The Clarksons

By Jason Clarkson

Published on Aug 30, 2011


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Justin and Jay, still a bit worn out from the morning's hot fuck session, got their suits back on and were lying on the lounge chairs when they heard the door open.

"Hey guys, how is it going?" asked Mr. Clarkson. He had peeked out of the kitchen window when he got home to make sure he didn't walk out and find the two boys in a compromising position. He found himself relieved that he didn't. He was almost certain they were having sex, but he would rather Justin didn't know that he knew.

"What's up pops? How'd that meeting go?" asked Justin.

"Hey, Mr. C" said Jay.

"Fucking customer cancelled! Wasted my whole morning," Mr. Clarkson explained.

"Oh, too bad," replied Justin, "so you working from home the rest of the day?"

Justin glanced at Jay who returned the look. They both knew that meant they were not going to have a second hot fuck session today if his answer was yes as they expected.

"Yeah, actually, planning to just hang by the pool and drink some beers." said Mr. Clarkson.

Mr. Clarkson looked at Jay. They hadn't seen each other since the night that Jay drove Mr. Clarkson home. Jay found himself getting hard as he remembered how Mr. Clarkson sucked his cock on the way home. The man had devoured his cock and Jay recalled how amazing it was to have this hot, sexy man enjoy swallowing his load.

Justin got uncomfortable in the silence as he watched his Dad and friend Jay look at each other. He wondered what it was about, but then remembered that his dad might be mad at Jay for the "beer" incident in Justin's room.

"Hey Dad," said Justin trying to diffuse the situation, "Jay was telling me that we shouldn't be drinking up there the other day, so don't be mad at him."

"Aww, no, I am not blaming Jay for that buddy, that was all you," Mr. Clarkson said as he struggled to pull his view away from Jay to answer.

Mr. Clarkson turned to head back inside. His cock was beginning to grow. Being with Paul had been all he thought about for the last day or so, but now seeing Jay, his son's beautiful, young friend made him feel as if fireworks were blasting off in his now man sex crazed body.

"Well, boys, I'll be back out in a bit, gonna change into my suit and grab some cold ones," said Mr. Clarkson as he opened the door.

"Cool, pops, grab us some too," said Justin, half-kidding.

Mr. Clarkson ignored the comment and went inside.

Jay was quite aroused, and had turned onto his stomach so that Justin wouldn't see his hard on.

"Fuck, Just, I was really looking to get fucked. But, now you dad's gonna be here all day." said Jay as he softly started to grind his cock into the lounge chair.

"Yeah, Jay, you look like you could use it right now," laughed Justin as he spotted Jay's hips going up and down.

"Huh? Oh, shit, yeah. Just thinking about you, bud. I want that cock deep inside me," replied Jay, knowing it was not completely true.

He did want Justin deep inside him, but right now, he was thinking about Justin's dad; the man who 2 days ago was the first to enter his tight hole and open his eyes to a whole new world.

Between the way that night ended with the blow job in the car and then how well he and Justin have been getting along sexually, Jay thought that he was through with Mr. Clarkson. However, seeing him today made Jay realize he wanted to feel the man deep inside him again.

As he continued to grind the chair even though his bud had busted him, he decided not only would he find a way to have Mr. Clarkson again, but also he would repeat the first time and have Justin dump a load in him shortly after.

"Dude, chill out, my dad will be back out any second," said Justin as he watched his friend increase his dry humping efforts. "And, now, you got me wanting to fuck you real bad."

Justin began rubbing his cock through his suit.

Mr. Clarkson peeked out the bedroom window, looking down at the two boys on the deck. He was naked, his swim suit in one hand, his throbbing cock in the other.

He was enjoying Jay's show. He was watching the boy's ass rising up and driving back down. He was certain the boy was imagining his cock inside that tight hole.

He also glanced over at his son, Justin, who had just started rubbing his cock. He started to stroke harder as he watched his son rub his cock while watching his best friend grind into the chair.

Mr. Clarkson's thoughts were confused. He found himself darting his eyes back and forth between the two boys. But, he couldn't tell which scene was arousing him more. He felt himself crossing a huge boundary that he never should even be near, let alone break through. But, as he watched, he knew he had passed it, he wanted to fuck both those boys down there, his son and his friend.

Justin was facing the pool as he was on his back, however Jay was on his stomach so he was facing the house. Jay had his head turned towards Justin. The two boys were watching each other as they pleasured themselves. Jay glanced up as he thought he saw some movement in the window.

