The Clarksons

By Jason Clarkson

Published on Jul 8, 2011


If you are not of legal rights and/or age to read any type of adult Literature or if you find the material offensive, please do not read any further. The author and site cannot be held liable as you agree to accept all responsibility for reading said material. If you wish to contact the author of this series, please do so at, I will respond to all e-mails. This story is fiction. All names, descriptions and actions of the characters are not real.

"Hey Little Man, you gonna sleep all day?" asked Timmy from the kitchen.

Justin woke up in a daze. His whole body ached. It took him a few moments to realize he was asleep on Timmy's couch. He didn't remember getting here.

As he began to sit up, he felt the moistness in his crack and then remembered the incredible events of the previous night.

"I'm up. What time is it?" he yelled back to Timmy.

Sitting up, shirtless, he did a quick check under the covers to make sure he had boxers on at least. Thankfully, he did.

"Chris and Brek must have taken care of me," Justin thought, "the last thing I remember was collapsing onto the bed, naked."

Justin did a quick turn towards Chris' room. The door was open and although he couldn't see the entire bed from this view, it looked like it was all made.

"It's 11 o'clock, so not too late, but I have already been to work and back. Actually, I am on my lunch break. So, I could give you a lift if you need one," said Timmy, in between bites of his sandwich.

"No, that's cool," Justin quickly replied, "I don't have much going on today, so I can walk. I will prolly take my time, take a shower here and then head home, if that's cool."

"Sure, no worries, Little Man, whatever," assured Chris.

"Hey, where's Chris? I don't want to bother him if he is going to be around," Justin said nonchalantly, hoping that maybe he and Chris could have a chance to be alone.

Justin was instantly hard just thinking about his cousin's roommate.

"I dunno where he is. I don't think he came home last night. I got up so early, there is no way he got up before me," said Chris.

"Oh, prolly scored with some chick, huh?" asked Justin, trying to play it cool.

Justin was actually confused. I can't believe Chris and Brek moved me to the couch, put my boxers on, changed the sheets, made the bed and then went out again.

Justin felt a twinge of jealousy and embarrassment.

"Did they go out and find some other kid to use? Was I just another toy for them? Did they go out and brag to their friends about what they did to me? Oh, I am such an idiot!" Justin thought as he put his head in his hands.

"I don't know what that dude is up to lately. But, with my summer job, I am not here much either. He seems to have a few girls going at once, so I am sure he just had a late night booty call."

"Does he ever bring girls here?" asked Justin.

"Haha, yeah, I sometimes hear the bed squeaking and some moans from his room, but they are usually cleared out by the morning. I guess he must kick em out after he is done with them," replied Chris.

Justin knew those probably weren't girls that Chris had in his room, but he still enjoyed the image of Chris pounding some hot girl in his bed.

Justin's hand slid under the blanket and began to stroke his cock.

"That's cool, how about you Timmy, you getting any lately?" asked Justin.

Justin was enjoying talking about sex with his cousin, especially since his cousin couldn't see that his boxers were pulled down and he was playing with his now throbbing cock.

"I have a girl I sometimes see, she is back home for the summer though, so, it's been awhile. I might go see her next weekend. I need to get laid bad," explained Timmy.

"She good in the sack?" Justin asked playfully as he started to really work his dick.

Timmy gave Justin a smirk, "Yeah, but that's none of your business Little Man. What about you? I am sure a stud like you must have had plenty of those young college girls."

Justin was now feverishly beating off. He was so turned on that Timmy had no idea what he was doing.

His voice cracked a bit as he replied,

"Ha, yeah, I did ok at school. Some pretty hot chicks too."

"One night, me and my roommate got kinda drunk and brought this girl back to the dorm with us. We got her on all fours and ..."

Justin wasn't sure why he was making up this story to tell Timmy. He continued with the story using details of the events from last night as a basis. The words just rolled off his tongue.

Telling the story had Justin completely worked up. He was on the edge of cumming. Feeling incredibly brave, he swirled his finger in the puddle of precum that had surfaced from his shaft and had settled on his slit. In mid sentence and with Timmy looking at him from the other room, he slipped his pre-cum coated finger into his mouth and licked it clean.

Justin ended his made up story, describing how he and his roommate both pulled out from each end of the girl and jacked off all over her stomach and chest. Justin was very descriptive about the cum flying out of his roommate's big cock.

He then went a step further and said the chick swirled the cum shots together and leaned up and fed it to him.

"Dude, you ate your roommate's cum?" Timmy asked, obviously disgusted.

"Haha, no bro, I was just messing with you about that," laughed Justin.

Now, he knew. Timmy wasn't into guys.

"Well, that's a fucking hot story. Any time you need a partner, you can always bring her here. I'd help you tag-team her."

The thought of watching Timmy's long cock fucking or getting sucked was too much for Justin. He needed to explode, but didn't want to make a mess on the couch or blankets.

He decided he would open the door one more time for Timmy to see if there was any interest by his cousin. He knew it was because he was so horned up right now, but he was still shocked at how bold he was acting.

"Yeah, that'd be hot. Seeing that big dick of yours fucking some girl. Man, I am all worked up now. I am gonna jump in the shower and take care of it," said Justin as he hopped off the couch.

He didn't expose his cock to Timmy but he didn't try to hide it either. His hard cock was sticking straight up, the head pressing at the waistband of his tight trunks. It was quite a sight.

He paused briefly, looking at Timmy for his reaction.

"Oh Little Man, too much information! I sure didn't need to know that," exclaimed Timmy.

Timmy got up and headed towards Justin.

Justin froze.

"Does he want to?" Justin hoped.

"I gotta get back to work," Timmy said as he walked by Justin and into his room to grab something.

Justin raced into the bathroom thoroughly embarrassed.

"Oh my god, Justin, what are you doing? Coming on to your cousin? Thankfully, he was cool about it. Maybe he didn't realize I was doing it," Justin thought to himself as he got the shower going.

He immediately grabbed the soap and lathered up his dripping cock. The water felt great against his tired muscles. He pictured Timmy's long cock swinging between his legs as he leaned against the tiled wall of the shower.

