The Clarksons

By Jason Clarkson

Published on Aug 8, 2011


Kevin happened to be driving past the bar that Jay worked at on his way home. It was really late. He had fallen asleep while watching a movie at his girlfriend's house. Well, that's what they told her parents they were doing down in the basement. In truth, Kevin had fucked his girl for the first time. They had performed oral sex on each other countless times, but tonight Kevin insisted that he be inside her. She didn't resist as Kevin had been the more careful one up to that point.

It was Kevin's first time and it was incredible. Since he jacked so hard this afternoon, he was able to last longer than would be expected on his first attempt. Also, using a condom for the first time, lowered his sensations so that he was able to delay his orgasm longer.

His girlfriend was a year older and had a steady boyfriend previously, so she was more experienced. However, when they finished, she told Kevin that she had never experienced such intense, multiple orgasms like that before. Kevin believed her as he had never heard her moan so loudly when he pleased her orally.

Kevin noticed a few lights still on in the bar. He had a sudden panic that Jay was working tonight and Kevin had forgotten to pick him up. He did a quick check of his phone to make sure he had no text messages from Jay. It was all clear, thankfully. Kevin did wonder who might still be at the bar though.

Kevin decided to turn around and go check to make sure Jay wasn't there. He actually hoped Jay was there, it would be cool to give him a ride home. Maybe Jay would be drunk and Kevin could start asking him about Justin. Also, if Jay wasn't there, he wouldn't mind seeing Tye, the bartender. He liked the look of Tye, so if it was him, he would enjoy just checking him out, even for the minute it would take to explain why he stopped. Of course, his sex crazed imagination hoped Tye might invite him in and they would end up naked together.

When Kevin pulled in, he noticed two cars in the lot. He pulled up and got out, but for some reason he was careful to close the door softly. He found himself tip-toeing towards the entrance. He peeked in through the tinted window that the neon beer signs were in. The signs were off as the bar was closed, so he could see in clearly. However, with the bar being mostly dark, the people in the bar wouldn't really be able to see out.

He spotted Tye leaning against the bar. He looked like he was in pain. Kevin could hear the music playing in the bar, but he thought he heard Tye yelling out as well. Kevin raced to the door to go see what was the matter.

Kevin burst into the bar, and Tye swung his head quickly to see what had caused the noise.

Kevin stopped dead in his tracks.

Tye was not in pain or in any trouble.

He was leaning against the bar with his legs spread wide. He still had his shirt on but nothing else.

Kevin unlocked his eyes from Tye's and moved down the bartender's hot body. When he got to his waist, Kevin realized what was going on. Kevin's eyes then spotted the source of what was causing the grimacing and yelling from Tye.

Brek was on his knees, naked, eating out his friend's smooth ass. Brek's hands were gripping Tye's muscled cheeks and spreading them wide, giving him full access to the guy's sweet rosebud.

Brek didn't miss a beat, not pausing his assault on Tye's hole.

Tye was stunned to see Kevin standing there but he was in the throws of an intense session and was on the verge of cumming.

Brek was giving Tye his first "trombone" and Brek was playing the instrument flawlessly. Brek was using Tye's long shaft as the slider while he blew into the mouthpiece that was his friend's hole.

Tye lacked the strength and the desire to get Brek to stop, so he turned his head back, looking straight into the mirror which covered the wall behind the bar, and let Brek continue. He was looking at himself be engulfed in complete ecstasy from Brek's musical performance.

Kevin stood there not knowing what else to do. He was afraid to move. Instead, he just soaked up the sight. He began to watch Tye as Tye continued to look directly at himself in the mirror. Tye had begun yelling and moaning again, enticing Brek to continue and finish him off.

Kevin saw the amazing pleasure in Tye's face before he heard the splashing sound as Tye fired off several shots into the side of the wooden bar.

Brek slowed his stroking but continued to work feverishly on Tye's hole while Tye gasped and shuttered as his orgasm continued for several minutes. Just when Tye thought it was over, Brek would slide his hand over his cock head softly which caused Tye to spasm once again.

Kevin's eyes were riveted on Tye, so he didn't notice that Brek had begun stroking his own large and thick cock. He only saw it briefly when Brek stood up and slammed it into the space that his tongue had worked on so effectively.

Even if he wanted to, Tye couldn't prevent Brek from invading him. Brek had stood up quickly, pinned Tye against the bar and was inside of him in a matter of seconds.

Tye moaned in agony now as he was physically spent and was being torn apart by Brek's monster cock.

Kevin began to focus his attention to Brek. At 6 foot 3, he was quite imposing and Kevin could now see the amazing girth of his cock as he drove it in and out of Tye's ass.

Brek looked over at Kevin while he punished his friend's hole, oblivious to Tye's obvious discomfort.

"Hey kid, maybe when you grow up, you can have a piece of this too," Brek laughed, "I bet you'd take it better than my buddy Tye here."

"Fuck you, Brek," yelled out Tye, "maybe if you didn't have such a fucking monster, I'd be enjoying it."

"Listen to the little bitch moan, I let him tear up my ass and then I stroke out his second load while I eat his ass, and all of a sudden, my cock is too big for him," Brek said with a full smile on his face.

Tye just laughed and put his head down on the bar. Tye continued to grunt but Kevin was pretty sure the pain was subsiding and enjoyment was taking its place.

It wasn't long before Brek began grunting load as his big cock pummeled Tye's ass. Kevin couldn't control himself anymore and dropped his shorts and began stroking his now stiff cock.

Kevin couldn't believe that he was watching two hot guys fuck for the second time in one day. He wanted to join these men so badly, but was also quite afraid of the whole idea. He just fucked his girl for the first time and now he was wishing he was taking cock in one or both of his holes. It certainly confused him, but the scene in front of him and his right fist hammering at his cock helped to erase any current concern.