He did.

He could now see Mr. Clarkson staring at them, naked, with his cock in his hand. Being careful not to notify Justin of the audience, he gave a quick smile and wink, and then focused back on Justin.

Justin hadn't noticed because he also had averted his eyes for a moment. He saw some movement in the neighbor's bushes. When he focused, he realized there was someone there watching him and his friend.

It was Kevin.

Kevin was unable to concentrate at work. He told his boss he wasn't feeling well and since Kevin was always a responsible, hard worker and it wasn't too busy today, his boss let him leave. It was partly true, Kevin wasn't feeling his usual self. He was absolutely sex crazed for his brother and his friend and was struggling with even the basic tasks.

So, Kevin left work and immediately headed straight back to his little perch to see what else the two horny college boys were up to. He was surprised that they were in swim suits but was enjoying the little show they were giving each other.

As soon as Justin realized it was Kevin, he relaxed and then found himself enjoying it.

"Fucking, Kevin! I knew it! All those looks he gave me. But, I can't say I wasn't thinking the same thing. The boy is hot." Justin thought to himself.

Justin assumed he had just gotten there, so wasn't worried that he had seen anything that went on earlier.

Justin also knew that he would hear the door and be able to quickly cover up before his Dad could see him in this chair. So, he decided to give Jay a show, but it was really for Kevin's benefit.

Justin slipped his swim suit down, exposing his rock hard cock and began to play with it teasingly, pleasuring himself but also being sure to expose it for Kevin's enjoyment.

He began to think of Kevin. That hot young body, that cute face, always looking for approval from his big brother and friend, how did he not jump on him sooner? All those sleepovers! Jay would always shoo Kevin upstairs, never letting him sleep in the basement with them, although it was obvious Kevin wanted to.

Now, he was perched in the bushes, spying on Justin. Justin loved it. He worked his cock for Kevin. He heard Jay's approval of the show, but it was really for the younger brother who was hiding away.

Justin tried to encourage Kevin to come out of hiding and come over, with his actions and his eyes. He didn't care what Jay thought. He would deal with that later.

Jay meanwhile had no idea what was going on with Justin. He was enjoying the cock show, but he actually was enjoying the cock show in the window. He had slipped his own trunks down, exposing his ass to Mr. Clarkson and Justin while he slipped a hand under himself to stroke his leaking cock.

"Yeah, buddy, I bet you want this, don't you?" Justin asked, seemingly to Justin but moreso to his younger brother huddled in the bushes.

"Fuck, yeah, give me that cock in this ass!" Jay answered back, although both eyes were planted on Mr. Clarkson's cock in the upstairs window.

Jay found the urge to be fucked by Mr. Clarkson uncontrollable. Justin was having similar thoughts about fucking Kevin.

Jay made the first move.

"Hey Justin, I am gonna go to the bathroom before I fucking dump this load all over the deck," said Jay, hoping Justin wasn't going to offer to come with.

Jay knew he would be fucked by Justin before the day was through, but right now he needed Justin's father's cock inside him.

Justin was more than happy to hear that Justin was going inside. It would give him the opportunity to get with Kevin.

Justin could see that Kevin had already dropped his shorts and was stroking. The younger boy wanted Justin's cock and Justin was dying to give it to him.

"Sure, Jay, take your time. It's probably safer because my Dad will be down any minute," answered Justin as he put his rock hard cock back into his swim suit.

His eyes never left Kevin. He knew Kevin couldn't hear them, so he was hoping that Kevin knew he was about to come join Kevin in the bushes. Kevin couldn't believe how horny he was. For the second time today, he was stroking in someone else's backyard; this time, with his shorts at his knees. He knew he was just sex crazed but he was certain Justin was looking right at him, while stroking his cock.

Kevin froze as it looked as the two boys were stopping.

"Fuck, they aren't done yet are they?" Kevin thought as he watched, hoping they were moving to the pool or something.

Mr. Clarkson was about to blow. The two hot boys were putting on an incredible show. He no longer was troubled that it was his son, all he saw through his lust filled eyes was the perfect cock Justin was stroking.

Mr. Clarkson froze when he saw Jay get up.

"Fuck that Jay, you can't tease me like that!" thought Mr. Clarkson, with a firm grip still on his cock.

Then he saw a quick smile and nod from Jay. He hoped it meant that Jay had somehow come up with a plan. Mr. Clarkson continued to peer out the window onto the deck as Jay disappeared into the house. He heard the door close and then footsteps on the stairs. Mr. Clarkson smiled as he now knew that Jay was coming to get what he desperately needed.

