The Clarksons

By Jason Clarkson

Published on Jun 8, 2012


If you are not of legal rights and/or age to read any type of adult literature or if you find the material offensive, please do not read any further. The author and site cannot be held liable as you agree to accept all responsibility for reading said material. If you wish to contact the author of this series, please do so at, I will respond to all e-mails. This story is fiction. All names, descriptions and actions of the characters are not real.

This one is a bit lengthy, sorry for that. It has a bit of a twist, hope you like it.


Mrs. Clarkson kissed her husband goodbye as he slept. It was just before 8, but she was headed to her sister's for a long day of shopping. Since her sister lived almost 2 hours away, she wanted to get an early start.

Mr. Clarkson opened his eyes, a bit confused as he had forgotten his wife's plans. After a few seconds, he remembered, told her to have a good day and rolled back over.

Mrs. Clarkson headed downstairs. She decided to just grab some coffee at Dunkin Donuts rather than waste the time making and drinking it here.

She passed through the living room and was surprised to see the grown man asleep on the couch. She saw that it was Paul and figured out what had happened.

She paused when she got closer. He was wearing very tight fitting trunk underwear. The blankets had slipped off exposing his muscular, hairy body. She could clearly see his rather large cock trapped under his underwear. Mrs. Clarkson felt moisture between her legs as she was clearly aroused by this handsome man.

Paul began to stir and opened his eyes.

"Good morning," he said.

"Good morning," she replied. "I didn't mean to wake you, I was a bit surprised to see you though. I thought Jason was dropping you at your hotel."

"They messed up the reservation, and it was late, so JC invited me to crash on the couch. I hope you don't mind." Paul explained.

"No, it's fine with me, you are always welcome here. It is a pleasure to see you."

Paul's was now aware that his body was not covered and that his cock was long and hard right now. But he didn't make an attempt to cover himself up, nor did Mrs. Clarkson make an attempt to divert her eyes from him.

"Well, I'm off to my sister's. I'll be gone all day, I hope to see you later tonight." She said as she managed to pull herself away and head to the door. She found herself hoping that Paul would still be here when she returned late tonight. "Ok, have a good day." Paul said, a bit disappointed that she was leaving.

But, that feeling went away quickly. He was a bit shocked that she was clearly checking him out, but he enjoyed it. However, now his mind turned to her hot husband that he hoped was up in his bed.

He listened for the car to start and back out of the driveway. Once he heard it take off down the street, he leaped from the couch.

He softly walked up the stairs and crept into JC's bedroom. JC was on his side, sleeping. Paul could see his naked body that the sheet was only partly covering. He dropped his trunks to the floor and stepped out of them. Then, he crawled into his friend's bed, spooning the hot, sexy man.

Still half asleep, JC accepted warm, muscular body as it pressed against him. He felt Paul's breath on his neck, and then felt his moist tongue begin to glide up and down it. JC could feel Paul's rock hard cock against his ass and he pushed back at it to rub it with his cheeks.

Paul took that as permission and began to grind pretty hard against his friend.

Soon the two men were groaning and the grinding became more rough and demonstrative.

Paul pushed JC onto his stomach and spread his friend's legs. He dove quickly down into the sweaty, hairy crevice and began to tongue fuck JC's wonderful ass. Paul slobbered all over JC's hole, darting his tongue in and out of his friend's hole much to JC's delight.

Justin woke up to pee. He was pretty sure he had heard his mom head downstairs and wondered where she might be off to so early on a Saturday.

When Justin came out of the bathroom, he stood and admired his two new lovers. All three boys had shifted plenty during the night, and now Jay was asleep on one side of the bed, Kevin was face down on the other side. Justin had been in the middle. Kevin opened his eyes, lifted his head and turned back to look at Justin. The two boys shared a lovely grin.

Justin raised his finger to his mouth, telling Kevin to keep quiet. Jay was still asleep and Justin wanted to take the opportunity to play with Kevin a bit before his big brother woke up.

Justin got back in the bed as Kevin put his head back down on to the pillow. Justin pulled the sheet down slowly exposing Kevin's wonderful back side. Justin moved down between Kevin's legs and went to town on the younger boy's ass. Kevin's ass was smooth and tight, but Justin could taste and smell the sweat that accumulated through the night. Kevin was enjoying Justin's wet, warm tongue as it moved in and out and across his tight hole. Kevin tried to keep quiet, burying his face in the pillow to stifle the moans.