Kevin was tempted to move closer as he wanted a better view of the monster dick that Brek was sporting, but he was afraid that the college studs might either take it as a sign that he wanted in or that he was pushing it and needed to leave.

The thought of joining ran through his sex-crazed brain once again but the fear of Brek's cock ripping him in two kept him in his place.

Kevin's dilemma was solved by Brek.

Brek pulled out of Tye's hole, much to the chagrin of Tye, who had recently been completely enjoying the pounding and was well on his way to stroking out his third load.

Brek stroked his long, thick dick and slapped against Tye's ass as Tye continued to stroke.

Brek growled as he gave his monster two more strokes and began flooding Tye's back with his hot load. The cum was shooting straight up Tye's spine and was starting to drip back towards the bartender's hot crack.

Tye screamed out when he felt the splash against his back:

"Stick that meat back in me, Brek, I need to shoot too."

Brek was still cumming but did as Tye commanded. Brek slid his cock along the trail of his load, slipped the cock head between Tye's crack and drove back in to the warm, stretched out hole.

Tye yelped in delight and began driving his hips back, fucking the last of Brek's cum out of him.

Brek almost lost his balance as Tye was forcefully pushing back onto his cock.

Tye started moaning, much louder than earlier, and Kevin soon watched another load paint the front side of the bar and drip down.

Kevin's load splashed onto the floor of the bar in front of him. Kevin kept his own moans soft so as to not distract the hot men.

When Tye finally stopped convulsing from the intense pleasure Brek had provided, he looked over at Kevin and smiled.

"You best go now, kid. And, I wouldn't tell anyone about this or I will have my boy here rip your ass in two with that monster he has."

Brek laughed,

"Please let me Tye, I'll do it right now."

Tye laughed as well and replied,

"No, man, he's just a kid. But if he says something he shouldn't, well we'll have to deal with that then."

Kevin quickly raised his shorts back up and nervously answered,

"I didn't see anything, there is nothing for me to say to anyone."

"Good answer, kid, now go on home. It's way past your bed time. I'll even clean up your little mess over there," Tye replied.

Kevin headed to the door, relieved. He suddenly smiled and turned back as a clever reply popped into his head:

"But what I didn't see, I sure did enjoy! Thanks, guys."

Kevin raced to his car and headed home, it was really late now. He hoped he could slip in without his parents finding out.

Paul woke up a little hazy. He wasn't sure where he was at first, but the smell of cum helped remind him. He realized he was alone, so JC must have woken up at some point and gone back to bed.

Paul was naked and as he recounted the events from last night in his mind, he was instantly hard. He breathed in the manly scents that filled the air. The two Clarkson men had sucked and ridden his large cock. The two men had dumped their loads because his python fulfilled their manly desires. He had deposited his load in both the young Clarkson and his father--the man who Paul had bent over his desk earlier in the day and fucked.

Paul was alone now but the thoughts of both men were with him. He came for the visit because he wanted JC. He never expected to be wanting Justin. That was an added bonus, for sure. Fucking Justin was like fucking JC back in college. He missed out on it then, but now he got to experience what a young JC would have felt like. He liked that feeling. But, he also liked the feeling of the matured JC. In fact, he knew he still loved the real JC.

With his cock now sticking straight up, Paul headed to the bathroom. He let the water run in the shower for a minute, while he tried to get his dick to soften up a bit so he could pee.

"When is Paul leaving?" Mrs. Clarkson asked Mr. Clarkson as she grabbed her keys, about to head off to work.

Mr. Clarkson sat at the kitchen table with a coffee. He could still feel Paul's cum trickling out of his ass.

"I am dropping him off at airport before I head to the office. I have a 10am meeting," replied Mr. Clarkson.

Justin was just walking in to the kitchen and heard what his dad's plans were.

"Oh, he is leaving already?" Justin asked, a bit disappointed.

"Hey good morning, Just," said Mrs. Clarkson, "did you sleep ok on the couch?"

"Yeah, it was fine," Justin said, now smiling as he thought about his little pit stop to his room before hitting the couch.

"Yeah, kiddo, he only had a day to visit, but he said he would try to visit again soon," said Mr. Clarkson, answering Justin's initial question.

Justin grabbed a bowl of cereal and a glass of juice, and sat with his dad.

"See you boys later, have a good day," said Mrs. Clarkson as she headed off to work.

"Later, hon, you have a good day too," said Mr. Clarkson.

"Bye, Mom, don't work too hard," replied Justin.

The two Clarkson men sat quietly. Mr. Clarkson sipping his coffee, nursing his hangover, hoping the ibuprofens would kick in. Justin ate his cereal, also nursing his hangover.

Both men's thoughts were about last night. Both men had cum still trickling out of their used holes. Neither men knew that the other one had visited Justin's room last night. Neither men knew that the cum trickling out of them was from the same glorious cock. The cock they had both taken in their mouths and both had pounced on and rode to ecstasy.

Both men wanted nothing better than to go visit Justin's room again. Wake up the sleeping stud and take his cock one more time.

The two men's cock silently grew as they imagined taking that monstrous cock once more. In unison, and without seeing the other do it, both men gave their cock a rub. Each man let out a soft moan.

Lost in their own thoughts, each man softly rubbed their cocks with one hand. Justin was tossing spoonfuls of cereal into his mouth his other hand; Mr. Clarkson was downing his coffee with his free hand.

Mr. Clarkson snapped out of it first.

