The Clarksons

By Jason Clarkson

Published on Jul 15, 2011


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Justin came in quickly. He needed a shower badly and was hoping that no one would see him. He had come up with an easy story about why he had dried whip cream all over himself, but he would rather just avoid the whole conversation.

Mr. Clarkson quickly ran over and softly shut his door. As he stood at the closed door, he turned to Paul. Paul tossed him his swim suit. Paul finished wiping the desk off and tossed the cum rag into the bottom drawer and closed it.

"Geez, that thing has had quite a bit of use," Paul giggled to himself.

He looked back at his new lover. JC looked less panicked now that he was dressed. He stood there silently, however, hoping to avoid an explanation.

Mr. Clarkson listened at the door. He was pretty sure it was Justin that came home. He figured his wife would have come through the garage, and it would be very unlikely that she would be home now anyway.

He heard Justin's footsteps on the stairs. He waited a few more moments, and then spoke to Paul:

"That must be my boy Justin. I think he is upstairs. He is either going to jump back into bed, take a shower, or head to the pool. Why don't we head on out and I'll introduce you to him when he comes out."

"Sounds good, JC." replied Paul as the two men headed to the pool.

"Time for another cold one, that's for sure," JC said to Paul as they got out onto the deck.

The bucket full of beers was already on the table with 2 fresh glasses.

Paul looked at the beer and then back at JC and said,

"You planned ahead, huh?"

"Well, I didn't expect the detour, not that I am complaining mind you, but I hate having to drip through the house to get refills," explained JC.

"Well, I am not complaining either, about the detour or about the cold beer," replied Paul as he moved closer to the sexy man he just fucked. Mr. Clarkson stepped away and looked towards the door.

Paul realized what JC's reaction meant. He was off limits as long as Justin might be around.

"Oops, sorry JC, I'll be cool," said Paul.

Mr. Clarkson nodded and the two men stood staring at each other for an awkward moment.

Mr. Clarkson broke the uneasiness by opening the beers.

"I am breaking my own rule," JC explained to Paul, "I told you I only get the first one and now here I am pouring you a second."

Paul laughed and replied, "Well, I am guessing it wasn't the first rule you broke today."

"Ah, you got me there," answered Mr. Clarkson, "and maybe this one isn't the last."

Mr. Clarkson raised his glass and two men toasted for the second time today.

"To new adventures," Paul said as their glasses hit.

The men made their way to the side of the pool and sat with their feet in the water, enjoying the ice cold beer.

"How old did you say Justin was?" asked Paul.

"19, he just finished his first year of college," answered Mr. Clarkson.

"Oh, so same age as when we met, huh?" asked Paul.

"Oh yes, I guess you are right," answered Mr. Clarkson.

"Interesting," Paul replied.

The two men looked at each other, smirking, but both decided to not continue that line of conversation. They both knew it was going to head towards their night in the dorm room or thoughts about whether Justin might have enjoyed a secret session with his dorm Bunkie.

Instead the men discussed what they have been doing over the last twenty plus years.

Justin thought he heard his dad in his office as he walked through the house, but he was glad he got up the stairs before he heard his dad call for him.

Justin jumped into the bathroom, stripped and hopped into the shower quickly. He let the hot water beat down on him as he was thankful he avoided getting caught with his friend Jay for the second straight day. "Man, me and Jay gotta be more careful if we are gonna keep doing that!" Justin said as he began to recall the recent events.

Justin and Jay must have drifted off a bit on the kitchen floor when they were awakened by Jay's phone.

Kevin was calling, explaining to Jay that they didn't need him today at work so he was heading home. He wanted to know if Jay wanted him to get him anything to eat on his way home.

Kevin's real reason for calling was that although he wanted to walk in and find the two college guys on the kitchen floor, he was worried that Kevin and Jay's mother would be home before him. Kevin remembered that she had said she was going to leave work early today.

Kevin slipped that into the conversation with Jay as well so that he knew to get his naked ass up off the floor and get the kitchen cleaned up.

Kevin sensed the panic in Jay's voice during the call. Luckily for Jay, Kevin knew he had given Jay enough of a warning that he would be able to cover his tracks.

