The Clarksons

By Jason Clarkson

Published on Jun 29, 2011


If you are not of legal rights and/or age to read any type of adult Literature or if you find the material offensive, please do not read any further. The author and site cannot be held liable as you agree to accept all responsibility for reading said material. If you wish to contact the author of this series, please do so at, I will respond to all e-mails. This story is fiction. All names, descriptions and actions of the characters are not real.

"Oh no," Jay said, "What's Kevin doing here?"

Jay pressed his right hand hard on Mr. Clarkson's head, making sure the man didn't rise up to so that Kevin would see him.

Kevin put the car in park and opened the door.

Jay quickly rolled down the window and prayed that Kevin wouldn't see that Jay wasn't alone.

Kevin stepped out of the car.

"Hey Kevin, I was gonna call you in a bit. I have to drop this car off at the Clarksons, so I was just going to have you meet me there," said Jay to his little brother.

Mr. Clarkson continued to suck on Jay's cock.

"Oh ok Jay; I was worried I was late. I'll follow you there, ok?" replied Kevin so thankful that he didn't screw up getting Jay.

Kevin got back in the car and waited for Jay to start the car and pull out.

Kevin wondered why the Clarksons car was here, but he didn't care. Jay wasn't mad at him and that was all he cared about.

Jay fumbled for the keys, careful to keep one hand on Mr. Clarkson's head.

Jay started the car, and began to drive away. He gave Kevin a wave as he drove by.

Once he was clear of Kevin's view, he told Mr. Clarkson the rest of the plan:

"I'll pull into your driveway and get out. You stay down and out of sight. Kevin will be pulling up. He can't see you. Wait until we have pulled away before you move."

Mr. Clarkson gave a muffled ok as he continued to suck Jay's cock.

Jay removed his hand from Mr. Clarkson's head, but that didn't stop Mr. Clarkson from continuing to pleasure Jay's cock. "Oh Mr. C, that feels so good, but you gotta stop. Kevin is right behind us and I gotta drive," said Jay trying not to give in to his desires as he navigated the way back to the Clarksons.

"Just give me your load, Jay, and then I'll leave you alone." Mr. Clarkson said muffled as he was still face down in Jay's crotch with Jay's cock head still brushing against his lips.

Mr. Clarkson dove down again, and now began to bob up and down on Jay's cock.

Jay began to moan and spread his legs a bit wider to give Mr. Clarkson more access. Jay had given in, and now figured the best thing would be to cum as quick as possible. He knew it wouldn't be hard as it felt so good to have Mr. Clarkson's mouth and tongue working magic on his cock.

Mr. Clarkson paused and turned his head a bit to look up at Jay:

"I have wanted to taste some fucking cum for so long, Jay. Being with you today opened up so many things for me, I need to be with you again, but right now I need you to fill my mouth with your sweet juice. Please feed it to me."

Jay was careful to keep his eyes on the road, but did glance down a few times. He couldn't believe this stud of a man was in his lap, whimpering a bit, begging for his cum.

Jay didn't respond verbally, but rather took his hand and grabbed Mr. Clarkson by the hair and forced him back down on his cock.

Jay had pulled up to a stop light. He checked his rear view mirror to make sure Kevin was still behind him.

Jay felt powerful now. He had smoothly avoided yet another disaster, and now saw the effect he had on Mr. Clarkson.

"Yeah, Mr. C, I'll give you my load now." Jay said in a cocky voice that even surprised himself, "And then tomorrow, I will probably come by and give it to you again, maybe in that sweet ass of yours."

Jay began thrusting his hips, forcing his cock to bang into the back of Mr. Clarkson's mouth.

Mr. Clarkson gagged but kept up with Jay.

Jay felt himself getting close. Mr. Clarkson was an expert cocksucker, not that Jay had much to which to compare. His new feeling of control over Mr. Clarkson was quite arousing too.

Jay now wanted this feeling to last forever, but he was almost at the Clarksons.

"You better not spill a fucking drop, Mr. C.; I can't get into the car with Kevin with any stains." Jay ordered Mr. Clarkson as he tilted his head back. "Here you go, Mr. C, take my load."

