfy Jay the way Kevin was doing right now. He felt a bit sad realizing that the brothers might not be interested in Justin anymore now that they had discovered their desires for each other.

Justin stopped stroking his cock even though he was desperate to cum. So much had happened in such a short amount of time, and he felt it all slipping away. He couldn't believe he was thinking these thoughts, but he knew he couldn't go on if he couldn't be with Jay and now Kevin.

Once again, Justin was snapped out of his daze by Kevin's lustful groans.

Jay was the first to speak legible words, however.

"Oh fuck, Kevin, I am cumming. I love you so much little bro, I want your cum inside me so bad. I love you. Oh yes, I fucking love you so much." Jay yelled as Justin watched the creamy white pellets shoot from Jay's untouched cock under the water.

"Oh yes, Jay, take my load. Oh yes, I love you too, Jay, you have no idea how much. Aaaaaahhh, yes! Jay take my fuckin cum," Kevin yelled as his cum exploded from his cock. Kevin had never felt such an intense orgasm, nor had any cum shots gone on for so long. He felt completely drained as he continued to pump his cock into his brother's ass.

Justin was stunned. He was amazed, thrilled, aroused and completely in awe in what he had just experienced. He had closed his eyes and just listened and felt the incredible passion overwhelm him as Kevin planted his seed inside his best friend.

Justin dropped under the water to collect himself.

Jay was still shaking from the intense orgasm as he felt Kevin'softening cock slip out of his worn out hole. Jay looked at Justin as Justin was lowering himself into the pool.

Jay quickly realized that he and Kevin had pretty much iced Justin out. Jay knew that probably hurt Justin's feelings. Jay was no longer afraid or embarrassed to look at his brother. Jay's instinctively took control of the situation as the big brother. Jay had totally submitted to his younger brother and absolutely loved it, but now he had to take charge and make sure Justin was given some deserved attention.

"Oh Kevin, that was incredible. We have lots to talk about and shit, but right now we have to take care of the great guy that made us finally open our eyes to our feelings." Jay said authoratively.

Kevin looked confused and said, "Huh, what you mean, Jay? Is something wrong with Justin?"

"You're so clueless sometimes little bro, but I love you anyways. Just follow my lead. Believe me, you'll enjoy it," answered Jay.

Jay walked over to Justin and lifted him up out of the water. Jay twitched as he felt some of Kevin's cum drip out of his ass. In one motion, Jay lifted Justin onto the pool ledge. Justin's cock was still rock hard and bounced up and down.

Justin looked at Jay annoyingly and confused. Justin was feeling really bad and was not in the mood for horseplay from Jay.

When Jay looked into Justin's eyes, he knew his fear that Justin felt excluded was justified. But he was confident he and Kevin would make amends quickly.

"Come here, little bro," Jay said to Kevin while he kept his eyes locked on Justin's. "I have been needing some help with this hot guy's cock ever since I've been playing with it, and I think you are the perfect one to provide assistance. After all, my boy Justin practically handed you my ass, and now that I think about how you have acted around him the last few years, I think you've been craving his thick, juicy cock."

Jay started to stroke Justin's cock, never letting his eyes move from Justin's, and continued talking:

"Yeah, I am pretty sure that the two of you have been secretly lusting after each other for years now. In fact, I wonder if maybe that ripped shirt and scratches on your back weren't from the two of you going at it while I was in the bathroom."

Jay didn't really think that but thought it was fun to tease the two guys.

Justin quickly looked at Kevin who had now swam over in front of him. In just a quick glance, the two decided that Jay was just playing and had no idea that he was correct in his assessment. The two young men decided with a quick sideways nod of the head, that, "No. They weren't going to tell Jay about that." At least not right now.

Before Jay could provide the instruction, Kevin began sucking on Justin's semi hard cock. Kevin realized what Jay had been talking about and was eager to show Justin his appreciation. Plus, as Jay had correctly guessed, Kevin had dreamed of this moment (and jacked off to it) many times over the years.

