The Clarksons

By Jason Clarkson

Published on Nov 20, 2012


If you are not of legal rights and/or age to read any type of adult literature or if you find the material offensive, please do not read any further. The author and site cannot be held liable as you agree to accept all responsibility for reading said material. If you wish to contact the author of this series, please do so at, I will respond to all e-mails. This story is fiction. All names, descriptions and actions of the characters are not real.

Sorry that it has been so long!


Paul only dozed for 10 minutes or so on the couch. He hadn't drank nearly as much as his buddy JC, so he was feeling wide awake and ready to plan a fun evening out. He remembered his Red Sox were in town and thought it'd be cool if JC and him could catch the game. They could tease each other as they rooted for the opposing teams.

"And the bet we make on the outcome will be awesome if I win or lose," Paul thought as his cock stirred once again.

He jumped up off the couch. Paul was naked, as he had dropped his wet swim trunks at the side of the couch before lying down for a few minutes. He was confident that the Clarkson men and young Justin's friend were still passed out, but even if one of them surprised him by coming down, he was certain that his naked body would only be a pleasant sighting. A sighting he would definitely be up for taking full advantage of.

"So much for deciding not to touch Justin and his hot friend anymore," Paul thought to himself as he headed to JC's office to get on the computer to look for some tickets for tonight's game.

Paul plopped his naked ass into JC's leather chair and fired up the computer. He was rock hard now as he was sitting in the area where he had seen an awesome show from his sexy college roommate. If he hadn't cum so many times today already, he might have forgotten the tickets and loaded up one of his hot cam sites and jacked off.

Instead, he went to craigslist. He should have gone to the ticket session but his hand started to work his cock so he instinctively went to the men seeking men section. He browsed a few of the posts and then he spotted one that really interested him since he his main objective for getting on CL was to get some tickets.

Free Tickets for Tonight's Game

He figured it was a scam of some sort but a few clicks wouldn't hurt as Paul was certain he would be able to tell if it was real or not.

However, when he read it, the post seemed believable.

"I have 2 great seats for tonight's game. I didn't pay them so I don't feel right trying to sell them. I know I could post them in the Tickets section but I would rather I give them to another gay guy that appreciates a good baseball game.

I have a bf now, otherwise I would have required a BJ as payment, but consider this your lucky day as I will be getting the most amazing blowjob from the most amazing man in the world later tonight.

Paul replied quickly, hoping that no one else had snatched the tickets just yet.

"I am from Boston and here visiting my former college roommate and recent lover. I would love to take him to the game tonight. Are the tickets still available? I would gladly pay for them even though you said you didn't want any money.

And, although I am not desperate for the tickets as I am sure I can find them online at a ticket broker or buy them on the street, I wouldn't be opposed to providing some sexual services to show my appreciation."

Paul reviewed his email and stroked his cock some more. He decided the last paragraph was a bit too sleazy, so he deleted it.

One more review of what he had written.

He hit the send button and anxiously awaited the response. Meanwhile, he checked Stubhub and the other ticket sites while he kept one eye on his email icon to see if he got a response.

The tickets on Stubhub were over priced as usual but there were some good seats, so he began to process the order.

About halfway through that process, he saw the tab with his webmail account blinking, so he excitedly checked it before hitting the Order button for the tickets.

It was a reply to his reply from the free ticket post.

"Hey dude, thanks for the offer but as I said I don't want money for the tix and I have a bf now so I am not looking for a hookup.

I still have the tickets. All the responses were from guys not interested in the tickets but willing to service me and my bf. HA! The people that troll this site, lol. So, I was glad to see your reply.

I'll meet you at The Stadium Club, a sports bar 2 blocks west of the stadium. I'll be there between 6:45 and 7:15. Game starts at 7:30, so you'll have plenty of time to catch first pitch if you get there. I am leaving at 7:15 whether you show or not, so be on time. Tell the bartender that you are looking for Jimmy. He'll point you in my direction."

Paul quickly replied:

"OK, sounds great, Jimmy. Thanks so much. I hope you will at least let me buy you a beer at the bar. -Paul"

Paul was excited to go hang out with JC. He hopped up and headed upstairs to wake JC. He was still naked but didn't feel like throwing on his wet suit. He would dress after he showered.

Jay had woken up and was a bit worried about Kevin. So, he decided to head home. Jay slowly and quietly slipped out of the bed so as to not disturb Justin. He gathered up all his clothes that were scattered throughout the room and got dressed. He headed towards the door and looked back at his beautiful friend. His dick twitched as he admired the sweet body as Justin's chest raised and lowered rhythmically as he slept. He wanted to curl up with him right now, eventually make love to him, but he needed to get home. So, he smiled and whispered, "See ya later, Just" and headed out the door.

Jay had bounded down two steps when he almost ran into Paul coming up the stairs.

"Umm, sorry, Mr. Jordan, I didn't see you there." Jay said awkwardly as he quickly noticed that Paul was naked and his cock was semi-hard.

"No, I am sorry, kid. I thought everyone was still asleep up there. I dropped my wet suit off downstairs as it was still dripping wet and I didn't have a towel. I was coming up to jump in the shower." Paul unexplained, untruthfully.

"It's OK." Jay said as he turned sideways with his back against the bannister so that Mr. Jordan could pass.

Paul couldn't resist the opportunity.

"But, since I ran into you, maybe it is best that I don't have any clothes on." Paul said as he began to stroke his cock.

Paul climbed two more stairs so that he was on same ones as Jay, and moved in close to him.

"Yeah, I think you are glad I ran into you, I think you need my big cock inside you." Paul assertively said to Jay as he moved in even closer so that they two were only inches apart.

