The Clarksons

By Jason Clarkson

Published on Jun 27, 2011


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Thanks for all the responses; I tried to make some of the suggestions fit into the story. When we left the Clarksons, Justin was asleep naked with his friend Jay after they he buried his load into another man for the first time. Mr. Clarkson was trying to work downstairs, but was distracted by the thought of having Jay again. And Jay's little brother, Kevin, was heading towards the front door because Jay didn't answer his cell.

The door bell startled Mr. Clarkson who was in deep thought of having Jay in the parking lot at the bar he worked.

"Ugh, who is this, now?" Mr. Clarkson said as he headed to the door, shifting his hardened cock in his pants.

Mr. Clarkson opened the door quickly. He hadn't ever met the boy at the door, but he was certain it was Jay's brother.

"Umm, hi, I am Kevin, Jay's brother, is he here?" asked Kevin nervously.

"Oh fuck," Mr. Clarkson thought, "this boy is even hotter than Jay."

"Oh hi, Kevin, nice to meet you." Said Mr. Clarkson, amazed at his own casualness. "I am Justin's dad. Yeah, Jay is here somewhere. He and Justin were playing around in the pool, but I think they might have brought the fun upstairs."

"What?" Kevin asked, certain that Mr. Clarkson didn't mean it to sound that way.

"Oh geez, I am such a freak, why would I say that." Mr. Clarkson grimaced as he held the door open for Kevin to enter.

Mr. Clarkson regrouped.

"We were swimming earlier but I think they headed to Justin's room for one of those video games that you all love to play," Said Mr. Clarkson.

"Oh Ok," said Kevin, "Jay isn't answering his phone so maybe he left it by the pool or something."

"I was hoping once Justin got to college he would get tired of video games, but I guess it is still cool," said Mr. Clarkson said as he headed towards the stairs to call up to the boys.

He stopped in his tracks as what Kevin said sunk in.

He turned to Kevin, not worrying about his now raging hard on. The thoughts in his head right now were driving the blood to his engorged member.

"Why don't you go check out on the deck for Jay's phone and I'll go rustle him up from Justin's room," said Mr. Clarkson.

"Umm ok," said Kevin quickly averting his eyes.

"I hope he didn't see me looking at his dick," Kevin thought, "but it was just sticking out there, what was I supposed to do?"

Kevin continued his thoughts about Mr. Clarkson's hard cock as headed for the deck, "He musta been checking out some hot porn on his computer or something. That woulda been hot to catch him stroking that big thing."

Mr. Clarkson quietly headed up the stairs his mind working deviously:

"If Jay is not answering his phone, it might be because he is in the middle of something up there. I can't believe Justin and Jay would be doing it, but I gotta see it if they are. It'd be so hot to see my boy fucking his hot little friend."

Mr. Clarkson eased up to Justin's door and softly pressed his head against the door, hoping to hear the sweet sound of these two boys engaged in passionate sex.

Silence. Not what Mr. Clarkson was hoping for. Mr. Clarkson pressed his ear tighter to the door. Still nothing. No groaning or rustling on the bed, but also no laughing or talking or sounds of a video game being played.

Mr. Clarkson slowly grabbed the door handle and turned it. But, it didn't budge.

"Damn! Justin fucking locked the door." Said Mr. Clarkson to himself as he feverishly tried to get the handle to turn.

Mr. Clarkson pounded on the door, mostly in frustration.

"Justin, Kevin is here to pick up Jay. And haven't I told you I don't want you locking your door? It makes me think you are up to something!" Mr. Clarkson screamed into the door.

The two naked, college boys jumped at the startling sounds. Justin fell off of Jay and onto the floor. Jay rose to his knees.

Justin was panicked but still managed to admire Jay's rigid cock that was above him.

"Oh sorry, Dad, one sec. I was just changing, and I always lock the door when I do that," explained Justin while still checking out his new lover's boner.

Justin picked up Jay's swimsuit and tossed it at him, hitting him in the face with it.

"Ugh, thanks, dickhead!" said Jay as he scrambled to toss on his suit.

"Fuck," he thought, "this is the third time in a few hours I am racing to get this swimsuit on. And I still can't seem to do it right!"

Mr. Clarkson stood impatiently by the door, still trying to hear what was going on behind the locked door.

Justin ran to his dresser to grab some clothes. His swim suit was there beside him on the floor, but if he opened the door wearing his suit, his dad would know he was lying about changing.

Jay looked up and enjoyed the view of his friend's tight, smooth ass bent over his dresser drawers.

"Oh fuck," Jay whispered louder than he intended, "that's so hot."

Justin whipped his head around, and shot Jay a look and mouthed, "Shut the fuck up."

Mr. Clarkson pounded again.

"Come on Justin, open up! Kevin is waiting," said a now annoyed Mr. Clarkson.

Justin assumed it was because they were making Kevin wait and that Mr. Clarkson had to come up here, and of course, the door locking thing.

But, Jay was afraid it was something else:

"He knows! And he is pissed at me for doing it. Is he jealous? Or mad that I seduced his son? Or does he think I am a big slut or something?"

His thoughts continued as he walked towards the door,

"Well, Jay, you are kind of a slut I guess. You just got fucked by two guys in 2 hours. It was so hot, tho. Fuck, what an afternoon."

These thoughts weren't helping his cock which was still sticking straight up, poking at the waistband of his swimsuit.

He looked at Justin, waiting for the ok to open the door. Justin had thrown on a pair of nylon basketball shorts and a t-shirt. Jay was amazed he had never lusted after his hot friend before. It didn't help that the shorts did nothing to hide Justin's semi-hard cock.

Justin rolled his eyes after spotting Jay's cock, and tossed Jay a t-shirt from his drawer which was still open.

Jay understood the look and caught the t-shirt and threw it on.

Confident his raging cock was hidden; he opened the door, while Justin stood casually by his dresser.

Mr. Clarkson stepped in immediately, his eyes darting all around the room.

His eyes locked in on the fairly large stain on the bed. Both boys turned their attention to see what he was looking at.

Deadly silence filled the air for seemingly hours.

Mr. Clarkson's jaw dropped open.

After a few seconds, he coldly said,

"Jay, Kevin is downstairs waiting for you. You should go now."

Mr. Clarkson's eyes never left the bed.