After Kevin hung up he realized that as a little as two days ago if he had the chance to get Jay in trouble or cause him any grief, he would have jumped at it. Now, he would do anything to protect his brother. That made Kevin feel warm inside, he loved Jay, and now the sibling rivalry thing seemed to be gone.

He noticed his cock stir while he was thinking about that. Kevin was completely turned on by the scene today, but still wasn't sure if the arousal was the same as watching gay porn or if Jay was becoming the man of his sexual desires.

Jay rustled up Justin and explained the need to haul ass. The boys raced around cleaning everything in the kitchen. When they were finished, they both looked at each other and nearly fell on the floor laughing.

The two friends were still naked, semi-hard and covered in whip cream. Most of it had dried and was worked into their skin, but they smelled of it and there were remnants everywhere.

Once he regained his composure, Jay said,

"Dude, as much as I would love to jump in the shower with you and help clean you off, you just gotta get dressed and get outta here. I need to shower alone! My mom and or Kevin will be here any minute."

"I am outta here, Jay. We don't need another close call like yesterday," Justin said as he tossed on his clothes.

After an awkward hug and quick kiss, Jay shooed Justin out of the house. He watched his friend quickly cross the street and cut through the alley. He certainly didn't want to be spotted by any cars driving by, especially Jay's mom or little brother.

Justin had finished up in the shower and was drying off. He decided an afternoon by the pool would be perfect. The last 24 hours had been amazing but physically exhausting. Every muscle ached, especially his worn out ass. Justin threw a swimsuit on his room. He saw Paul's bag in his room, but he had no idea whose it was.

"I'll have to ask Dad what that is," thought Justin as he headed down to the pool.

Paul and JC were feeling quite comfortable by the pool. Paul was pleased that JC was allowing him to occasionally play footsie in the water as they talked.

The empties were piling up beside them when they heard the door to the deck open.

"Hey, welcome home stranger!" Mr. Clarkson said to his son.

Justin smiled sheepishly, "Whatever, Dad."

Justin knew his Dad had a good buzz on. He was noticing it more and more often. His Dad always seemed in a good mood, so it wasn't a big deal. Justin just wasn't sure if this was always the way, or did he just start to figure it out once he started drinking more regularly.

Mr. Clarkson got up out of the pool and Paul followed. Both men did a quick adjustment as their cocks were both semi-hard sitting there by the pool.

With the glare of the sun, Justin didn't notice.

"Hey Just, this is my old college roommate, Paul Jordan," said Mr. Clarkson to his son as they walked up to greet him.

"Oh, nice to meet you, Mr. Jordan. My dad has told me lots about you," said Justin as he extended his hand to Paul.

"Nice to meet you too," replied Paul, "your dad has been telling me lots about you, too."

The two men, separated by many years in age, held their gaze and handshake longer than necessary.

Justin had a quick flash that his dad had told him about yesterday, but then remembered that his dad didn't know anything about what really went on yesterday.

"Oh fuck, it's like staring at JC when I met him in college," thought Paul to himself.

"How about a beer, Justin?" asked Mr. Clarkson as he headed to grab himself another.

"What? Really? Yeah I'd love one," said Justin, shocked that his dad would allow this.

"Just a couple until your mother gets home," explained Mr. Clarkson as he handed him a bottle, "if you want a glass, you'll have to get that yourself."

"Believe me, I am fine with the bottle, dad, thanks!" replied Justin.

Justin took a few swigs and then walked to the edge of the pool.

"I can't wait to take a dip, it's so hot out!" said Justin.

Out of nowhere, Justin felt himself being shoved in to the pool.

He heard his dad laughing as he rose back up to the top.

Seconds later, his dad came tumbling in as Paul had pushed his buddy JC in.

Paul came jumping in shortly after.

Paul was thankful for the diversion as seeing Justin forced his cock to rise and he didn't see a way to keep it hidden from Justin. He was also worried that JC wouldn't appreciate his lack of discretion in front of Justin.

Justin pulled his dad back down under the water, feeling the need for an immediate payback. The two men began to playfully struggle. Justin felt pretty proud of himself as he found he was able to match his dad's pushing and shoving.