Mr. Clarkson forced Jay's cock into his throat, sucking hard, and waiting for the first shot to come from Jay.

The feeling of Mr. Clarkson's throat squeezing Jay's cock head sent Jay flying over the edge. Cum erupted from his balls at an amazing force. Jay let up on the gas as he struggled to keep the car straight. His body was spasming uncontrollably.

"Aaaagghh, oh yes Mr. C, take it all," yelled Jay as he felt his cum Continue to burst up his shaft and pour into Mr. Clarkson's mouth at an unbelievable rate.

Mr. Clarkson slurped and swallowed as fast as he could. He was beginning to feel dizzy from his efforts and the effect of too many beers. However, he was savoring the wonderful taste of this boy juice--a taste that he had not enjoyed in so many years.

Mr. Clarkson was careful to not waste a drop, for selfish reasons but also he wanted to obey Jay's order. He wanted to please this boy in every way.

Mr. Clarkson continued to suck and clean Jay's cock after he had sucked every last drop that Jay could muster.

Mr. Clarkson felt the car slow and stop, figuring they had arrived at his home. He lifted his head to take a peek.

"Stay the fuck down!" Jay commanded as he grabbed Mr. Clarkson's head once again.

Jay pushed Mr. Clarkson off his lap but made sure he was still out of sight. Jay quickly pulled up his underwear and shorts.

The headlights of Kevin's car appeared behind them.

"You stay down there for at least 2 minutes while we leave. You are lucky we didn't get caught. You gotta be cooler about this Mr. C" said Jay as he exited the car.

Jay couldn't believe he was talking to Justin's dad like this, but he couldn't believe a lot what had transpired today.

He quickly ran over to the passenger door and hopped in with Kevin.

"Thanks, Kevin," said Jay, "how was your night?"

"Oh good," Kevin said, "how come you had to drive Mr. Clarkson's car home?"

Jay's body was still tingling from the incredible road head he had just received, so he was a bit distracted. Also, he hadn't thought the plan all the way through to have a good answer.

He stalled by pretending he was texting.

"Hold on one sec, I gotta text Mr. C to tell him where I put the keys," Jay said as he sent a text to himself.

"So, what did you say, Kev?" asked Jay.

"Wow, Jay never called me Kev before." Kevin thought admiringly.

"Ummm, how come you drove the car here? What was it doing at the bar?" asked Kevin, although now a bit distracted.

The text ploy was just enough time to work out his explanation.

"Mr. C. came up for a few beers and one of his buddies got a little too drunk, so Mr. C drove his car home. I guess he lives down the block or something. He told the bartender he would just come get his car tomorrow. So, I offered to drive it home for him. I figured you wouldn't mind getting me from Clarksons rather than the bar," smoothly explained Jay.

"Oh cool, that was nice of you. Yeah, no biggie to me, I was sure glad you let me use the car. I still owe you for that," replied Kevin.

"Hey, Kev, it's all good. You don't owe me anything. That's what brothers are for, helping each other out," said Jay with a big smile.

He had averted yet another catastrophe. He was so pleased with himself. However, he knew he had to cool it, he couldn't continue to this up for much longer.

Justin patiently waited on the couch. He had just sent a text to Chris. Justin was doing his part of the plan that Chris had explained to Brek and Justin earlier.

"Chris seems to be pretty good at this sneaking around thing. I guess you have to when you have a straight roommate and you don't want him to know." Justin thought.

Justin reviewed the night's events.

After the incredible fuck session of Brek and Chris, which finished with Justin shooting his load all over the two college studs, the three took turns showering. They tried all at once but it proved to be too crowded in the apartment's little shower. They were all spent anyway, so they just cleaned up quickly and got dressed.

Chris knew that Timmy would be home soon, so he directed everyone into the living room. The beers were served and Chris detailed what would happen later.

"Timmy worked early this morning," Chris explained, "and he has to do it again tomorrow. So, he'll be tired and will prolly crash early. Brek and I will go out when he looks like he'll be going to bed soon. Justin, you act tired too and pretend to fall asleep before he even goes to bed. Then, text me when he goes to bed, and we'll come back."

