The Clarksons

By Jason Clarkson

Published on May 17, 2012


If you are not of legal rights and/or age to read any type of adult literature or if you find the material offensive, please do not read any further. The author and site cannot be held liable as you agree to accept all responsibility for reading said material. If you wish to contact the author of this series, please do so at, I will respond to all e-mails. This story is fiction. All names, descriptions and actions of the characters are not real.

Sorry for the long delay! - JC

Tim heard the door close and immediately pulled back the covers giving him better access to his rock hard cock. He had just a great few days with his girlfriend but the sight of his cousin and his friends had him horned up like crazy.

He could swear the apartment smelled like sex, but he just figured it was his sex crazed mind playing tricks on him.

Tim got right to work, stroking his cock, thinking about his cousin Justin. The way he struts around in just a towel around here when he stays drives Tim wild.

"Fuck, Justin, one of these times, I am gonna go for it." Tim said as he stroked his decent sized cock.

He knew he didn't have much cum in him after fucking his girlfriend 5 times over the last 2 days, but he felt the intensity building as he thought of his cousin slipping into his room after a shower, dropping his towel and mounting his cock.

Tim imagined going deep inside his cousin while he slid his hands up and down the kid's hot chest.

"Oh yes, Justin, take my cock, take it deep. You're so hot. Oh yes!" Tim yelled out as a couple of shots splashed his stomach and more cum leaked out onto his hand.

As his breathing settled down, Tim licked up the cum off his hand and began to drift off to sleep.

He thought he heard a noise in the apartment but was too tired to get up and see what was up. Plus, he loved the feeling of his cum slowly drying on his stomach and didn't want to have to wipe it off.

What he had heard was Jay running back in to get the car keys. Jay had been quiet as possible as he figured Tim would be in bed already and didn't want to disturb him.

As Jay had tip-toed through the apartment finding the keys, he had heard Tim yell out. Jay dropped the keys in shock as he heard Tim yell out while cumming.

"Oh fuck," Jay thought, "Tim wants to fuck his cousin!"

Jay got out of the house quickly as he certainly didn't want Tim to know that he was in the apartment when Tim was jacking off in his room.

Now, he had to decide if he wanted to tell his friend about Tim or not.

When Jay got out to the car, Kevin and Justin were in the car, both almost passed out already. All three of the boys had an unbelievable day of sex, all being fucked more times than they would have ever imagined, and now fatigue was settling in.

Jay realized he was the designated driver. Luckily, the beer didn't flow as freely once the final rounds of sex started, so Jay was pretty sure he was under the legal limit.

"I guess I'm driving," Jay said as he hopped in the car.

"Yeah, bud, you are. But the good news is, you guys are staying at my house, so it's a shorter drive." Justin explained, barely able to open his eyes.

"Yeah, Jay, I just called mom and told her. I told her I stopped over after work to pick you up, but Justin invited us to stay and swim and stuff since it is so nice out."

Jay looked back at Kevin through the rear view mirror and smiled.

"My little bro has quite the devious mind, I see." Jay thought as he pulled away.

Jay had a twinge of disappointment as he realized he wouldn't be able to be alone with Kevin in their room tonight, but then he decided they were both too tired anyway to enjoy it. And, they still had a few weeks before he left for school again to explore their newly found love for each other.

Jay parked the car on the street and woke up his friend and brother, as they both slept the last 5 minutes of the ride.

Justin said, "I'm not sure who is home or anything, but is it cool if we just go straight up to bed? I don't feel like swimming or anything."

Kevin just grunted as he dragged himself out of the back seat.

Jay said, "Yeah, that's cool Justin."

Jay realized he was actually wide awake now after the short drive. But, he figured he would be able to get to sleep anyway.

The guys walked into a quiet house. Justin guided the brothers upstairs. Kevin had never been upstairs at Justin's so he followed Jay who headed into Justin's room. Justin meanwhile softly opened his parent's bedroom door to see if they were home.

The room was dark but he could see his Mom under the covers on her side of the bed. His dad was not there.

"Justin, is that you?" Mrs. Clarkson asked.

"Yeah, mom, Jay and Kevin are here too, they are going to sleep over," answered Justin.

"OK, sweetie, don't stay up too late. Your dad had to go pick up his friend Paul from the airport. I guess he had an emergency with his client and had to come right back." Mrs. Clarkson explained. "They should be home soon."