Paul put one arm on the wall blocking Jay's path down the stairs.

Jay reacted quickly and deftly, quickly ducking and sliding under Paul's arm and down the stairs.

"Sorry, Mr. Jordan, I need to get home, I am late." Jay said as he descended two stairs at a time without looking back.

Jay was out the door, breathing a sigh of relief in a matter of seconds. "Oh man, that was close. That guy is pretty hot but I really don't want to mess around with him again. Or, Mr. C for that matter." Jay thought as he started a slow jog home.

Jay still had a nagging feeling about Kevin and wanted to get home as soon as possible.

"Fuck you, kid, your loss." Paul said under his breath, and continued up the stairs.

Jay had left Justin's bedroom door open and as Paul walked by, he could see Justin still sleeping in the bed.

Paul hesitated.

"Mmmmm, some young JC ass might be in order before the game." He thought as he took one step into Justin's room.

Then, Paul remembered the time and decided he better get JC up and into the shower.

"But, I might have time once JC is in the shower." Paul thought as he stepped back out of Justin's room and headed for the main bedroom.

Jay abruptly stopped his jog and pulled out his phone. He realized that Mr. Jordan might start messing with Justin since Jay had turned him down.

He quickly called Justin who thankfully had the phone next to the bed.

"Hello," Justin said, confused as he was still sleeping and thought that Jay was still next to him.

"Hey Just, sorry to wake you, but I left and Mr. Jordan is roaming your house naked. You should lock your door or he might be headed your way. He totally hit on me as I was leaving." Jay said quickly, but then had an awful feeling.

"What if Mr. Jordan was already in there? What if Justin wanted him to come in?"

While Jay paused in thought, Justin had already leaped out of bed and slammed his door shut and clicked the lock.

"Oh thanks man, yeah, I don't want to mess around with him anymore." Justin said as he plopped himself back into bed.

Jay smiled and let out a sigh of relief.

"Where are you and why did you go?" Justin asked as he instinctively slid a hand into his swimsuit and began rubbing his cock.

Justin noticed he seemed to get hard any time he talked or texted with Jay, regardless of the conversation.

"I wanted to get home and check on Kevin." Jay explained as he started walking.

"But you don't have a car. How you getting home? You aren't walking, are you?" Justin asked.

Justin knew that the answer was yes, so he hopped out of bed and began to dress. He would get in the car and pick Jay up and drive him home.

"Well, I jogged the first block," Jay said as he giggled, "and I'll start jogging again when I hang up."

"Tell me where you are, I'll be there in a few to drive you." Justin ordered.

"No, dude, don't worry about it, it's not far." Jay replied.

Justin insisted: "Shut up, and tell me where you are."

Justin flew out of his room, and headed downstairs.

It was kind of far and Jay did want to get home quick, so he gave in.

"OK, well I am only two blocks down. I stopped jogging to warn you about Mr. Jordan." Jay explained.

"OK, I am out the door now, so I'll be there in a sec." Justin said and hung up.

Jay started to say something, but heard the phone go silent.

"I hope Justin won't be mad when I don't invite him in, I think I want to be able to talk to Kevin alone just in case something is bothering him." Jay thought as he put his phone in his pocket and looked down the street for Justin.

Paul needed to shake JC kinda rough to wake him. He didn't want to talk loud because he didn't want to wake Justin just yet. Paul was rock hard now, and although part of it was because of JC, he didn't want JC thinking that was why JC was being abruptly disturbed. So, he had grabbed a towel from the bathroom and covered himself up. He also started the shower for JC.

"JC, I got us tickets for the ball game tonight, you gotta get up and hit the shower. I am gonna jump in Justin's shower." Paul said softly.

JC's head was pounding and he was more than mildly disoriented. The last thing he remembered was being out by the pool. He had no idea how he got up here or even what time it was.

Paul knew by the look on JC's face that he had no idea what Paul was even talking about. So, Paul helped him up out of bed.

"Come on, JC, the shower will bring you back to life. I'll explain the rest later." Paul said as he walked his friend to the bathroom.

JC's head hurt too much to talk, so he just obeyed Paul's orders as he was led into the bathroom.

JC mindlessly got in the shower and stood, leaning against the wall, and let the water pour over his head.

Paul shut the shower door and then the bathroom door as he left, heading for Justin's room.

"Yeah, I am gonna get me some of the boy's tight ass before the game and then some of the old man's after." Paul said as he unwrapped the towel from his waist.

Paul turned into Justin's room, but stopped in shock as he saw the empty bed. He shifted his head quickly to check the bathroom, but the door was open and it was empty.

"Fuck, where did he go?" Paul said as he left the room and raced downstairs.

After a quick search of all the rooms, he gave up, unsure of where Justin had raced off to.

So, he headed back up to shower and get ready for the game.

About halfway up, he came up with an answer to the mystery.

"That fucking kid called Justin to warn him!" Paul deduced. "Those two are gonna pay for that."

After a few minutes, JC was feeling a little better. His head still hurt, but he figured a couple drinks would solve that. He finished up and got out of the shower.

JC got dressed and headed downstairs. He had no idea what the plans were for tonight, but he was starving and needed a drink and some ibuprofens too.

He was greeted in the kitchen by Paul's playful smile.

"The dead have risen. How you feeling, JC?" Paul asked teasingly.

"Don't worry about me, I'll catch up. So, what's up for tonight?" JC asked as he made his way to the refrigerator.

"I got tickets for the game but we gotta pick them up in 20 minutes, so we need to hit the road." Paul explained.

"Well, I'll get the plastic cups, and we can take one or two for the road." JC answered, quickly grabbing 3 beers, figuring on 1 for Paul and 2 for himself.