Of course, his mind didn't leave it either. However, in his mind, he saw the boy he had pumped his seed into earlier in the day, naked, on all fours. Then, he saw the fruit of his seed, his oldest boy, and the apple of his eye, mount the boy and pump his own, young, fresh seed into the boy. Finally, he saw the boy's seed pour out onto the bed.

He knew that what had happened. He was certain. Now, he had no idea what he was going to do about it.

"OK, thanks Mr. Clarkson," Jay said sheepishly as he headed out, "later, Justin."

"Bye," was all Justin could muster.

After Jay was heading down the stairs, Mr. Clarkson turned and looked at Justin with cool eyes and said,

"You better change those sheets before your mother sees them."

Mr. Clarkson walked out and headed back downstairs.

Kevin was standing at the bottom of the stairs while Jay was walking down. Kevin was pissed at Jay for making him wait this long, but didn't say anything. He was planning on letting him have it, but when he saw the look on Jay's face as he descended the stairs, he knew he better not.

Jay was completely pale and looked ready to cry. Kevin had no idea what was wrong but knew it was bad.

Jay didn't say a word and just headed past Kevin and towards the door. Kevin followed. The boys were at the door when Mr. Clarkson hit the first floor. But, he couldn't muster the strength to say anything.

When they got to the car, Kevin was bursting with curiosity:

"Jay, what happened? I heard Mr. Clarkson yelling. And you look like you are about to pass out. What were you guys doing? Smoking pot or something?"

Jay could tell Kevin was talking but he wasn't able to concentrate enough to hear or understand.

Kevin nudged Jay's shoulder.

"Jay, Jay, are you ok?" asked Kevin, still curious but now getting a bit worried.

Jay finally snapped out of it,

"Uh what? Oh yeah Kev, I am ok. Just kinda tired, too much sun and swimming I guess," said Jay softly.

"So, what the fuck happened?" Kevin repeated.

"Oh nothing, Mr. Clarkson got all pissed cuz Justin locked the door. I guess we thought we were drinking or doing drugs or something. Anyway, he was mad at Justin and kinda told me to leave," explained Jay.

Jay continued, not really worried that Kevin suspected anything, but certainly needing to make sure that no one else discovered what really happened at the Clarksons, "He was already mad at Justin from earlier and then he was mad that he had to come up to get me, so it was just better to leave quick."

Feeling a bit better the further they traveled from the Clarkson house, he smiled and said:

"No big deal, Justin will smooth it all over. He knows how to bullshit his Dad. Plus, his dad is cool; he won't stay mad for long."

The explanation seemed to satisfy Kevin.

"Hey Jay, I almost forgot, but I kinda need the car tonight. So, can I drop you off at work and then pick you up at the end?" asked Kevin, knowing it was a bit of a favor, as their parents had said Jay could use the car when he had to work.

Dropping off was no big deal, but since Jay never had an official end time, he would have to call Kevin at the end of his shift and then wait for Kevin to get there rather than leave right away.

"Sure, Kev," Jay said, "I don't mind. What you got a hot date or something?" Jay was happy to change the subject and also felt good about doing something nice for Kevin. Anything to help remove the risk of Kevin asking more about what really happened was fine with Jay.

"Yeah right," said Kevin, "I wish. A bunch of us are going down to the beach, but my friend got in trouble and can't use the car."

Kevin wanted to say,

"I wish I had a hot date with your friend Justin."

Kevin had a crush on Justin since the first time Jay brought him over. Actually, it might have started the first time Kevin saw him in high school. Kevin was a freshman when he noticed the sophomore Justin walking with Jay to the lunch room.

Kevin amended his thoughts though,

"Or his Dad!"

Kevin felt his dick twitch as he began thinking about the older Clarkson. He never met him before but now he knew where Justin got his good looks and hot body. He also knew that whatever Justin had that drew Kevin to him, he got from his dad. Kevin felt the same raw attraction to the senior Clarkson.

Justin quietly closed the door as he heard his father walk down the steps. Tears began to pour down his cheeks.

"Oh no, what have I done? My dad hates me! I have never seen him look at me like that." Justin thought as he fell into his chair.

Mr. Clarkson fell into his chair in the office. "Oh no, what have I done. I love Justin so much, but I just looked at him like I wanted to disown him."

Mr. Clarkson knew that he looked at Justin that way not because he was ashamed or disappointed that Justin might be gay, but out of total jealousy. He knew that Justin didn't know, but he was outraged that someone else was fucking Jay.

Mr. Clarkson had to make it better with Justin; he just couldn't come up with a way just yet.

Justin couldn't bear to see his father and have him look at him that way. He had to get out of there and go somewhere to think.

He knew Jay had to work, and actually, Jay probably didn't want anything to do with him right now either.

"I can't believe this is all happening," Justin thought, "sure, I jack off a lot thinking about Chris and other guys sometimes, but I never thought I would ever want to do anything with a guy. "Now I do it with my best friend, and my dad finds out!" Justin's mind turned to thoughts of Jay:

"I can't believe I have the hots for Jay. It felt so good to be inside him like that. He really liked it too. Had he thought about me before? Has he done it before? He was tight, but I don't know if it was first time or not. I wouldn't know the difference."

Justin groaned as he threw his head back. His head was pounding but he couldn't blame the hangover on this one.

He decided to call Timmy and see if he could hang out over there at least for awhile until he figured out how to face his dad.

"What's up Little Man?" Timmy said when he answered the phone.

"Not much Timmy, but I have a favor to ask," Justin asked nervously.

"Sure thing, Justin, what you need?" Timmy asked realizing Justin sounded kind of troubled.

"Well, my dad is really pissed at me for a few stupid things, and I'd rather not be here to get ragged on some more, so you think I could come over?" Justin asked.

"Oh I see," Timmy laughed, relieved that there wasn't something really wrong, "No problem, little man, you can always hang at my place."

"Cool, thanks, I'll be right over," said Justin as he headed out of his room.

"Oh, well, I am not home right now. But, don't worry, Chris probably is, and if not, there is a key on the ledge above the door," explained Timmy.

"OK, thanks, Timmy, I really appreciate it," said Justin.

"I won't be home until late, but help yourself to the beer and food in the fridge, and I'll see you later," Timmy said.

"OK, later, bye, and thanks again!" said Justin as he ended the call.