In the end, the senior Clarkson had dunked Justin more than the reverse, but it was much closer than it had been in years past. Paul wanted in on the fun, so he decided to help Justin out a bit, and dunked JC. After a few rounds of this, the two Clarkson men gave a look and turned on the outsider--dunking him several times in a row. Paul was able to handle himself pretty well, but with these two strong men working together, he was soon at their mercy.

After the fourth time he was forced back down under the water, Paul came up with an alternative plan.

While still under the water, and hearing the Clarksons hooting and hollering in success, he grabbed the waist band of each of the Clarkson men's swim suits and tugged down. Surprised by the quick move, both were knocked a bit off balance and both suits fell to their knees.

Paul stood up ready to claim victory. He was greeted with both Clarksons falling back while scrambling to raise their suits. As they both collapsed into the water, the view for Paul could not have been any better. The two Clarkson men had equally hard cocks popping straight out of the water.

Justin plunged in to the water, and stayed under as long as he could. He managed to get his suit back up.

"Oh no! I can't believe Mr. Jordan saw my hard cock. He must think I am so weird," thought Justin as he swam away before he lost his suit once more.

"I am gonna kill Paul! How could he do that? I hope Justin didn't see that!" thought Mr. Clarkson as he too stayed under until he was completely covered once again.

Paul figured the two men weren't happy about that. Of course, Paul enjoyed it immensely.

He began yelling even before they resurfaced,

"Truce, truce...No mas, no mas!"

He began laughing and got out of the pool to fetch some more beer. He figured the peace offering would help diffuse the situation.

Mr. Clarkson tried to relieve the tension as well,

"I think Justin and I are declared the winners as you literally went below the belt on that one!" JC said to Paul.

"Don't you think so, Justin?" Mr. Clarkson said to Justin as he walked over extending his fist, looking for a fist bump from Justin in return.

"Totally, that was bush league, Mr. Jordan," Justin laughed as he returned the fist bump to his father.

"Fair enough, and I bring these beers to you as my punishment," said Paul as he plopped back down at the side of the pool.

Both Clarkson men wanted to say that it would be only be fair if he pulled his swim suit down but decided that it was best not to.

Paul handed Justin his beer with a smile and a quick look down to his cock and then back up, trying to let Justin know he liked what he saw.

Justin was a bit embarrassed still about the whole situation so didn't really pick up on it.

The day turned into evening and Mr. Clarkson fired up the grill and cooked steaks for Paul, Justin, Mrs. Clarkson and himself.

Justin switched to water shortly before his mom came home, and so she was none the wiser.

As it became later, Mrs. Clarkson excused herself to get ready for bed.

"I'll be right up, honey. I'll finish cleaning up down here and then get Paul set up in Justin's room," said Mr. Clarkson to his wife. Justin had headed out to hang with his friends.

Mr. Clarkson and Paul finished cleaning up and headed up the stairs. The two men were drunk by this time. Paul took the opportunity to grab JC's ass on the way up, with no resistance being made by JC.

When they hit the upstairs, Paul relinquished his hold. JC headed into Justin's room with Paul following. As soon as Paul entered the room, JC closed the door quickly, but quietly. He then grabbed Paul and kissed him hard, knocking him back against the door.

This was the first time these two men had kissed. The feelings raced through each of their bodies. Their hands were all over each other as their tongues locked.

Paul began tugging at JC's clothes.

JC pushed away abruptly. He wanted nothing more than to be fucked by Paul in Justin's bed, but he knew he couldn't with his wife awake in the next room.

Paul knew why JC pulled away, but he wasn't going to give up that easily. Paul figured if he moved towards JC, JC would just run out the door. So, instead, he quickly removed his clothes.

Paul let JC take in the site of his naked body and rock hard cock. He flexed his muscles a bit to further tantalize his friend.

Paul ran his right hand up his tight abs and through the hair on his chest. He flexed his pecs as he did and then slid his hand up on top of his head, flexing his bicep.

Meanwhile, his left hand was tugging at his balls causing his cock to bob up and down.

He bent at the knees a bit to flex his muscular thigh muscles.

"Oh fuck, Paul, you are an Adonis," JC whispered, "but I have to go now."

Paul looked disappointed.