Justin was exhausted, but his cock immediately sprang to attention.

"Mr. Jordan was coming back already! Oh man, I hope me and Jay can have some more fun with him," thought Justin.

"And Kevin, too!!" he added to himself as he headed to his room after saying goodnight to his mother.

Justin smiled as he saw the two brothers already stripped down to their boxers laying in Justin's bed. They were both rock hard and snuggling with each other. Justin quickly rid himself of his clothes and after carefully verifying the bedroom door was locked, joined Kevin and Jay in his bed.

Justin jumped on to the bed in plopped between the boys, causing them to separate.

Justin lay on his back and wrapped an arm around each of the brothers. They naturally snuggled in against his chest, each straddling a leg across one of Justin's.

"Well, that was one amazing day, eh boys?" asked Justin.

"Truly amazing," Jay said.

"Unbelievable," Kevin said as he yawned, "but I am wiped out."

"Yeah, me too," answered Justin, "I gotta crash but I am looking forward to waking up with you two studs in my bed."

"Yeah," Jay answered, "let's get some sleep and have some more fun in the morning."

Justin and Kevin didn't answer as they were both already out. Jay lay there listening to the peaceful rhythm of his friend and brother breathing as they slept.

Jay took the opportunity to run his hands slowly up and down his friend's body. Jay loved the feel of the soft skin as his fingers glided over Justin's torso. Jay pulled the sheets all the way down so he could continue down Justin's legs. Now, Jay's fingers were treated to a more coarse feeling as they made their way through Justin's hairy legs. The tiny hairs on Justin's foot tickled Jay's finger a bit and he played with them a bit before he made his way back up the other leg. This leg, however, was partially covered by Kevin's leg, but Jay managed to navigate up without touching Kevin.

"Your body is next, Kev," Jay said to himself, "after I finish with my boy Justin here."

Jay made his way past Justin's boxers back onto Justin's stomach. This time, he stopped and ran his fingers back and forth over Justin's trail of hair above the waistband of his boxers to his belly button.

Jay then softly and slowly slid his finger up the middle of Justin's body, past his chest, up his neckline and jaw, all the way to Justin's lips.

Justin didn't move but when Jay's finger touched his lips, he kissed it. Jay was surprised as he thought Justin was still sleeping.

Jay looked up at Justin, but that was only the reaction Justin gave. Jay repeated the finger route several times up and down Justin's body and each time Justin would kiss Jay's finger.

Jay decided to make one more trip down and up Justin's body, but when he played with Justin's trail on this last time, he slid his finger down again, over the waistband of the boxers and into the opening and into Justin's pubic hairs.

Jay now used all of his fingers to dig in and pull out Justin's soft cock. Jay pleasantly watched Justin's cock start to come to life as he slid one finger up and down and around his friend's still little dick.

Jay took Justin's cock in his mouth while it was still relatively soft. He held it in there and felt it pulsing as the blood rushed into it. Before long, Jay had a mouthful of Justin's cock and his saliva was over producing to account for the invasion. Jay used the added juice to fully slobber his friend's cock and then slowly began to suck on it.

He softly rested his head on Justin's stomach and sucked on Justin's now rock hard cock like a baby on a bottle.

Mr. Clarkson felt his cock jump when he saw Paul at the curb at the airport arrivals waiting for him. Mr. Clarkson and Paul hadn't talked about the cam show. Paul had simply left a text with the time and terminal. Mr. Clarkson hoped Paul had first of all seen him fuck his wife, and second, hoped that Paul enjoyed it.

Paul tossed his bag in the back seat and hopped into the car. He was all over his buddy JC within seconds.

The two men kissed aggressively for a few seconds and then JC pushed Paul away.

"Hey Paul, nice to see you again, but not here, man. Let me get you to your hotel." JC said to his friend.

"OK, sorry JC. It was just so fucking hot to see you fucking on cam, I just want some of that cock." Paul replied.

"Soon enough, my friend! And I am glad to hear you enjoyed that, I didn't plan it, it just happened. I don't know what got into her today, but we sure had fun." JC said as he pulled away.

Paul began to rub himself through his jeans as he was really turned on again, thinking about the hot cam show.

JC looked over and saw Paul's long, thick cock bulging out of the jeans.