Paul was loving the taste and smells of JC's ass but he needed his cock inside it. So, he mounted JC and thrust in hard. His cock burned JC's hole even though he had moistened it up fairly well.

JC took it like the man he was and before long, Paul was gliding in and out freely. JC laid there, in absolute heaven, certain that he could have Paul fuck him the entire day. He could only assume that his wife was gone and that Justin was still asleep in his room, but at this point he didn't really care. His buddy Paul was fucking him and everything was perfect.

Justin had Kevin worked up into quite a lather. He was ready for it, and just in case Justin wasn't sure, Kevin lifted his head up, turned towards Justin and mouthed:

"Fuck me!" to Justin.

Justin obliged. Justin's cock burned Kevin even though Justin had moistened it up fairly well.

Kevin took it like a man, and before long, Justin was gliding in and out freely. Kevin laid there in absolute heaven, certain that he could have Justin him fuck him the entire day. His brother was next to him asleep, but he didn't care, in fact he hoped he would wake soon so he could take over after Justin dumped his hot load in him.

JC couldn't hold it any longer and started driving back onto Paul and moaning pretty loudly as Paul's cock continued to massage his prostate.

He was going to cum all over his sheets. He should stop and get a towel or something.

"Oh fuck, yes, Paul, don't stop, I am gonna nut." JC whispered to his former roommate.

Paul did as JC requested and continued pumping his big cock deep into his ass. Paul was delighted when he felt JC's ass clench around his cock and JC's body spasm uncontrollably as he had brought his friend to an amazing climax.

Surprisingly, Paul wasn't done yet so he didn't slow down at all and JC benefitted. JC's orgasm just continued on and on. His balls eventually stopped shooting out cum, but his prostate continued to jump and send shockwaves through his entire body.

************************* Justin couldn't hold it any longer and started driving into Kevin at a heated pace. He began to moan loudly as Kevin's ass seem to grab his cock tighter and tighter each time he thrust into it.

He was going to cum deep inside this wonderful ass.

"Oh fuck, Kevin, keep squeezing my cock, I am gonna nut." Justin whispered to his friend's younger brother.

Kevin did as Justin requested and continued driving back and clenching down on Justin's cock. Kevin was delighted when he felt Justin's cock drive into him even deeper and his cockhead swell up inside him. He felt Justin's whole body spasm uncontrollably as Justin's hot liquid poured into his chute.

Surpisingly, Kevin wasn't done yet so he didn't slow down at all and Justin benefitted. Justin's orgasm just continued on and on. His balls eventually stopped shooting out cum, but his cockhead continued to jump and send shockwaves through his entire body.

Jay had woken as things got heated between Justin and Kevin and enjoyed the amazing show. Now, he could tell that Justin was done and struggling to continue as his cock became more and more sensitive.

So, he slipped off his boxers, rubbed some of his own saliva on his throbbing cock, and tapped on Justin's shoulder. Justin looked over and smiled.

Jay mouthed:

"My turn."

Kevin was oblivious to the movements behind him. His head was buried in the pillow but he was consistently rocking back and forth, using Justin's cock for his own pleasure now.

Justin removed his cock from Kevin.

"What the? You can't stop now Just." Kevin said as he lifted his head and turned back.

Jay jammed his cock in quickly.

"Fuck yeah, Jay, it's your turn." Kevin said as he put his head back down and began to rock again.

It didn't take Jay long. He could feel Justin's cum swirling around his cock as he slammed it in and out of his brother which added to the amazing feeling of being inside his brother. Kevin was beginning to moan louder as the sensations had been building the whole time while Justin was inside him. Now, having his brother in him brought him to a higher level. Yesterday's sex marathon was incredible, but he could be fucked by these two all day long and still not have enough.

As they did yesterday, the two brothers exploded at the same time. Kevin's load sprayed all over Justin's sheets while Jay's cum spurted into Kevin's ass and mixed with Justin's. The two boys slowed together in unison and Jay softly and slowly exited his brother.

Justin watched as his friend's cock slid out and immediately dove at Kevin's opening. Justin had become quite a cum slut and he took the opportunity to slurp up as much cum that oozed out of Kevin.