Justin responded to the pleasure Kevin was now providing by tilting his head back and saying:

"Oh yes, Kevin, you do that better than your big brother Jay."

Justin knew that this would get Jay going. He also realized that Jay understood how he had been feeling and was so happy when he saw Jay working to make it better.

"Yeah, Kev, you seem like quite the little cocksucker," Jay answered. "It almost looks like you have had practice."

Kevin pulled his mouth off of Justin's cock, but grabbed it in his right hand and stroked it while he replied:

"No, Jay, honest, this is my first time. I probably could use some pointers from my big bro," answered Kevin as he turned to look up at Jay.

Kevin continued to stroke Justin's cock.

Jay replied:

"Well, I don't have much experience either, but first thing, you might wanna slow down on that stroking, Justin looks like he is gonna blow. No sense getting him there too quick without being able to enjoy it. Plus, we don't want him shooting one of his patented huge loads into the pool. There is enough of my cum floating in here already."

Hearing that, Kevin slowed his stroking of Justin's cock to a soft, sensual caressing of the college jock's cock.

Justin was enjoying the attention to his cock, but wanted more. Jay was right, he was about to blow, and he desperately wanted it to be in one of the brothers' mouth.

"Oooh yeah, Kev, that feels great, but Jay, why don't you show Kevin some of your techniques," said Justin now looking at his friend.

"That sounds like an excellent idea, Just," answered Jay as he positioned himself next to his brother.

Now, both Kevin and Jay were in between Justin's legs. Justin took the opportunity to lift his legs and rest one on each of the boy's outside shoulders—on Kevin's left and Jay's right.

Jay pulled Kevin's hand off of Justin's cock.

"OK, Kev, let me have a chance at my boy's meat," said Jay as he began to slide his tongue up Justin's long shaft.

Jay began working Justin's cock feverishly, enjoying it immensely. The added excitement of having his brother watch him made perform that much better.

"Oh, yes Jay. Sorry, Kev, I was wrong, Jay is much better," Justin said between moans and groans.

Jay was rolling his tongue all over Justin's cock head as he slid it into his mouth and drive into his throat. Then, he was pulling back off of it, and tightening his lips around the edge of the mushroom head, not letting it slip out while he dove his tongue in and out of Justin's slit which was providing plenty of tasty pre-cum.

"My turn, big bro, I think I can do that to," said Kevin as he playfully pushed Jay's head away from Justin's cock.

Jay was happy to get a break and catch his breath. He was amazed at Kevin--his little brother just joining in like this. This was awesome. He gave a few tugs on his own hard cock, further amazed that he was rock hard once again.

Kevin matched Jay's technique as best he could. Jay coached him on what to do with his tongue when Justin's cock filled his mouth. He encouraged him to open that throat and let that monster go deep. Kevin was enjoying sucking Justin's cock and also hearing Jay root him on and provide instruction. He realized these two boys could probably get him to do anything.

Jay let Kevin continue to work Justin's cock, but worked his head down in there to work Justin's balls. He knew having both brothers work on him at same time would probably knock Justin right over the edge, but he decided they had worked his friend long enough. It was time for Justin to blow. As much as he wanted Justin's load for himself, he was going to let Kevin experience the wonderful feeling of hot cum blast into his mouth and the great taste that accompanied it. Jay didn't know if all cum tasted like this, but he certainly loved Justin's.

Jay recognized the familiar sounds coming from Justin. His friend was very close to cumming. Jay took his finger and slowly inserted it into Justin's ass which was all it took for the college boy to reach his peek.

Jay felt the twitching in Justin's ass, so before Justin could announce it, Jay told Kevin:

"Here is comes, Kev, be ready, Justin's gonna dump his big load in your mouth!"

Kevin didn't hesitate and pulled Justin's cock out so that only the cock head remained in his mouth. Kevin opened wide and stuck his tongue out a bit, so that both Justin and Jay could watch Justin's cum shoot out and fill Kevin's mouth.