Justin tip-toed down the stairs, and then slipped out the back way to avoid running into his dad. He grabbed his bike from the garage and pedaled off to Timmy's.

Mr. Clarkson finally came up with a plan. He marched up the stairs to talk with Jay. He was going to pretend he thought they snuck beer up there and he saw that they spilled it on the bed. He knew it was lame but he was certain Justin would be relieved and not really press him on it.

Mr. Clarkson was glad to see that Justin's door was open, but when he entered, he quickly became troubled when he couldn't find Justin.

"Oh shit! Where did he go?" said Mr. Clarkson to himself as headed back downstairs.

Halfway down the stairs, that jealous feeling he had when he saw Justin's bed overwhelmed again.

Aloud he screamed,

"I bet that little fucker went running over to fuck Jay again."

Mr. Clarkson ran down the rest of the stairs and out of the house. He didn't stop until he was in the driveway.

He realized he still didn't have a car, and he had no idea where Jay lived anyway.

"Fuck, Clarkson, get a hold of yourself. What is wrong with you? Justin left to get away from you for awhile, but that doesn't mean he is with Jay. And if he is, so what? You can't stop that," said the more rational side of Mr. Clarkson.

He slowly headed back inside to grab a much needed beer.

"I'll call you when I get off, it's cool if it takes you awhile, Tye is working tonight. He'll slip me some beers while I am waiting, so have fun tonight and take your time." Jay said to Kevin as he got out of the car.

"OK, thanks, bro" Kevin said.

As he sped off, Kevin was in a good mood.

"Wow, Jay has been awesome since I picked him up from the Clarksons. I feel like we are getting along so much better. It'd be great if we could start hanging out together and he'd stop treating me like his annoying little brother."

Then, Kevin laughed out loud and then yelled at himself:

"No, it's not cuz you have the hots for Justin that you would want to hang with Jay more."

But that just led to more thoughts about Justin.

Although Kevin didn't get the chance to see Justin today, he had seen him since he got back from college for the summer. In a way, he was the same old Justin to Kevin, but Kevin also noticed he had definitely matured physically into a man. A man Kevin definitely wanted to be with.

The fantasy always started the same way. Justin was hanging with Jay at their house. Kevin was kinda hanging around them but Jay always never made him feel welcome. Justin and Jay might be shooting hoops or something. Justin would look over from time to time. Kevin would always pretend to not be looking at them. Then, Kevin would see Justin kinda nudge Jay and softly say, "Let's let Kevin play." Jay would resist and then finally give in to Justin. Justin always had the upper hand on Jay and could get him to do whatever he wanted. Although this was Kevin's fantasy, it was also reality. Kevin knew it, Justin knew it, and Kevin believes that Jay knew it, and was fine with it. In fact, Kevin was pretty sure, Jay had the same feelings for Justin that Kevin had.

Kevin erased those thoughts and went back to his favorite fantasy. Justin smiles at Kevin as he invites him to join in the game. The next few hours, Kevin feels like one of the guys. Jay, resistant at first, accepts Kevin and the three of them have a great time.

Once again, Kevin gets interrupted from his usual fantasy thoughts as he realizes that he likes that part of the fantasy--the part where Jay accepts Kevin and is cool to him and treats him just as he does Justin.

"Wow," says Kevin aloud to himself in the car, "I never realized how much I want to be closer with Jay."

His mind swirls a bit, but he focuses again on Justin.

It is now later at night and Justin and Jay have successfully convinced their parents that it is ok for Justin to sleep over.

Kevin is down on the tv room couch as is the standard protocol for sleepovers. Kevin and Jay share a room, so if one has a friend over, the other brother gets pushed down to the TV room couch.

It's dark but Kevin is awakened by the light and sound of the TV coming on.

"Oh sorry, Kev," Justin says.

Although wakened in the middle of the night, Kevin greets Justin with a smile.

"Hi. No one else calls me Kev," he tells Justin, "but I really like it."

"Awesome, Kev," Justin says smiling, stressing the Kev.

"What are you doing?" asks Kevin as he secretly admires Justin.

Justin is only wearing a pair of red trunk underwear. Kevin has the same pair, but would never let anyone see him wearing them. He is amazed at how comfortable Justin is standing there in just them.

"I can't sleep, Jay is passed out, so I thought I'd see what you were up to" explains Justin.

"Really?" asks Kevin delighted to think Justin thought of him, "Well, I am always up for something! Jay is a heavy sleeper, but not me, I am always ready to go."

"Awesome," says Justin, "then scoot over so I can sit with you."

When Kevin is in bed with plenty of time, the fantasy plays out long and slow. Sometimes, Justin slowly seduces the younger Kevin. Sometimes, Kevin in his boyishness gets curious at the size of Justin's dick and asks questions. They always end up the same, however. Justin's gorgeous body is on top of Kevin, shooting a heavy load in Kevin's mouth, on his chest, or in his virgin hole.

But when Kevin is in a hurry like tonight, the fantasy goes much quicker. Usually, as in tonight, Justin doesn't mess around and begins to grope Kevin as soon as he sits down on the couch.

Kevin feigns resistance which only spurs on Justin more.

Soon, the older boy has Kevin pinned down, and is kissing him to keep him quiet. Kevin begins to push back on Justin. The younger boy is scared, but is conflicted as he is finding the warmth and strength of Justin's body on his extremely arousing.

Justin continues to dominate Kevin. Kevin fantasizes that Justin is surprised that he is forcing himself on this boy. But, spending most of the day and night with him proved to be too much. As he laid awake upstairs in the hot, younger brother's bed, Kevin's smell lingering in the pillow and sheets, Justin feels the need to be with Kevin, to take him in his arms, and be inside him.

Kevin feels Justin's hard cock press against his hips. He feels his own cock stirring. He continues to struggle, but knows that his own desires are starting to take over.

His hands, which were pushing at Justin's shoulders, move and wrap around Justin. This allows Justin to completely press his body against Kevin.

Justin feels all the resistance leave.

"I knew you wanted it, Kevin. I see how you look at me," Justin says smiling, feeling very accomplished that he has this boy under his control.

"Oh yes, Justin, I want you so bad! Since the first time I saw you," says Kevin, as he hugs Justin tighter and intertwines his legs with Justin's.

Justin rises up, giving Kevin a wonderful view of his rock hard cock bulging in his red trunks, with the mushroom head just peeking out of the waist band.