Paul headed towards the door, hoping JC was right behind him. Of course, he wasn't, so Paul yelled out to him:

"Come on, JC, we need to get moving."

JC was busy pouring himself a quick shot of tequila, downing 4 ibuprofens and grabbing two plastic cups for the ride.

"Be right there, I just need to grab my keys. I must have left them upstairs, because they aren't on the hook." JC yelled back from the kitchen.

The truth was, he had no idea where his keys were. They were usually on the hook, but they weren't. He slowly trudged up the stairs to check in his pants pockets or maybe on the nightstand.

Jay was thankful for the ride, but was kind of quiet because he was nervous about having to tell Justin that he wasn't invited in.

Justin was feeling nervous as well as he didn't want to have to go in. He didn't want Jay to be mad at him, but he was really exhausted and just wanted to get back in his own bed.

He pulled into Jay's driveway, and then came up with an excuse.

"Here you go, Jay, but I can't stay because my dad said he needs the car." Justin lied.

Jay thought about pretending to be disappointed, but instead started to laugh and said:

"Well, that's cool, Justin, cuz I wasn't gonna invite you in anyway."

"Well, fuck you, too, Jay." Justin replied back with a smile.

"I just want to check on Kevin alone, make sure he is ok. Cool?" Jay explained, glad he was honest with his friend.

"Yeah, man, totally cool. I am worried about him too but if something is up, he'll be more willing to talk to his big bro about it alone. I understand. Just text me to let me know he is ok or if you need anything." Justin answered as he stuck out his hand for a shake goodbye.

Jay returned the handshake and leaned in for a bro hug. It was awkward, but only because it was in the car.

Jay headed in, looking back and smiling at his best friend. He was greeted with a similar smile from Justin as he backed out and pulled away.

JC came down after a few minutes to an agitated Paul at the bottom of the stairs.

JC flashed him a smile which did the trick as Paul smiled back and playfully said:

"Lemme guess, you have no idea where your keys are?"

JC was embarrassed, and just grinned and said:

"Well, no, but they have to be around here somewhere. I'll check the deck, you check the office and the couch."

Just then, the two men heard a car pull into the driveway.

"Justin!" JC said, happy he hadn't lost his keys.

"That's right," Paul said, "I noticed he wasn't in his room when I showered."

JC grabbed the beer and cups and the two men headed out, greeting Justin in the driveway.

"Hey mister, aren't you supposed to ask to use my car?" JC asked Justin, not really annoyed but pretending to be a little.

"Uh sorry, Dad, you were crashed and Jay needed a ride home," Justin said, hoping that in fact his Dad was asleep when he ran out. He assumed if Mr. Jordan was walking around naked, perving on Jay that his Dad must have been asleep. He just wasn't sure if he had woken up before Justin left, as he didn't run into Mr. Jordan on his way out.

"That's cool, Justin, I am just messing with you. I woulda texted you if I needed it immediately." JC said as he walked to the passenger side.

"Justin, give the keys to my chauffeur over there. He is taking me to the baseball game." JC said with a grin.

Paul looked Justin dead in the eye, knowing full well that Justin wasn't awake when Jay left and that he didn't check to see if his father was asleep.

Justin's sheepish return gaze confirmed what Paul had thought.

"That fucking little pussy Jay called Justin to warn him that I might be looking to fuck him. Worse yet, little JC ran like a little girl."

After Justin handed over the keys, Paul said firmly:

"I'll see you later, Justin"

Justin understood what Mr. Jordan meant by the tone, and just turned and walked towards the house.

JC hadn't picked up on any of that, but yelled out to Justin.

"Just make yourself a sandwich or something for dinner, Justin. We'll be home later. I think your mom will probably stay over at your Aunt's, so you're on your own."

"OK, Dad, thanks." Justin said without looking back.

Justin went right upstairs and into his bedroom, making sure to lock the door behind him. He stripped to his boxers and plopped back into bed, hoping to sleep through the night.

As the two men got in the car, Paul said:

"OK, I don't mind driving, but you gotta help me with directions. I have no idea where I am going."

"Don't worry, I'll get us there," JC said as he poured his former roommate a beer.

The men got to the bar in time, but there wasn't any place to park, so Paul sent JC in to get the tickets.

"Tell the bartender that you are looking for Jimmy. He has the tickets for you." Paul explained to JC.

JC hopped out of the car, and headed into the bar. Paul began to circle the bar.

JC went right to the bar and ordered a Stella. When the bartender returned with the drink, JC told him that he was looking for Jimmy. The bartender collected the money for the beer and told JC he would get Jimmy.

Jimmy emerged from the back with tickets in hand.

"Paul?" Jimmy asked as he approached JC.

"Umm, no, I am Jason, but Paul is out in the car, we couldn't find a parking spot and he was driving." JC explained.

Jimmy was hesitant, but agreed to hand over the tickets after JC relayed some of the information that Jimmy and Paul had shared in the emails. Luckily, JC was paying attention when Paul told the story on the drive over.

After the tickets were handed over, JC offered to buy the beer that Paul had promised. Jimmy accepted.

JC ordered 2 Stellas from the bartender and quickly downed his first.

As the two men waited, JC began to check out the late 20 something Jimmy. He was in decent shape but not muscular. Overall, a good looking guy. Jimmy felt JC's eyes on him, but didn't mind the attention. Jimmy was committed to his boyfriend, so he let JC look, but that was all he was gonna get.

Jimmy did check out JC as well and definitely liked what he saw. He was careful to not to lead JC on, however.

"Oh, you should sit in seat #3," Jimmy said.

JC looked at the tickets. They were for seats 3 and 4.

"Why does it matter?" asked JC.

"You'll see." Jimmy said with a smile.

