The Clarksons

By Jason Clarkson

Published on Jun 18, 2011


Justin, moving kind of slow still from his late night partying with his cousin, enjoyed the blast of cool air from the a/c in his house. He was looking forward to a swim to further cool him off. Figuring he was home alone, he was thinking about just heading out there, stripping, and jumping in naked. He swam naked whenever he got the chance. He loved the free feeling it gave him to be exposing himself like that, even though no one was in sight out in their back yard. Today, his desire to swim naked came more from lacking the energy to drag himself upstairs to grab a swim suit.

As he passed through the living room, he heard the familiar buzz of his cell phone. "Oh fuck," Justin said as he remembered he left his phone at home last night, "there it is. I wonder how many calls and messages I missed."

He grabbed his phone and began scrolling through the numerous texts. "Oh shit, I totally forgot about Jay!" he said as he read Jay's texts from this morning. "He is gonna be pissed."

He quickly called Jay to apologize. Maybe it wasn't too late for him to come over. It would be a long summer and he certainly didn't want his best bud mad at him.

Jay's phone began to rattle on the glass patio table on the deck. Nearby the two new lovers still dozed after their intense pool fuck. The second ring and vibration caused Jay to stir. He recognized the ring tone as his. He stood up and staggered a bit to grab it. He didn't really want to talk to anyone, but he certainly needed that noise to stop. The sun and the beer had combined to bring on a piercing headache.

He hit the answer button without really looking at the caller id. He was greeted before he could even answer.

"Dude, I am a total dick! I am so sorry! I just got home and saw my phone. I totally forgot about today." Justin humbly explained as he collapsed on the living room couch.

"What!?!? You are home?" Jay loudly responded.

Jay raised his voice out of panic and also hoping to wake Mr. Clarkson.

"Dude, could you not yell! My head is fucking killing me, I am so hung over." Justin whined.

"Oh sorry dude," Jay said more softly. He ran over and kicked Mr. Clarkson in the leg on his way to the side of the pool frantically looking for his swimsuit.

"What the fuck, Jay!" Mr. Clarkson shouted after being rudely awakened by his new, young lover.

"Where are you? You sound like you are running or something," Asked Justin. Jay was freaking out. He had no idea what to do. He had 2 Clarksons talking at him, 1 in each ear. One was naked with Jay's cum dried on him, the other was quite possibly about to walk into the shock of his life.

"Hello? Are you still there?" asked Justin, becoming annoyed, but much of that was to be blamed on the hangover.

Jay hit the end button, set the phone down and jumped in the pool. He had spotted his trunks at the bottom. He sunk down in the water to retrieve them.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, Mr. Clarkson, Justin's home." Jay said as he resurfaced.

Jay was scrambling to put on his suit when his phone buzzed again.

Mr. Clarkson was in an equal panic. He was groggy but his mind was racing as to the ramifications if Justin were to see him right now. Mr. Clarkson jumped in the pool as well, searching for his suit.

"I gotta answer this, what do I tell him?" asked Jay.

Every time his phone buzzed it was as if he was being beaten over the head.

He looked to Mr. Clarkson for an answer.

Mr. Clarkson had recovered his swimsuit and was busy putting it on. Mr. Clarkson had no answer for Jay. This certainly was all new to him and he had never planned on what to do in a situation like this.

Justin had grown completely annoyed as he jumped off the couch, hitting the end button.

"What the fuck, I hate these phones." Justin said to himself as he headed upstairs to change into his swimsuit. He paused as he hit the first step.

"Hey," he remembered, "I am home alone, I don't need a suit."

He began to strip right there. He flipped off his t-shirt and dropped his jeans. He had already rid himself of his sandals at the door. He had gone commando last night, so no boxers needed to be removed. Justin had started to enjoy going commando while at school. The experiment was out of necessity when he had, as a typical college guy, neglected to do his laundry and the boxer supply went dry. He discovered the he liked the feeling of his healthy sized cock freely bouncing around in a pair of jeans.

He gave his cock a couple of tugs as he stood there naked. He walked towards the door that led out to the deck.

"It's cool, Jay," Mr. Clarkson said. "We can tell the truth, you know, up until things got out of hand. I'll act all pissed at him for being forgetful."