JC moved back to Paul and hugged him, letting Paul's naked, muscled body press tightly against him.

JC whispered into Paul's ear:

"I'll come back in later while you are sleeping, just like in the dorm, but this time I am gonna ride your cock after I get it nice and hard from sucking it."

With that, Mr. Clarkson was gone.

Paul could still smell JC on him as he stood there naked. He was stunned that JC left, but looked forward to the promised late night visit. Paul hopped into bed. He pulled the comforter and sheet down to his knees exposing most of his naked body for JC.

The hours of drinking took their toll and soon Paul was fast asleep.

Mr. Clarkson slipped into bed, still hard and thinking about his old college roommate and how he was going to fulfill the dream of riding Paul's cock after sucking him. The action that he regretted not performing that single night in the dorm.

Mr. Clarkson was greeted by Mrs. Clarkson's hand sliding up and down his hairy chest. Her hand moved down to find Mr. Clarkson's hard cock.

"Looks like little Jase is not ready for sleep just yet," said Mrs. Clarkson as she slid down Jason's boxers.

She quickly mounted her husband, and the married couple of 23 years made passionate love. Jason reached up and covered his wife's mouth to muffle her screams of ecstasy as she rode her man's cock to climax, over and over again.

The beer kept Jason from cumming too quickly. However, after it was clear that his wife had exhausted herself, Jason rolled her onto her back and fucked her hard. Thoughts of fucking his son's friend Jay rolled through his head as his cum shot deep inside his wife.

Sleep came quick for the Clarksons.

Justin arrived home shortly before midnight with a decent buzz on. Jay was working tonight and Tye was the bartender. Some slow nights, like tonight, Tye would tell Jay it was cool to have his friends come up, even though they were under age.

So, a few of them went up and enjoyed some pitchers. They always paid and tipped well. They appreciated that Tye was cool and let them in.

Justin and Jay exchanged a few glances, but they certainly knew to behave in front of the rest of their buddies.

Jay got to hang with them for awhile as long as he jumped when Tye called for him. Although Justin was dying for some more alone time with his good friend, he thought it was awesome that they were able to hang out with the whole group and be so cool about everything that had happened between them.

Part of the agreement with Tye was that the guys had to clear out around 11:30 as the owner would occasionally pop in around midnight just to check on things. Tye didn't want to risk his job for Jay and his friends.

So, Justin said goodbye to his buds as they left the bar around 11:30 for the walk home. Had Justin stayed a few more minutes, he might have run into Brek who was headed in to the bar to see his friend, Tye.

Justin was a bit sweaty from his walk home on this hot, muggy summer night. Certain his parents were asleep, he stripped at the bottom of the stairs and headed to the pool for a quick dip before heading up to bed.

The night air now felt good against his naked body. He quietly stepped into the pool and went under, letting the water cool his warm body. As he swam, he remembered the fun he had with his dad and Mr. Jordan. Justin found himself getting hard again thinking about his dad's hot looking friend.

Justin swam a bit longer, but had decided he was going to have a nice jack session tonight in bed, and Mr. Jordan was going to be star of the fantasy that was going to bring him to climax.

Justin dried off on the deck and hung the towel over the railing. He tip toed back in, grabbed the heap of clothes and headed to his room.

As he opened the door, the heavy breathing of Mr. Jordan startled him. The light of the moon was peeking through the window and helped to illuminate the room enough for Justin to spot a body in his bed.

His mind was still a little fuzzy from the beer and shots, so it took him a few seconds to figure out what was going on.

"Oh that's right, Mr. Jordan is staying over, and must be sleeping in my bed," Justin realized.

Justin moved further into the room to verify his thoughts.

Justin's eyes adjusted to the small light in the room just as he got close to the bed.

Mr. Jordan's breathing stayed constant and deep, definitely from a man that was sleeping soundly.

Justin's eyes bulged as he looked down and saw what was spread out before him. He knew he was sex crazed since his very recent discovery of his desires for men, but this was too inviting. This muscular, good looking friend of his father was completely naked in his bed, completely uncovered. His cock was soft, but still a healthy size as it dangled between his spread out legs. It was long enough that it fell over his balls and rested on the sheets.

Justin felt added saliva fill his mouth as he was literally beginning to drool for this man's cock.