"OK, sounds good." JC said making a note to hand Paul the ticket for seat 4 but not really giving it anymore thought.

After paying for the beer, he toasted Jimmy, thanked him for the tickets and chugged his down.

"I gotta go, Paul is out there waiting and probably wondering what's taking so long." JC explained as he said goodbye to Jimmy and headed out of the bar.

As soon as JC left the bar, Jimmy whipped out his phone and sent a text:

"I think you'll like my replacement. Older than me but a much better bod!"

Mike Williams was busy with pre-game activities when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled the phone out and glanced at the display. He smiled when he saw he had a text from Jimmy. He hoped it was a text saying he changed his mind and he was coming to the game after all.

Mike was Head of Security at the ballpark. The game started in 45 minutes, so he didn't have much time to be texting. He calmly put the phone back in his pocket, content to wait until he was back in his office after the game started to read it and possibly respond if necessary. Mike knew that Jimmy knew he is super busy up until game time. Even if a response was required, Jimmy would have to wait.

Paul and JC settled into their seats. JC in seat 3 has his ticket had read. They were very good seats, 7 rows up from the field behind home plate.

"How did that kid score these tickets?" JC asked Paul.

"He didn't say, just that he didn't pay for them." Paul replied wondering the same thing.

"How did he look?" Paul asked and then realized he and JC had never discussed the looks of other men before.

JC felt strange responding but he had definitely noticed so he was able to describe him with quite a bit of detail.

"Too bad he is stuck on the boyfriend, we could have had some fun with him," said Paul after JC was finished.

"Yeah, we got it going good, you and me, but adding another to the mix would be pretty hot," replied JC.

Paul nodded and smiled, imagining some scenarios and looking around for any potential victims.

Mike settled into his office shortly after first pitch. He read Jimmy's text and was a bit disappointed that Jimmy wasn't coming but he was excited that Jimmy found someone that was up for the agreement.

Mike leaned back and thought about the first time he met Jimmy. As head of security, Mike was given two nice tickets for about 20 games per season that he could give to anyone he would like. He agreed not to ever charge money for them as that would be grounds for dismissal.

"But they never said anything about receiving sexual favors for them." Mike thought as he proudly smiled for coming up with his devious yet pleasurable scheme. "A win-win situation if there ever was one!"

Mike continued reminiscing about Jimmy. He definitely would miss the guy. Besides their usual meetings during the game, Mike had met him up at the Stadium Club a few times for beers. They got along well, and the sex, well, Mike thought it was amazing.

Mike remembered the first time, at the top of the 4th inning, that he walked from his office, down to the seats to summon the person in Row 7, seat back to his office.

When they had arranged their deal, Mike and Jimmy had exchanged pictures and carefully went over the procedure. So, Mike knew what Jimmy looked like and vice versa, but when Mike leaned in to get Jimmy's attention, the two men were pleasantly surprised at the other one's looks.

Jimmy had explained to his friend that had joined him at the game that for receiving the tickets, he was going to do some paperwork for the security office. It needed to be done twice during the game; once at the beginning of the 4th inning and then in the bottom of the 7th inning.

Since this was the first night, Jimmy explained, the guy was going to come get him to show him where he needed to go. So, when Jimmy saw Mike, he stood up, turned to his friend and said:

"OK, dude, see you in about 15-20 minutes."

When in the aisle, Mike shook Jimmy's hand, and led Jimmy up the stairs.

The two men didn't talk on the way as Mike was acting professional in his role and Jimmy was following Mike's lead.

When they got into Mike's office, Mike closed the door and was careful to lock it as well.

It wasn't until Jimmy heard the click of the lock being set that he fully realized what he was doing. He had essentially sold himself as a sex tool for this guy. A guy that was bigger and stronger than him and was authorized to carry a loaded weapon.

Jimmy didn't have time to have second thoughts or figure a way out as Mike was all over him instantly. All of Jimmy's new found fears and doubts left as quick as they had come upon him as Mike's tongue filled his mouth and the strong man hugged him tightly.

Before long, Mike had Jimmy completely naked and slammed him onto his paper-filled desk. Jimmy quickly lifted his legs to rest on Mike's shoulders. Mike hovered over Jimmy, leaning in to kiss him further.

Mike was fully dressed still, but Jimmy was not in a position to do anything about that.

Jimmy was a little confused about what to do because Mike had given fairly specific instructions about what Jimmy was supposed to do when they got in the room. However, Mike had obviously changed the plan.

Mike's cock was rock hard and dripping. He knew he had told Jimmy that he wanted to lean back in his chair and have Jimmy blow him until the third out of the inning. He wanted to time his orgasm when the third out was made. The longer the inning the better he had told Jimmy.

But now that he had this sexy, younger man in his office, he couldn't contain himself. He was going to fuck him, and he was going to fuck him hard and fast.

Jimmy couldn't believe he was letting this stranger take control of him so easily but he was more amazed at how wonderful it felt.

Mike pushed on Jimmy's legs that were now high in the air causing Jimmy's ass to rise up off the desk. Mike began to grind his cock across Jimmy's crack. Mike was still clothed, but Jimmy could feel the man's hard, thick cock against his naked ass.

Jimmy felt a burning desire firing away from inside him. He needed this cock inside him.

"Please sir, fuck me, I need your cock!" Jimmy blurted out.

Mike stopped the grinding. From the moment that I had gotten into his office, Mike had every intention of fucking this hot, younger man. However, now that he saw how badly Jimmy wanted it, he decided to tease him a bit.

"But, I told you, I want you to blow me, and shoot my load down your throat when we get the third out." Mike said calmly, as he subtly loosened his grip so that Jimmy's ass slipped lower eliminating any contact between Mike's cock and Jimmy's ass.