"You are gonna get to feel what it's like to have a nice, big cock up your tight ass, but first I am gonna feed it to you. Let you taste cock for the first time, slobber all over it, then I'll bury it in your throat," Justin tells Kevin.

"Oh, yes, Justin, I'll do whatever," Kevin says obediently.

Kevin loves the feeling of being controlled by Justin. He would do anything Justin wanted, he longed for Justin's attention anyway he could get it.

Justin moves up and slides his underwear covered cock across Kevin's face.

Kevin moans.

Justin grabs him by the hair,

"Shut the fuck up, kid!" orders Justin, "we don't need to be waking anyone."

Kevin quiets down, but begins to move his lips and tongue all over the front of Justin's red trunks, taking in the wonderful smells as well.

He hopes this is what Justin wants, he hopes Justin won't be mad at him for slobbering on his trunks.

"You want my cock, don't you boy?" Justin asks, not waiting for an answer, "You can have it, free it from these trunks that you are making so wet. You best slobber up my dick the same way."

Kevin frees his arms from underneath Justin and begins to tug at Justin's waistband.

Justin grabs Kevin's hands forcefully and pins them back under his knees.

"Who the fuck said anything about using your hands," asks Justin, again not wanting an answer, "use your mouth."

Justin presses his crotch into Kevin's mouth, almost smothering him.

Kevin's mouth finds its way to the waistband. He bites down on it and pulls hard. Justin's cock finally pops fully out. Kevin's mouth finds the now dripping cock. With Justin's weight all on him, all Kevin can do was lick it. It tastes wonderful. Kevin needs more.

The wonderful feeling of this boy's tongue on his cock was incredible for Justin. He needed to feel the warmth of Kevin's mouth all around his engorged member. He rises on his knees once again to give Kevin better access.

Justin uses his hands to hold Kevin's head up as he begins to feed Kevin his cock.

Justin knew it was the boy's first time, so he was patient with him. Kevin's mouth and tongue felt incredible on Justin's large cock. Justin slides his leaking cock in and out of his new toy. Kevin continues to slobber all over Justin's rod making each new entry into Kevin's virgin mouth go smoother and deeper.

Justin begins to fuck Kevin's mouth faster and harder. Kevin can taste the sweet precum that is pouring out of Justin's slit. Kevin feels his own precum trickle out of his hard cock and onto his stomach.

Kevin's hands were still pinned, otherwise he would be stroking his own cock which was harder than Kevin had ever experienced.

Kevin was startled by a horn, snapping him out of his fantasy for a moment. He had spaced out and was at a now green light and not moving. His hand was inside his basketball shorts and he was massaging his wet cock.

"Oh, sorry," he said into the rear view mirror as he began to drive. He pulled into the nearest parking lot and parked away from the crowd to finish his fantasy.

"Oh, Justin, if only we could do this sometime," said Kevin as he slid his nylon shorts and red trunks down mid thigh for better access to his leaking cock.

He took some of his precum and put it to his lips. The taste of his own precum was like a magic potion that brought him back into his fantasy world.

Justin's cock was still pouring out precum while he continued to drive his cock into Kevin's mouth, forcing it down his throat every few thrusts.

"Fuck ya, Kevin, you are a good cocksucker," said Justin.

He shifted his knees, freeing Kevin's arms. He grabbed them and placed them on his hips.

"Guide me in and out of your mouth, bro. Suck the cum out of me. Make me shoot my load in your mouth," commanded Justin.

Justin helped at first by continuing to thrust, but slowly tapered off and soon Kevin was driving Justin in and out with the force of his arms and hands.

"Yeah, that's it, you do all the work," praised Justin, "you are gonna be my good cocksucking toy."

Kevin felt his balls boiling as his own cum was churning inside him. His cock felt so wet.

"The precum must be pouring out, my cock never felt so good," thought Kevin as he continued to suck and savor Justin's massive cock.

"Oh yes, Kevin, I am gonna give you my load," announced Justin.

Kevin felt Justin's cock grow inside his mouth and then felt the first shot hit the back of his mouth.

Justin's soft groans matched the powerful shots that he pummeled into Kevin's mouth. Kevin struggled to swallow all of Justin's juice. Kevin continued to work his tongue all over Justin's cock as he felt his warm, moist cock erupt.

Thankfully, Justin's cock was still buried deep in his mouth, so his moans of ecstasy were muffled. They would have been loud enough to wake up the whole house otherwise.

Kevin's body shuddered in amazement. He never felt so wonderful.

Justin removed his cock from Kevin's mouth and slapped across Kevin's face. Kevin lay still, basking in the afterglow of the finest orgasm he had ever experienced.

"You see, Jay, I told you he'd be into it," Justin said as he jumped off Kevin.

Kevin freaked as he opened his eyes. He couldn't believe what he saw.

His big brother, Jay, was hovering over his semi-hard cock, holding it upright. Jay's tongue was still swirling over the head, scooping up the many remnant shots that the high school senior was involuntarily pumping out.

Kevin's fantasy abruptly ended when he felt the splash of his cum hit his chin. He volleyed several more onto his t-shirt covered chest and then the last few dropped into his golden red pubes.

"Oh fuck," Kevin said as he slowly pumped more out his cock, letting the orgasm invade every pore of his body, "I fucking love you Justin!"

Kevin looked down at the mess he made.

"Another t-shirt wasted," Kevin said as he pulled it off, wiped his chin, did a quick dip into his pubes to soak up most of his cum, and tossed it out the window.

He started his car and moved the gear shift to reverse.

Kevin suddenly slammed on the brakes.

"What the fuck?" he yelled.

He freaked as he ran through what just happened:

"I have jacked off to that fantasy at least 50 times since I saw Justin, but I never brought my brother Jay into it. I never had such an incredible orgasm, and I certainly have never shot onto my chin before."

Kevin put the car back into park.

"Holy shit, you can't be lusting after your brother, no way, that's gross!" Kevin said as he buried his head onto the steering wheel. Jay was so confused.

Thankfully, the bar was busy so he was running around all night and didn't have time to think about all that happened. But what was really crazy to him was that Kevin kept creeping into his thoughts. He just got fucked my Mr. Clarkson and his best friend, Justin Clarkson, but he kept thinking about his younger brother, Kevin.