Everything was right on schedule. Justin tip toed to the kitchen and grabbed three cold beers and headed into Chris' room.

Luckily, he had his phone with him as it buzzed with a text. It was a reply from Chris:

Get ready to get tag teamed by us, Little Man.

"Oh shit," thought Justin.

Justin was so turned on by the thought of being with these college studs but he hadn't really thought about what they would do. Now, he realized they were going to use him as their little fuck toy.

Justin got nervous but that didn't stop him from dropping his CKs to the floor and jumping into Chris' bed.

Justin's phone buzzed again with another text from Chris.

There is some lube in the night stand. Start soaking that virgin hole with it, maybe put a few fingers up there to try to open it up.

Justin got even more nervous but quickly grabbed the lube from the nightstand and obediently lubed up his hole. He felt the pain shoot through him as he penetrated his hole with his finger. The lube helped, but Justin had never put more than a finger tip in his hole before. He felt himself stretching out to accommodate his full finger.

After a few minutes, Justin had successfully worked two fingers inside his hole. There was lube everywhere and the fingers were sliding in and out with ease. His cock was rock hard.

Another text from Chris.

Walking up now, Little Man, get on all fours. We are gonna fill you from both ends.

It was time. Justin felt sick to his stomach. He was so scared. But, obediently, he was on all fours, waiting for his masters.

He heard the soft click of the door, and the two guys heading for the room. They weren't as quiet as they probably thought.

"They are probably wasted," Justin thought adding to his nervousness.

"Well look what he have here, Brek," whispered Chris, "our Little Man awaits us." Justin didn't say anything.

He heard the guys stripping. The familiar sounds of shoes falling to the ground, zippers unzipping, clothes being tossed all added to the anticipation.

Brek was the first to reach Justin. He greeted Justin by slapping his dick across Justin's face.

"Open up, Little Man, get this baby rock hard. I am a little drunk so its gonna need some help," softly commanded Brek.

Justin did as he was told and began to suck on Brek's cock. It filled Justin's mouth quickly even though it was nowhere as big as Justin knew it was going to get.

While Justin got used to the new feeling of cock in his mouth, he heard Chris speak from behind.

"Mmmmm, such a nice ass, Little Man. I can't wait to pop this cherry," whispered Chris.

"Sorry Brek that you can't have it first, but you might break Little Man in two if I don't stretch it out a bit first." Chris continued.

"That's ok, I won't mind sliding mine in after you, letting the cum that you dump in there help lube up this big dog," replied Brek.

"Now Little Man," Chris whispered as he leaned over Justin so he was even closer to his ears, "there are only a few ground rules, but they are very important, so listen up."

Justin felt Chris' hard body press up against his back. It felt amazing, especially coupled with the new sensation of having his mouth stuffed with cock.

Chris proceeded with the rules:

"Timmy is a deep sleeper, but he is in the next room, so we gotta keep it nice and quiet. You are gonna experience some intense pleasure, Little Man, so to be sure you don't wake up your cousin, you have to keep one of our cocks stuffed in that hot, little mouth of yours. You don't want your cousin walking in and seeing you being pumped from both ends, do you?"

"No way," Justin said, although it didn't come out that way since Brek's cock had made its way to the back of his throat and was muffling any sounds he made.

Chris laughed,

"See, keep that cock in there and Timmy will sleep like a baby. OK, last thing, Brek and I can go for hours, but we don't expect you to. You can cum all you want, but we aren't stopping until we are done with you. Now, relax and enjoy the ride!"

With the rules in place, Chris stood back up and slapped his cock across Justin's muscled cheeks.

"Mmmmm, mmmmm, mmmm, Brek," Chris whispered, "Little Man is all lubed up and his ass looks so ready."

"He's got a hot fucking mouth, too," Brek answered, beginning to breathe heavy as Justin continued to take more of his large cock into his mouth.

Chris slid his cock head up and down Justin's slicked up crack until it hit the bull's eye. He swirled it around Justin's smooth hole.