"I'll blow you later, just take that big cock out and fuck me now." Jimmy yelled in reply as he bucked a bit, trying to feel Mike's cock against him once again.

Mike loved the control he was feeling, but pre-cum was pouring out of his cock and he really wanted to be inside Jimmy's hot ass. With his right hand, Mike began to undo his belt and pants.

"Alright, I'll fuck you now, but you get your ass back here in the 7th to suck my cock." Mike demanded.

"Oh yes, sir, I'll be back and I'll suck you so good, but please fuck me now." Jimmy pleaded.

When Mike undid the zipper of his pants, they slipped to mid-thigh. Mike was wearing boxers that were not much of a match for his big, hard cock. The cock found its way out of his boxers through the fly opening.

Jimmy watched as it popped out. The head was thick and shiny with all the wetness that had leaked out of the wide slit.

Jimmy moaned and squirmed on the desk in anticipation.

Mike let his snake slither up and down Jimmy's crack as he felt more pre-cum ooze out. He was getting Jimmy's hole quite slick although he didn't imagine it was going to be enough lube to allow him to penetrate this wanting but tight hole.

But, they were in a moment that shouldn't be paused to get to his bottom drawer and get his trusty bottle of Astroglide. And, he didn't want to bend down to slobber his tongue all over the twitching hole. Although, he did make a mental note that he would plan to do that another time as it looked quite delicious.

Instead, he carefully guided his boxers down to his thighs, managing to get his bobbing cock back into the fly and then getting the waistband over the monster as it pulsed and bounced around.

He held it in his right hand, but resisted the desire to stroke it as he was afraid he might just explode.

Mike looked down and dripped as much spit as he could on the already shiny head.

Jimmy moaned louder and raised his hips further as he saw Mike's dribble fall down from his mouth. Jimmy was anticipating the feeling of Mike's wet, pulsing mushroom head to invade his tight, dry hole.

Jimmy closed his eyes and waited for the pounding he so much wanted. He had a quick thought of his friend sitting, watching the game.

"Oh Billy, I would love it if this was you about to fuck me!" Jimmy thought as he felt Mike's cock press into him.

Mike wanted to, and knew he should, go slow but he had lost all control and jammed his big cock into Jimmy's tight hole.

Mike felt bad for an instant because his new friend's ass was even tighte than it looked. Mike had incorrectly assumed that because of how they met and the begging that Jimmy had done that Jimmy had been fucked quite regularly. He was happy to have Jimmy's tight hole wrap around his cock and instinctively resist every thrust.

Jimmy yelped in agony as Mike invaded him. He knew he had begged for it and knew that it would eventually be amazing, but he didn't give up his ass very often and certainly not without plenty of lube, so the feeling of intense pain was the only thing now racing through his body.

Jimmy closed his eyes and breathed deep, letting this hot man do as he pleased, trying to relax.

Mike pressed on, leaning up, watching Jimmy intently, hoping the agonized look on his face would disappear and be replaced by that sexy, lustful, desirous look that Jimmy had from the moment their lips had touched.

Mike was all the way in to Jimmy but Jimmy was still obviously writhing in pain. Mike kept still, letting Jimmy accept the huge piece of meat that he so obviously desired.

Mike closed his eyes, waited and listened. In a matter of minutes, the groans of agony, softened to whispers and whimpers and then were completely replaced by moans of joy. Mike felt Jimmy's tight hole go from fighting the invasion to loosening up to apprehensively accepting his cock to finally engulfing Mike's cock. Jimmy's body shuddered at the same time and began to drive back onto Mike's cock.

Jimmy felt the wetness on his stomach as Mike's cock began to milk the pre-cum out of him. Jimmy, normally a fairly reserved lover and always concerned to make sure his lover was being pleasured, regardless if being top or bottom, didn't care what happened now. Jimmy rolled his eyes back in his head and and grabbed his dripping cock. Mike's cock was hitting the exact spot and there was no stopping the amazing feeling.

Mike saw Jimmy start to pump his cock and was almost relieved. His balls were churning and ready to explode, and he figured Jimmy must be close to cumming by the way he was attacking his nice cock.

Mike made a second mental note to suck that nice cock someday soon.

Jimmy's moans got louder as he popped open his eyes and looked up at Mike. He had hit the edge but wasn't going to stop now. All he could do was hope that Mike was ready too.

"Oh Mike, I am gonna cum. I can't hold it any longer!" Jimmy shouted.

Mike just grunted and pumped his cock into Jimmy harder. Mike's legs were slamming hard against the side of the desk as he drilled his new ticketholder.

Mike watched intently as the slit on Jimmy's cock head seemed to widen and his creamy juice erupted, flying high in the air and then splashing onto Jimmy's bare chest. The next few shots followed the same route, however each shots trajectory was lower and lower. When Jimmy was finished pumping his cock, he had a trail of cum from his chest to his pubes.

Mike was ready but his focus on watching Jimmy's cum shoot out of him kept him at the edge. When it appeared Jimmy was finished, Mike ran a finger up Jimmy's body, collecting a decent amount of his seed along the way. Mike ran the finger all the way up to Jimmy's mouth. Jimmy opened wide and began to suck hard on Mike's finger, gobbling up all the cum that was available.

The warm, wet feeling of Jimmy's lips on Mike's fingertip threw him over the edge and he yelled out as his first shot filled Jimmy's hole. Jimmy continued to suck on Mike's finger as he continued to thrust and dump more of his hot cum into Jimmy's ass.

Jimmy was coming down from his intense orgasm but Mike's cock continued to ride his prostate and send shockwaves through him albeit each one a little less intense. Jimmy wasn't sure he could take much more though.