He lathered up his ass cheeks so they would slide against the tile. He stroked his cock while he raised and lowered himself against the wall. He spread his ass cheeks wide and pressed hard against the wall, wishing it was Timmy. He banged hard against the wall, trying desperately to fuck it.

Finally, he felt the pressure of the wall against his hole, and he moaned. His cum instantly shot from his cock. The now familiar twitching of his ass felt incredible as his balls fired a small load as it had only been hours since they had been completely drained.

Mr. Clarkson woke up with a terrible headache. He was seriously hung over. His mind also raced through yesterday's adventures, and the guilt overwhelmed him. He then remembered about talking with Paul. He found himself excited to see him. He knew there wasn't a chance that he would get naked with him, but he still enjoyed the idea of hanging out with him again.

Mr. Clarkson's wife entered the bedroom.

"Well, look who is up? Late night, huh?" she asked as she hurriedly got herself ready for work.

"Umm, yeah, I guess I just got working on some things and lost track of the time," Mr. Clarkson explained poorly.

"Where's Justin?" asked Mrs. Clarkson.

"He stayed at Timmy's again," Mr. Clarkson said.

"Oh ok, I hope he stays out of trouble when he hangs out with him," said Mrs. Clarkson.

"Yeah, Timmy's a good kid, I am sure they are fine," said Mr. Clarkson trying to assure his wife.

"Ok, well I gotta run, so have a good day," said Mrs. Clarkson as she leaned over the bed and kissed her husband.

"Bye," Mr. Clarkson said.

When he heard the car pull out of the driveway, he headed downstairs for some much needed aspirin. He went to the refrigerator to get a drink to wash it down with.

Instead of grabbing the orange juice, he decided on a beer. It wasn't like him to crack a beer at 8am, but he hoped a little hair of the dog would help cure his hangover. Also, he wouldn't mind dulling the pangs of guilt he was still suffering through. He was working from home again today, so he wasn't going to be in contact with anyone.

Still in his boxers, he headed to his office to check the first emails of the day. Since it was still early, there wasn't much there. Before long, he was on facebook checking out his buddy Paul's profile.

"Wow, he still looks great," Mr. Clarkson said.

Mr. Clarkson's cock began to grow and it found its way out of the opening in the boxers. He instinctively gave it a few tugs as he perused Paul's pictures.

"Paul, I wish you would have woken up that night. I would have taken that meaty cock in my virgin hole," said Mr. Clarkson to the picture of Paul he had up on the screen.

The sound of his phone ringing snapped Mr. Clarkson out of his fantasy, and he focused on the work issue that was presenting itself on the phone.

Paul was nervously pacing as he watched out the window for the taxi. He was excited for his trip to see JC. He had already shot two loads this morning thinking about his old roommate. He woke up in the middle of a dream where he was about to give the handsome man a long, sloppy blowjob. In the dream, he was able to see JC's long, hard cock but hadn't been able to touch it yet. It was a dream he had many times. It was always different settings, but the dream progressed to JC exposing this delicious cock to Paul, and Paul moving towards JC to take it in his hand. And then, sometimes something in the dream would interrupt them or other times it was the real world--alarm clock or phone ringing. Needless to say, he was rock hard when he disappointedly opened his eyes as his alarm went off.

Paul immediately began stroking his morning wood. He noticed it was a little tender from the constant attention he gave it last night. He reached into his night stand and grabbed the bottle of KY warming gel, and generously coated his meat and then poured some more into his cupped hand.

Paul took the handful and splashed it on his balls. The gel trickled down his balls and got caught up in the hair between his balls and ass. Paul stroked his now juicy cock with his left hand while his right hand worked in the warming gel on his balls and down to his hole.

He felt the heat of the gel work its way through. The sensation was incredible. He slowly circled his moist hole with his middle finger.

"Yes JC, stick your big cock inside me, I have wanted it for years!" Paul shouted as let his finger enter his tight hole.

Paul's finger was only in to the knuckle when his cock erupted all over himself.

He remained still with his finger in his hole as his balls continued to fire and his ass twitched and tightened around his finger.

"Well, today just might be the day!" Paul said as he slowly got out of bed, not wanting his cum to drip onto the floor.

He looked down as he headed to the shower. He could see remnants of last night's cum shot still on his stomach. Now he had a fresh one on there as well.

Paul rubbed his hairy stomach, working some of the morning load into his soft skin.

In the steamy shower, Paul lathered himself up, cleaning off the cum and warming gel that did its trick so well. Paul began thinking about JC again as he slid his soapy hands over his cock. Before long, he had his healthy cock back at attention.

This time, Paul was in charge. He had gone over to JC's house but found a note on the door:

Paul - The door is open, I just jumped in the shower. Come on in, grab a beer, and I'll be right down. JC

Paul grabbed the beer and paced around the kitchen for a minute. Then, marched up the stairs, removing clothing as he went. By the time he entered the bathroom, he was naked and rock hard. He barged in and headed right for the shower.

Paul ignored the questions and resistance from his shocked buddy. Paul quickly had his cock inside JC as he had him pressed against the tiled wall of the shower. JC's 'no's soon turned into 'yes's as Paul's meaty cock slid in and out of his studly friend's warm hole.

"Yeah, JC, take my cock, I know you have wanted it for years!" Paul yelled as he dumped his second load of the day onto the wall of his own shower. He stood motionless under the hot, pulsing water as he came down from the intense feeling that thinking of fucking his old college roommate had just given him.

Paul quickly finished up in the shower. He had not accounted for the extra time he had used for the two morning stroke sessions. The taxi would be here soon to take him to the airport. He would finally see the man of his unfulfilling dreams. He was unsure what would become of that meeting, but he was definitely excited to find out. He saw that JC was online. He knew he didn't have time for a chat as he knew what it would lead to. So, he sent a quick email with his itinerary. He asked JC to decide on a time and place, and Paul would check his email when he landed.

Mr. Clarkson saw the email notification in Facebook. He was busy now handling the customer problem that he had just been notified of. However, he paused to take a peek.

He was delighted to find that Paul would be in town before noon. He replied immediately:

"Hey Paul, great news! I am so excited to see you. Why don't you just grab a taxi to my house? I'll pay the fare when you get here. I am working from home, so it would be easier for me to finish up my work rather than come and get you. That way, we'll have more time to spend together. See you soon!"