"Yeah, that's it Kev, just like that. And don't swallow it, yet, let it swirl around in your mouth a bit," instructed Jay.

Jay was caressing Justin's balls and sliding his finger across Justin's prostate. He was going to milk as much cum out of his friend as he could.

"Aaaaggghhhh!" was all that Justin could mutter as he felt the orgasm begin. His ass tightened around Jay's finger, his balls bounced and the cum shot up the shaft and into Kevin's mouth.

Jay counted out loud, up to 8, the number of shots that Justin fired into his little brother's mouth.

"Don't swallow yet, Kevin, let it linger in there," Jay repeated the instruction to Kevin.

Justin was spent. He was having trouble keeping himself balanced and was in danger of falling backwards out of the pool, so he slid his legs off the boys and dropped into the water.

"Oh dudes, that was incredible. What a tag team!" Justin said smiling.

Once Justin's cock cleared Kevin's mouth, Jay pounced. He had been instructing Kevin not to swallow so he could enjoy the taste, but the real reason was that he intended on kissing Kevin and scooping as much of his friend's cum from Kevin's mouth for himself.

Kevin was startled at Jay's quick move but figured it out and let his brother's tongue invade his mouth. The two brothers kissed hard while their tongues wrestled. Kevin felt Jay sucking in, causing the cum to transfer from his mouth to Jay's. Kevin began to suck in himself, competing with his brother for the load. Kevin and Jay continued the battle until all the cum was gone. Both boys seemed satisfied with the amount of the prize they received and they were definitely enjoying the long kiss. Once the cum was gone, they both began to concentrate on the wonderful feelings they were experiencing from the kiss. They began to hug and float around a bit.

Justin, determined not to be left out, swam up between them causing them to separate.

"Alright you two, that's enough of that. I want some too." Justin said as he hugged the two guys.

The three of them floated around, hugging tightly and kissing, sometimes all at once, other times two at a time with the third kissing one or both of the boys' necks and upper chest.

Kevin noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. He abruptly looked up at the window in the closet of Justin's parents' room--the room that Jay had been fucked in by Mr. Clarkson an hour before.

"Oh shit!" Kevin exclaimed, causing the other two boys to stop and look up as well.

"What's up Kev?" Justin asked.

The three boys were looking up at the window, but there was nothing to see.

"Oh nothing, I guess, I thought I saw someone in the window," explained Kevin.

"Oh wow, I forgot about my dad being home, but he is in his office. We should get dressed tho and quit fooling around," Justin said as he broke apart from the brothers.

"OK, for now at least," Jay added as he dove under to retrieve his swim suit from the bottom of the pool. Jay was relieved that Justin didn't think anything of it, but Jay wasn't sure that maybe Kevin did see someone in the window. Jay knew that if there was someone there, it was Mr. Clarkson.

Kevin looked back up at the window. He was certain he had seen someone.

Mr. Clarkson was on his knees below the window. He had innocently come up to change into a suit. He had gotten an urgent call, and needed to go visit one of his best customers. He just happened to glance out at the pool when Jay and Kevin were servicing his studly son.

Mr. Clarkson immediately began stroking his massive cock while he watched the two boys slide Justin's cock in and out of their mouths. He groaned loudly and shot his hot load all over the window just as he faintly heard his son shout in ecstasy as he fed young Kevin his load.

Mr. Clarkson had been busily cleaning up his mess when he thought he spotted Kevin look up. He immediately dove down to the ground.

As Mr. Clarkson held still on his knees under the window, he shuddered at the thought of the problems that would arise if his son had seen him jacking off in the window watching the boys mini orgy. He then took it a thought further, and fretted about the possibility that Justin might find out about him and Jay.

As these concerns floated through his head, he became quite alarmed when he realized he was rock hard again. Even though he was filled with fear and dread for his recent actions, he was aroused at the thought of Kevin.

Yes, Mr. Clarkson thought as he began to stroke again, I need to get with that boy.

Next: Chapter 10

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