Brek was the recipient of Justin's reaction to the new sensation, as Justin quickened his pace and managed to take Brek's cock head down into his throat.

"Oh yes, Little Man!" Brek exclaimed but in a completely soft voice. "Chris, I think he liked whatever you did down there."

Chris took that as a sign to advance, and pressed his cock into the virgin hole of his roommate's younger cousin.

Chris laughed to himself as he entered Little Man. He was laughing that they call him Little Man. Justin was a six foot tall, and quite strapping in his own right. So, his height and weight weren't the reason. Chris had seen his cock this afternoon (and that first night he met him as well) and that certainly wasn't the reason.

"Maybe it was because of this tight hole I am squeezing into," he thought.

The feeling of Justin's tight hole resisting his cock got Chris back focusing on the task at hand—popping Little Man's cherry.

"It's ok, Little Man, just relax and take my cock. You know you want it. You've wanted it since the first day you stepped into this apartment." Chris said in a soothing voice.

Chris was leaning on Justin's back again, so that Justin could feel his breath on his neck as he whispered into Justin's ear.

"I have got a secret for you, too, Little Man," continued Chris, "I have wanted this sweet ass since that day, too. I wouldn't mind some of that big, juicy cock of yours too. You don't know this, but I have had it in my hand before. That first night I helped you to the couch. I took off your jeans for you and saw that nice cock hiding in some hot, black CK trunks and I couldn't resist. I rubbed it until it got nice and hard. If your cousin hadn't interrupted me, I might have just sat right on it."

Chris was pleased to feel that the story was working. Justin was getting more aroused and also relaxing at the same time. His hole was opening and soon enough Chris' cock was all the way inside Justin.

Brek was biting his lip as he was finding it difficult to stifle his own moans.

The intensity shocked him as he thought,

"Chris and I have brought several young college freshmen back here for late night tag teams, but none of them were able to work Brek's cock like Little Man here."

Justin was fighting off the gags that Brek's cock was causing. The feeling of this huge cock deep in his throat was fantastic. Justin quickly learned that as Brek would slide it out, Justin was able to breathe deep through his nose so that he would be able to receive it deep again. The girth of Brek's cock head and shaft were completely blocking Justin's airways when he jammed it back down.

Justin also learned to suck in as Brek's cock slid over his tongue on the way out for two reasons. First, it prevented Brek's cock from slipping out of his mouth, but it also allowed Brek's precum to fall onto Justin's tongue. Justin was finding the taste intoxicating.

Chris had managed to loosen Justin up enough that his cock was freely sliding in and out.

"The Little Man sure can take a good stuffing," Chris thought as he continued to move his cock in and out of Justin's ass.

Chris' gaze caught Brek's. The college studs quickened the pace in unison. Chris's hips began slapping against Justin's ass; while Brek's finely trimmed pubes were banging into Justin's nose.

After several minutes of the increased pounding, Justin felt the most incredible urge to cum. He remembered that Chris told him it was ok to cum whenever he wanted, so he rested his weight onto his left arm and reached for his cock with his right.

But Brek grabbed his arm and prevented him from relieving himself.

"You don't have to do that, Little Man. Chris will find your hot spot and he'll milk the cum right out of you," Brek explained.

"Go on, Chris, Justin needs to cum, make him shoot his big load," Brek said, urging Chris on.

Brek stopped his thrusting. Only his cock head remained in Justin's mouth. Justin took advantage of that and began to breathe in and out through his mouth. He was grateful for the breather, but he still needed to cum.

"I have a better idea," Chris said as he also stopped thrusting. However, Chris kept his cock completely buried in Justin.

"Oh no!" Justin thought, "I need to cum, they better let me."

"I think Little Man can milk the cum out himself. Let's let him try," Chris said playfully.

Brek smiled, knowing exactly what Chris meant.

Brek slid his cock back into Justin's mouth and bent over to whisper in Justin's ear.