Justin had to have it. He quietly went back and closed the door. He then crept over to the window and adjusted the shade so that no light was entering. He stood there a moment to let his eyes adjust to the increased darkness.

He moved to the side of the bed and got on his knees. He was moving ever so slowly as to not disturb the sleeping man. He smelled the alcohol on Mr. Jordan's breath and eeking out of his pores, so he was hoping that it would take more than a quick suck on his dick to wake him.

Of course, there was enough alcohol in Justin to make him confident that he could pull this ridiculous stunt off without any problem.

Justin tugged on his own rigid cock more than a few times as he watched Mr. Jordan's hot, hairy chest rise up and down as he slept. Justin looked further down the beautiful body to see the cock was still in place, resting comfortably on the nice full sack of his testicles while the head grazed the sheets. He noticed it bobbed up and down a bit as Mr. Jordan breathed.

Justin had to stop himself from stroking as he easily could have shot a load that would have sprayed the naked man any moment.

Justin leaned over Mr. Jordan's body and moved his head close to the man's crotch. Even if Mr. Jordan couldn't see in the dark, if he was awake, he certainly would have felt Justin's breath on him.

Justin took a deep breath in through his nose, savoring the musky smell of this stud. It was truly intoxicating. Any thoughts of backing out vanished once the smell was processed by Justin's horny brain.

Justin kept his head even with Mr. Jordan's firm waist, allowing his dad's old friend's bush to tickle his chin on exhale.

He slowly put his left hand between Mr. Jordan's legs, and let his middle finger graze the soft cock head that he so desired. Justin turned his head to look for a reaction from Mr. Jordan.

Justin kept his head tilted towards Mr. Jordan as he began to fondle the hot man's penis. Justin didn't really have a plan if he were to get caught, other than running as fast as he could out of the room, but he just hoped it wouldn't get to that.

Justin was pleasantly surprised that his efforts were having an effect on Mr. Jordan's cock. Justin could feel the soft cock growing and beginning to sprout. Soon, it was resting on the man's hairy, muscular thigh.

Justin gave the beast a few more light strokes while he softly blew on it. That was all it needed, and it almost hit Justin in the face as it plateaued in height and fell back onto its owner's stomach.

Justin smiled at the sight. In the pool, playing rough with his dad and his friend, he imagined the hot man's hard cock to be huge, and now he was treated with it in person. Although it was dark, he still could see enough of the healthy, meaty shaft and protruding cock head to know he was right.

What he hadn't imagined in his wildest dreams was that he was going to suck on it. He had sucked Brek's dick, but he realized that was mostly jammed down his throat to keep him quiet. He was going to savor Mr. Jordan's dick, and suck it until the man shoved him off of it or better yet, until he tasted the hot cum that would shoot from it.

Justin went to work on the meaty treat. He was careful to not tug too hard or make much noise. The ultimate goal was to bring this man to an enjoyable climax without waking him which would yield a tasty reward for Justin. Then, Justin would grab some boxers and a towel, enjoy a nice stroke session on the couch and be fast asleep before anyone realized what he had been up to.

He raised Mr. Jordan's cock with one finger, so that he could stick it in his mouth without his cheek touching the man's stomach. He also was careful not to bend it too straight up for fear Mr. Jordan would wake.

He played with the cock head with his tongue until he could taste the precum pour into his mouth. Then, he let the whole monster cock into his mouth. After Brek's massive cock, this felt so much easier. It was still huge, but it fit so much nicer in Justin's mouth.

Justin picked up the pace and began to take Mr. Jordan's cock further into his mouth.

Suddenly, Mr. Jordan moaned. Justin froze as he felt Mr. Jordan's hand on his head.

"Oh yeah, just like old times," said Paul still in a light sleep.

Justin remained still with the man's cock still deep in his mouth and Mr. Jordan's hand on his head. He waited while his heart pounded.

Mr. Jordan's hand slipped off his head a bit, and Justin heard the sound of deep breathing once again.

"Oh cool, he is asleep. He probably is just dreaming!" Justin thought, "Well, this is going to be an awesome dream, Mr. Jordan!"