Jay was feeling a bit relieved.

"What about the beer, Mr. C?" Jay asked.

"Oh fuck, that's right. That will be hard to explain," said Mr. Clarkson.

Mr. Clarkson jumped out of the pool and grabbed the empties and threw them in the recycling bin. He grabbed Jay's glass and put it in there as well, carefully placing it under the bottles to hide it.

"My beer only, I was enjoying some before you even got here," explained Mr. Clarkson.

They looked at each other and smiled. Both relieved, but the looks had more meaning to them. They both knew they had to have each other again, but now of course was not the time.

Jay felt his cock begin to grow in his swimsuit.

They both turned their head as they heard the door open. Justin made a quick path directly to the pool, leaving the door to close on its own. He began to leap into the air, anticipating the feeling the cold plunge would hopefully provide.

"Something to cure this hangover," he thought.

"What the Fuuuu" he shouted as his naked body crashed into the water.

"What is Jay doing here?" Justin thought from under the water.

Jay was shocked to say the least at the site of his naked friend.

Different scenarios raced through his head.

"Did Jay know what we did, and he wants to join us?" "Did he think just his Dad was home and they play together already?" "Does he think he is home alone and so he didn't bother to grab a suit?"

Surprised that he was disappointed that it was probably his third thought, Jay felt his cock twitch some more.

Justin resurfaced.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Said Justin, pissed but also trying to cover up the embarrassment of caught being naked.

The few tugs of his cock had it semi-aroused and walking naked through the house and outside had also added to his cock's state. So, by the time he was airborne, his cock was flopping in the wind at about three quarters of its full hardness.

"Easy Kiddo," Justin's dad shouted.

Jay was thankful that Mr. Clarkson answered. Jay was tongue tied after seeing his friend. He always thought Justin was good looking, but he never had any lustful thoughts about him. They were the best of friends and that was all Jay wanted out of their relationship. However, Jay hadn't seen Justin naked since they were much younger and certainly had never seen his cock in anything more than in a very soft state.

Jay knew he was crazed right now. He could feel Mr. Clarkson's cum still oozing out his hole. His cock was raging again with the thought of getting fucked again by his friend's dad. Now, his friend appears out of nowhere, naked and flying through the air at him. With a gorgeous cock that was clearly ready for some action, no less!

"Dad?" asked Justin as he looked up onto the deck to spot where the sound came from.

"Yeah, it's Dad," said Mr. Clarkson sternly.

He was completely relieved. The tables had turned, and now the conversation would focus on what Justin was doing and the potentially dangerous situation was diffused.

"What are you doing here? And I guess you can first start with why you are naked and then finish with why you blew off Jay," said Mr. Clarkson, with a bit of a smirk.

Mr. Clarkson and Jay stole a glance. Both knew they were safe. Justin was completely embarrassed, but it was all innocent so he wasn't worried. He was secretly shocked that not only had his cock not immediately begin to shrivel in the cold water and in the company that he found himself in, but it actually had become rock hard.

He began to swim around a bit to try to hide it.

"Umm, I didn't know anyone was home. I just got home and felt like taking a dip. I didn't want to bother going all the way upstairs for a suit. I do this all the time when no one is home." Justin honestly explained.

"And dude," Justin continued as he turned toward Jay, "I am so sorry. My cousin called last minute and invited me out, and I totally spaced. Then I forgot my phone here."

Justin had drifted closer to Jay.

Jay tried to peel his eyes off of it, but he couldn't stop. Through the water, he could see Justin's rock hard cock. His own cock was thankfully hidden in his suit, but it was dying to be freed.

Mr. Clarkson was stunned. First, he hadn't realized his son had grown into such a fine looking man. Second, he had no idea he was so well endowed. Third, he didn't know what to make of the fact that Justin clearly had a raging hard-on. And, finally, he could feel the sexual tension that was rising between these two young studs.

He was certain he had never noticed anything like that between these two before.

"This must be new to them, too. Justin probably has no idea what he is feeling and I think I might have just opened Jay's floodgates" He realized.

"It's ok dude, your dad took care of me," Jay said, smiling at Mr. Clarkson.

Mr. Clarkson's eyes bulged. "What is he doing?"