He gently rubbed Justin's shoulders as he explained what Chris meant:

"So, Little Man, here's the deal. Chris and I are going to stay perfectly still, and you are just gonna rock yourself back and forth between us. When you go one way, you get Chris' cock over your prostate, when you come the other way, you get my cock head down your throat. It'll take a minute or so for Chris to find your button, but he always does. And believe me; we will all know when he does. After that, you might almost pass out from the ecstasy. Your balls will boil; your muscles will tremble and cum will start pouring from your cock. Remember, just keep my cock stuffed in your mouth, because you are gonna want to scream like you can't believe."

Brek stood up, and nodded his head to Chris, who smiled and nodded back.

Brek and Chris braced themselves and stood firm.

Justin was taking in all that Brek said. He didn't remove Brek's cock from his mouth but he continued to breathe through the small openings that were available.

Justin was tiring from being on all fours and his jaw ached has it had been propped open by Brek's cock for some time now.

He understood what Brek said, but he wasn't quite sure what he was supposed to do.

Chris realized this and signaled the start of this new game, by slapping Justin's ass.

"Come on Little Man, giddyup," Chris said as he slapped the sweet cheek once more.

He shoved Justin's hips which forced Justin to take Brek's cock deep into his mouth.

Brek shoved Justin's shoulders which forced Justin to take Chris' cock deep inside his ass.

"Like that, Little Man," Brek urged, "now you do it."

Justin understood, and began to rock back and forth. Alternating which hole would be stuffed. He noted the guys weren't assisting anymore. He did notice that Chris seemed to be shifting his cock each entry. Justin began to quicken the pace. He still was desperate to cum, and he wasn't sure how long he would be able to stay upright. He felt his arms beginning to give out on him.

Justin continued to drive back and forth, providing pleasure to both Chris and Brek, and also for himself. Chris was still fidgeting with his cock as it entered Justin on Justin's push back towards Chris.

Justin hoped he was doing it right. Justin thought to himself:

"I wonder what Chris is doing back there, why doesn't he just let me drive back on"

"MMmmppphmhmppm," came out of Justin's cock filled mouth.

Brek and Chris giggled.

"I think you hit it!" Brek said to Chris.

Justin almost fell over. The feeling was incredible. He needed to feel it again. He jammed Brek's cock into his throat, then slammed back onto Chris' cock again.

"MMmmppphmhmppm," muffled Justin again.

Now, Justin knew what Brek was talking about. He had felt nothing even close to the intense pleasure he felt when he drove back onto Chris' cock. Chris was a master with his cock head as each time Justin drove back, Chris' cock head massaged and put the perfect amount of pressure on Justin's prostate.

Justin was going out of his mind. Brek and Chris were reaping the benefits as well. As the bliss mounted inside Justin with each passing stroke of his gland, he sucked harder and faster on Brek's cock. Every time Chris' cock rolled over his hot spot, Justin's ass muscles twitched and squeezed Chris' cock.

Sweat was pouring off of Justin. Brek was right, the only thing that was keeping him from waking the neighbors, let alone Timmy next door, was Brek's fat cock that he kept firmly planted in the young college boy's mouth.

Inside, Justin was screaming to the hills. He was no longer in control of his body. Every muscle ached but continued to work overtime, anything to have Chris' cock hit that spot again.

Over and over again, he slammed back and forth between the two boys until his ecstasy reached even a higher level.

If you asked Justin to recount what happened next, he would not be able to honestly provide any details.

None of the guys are sure who shot first. It all seemed to happen at the same time.

Brek reacted the quickest as Justin was brought fully to the edge by Chris' cock. Brek had seen it before, but certainly not to this degree.

Brek grabbed Justin's head and buried it into his crotch. Brek knew that even his 9 inch, fat cock was going to suppress the noises that were about to come out of Justin.

Justin swallowed hard, taking the full head and several inches of Brek's shaft into his throat. Justin continued to swallow, gasping for breath at the same time to no avail.

Chris leaned forward and jammed his cock completely in the boy. His cock head slid past Justin's prostate one final time and was now buried deeper inside Justin than Chris even thought possible. His meaty shaft was pressed against Justin's button.