Mr. Clarkson excitedly hit send and popped up to grab another beer. He then realized Paul didn't have his address, so he raced back and sent another email with the details on how to get there. He added another "I really am excited to spend time with you!"

Justin's phone was buzzing when he got out of the bathroom. He hurried over and grabbed it. It was a text message from Jay.

Justin almost forgot about the whole thing with Jay. Since his arrival at Timmy's and the sex with Chris and Brek, what he and Justin did seemed almost unreal.

Justin was a bit nervous to read the text message. He hoped things would be cool between the two of them. He wanted to continue to mess around with Jay, but most importantly, he wanted to remain friends. In fact, he was dying to tell Jay all about his wild night.

He opened the text: "Hey, dude, do you think we should talk about yesterday?"

He smiled and quickly replied: "No, I don't think we should talk about it, I think we should just do it again!"

Jay was glad to hear his phone beep with Justin's response. He was worried Justin might ignore his message.

Jay sat up in bed. He slept in after his long night at work. He looked over and Kevin was still sleeping, too. He noticed Kevin didn't have a shirt on. Jay always only slept in his boxers, but Kevin usually wore a t-shirt with his boxers to bed.

Jay read Justin's response and immediately got hard.

He thought for a moment and then sent his reply: "Ya cool, I am up for that, but I get the top this time ;)" Jay smiled as he waited for Justin's response.

Justin had been thinking about how great it felt to have his big cock inside his friend, but he also just learned how wonderful it felt to be fucked. So, letting Jay have his way with him sounded like a great idea.

Justin replied: "Fuck ya, Jay, I'll be right over!"

Jay moaned as he read Justin's response. He turned and saw Kevin stir a bit. Jay was wondering why Kevin was still sleeping. He didn't know Kevin stayed up later than Jay, managing to stroke out two loads before finally drifting off.

He wanted to find out if Kevin was working today so that he would have the house to himself.

He replied anyway, not wanting Justin to think he was having second thoughts: Awesome. We'll have to wait for Kevin to go to work, but then we'll have plenty of time to ourselves. Any chance you can bring some beer?

Justin had his dick out again waiting for Jay's response. He couldn't believe how horny he was.

He stroked his cock while reading Jay's latest text.

He put his dick away after reading it. It was time to head over there. He had kinda wanted to wait around to see if Chris would get back, but spending time with Jay was what he really needed.

He replied as he went to stuff his backpack with a 12 pack from the refrigerator: I'll grab a twelver from here. Timmy won't mind, I'll pay him back. I am walking, so I'll be there in about 20.

Jay responded immediately: K

He set his phone down, and started to stroke his cock. He looked over at Kevin to make sure he was still asleep.

He stopped as Kevin began to stir once again.

"I should get in the shower anyway, and maybe that'll get Kevin awake. Then, I just gotta get him outta the house. I hope he has to work." Jay thought.

He stepped out of his bed not afraid to reveal the huge bulge in his boxers as Kevin was still out. He wasn't too worried if his brother saw his morning wood, he knew that Kevin wouldn't be thinking it was in anticipation of Justin coming over.

He headed to the shower, deciding that if Kevin was still asleep when he got back, he would wake him.

When Kevin heard the shower start, he leaped out of bed. Jay hadn't figured out that he had been awake for some time already. Kevin was disappointed that he didn't open his eyes soon enough to get the full view of Jay's bulge, but he did get a side view as Jay headed out.

Kevin ran over and grabbed Jay's phone. He could tell that Jay was getting aroused and even stroking a bit while texting. He was curious to see who the girl was that Jay was sexting.

Kevin's jaw dropped as he read the texts. He quickly set the phone back and jumped back into bed.

"Holy fuck! Justin and Jay? Could that possibly be true? This is unbelievable," Kevin thought, his mind racing almost as fast as his heart.

Kevin looked back at the phone to make sure he set it back in the same spot.

"Oh shit, if Jay finds out I know, he'll kill me!" Jay worried.

Kevin convinced himself to play it cool and Jay wouldn't suspect a thing. Kevin also noticed that his cock was sticking straight up through his boxers. Thoughts of Justin and Jay fucking were jumping in and out of his head and were driving him wild.

"Oh, I would love to see that!" smiled Kevin as he worked out a scheme in his head.

He put his plan to action.

He pounded on the bathroom door and called Jay's name.

"What?" Jay replied, a bit annoyed that his stroke session was interrupted.

"Sorry, but I have to work and I woke up late, can I get in the shower?" asked Kevin as he opened the door.

The bathroom the boys shared didn't have a lock, but they never had barged in on each other.

"Hey! What the fuck?" shouted Jay as he turned away so his hard cock was hidden.

The shower door was glass but it was smoked so it would have been difficult for Kevin to see anyway.

Kevin had hoped he would see Jay's hard cock, but was playing the "I am late for work" act perfectly.

"Sorry, Jay, but if I am late again I am gonna be hosed," explained Kevin.

Jay didn't know what to do. He didn't want to be a dick to Kevin, but he also was a bit embarrassed about the hard on.

"Oh well," he thought, "it's just my brother."

Jay turned off the shower, and kept a hand partially blocking his cock.

"Throw me a towel, and you can have it, Kev," said Jay.

Kevin did his best not to be too obvious as he desperately peered through the smoked glass to get a view.

Kevin couldn't see well but he was pretty sure Jay was hard. He really wanted to see it. He grabbed the towel and pulled the shower door open.

Jay turned in shock. He had expected Kevin to toss it over the top.

The two boys stood face to face. Jay naked, hard and dripping wet. Kevin in boxers but rock hard as well.

Both eyes moved up and down the other brother's body. Kevin couldn't help but smile as he saw Jay's cock.

"Wow," he thought, "he looks amazing. How come I never noticed before?"

Jay enjoyed the view as well, but was a bit compromised, being naked and all. He grabbed the towel and quickly covered up.

"Geez Kev," said Jay as he stepped out, "a little privacy if you don't mind."

"Oh sorry Jay, I am just in a panic," explained Kevin.