"Your friend gets dropped off here to go swimming for the day, and you are nowhere to be found. I had to at least let him take a dip. I couldn't drive him anywhere because my car is in the shop." Mr. Clarkson explained and then shot daggers with his eyes at Jay.

Jay responded by plunging into the water, seeking refuge.

"OK, I probably shouldn't have said that, but it's totally awesome that his dad did take care of me, and Justin has no idea." Jay thought as he swam around under the water.

Jay opened his eyes, realizing he probably could get a nice view of Justin's cock. Sure enough, there it was, fully upright and rigid.

"Sorry, Dad, I totally forgot," Justin said.

"Any time your cousin calls, you get all crazy, Justin. I don't get it." Mr. Clarkson said.

"That was the truth," Mr. Clarkson recalled last night and previous times. "Justin gets a call from Timmy and everything stops. He runs up stairs, showers and anxiously paces by the front window until Timmy pulls up. Timmy is at least polite enough to come in and see his aunt and uncle for a bit, but Justin is always pushing for them to leave."

Justin knew why, but he certainly wasn't going to tell his Dad. He always had a great time with Timmy. There was always a good party to go to or just hang at his apartment. Timmy always had plenty of beer and other liquor to drink as well. However, Justin realized that there was something else that made hanging with Timmy so alluring—his roommate, Chris.

Chris and Timmy were both 22, still going to school. They had been roommates for 2 years now. The first time Justin met Chris was shortly after Chris and Timmy had moved into their apartment. Justin was still in high school. His parents were going away for the weekend and didn't want the kids home alone. So, they split them up among family members, and Justin managed to convince them that he would be fine staying at Timmy's.

Justin didn't have much drinking experience so after a few beers with Chris and Timmy; he was pretty well out of it.

"OK, little man," Justin recalled Timmy saying, "I better get you to bed. I thought you were gonna come out with us, but I think you have had enough."

"No, I'll be fine," Justin slurred as he stood up.

He stumbled a bit.

"Oh shit, Timmy, yeah, maybe I better go lie down," said Justin as he fell back into the chair.

"I'll get him," said Chris, "You get in the shower, Timmy, we are already late."

"You sure?" asked Timmy.

He thought it was odd that Chris would be so helpful, but glad he could jump into the shower.

"Sure, no worries. I have had to put away my kid brother when he gets hammered plenty of times. Kids these days, such lightweights." Chris said laughing.

"Awesome, dude, thanks. And Justin, you have a good night, now. No puking, little man!" said Timmy as he nonchalantly stripped down in prep of his shower.

Justin looked up, admiringly at his cousin. He thought he was so cool hanging out with the college guys. Maybe it was just the beer making him goofy, but he felt a weird sensation as he looked up and saw his cousin naked. Timmy's muscled body with hair all over his chest leading down to a thick bush was an awesome site. Timmy's long dick swayed back and forth as he stepped out of his jeans. Justin didn't realize that he was staring.

"Easy little man, you might burn a hole through this with that stare," Timmy said laughing as he grabbed hold of his cock.

"Ha ha, don't worry Justin, I was kind of mesmerized the first time I saw it too," laughed Chris. "And your cousin is always flaunting it around.

I think it's to compensate it as to how fucking stupid he is."

"Fuck you, Chris, you just wish you had half of this. You get to hear how much the ladies love it and you wish you could please your bitches like I do." Timmy said as he bounded off into the bathroom.

"Oh yes Timmy, it's so big, oh fuck me Timmy with your big dick," Chris said jokingly in his best girl voice.

Justin closed his eyes, smiling, enjoying the banter of two college studs, looking forward to being off on his own like Timmy and Chris.

"Hey little man, off to bed now," Chris said to Justin as he stood up. Chris grabbed Justin and helped him up. Justin was still feeling a bit wobbly and fell into Chris. Chris put his arm around Justin. Justin wrapped his arm around Chris too and rested his head on the smooth, muscled chest of Chris. Chris had a button down shirt on but hadn't bothered to button any of the buttons yet, so part of Justin's face rested on his warm skin.

Justin was feeling very comfortable against Chris, and enjoyed taking in the smell of this stud. Of course, Justin attributed it to the buzz he had going and nothing else.