"Jay, I need another case of Beck's on ice!" Tye yelled. Jay looked up, Tye's voice snapping out of this trance, one of many of the night so far. Jay's eyes met Tye's with fear, knowing he had fucked up again. But, Tye's gaze made him feel at ease as it always did.

"Sure thing, Tye, be right there." Jay said as he raced off to get it.

"I wonder what's up with Jay," Tye thought, "I don't usually have to ask; he always seems to know what I need when I need it."

Jay yelled at himself and vowed to focus on his job at least for now. He would worry about what he had done today, after his shift.

Tye gave him a smile and a nod as Jay delivered the bin of ice cold Beck's. Tye's smile always made Jay feel good, but this time it really helped to put him at ease as he got back to work.

Justin walked up the stairs to Timmy's 3rd floor apartment. He had seen Timmy grab the hidden key from the ledge before so he went right to it.

Timmy had told Justin that Chris was probably home but to use the spare key if not. Justin neglected to knock first to see if Chris was home, he just quickly grabbed the key and let himself in.

Justin was greeted with some unbelievable sounds.

"Oh yes, Brek, fuck me harder," yelled Chris in the throes of passion. "Give me that big, fat cock, bro. Oh yes, it feels so good. Aah, aah"

Justin definitely recognized that voice to be Chris.

"Oh shit," Justin said as he scanned the apartment to pinpoint where the sounds were coming from.

The sounds were definitely coming from the bedroom. The same bedroom from that first night he stayed here. But, this time the door was wide open, so the noises weren't muffled at all.

Surprisingly, Justin's first thought was:

"Oh yes, I always hoped it was Chris!"

Justin was never 100% sure that it was Chris that night. He was pretty certain it was Chris' room, but when he woke up the next morning, Chris wasn't there. And he never verified that Chris had been home. So, it might have been Timmy just using Chris' room, or other friends. Justin never was brave enough to start asking questions to figure it out.

Instead, he would gladly accept any invite from Timmy to stay over, in hopes he might uncover the mystery. He never did, but he always had a great time partying with Timmy and Chris, and often times had an amazing jerk session on the couch while the two college studs slept in their rooms. Chris was always the star of those sessions.

Justin felt his cock immediately stir into action.

Then the panic set in.

"Oh no, he is gonna be pissed that I just barged in here," thought Justin. "I better get out of here before he knows I am here. And, I'll just knock and wait for him to answer."

Justin stopped suddenly as he was about to slip back out.

He was being drawn to the noises of two college studs going at it. Chris' pleas to get fucked harder and faster were increasing. The other man was also joining in, commanding Chris to take all of it, and complimenting Chris on his tight hole.

Justin also heard sounds of the bed posts slamming against the wall and the squeaky bed springs singing as the two men must have really been going at it.

"Well, maybe I could just get a quick peek," thought Justin as his turned and quietly crept towards the bedroom.

Justin carefully slid against the wall and peered in. If they were looking at the doorway, he would definitely be seen; at least they would see someone. Justin figured it was worth the chance.

"They'll be pissed, but I'll be cool about it, promising not to tell anyone," Justin justified to himself.

His cock was now fully upright, pressing hard against his CK boxer briefs in his cargo shorts.

As he had hoped, Chris and his friend were facing away from the door.

The scene was incredible and certainly nothing Justin had ever witnessed.

Chris was on all fours on the bed, and Brek (at least that's what Chris kept calling him between his moans and groans) was standing at the edge of the bed driving his hips back and forth into Chris.

Justin stuck his head out a bit further to get even a better view.

Justin gasped, but luckily no sound came out. Justin could see what was making Chris scream and yell so much.

Brek's cock was huge. 9 inches and the fattest thing Justin had ever seen. Justin quickly agreed with himself that although he hadn't spent much time admiring other guys' cocks, and certainly not too many hard ones, but he had seen a few in straight porn, and Brek's certainly matched up with any of those studs.

Justin was amazed that Chris could take this monster inside of him.

Justin also couldn't believe the force in which Brek was driving his cock into Chris. It did explain why the bed posts were slamming into the wall.

Justin began to soak up the entire scene. Justin quickly guessed Brek 6 foot 3, 195 pounds or so. He was beautiful. He had a nice, smooth body and muscular legs. His ass was perfect and Justin could see the muscles in it as he worked his cock in and out of Chris.

Brek's head was tilted down, his eyes riveted on his cock as it went in and out of Chris' hole.

Every muscle in Chris' finely toned body was straining. He looked incredible. His head was down, but Justin could tell his eyes were closed. He had a constant flow of sounds coming from his mouth. Sometimes it was pleas of more from Brek, other times compliments of how well Brek was fucking him or how big his cock was, the rest were just moans and groans of ultimate pleasure.

Justin could see the sweat that was settling onto Chris's back as it was completely parallel to the ground. Gravity couldn't force it to drip off. However, Justin noticed that Chris's curly hairy was darkened by sweat and some was dripping from the hair and temples of the college boy.

Chris would occasionally reach down and stroke his own rigid cock.

"Mmmm, not bad," Justin noted.

Justin's fixation on Chris was diverted when he heard the slap.

Brek had given Chris' muscled right ass cheek a good whack. And then another. Brek continued to wail on Chris' ass, much to the delight of Chris.

"Oh yes, Brek, punish your little bitch! Pound his hole and spank his naughty, little ass!" Screamed Chris.

Justin noticed that Brek was now straining himself. His attack on Chris was becoming quite strenuous.

Brek suddenly slowed his efforts and eventually stopped. His cock still buried in Chris. Brek was breathing heavily. Sweat was now pouring off his brow. His body was covered in a nice coat of it.

Justin rubbed his cock through his cargo shorts. These guys are incredible.

Chris was breathing heavy as well, and lowered his yells of passion to soft grunts as he began to do the work. Chris just gave quick thrusts back and forth, not allowing Brek's cock to slide very far out.

Justin strained his neck out a bit further, but still wasn't seeing much of Brek's meaty shaft. Chris was keeping most if it tucked in.

Brek was seemingly satisfied with what Chris was doing. Partly because he was able to rest, but apparently Chris' movements were quite stimulating as well.

Unknown to Justin, Brek's cock head was position perfectly on Chris' prostate now and Chris was slowly massaging his prostate with the fat head of this stud's cock.