Jay calmed down figuring best not to make a big deal, "It's cool bro."

Kevin decided he'd try one more thing since Jay was being fairly cool about his intrusion. Jay had his back to Kevin and was heading out of the bathroom, when Kevin called out to him, hoping he would turn back.

"Hey Jay, just to make it fair..." Kevin said as he dropped his boxers to the floor, exposing his rock hard cock.

Kevin stood there a brief moment smiling. He watched Jay's eyes move down from his eyes down to his cock.

Jay tried to play it cool. He turned and walked out, giving a playful laugh and saying:

"OK, Kev, I guess were even."

Kevin jumped into the shower, so proud of himself. Even though, he wanted to have a long stroke session in the shower, he knew he needed to keep up the "I am late for work" act and get out right away.

Jay thought it was cute that Kevin was so playful. His thoughts were mostly about Justin, so he didn't really spend much time on what Kevin might have been up to. He did enjoy the feeling of seeing Kevin naked, and also realized he enjoyed Kevin seeing him.

Jay dressed quickly and headed downstairs. He needed to make sure his parents were at work as usual and that the house would be his once Kevin headed to work.

Kevin tried to get his dick to calm down by turning the shower to cold. After a few minutes, it did the trick and he jumped out. He headed into the bedroom, hoping that he might find Jay in bed waiting for him, but he knew that was only a dream.

Kevin wasn't sure what he would have done if that was the case, but his horny mind was running wild. He definitely knew he had the hots for Justin and that seeing Justin and Jay going at it was going to be spectacular. The idea of fooling around with Justin was something he would probably do, but messing with Jay was a new idea and he wasn't quite sure about it yet.

Telling himself to focus on the task at hand, Kevin quickly dressed in clothes he would wear to work.

Kevin didn't have to work today, but he was going to let Jay think that. And then after Justin arrived, Kevin was going to sneak back into the house to hopefully get a glimpse of Justin and Jay going at it.

As Kevin headed down the stairs, he began to become a little unsure of the bathroom incident. The two brothers had definitely crossed a bit of a line there, but he hoped Jay would be cool with it.

"Just because he is doing it with Justin," thought Kevin, now a bit worried, "it sure doesn't mean that he would want to mess around with his younger brother."

Kevin purposely sought out Jay to make sure they were ok.

"Hey Jay, thanks again for letting me get in the shower. I gotta run," said Kevin as he found Jay in the kitchen.

Kevin looked into Jay's eyes to make sure there were no lingering effects of the little stunt Kevin played.

"Sure, Kev," Jay said matter of factly, "I know it sucks to be late for work. Have a good day."

Kevin raced out, feeling better about the situation. He saw the look from Jay. He knew what it meant. It was fine what happened, but it wasn't something they needed to talk about. As Kevin turned the corner, he spotted Justin heading towards their house.

"Oh man, this is really happening!" Kevin said as he sped by Justin.

Jay found himself pacing in front of the window after Kevin left. He was excited for Justin to get there. Finally, he saw Justin heading up the sidewalk.

He opened the door and waited until Justin reached the house.

When Justin spotted him standing in the doorway, he smiled and said,

"Hey Jay, what's up?"

Jay returned the smile. He was so glad they were comfortable together.

"Not much, dude, come on in. You got the beer?"

"Yeah, Jay, it should still be pretty cold too, but throw it in the fridge," said Justin as he pulled it out of the backpack.

Kevin opened up the twelve pack and handed Justin one, grabbed one for himself, and walked into the kitchen to put the rest in the refrigerator.

Justin admired his good looking friend's ass as he walked into the kitchen. Justin's cock started to grow.

He followed his friend into the kitchen.

As Jay bent over to put the beer on the bottom shelf, Justin swatted his ass and then began to run his hands all over it. He moved in closer against Jay, and began to grind his hips into Jay.

"Yeah Jay, I want to fuck this sweet ass again," Justin said as his cock fully hardened with the feeling of Jay's ass rubbing against it.

"Oh yeah, Just! Fuck me right here dude," replied Jay with a moan.

Jay had looked forward to fucking for the first time, but Justin's hands and cock against his ass felt so good.

The two inexperienced boys were quickly undressed. Their lust for man on man sex overwhelmed them once again. Jay was again on all fours but this time was in staring into the refrigerator. The cold air of the refrigerator felt good against his smooth skin as the passion was beginning to heat him up.

Justin crouched over him; he, too, was staring into the refrigerator. He spotted the can of Reddi-Wip whipped cream. He reached for it. Jay had his head down and so he didn't notice.

Jay felt the plastic tip enter his dry hole. He turned back to see what was going on. He was greeted with a terrific and mischievous grin by Justin. He couldn't see what Justin had in his hand.

Justin bent the can upward, activating the CO2 to fire out some whipped cream. Justin giggled as Jay's ass filled with cream. Justin continued until he saw the white cream ooze out of Jay's hole.

Jay saw the can tip up and realized what Justin had done. He hoped his mom didn't have a special recipe that she needed that whipped cream for. The worry quickly was erased by the interesting feeling the cream gave him as it shot up his ass.

Justin pulled the can out and released more cream up and down Jay's crack and cheeks. He sat the can down and admired his handy work.

"Too bad there is no cherry, but I guess you served that up yesterday," Justin laughed.

Jay quickly replied, laughing as well, "Well, when it's my turn, I'll get to enjoy the cherry with the whip cream."

Justin laughed along, but realized his cherry was already gone.

"Oops, I'll have to explain that to Jay later," thought Justin.

Justin took another look at the pile of cream in Jay's crack and couldn't resist. He dove face first into his friend's ass.

Since the boys had both experienced man sex for the first time yesterday, they both were in unchartered waters. As surprised as Justin was that he wanted to be eating out Jay's ass, Jay never expected that it could be so thrilling.

Soon, there was whip cream everywhere. Justin was sliding it all over Jay's body, up and down his back and then scooping globs up from the floor and painting Jay's balls, cock and stomach.

While his hands roamed freely over Jay's body, Justin's face remained buried in Jay's crack. There was whip cream all over Justin's face. Justin's tongue dove in and out of Jay's hole.