Chris walked Justin from the kitchen where they were hanging out to the beat up old couch in the living room. He slowly guided Justin down on to the couch. Justin sprawled out on his back, eyes closed and a big smile on his face.

"I am definitely gonna enjoy college life," he thought as he began to drift off.

"Fuck, little man, you gonna make me undress you, too?" said Chris even though he knew he wasn't going to get an answer from Justin.

Chris untied Justin's shiny new Air Jordan's and slipped them off. Justin didn't stir. Chris looked the boy over.

"When this kid gets a few years on him, I bet he will be quite a looker." Chris thought as he innocently began rubbing Justin's feet.

Chris removed Justin's socks delicately, both to not wake Justin (not that he really thought that was going to happen) but also to enjoy the feeling of Justin's soft, young skin against his hands. Chris was in much better shape than Justin, but the beers had him feeling pretty good, and he found himself enjoying having this young boy at his disposal. Once he had removed both socks, he placed them in the Air Jordan's by the side of the couch.

"OK, little man, sleep it off." Chris said and began to walk away.

He looked back and thought, "He prolly would be more comfortable without those jeans on."

So, standing over him now, Chris slowly unbuckled Justin's belt and then deftly undid the button on his jeans.

Chris felt his own cock stir as he lowered Justin's zipper. Chris spotted the Calvin Klein logo on the waistband.

"Cool, the little man has good taste in undies," Chris thought.

Chris ran his hands up and down Justin's legs and then worked them underneath to the back. He moved up Justin's ass, raising Justin up a bit to free the jeans. He pulled them down to Justin's knees.

Chris softly moaned as he got the view of Justin's black CK trunks.

Though his dick was soft, Chris could see the outline as it lay sideways in the tight trunks.

"Damn, little man, you already got yourself a nice thing working there, I bet you'll give Timmy boy a run for his money soon." Chris said to Justin, even though he knew he was asleep.

Then, Chris surprised himself and reached down with his hand and stroked Justin's cock. Back and forth Chris rubbed the teen's cock. He was pleased to feel it harden. Chris used his other hand to rub up and down his own chest as the feeling of Justin's growing cock was quite arousing to him.

"Chris, " he said to himself, "you should cool it, dude, this is just a kid and you are gonna get yourself into trouble."

But Chris continued. He paused for a moment as Justin stirred, letting out a soft moan. Once he was certain Justin was just enjoying a pleasant dream, he continued to rub Justin's cock through his CK trunks.

Justin's cock had now straightened up. His cock head was fighting the thick waistband with Calvin Klein plastered across it. Chris definitely liked the look of the underwear, but was now wishing Justin was sporting a flimsy pair of BVDs or something that would be no match for that cock head.

Chris slid his fingers under the waistband to get a quick feel of Justin's cock head. His left hand had moved from his smooth chest down through his golden brown pubes to play with his own rigid cock. He tipped his back as he softly groaned. He worked his left hand furiously up and down his cock while he softly brushed this hot boy's healthy mushroom head.

"Hey Chris, where are all the towels?" Timmy yelled from behind the bathroom door.

Chris jumped causing Justin to stir a bit and even open his eyes.

"Hey, little man, just helping you get those jeans off," Chris said coolly.

"Oh, thanks dude," Justin said and closed his eyes once again.

Justin was still pretty out of it, but his hand instinctively grabbed at his throbbing cock and gave it a few tugs.

Chris was amazed. He looked up at Justin and realized he was back asleep, and had no idea that Chris had massaged his cock to its full and upright position. Justin's breathing got heavy once again as a nice smile flashed across his face. His hand stopped rubbing but it stayed on his cock.

Chris regained his composure and answered Timmy while removing the jeans which were at Justin's knees.

"I put them in the cabinet under the sink. I know that is a weird place for you to look. You know, where they should be. You fuckin slob!"

Chris yelled back as he stared down at Justin's nice legs.

Chris grabbed a blanket and tossed it on the teen, covering his rock hard cock, and hopefully helping Chris to end this little lust session.

"We might have to finish that someday, little man," Chris said as he walked to his bedroom to finish getting ready for the night.

Justin awoke with a bit of a headache. The room was completely dark.

"Where am I?" Justin said to himself.