"Oh fuck! Stop! I can't take anymore," Kevin said, half-serious.

Jay laughed, and Justin kept on slurping.

When he got all that he could, Justin stopped and said:

"Sorry, Kev, I just wanted to clean you up a bit there."

Paul was still steadily fucking JC, but JC finally had enough:

"Of fuck! Paul, stop, I can't take anymore, plus I want you to feed me your cum. I want to eat your hot load."

Paul obliged and slid his dick out of his friend rather quickly and flipped JC over onto his back.

Paul crawled up onto JC, resting his knees on JC's shoulders, effectively pinning him down.

Paul rose up and began to fuck JC's mouth with reckless abandon. JC wasn't ready for this and gagged several times before accepting Paul's cock into his throat.

Once Paul's cock entered JC's throat, Paul was at the edge. Four more hard thrusts and JC got the load he wanted. Paul had been fucking JC for so long, he had built up quite a massive amount of cum and now JC was struggling to gulp it all down. Paul kept up the rhythm and fucked his friend's mouth while he fired over 10 shots that JC gladly accepted.

When Paul finished, he rolled off his friend. JC wasn't quite done and he went down onto Paul's cock and began to slurp off all the remains. Paul writhed as JC continued to work on his now sensitive cock. JC just kept slurping.

Paul finally had to pull JC off of his cock.

JC said, "Sorry, Paul, I just wanted to clean you up a bit there."

The two men lay there, basking in the hot session. JC could feel his cum sticking to his back, realizing he needed a shower.

He heard the noise of Justin's shower turning on. He jumped up quickly. He had forgotten they weren't alone. He grabbed a towel, threw it around his waist and tossed one at Paul.

"Get the fuck downstairs and into the basement shower, before Justin gets out. I'm jumping in here. And take your fucking underwear with!" JC said as he walked towards the bathroom door.

Paul jumped up and covered himself and tiptoed out of the room. He paused for a second at Justin's door and put his hand on the knob.

"I could innocently say that I thought I was supposed to use Justin's shower," Paul thought to himself as he turned the knob.

He was disappointed to find the door locked. All 3 boys were in the shower, so they hadn't heard the knob turn.

JC was the first down to the kitchen, so he started the coffee and got some eggs and bacon cooking. He had noticed Jay's car parked on the street. He hadn't seen that last night.

"That explains why Justin had the door locked last night. He was fucking the shit out of Jay." JC thought to himself with a twinge of jealousy.

"Or maybe it was that hot fucking brother of his." He thought further, this time with a twinge of excitement that Kevin might be in his house.

So, he was making a big breakfast for four. He knew how Justin ate so he figured Jay or Kevin would eat the same. And Paul certainly must have worked up quite an appetite from their morning workout.

The boys showered and Justin loaned them some swim trunks. They all headed downstairs in just those, silently admiring each other's exposed chests.

Mr. Clarkson heard the boys bounce down the stairs and ramble into the kitchen. He was surprised to see 3 of them. Amazing thoughts ran through his head quickly, both about what might have been going on in that room all night, and what he might get to do with the little hottie Kevin.

"What's up Pops?" Justin asked his dad as he went directly to the refrigerator.

"Not much son. Looks like we had a full house last night, huh." Mr. Clarkson said as he glanced at Jay and then Kevin, keeping his eyes longer on Kevin.

"Nah, just Jay and Kevin. We're gonna go swimming today so they spent the night." Justin explained.

"Well, you know you boys are always welcome in this house, now, Justin why don't you get your guests some juice and grab a seat and I'll serve up some breakfast." Mr. C said as he grabbed some more bacon to throw in the pan.

"I saw your car this morning, Jay, so I figured you were up there, but I didn't know Kevin stayed too, so I need to cook a little more, but you guys can get started." Mr. C continued talking while cooking and glancing over at the boys.

Jay was a bit uncomfortable as usual being in the room with Mr. C. He really enjoyed the sex with Mr. C but he was now realizing he would much rather be with Justin and Kevin. Sitting there in the kitchen, being served food by the man, he decided that he would no longer have sex with Mr. C.

Kevin felt uncomfortable, too. He didn't know what it was but the way Mr. C looked at him made him feel uneasy.