Jay was writhing in ecstasy. Justin's tongue was sending shockwaves through his entire body. Justin's hands sliding all over his whip cream covered torso was exhilarating as well.

Justin finally pulled out from his friend's crack. He grabbed the can again, and covered his own cock with the fluffy, white cream. He then pumped another few shots deep into Jay's hole.

Jay had turned to see Justin.

"Justin, this is so fucking hot. Give me your cock now!" Jay ordered.

The intense desire he was feeling trumped the desire to burst out laughing. Justin looked ridiculous with whip cream all over his face.

The two boys were in heat and it certainly wasn't the time to be laughing.

Justin's lathered cock slid easily into Jay's whip cream filled hole.

Whip cream poured out of Jay's hole as Justin continued to slide deeper. Now, Justin's bush was completely white. As he pressed further into Jay, the slapping of skin was muted by the squishing of the cream.

The boys, who had been forced to squelch their desires yesterday in Justin's room, were freely exclaiming their feelings today.

Moans and groans filled the air. Each boy took turns praising the other:

"Justin, your cock feels so good in me," yelled Jay between moans.

"Jay, it feels so good to be inside your tight hole," yelled Justin back at Jay.

They began to slip on the wood floor of the kitchen as the whip cream was flying everywhere. Soon, Jay was flat on the ground and Justin was on top of him, pounding away.

The two college kids never heard Kevin slip back in the front door.

Kevin could hear the noise as he came up the walkway. He parked a few blocks down and ran back. He stood outside on the porch, catching his breath. He was dying to get in there as he knew what those sounds were. He was also afraid he might miss it as things sounded incredibly intense.

His own dick sprang into action and although he rubbed it a few times, he knew he had to wait to get inside and to a good hiding place to get a serious hold of it.

He silently made his way into the house. He identified the source of the noise. He was surprised but even more turned on that it was in the kitchen.

"Perfect," Kevin thought, "I'll have perfect view from stairwell. And they won't be able to see me."

He crept up the stairs and settled onto the step that allowed him to peek out and see the activity in the kitchen.

"Oh fuck," Kevin gasped, as the incredible image appeared before him.

From his view, he could see everything. The refrigerator open, the beer on the shelf, the can of whip cream that had been turned on its side and rolled a bit out of the way. These of course, were all the extraneous things he noted. The focus of his attention was his brother and his brother's best friend naked on the kitchen floor, drenched in whip cream. Kevin whipped out his cock as he watched the guy he had been fantasizing fuck his big brother, and fucking him hard!

Jay was pinned to the ground, screaming out as Justin pummeled him with his cock. Actually, his whole body was driving down onto Jay. Kevin had never seen such a sight, nor could he have ever imagined anything so hot.

Kevin slowly stroked his cock. He could cum at any minute, but he was going to wait so that he could match his climax with at least one of the boys in the kitchen.

Jay's grunts were getting louder, but not because he was close to cumming. Being pinned down was causing him some discomfort. His dick was trapped and banging against the ground every time Justin's weight came crashing back down on him.

The whip cream was providing enough lube, but the angle and force that Justin was driving his cock into his hole was no longer pleasing. It was hurting Jay, but he thought Justin was close to finishing, so he allowed him to continue.

Justin couldn't believe how good this felt. He could tell by Jay's grunts that he was no longer enjoying this, but Justin couldn't stop. Everything about it was intoxicating—being on the kitchen floor, the whip cream, the power and force in which he was fucking his friend, and finally the warm feeling of Jay's tight hole clenching around his thick cock.

Jay couldn't take it anymore. He lifted up his body to try to force Justin off of him.

But, Justin just shifted and began fucking even harder, trying to force Jay back down.

"Oh fuck, Just, stop man, it hurts," Jay complained.

Justin kept going and shocked even himself when he said,

"Fuck you, bitch, take my cock like a man!"

When Kevin heard this, he rose up, ready to run down the stairs and pull Justin off Jay.

"Who does Justin think he is? He's hurting Jay!" whispered Kevin to himself.

Jay became infuriated when he heard Justin's command. He used all his strength to push Justin off of him.

Justin went crashing back into the kitchen chairs. Jay spun around to face Justin, ready to defend himself if Justin came at him.

Justin banged his elbow and head against a chair. It hurt. He instinctively jumped back at Jay. The two friends began to wrestle. They were both angry. They rolled around the floor, each trying to gain the upper hand.

Kevin couldn't believe the way they were talking to each other.

Justin shouted at Jay, "You little pussy, can't take it, huh?"

Jay replied, "Fuck you, Justin, you were being a dick."

Justin grabbed at Jay's cock and squeezed it.

"Aaaghh," yelled Jay and grabbed at Justin's cock.

Both boys were now writhing in pain. Jay was on top of Justin.

"Fuck, Jay, let go, let go, I promise I'll be cool," Justin cried out.

"You first, dick," replied Jay.

"No, you," said Justin back.

Jay just giggled.

Justin began giggling, too.

Jay released his grip and so did Justin.

Justin hugged Jay from underneath him. Jay began to kiss Justin passionately.

The two boys were now rolling around like before but now it was only desire that fueled them.

Justin released from their kiss first.

He looked into Jay's eyes and said,

"Sorry, man, I kinda got carried away."

"Kinda?" Jay asked jokingly.

"Ok, ok, Sorry, I really got carried away," Justin rephrased his apology.

The two friends began to kiss once again. Soon, Jay was on top and lifted Justin's legs to his shoulders. He looked into Justin's eyes as he slowly positioned his cock at Justin's hole.

Justin nudged himself closer, urging Jay to stick his warm, thick cock into the hole. Justin was softly moaning and was increasingly worked up.

Jay sensed Justin's craving to be fucked, so he decided to tease him a bit longer. Jay was struggling with his own tremendous desire to stick his cock into Justin's tight chute, but was also enjoying the control he now had over the younger Clarkson. "Yeah Justin," Jay thought, "beg for my cock, just like your old man."

Kevin was stroking quicker now as watching Jay take control of Justin was bringing him to the edge.

"Come on Jay," whispered Kevin to himself, "fuck that little bitch, give him what he deserves."

Kevin always fantasized about Justin fucking him, but seeing his brother looming over Justin, opened up the possibility of new dreams of his brother's friend.