Justin found it frustrating that the boys had stopped. The forceful activity was much more arousing. However, he was still riveted to the scene.

The sounds from Chris slowly got louder again, even though the slow pace remained the same. Brek began grunting, clearly straining.

Justin realized Brek was trying to fight off his impending orgasm. Justin recognized the sounds. When he would have his late night stroke sessions, he often would try to last as long as possible. Eventually, it became too much and he would be forced to let his load free.

However, Brek couldn't get at his own cock right now, to give the final few strokes it would take to set off his explosion. Chris was in control now.

Justin saw Brek try to ram in harder, hoping to push himself over the edge. But, when he did, Chris would stop completely and Justin could see Chris' ass muscles tighten further, locking Brek's cock in place.

It was amazing to see Chris transform from being fully dominated by Brek to now being in complete control. Justin realized this was part of this session. Brek could easily take control again, but had passed it to Chris and was now enjoying what the other boy was doing.

Justin couldn't contain himself any longer. He softly undid his cargos. And quickly undid the button of his white, button fly, CK boxer briefs. He reached in and sprung his hard cock free. It had been trapped up in the waistband. He now had access to the head and most of the shaft. He grabbed it hard with his right hand and began to pump it. The head was moist from the leaking precum, so he rolled his palm over it, spreading his juice all over the top. He did a circle motion under the sensitive edge of the head on the top side, almost causing him to slip out a moan. He clenched his jaws shut tight to squelch any involuntary noises.

Justin kept his eyes fixed on the two lovers.

Brek was obviously struggling to control himself. He suddenly pushed Chris at the hips, sending him tumbling on to the bed.

"Okay fucker, time for you to ride my cock, and fuck the cum right out of me." Brek ordered Chris as he plopped down on the bed next to Chris.

Chris jumped on top of Brek, and began kissing him feverishly.

Their legs interlocked while Chris grinding his cock into Brek's smooth body. It was evident the Chris had plenty of pre-cum because his cock was easily gliding back and forth across Brek's stomach.

Of course, both muscled boys had plenty of sweat that was aiding as well. Chris' grinding slowed as their kiss became more passionate. Without breaking the kiss, Chris freed his legs and began to position himself to mount Brek's glorious cock.

Chris was resting on Brek's stomach, his knees on the bed, one on either side of Brek. He broke the kiss as he straightened himself up.

"Yeah, Brek, I want your load deep in me while I spray my cum all over you," moaned Chris as he took Brek's massive cock in his hand and positioned it his wanting hole.

Justin couldn't believe it. Brek's cock looked huge before but seeing it in Chris' hand, really showed off its size. Justin knew every bit of Chris. He knew he had decent sized hands. Seeing Chris' hands barely wrapped around Brek's cock made Justin shutter.

"Oh fuck," whispered Justin, "how amazing that would feel to have that meat in me."

The length of Brek's cock was revealed in how much was in view even though Chris' fist was sliding up and down it—not much was being hidden by Chris.

Finally, Chris leaned back, taking Brek's cock back inside him.

Down he plunged until he was resting on Brek's hips.

"Aaaaghhhh," Chris bellowed as he tilted his head back in anguish.

All his weight had forced the massive cock deep inside him.

Once he felt the wave of intense pain subside, Chris rose up on his knees and plunged back down.

Aaaaghhhh," Chris once again bellowed as the cock seemingly went deeper this time.

But, this time he rose up again much quicker.

Aaaaagghhh," another scream from Chris. Now, he began to rise up without delay.

Brek joined in, matching the rhythm, rising when Chris plunged and dropping when Chris rose.

Before long, the boys were grunting and groaning and urging each other on.

Chris grabbed hold of his cock and furiously stroked it while riding Brek's cock like it was a furiously bull aiming to launch him off of it.

Justin couldn't contain it anymore. He ripped his CKs down to mid thigh, his cargo shorts falling to the ground. He leaned against the wall as his left hand cupped his balls while his right hand massaged his engorged cock.

He looked back at the glorious scene of the man of many of his dreams rode this college stud that was hung like a horse.

Suddenly, he saw Brek open his eyes and lock on his.

He dove back behind the opening, hoping and praying that he wasn't spotted.

Suddenly, the two fucking machines stopped.

Justin began scrambling with his shorts. He had to get out of here and quick.

Then, he heard Chris' voice:

"It's ok Little Man, Timmy texted me that you would be coming over. I thought you might like to see the show this time, since you only got to hear it that other time."

Justin couldn't believe his ears.

Afraid to show his face, but feeling a bit better that he wasn't about to get beat up by these two guys, he said:

"Umm, sorry, Chris. I prolly shoulda knocked, but Timmy told me to use the key if I needed to, so I just grabbed it. I didn't think you were gonna be home."

He paused, waiting for a response, but none came, so he continued.

"I'll leave, Chris, and just come back later, OK?" Justin said, now getting a bit worried.

Justin didn't know that Chris didn't respond because he and Brek were once engaged in a passionate kiss.

Justin got dressed, still scared that Chris hadn't responded again.

As he was zipping up his cargo pants, wincing in the pain as he packed in his ready to explode cock, Justin heard Chris' voice.

"Come on, Brek," yelled Chris, "Let's finish off this show off for the Little Man."

Justin immediately poked his head back into the room.

Chris was back riding Brek's cock masterfully. The groans filled the air.

Justin's jaw dropped and he found himself slowly stepping into the room.

Brek was smiling and staring at Justin. Chris turned his head, staring at Justin. Chris wasn't smiling though; his look was of intense pleasure.

Chris was pounding his cock.

"Fuck, yes, Brek," said Chris, still looking at Justin, "I am gonna spray this all over you!"

And then, Justin saw it.

The first shot splashed against the wall, high above Brek. The second caught Brek's forehead. Three and four landed on Brek's chest and many more painted Brek's stomach.

Although they weren't seen, Justin knew that Brek was busy filling Chris' hole with an equal amount of his hot cum.

The noises from Brek were completely different than what Justin had heard from him up to this point.

Chris leaned back, his full wait on Brek's hips as he let Brek pour loads of juices into him.

The two hot men basked in their pleasures. And then Chris collapsed forward onto Brek, freeing Brek's cock from the clutches of his hole.

Justin saw some of Brek's come splash out of Chris' hole.

Chris rolled off Brek, so the two beautiful college boys were side by side on their backs.