Justin began to shoot his load all over himself and the bed. This caused his ass to clench on Chris cock and pull the cum from it. Chris actually believes that he had already started cumming and the shooting of his load up the shaft is what caused Justin's prostate to finally launch into its uncontrollable tremor.

When Brek felt Justin's throat muscles squeeze at his shaft, he immediately began dumping his load into Justin's throat.

Both Brek and Chris, the experienced late night quiet fuckers, moaned louder than they should have.

When they both regained some composure as their lengthy orgasms subsided, they realized the first timer was still in a sex crazed state. For several minutes he continued to ride these two boys' cocks as cum continued to pour from his untouched dick.

Brek and Chris watched in amazement. Brek was beginning to soften in Justin's mouth and he began to fear that the noises that Brek's cock had been successfully blocking would start to eek out.

Finally, the boys felt Justin slow and come back to earth. Brek's soft cock fell from Justin's mouth first, and then Chris' shrinking cock eased out of Justin's well lubed hole.

Justin felt completely empty. His balls were empty, his holes were now empty, and his energy reserves were now empty. He was about to collapse.

Chris saw this and quickly flipped him so that he fell onto the bed on his back, but didn't land in the puddle of cum that he had deposited.

"Oh fuck, Little Man, that's impressive. I mean you are totally buying me some new sheets, but that is one helluva load," remarked Chris. Justin didn't say anything. He didn't even move a muscle. He was completely spent. His heart was still pounding, and his entire body was still tingling.

He could taste remnants of Brek's hot cum in his mouth, disappointed he didn't get to taste more it. The college stud's juicy cock was several inches down Justin's throat when it began to erupt, so much of his hot load didn't get to cross Justin's tongue. Justin could feel it slowly drip down his esophagus into his stomach.

Justin could also feel Chris' seed drip. Unfortunately, Justin thought, it was dripping out of him. His now stretched hole couldn't keep his cousin's roommate's cum inside his ass. Still, the feeling of having Chris' load in him enhanced Justin's euphoric state.

Justin tried to focus on his now softened cock. There had been many nights where Justin pulled multiple jerk sessions. On these nights, after dumping his final load, he would realize he probably over did it, as his softened cock now ached from too much rubbing and pulling. Tonight, however, Justin felt a different sort of ache. He realized the dull pain was from the inside of his cock. The forceful eruption and subsequent flood of cum that ran through his piss slit was more than his young cock was used to. The pressure and extra volume had worn out the internal workings of his cock. The pain, however, was not enough to bother the euphoria.

Mr. Clarkson stumbled into the house, trying to be as quiet as possible. Some of Jay's cum still swirled in his mouth. He licked his lips with his tongue hoping there was more to be had.

He found his way to the kitchen to grab a cold beer.

"This might be the finest mix ever," Mr. Clarkson said to himself, "a young, college boy's cum and an ice cold brew."

He poured the beer into a glass, grabbed another one and headed to his office.

He fired up his computer. Mr. Clarkson had sucked his first cock in 25 years, and he was fucking horny. He needed to cum.

He gulped down some beer. Jay's cum had been completely washed from his mouth and was now mixing with the beer in Mr. Clarkson's stomach.

He thought how wonderful it felt to take that boy's cock in his mouth and taste that cum as he sucked it out of his son's best friend.

"And lover..." Mr. Clarkson said aloud.

Thankfully, the site he had navigated to was opening and so thoughts of the little love triangle he had entered into today were cast aside.

Mr. Clarkson ripped off his shirt in preparation for what he hoped to be an intense cam session. He logged into the chat room entitled, "Older for Younger". His camera automatically fired up. The room was plenty crowded and plenty of hot 18-25 year olds were chatting with him and watching his camera. He had chosen his 3 favorites to view, as a free user, that was the limit.