Finally, Mike relented, certain that he had completely emptied his balls into Jimmy.

Mike enjoyed one final thrust and stayed deep inside Jimmy. Jimmy released Mike's finger from his mouth. The two men remained still, both smiling and staring at each other, but neither produced even the slightest movement.

The announcer on the tv that was on in Mike's office bellowed:

"And that's strike three for the third out of the inning!"

The two men laughed as they realized they had timed it perfectly even though they hadn't paid attention to any of the baseball game being played less than 200 feet from them.

Mike pulled his softening cock out of Jimmy.

Jimmy groaned.

"Alright, bud, I gotta make my rounds. I'll be in touch." Mike said awkwardly to Jimmy as he pulled up his boxers and pants. His cock was coated in his own cum and some juices from Jimmy's ass, but he just put it away quickly.

Jimmy was still shaking a bit from the incredible fucking he had just received but the reality of the situation was setting in. He just let a guy fuck him for some nice seats at a baseball game.

"You are the quite the slut, Jimmy boy." Jimmy said to himself as he rolled off the desk, grabbed a few Kleenex from the box that had fallen to the floor, and wiped his cum off of his body.

Jimmy didn't look up at Mike while he tracked down all of his clothes and got dressed. Mike stood watching as he was quickly back in order as he hadn't removed any of his clothes.

Mike looked back at the desk and realized it was quite a mess. Papers were all over the floor, as were the Kleenex box, the pens and the holder they were in. Mike hurriedly gathered everything and got the desk back in order.

Now it was Jimmy who stood watching now that he was dressed.

When Mike was finished, he opened the door and let Jimmy walk out first.

Without saying a word, Jimmy headed to his seats and Mike headed the other direction to tend to his duties.

By the time Jimmy was back at his seats, he began to feel better about the situation.

"I have great seats, hanging with my bud, and I just got my brains fucked out of me and it was totally awesome!" Jimmy thought to himself, and now quite pleased that he pulled it off, especially since his friend was none the wiser.

Mike was busy managing a situation in the outfield between a couple of over-served fans, but he felt good after the intense session in his office. He was excited and wished he could tell someone, but of course, he knew that he could never tell anyone what he had just done.

"But, it was fucking awesome!" Mike thought as he grabbed one of the unruly fans and escorted him from his seats.

As the fan struggled, Mike grew a bit agitated, mostly from the resistance of the guy but also that the awkwardness which occurred when he and Jimmy left the office. He was a little extra rough on the fan which helped relieve some of the stress. And, he justified, the fan deserved it for the way he was acting.

Mike tried to forget about it for now, hoping that he could talk through email with Jimmy so that Jimmy would be up for coming to the next game that Mike had tickets. He would apologize for the quick goodbye, blaming the busy night.

Jimmy enjoyed the next few innings with his friend. The seats were awesome and the game was exciting. Jimmy continued to think of Mike, however. When the 7th inning stretch came around, Jimmy's friend looked at him, and said:

"Hey, don't you have to go do that paperwork?"

"Oh shit, yeah dude, I totally forgot." Jimmy answered, but not knowing what he should do. Mike hadn't said to come back when they left. In fact, Jimmy was pretty sure that Mike wasn't wanting him to come back.

Jimmy's friend just looked at him, strangely, wondering why he wasn't leaving.

Jimmy realized he had to leave to keep up the story, so he headed out of the row.

"Should I grab you another beer on my way back?" Jimmy asked from the aisle.

"Always!" his friend replied with a smile.

Jimmy headed up the stairs, feeling better that he had least something to do on this little trip. He would walk around a bit, go to the bathroom, buy beer, and head back. He would be back sooner than last time but he would easily explain that there isn't as much to do the second time.

When Jimmy got to the concourse, he headed for the bathroom. However, he stopped in his tracks as he saw Mike enter his office.

The thought of being on his knees worshipping Mike's cock immediately delighted him.

"Well, Mike did tell me I better come back in the 7th inning to blow him..." Jimmy thought to himself as he headed straight for the security office.

Mike had settled into his desk and was filling out the report required for the removal of the obnoxious fan that he had gladly just removed from the stadium.

Mike didn't even look up when he heard the knock on his door, he simply shouted:

"Come on in."

Jimmy nervously opened the door and walked in.

Mike looked up and smiled.

Jimmy, seeing that Mike was pleasantly surprised to see him, closed the door and pushed in the lock. He walked over to Mike's side of the desk and got on his knees as per their agreement.

Although this was supposed to happen in the 4th inning, Jimmy figured Mike would still be up for it. And by now, Jimmy was really starting to crave Mike's cock.

Mike rotated his chair and spread his legs so that Jimmy would have access. Jimmy inched forward on his knees to that he was in between Mike's legs now. He reached out and began to undo Mike's belt. Before trying to undo the button or zipper, Jimmy buried his head into Mike's crotch.

Mike wasn't hard yet but he was definitely starting to grow. Jimmy felt for the soft cock with his mouth. He felt it leaning to the right. He put his mouth on it and moved his head left and right to feel the growing shaft on his lips.

"I can't wait to get this massive cock in my mouth!" Jimmy excitedly thought.

Mike tossed his head back and let Jimmy do the work. He was surprised that he was ready to cum again so shortly after that amazing session. But, his cock was getting hard quickly and he could feel his balls churning in earnest to produce another load.

Jimmy heard the announcer on the tv call the second out. He moved quicker now, determined to get Mike to cum before the end of the inning.

After getting Mike's pants and boxers down to his ankles, Jimmy went to work on the man's cock. It was so meaty and juicy. Jimmy led his hand slide up and down it, gripping it firmly at times.