"Mr. C was a cool dad, but the last few times he has seen him, he kinda freaked me out." Kevin thought to himself as Justin poured him some orange juice.

"Dad, it looks like you have plenty of food there, why are you cooking more?" Justin asked just as Paul entered the kitchen.

The boys froze, surprised to see Mr. Jordan. Jay and Justin immediately turned red and Kevin noticed their reaction. He had seen what went on, and now he was uncomfortable for them.

"I told you we had a full house last night," said Mr. C, "boys this is Mr. Jordan, my old college roommate. Paul, this is Jay and his younger brother, Kevin. And of course you remember Justin."

"Hey boys, nice to meet you." Paul said as he looked squarely at Jay who he had definitely already met.

Jay played along, "Nice to meet you too Mr. Jordan."

Kevin just mumbled hi and looked down. He began to second guess all of this man sex, he wanted to just be alone with Jay and Justin.

"And how are you doing, Justin?" Paul said as he walked up and tussled Justin's hair.

"I'm doing great, about to eat a hot breakfast served up by the man over there, and then gonna spend the day relaxing in the pool." Justin replied, although how he managed to spit all that out with his insides freaking out he had know idea.

Maybe it was the nerves, but he kept on:

"And it would be even better, if Pops over there would let us have a few brewskies by the pool."

Mr. C just turned and rolled his eyes a bit.

"Paul, there is coffee if you want some, I am almost finished with the food and then we can eat." said JC, ignoring his son's request although in his mind he was thinking he just might as it could help loosen up the young one.

"Thanks, JC, I'm starving." Paul said, grinning at his friend.

So, the five men sat and ate breakfast. The talk moved freely as usually it was about sports or what the boys were studying in school, very easy and casual conversations.

The boys agreed to do the dishes and Paul and JC changed into their swim suits as they were planning on a lazy day by the pool as well.

As the time approached noon, Mr. C was beginning to thirst for a cold beer. They had been out on the deck or in the pool for almost two hours and the fullness feeling from breakfast had subsided.

He knew his wife wasn't going to be home until late and on days when she visited her sister like this, she often ended up calling, saying she decided to spend the night.

"Although she was quite horny, she might need to get home for some more of her Jason." Mr. Clarkson thought as he immediately began to get hard.

He decided she probably was a bit worn out and would stay over. So, he figured it was ok to let the boys have some beers. He knew that his real motivation was to get Kevin a little buzzed and then casually bump into him inside and see if he was as willing as his brother to take a man's cock.

Mr. Clarkson stood up quickly and announced:

"Ok, gentlemen, it's beer time."

Mr. C had forgotten that he hadn't gotten hard while plotting. Paul certainly noticed as Paul had been floating at the edge of the pool admiring his friend's body and was quite hard himself.

Jay saw it and kinda freaked that Justin might see it, so he immediately dunked Justin to distract him.

Kevin noticed and Mr. C's eyes locked on Kevin's. The man knew that Kevin saw, and Kevin knew that Mr. C knew he saw. Kevin looked away and then dove into the scrum of Justin and Jay.

Mr. C headed into the kitchen to get the beer.

Justin had heard his dad but figured he hadn't meant that he, Jay nor Kevin would be allowed to have any so he didn't react.

When Mr. Clarkson came out with a stack of Solo cups and a case of beer, Justin's eyes lit up. Jay noticed and looked over to see. Jay was happy to enjoy a few beers, but he was a bit worried because of how things turned out the first time Mr. C offered him some beer.

He had to be strong, there would be no more bending over for Mr. C. Justin was the only Clarkson that would be inside him.

He looked over at Justin.

"How could I have done this to him? If he ever found out, he would hate me forever. And I wouldn't blame him one bit." Jay thought to himself as he dove deep into the water to hopefully clear his conscience.

Justin was now chilling with Kevin but had an eye on Mr. Jordan. He remembered that Kevin had seen Jay and him with Mr. Jordan. He instantly regretted the whole event. Actually, he went further and was regretting the night before, when he had gone into his own room and mounted his Dad's college roommate.

"What a sick pig I was. How could I do that? If Jay found out, he would hate me forever." Justin thought to himself.

He looked at Mr. Jordan again.