"Oh shit, I gotta get going. I need to get Mr. Jordan to the airport and then go to my office. I have a 10am meeting," said Mr. Clarkson as he got up quickly, trying to adjust his rock hard cock so that it didn't shoot out of his boxers.

Justin was disappointed that Mr. Jordan was leaving so soon, as he really wanted to feel that huge cock head slide past his lips once more. But, the disappointment subsided as a new idea popped into Justin's head.

"Dad's going to the office after he drops off Mr. Jordan," Justin thought, "that means I'll be home alone. I'll invite Jay over. We can do some serious fucking; no interruptions this time!"

Justin began to rub his cock in anticipation as he finished up his cereal.

Mr. Clarkson raced upstairs and went in to Justin's room to wake Paul. He heard the shower running. He checked the clock next to Justin's bed.

"Ugh, there isn't enough time to join Paul in there." Mr. Clarkson thought.

Then, he yelled at himself:

"Your fucking son is downstairs, you can't be jumping into the shower with your little fuck buddy! It's Justin's shower by the way, idiot."

However, Mr. Clarkson needed to tell Paul to get a move on, as they needed to leave shortly. So, he knocked on the bathroom door as he opened it.

"Hey Paul, we need to leave in about 15. You gonna be ready?" asked Mr. Clarkson as he poked his head into the bathroom.

Justin's shower had a solid curtain so Paul was hidden behind it. Mr. Clarkson was imagining the scene behind the curtain. Paul's finely sculpted body would be spottily covered with suds but his hairy chest would be in plain view. There would be a trail of suds and hair down to his long cock, which would be soaped up and in Paul's hand. His other hand would be cupping his balls. Paul would be smiling and moaning.

Suddenly, the curtain pulled open.

Mr. Clarkson was amazed. The scene he had just imagined was completely accurate. However, Mr. Clarkson somehow hadn't imagined it to be such a picture of beauty. This man was perfect in every way.

"I could use a little help here, it might help speed things up," Paul said with a devilish grin.

"Justin's awake downstairs, otherwise I would already be in there." Mr. Clarkson whispered back.

"Oh ok, sorry," Paul said.

But really he thought,

"Invite the lad up, he seemed to enjoy it last night. I am sure he would love a second chance."

Paul continued to stroke his cock as Mr. Clarkson didn't move.

"Just stay and watch for a sec, I am almost there anyway," Paul said as he began to beat his meat.

Paul added more soap to his free hand and lathered up his balls before reaching further down to find his tight hole. He slid a slippery, soapy finger up his chute and moaned as he found his prostate immediately.

Paul let himself fall back against the shower wall as the water pounded down on him.

Mr. Clarkson took in the view with his mouth open in astonishment. He watched his old college roommate put a second finger into his hole, and begin to wiggle around uncontrollably.

Paul slid his soapy hand up and down his rock hard shaft and then rolled his palm up over the mushroom head, causing him to shiver.

Paul felt the cum rising from his balls up his shaft as he looked JC right in the eyes and mouthed,

"I fucking love you JC!"

JC didn't see Paul's mouth as he was focused so intently at the eruption that was taking place. Among all the bright white suds, JC watched a fountain of creamy white cum spit out and fall harmlessly to the shower floor and down the drain.

JC watched Paul's body convulse as he continued to massage his spasming prostate with two fingers and stroke his long shaft.

"Fucking awesome," JC said, "but I gotta jump in the shower, and I won't even have time to do that."

Mr. Clarkson headed off to his room, leaving the bathroom door wide open.

Justin finished his cereal and went upstairs to hop in the shower. He had already texted Jay:

"Home alone, party at my house. Just you and me!"

He hadn't received a reply yet, but he was hoping Jay would be up for it.

It wasn't until he hit the top stair did he remember that Mr. Jordan was still using his room. He heard the shower running, so he figured Mr. Jordan was in the bathroom. Justin figured he could at least grab his swim suit.

"A dip in the pool is as good as a shower," Justin thought.

Justin went directly to his dresser to grab the swim suit. He suddenly realized he was going to feel very awkward if he saw Mr. Jordan this morning, so he decided to hurry and get out of there to avoid any weird confrontation.

As he turned to leave, he had a perfect view of Mr. Jordan in the shower. The door was wide open and so was the shower curtain. Luckily, Mr. Jordan was turned towards the wall so he didn't spot Justin.

Justin admired the muscled back and tight ass of the man he sucked and got fucked by last night.

"Mmmmmm, I would love to tap that," Justin thought as he started to leave.

Paul turned as he thought he heard something. He was hoping JC had changed his mind and was joining him. Paul was standing facing the wall for several minutes offering his ass for his buddy JC. He longed to feel the man he loved for so long up against him, with that hot cock entering him.

Paul saw only a figure walking out of view. He assumed it was Justin.

"I woulda let the boy have his way with me too, had he popped in," thought Paul as he turned the water off and got out of the shower.

Justin went downstairs and changed into his swim suit quickly. He wanted to be in the pool before Mr. Jordan got downstairs.

Mr. Clarkson showered quickly and threw on his grey suit. He chose the new purple shirt his wife just bought him and the paisley purple tie that everyone seemed to like so much.

"I hope Paul likes it," thought Mr. Clarkson.

Then, he mocked himself again,

"Ugh, you are such a weirdo. I hope Paul likes it? Please, get a grip Jason!"

Mr. Clarkson popped his head into Justin's room, hoping to find Paul ready, or even better yet, not in there but rather downstairs waiting. He was disappointed as Paul was still in there, with only a towel on around his waist.

"At least he is packing up," Mr. Clarkson thought as he watched his friend slowly get ready.

"Let's get a move on, Paul, I need to be at the office, and you need to catch a plane," said Mr. Clarkson.