Kevin also had some fleeting thoughts of being in Justin's position, looking up at his brother as Jay's cock teased his hole.

Justin couldn't take the teasing any longer.

"Fuck me, Jay! Stick that cock in me, I need it!" yelled Justin.

Jay laughed victoriously.

"I knew my little bitch would be begging soon enough," Jay said as he continued to smirk.

Slowly, Jay inserted this large cock head into Justin's tight hole.

Justin's hole was like a vacuum and quickly sucked it in. Further and further Jay's cock slid in as Justin's muscles clenched tight around it.

Justin could feel the burn but he didn't put up any resistance. In fact, his ass was pulling Jay's cock.

Justin crossed his ankles behind Jay's head and rolled his head back. Jay was in deep. Justin lifted his hips and began driving himself further onto Jay. Jay began sliding his cock in and out of his friend.

Kevin was still up in his little perch, matching his stroke with Jay's thrust into Justin.

Justin was screaming now, but clearly in an enjoyable way.

"Find my spot, Jay, find it, please!" Justin urged as he began to flail his hips around trying to get Jay's cock to his prostate.

Since Jay was fucking another man for the first time, he wasn't sure what Justin was talking about. He only guessed that he needed to move his cock around inside Justin's ass until he hit the right spot. Jay knew the incredible feeling of Mr. Clarkson's cock against his own prostate, so he attempted to move his cock, although unsure if he would feel it even if he did hit Justin's.

Suddenly, Justin's whole body shook and he yelled out:

"Oh yes, Jay, that's it! Don't move!" Jay was startled by Justin, but immediately froze in the position.

Justin began fucking himself, working Jay's cock head over his magic spot, shrieking in delight the whole time. Justin grabbed his own cock, and stroked it quickly.

Kevin couldn't last any longer. The scene was amazing. He was now imagining it was he who was pleasuring Justin.

Kevin shot first, his cum spewing over his shoulder then the next few splashing against his t-shirt.

He watched in delight as he continued to stroke out more of his hot juice.

After 8 or 10 long strokes of his cock, Justin erupted. His first two shots splashed into the refrigerator, sticking to the 12 pack casing.

Justin's muscles trembled all around Jay's cock which sent Jay over the edge.

He matched Justin's yells as he unloaded his hot, creamy load inside his friend.

The boys slowed their movements as they both enjoyed intense orgasms—possibly the finest of their lives.

Jay collapsed on top of Justin. Justin wrapped his arms around Jay as Jay dug his face into Justin's neck, enjoying the remnants of the whip cream that was still covering both boys.

Kevin took the opportunity to slip back down the stairs and out the door. Except for the cum stain on the stairs, he left no evidence that he had been in the house while his brother and friend fucked on the kitchen floor.

Mr. Clarkson saw the taxi pull up and ran out immediately. He felt bad he didn't offer to pick Paul up from the airport, so he definitely wanted to pay the fare.

As he approached the taxi, Paul stepped out of the back seat. The two old friends stared at each other.

"Wow," Mr. Clarkson thought, "he is amazing looking."

"Damn," thought Paul, "he looks even better than his pictures."

"Paul, great to see you!" Mr. Clarkson said as he opened up his arms.

"You too, JC," said Paul as he stepped towards Mr. Clarkson.

The two former college roommates hugged hello. The hug was tighter and longer than probably appropriate but neither was in a hurry to end it.

"That'll be 41.50," said the driver, interrupting the reunion.

"I got it," said Mr. Clarkson as he ended the embrace and pulled out a $50 and handed it to the driver, "You can keep the change."

"Oh JC, you didn't have to do that," said Paul as he grabbed his bag from the back seat.

"No worries, Paul, it helped me out that I didn't have to pick you up. I got all my work done, so I am officially all yours for the afternoon," explained Mr. Clarkson.

"Oh man," Mr. Clarkson yelled at himself, "try not to be so obvious, Jason!"

Paul picked up on the line, and ran with it, "Well, we have a lot of lost time to make up for, but I guess the afternoon will be a good start."

The words didn't say much, but the look did.

Paul felt his own cock begin to grow as he checked out his old buddy JC from head to toe.

Mr. Clarkson felt Paul's eyes on him. He wanted to get on his knees and suck Paul's cock, just like that night in the dorm room. He turned and headed in for two reasons: if he stood there any longer he was afraid he just might drop to his knees right there in the driveway and he desperately needed to shift his cock as it was springing into action.

"Well, then let's get started," he said with visions of what that might entail flying through his head.

"Believe me, JC, I would love to," Paul thought to himself as he walked behind Mr. Clarkson, enjoying the view of the handsome man's tight ass.

Mr. Clarkson had been working up a plan in his head. It was similar to how yesterday had worked. It would start with a couple of beers by the pool, then he would insist on putting some sunscreen on Paul and hopefully it would end with Paul's gorgeous cock in his mouth.

Mr. Clarkson gave Paul a quick tour of the house as they took turns talking about their children.

Paul would often stand very close to Mr. Clarkson when they entered a room. Mr. Clarkson enjoyed the feeling of having Paul close to him. He remembered the smell of his body after all these years.

Mr. Clarkson had Paul throw his bag in Justin's room.

"If Justin bothers to come home, I will have him crash on the couch in the tv room," explained Mr. Clarkson.

They made their way back downstairs. Paul was troubled as he felt like his old roommate JC might be thinking similar lustful thoughts but he wasn't sure. He was frustrated that he hadn't come up with a plan outside of just asking Mr. Clarkson.

"Maybe after a few beers, I will just blurt it out," thought Paul.

When they hit the kitchen, Mr. Clarkson grabbed a couple glasses and the 6 pack he had in the refrigerator. He cracked open a couple and poured them.

"I only serve the first one," said Mr. Clarkson, just as he had to Jay the day before, "after that, you are on your own."

Paul raised his glass for a toast.

"To rekindling our friendship," toasted Paul.

The two men locked eyes as their glasses hit. They drank their beer without saying a word--both standing there looking at each other.

Mr. Clarkson broke the tension and grabbed himself a second beer. Paul still had half a beer.

I thought we could head out to the pool. I have more beer on ice out there.