Mr. Clarkson kept his eyes glued on Justin. However, he wasn't spying on his son for the sexual enjoyment anymore, rather he was seeing if it was going to be safe to fuck Justin's friend.

As soon as Jay entered the house, Justin leaped from his chair and headed down the stairs of the deck to leave the yard.

Kevin didn't know what to do. It appeared that the boys were on the move, probably meeting up somewhere else in the house to go at it again.

"Someone must be home," Kevin thought, "and so they are being sneaky."

Kevin pulled up his shorts and tried his best to hide his raging hard on as he prepared to spring from his hiding spot.

"Where are you going, Kev? I was just coming to join you." Justin said as he entered the patch of bushes from the side.

Kevin's head snapped to the side.

"Umm, sorry Justin, I didn't see anything, honest." Kevin said in a complete panic.

"It's fine by me, Kev. You saw plenty, and I saw that you were enjoying it. I came over because I thought you might enjoy it closer up." Justin said as he navigated through the shrubs to Kevin.

Kevin looked at Justin, desperately trying to figure out if his dreams had just come true or if Justin was actually preparing to make Kevin's life a complete nightmare.

Justin saw the fear in Kevin's eyes. Rather than saying anything, Justin kissed Kevin slowly and softly on the lips, while he wrapped his arms around the kid.

After 15 seconds or so, Justin felt Kevin give in and return the kiss. Soon, Kevin's hands were all over Justin.

Mr. Clarkson hadn't seen the boy hiding in the bushes until he watched Justin enter. Now, he had the two of them in focus.

"Can I have some of that?" asked Jay as he stood in the doorway of the walk in closet that Mr. Clarkson was in.

Mr. Clarkson jumped a bit as the sound of Jay's voice startled him. He turned towards the boy who had removed his swim suit and was standing there naked and fully erect.

Mr. Clarkson did not want Jay to see what was happening out the window. However, Mr. Clarkson did and he also needed to keep an eye out to make sure Justin didn't head back in.

"Get on your knees and crawl over here, boy," said Mr. Clarkson realizing that if he kept Jay down low, Jay wouldn't be able to see out the window.

Jay obediently dropped to all fours and made his way to the sexy man.

"I can't believe you two jack off like that in front of each other," said Mr. Clarkson, keeping up the ruse that he didn't know that Jay and his son were lovers.

"Umm yeah, we kinda ..." Jay started to reply.

"Shut it, kid. I didn't say you could talk. Now, start sucking!" commanded Mr. Clarkson.

Mr. Clarkson thought it was kinda hot to be ordering Jay like that, but he really just didn't want Jay to admit anything. He thought it best that they don't think he knew.

Jay obediently and excitedly took Mr. Clarkson's cock in his mouth.

"Yeah, that's my good cocksucker, get it nice and wet so it will slide in your tight hole." said Mr. Clarkson in a much more soothing voice.

As Jay began to really focus on his task, Mr. Clarkson returned his gaze to the now shaking bush.

Justin ripped Kevin's shirt right off of him and had Kevin's shorts down to mid thigh. Justin's own cock was still trapped in his swim suit, but Kevin was hugging him so tight, he couldn't free it. Justin knew he had to work quickly. Jay wouldn't be in the bathroom forever. Plus, his dad might be coming out any second. He figured that neither would immediately see him and Kevin, but once they were back out on the deck, he and Kevin would have to stop. They would be wondering where Justin was, he would need to get back.

Finally, Kevin loosened his grip on Justin. They had been kissing the whole time, but Kevin broke away.

"Oh god, Justin, I have wanted you for so fucking long, fuck me Justin, please? Stick your hot cock inside me!" pleaded Kevin as he dropped his shorts all the way down.

"Fuck yeah, Kev, I've wanted to for so long too," replied Justin, knowing that there was at least some truth to it.

Over the last few days, Justin was realizing that he had a lot of thoughts over the years that he didn't really understand and hadn't let get completely to the surface of his brain.

Justin dropped his swim suit as Kevin turned and dropped onto all fours.

Mr. Clarkson saw everything that was happening in the bushes. The boys were for the most part hidden, but from up above like this, there was a perfect opening.

When Mr. Clarkson saw Kevin drop to all fours, he knew his son was going to fuck Jay's hot younger brother. He also knew that he wanted to be inside Jay while his son Justin was inside Jay's brother.