Paul turned towards JC.

"Umm sorry JC, I am moving kinda slow. I guess I don't want to go," Paul said sadly.

Mr. Clarkson wanted to walk in and hug his friend but Paul was still wet and he couldn't afford to mess up his suit.

"We'll see each other soon enough, Paul, but we gotta get going. Let's go," replied Mr. Clarkson as he headed downstairs.

Paul was sad, but realized that JC really did have work to go to. Paul could have stayed another day, but didn't feel right imposing on the Clarksons for another day.

"I don't see Justin around, but I'll tell him you said goodbye," said JC as Paul headed down the stairs.

Mr. Clarkson walked towards the door and Paul slowly followed.

Paul admired JC. He looked extremely hot in his grey, perfectly tailored suit. The purple shirt and tie really made the outfit look incredible. Paul felt grubby in his shorts and t-shirt, but he was traveling and had no reason to be dressed in anything but comfortable.

Justin remained ducked low in the pool, out of sight, as he watched two men leave the house.

"A few more minutes," Justin thought, "and it will be safe to come out. I gotta get my phone and see if Jay is coming soon."

Jay was in the shower when Justin texted him, so he didn't see it until he was back in his room. Kevin was still dead asleep. Jay excitedly read the text, with only a towel wrapped around his thin waist. Water from the shower still dripped from his hair onto his shoulders and rolled down his chest.

Jay's dick twitched as he read Justin's text.

He quickly replied:

"I am in! Be there as soon as I can."

Jay threw his phone on the bed and thought about what to wear. His cock had become semi-hard already from just thinking about the day. He began to rub it through the towel.

He looked over at Kevin who was snoring softly. Kevin was only in his boxers again.

Jay thought, "He usually wears a shirt to bed. Hmmm. I guess he is getting proud of his chest and guns now that he has been working out so much."

Jay looked up and down his brother's body. Yes, he was definitely maturing and looking good. Jay looked further down. The sheets were covering most of his mid section, but Jay thought he could see the outline of Kevin's hard cock.

"I wonder what he is dreaming about," Jay thought as he continued to softly rub his cock through the towel.

Jay decided to let the towel drop to the floor. Jay began to stroke his large cock while standing in the middle of the room. The bedroom door was closed but not locked. Kevin was fast asleep but Jay was in plain view if he were to suddenly open his eyes.

Jay closed his eyes and thought of his friend Justin. He was so looking forward to being naked with his good friend and new fuck buddy. His ass twitched as he thought of being fucked by Justin again. Further, he imagined taking Justin's cock in the pool, getting fucked by Justin just like Justin's dad fucked him.

Jay's balls boiled as he was ready to explode. He slid his hand up his smooth stomach and played with his nipple as he softly moaned.

He opened his eyes to watch the cum shoot out of his cock.

That's when he saw Kevin.

Kevin had woken up shortly after Jay dropped the towel. His eyes were immediately glued to Jay's cock. He wondered why Jay was standing there in the middle of the room, and only assumed it was to show himself to Kevin.

Kevin was instantly aroused by the scene in front of him. He could tell Jay was in his own little world while he stroked, probably thinking of Justin.

Kevin quietly lowered the sheets and his boxers and began to stroke in unison with Jay. Kevin didn't close his eyes though, he kept them riveted on his big brother.

"How did I not notice how hot he is," Kevin thought as he felt himself getting close to shooting.

Kevin froze mid-stroke when Jay's eyes locked onto his.

Any embarrassment Jay felt was wiped away as he was right on the edge of cumming. Adding to the thoughts of Justin now was seeing his hot young brother stroking while watching Jay do the same.

Jay just smiled and let out a loud groan as his cum erupted from his cock head, flying through the air and splashing onto the wood floor.

Kevin began stroking again as he returned the smile to Jay and soon his cum was splashing against his smooth chest.

The two boys continued to stroke and moan as they basked in their orgasms. Each boy was now focused on the other's cock as they softened simultaneously. Kevin seemed to be following Jay's actions as far as stroking now, matching his speed and technique. Finally, when Jay stopped, Kevin did as well.

Kevin looked back up at Jay.

"Good morning, Bro! Sorry, I got really horny there, I just had to stroke one out. But, I guess you must have been in the same boat." Jay said as he used the towel to clean up the mess he made.

"Yeah, I was a bit freaked when I opened my eyes and saw that python pointed at me, haha. But, I woke up in the middle of a dream where I was fucking Lisa, so I needed the release too."

Of course, Kevin was lying about the dream he had been having. But, he couldn't admit to Jay that he was having his fairly regular dream about Jay's friend Justin. And in this dream as had happened recently, Jay was also involved in the hot sex. This particular dream had Justin servicing the two brothers in their kitchen.

"That's hot, Kev. You really like her, huh?" asked Jay as he nonchalantly walked over to Kevin's bed and wiped his brother's cum off his chest with the same towel.

"Yeah, I fucked her last night!" Kevin said excitedly, realizing that he had never talked about girls or sex with his brother before.

"Way to go stud!" Jay replied as he finished wiping up his younger brother.

He gave Kevin a wink as he tossed the towel in the hamper and began to pick out a pair of boxers from his dresser.

Kevin got up from bed, tossing his boxers in the hamper as well.

The two brothers looked at each other, admiring their naked bodies.

"Look at us, walking around naked," Jay said. "We never showed off to each other before. We have shared this room forever, and I never saw you naked."

"Well, except yesterday, when I showed you in the bathroom." Kevin replied.

"Yeah, I guess. Anyway, it's pretty cool to be more open, Kev. You're a good brother, but I feel like we are finally getting to be friends, too." Jay said.