"Yes, Mr. Jordan was hot and it was an amazing time, and Jay was with him by the pool, but if Jay found out I just walked in there and let him fuck me, he would think I was nuts!"

Justin was feeling nervous so he jumped on Kevin and took him under the water. The two boys wrestled a bit, all in fun. Justin felt better when he surfaced.

"Just try to forget about all that stuff and leave it alone." Justin said to himself when he and Kevin broke free from each other.

Paul could sense the tension with the boys as well and was feeling terrible.

"What if JC found out? He would never speak to me again. I can't risk that, I wouldn't know what to do if I lost JC. I gotta set these boys straight."

Paul jumped into the water and swam up to Justin, grabbing his legs under the water and easily flipping him under. He then dragged him to the corner of the pool for some much needed privacy.

Justin was panicking a bit but figured it was all in fun as he wouldn't try anything with Kevin around and his Dad nearby in the house. So, he didn't fight it and let Mr. Jordan drag him along under the water.

When they hit far corner, Mr. Jordan released Justin from his grip. Justin surfaced with a splash. Mr. Jordan put him in a bear hug immediately and whispered in his ear:

"Hey kid, that was a lot of fun the other day, but there is no more and there is no discussion about it ever again. Understood?" Mr. Jordan said forcefully but softly into Justin's ear.

Actually, the forcefully part was from the tight grip Mr. Jordan put Justin in.

"Yes, sir" was all Justin could muster.

That was all he needed to muster as it was all Mr. Jordan needed to hear. He freed Justin and dove back in pretending that Justin had pushed him under.

He rose again and shouted out:

"OK truce, you got me!"

Then, Mr. Jordan dove under again and swam to the opposite side of pool.

Jay had just surfaced but Kevin had watched the whole thing and knew something was up. He looked at Justin who was a bit shaken by the whole thing, but decided to lighten the mood, so he grabbed the basketball.

"Which one of you ladies wants to take me on?" Kevin asked, regretting it as soon as it came out.

Both boys didn't even notice the sexual innuendo but rather took it for the real meaning and both were chomping at the bit to show their superiority.

"Please, Kev, I am gonna own you!" Jay said just before Justin said:

"You're mine bitch. I will destroy you."

Mr. Clarkson had finished loading the cooler with the beer and was now pouring out 5 cold ones.

"If any of you tell Mrs. Clarkson about this, you are dead. You understand me?" Mr. C said as he passed out the cups of beer.

"Thanks, Mr. C, We won't tell!" Jay said.

Kevin accepted the beer but didn't say anything, knowing that Jay's response was enough.

Justin was a bit further away but he swam over quickly, grabbed the beer and said:

"Thanks, Pops, we'll be cool. This is awesome. Now, Kevin, let's go, you're mine."

Jay looked bewildered that Justin was taking the first game.

"Hey buddy, it's my house, you got next." Said Justin.

Everyone laughed.

The beer flowed freely the rest of the afternoon and the pool basketball games got more intense. At one point there was the old guys vs. the young guys which proved to be quite a match. There was plenty of physical play, as there always is in water basketball, but no one got out of line sexually.

Kevin had to pee. He got out of the pool and began to dry off to head in to the bathroom.

Since there was a break in the action and the last of the beer had just been opened, Mr. C took the opportunity to go inside as well.

Kevin didn't notice as he was rushing as he had to pee pretty bad.

He raced in ahead of Mr. C.

The relief felt great and Kevin seemed to pee for a long time.

As he opened the door to leave the bathroom, Mr. C was standing there blocking the way.

His cock was soft but in plain sight as he had dropped his trunks.

"Hey Kevin, I thought you might like a taste of this before your next beer." Mr. C said to Kevin.

Kevin was shocked and frightened.

"Why would Mr. C be doing this? He is a married man!" Kevin thought.

Kevin tried to laugh it off as he had no idea what to do.

"Haha yeah Mr. C, I'll stick to the beer, thanks." Kevin said as he tried to walk by. "I guess you really had to go, needed to whip it out already, huh?"

"Fuck you kid, you know you want it." Mr. C said as he pushed Kevin back into the bathroom.

Kevin started to cry.

"What are you doing? Let me by!" Kevin said as he fought back the tears.

Mr. C began to grope Kevin, tugging at his swim trunks.