When he put it in his mouth, his body twitched. He could taste cum and his own ass juice still on the thick cock.

Jimmy surprised himself with the vigorous way he attacked Mike's cock. He slide his tongue and lips up and down it and then took it deep. He couldn't get enough of it. He felt Mike's cum drip out of his ass as he tasted the pre-cum that he had successfully generated from this hot man.

Jimmy's own cock was fully hard but it was tightly constrained in his pants. He wished he could get at it to stroke it, but he was on his knees and both hands were busy handling Mike's healthy cock.

Jimmy forgot about his own cock, however, when he felt Mike's strong hands on his head. Shortly, Jimmy was no longer in control as Mike was fucking Jimmy's mouth. Jimmy's hands were now free and they reached down and freed his cock.

Mike was grunting and groaning and talking nasty to Jimmy as he used his mouth. Jimmy loved every minute of it, even though his throat was being pummeled by Mike's cock. Jimmy was stroking furiously as by the sounds of Mike and the speed at which he was thrusting, he figured Mike was about to blow.

Mike was now listening to the announcer. There were two outs and the guy at bat was a bum and figured he would be making the third out.

Mike didn't announce his impending orgasm, but he did slow his thrust down after the first shot and let his pulsing cock rest on Jimmy's tongue as he pelted the back of his throat with his second load of the game.

Jimmy gulped down, savoring the lovely taste of this hot man's cum. Jimmy moaned softly as he began to cum as well. He heard his shot splash onto the tile floor, hoping that Mike wouldn't be mad for making a mess.

While he was still cummming, Jimmy hoped that Mike might make him clean up his mess by licking it.

Mike kept his cock hard and was still firing mini shots when he heard the third out of the inning.

Just as before, he pulled out quickly and got himself dressed.

"OK, I gotta make my rounds.

Mike quickly dressed but this time as the two men left the room, Mike smiled at Jimmy and said:

"I'll email you the tickets for next week's game."

Jimmy smiled back and said,

"Can't wait, Sir."

Mike's phone rang which brought him back to present day. His cock was rock hard and now he was very excited to meet his new "guest". He could hardly wait until the 4th inning.

By the time Mike finished up the call he received, it was the bottom of the third inning. So, he quickly got up and headed to the seats. He decided he would walk down the aisle and check out the new guy.

Mike non-chalantly walked down the aisle and casually glanced over.

"Fuck yeah, Jimmy, you were right. Definitely older, but a stud nonetheless. The guy next to him ain't too bad either." Mike thought to himself.

Mike was a bit surprised that this guy was up for this arrangement as he didn't look like he took it up the ass.

"The married guys always fool you, though," Mike thought as he noticed the wedding ring on JC's finger.

Mike waited down at the end of the aisle until the end of the third inning, which seemed to take an eternity.

Mike proceeded to the row and leaned in and said to JC:

"Sir, I need you to come with me."

JC was surprised and being a bit drunk was a bit short with his response.

"What the fuck for? I am watching the game."

Mike was shocked with JC's response.

"The guy knew the deal, didn't he?" Mike thought.

And then, Mike felt his cock throb. Mike assumed that this guy wanted to do a little role play, make the security guy get a little rough with him and escort him to his office.

Mike went along with it, hoping he assumed correctly.

"Sir, I need you to come with me now. We have to discuss how you obtained your tickets."

Paul saw JC getting even more irritated and tried to diffuse the situation.

"It's ok, JC, I'll go." Paul said, looking at both JC and Mike.

Mike continued, now getting into the hot scene that was playing out.

"I could fuck the two of them! But, I think I'll just do this one first."

"Sir, you stay seated and you, sir, please come with me now." Mike said, looking at JC.

JC relented, realizing he didn't really want to cause a big scene.

"Alright, alright, but I hope we can make this quick." JC said as he stood and headed out of the row.

Mike grabbed JC at his elbow firmly and walked him up the stairs, whispering to him:

"You made the right decision, stud, but you still questioned my authority and you'll have to pay for that."

JC was confused.

"What did he just say?" JC said to himself as he felt himself being tugged forward by Mike.

Paul looked into the aisle. He was a bit worried. The security guard seemed angry. Paul began to think that maybe that kid had pulled some sort of scam and these seats were stolen.

JC tried to explain the situation about the seats.

"We got the tickets from some kid, he said he couldn't use them but he didn't want to sell them."

Mike knew he had the right guy and this was gonna be incredible. Mike kept playing along, excited this stud was willing to role play like this.

"I wonder if Jimmy gave him this idea." Mike wondered to himself as he replied:

"Save your story til we get to my office, Sir. I am not in the mood for your lame explanation."

JC was getting more agitated as Mike pulled him along to the office. He felt himself trying to pull away.

Mike was enjoying the struggle, while managing to keep it from being noticed by very many people.

Mike threw the door to his office open quickly and guided JC in with the still firm grip he had on JC's elbow.

JC was drunk which made it hard for him to put up a better struggle, but Mike assumed JC was not making a stronger effort on purpose.

Once they were in the office, JC yelled:

"What the fuck is this all about? I didn't do anything wrong."

"Shut up asshole, and get on your fucking knees." Mike said as he began to unzip his pants.

"Fuck you! Who the hell do you think you are?" JC said as he began to move towards the door.

Mike jumped in front of the door and met JC mid stride.

Before JC knew what was happening, Mike had him on his knees and was now pressing JC's face into his crotch.

JC's head was spinning.

"What was happening?" is all he could think.

Mike began to yell out:

"You knew the fucking deal when you got those tickets. You get great seats and you suck my cock. A deal is a deal, now don't be trying to welch out on it now."

"I didn't agree to any deal like that." JC said, muffled as his mouth was pressed against Mike's balls.