Justin continued to suck and caress Mr. Jordan's cock with his mouth and tongue. He was careful to lick up any precum or saliva before it rolled onto the sleeping man's body.

Justin began to play with Mr. Jordan's balls while he sucked on his cock. Justin loved the feel of the man's testicles in his hands. He would occasionally move down and take them in his mouth.

Justin started to lose control a bit and was now taking Mr. Jordan's cock deep into his throat and quickly sliding it out. He would twirl his tongue around his dad's college roommate's bulbous cockhead a few times and then drive back down onto it.

He heard another moan from Mr. Jordan and the hand back on his head. But this time, the hand was pulling Justin's head away.

"Why don't you ride it, like you said you would," said the sleeping Mr. Jordan. Justin snapped his head back to look at Mr. Jordan, confused by what he just heard.

Mr. Jordan was stirring but still apparently asleep.

"This must be an awesome dream about some girl," Justin thought.

No longer afraid the man was going to wake up; Justin decided to do what Mr. Jordan had suggested.

Justin positioned himself away from Mr. Jordan and carefully lowered himself onto the man's cock.

With all the abuse Justin's ass had taken in the last 24 hours, even the massive cock of Mr. Jordan was able to slide in fairly easily. The fact that Justin had slobbered all over it for the last 20 minutes had also helped.

This was a new position for Justin. He was able to put most of his weight on his knees and softly ride the gorgeous cock of their overnight guest. Up and down he went, willing his ass muscles to fondle and squeeze the man's cock, trying to fuck the cum right out of it.

Justin couldn't resist stroking his own cock as he focused on being fucked by the cock of his dad's sleeping college roommate.

The sweat soon began to pour off of Justin. He was burning off the alcohol quickly as he the incredible pleasure of this man's cock was engulfing every part of his body. The fact that he continued to hear the rhythmic breathing of the Adonis beneath him made it all the better.

Finally, he heard a final groan from Mr. Jordan and felt volley after volley of the stud's cum shoot inside him. Justin lost all control as the first shot splashed against his prostate. Justin was careful to cup a hand over his erupting cock so as to not spray all over Mr. Jordan.

After his own climax subsided, he slowed his attack on Mr. Jordan's cock with his ass, and slowly removed it from his still twitching hole.

He felt his load begin to trickle through his finger, so he put his whole hand to his mouth and sucked and swallowed until there was nothing left.

Justin stealthily moved off the bed, scooped up his clothing and bounded out of the room.

Paul pulled up the sheets and snuggled with the extra pillow, wishing that his pal JC could have stayed in the afterglow of the incredible orgasm that his lover had just given him.

"Soon, JC, soon we will be together, forever," Paul whispered as he drifted back to sleep.

Mr. Clarkson woke up around 3am with a strong need to pee. He stumbled to the bathroom and took care of business, but rather than making his way back to his bed, he slipped out of the bedroom and went down the hall.

He quietly opened Justin's door and stepped in. He shut the door behind him and hit the lock, just in case.

He saw Paul curled up in Justin's bed with the sheets up to the middle of his stomach. Even in the dark, his old college roommate looked magnificent. Mr. Clarkson began to wonder how different life would be if Paul had opened his eyes that night instead of pretending to sleep.

Mr. Clarkson moved to the bed and stood above the man of his youthful desires. Unfortunately, Paul wasn't spread eagled with easy access to that wonderful cock.

Mr. Clarkson would have loved to re-enact the dorm room scene, but given the position Paul was in, he would have to improvise.

Mr. Clarkson slowly lowered the sheets to reveal Paul's smooth and muscular ass. Mr. Clarkson could see Paul's ball sack protruding from between Paul's thighs. Those wonderful thighs were blocking access to Paul's amazing cock.

Mr. Clarkson decided to work with what was available and dug his face into the crowded area of Paul's ass, thighs and balls. He licked the sac, enjoying the salty taste and the feeling of the fine hairs tickling his tongue and lips.

By no means an expert, Mr. Clarkson thought he could taste cum mixed in with the sweat as he continued to lick softly and slowly.

"This horn dog must have jacked before he went to sleep," Mr. Clarkson thought as he began to speed up his efforts.