Mr. Clarkson was drunk. While cooking and eating breakfast, he had managed to slip ample amounts of vodka into his orange juice. Then, every time he went in to the bathroom, he would sneak a shot of tequila or two. Out by the pool, he was doing the most damage to the case of beer that he had put out.

Kevin had a little buzz going, although he only had three beers. However, the buzz was quickly disappearing.

"Come on Kev, take off those trunks. Let Mr. C give you my big fat cock. Your brother loves it, so will you." Mr. C said, slurring a bit now.

Kevin began to struggle more, as he was now starting to panic.

"Did he just say my brother loves it? No fucking way. No fucking way does Jay let this pig fuck him." Kevin thought to himself as continued to try to get away from the drunk man.

Then Kevin started to think about it. He did see Jay and Justin with that other guy. But, Mr. Clarkson? How could Jay do that? But, maybe Mr. Clarkson forced himself on Jay like he is doing now and Jay didn't want to make trouble for Justin and let him do it.

Kevin thought maybe he should do the same.

But his natural instinct took over and wasn't going to let this man do this. He tried to knee Mr. Clarkson in the dick, but missed. Mr. Clarkson gripped him tighter, pinning him against the sink. Then, Mr. Clarkson spun Kevin around and bent him over. His head was pressed against the wall, his neck and shoulders were done on the faucet, which really hurt as the metal pressed into him.

Mr. Clarkson's cock, even as drunk as he was, stood straight out. It was rock solid. He was grinding it into Kevin's ass. Thankfully, for Kevin, Mr. Clarkson hadn't managed to get Kevin's swim suit all the way down yet, so he hadn't been able to penetrate Kevin's hole. The hole that would have been a little easier to penetrate because of the heavy use that Jay and Justin had put on it this morning. Kevin wasn't going to let Mr. Clarkson enter, however, not without a tremendous fight.

But, the larger man had him completely pinned. Kevin was using all of his strength and Mr. Clarkson wasn't budging.

Mr. Clarkson had to free a hand to get Kevin's trunks all the way down. Kevin hoped it would give him the opportunity to free himself and get out of here.

Mr. Clarkson's hands were firmly on Kevin's shoulders, pressing down hard. Mr. C's had Kevin's lower body pinned against the cabinets under the sink.

Mr. Clarkson removed his right hand first. Kevin pushed up with all his might and successfully raised his face off the wall and his right shoulder off the faucet. But, then Mr. Clarkson dropped his elbow into the middle of Kevin's back and Kevin slammed back down, banging hard into the faucet.

Once Mr. Clarkson had Kevin pinned again with just the one forearm pressing down hard against him, he took his left hand off Kevin's shoulders and tugged at Kevin's swim suit until they dropped to his thighs.

Kevin was defeated. He began to softly sob and waited for the awful feeling of being invaded by his new lover's father. Kevin could feel Mr. Clarkson's precum drip onto his ass. And then the wet, bulbous cock head touch his skin and slide to his crack.

Kevin began to feel nauseous. He might actually throw up.

"Wouldn't that be nice, you fucking jagoff? I'll puke while you are raping me, that should really turn you on." Kevin thought.

In a last ditch effort, Kevin began to plead:

"Please, Mr. C, please don't. I don't want you to do this."

"Shut up and take it like a man. If Justin gets a piece of this ass, I deserve it too." Mr. Clarkson said in an incredibly nasty tone.

Mr. Clarkson positioned his cock head at Kevin's hole.

"Fuck yeah, you little cock whore, you are gonna love this." Mr. Clarkson said as he began to press against Kevin's rosebud.

Mr. Clarkson looked up into the mirror. He was gonna watch himself fucking this beautiful boy in the reflection.

Instead, he saw what was really happening. He saw a monster raping a sweet, innocent boy.

He stopped immediately and backed away.

"Oh god, oh god, Kevin, I am so sorry. I have no idea what I was doing. Please forgive me. I am so sorry." Mr. Clarkson said.

Kevin slowly rose up, thankful but confused and suspicious about what Mr. Clarkson was saying.

He stood straight up and quickly pulled his trunks up, tying them tightly.

Mr. Clarkson walked to him as to hug him.

"I am so sorry." Mr. Clarkson said as tears began to stream down his face.

"Don't touch me, you fucking pig." Kevin yelled as he tried to wipe his own eyes.