"Yeah, Jay, the last few days have been awesome. I feel like all that sibling rivalry shit is all gone," replied Kevin.

The two boys realized that they were both getting hard again.

Jay got red first.

"OK, enough of all this brotherly love shit, Kev. If mom walked in right now, she'd think we were nuts." Jay said laughing, trying to diffuse the sexual tension that was clearly rising.

"Yeah, I gotta get in the shower. You cleaned me up but I am still a little sticky. Plus, I got pussy juice still in my pubes." Kevin said proudly as he strutted to the bathroom.

"Please, stud!" said Jay as he whacked his brother on the ass as he walked by. "I am still your older brother and can kick your ass if you get too cocky."

The boys laughed as Kevin entered the bathroom and Jay began getting dressed.

After Jay got dressed, he realized that he hadn't checked with Kevin to see if Kevin needed the car for work. He, without hesitation, went into the bathroom to ask Kevin.

As he turned the knob, he realized that up until yesterday, Kevin would have always locked the door. Further, Jay would have never even considered walking in on his brother in the shower anyway.

Now, neither of the brothers were surprised or upset that Jay walked in.

"Hey Kev, you working today?" Jay asked loudly over the noise of the shower.

Kevin heard Jay's voice and could see his figure through the frosted glass, but couldn't make out what he asked.

So, Kevin turned off the water and opened the door.

Kevin was partially covered in suds from the shampoo and soap, and Jay couldn't help smiling as he admired his younger brother's naked, wet body.

Jay noticed Kevin's dick looked impressive even soft. The suds in his pubes enhanced the look.

Kevin gave a quick tug as he noticed Jay's eyes pointed in that direction.

"What did ya say, Jay?" Kevin asked.

Jay just smiled, knowing that Kevin clearly busted him checking him out but didn't care and also that Kevin was enjoying showing off to his older brother.

"I was wondering if you needed the car today. I am going over to Justin's," explained Jay.

Kevin felt a twinge of jealousy as Jay told him the news. He knew it was because Jay and Justin would probably have sex. But, he wasn't sure if it was because he wasn't the one to be with Justin or if because he wasn't the one to be with Jay. He ultimately realized he wanted to be with both of them.

Hiding his emotions, he answered Jay,

"I have to work, but I could drop you on the way. Just let me rinse off and I'll get ready quick," said Kevin.

Kevin closed the door, turned the shower back on, and excitedly rinsed off the soap.

Kevin was excited because although he did have to work, it wasn't for another hour. That would give him plenty of time to maybe get a peek at his hot brother and Justin fucking again.

"Cool, thanks, Kev," Jay said as he left the bathroom and headed downstairs.

"Be there in 20!" was the text Jay sent Justin.

Mr. Clarkson was only a block from his house when Paul was all over him. Paul kissed his buddy JC's neck while his hands went directly to the man's crotch.

Mr. Clarkson was panicked. He was in his neighborhood. He couldn't risk anyone seeing it. However, he was finding it difficult to resist his former roommate's advances as he wanted nothing more than to be naked with the gorgeous man.

Luckily, Paul quickly lowered his head down to Mr. Clarkson's lap which was at least out of site of passing cars or neighbors.

Mr. Clarkson tried to concentrate on driving while Paul expertly removed the man's suit pants. Paul was even more turned on as he saw JC's Lucky Brand light blue paisley boxer briefs. If he wasn't completely jonesing for JC's cock, he'd be happy to sit back and check out his hot, former roommate for awhile.

However, Paul knew he was short on time. JC was clearly in a hurry to get to the office and the airport wasn't very far away. So, Paul quickly removed JC's boxer briefs, exposing the healthy sized, hard cock of his lover.

Paul began to suck on JC's cock with a rapid pace. He was on a mission. He needed JC's cum in his mouth. He wanted to savor the man's juice. Paul was also taking in JC's smells so that he would remember his man until they could be together again.

It was a struggle for JC to focus on driving. Paul's mouth felt incredible on his cock. He had imagined it many times, but all those dreams never came close to this feeling.

Paul found JC's hole with a finger while he continued to bury his head into JC's crotch. The large mushroom head of his former roommate's cock was banging on his throat, dying to penetrate further.

JC's hole sucked in Paul's finger all the way to the knuckle as he felt his cock head penetrate Paul's tight throat. JC felt Paul gag as he drove his cock even further in. JC kept one hand on the steering wheel but held Paul's head down with the other, forcing the man to fight through the gag.

Paul was up for the challenge and managed to sneak a breath in somehow while keeping the cock head deep in his throat. He wiggled his finger around inside JC's ass, hoping to find JC's prostate. He had successfully hit it with his cock twice the day before. He knew he would recognize the yelps from his pal when his finger grazed over it.

As it was, JC was yelling out from the pleasure Paul's mouth was providing him.

JC threw the car in park at a stop light. He was close and the light had just changed. He knew he had a good minute or so, and was ready. Paul had found his prostate and was expertly massaging it with his finger. Paul was milking the cum out of his friend and letting it drip right down his throat.

Paul pulled the cock out of his throat and slid his mouth up and down the shaft. He wanted to taste the cum before it landed in his throat.

Paul heard the now familiar yelp and readied himself for the real load. Soon, he was treated with powerful shots into his mouth. He stopped sucking and just held the cock between his lips, letting JC fill his mouth with a tremendous load.

JC opened his eyes to check on the light as his cock and ass twitched uncontrollably.

The light was green but JC needed a moment before he could begin to drive. He recognized the car that passed him going the other direction. It was Justin's friend Jay's car. Jay's younger brother Kevin was driving, but Jay was in the passenger seat.