His tongue began to search out more remnants of Paul's last load, and Mr. Clarkson began to inhale deeper to soak in the lovely man scent that his old roommate was giving off down in this area of his body.

As he probed higher up on his balls, Mr. Clarkson encountered a different taste which was much sharper than the cum or sweat. Mr. Clarkson started to suck on the skin at the source of this new taste, as he found himself wanting more. He didn't know that he was sucking in his own boy's ass juice that had dripped onto Paul when Justin rode the man's cock.

Mr. Clarkson began to slurp and slobber as all of the tastes were overwhelming him.

Paul woke up to the wonderful sensations and sounds coming from behind him, but discovered his cock was dying for attention. Also, the pleasures being poured upon his balls had made them expand, and they were beginning to be trapped in between his thighs.

Paul abruptly rolled over, forcing JC to move his head back. Paul opened his eyes and looked at his old roommate, JC.

"Back for more so soon, huh JC?" Paul asked as he grabbed JC's head by the hair and forced it towards his cock.

JC quickly found Paul's cock and began to suck on it. JC was not delicate this time as he was more than twenty years ago. JC was hungry for Paul's cock and showed it with great enthusiasm.

JC suddenly stopped and looked up at Paul.

"What do you mean, so soon?" JC asked Paul.

As JC was asking, Paul realized that the full head of hair in his hand was not the same as earlier in the night. Earlier, the hair was a lot shorter. He quickly realized his visitor from earlier was not his old roommate, but probably his old roommate's son.

Luckily, Paul came up with an answer,

"Well, it was only a short 25 years ago or so that you got to suck me off, I didn't expect you back for at least 30," Paul whispered, so proud of himself for coming up with something reasonable.

"Ha, right," replied JC as he turned to get back to work on Paul's piece, "hopefully, the next one will be even sooner."

Mr. Clarkson was sucking the third cock of his life like he was born to do it. Not only was he pleasuring himself with the thrill of having Paul's beautiful cock in his mouth for the second time, but he was driving Paul wild as well.

Being awakened twice in the same night to such intense pleasure might have been the reason, but Paul was felt like he was floating above the bed. The euphoria caused by JC's work on his throbbing cock was out of this world, and certainly nothing he had ever experienced before.

Paul knew it was the senior Clarkson performing magic on his cock, but all he could picture was the junior Clarkson—the hot, young college kid that not two hours ago was in the same position as his father.

Paul soon realized, however, that the young man was not as skilled in cock sucking has his old man. Paul didn't think his buddy JC was out sucking cock daily, but he definitely knew what he was doing.

Paul struggled to stifle his moans of pleasure. JC's tongue was rolling over his cock head masterfully as JC continued to bob up and down relentlessly.

Paul could feel JC's slobber start to gather on his balls and in the hair below his sack. JC's sweat was also spraying over his stomach and thighs as the man continued with great effort to please his old roommate.

JC was definitely trying to please his buddy, but JC was also pleasing himself. He was sucking a cock that he had only been able to do once before and he was very limited in what he could do.

Now, he was going to town on it, savoring every inch of it. Paul let out a "shhh" to JC as he ran his hand through his hair as JC was now losing control.

JC knew he was probably too loud, but he couldn't contain himself. He took Paul's cock deeper than ever, down his throat. He held it there, knowing he had blocked off his air passage. He swallowed again, sending shockwaves through Paul. Paul almost screamed out, but caught himself at the last second.

JC held tight onto Paul's cock with his throat until he felt as if he was going to pass out. Finally, he relented, letting Paul's cock slide all the way out. JC began to stroke Paul's cock, as it was slick with his drool. JC gasped for air, trying to settle down so that he could take the cock once more.

JC repeated this maneuver at least 10 times. Paul had to revert to covering his face with a pillow. In the darkness, Paul still thought of young Justin on his cock—feeling almost guilty as the man he secretly loved for so long was performing the wonderful act on him.

Finally, JC stopped. First, he was amazed that Paul hadn't cum yet. He felt like he had been servicing his old roommate for hours. And the grunts and groans coming from under the pillow were amazing; he thought for sure he was soon going to be treated to the lovely serving of his bud's load that he had been waiting for more than 20 years.