Then, he remembered, and thoughts began to flow through his head: "Oh yeah, Timmy and Chris's place. Fuck, I got wasted. That was awesome. Oh man, my head hurts. I am so thirsty. What time is it?"

Justin got up. He realized he was in his boxers.

"Hmmm, I don't remember taking off my jeans, or even my shoes for that matter." Justin thought.

He smiled, "Man, I wish I coulda gone out with those guys."

He walked slowly to the bathroom. The place was so dark and he wasn't familiar with the layout. He was afraid he was going to run into something.

Justin stopped suddenly as he heard a noise. He took another few steps and heard more noises. It sounded like some moaning and bed springs.

He smiled and hunched down.

"Chris or Timmy must be banging some chick," Justin realized.

Justin felt his dick spring into action. He quietly crept closer to the door. He couldn't remember in the dark exactly which room was Timmy's and which one was Chris's.

The sounds were muffled enough that he couldn't figure out if one of those voices was Timmy or Chris. It had to be one of them, but which one he wasn't sure.

The image of Timmy's cock jumped into Justin's head. He pictured it even bigger and harder, sliding in and out of some hot chick, while Timmy's hot ass muscles flexed as he pounded tonight's conquest.

Then his thoughts switched to Chris. Since Justin hadn't seen Chris's cock or ass, all he could picture was Chris's smooth, muscled chest and his curly, golden hair. He pictured Chris's smooth chest pressing against the girl as she moaned and ran her fingers through his hair.

Then, Justin realized something. It wasn't a girl he was imagining. It was Justin. He could practically feel Chris on top of him. Chris's warm, chiseled chest pressed hard against his as he ran his fingers through Chris's thick hair.

Justin reached in and began stroking his cock vigorously. He never had thought of himself with another guy but he was completely turned on. His thoughts turned back to Timmy and that hot cock he got a glimpse of earlier. His memory was fuzzy from the beer, but he vividly remembered the cock.

Justin heard the moans get louder as whoever was in that room was getting closer to climax. Justin stroked his cock picturing it was Timmy's long, thick monster in his hand.

"Oh fuck this feels so good," Justin whispered as he continued to stroke.

The sounds got louder which urged Justin on further.

"Yes, Timmy, shoot your cum all over me," Justin whispered as if he was in the room and Timmy's moans were from Justin's efforts.

Justin felt an unfamiliar twinge in his ass. He still pictured Timmy's cock dangling in front of him while he stroked it, but now had the unfamiliar desire of feeling Chris' cock teasing his virgin hole.

"Come on, little man, open up for me," Justin imagined Chris whispering in his ear.

Justin continued to stroke his cock with his right hand, while he deftly slid the middle finger of his left hand into his tight hole.

The pleasure became uncontrollable. The sounds from the bedroom were at full height and Justin heard a muffled "Oh fuck, I am cumming!" just as his own cock exploded, pouring a healthy load of his seed onto himself and the carpeting.

Justin slowly stroked his cock while enjoying the twitching and tightening of his ass around his finger. He had never felt so wonderful. He had noticed that he had enjoyed seeing other guys naked in the locker room but they had never entered his sexual fantasies before. Of course, none of them were of the caliber of these two college studs.

Justin heard some stirring from the bedroom so he raced back to the couch. He laid there, his cum sliding off his stomach, pretending to still be asleep.

He heard the bedroom door open. He buried his head in the cushion of the couch.

"Later, dude, thanks." He heard someone whisper.

He peeked out of the cushion to see a figure walk by him and head out the door.

Justin popped up.

"Wait a minute! Who was that? If it was Timmy or Chris, why would they be leaving? It was definitely a guy though. Why did they say later, dude?"

Justin sat there, his cum still trickling down his stomach.

"Holy fuck, that was a guy! Timmy or Chris was fucking around with a guy! But which one?"

Justin was dying to figure that out. He was pretty sure when it was light out he would be able to tell where the sounds were coming from.

Then, he would just have to make sure whose room it was.

Justin found himself stroking his now gooey cock again. He was torn because he couldn't decide who he wanted it to be.

He drifted off to sleep with visions of both college studs dancing in his head.

"Shit," Justin thought, "thinking back on that night sure isn't helping get rid of this raging hard on."