"Sounds perfect," said Paul, excited to JC in just a swim suit, "but I didn't know about the pool. I didn't bring a suit. I guess I could grab some shorts that I brought."

"Oh no worries, I have plenty. I see you have kept your great body in shape, so they might be a little big at your waist," offered Mr. Clarkson.

"Whatever, JC. You look great yourself, I am sure they will fit fine," replied Paul.

"Follow me, our little changing room is right here and I have got plenty suits to choose from. Unfortunately, I don't have any speedos, so you will have to go with some regular ones," Mr. Clarkson laughed.

Paul playfully nudged Mr. Clarkson in the back as he followed him into the room where they would change.

"From what I remember, you wouldn't be able to fit all your junk in one of those little suits, JC," Paul said.

Mr. Clarkson felt his face redden but he was ahead of Paul so he knew Paul wouldn't see.

"Yea right, Paul. Even if I did have a pair, I wouldn't let you wear them, you might scare the neighbors with all that you have down there," replied Mr. Clarkson.

Both men were shocked at the ease of their conversation. Back in college they never discussed stuff like this, but yet now they easily were complimenting each other's bodies and both clearly had admitted they had noticed, remembered and were impressed with the size of their dicks.

Mr. Clarkson grabbed a swimsuit and offered the pile to Paul.

"Take your pick," said Mr. Clarkson as he kicked off his shoes.

Mr. Clarkson's cock was semi-hard but he was confident he could keep it down while he changed. He didn't want to miss the opportunity to see Paul change, so it was a risk he was willing to take.

Paul grabbed a pair as well and followed Mr. Clarkson's lead, kicking off his shoes. Paul could feel his cock growing, but was less concerned than Mr. Clarkson.

"JC didn't seem to mind when my big, hard cock was in his mouth, so I don't think he will mind seeing it now," thought Paul.

Maybe it was the few drinks on the plane and the beer he just chugged, but Paul was feeling very comfortable with the idea of teasing his old roommate.

Mr. Clarkson kept his eyes on Paul as he flipped off his shirt and undershirt in one swipe.

Paul again matched him. However, Paul had a button down shirt on, so he removed that first. He had on a grey A-shirt underneath. Paul tugged at the tight undershirt, exposing more of his chest hair that covered his fine, muscled chest. Then, he slowly slid up the shirt from the waist to reveal his chiseled abs that were covered in fine black hair as well.

Mr. Clarkson was mesmerized. Paul's body was more toned and muscular than in college. Mr. Clarkson noted that the more mature Paul's hairy chest was much more attractive to him than he would have thought. The hair looked so fine, he wanted to run his fingers through it.

Paul continued to work his grey shirt off, ever so slowly. He realized he was beginning to drive his roommate crazy. Paul's cock began to grow as his dream of being with JC looked like it was going to come true.

"All these years wasted," he thought, "but at least it's gonna happen."

Mr. Clarkson was now troubled. He knew that once he dropped his pants, his cock would skyrocket. He wasn't ready to let Paul see that. He would have no explanation if Paul saw it, and it might make for an awkward afternoon.

So, Mr. Clarkson turned around, pretending to be looking for towels. With his back turned, he quickly dropped his pants and boxers. He had successfully hidden his cock which was sticking straight out now, and was continuing to rise.

Now it was Paul's turn to stand in awe. He was disappointed that his buddy JC chose not to show his dick, but was pleasantly surprised at the sight of the man's muscled ass. It was fairly smooth but Paul could see a nice patch of hair in the crack. Paul was treated to an even better view as JC bent over to get his swim suit on.

Paul quickly dropped his pants and boxers. He wanted to be fully exposed when JC turned back around. His cock was in the perfect state to tease JC some more. Paul's dick, when soft probably measured 5 inches and when fully hard stretched out to 8-9 inches. However, it was partially hard right now and tended to lean sideways in this state. So, it was probably 6-7 inches but the head was engorged already.

Mr. Clarkson turned back around, relieved that he had pulled off the quick change. His jaw dropped.

"Just like in the dorms, huh, no privacy," Mr. Clarkson said as he smiled. His eyes were burning a hole through Paul's cock, urging it to grow even larger.

Paul replied as he brushed his hand against his cock:

"Yeah, we never seemed to mind changing in front of each other back then either."

"Well, not that we had much choice," answered Mr. Clarkson, as he inadvertently licked his lips.

If Paul hadn't dumped two loads out this morning, he might have pounced on JC right then. He sure wanted to, but he was also enjoying watching his cock-sucking roommate squirm a bit.

He slowly pulled up the swim suit, purposely letting his balls get caught at the waist band, causing his hairy sack and cock to bounce a bit. He then grabbed his sack and tucked it in, but let his cock dangle there another moment.

He flexed his abs and ass muscles, revealing his hip bones just above the waistline of the swim suit. Paul had a very fine body, and he knew it. And, Paul was delighted that JC was clearly enjoying seeing it as well.

Paul finally covered himself up, and asked,

"Which way to the pool?"

Mr. Clarkson grabbed the towels and walked past Paul to lead the way. He purposely brushed into Paul. The two men didn't try to avoid the contact and let it linger for a moment.

As they headed to the deck, Mr. Clarkson remembered an email he needed to reply to.

"I hope to be plenty busy the rest of the afternoon, so I better get this done right now," thought Mr. Clarkson. "Hey, gimme one sec, I gotta answer an email and I'll be right out," said Mr. Clarkson.

"I'll wait for you," Paul replied as he followed Mr. Clarkson into his office.

Mr. Clarkson stood over his computer rather than sitting as he quickly grabbed the mouse to navigate around in his email program.

Paul stood behind Mr. Clarkson.

Paul's thinking just changed. The teasing was over. He had waited over 20 years for this and he needed it now.

He leaned in close to Mr. Clarkson.

He softly put his hand on Mr. Clarkson's ass and said:

"JC, I was awake the whole time, and I loved it."

Mr. Clarkson froze for a moment.

Without saying a word, Mr. Clarkson dropped his swim suit to the floor.

He leaned over the desk, sliding the keyboard and papers to the sides, some falling to the floor.