Justin could see their cocks and balls still jumping as their orgasm continued to pulse a bit.

Chris gave Brek a quick kiss and then turned back to Justin.

"You look like you could use some relief, little man." Chris said to Justin. "We're wiped out, but why don't you step over here and shoot your load on us. We're gonna need a shower anyway."

Again, Justin couldn't believe his ears, but obeyed immediately. As he walked over, he removed his cargo shorts and yanked his CKs down to his thighs.

"Dag man, I do like your taste in underwear," Chris said.

"Mmmm, that's nice," Brek chimed in.

Chris turned to Brek, "I told you that you would like his cock, isn't it awesome?"

Justin was confused. What did Chris mean about the underwear, and when did he see my cock. Justin always felt very shy around the college guys and always changed in the bathroom.

Chris noticed the confused look on Justin's face.

"Don't worry, Little Man, I'll explain later. Now get over here and stroke that cock. You made us step in your hot load that night, but we never got to see it shoot out."

Justin went beet red.

"Oh please, Little Man, don't get all embarrassed now." Chris said as he reached out and started stroking Justin's cock.

Justin stepped closer as he groaned in pleasure.

"I am too tired right now, Little Man, you gotta finish yourself," he laughed as he released Justin's cock from his grip.

"I bet that felt real nice though, didn't it Chris," Brek playfully said.

"For sure, I think we are gonna have some real fun with Little Man here." Chris said as he rubbed his hand across the many puddles of his cum that covered Brek's body.

"Here Little Man, here is some lube," Chris said as he coated Justin's rock hard tool with his creamy load.

Chris then released Justin's cock and lay back down, resting his head on Brek's shoulder now.

Justin grabbed hold of his own cock and worked Chris' cum into the shaft and head. It wasn't long before Justin felt the familiar pleasure of his balls rising up.

Justin had eyes closed, and was sliding his left hand up and down his stomach and chest as his right hand expertly worked his cock.

"Oh yes, I am cumming," Justin announced as he opened his eyes and looked at two naked men in amazement.

Justin watched as cum violently shot from his slit. The first one passed over Chris and hit Brek on the stomach. Justin then took aim at Chris and shot several loads of his hot, juicy cum all over Chris' sweaty stomach.

Justin continued to pump his cock until he knew his balls were completely drained.

Mr. Clarkson wasn't sure where Justin was, but wasn't really worried about his safety. He was concerned that he was embarrassed or afraid to come home.

Of course, he didn't share any of these concerns with his wife. Luckily, she wasn't feeling very well when she came home from work, so she grabbed a hot bath and went right to bed.

Mr. Clarkson had texted Justin, but hadn't got a reply. Mr. Clarkson was unaware that Justin's phone was in his cargo shorts pocket, but the shorts had been discarded just prior to the text.

Mr. Clarkson decided he would use the excuse that he was looking for Justin as the reason he would go to see Jay at the bar.

Mr. Clarkson walked into the crowded tavern but luckily found a seat at the bar. Tye quickly served him a Beck's with a glass. Tye was a good bartender. Mr. Clarkson came in on occasion, not enough to be considered a regular, but Tye always greeted him with a smile and then followed up with Mr. Clarkson's usual—a bottle of Beck's with a glass.

Mr. Clarkson was on his second Beck's when Jay finally spotted him. Mr. Clarkson hoped Jay wouldn't be too flustered to see him.

"Oh shit, what does he want?" thought Jay as he filled the ice bin behind the bar for Tye. It was getting low, and Jay got to it before Tye could ask.

Jay didn't want Tye to notice him act out of the ordinary. So, Jay turned and waved to Mr. Clarkson.

"Hi, Mr. C, how are you doing tonight?" asked Jay as he continued to scoop the ice into the bin.

"Just fine, Jay, how are you," Mr. Clarkson said continuing the small talk.

Jay smiled and continued his work.

It was clear to Jay from the looks that Mr. Clarkson was giving him that Mr. Clarkson needed to talk to him.

So, Jay announced to Tye, loud enough for Mr. Clarkson to hear:

"I am gonna take my break now, Tye, OK? All the beer is stocked up and I filled the ice. I'll get to those glasses when I get back."

"Sure thing, kiddo. See ya in 15," said Tye, glad to see Jay had snapped out of his funk.

Mr. Clarkson understood. But, he didn't want to make it obvious that he was heading out at the same time. He downed the last of his drink and ordered another one. When Tye brought it to him, he grabbed his cell phone from his pocket pretending he had a call.

He mouthed that he would be right back to Tye and headed out the door, seemingly to answer the call.

Once outside he circled around the building, assuming Jay would come out the back.

When he got there, Jay was already out.

"This boy is so hot," thought Mr. Clarkson as he approached.

Jay was pacing a bit, worried about what Mr. Clarkson was going to say to him.

"Is he going to hit me? What did he do to Justin? I can't believe this is happening." Thought Jay.

"Jay, do you know where Justin is? He left shortly after you did, and I haven't heard from him." Explained Mr. Clarkson.

Jay was relieved that the conversation wasn't about what happened in Justin's room, so he was quick to answer.

"No, Mr. C, I haven't talked to him since I left your place," said Jay.

Jay whipped out his cell phone.

"I'll call him. I won't say I am with you or anything," explained Jay when he saw the hesitation in Mr. Clarkson.

Justin answered on the second ring, feeling very relaxed. Once Chris, Brek and he had cleaned up, they moved to the living room and were on their third or fourth beer.

"Hey Jay," Justin said loudly so Brek and Chris could hear who it was he was talking to.

Justin had just bragged about fucking Jay for the first time this afternoon.

"Hey Justin, I am just on break at work, but I was wondering where you were and what you are doing. Thought maybe you'd want to hang out later." Jay said into the phone, turning away from Mr. Clarkson as he felt his face redden.

Jay was asking to find out where Justin was, but he was definitely interested in hanging out with Justin later. He was afraid to look at Mr. Clarkson because of all that transpired this afternoon.

"Oh dude, I would love to, but I am at my cousin's place again. I just didn't feel like dealing with all that shit with my dad, so I decided to come over here," Justin explained to Jay. "I'll text you in the morning, ok?"

"Sure thing, Justin," replied Jay, "just not too early, I am working late tonight."

"OK, later man, don't work too hard!" said Justin back, giggling, realizing the double meaning.