And then the nausea hit hard. And Kevin turned and puked in the toilet. The beer, orange juice, eggs and bacon all came pouring out.

Mr. Clarkson tried to gather himself. He pulled up his swim suit. He wanted to hug the boy, assure him that it was over and it would never happen again. But Kevin wanted nothing of that.

So, he began rambling.

"Kevin, please, I am so sorry. Please don't tell anyone, I'll never do it again. I don't know what got into me. I drank too much. I'll never meant to hurt you."

Kevin didn't say anything. When the dry heaves had stopped, he looked at himself in the mirror, threw water on his face, dried his hands and face off and headed out the door.

Without turning to look at Mr. Clarkson, he said:

"I won't tell. I wouldn't do that to Justin."

And he headed back outside.

He was white as a ghost, but tried to act casual when he got out.

"Hey Jay, I just got sick, so I am gonna go home. Call me later if you need a ride." Kevin said as he started to head back in.

"Justin, I'm gonna run up and grab my stuff, I'll hang these up in the bathroom, ok?" He said to Justin, having trouble looking at anyone.

"Sure, Kev, are you ok? You could just lay down in my bed if you want." Justin offered.

Kevin had to get out of this house, so he replied:

"No, that's ok, thanks for everything. I'll see you guys later."

Kevin went racing up the stairs and locked Justin's door behind him. He quickly changed. He ran to the bathroom once again tho as he had another round of dry heaves. He began to cry once again. After a few minutes, he gathered himself again, finished getting dressed and headed downstairs.

Kevin was careful to check to see if Mr. Clarkson was around before heading downstairs. He could see the first floor bathroom door was still closed so he assumed the drunk douche bag was still in there.

"He's probably passed out or stroking one out, getting his rocks off from raping me." Kevin thought as he raced down the stairs and out of the house.

Mr. Clarkson was not passed out, nor was he stroking his cock. He was sitting on the toilet, sobbing uncontrollably. He believed Kevin wasn't going to tell, but it didn't change the fact that he had just done that.

"I wonder what's up with Kevin, he sure didn't look good." Jay said a bit concerned about his brother.

"Yeah, that was weird. He only had like two beers, so it wasn't like he was drunk or anything." Justin said.

"I think I'll go check on him," Jay said as he got out of the pool.

He turned towards the street and saw their car pull away. He waved but Kevin wasn't looking.

"Oh well, he just left. I dunno, I'll text him to tell me when he gets home." Jay said and jumped back in the pool.

Mr. Clarkson cleaned himself up a bit, and headed out of the bathroom. He went straight to the kitchen, grabbed the tequila bottle and took a decent swig. He headed back outside.

Mr. Clarkson certainly had regained control.

"Fuck that little tease. Yeah, I shouldn't have pinned him down, but I know he wanted it, he just chickened out. I saw him lay down for Justin. The little slut. He is too chicken to say anything, and I would just deny it. Who would believe him over me. I'm a married man. I could threaten him about Justin anyway. And Jay would never admit to me fucking him, because Justin would hate him, and I know he doesn't want to give up that piece of ass." Mr. Clarkson had worked this all out in his head during his second swig of the tequila.

"Hey, what happened? Did we lose somebody?" He said as he tried to make a grand entrance.

"Yeah, Kevin said he wasn't feeling well and went home." Justin answered.

Justin didn't want his Dad to think Kevin got sick from drinking. He might pull the plug on beers for him and Jay.

Mr. Clarkson jumped in the pool.

"Oh too bad, now you two have an excuse when me and Mr. Jordan kick your ass in basketball right now." Mr. C said to Jay and Justin.

Jay and Justin certainly not willing to back down from the challenge, said in unison:

"Yeah right, bring it on!"

And the afternoon went on as it had been. Mr. Clarkson was getting a little frisky with Jay but nothing noticeable, and Mr. Jordan was doing the same to Justin. The two boys were more into the game, and although they didn't mind the occasional inappropriate touch, they didn't acknowledge or return it. They focused on the game.

By four o'clock, the four of them were worn out. Paul and JC dropped into the lounge chairs. Jay and Justin headed upstairs.

Jealousy fired through Mr. Clarkson's body quickly as he watched Justin and Jay head upstairs.