Jay couldn't take it any longer. He had to have a feel of that cock. He knew he was sex crazed and lust was driving his every thought, but he decided he would just blast into Justin and cop a quick feel. He would just brush it off as two guys messing around in the pool, an accidental grab. He planned to blame it on Justin for being naked anyway. Plus, he was the freak sporting the woodie.

Justin felt Jay's shoulder crash into his stomach knocking him off balance. Then, he felt a sensation that would stay with him forever. He was certain it was real. As he fell back, he felt Jay's hand grab his rigid cock. The next few seconds are a bit unclear however.

Justin wasn't sure if his aroused state distorted his view, but he was pretty certain Jay did more than grab his cock. He was pretty sure that Jay stroked it from the bottom of the shaft all the way up past the cock head twice.

Again, he was in full heat already. He was off balance. There was a lot of splashing. Jay was pummeling him off his feet. They were both scrambling to stay upright or at least keep their heads above water.

Jay popped to the surface first, laughing.

"That's for blowing me off, dickhead." Jay laughed as Justin surfaced, coughing a bit.

"OK, I guess I deserve that, but I'll get you back for grabbing my dick," replied Justin, hoping for a reaction.

"Yeah sorry about that," Jay responded, "I lost balance and just grabbed at something to try to stay upright. That's what you get for skinny dipping."

Jay smiled, pleased that his plan and excuse had worked perfectly.

The two boys stood there silent. They both knew they were looking at each other differently, but neither could pinpoint (or maybe were afraid to admit) why.

Mr. Clarkson couldn't take any more of this. He couldn't believe what he was watching unfold.

Things were racing around in his head: "These two are gonna go at it if I don't stop them. I can't believe Justin likes guys. I wonder if they have ever done anything before? Oh no, and I fucked Jay. Oh I hope they haven't, it's bad enough I did it with Justin's friend, but what if he is his lover? I gotta get outta here. I need a drink!"

"Umm, Justin, I can see you are enjoying your little naked swim, but would you mind putting a suit on so the whole world doesn't have to see. Your Mom might be home soon, and I am sure she doesn't want to see that big thing sticking out" Mr. Clarkson said.

Justin turned beet red and gave his dad a scowl.

Mr. Clarkson didn't realize what he was saying would come out so embarrassing to Justin. But, as soon as he saw his reaction, he realized what he had done.

"Oh shit, I totally just embarrassed Justin in front of Jay and I also admitted to my son that I noticed his big, hard cock." groaned Mr. Clarkson to himself.

Mr. Clarkson felt terrible and tried to make up for it.

"Sorry, Justin, I know we surprised you by being out here. Where's your suit, I'll go get it for you."

"Yeah, thanks!" Justin said sarcastically.

Then it was Justin's turn to coolly diffuse the awkward situation.

"Geez, a guy can't get a hard-on around here and jump into the pool to calm it down without an audience. And then I got this guy grabbing at it." Justin said as he began to laugh.

He found himself almost uncontrollably laughing now as the situation was so awkward that it was getting to be ridiculously funny.

Mr. Clarkson and Jay both began to giggle as well.

Mr. Clarkson headed for the door,

"I'll get your swimsuit and we can forget all about this!"

Mr. Clarkson felt relieved. He was sure now he was imagining all of that.

"Justin had no interest in Jay, it was just a college age boy getting horny and not being able to control it." He said as he stopped in the kitchen to grab a cold beer before heading up to grab Justin a swimsuit.

As soon as the door closed behind Mr. Clarkson, Jay looked hard into Justin's eyes. Justin did the same. They said nothing but held onto the gaze. They were seeing each other so differently now. Neither knew what had changed.

Without a word being said, Jay rushed over to Justin. They embraced and began kissing. Both squeezing each other with their arms, their tongues quickly found the others. It was a rapid kiss, something that apparently had been building for years, although neither had realized it.

Jay was clearly at an advantage since Justin was naked. He grabbed Justin's cock and stroked it vigorously while his tongue slammed in and out of Justin's mouth. The two college freshman couldn't hold each other tighter. Their wet skin stuck against each other. Jay wanted to rip off his bathing suit and take Justin's big cock inside him.

Jay continued to kiss Justin with incredible energy while he strained to continue stroking his monster cock under the water.