Paul over the years had imagined many scenarios where he finally stuck his big, juicy cock into JC, but on the man's desk in his home was not one of them.

Paul got to his knees and quickly buried his face into JC's crack. His tongue quickly found the rosebud of his old friend.

Mr. Clarkson screamed out:

"Oh yes, Paul, I have wanted you so bad for years!"

Paul wanted to tell JC that he wanted him as well all this time but he too busy drilling his tongue into JC's virgin hole.

Soon, JC was driving his hips back into Paul's face as the pleasures that Paul was providing were something he had never experienced.

Paul's hands were firmly planted on JC's ass to keep him steady as he bucked every time Paul's tongue probed deeper into his ass.

Mr. Clarkson's cock was pouring precum all over his desk. His balls were pinned at the edge of the desk; otherwise they might have erupted already.

Paul felt precum leaking all over his leg as his cock was stuck in the lining of the swimsuit and stayed to the side.

Paul pressed JC hard with his right hand against the desk. JC felt the added pressure and remained still, in anticipation of Paul's next move.

Mr. Clarkson rested his head on the desk, panting heavily, and glad for the break. He couldn't believe how incredible that was, but he was certain getting fucked by his old roommate was going to be that much better.

Paul stood up and ripped down the swim suit to free his tangled up cock. The large monster slapped against Paul's stomach causing precum to spray a bit.

Mr. Clarkson let out a soft moan as he felt the warm liquid hit his ass cheek. He instinctively raised his ass a bit, hoping to feel the juicy head of his roommate's dick slide across his now moist crack.

Paul obliged as he stepped out of the swim suit. Up and down the crack Paul swiped his throbbing cock. He felt the precum pulsing out. He couldn't believe he was so close to cumming again for the third time today and fourth in the last 18 hours.

He leaned his hairy chest onto JC's back as his cock snuggled into the crack.

"This one might be quick, JC, but I got plenty more. I am gonna fuck you like I should have done so many years ago," whispered Paul into JC's ear.

"Oh yes, Paul, I wanted to jump on that cock so many times, give it to me now, please!" Mr. Clarkson begged.

"Yeah, JC, I am gonna fill your ass with my cum, just like I filled your mouth when you were my secret, little cocksucker," Paul continued in a demeaning voice. "I was disappointed in my little bitch that he didn't come back for more the next night, and the next night, but now finally, I have you right where I want you."

He put his right hand on JC's head as he pushed his cock at the man's virgin hole. Paul was surprised at the tightness.

"Well, look at that. My cock-sucking slut hasn't given up this ass to anybody all these years. Always thinking about taking a big cock up it, but never have, huh bitch," Paul asked, but didn't wait for or expect an answer.

JC screamed out as Paul's fairly dry cock penetrated his virgin hole. Paul didn't wait for JC to get used to it; he just drove it in hard.

The pain ripped through JC. He panicked. He expected some pain, but this was unbearable. He continued to scream out and resist Paul's pressing into him.

"It'll be fine, JC, just give it a minute," Paul said soothingly once he was all the way in.

Mr. Clarkson felt the sweat pour off his body and onto his desk. Paul was right, the pain was subsiding. He tried to concentrate on other sensations in his body.

His dick was pressed against the desk, but the precum and sweat that had dripped allowed it to slip around.

The feeling of Paul's hairy chest against his back was amazing. The fine hairs tickled his skin, while he could feel the muscles flexing against him.

Mr. Clarkson could feel Paul's hip bones pressed into his meaty ass cheeks. And he felt the muscular thighs of his old roommate against his hamstrings, forcing his legs against the drawers of the desk.

Mr. Clarkson realized he couldn't move if he wanted to. However, after running through all the sensations in his head, he realized there was nowhere else he would rather be.

When Paul felt JC completely relax beneath he started his attack. He started with long, slow thrusts, letting his huge cock head toy with leaving JC's hole. JC would gasp in fear that Paul's cock was exiting and Paul would reverse throttle and slip back in. Each time, JC's chute would relax further and let the big cock deeper inside of him.

Paul began to pick up the pace as he felt his balls begin to tighten. He knew he couldn't last, and no longer even wanted to try. He wanted to fill his old roommate's ass with his cum.

Mr. Clarkson remained fairly still, letting Paul have his way with his hole. It felt wonderful to be controlled by his old buddy. He loved it when Paul was in charge in their dorm life, and now he loved it here.

The force that Paul was fucking Mr. Clarkson was causing Mr. Clarkson's cock to slide back and forth across the desk. Mr. Clarkson's balls were being tossed against the edge of the desk with just the right amount of pressure to be quite scintillating.

Mr. Clarkson began to let out a steady moan as he felt his own orgasm building.

Paul felt his cock grow inside JC as he banged away until he was ready to blow. So many years of dreams and fantasies were running through his head as he felt his cum begin to spew into its long awaited mark.

"Oh JC, I have loved you for so long!" Paul yelled as his cum came gushing out into JC's ass.

Mr. Clarkson joined in on the cum fest as he let his load shoot all over the desk. He was too busy enjoying this mind blowing feeling of cumming while Paul's big cock rammed inside him to realize what Paul had said.

He continued to moan steadily as Paul's cock simultaneously pumped cum into his hole and pumped cum out of JC's cock onto the desk.

Finally, Paul was fully drained. Worried that JC didn't react to what he had yelled out, Paul wanted to avoid an awkward moment. He quickly pulled his now softening cock out of the JC's used hole, slapped JC on the ass, and said,

"I thought you promised me a swim!"

JC groaned as the exiting of Paul's cock burned a bit and left him feeling empty. He could feel the cum oozing out though which he found delightful.

He looked back at Paul with a smirk. Their eyes locked, both quite pleased with the recent events, but both silently agreeing to pretend it didn't happen. However, there was also an added twinkle that signaled to both of them that it would happen again.

"I definitely need a swim to clean up this mess," Mr. Clarkson said as he stood up.

He reached into the bottom drawer for his cum rag. Paul retrieved his swim suit to put it on, and also grabbed JC's. He held it there for him while JC cleaned the mess of sweat and cum that was all over the desk.

They heard the front door open as he was finishing up. Justin was home.

Next: Chapter 6

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