That only added to JC's euphoria. He felt another shot of cum pour out as he saw the boy he had fucked two days ago. Luckily, the boys didn't even notice him sitting there as they drove by.

The car behind him began to honk, so JC was able to muster up the strength to get his car in gear and begin to drive.

Paul continued to play with JC's cock, working every last drop of cum out of it. JC's body continued to convulse as every time it was finally settled, Paul would find a way to reactivate it.

JC finally had to grab Paul by the hair and yank him off his cock as they were nearing the airport.

Paul smiled and licked his lips as he looked at his satisfied, but spent friend, JC. The two men's eyes locked as they waited at a red light.

So many years had passed but they both realized that their strong friendship in college was actually passion and desire, and even love. Now, they both wanted, or needed, to continue to act on the feelings and desires that were unlocked over the last 24 hours.

Paul leaned over and kissed JC, feeling his body melting into JC. He didn't want to leave this man now that he finally had him.

The car behind honked and JC pulled away and continued driving. Thoughts flew both men's heads as they drove the rest of the way in silence.

"I'll talk to you on facebook, Paul," JC said as he pulled up at the terminal. "I think we have a lot to talk about, but I have to get to my meeting right now, and you have a plane to catch."

"OK, JC, I love you," Paul said as he got out of the car, not waiting for a response, although hoping he would hear one.

He still didn't hear one as the door closed and JC sped away.

"I love you too Paul," said JC as he merged into the traffic.

Paul turned and headed towards the automatic doors and reached into his pocket to get his ID out for security. He searched all of his pockets before he realized he left his wallet on Justin's dresser in the bedroom.

He ran back out but JC was long gone. He thought about calling him, but decided to just take a taxi back to retrieve the wallet. He had plenty of time before his flight, and he knew JC was running late for his meeting.

Justin decided to hang out in the pool while waiting for Jay, so he put a note on the front door to have Jay just walk around back.

Kevin and Jay were fairly quiet on the drive to Justin's house. Jay was already hard thinking about being with Justin all day at his house. Kevin was hard thinking about getting a chance to see his brother and his friend naked again. Kevin was also thinking about how much he wanted to be invited to the little sex party.

As he pulled into the driveway, Kevin said to Jay,

"I can pick you up after work if you want? I get off at 5."

Kevin only had to work until 4 today, but he thought that if Jay didn't think he was coming until 5, maybe he could catch the boys still going at it.

"That'd be awesome, Kev. Thanks! I have to work tonight at 7 so that will give me plenty of time," answered Jay.

Then he said with a grin:

"Have a good day, don't work too hard, stud!"

Kevin giggled at Jay's little comment as he watched his brother walk up to Justin's house.

"Fuck, I'll be working hard all day thinking about you too," said Kevin as he backed the car out.

Jay read the note and proceeded around back.

Justin had propped the gate door open as it was sometimes difficult to open it from the outside, so Jay just walked in.

Justin was lying on the deck in his swim suit, still wet from a recent dip. His cock was semi-hard from the anticipation of today's events.

Jay saw Justin lying there and admired him from the entry way. He began to proceed quietly, kicking off his flips and pulling off his shirt. He was tempted to take off his board shorts too but he decided since Justin still had his on, he'd keep things even.

Jay stood at the top stair of the deck. He felt a twinge of guilt being on this deck. Two days before, he had shamelessly flirted with his best friend's dad and ultimately let Mr. Clarkson fuck him. If Justin knew that, he would probably never speak to him again.

"Don't worry, Just," Jay said to himself, "you are the only Clarkson that gets to fuck me from now on."

The sun went behind a cloud causing Justin to look up. He spotted Jay.

"Hey, perv, what are you doing, checking me out?" asked Justin with a smile.

"You betcha bro, one fucking hot dude!" answered Jay. "I can't believe I have known your ass for so long but just now realized what a stud you are."

Justin blushed. He never thought himself that way, and also was surprised that Jay thought that.

"Well, you ain't so bad yourself, Jay," answered Justin, "especially in those board shorts."

Jay smiled wide as his next move popped into his head.

"Oh yeah, Justin? Well, how do I look without the shorts?" he asked Justin while he quickly dropped his shorts exposing his stiff cock.

"Even better, now get in the pool before someone sees your naked ass standing over there by the gate." Justin said as he stood up and headed towards the pool.

Before jumping in, Justin dropped his swim suit, too.

The boys leaped into the pool simultaneously. They began to play around underwater, grabbing at each other and swimming away. Similar to a few days ago, the boys were enjoying the foreplay, however, today was more intense because there was certainty that they would be fucking soon enough.

The boys began to kiss and float around the pool in each other's arms, enjoying the closeness. Their hands moved all over each other while their hard dicks grinded into each other's smooth stomachs.

Justin directed them to the side of the pool where the deck was and lifted Jay up so that he rested on the deck. They were out of sight from the neighbors and the street from this spot of the deck, so it was safe for Jay to be naked above the water.

Justin position himself between his friend's legs and began to suck on his now familiar cock.

Kevin had been slow to leave and so he had seen Jay head around back. Kevin pulled over when he turned the corner and was able to see Jay enter the back and immediately pull off his shirt.

Kevin whipped out his cock for a minute to stroke, as he was certain the two boys were going to immediately go at it.

Kevin put his cock away and got out and snuck around into the neighbor's yard hoping to get a good view. He had hoped his brother and Jay would hang outside, but he really didn't think it was going to happen. Now, he felt his own precum dripping in excitement that he might spot the two lovers for a second day in a row.