But second, JC felt a tremendous urge that he had never experience before. His ass was burning with desire. He had been fucked for the first time 12 hours before, but he now discovered he was craving it again. While engulfing Paul's enormous cock, JC felt the incredible feeling run through his body. He enjoyed it and thought it was from the sensations of having his tongue slide across the shaft and mushroom head of this finely built man. However, as the feelings raced through his body faster and became more intense, he realized the cravings were all driving to his hole—the hole that only Paul had invaded.

Paul waited patiently under the pillow as JC knelt over him. There was still sweat dripping on his stomach. He could hear JC breathing heavily. JC's slobber was sliding down his shaft onto his balls.

Finally, he moved the pillow, and whispered,

"Something wrong, JC?"

"No, it's all good, Paul," answered JC, "I am just going to do what I should have done in the dorm room."

JC straddled Paul on the bed and lowered his twitching hole onto Paul's enormous rod. JC's ass was burning with desire. It was also burning from the stretching it was receiving. JC let his weight do the work and soon he felt the wetness of his own slobber nestled in Paul's pubes as he rested on Paul's hips. JC let out a long moan but was able to keep the volume down. Paul's cock head had hit his prostate and was pressed against it.

Paul felt JC's button pulsing against his cock head. Paul felt each pulse fly right through his entire body. Paul grabbed JC's hips and held him tightly down on his cock. The only movement was the pulsing of JC's prostate. The intense pleasure from it was felt by both men.

JC felt his ass cheeks press into Paul's hip bones. Paul's slender, muscular body was tensed up and JC could also feel the ridges of muscles that extended from the hips.

JC wiggled a bit, but Paul's grip was strong. JC couldn't control the pulsing and knew that Paul was enjoying it as much as he was. He wanted to ride Paul's cock hard, but Paul wasn't letting him move.

JC took his own cock in his hand and began to stroke it with great fervor. His balls rested on Paul's pubes which tickled JC, adding to the pleasure. JC ran his other hand up and down the muscled body that lay beneath him. The soft skin lightly coated with fine, black hair felt wonderful to the touch.

JC tipped his head back, the intensity was too much. He managed to squelch another moan as he concentrated on breaking Paul's grip. He wanted to ride Paul. He needed that cock head to drive across his recently discovered magic button over and over again to make it trigger the explosion he craved.

Finally, Paul eased up on his grip, and JC went wild. The bed began to squeak as JC rode his old roommate's cock like an expert. He used every bit of strength he had in him to raise up and drive back down on Paul's magical wand. The two men struggled to keep their grunts and groans to a minimum as the intensity of the fuck session continued to progress.

Justin rolled over on the too small couch as the squeaking from above woke him. Luckily for the two men, Justin was in enough of a daze that he didn't realize what the noise was, and simply drifted back into a deep sleep.

JC's precum was splattering all over Paul as he continued to pleasure himself, both with his own hand on his cock, and Paul's cock inside his tight ass.

The images of the younger Clarkson servicing him were erased from Paul's mind as now all he thought about what his JC, the only man he truly wanted all these years.

Paul reached up and grabbed at JC's shoulders, tugging his friend on top of him. Paul was careful to thrust deep inside JC so as to not risk having his cock pop out of his mate.

Their sweat soaked hairy chests pressed together as Paul wrapped his arms around JC. They began kissing passionately. They both felt the added sensation of their mouth and tongues joining.

Paul began thrusting, letting JC just relax and enjoy the thrill of being kissed while being fucked by a man. The two men worked themselves into a complete frenzy until they both reached their climax at the same time.

As they both felt the initial jolt of their balls releasing, they opened their eyes. Each man saw the joy and ecstasy in the other as Paul's cock filled JC's ass and JC's cum poured out onto Paul's tight stomach. Paul couldn't believe how much cum his balls were shooting out into his pal, JC. JC's cock started to ache from the continuous stream of cum that poured out onto Paul. The two men continued to kiss as they tried to force more and more cum out of themselves.

The men drifted off to sleep. JC was too tired to care that his wife might wonder where he had gone off to in the middle of the night. Paul's last thought before he drifted off was that he hoped the junior Clarkson didn't decide to come up for another ride anytime soon.

Next: Chapter 7

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