Mr. Clarkson was now completely naked, stroking his rock hard cock. He had video images of 3 muscled, college aged kids. They all looked surprising similar. All smooth chest and stomachs. All white. All with rock hard dicks in their hands. Mr. Clarkson had no idea what any of them looked like, but he didn't care, he was busy consuming the lovely view of their chiseled chests and beautiful cocks. He loved how "Cali Boy", as his id stated, was chatting about how he wanted to dominate his daddy, "Mr C". The other two boys were also chatting with "Mr C", but they were oooing and aahhing about his hot, hairy chest and big, fat cock. They were describing how they wanted to ride "Mr C"'s cock all night long.

Mr. Clarkson found himself more aroused by "Cali Boy" and his take charge attitude. Jay had taken control tonight and Mr. Clarkson now realized he loved it.

Mr. Clarkson began to do something he had never done before on camera. In fact, he hadn't done this anytime in quite awhile.

Mr. Clarkson propped his legs up on the desk, spread wide, providing a view of his hairy hole as well as his balls and cock.

He began to only pay attention and respond to the chats from "Cali Boy". "Cali Boy" urged on "Mr C" while he continued to stroke his large cock.

Mr. Clarkson stroked his cock with his right hand and moved his left hand down to his hairy hole. He played with it with the middle finger and after some urging by "Cali Boy"; "Mr C" had his finger all the way up his ass.

Mr. Clarkson began probing for his prostate. He quickly remembered the feeling when he was able to find it and massage with his finger. He questioned why it had been so long since he did this.

"Cali Boy" continued to urge "Mr C" on:

"Come on, daddy, take my cock inside your hole. Beg for it, like the little bitch that you really are. Put a second finger in there, open that up so I can slide my cock in there."

Mr. Clarkson obliged and now he had two fingers jammed in, searching for his hot spot.

The other two boys were stroking feverishly in amazement of what this masculine man was doing.

Mr. Clarkson glanced at the public chat area. It was filled with comments about how hot it was to watch "Mr C" fuck himself, how hot he was. Mr. Clarkson was putting on a show and found it intoxicating.

He found his prostate and began massaging it. He stroked his cock faster and faster.

"Cali Boy" recognized the signs:

"Yeah bitch, I am fucking the cum right out of you. You little slut, you fucking love to get fucked by college dick."

A couple of soft groans, and Mr. Clarkson began firing cum shots across his hairy chest. The white juice floated on top of the dark hair, so all of his viewers were able to see the healthy load.

All three boys that Mr. Clarkson was viewing had stopped chatting and were in full stroke mode.

"Cali Boy" tugged at his balls and was the first to cum, spraying a healthy load on his smooth stomach. Mr. Clarkson enjoyed watching it drip into his golden brown bush. Mr. Clarkson smiled when he saw the tough "Cali Boy" scoop some onto his finger and raise it to his mouth. Mr. Clarkson could only assume that he was putting it to his mouth to get a nice taste, as his face was out of camera view.

"Mr C" typed a private message to "Cali Boy":

That was hot, Cali Boy. I hope it can be your nice cock inside me one day. Then, you can pull out, and shoot your load all over me, so then I can scoop it up and feed it back to you like you just did. I think you might be a little cum slut after all.

"Mr C" typed a public message:

Later guys, thanks, that was awesome.

Mr. Clarkson logged off the site and did a double check that all windows were closed. He reached into his bottom desk drawer and grabbed the towel he used to clean himself off with after these sessions.

As he cleaned himself off, Mr. Clarkson thought about what the hot cam session. Yes, he did think it was hot to be controlled and maybe even dominated, and certainly fucked, he was a bit uneasy to be mastered by a young kid. He decided that yes he wanted to explore getting fucked more, but he would be more comfortable if it was someone more his age. He still loved the young guys, but he would rather be the man in control with them.

Mr. Clarkson gathered his clothes, only bothering to put on the boxers though as he was headed up to bed.

He sat at his computer basking in the afterglow of an intense jerk session, drinking the 2nd beer he had brought along. He decided he would head to bed when he finished that.

Mr. Clarkson opened up his Facebook account. He had a new friend request--Paul Richards from Boston.

"Hey, that's my old college roommate. Wow, I haven't seen him in 20 years," Mr. Clarkson said to himself.

Mr. Clarkson quickly added him. Paul was online and immediately sent Mr. Clarkson an IM once he saw that Mr. Clarkson had friended him.