"This is unbelievable, I am going to get fucked by Daddy and Son Clarkson in the same afternoon. I can't believe what has happened to me," thought Jay.

Jay pulled his lips off of Justin's and buried his head into Justin's neck.

"Justin, please take me upstairs and fuck me. I want your gorgeous cock inside me," Jay whispered into Justin's neck.

Jay began to kiss Justin's neck and then proceeded to bite it, just like he had done to Daddy Clarkson.

Justin's head was spinning. This was all happening so fast. He wanted Jay so bad right now. He wasn't concerned of what this might do to their friendship. He was, however, very concerned about what to do with his Dad being home.

"Ouch," Justin said as he pushed Jay away when the pain of Jay's bite shot through his body.

"That fuckin hurt, douche!" Justin complained to Jay.

Jay didn't say anything and plunged into the water.

"I am fucking sick! What am I doing?" Jay screamed to himself as he swam away.

The pain was good for Justin. It gave him a moment to think.

When Jay finally resurfaced, Justin confidently said,

"I am gonna fuck you good and hard, Jay, after that bite. We just gotta play it cool for a bit, swim around, maybe get some sun and then we'll say we are gonna go play some video games in my room. Then, your ass is gonna get its first pounding. I am gonna make you my bitch."

Jay turned red. He still couldn't believe what had transpired today.

"And now, Justin thinks he is my first and I still have his Dad's cum dripping out of me."

Jay couldn't look Justin in the eyes and began to swim around.

Justin did the same, trying to will his throbbing cock to settle down.

Mr. Clarkson reappeared with Justin's swimsuit in one hand and another cold beer in the other. He tossed it towards Justin.

"I hope this one works, I found it on the floor in the corner of your room. J, you gotta do something about that mess in there." Mr. Clarkson said.

Justin ignored the comment and excitedly retrieved the swimsuit.

The boys noted that Mr. Clarkson was dressed.

"I have some work to do, so I am going to go back into my office," said Mr. Clarkson, "Hopefully, I will be back out here soon."

Justin, while slipping on the swim, took advantage of the opportunity,

"OK Dad, Jay's gotta work later anyway, so we won't be much longer."

Mr. Clarkson shot a look at Jay.

Jay knew what that was about.

"I called my brother, he is gonna come get me. He finishes work soon," explained Jay.

"OK," Mr. Clarkson said smiling, "I didn't want dickhead here to make you walk or something."

Jay laughed.

Mr. Clarkson disappeared into the house.

Justin said suspiciously, "What was that about?"

"Oh," Jay said nervously, "when I got here this morning, your Dad opened the door. But, I was sure it was gonna be you, so I said, what's up dickhead before I realized it was him not you."

Justin laughed, much to Jay's relief.

"You are such a douche, remind to pound you even harder for that."

Justin dove back into the water.

Jay couldn't wait to feel the younger Clarkson inside of him. He couldn't believe how much he wanted it. He had woken this morning with a virgin ass and now after being taken by Mr. Clarkson he would do just about anything to have it invaded again by his son.

Jay also realized that Justin had a bigger cock than his dad. Jay was excited about that challenge. His hole would be stretched even more. As he continued to tread water, he thought about how easily Justin was talking about their impending fuck session.

"I mean, I am like an expert now since I just got fucked," laughed Jay to himself, "but I don't think Justin has ever done this. Why he is so sure of himself, talking about it like its nothing?"

Jay shrugged it off to a long day of beer and sex and who knows what else.

"Nothing makes sense anymore." He thought as he plunged in again.

The boys kept to themselves for a good 15 minutes. They were both painfully aware that any eye contact would lead them to something they wouldn't be able to control.

Justin was equally anticipating being inside Jay. They would experience gay sex together for the first time. Since he had been hanging at Timmy's, he had been so curious. Now, he had the perfect opportunity with his best friend. It was going to be incredible.

He never had noticed Jay in that way, but for some reason, today was different. Jay had a different look about him today. Still, Justin assumed that all of this was triggered by his boneheaded move of stripping down and running out to the pool.

Regardless of what got them here, Justin knew this was the right time. He jumped out of the pool, and said loudly to Jay,

"Hey dude, let's go chill in my room and play some video games."