"Later," Jay replied, giggling as well.

Jay put his phone back in his pocket, glad that he and Justin seemed to be pretty ok with what happened earlier. At least ok enough that there was no tension in their conversation.

Jay explained to Mr. Clarkson:

"He is back at Timmy's. He said he just didn't feel like dealing with everything with you. Figured it would be better to wait a day."

Just then, Mr. Clarkson's phone buzzed. It was a text message from Justin.

Mr. Clarkson read the text:

Hey Dad, sorry, I just noticed your text. I went back over to Timmy's and gonna stay here. I made my bed and cleaned my room. Talk to you tomorrow.

Mr. Clarkson used the opportunity to put his plan into place.

As he feverishly entered in his reply, he told the same story to Jay. He wanted them to both believe that he didn't suspect they had sex.

He sent the text.

Justin's phone buzzed and he read his dad's response:

Ok, Justin, be safe. I am not mad about you and Jay sneaking beers up to your room, but next time be careful not to spill it like that. Your mother is gonna smell it on your mattress. I won't be able to cover for you if she does! Have a good night.

Justin laughed out loud.

"Oh man, that's fucking awesome!" Justin said aloud.

Chris and Brek jointly asked him what was. He explained how he thought his dad had caught him and Jay fucking, but it turns out he thought they were just up in the room drinking beer.

Justin quickly replied to his dad:

K, thanks Dad. I know it was stupid, sorry. It won't happen again. Love you, see you tomorrow.

Jay was so relieved. He was certain Mr. Clarkson had figured it out, but I guess he would never think that about his boy.

"Maybe," Jay thought, "he doesn't think I would be interested in Justin anyway. Whatever the reason, this makes everything a lot cooler. Now, me and Mr. Clarkson just gotta figure out what to do about what happened between us."

"Well, thanks Jay, I feel better now. I don't usually get very mad at Justin but I could tell the look I gave him had him feeling bad," explained Mr. Clarkson.

He continued, further attempting to implant the story as truth with Jay:

"I told you that me and Mrs. Clarkson pretend to play hardball about you guys drinking, so I wanted Justin to make sure he knew that was still true. I probably shouldn't have let you have had beers earlier, either..."

Mr. Clarkson paused and looked dead into Jay's eyes.

"Well, I guess that wasn't the only thing I should have done earlier," said Mr. Clarkson with a grin.

That he mentioned it in such a way put Jay completely at ease.

"Well, we are both to blame on that one, Mr. C," replied Jay, "But I am not complaining that it happened, that's for sure!"

And like that, Jay felt as if everything was back to normal.

"Well, you better get back to work now Jay," said Mr. Clarkson, "I am gonna stick around and have a few beers. Mrs. C is asleep and Justin's not home, so I might as well enjoy a night out."

"Ok, Mr. C, I'll see you inside," said Jay as he headed in the back door.

The rest of the night flew by. Jay was feeling good, and there was a good crowd, so he was plenty busy.

He and Mr. Clarkson would steal glances now and then, which Jay was finding quite arousing. He was careful not to let on, as he wasn't gonna risk anymore trouble today.

Mr. Clarkson headed out at closing time, casually waving good bye to both Tye and Jay.

After half an hour of closing details, Tye gave Jay the ok to call it a night. Tye told Jay that he had about an hour of stuff to do with the books and stuff, but no reason for Jay to stick around.

Tye tipped Jay very generously and thanked him for his great effort.

Jay thanked him with a big smile and headed out the door.

Jay scanned the parking lot for his car and then remembered that Kevin dropped him off.

He did spot another car besides Tye's in the parking lot.

"That's strange; no one was left in there. I wonder whose car that is," Jay thought.

Just then, the car door opened and Mr. Clarkson stepped out.

Mr. Clarkson was a bit wobbly.

Jay did notice that Mr. Clarkson had 7 or 8 beers at the bar.

"Hey Jay, this is a bit embarrassing, but I think I am a little too drunk to drive. I don't see your car here, would you mind driving me home in my car?" Mr. Clarkson asked.

"Sure, Mr. C. I actually forgot that I didn't have my car. I was gonna call Kevin for a ride, but I can just have him pick me up at your place. I tell him Justin picked me up." Jay said as he worked it out in his head.

"Thanks, Jay," slurred Mr. Clarkson as he handed the keys to Jay.

Mr. Clarkson, using the car to aid his balance, walked around the car and hopped into the passenger seat.

Jay got in the driver's seat and put on his seat belt.

Before Jay could get the keys in the ignition, Mr. Clarkson was all over him, kissing Jay's neck to start but working up to his lips.

Jay was shocked, but found himself returning the kiss.

Mr. Clarkson was moving quickly. He had his hand on Jay's crotch and was rubbing it furiously.

Mr. Clarkson unbuttoned Jay's shorts and began to unzip them. He then stopped kissing Jay and dropped his head down into Jay's crotch.

He began tugging off Jay's shorts and underwear, licking Jay all over, dying for his cock.

"No, Mr. Clarkson, someone might see." Jay said, trying to resist the drunken man. Mr. Clarkson didn't stop. And before long, he had worked Jay's cock free and began sucking on the boy's still soft cock.

Jay struggled to resist the warm mouth of Mr. Clarkson. He felt his cock growing inside of Mr. C's mouth. Jay managed to justify to himself that this would be quick and they would be fine. He knew Tye was going to be awhile and the rest of the parking lot was empty.

"Fuck yeah, Mr. C, suck my cock. Your mouth feels so good on it," moaned Jay as he leaned his head back and began to enjoy the attention Mr. Clarkson was giving his now rigid dick.

Mr. Clarkson was forcing Jay's cock into his throat, so he didn't notice the car quickly pull into the parking lot.

Kevin raced into the lot, fearing that Jay was gonna be really pissed. His phone went dead about an hour ago, and Kevin was certain Jay had been calling for a ride. He just hoped Jay hadn't been waiting too long.

The bar looked dark, but he saw the parked car with someone in it, so he drove towards it.

"Maybe they will know if Jay is still here," thought Kevin.

When the headlights hit the car window, Jay quickly turned to see what it was.

Kevin saw the head turn and then was surprised to see that it was Jay.

"Whose car is that and why is Jay in it?" asked Kevin as he pulled up close to the parked car.

Next: Chapter 4

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