"OK, good cocksucker, now turn around so I can fuck you," ordered Mr. Clarkson without taking his eyes off the action out the window.

Jay was a bit turned off by the way Mr. C was treating him, but guessed he deserved it for being kind of a dick to him the other night. Plus, he did practically beg for it by walking in to the closet naked.

And, most importantly, Jay wanted Mr. C's cock inside him. So, he turned around, still on all fours, spread his legs a bit and invited Mr. C to plow his tight hole. This was the hole that Mr. C had opened for the first time only 2 days ago; and the same the hole that his son had filled with his hot load shortly after that.

Mr. C grabbed his own slobbery cock and placed it at Jay's hole.

Justin spit on his cock a few times, and then dropped some spit onto Kevin's crack. Justin watched it trickle down to the smooth, virgin hole of his friend's younger brother while he rubbed his spit into his cock.

Justin grabbed his own slobbery cock and placed it at Kevin's hole.

"Oh fuck, Justin, fuck me," begged Kevin.

"Oh fuck, Mr. C, fuck me," begged Jay. The two boys cried out as the Clarkson cocks invaded them.

As it wasn't Jay's first time, Jay's hole was a little less resistant than Kevin's, however, it was being invaded by the senior Clarkson who had a bit thicker and larger tool than the junior Clarkson.

Both Clarkson men drove in deep not worrying about the initial jolt of pain they sent through the boys on all fours.

Justin was in too much of a hurry. He guessed this was Kevin's first time and knew that it would be painful regardless, so he just forged ahead hoping Kevin would open up and take it like a man.

Mr. Clarkson drove in hard and fast partly because he was so turned on by seeing his boy take the younger brother at the same time but also he had desired Jay's ass for so long and he remembered how wonderful it felt to be inside this fine young man.

"Oh, Justin, that's incredible! Yes, fuck me harder!" Kevin screamed as Justin's swollen cock head hit his button.

"Oh, Mr. C, that's incredible! Yes, fuck me harder!" Jay screamed as Mr. C's swollen cock head hit his button.

The two Clarksons continued their onslaught on the brothers. Mr. Clarkson was lucky enough to be able to look down and see his massive cock penetrate Jay's sweet ass and then turn and see his boy thrust in and out of Kevin.

Mr. Clarkson wondered for a moment if Kevin was moaning and shrieking like his big brother Jay. Mr. Clarkson smiled proudly as he thought for sure Kevin was being pleasured expertly by his boy Justin. He was certain that if he could hear, the sounds would be similar from the younger brother.

Kevin began a massive trigger of cum as he announced that he was about to explode. Justin didn't want to see it wasted onto the shrubbery, so he quickly pulled out and tossed Kevin on his back.

Kevin didn't mind as his naked back got scratched up as he fell onto the bush. He resumed stroking his hard cock.

Justin stood over him and stroked his own cock, almost racing to dump before Kevin.

Mr. Clarkson saw Justin's move and immediately copied it.

Jay looked up, startled. Mr. C had him on the brink of cumming. He figured Mr. C didn't need to explain all the cum stains on the carpeting. Mr. C stood over Jay and began stroking his cock. Jay took his own dripping cock into his hand and matched the senior Clarkson, stroke for stroke.

He saw Mr. Clarkson alternate between looking down at him and turning and looking out the window. Jay assumed Mr. Clarkson wanted to make sure Justin was staying put out on the deck.

Kevin shot first.

His cum landed mostly on his smooth chest, but the first load landed on his neck and began to roll off.

Justin followed, aiming his shot higher so that it splashed against Kevin's face. Justin couldn't believe the force of his orgasm. He thought all the cum had been fucked out of him not an hour before, and here he was having another earth shattering experience; this time with Jay's brother.

Mr. Clarkson saw it all, every last drop of cum that spit out of the two boys cocks. When they were done, he looked down and aimed at Jay's mouth and took target practice. Missing too high and splashing Jay's cheek, he re-aimed for the second blast and fired a bullseye as Jay was opening his mouth to announce the start of his own cum fountain.

Jay was surprised by the flood of cum that was now landing in his mouth but he gobbled it up as quick as he could. He was also treated to his own juice as the tremendous fucking that he had received from Mr. C had him shooting powerfully. He had two of his own shots reach his mouth, which was now wide open, hoping to receive as much as cum as possible.

Mr. C was looking down at the young boy, stroking his cock vigorously while his tongue swished around wildly trying to scoop any remnants that hadn't been a direct hit.