"Fuck them, going upstairs to play video games my ass! Those two little fags are going to suck each other's cocks off. Or maybe that little slut will take Justin's big fat cock up his ass." Mr. Clarkson thought and it of course got him immediately horny.

"Its ok, I don't need Jay or Kevin, I got myself a real man right here." He said and got up off his lounge chair.

He walked over to where Paul was sitting and dropped his swim suit.

"JC what the fuck are you doing?" Paul asked, shocked.

"Suck it, bitch, I know you want to." JC ordered.

"Yeah, of course I want to, but out here? What if the boys come back out?" Paul asked as he started to massage his friend's hardening cock.

"Fuck them, they are upstairs playing games or fucking or whatever, they won't be down for awhile." Mr. Clarkson answered.

Paul noticed the slur. He looked up at JC and realized his friend was pretty drunk. He was now worked up himself and wanted to get some of JC's cock inside him, but he knew that JC was being too risky because he was drunk.

"Well, let's go in the pool at least." Paul said as he got up and ushered JC to the pool and sat him down on the edge.

Paul jumped in and swim up between JC's legs.

Paul began to lightly tease JC's cock with his tongue.

"Fuck that teasing shit, suck on it hard." JC said and grabbed Paul's head with both hands and forced his cock deep into Paul's mouth.

He fucked Paul's face harder than what Paul had done to him earlier. Paul gagged and pulled back but JC kept forcing it down Paul's throat.

Paul finally freed himself from JC's grip and went under the water. He resurfaced a bit away, coughing from the abuse his throat had just taken.

JC jumped in and grabbed him from behind.

"I'll just stick it in your ass instead." JC said as he dragged Paul over to the side of the pool.

Paul was completely fine with playing rough. His throat couldn't take the abuse, but he was certain his ass could. And, he definitely wanted his man, JC, inside of him.

JC tugged Paul's swim suit down to his thighs and began to try to jam his cock into Paul.

Paul took his suit down the rest of the way and stepped out of it and spread wide to take his friend.

He pushed himself back away from the side so he could bend over a bit for even better access.

Then, he reached back and grabbed JC's cock and positioned it at his hole.

His drunk friend was able to do the rest and drive it in.

JC would wobble from time to time and slip out, but he would find his way back in to Paul's wanting hole.

They certainly weren't making love, but Paul was thoroughly enjoying the fucking that he was getting from his friend.

JC was slurring but giving Paul quite a verbal assault which was enhancing the fuck for Paul.

After 20 minutes or so, JC was tiring and was still nowhere close to cumming. His head was spinning. Paul had already rubbed out a load into the water with JC not even realizing and was working on his second one. JC had no idea, but he was delivering perfect thrusts over Paul's prostate and the nasty talk had Paul at the edge once again. Paul clenched down as hard as he could as his prostate went wild and his whole body shook. It was a light load that pumped out of his cock into the water, but inside his body was vibrating in pleasure. JC again hadn't noticed and just kept up the onslaught. Paul was coming down now and wasn't sure how much more he could take. Finally, JC fell back, completely worn out. Paul looked back at his drunk and soon to be passed out friend, and smiled.

"Too bad for you, but it was fucking amazing for me." He thought as he swam over to assist JC.

Paul helped his friend out of the pool, and wrapped a towel around his waist. He had grabbed JC's swim suit from the bottom of the pool but wasn't about to try to put it on.

Paul walked JC in to the house and up the stairs. He guided him into his bedroom and JC plopped himself in the bed.

Paul wanted to snuggle up next to his drunk friend, but knew that Justin was nearby. He could use a nap as well, so he decided to just crash on the couch.

He closed JC's door and headed downstairs.

He paused at Justin's door. Again thinking he could use the excuse that JC had told him to use Justin's shower, he turned the knob.

This time it turned. His cock jumped at the lovely vision of walking in on these two boys fucking. He walked in quietly. The two boys were in Justin's bed, but they were sound asleep, still in their swim suits. They weren't even cuddling.

If he hadn't just experienced two of the most explosive orgasms, he might have ordered these two hotties awake for some servicing. But he himself was a bit worn out.

Paul left the room, leaving the door open. He headed downstairs for a nap of his own.

So, Mr. Clarkson is not the nice guy he seemed to be. What do you think?

Next: Chapter 16

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