Kevin managed to find a spot behind a neighbor's fence that had a slight gap in the slats which gave a nice view of the Clarkson's deck and pool. It wasn't as good of a view as yesterday, but it was certainly good enough. By the time he was positioned, he saw Justin and Jay swimming in the water. He rubbed his cock as he saw the boys kiss. He knew he couldn't whip out his cock out here, but he buried his hand into his shorts when he saw Justin lift Jay out of the water and begin sucking his brother's cock.

Paul had explained to the cab driver his situation, and the driver was more than happy to wait in the Clarkson's driveway while Paul retrieved his wallet so that he could drive Paul back to the airport. Paul would get back in plenty of time and the cabbie would have a nice fare.

"I'll be right back," explained Paul as he stepped out of the cab.

"No rush, the meter is running," said the cabbie, "I have all day."

"Ok, it actually might take me a few minutes to figure a way in to the house, but I'll be as quick as I can," explained Paul, feeling better that the cabbie wasn't going to rush him.

Paul saw the note Justin left for Jay and was relieved.

"Cool," he thought, "Justin's still home. But too bad he has a friend over, maybe I could have had another quick piece of Clarkson ass before I went home."

Paul headed around back, figuring Justin wouldn't hear the bell from the pool.

Paul froze as he took two steps into the back yard through the propped open gate.

Justin was there alright, and so was his friend. However, Paul did not expect to see them like this. Jay was leaned back on his elbows, head back, slightly moaning. Justin was in the pool with his head buried in the other boy's crotch. His head was bobbing up and down furiously.

The boys were lost in lust and oblivious to the outside world.

Paul reacted instantly, slithering up to the deck while stripping along the way. Quickly, he was beside Jay who was now sitting up with both hands on his friend's head, urging him to suck faster. His eyes were still closed, and Justin was still focused only on Jay's cock.

Paul took his long, soft cock and put it to Jay's lips. Jay was startled as he looked up. The sun blinded him a bit, so he wasn't able to see who this was. He saw the man's long cock, and his muscled chest and instinctively opened his mouth to receive the cock head that was looking for a home.

Jay kept his eyes closed as he began to suck and swirl his tongue around this healthy cock as it grew inside his warm mouth. He had no idea who this was, but he was certainly enjoying the taste of his cock. He figured that Justin had set this up, so he went along with it. He trusted his friend and was excited that Justin had arranged this.

Paul was amazed at the dutiful boy. He was as hot as the young Clarkson boy who was doing an amazing job on this boy's cock. Paul quickly hardened as the boy worshipped the cock like it was manna from heaven.

Justin looks up as he hears the slurping that Jay is doing on Paul's cock. He can't believe his eyes. He has no idea how Paul got there, however he is quite pleased to see the hot stud in the day light. The muscled body and cock that he serviced last night in the dark were as perfect as he thought.

Justin rose up out of the water and sat on Jay's lap and began fondling Paul's balls. Jay turned and passed Paul's cock to Justin. Justin began sucking Paul's cock while Jay simultaneously rubbed Paul's toned stomach and legs with one hand and Justin's shoulders with the other.

Justin let Paul's cock fall out of his mouth. It was now sticking straight out on its own. Justin slid his tongue along the side of the shaft, looking at Jay, hoping he would join him. Jay understood and began to work the other side of the shaft. Their mouths met at the cock head where they kissed, and then they each slid their mouths back down the shaft. Soon, the boys were taking turns sucking the cock after they moved up and down the shaft.

Paul looked down at the two young studs. He had one hand on each of their heads. The college boys were moaning in delight as they devoured his cock, helping each other, kissing passionately too.

The two friends had shared each other several times over the last few days, but now they were experiencing an even deeper connection as they shared this wonderful piece of meat with each other.

"Oh fuck! Who is that?" Kevin said softly from his hiding spot. Kevin didn't actually care, as the scene just got that much hotter. Kevin was about to burst as he continued to stroke his cock in his shorts.

Paul felt himself ready to explode, so he grabbed a fistful of hair from each boy's head. He held them just out of range of his cock and let his cock erupt all over their faces. The first blast at the new boy, Jay, and then he rotated his hips, firing off rounds two and three onto Justin and finally a few more onto Jay.

Paul let loose of the boys' hair, and they immediately began to gobble up the cock once again, slobbering and sucking to get every drop of cum out, while the majority of the man's load dripped from their faces.

When Paul was finished he pushed the boys away again and said,

"Thanks, boys, now why don't you clean the cum off yourselves."

The boys looked at each other and began to kiss and lick the cum off their faces.

Paul started to walk towards the house.

"Justin, I forgot my wallet upstairs, so I am gonna run and grab it, ok?" Paul asked as he opened the door.

He didn't wait for an answer as the two boys were once again lost in each other.

Once they had successfully swallowed all of the remaining cum on their faces, they began to kiss deeply. Justin was now straddling his friend and positioning his ass on top of Jay's cock.

Justin had been fucked so many times in the last few days, he was able to take Jay's cock inside him rather easily. Justin groaned as his friend's cock filled him.

Jay hugged Justin tight as he felt his friend's ass cheeks land on his hips. Jay felt Justin's hole wrap around his cock tightly. Jay felt himself pouring precum into his friend while they began kissing once again.

Paul was back outside quickly and found himself getting hard again as he saw the young Clarkson begin to ride his fellow cocksucker.

Paul jumped into the pool and positioned himself behind Justin. He pressed his chest against Justin's back and put his arms around Jay. The two boys were a bit too far up on the deck for Paul to do what he intended, but he didn't want to disturb the boys in their intense fuck session.

He grabbed at Jay's ass and pulled them both closer to him. The muscled man struggled but was able to move the two younger men. Justin continued to ride his friend. He knew that Mr. Jordan was behind him but was focused on riding his friend's wonderful cock. Justin was enjoying the feeling of his back sliding up and down the Mr. Jordan's muscled, hairy chest.