"OK, sure Just, sounds good to me. My bro will be here in about half an hour," replied Jay with a smirk.

As Jay got out of the pool, he started to panic.

"What if Mr. Clarkson comes and checks on us. He might be pissed and tell Justin what we did. What if Justin can tell I have been fucked already today, or what if he feels the cum inside me? Maybe I should just leave now."

Just then Jay caught Justin's eye as he stood by the door. The lust ran right through him.

"Oh fuck, I don't care, I can't wait to take my best bud's cock. I think I have always wanted it." Justin thought as he blindly followed Justin in to the house.

They climbed the stairs quickly. Justin slammed the door behind them and flipped the latch.

Jay didn't hesitate and rid himself of his swimsuit and plopped onto Justin's bed face down.

"Fuck me, Just, come on dude, gimme that big cock." Jay groaned as he raised his ass while burying his face into Justin's pillows.

Justin removed his swimsuit allowing his still rock hard cock to bounce up and down as he made the quick trek over to his bed.

With no experience whatsoever, neither boy had any lube or condoms. That was the last thing on their minds.

Justin made his way over Jay. He mounted him and with absolutely no knowledge of what to do next, he positioned his throbbing mushroom head over Jay's crack.

Jay moaned loudly.

"Oh fuck, Justin, slide it in!" he pleaded.

Justin felt his balls boiling.

"Oh fuck, this is too hot, I am gonna cum," he replied, but kept sliding his cock up and down Jay's crack.

Finally, Justin's cockhead felt Jay's hole. He paused and then began to push it in.

Jay buried his head further into Justin's pillow as he moaned in pain. Justin was trying to stifle his own pleasurable sounds as he felt Jay's ass begin to suck his cock inside of him. The muscles wrapped so tightly around Justin's cock as it continued to pull him.

Once he felt Jay's ass press against his hips, Justin began to thrust his big cock in and out of his best friend.

The boys were in heat now, each working on satisfying their own needs. Jay stroked his cock furiously has he drove his hips back into Justin's cock.

Justin closed his eyes and pounded this tight ass. He was surprised at how wonderful it felt. He couldn't believe Jay was able to take his healthy cock so easily. Once inside, it felt as if there was lube in Jay's hole as Justin's cock slid easily in and out.

Justin was the first to announce his impending cum shot. He tried to hold on as long as he could, but Jay's forceful driving of his hips back into Justin proved to be too much.

Justin shouted, "Yes bro, take my load. I am gonna fill your virgin ass with my cum. Your ass is the first I have dumped in."

Justin's eyes rolled back as his balls emptied into his best friend's tight hole.

Jay wasn't paying too much attention to what Justin was saying. His whole body was spasming. Justin's cock was incredible. He couldn't believe how much better it felt than Mr. Clarkson. He felt Justin's cock explode inside him which triggered his ass to twitch uncontrollably. He felt cum shoot out of his cock with tremendous force. He lost track of how many missiles he poured onto Justin's bed sheet.

Jay collapsed onto the puddles of cum, Justin following shortly behind.

The boys quickly fell asleep.

Mr. Clarkson tried to concentrate on work. He hoped that today was not going to cause him or his family any trouble. He hoped he would be able to forget about it and move on. He hoped he didn't cause Jay any grief and that Jay won't regret what they did.

Mr. Clarkson was hoping to talk to Jay before he left so that he knew they were cool. He knew it would be too risky to do it with Justin around however. Plus, they were enjoying the pool and Mr. Clarkson didn't want to disturb them anymore.

"Hey," Mr. Clarkson thought, "Jay said he had to work tonight. Maybe I'll stop in the bar for a drink near closing time and maybe get a chance to talk to Jay then."

Then, he had a second thought,

"Maybe Jay will be up for another fuck, just to make sure it is out of our system."

"I told Jay to be ready," Kevin whined as he called his brother's number from the Clarkson's driveway.

Jay's phone buzzed away in his swimsuit pocket on the floor. Jay and Justin were both sound asleep. Justin's naked body was now straddling Jay's. Jay was still face down, sleeping in a puddle of his own cum while Justin's healthy load slowly trickled from his now worn out hole.

"Fuck! Where is he?" Kevin screamed as he headed to the Clarkson's door to get Jay.

Next: Chapter 3

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