Mr. C kneeled down and put his cock into Jay's mouth. Jay began to suck on it like a baby on a bottle. Mr. C felt Jay's cum hit his back as the boy kept cumming while sucking every last drop out of the man.

Justin collapsed onto Kevin. They rested in the bushes for a few moments. Their cum now mixing between their naked bodies. Kevin was now coming down from the high, and Justin's added weight on him, made the pain from the bushes digging into his back come to the front.

"Ummm, Justin, could you get off me? These bushes are killing me." Asked Kevin.

"Oh sure, Kev, sorry," Justin said as he stood up.

Justin grabbed for Kevin's clothes to hand him as Kevin stood up as well.

"Oh sorry about your shirt, Kev," said Justin sheepishly as he handed the boy the torn up shirt.

"Don't worry about it, Justin, it was worth it," said Kevin with a smile from ear to ear. "I think all the scratches I got on my back were worth it too."

Kevin turned and showed Justin his back which was covered in various scratches.

"Oh dude, sorry! Things got a little out of hand," said Justin.

Justin quickly put on his swim suit, while Kevin nervously put his boxers and shorts back on, and tried to figure out what to do with the shirt.

Kevin didn't know what to say. He hoped Justin would invite him over or say something to make him feel at ease. But he was certain that Justin thought he was a perv, catching him peeping on him, and he just came over and fucked him to teach him a lesson.

Kevin was also worried that he might tell Jay. Jay would be pissed and probably never talk to him again.

"Fuck, Kev, why did you do this, you messed everything up," Kevin yelled at himself.

Justin started to leave without saying anything.

"Bye," Kevin said sadly.

"Huh? Are you leaving? I thought you were gonna come back to the house?" asked Justin.

Kevin smiled.

"Really?" asked Kevin, "I can come hangout?"

"Fuck yeah, Kev. You're cool! Just tell Jay you got off early and so came by to see if he wanted to go home yet," explained Justin.

And then he added,

"And it's kinda true, you know, about getting off," Justin laughed.

"Yeah, it was awesome, so was the first time earlier when I saw you, Jay and that old guy going at..." Kevin said but suddenly stopped.

Justin stopped in his tracks and turned to Kevin.

"What? You saw that? Oh fuck, dude, you can't tell anyone! You gotta promise or I swear I'll kick your ass." Justin said as he stood rather imposing in front of Kevin.

"I won't tell anyone, I swear Justin. I would never do that, I would never want to mess up anything for you or Jay." Kevin answered sincerely.

"Ok cool, Kev, thanks." Justin said as he started walking again.

"I can't believe you saw that. Oh man. Well, let's talk about it later, don't bring it up to Jay or anything, cool?" asked Justin.

"Sure, Justin, no problem," answered Kevin, delighted that Justin was going to want to talk later.

Kevin was tempted to ask now, but decided he would wait until then to find out if it would be ok for Kevin to join Justin and Jay sometime.

After he knew there was nothing left for Jay to suck out of his cock, Mr. C stood back up again.

"You better get your ass back downstairs before Justin starts to wonder where you got off to," ordered Mr. C.

Jay obediently scooped up his swim suit and headed out.

Jay was a little pissed at the way Mr. C was treating him. It was an incredible time but Mr. C was kind of being a dick. Jay hurried back down stairs and out the door to the pool.

"Hey Jay, look who showed up?" said Justin.

The three boys stood on the deck, all feeling very guilty for what they had been up to.

"If they only knew," thought Jay.

"If he only knew," thought Justin and Kevin simultaneously.

Justin realized that Jay was certainly going to be wondering about Kevin's shirt, so he pre-empted the question.

"Yeah, Mr. Cool here thought he could hop the fence, cuz the gate was stuck. He caught his shirt on the fence and then fell into the bushes. It was so fucking funny!" Justin laughed loudly.

Kevin began to laugh as well, and soon Jay followed.

The story was somewhat funny, but the boys nervousness caused them to chuckle that much more.

"Nice one, Kev," Jay said, as only a big brother could.

"I am jumping in," announced Jay as he headed towards the pool.

The other two boys followed. Kevin didn't bother to even take off the torn shirt. All 3 of them realized they were all soaked with cum that they hadn't bothered to clean off, and so they were glad to get into the water.

Mr. C looked down at the boys in the pool.

"I wonder what other surprises are in store for this afternoon," said Mr. C as he put his swim suit on to join the boys in the pool.

Next: Chapter 9

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