"Yes you did, and I can tell you want this cock anyway, so start sucking it. You'd probably suck this cock even if you didn't get any tickets. You'd probably beg for it." Mike said as his cock began to stiffen to its fullest size.

All JC could think of was how he was gonna find that little prick and kill him for putting him in this situation. Now, he knew what Jimmy meant when he told him to sit in seat 3.

Mike began to slap JC's face with his hard cock.

"Come on cocksucker, swallow my dick." Mike said, loving this rough role play.

JC began to smell the hot musk of Mike's crotch as he felt the pre-cum slicked head of Mike's cock slide from cheek to cheek. He couldn't move his head as Mike had a firm grip of his hair with his right hand.

After Mike's cock slid across JC's lips a few times, JC found himself open his mouth, letting the cock head enter briefly as Mike slapped it side to side.

Mike realized JC was relenting, amazed at how well this man played the part.

Mike slowed the slapping from side to side and let his cock linger in JC's mouth a bit longer each time. JC began to take the large cock deeper.

Before long, Mike's cock was deep in JC's mouth. Mike had loosened the grip of JC's hair as he knew the role play was over. JC was now freely sucking Mike's cock and obviously loving it.

JC was moving his hands all over this stranger's body; running one up the hairy, muscled stomach and the other squeezing Mike's tight cheeks.

JC loved sucking this man's cock. Mike's pre-cum was pouring out and JC was savoring every drop. It tasted different than Paul's and he couldn't get enough of it.

Mike was getting close to cumming, but he suddenly wanted more. He remembered back to that first night with Jimmy, where he fucked him on the desk.

Mike quickly pulled JC off of him, as he was looking to repeat that performance. However, he realized JC was bigger and stronger than Jimmy, and he didn't think he could quickly slam JC onto his back on the desk.

Instead, Mike grabbed JC by the shoulder and dragged him to the desk. JC wobbled as he hadn't expected this quick move. Mike was stumbling a bit himself tho as his pants were at his ankles.

Mike brought JC to edge of the desk and bent him over it. He masterfully got JC's shorts down exposing his tight, muscled ass. Mike also felt the man's large cock as he tugged the shorts down. He was quite impressed and made a note to get at that later.

Meanwhile, Paul couldn't sit still so he decided to get up and see if he could help diffuse the situation.

He made his way up to the concourse and followed the signs to the security office. He figured he would check in there to see if they knew where the Security man might have taken JC.

JC thought about resisting Mike's moves. He knew he was about to get fucked by this hot man and his large cock. His own cock was throbbing from enjoying sucking cock and he honestly was dying to take some cock in his ass. So, he gave a few feable attempts at getting Mike to stop. He was a bit embarrassed that he was being so controlled by this complete stranger.

"What the fuck are you doing? Stop!" JC yelled.

Mike was pleased JC was staying in character and continued:

"Shut up and take my cock, you know you want it." Mike said as he slid his sloppy cock up and down JC's crack, teasing the stud.

JC wanted to continue to at least appear to struggle but when the wet cock head slid past his hole, he just moaned.

"Haha, that's right, you are truly a cock whore, you can't get enough." Mike said as he began to press it in.

JC was a bit angered by the man's teasing, but obviously wanted the man to continue. So, he used the anger to drive back on Mike's cock.

"Fuck you, I am gonna squeeze that dick right off of you," JC said as he clenched down as hard as he could and began to buck more vigorously.

Mike yelled out in pleasure and battled this bucking bronco. The two men were slamming back and forth into each other. One trying to outdo the other.

When Paul got to the door, he heard grunting voices and what sounded like furniture being moved. He was frightened now, JC was fighting the security guard.

In the excitement of the perceived role play, Mike had forgotten to click the lock on his door.

Paul burst into the room.

Paul's mouth opened when he saw the scene in front of him.

At the instant the door opened, Mike yanked his cock out of JC as he turned to see who was there. However, it was also at the start of an amazing orgasm. When JC's ass clenched down in an effort to keep the cock in, Mike's cock erupted.

Now, his cock was floating in the wind and cum was uncontrollably firing out. The first few hit JC's ass and then the rest splashed onto the ground.

The last clench also put JC over the edge and although his ass was now empty, his cock began erupting. He turned to see Paul but couldn't help himself from humping the desk as his body spasmed and his balls emptied his hot cum all over the papers on Mike's desk.

"Close the door!" Mike said, relieved that he recognized the man as the friend of the man he was so violently fucking. Mike tried to pull up his pants. Cum was still shooting out and was now all over himself as well.

Paul, still shocked, managed to quickly shut the door. He even managed to click the lock.

Mike was panting and still enjoying the orgasm that was just now slowly fading.

"If you came for yours, you'll have to wait an inning or two." Mike said.

Paul looked at JC. JC could see confusion and a bit of disappointment in his eyes, so he tried to explain.

"Your buddy with the tickets made a deal with this asshole, I guess." JC said, acting annoyed, but then gave up trying to get out of it.

"I couldn't very well welch on the deal," he said with a smile that he knew would get Paul to smile back.

Paul quickly put it all together. Paul knew there was no way JC knew this security guy, nor the guy they got the tickets from. He was a bit surprised that JC let this guy fuck him, but he began to get aroused by how hot the whole scene was.

Mike was busy getting dressed and cleaning up. He had no idea what was going on with the game at this point but he knew he was going to be needing to make his rounds.

However, he wanted more of this man and thought he might like the friend too.

"Time to get dressed, sir. I need to make my rounds." Mike said to JC and then he turned to Paul and said:

"You should learn to knock! But the deal is for the 4th and 7th inning, so if you want to take his place in the 7th, that's fine with me."

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