"JC! What's up man, how are you doing?" typed Paul.

"Hey Paul! I am so glad you tracked me down on here. It's been so long. I am well, how are you?" Mr. Clarkson answered

Mr. Clarkson smiled. No one called him JC anymore. He was only Jason now, or Jas, or in the case of the kids' friends, Mr. C.

The chat continued: Paul: Things are good here. Been thinking about you a lot lately, you still married and everything? JC: Yes, two kids are getting old. Justin is in college now and Katie a junior in high school. How about you? Paul: My boys are both in college. I got divorced about a year ago though. JC: Oh, sorry to hear. Paul: It's ok. It was amicable. Kids got out on their own and we just didn't have much to do with each other. It was best for everyone. The kids are ok with it, we still all see each other plenty.

Mr. Clarkson wanted to pry, that didn't seem like it was the whole story, but he left it alone.

He moved the talk to other things: JC: So, I see you discovered Facebook, huh? It's great isn't it? Paul: Yeah, it's cool. Like I said, I have been thinking about you lately but had no idea how I might find you. So, I decided to do some searching on here. JC: That's awesome. I am glad you found me! We definitely have to keep in touch now, and hopefully we can get together some time. Are you still in Boston? Paul: Yes, in Boston and yes, definitely want to keep in touch. In fact, I am going to be traveling this week near you and was hoping we could maybe get together. JC: Wow, sure. I can always find time for my old roommate. We sure had some fun times, didn't we? Paul: Yes, we did, real fun times... JC: OK, well I have to get to bed, what you doing up so late anyway, lol, hitting up the porn sites? Paul: Haha, let's just say there is something for everyone on this internet. Have good night, JC, and I will hit you up tomorrow. I am really looking forward to seeing you again. JC: Later, Paul.

Mr. Clarkson gulped the last of his beer down and logged off Facebook.

Mr. Clarkson began to think about his old college roommate, Paul. Mr. Clarkson always had a crush on the finely sculpted stud. JC always loved to catch a peek of his gorgeous cock in the shower or in the dorm. And he still remembers the night that Paul was passed out drunk, just wearing some tight trunks. JC slowly worked those trunks down, then stroked and sucked that big cock until it got so big and hard and shot a big load that JC gobbled down.

Mr. Clarkson was rock hard again with thoughts of that wonderful cock.

"Now that's the type of guy I wouldn't mind getting really pounded by," Mr. Clarkson said as he dropped his boxer to his knees.

Mr. Clarkson closed his eyes and furiously stroked his cock. He was drunk and exhausted but wanted to have a quick cum with thoughts of his college roommate.

He drifted back to the dorm room, the night he sucked Paul's cock. But, this time, Paul was awake and was encouraging JC to suck him. Then, JC mounted Paul's cock and rode it hard. JC moved up and down on Paul's healthy cock while he stroked his own rock hard meat. He heard Paul groan and then felt the force of Paul's load shoot into him. His own cock erupted and sprayed cum all over Paul's hairy, muscled chest.

Mr. Clarkson's cum dribbled out and all over his fist. It was his third cum of the day and he was drained. The orgasm was still intense but it didn't muster much a load, but Mr. Clarkson licked his hand clean anyway.

He pulled up his boxers and headed for bed.

His last thoughts before sleep were:

Paul was heading to town for a visit and really wanted to see his old college buddy...

Paul headed for bed at almost the same time. He lived alone now so he didn't bother putting his clothes back on. They were spread all over the floor in the second bedroom that doubled as his office. Cum was still dripping from his stomach but he always loved that feeling, so he didn't bother to wipe it off.

Paul never told JC that he was actually awake that wonderful night in the dorm room when his gorgeous college roommate sucked his cock. He loved every minute of it, and he also loved JC back then, but he never let on to JC.

After JC logged off Facebook, Paul checked out the pictures JC had up there. As his friend, Paul now could see all of them. It wasn't long before Paul was stroking his big cock and shooting a load, hoping it was deep inside his old college buddy, JC.

Next: Chapter 5

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