Mr. Jordan moved one hand onto Justin's hip as he grabbed his own cock with the other. Justin rose up once again, carefully leaving Jay's cock head in his hole as he had been doing expertly since he began riding Jay.

Mr. Jordan strengthened his grip on Justin, and held him up in that position. He then grabbed Jay's cock along with his own and pressed them together. Mr. Jordan guided Justin back down onto Jay's cock, but now as Justin's hole accepted the shaft of Jay's hard cock, it was now being forced to take in the large mushroom head of Mr. Jordan.

Justin cried out in pain as the pressure he was feeling was nothing he could have imagined.

"Aaaah no, Mr. Jordan, no, it hurts," cried Justin.

"Come on boy, you can take it. You didn't complain last night," Paul said as he forced his cock into Justin.

After a few moments of shrieking, Justin's ass cheeks had landed back down on Jay's legs, but now there were two cocks in his hole.

The pain was overwhelming. Jay saw the anguish in Justin's eyes and kept still. Jay hugged Justin and put his hand on Justin's head forcing Justin to bury it into Jay's neck. The two boys were waited for Mr. Jordan's next move.

Mr. Jordan began to drive his cock in and out of Justin's stretched hole.

"Yeah boy, taking two cocks like a champ!" he boasted as he drove in and out of Justin.

Justin was now just whimpering and hoping that it would be over soon.

Jay felt terrible for Justin but he was pinned under him and couldn't move to do anything about it.

Jay was also feeling Mr. Jordan's cock slide up and down his shaft as the man fucked Justin. Justin's ass, with the man's massive cock inside it, seemed to squeeze tighter around Jay's cock as well. The two feelings together were incredible. Jay felt himself getting close to cumming.

Jay knew Justin wasn't enjoying this and was trying not to enjoy it either, but he couldn't control how amazing it felt.

Justin felt himself get dizzy from the pain, and he almost passed out. He felt as if his ass had been ripped apart. He just buried his face into Jay's neck and prayed for it to end soon.

Mr. Jordan knew he was hurting his friend's son but he was overwhelmed with the power, control and tremendous feeling double fucking this boy was giving him and more importantly his cock.

On his thrusts out of Justin's cock, his balls would splash into the water, further adding to the thrill. He would drive back in and feel the other boy's cock bang into his cock head and then their shafts would both be squeezed by Justin's cock.

Finally, Mr. Jordan yelled out and began dumping his cum into Justin's hole. Jay had been on the edge for several minutes and feeling Mr. Jordan's cum soak his own cock inside his friend was the final push. Jay felt his cum pour out of his cock uncontrollably. He stifled his moan as he didn't want Justin know he was cumming. He didn't want Justin to know that he was enjoying something so intensely when he knew it was causing Justin so much pain.

Mr. Jordan felt the other boy's cum help fill Justin's butt. He smiled as he pumped a few more drops into Justin, enjoying that his cock was getting covered in the other boy's cum.

Suddenly, Mr. Jordan remembered the cab and his flight. As quickly and forcefully as he entered Justin, he exited.

The pain shot through Justin and then he felt some relief. He collapsed onto Jay. Mr. Jordan stroked his cock under the water to clean it off and headed out of the pool.

"Thanks boys, that was fun. Hope to see you next time I come to town," said Mr. Jordan as he quickly dressed and raced out of the yard to catch his cab.

The boys just laid there. Jay waiting for Justin to make the first move as he didn't want to cause his friend anymore pain.

Jay said softly into Justin's ear:

"Are you ok, Just? I am sorry I couldn't do anything to stop him."

Justin started giggling as he replied,

"Yeah, I think I am ok, or can't you feel my cum all over your stomach?"

"Holy fuck, dude, u blew your load? I thought you were in pain!" said Jay.

"It hurt like a bitch, Jay, but when you guys came, I don't know, my cock and balls went crazy and before I knew it, I was cummin like crazy."

"Wait, you knew I came? I felt so bad, but I couldn't control it either." confessed Jay.

"Yeah, that was fucking amazing! But, Jay, umm, could you get your dick outta my ass now, I feel like I got ripped in two," said Justin.

The two boys laughed as Justin slowly got off of Jay and fell back into the pool. Jay joined Justin in the pool and hugged him.

"I'll nurse this baby back to good health," said Jay as he rubbed Justin's ass. "And, I'll give you a few turns at mine in the meantime."

The two boys softly kissed as they slowly floated around the pool, enjoying their privacy.

Justin hoped that in all the activity, Jay hadn't heard Mr. Jordan say that Justin enjoyed taking his cock the night before.

Kevin went racing back to his car. He had unloaded in his boxers as he was afraid to whip out his dick out in the stranger's backyard. Now, he had a huge wet spot on the front of his shorts, and he could feel the cum dripping down his leg. It would soon be at his knees. He needed to go home to change, so now he was going to be cutting it close getting to work.

Kevin was amazed at what he saw today. He couldn't believe everything that was happening between Jay and Justin, but he knew he wanted to be a part of it. As he got to his car, he vowed that if they were going at it when he came back early to get Jay this afternoon, he was going to join in.

"They let that hot, older guy join in without even stopping, so why not me?" Kevin decided as he sped away.

Mr. Clarkson was pissed! He rushed to the office for the 10am meeting, only to find out the customer cancelled. He picked up a few things he needed from his desk and headed back home. He was tired and hungover and he didn't feel like hanging around the office. Also, Paul was all he could think about since he dropped him off at the airport.

"An afternoon in the pool will do me wonders," Mr. Clarkson thought as he drove out of the office parking lot.

Next: Chapter 8

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