"Well, buddy, I can at least help you out on the way," JC said as he reached his hand over on top of Paul's and began to rub.

"Oh fuck, JC, yes, rub my cock." Paul yelled out.

Paul quickly unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped, allowing his throbbing cock to be freed. Paul wasn't wearing any underwear so now JC had easy access to his friend's cock.

JC began to stroke Paul. It was an awkward position but Paul still felt the tingling fire through his entire body from the touch of his old roommate.

JC's eyes darted between the road ahead and Paul's cock. He felt Paul's pre-cum drip onto his finger, so he pulled his hand off the cock and brought it to his own mouth. He licked and kissed his finger, enjoying the wonderful taste of his secret lover.

JC looked up as the upcoming stop light turned yellow. Normally, he would have pressed on the gas, but he was looking forward to having a few moments stopped, so he hit the brakes. Once he came to a complete stop, he through the car in park, and dove down into Paul's lap.

He sucked Paul's cock ferociously, letting it jam at his throat before rising up and plunging back down again.

Paul leaned back, moaning and groaning. He was getting close to cumming already. He watched the light while his friend continued to pleasure him. When the light turned green, it took all he had in him to lift his friend off his cock.

JC knew what it meant, and quickly sat back up, put the car back in drive and sped off.

Paul decided it was his turn, and he dove down into JC's lap. He struggled to free JC's cock from his pants, but before long, Paul was sucking his friend in much the same way that JC had been sucking him.

When JC came up on another red light, he pulled Paul off him and went to town on his friend's cock once again.

Over and over, the two friend's took turns. Paul while they were moving, and JC while they were stopped.

As they neared the hotel, Paul was really struggling to hold back his orgasm. He watched the light turn green, but didn't stop JC, instead he pushed JC's head down further so Paul's long cock head made its way down JC's throat. Paul began humping his friend's mouth, fucking the spasming throat until he treated JC to a tasty load. The first few shots made their way directly down JC's throat, but then Paul eased up JC's head so that he could deposit some cum into JC's mouth.

The horns began to sound from behind them as they were stopped in the middle of traffic. JC didn't stop, however, and Paul's balls continued to unload more and more cum.

As cars flew by with horns going and fingers being given, Paul leaned back and enjoyed the amazing pleasure his friend had just given him once again.

JC finally resurfaced and began to drive once again. Paul dove back down but didn't have quite the fervor as he was still coming down from the intense high.

A new feeling began to overwhelm Paul however. He suddenly and desperately wanted JC to fuck him.

"Pull over, JC." Ordered Paul.

"What? Why? We are almost at the hotel," answered JC.

"Cuz I need you to fuck me, and I need it now," replied Paul.

"OH fuck Paul, yes, I'll pull over for that." JC said, smiling and looking for a suitable spot.

"I'll just pull into this bar parking lot. I'll fuck you and then buy you a drink." JC continued.

Paul completely removed his jeans. He felt his cock coming back to life as he thought about being fucked by his sexy friend.

Paul removed his shirt as JC pulled into a spot by the dumpster.

Paul began tearing at JC's shirt to remove it as well. He was going to mount his friend as soon as JC turned off the car.

"Hurry, JC, I want that cock inside me!" Paul screamed as he began to crawl over to JC.

JC was now horned up like a wild man as well and jammed the car into park and tugged his pants and boxers to the ground and managed to step out of one leg, so that he was free to spread his legs easily.

Paul was on him immediately. Paul had torn several buttons off to expose JC's hairy, muscled chest. Paul had pushed the shirt off of his friend's shoulders as best he could.

Paul was completely naked and crouched over his friend with his hands resting on JC's bare shoulders.

Paul kissed JC hard and fast just as he did when he got in the car at the airport. Paul lowered his body until he could feel JC's wet cock against his ass. JC's cock was nowhere near his hole, but Paul moaned at the sensation of his hot friend's cock touching his body.

Paul pressed in against JC so that their hairy chests mixed together. JC's cock was now sliding against Paul's crack, but again, nowhere near the desired target.

JC managed to work the electric seat controls so that he brought the driver's seat back as far as he could to free up some space between the men and the steering wheel.

JC also used the recline button to get the seat to lean as far back as possible.

With more space, Paul was able to straddle the seat, spreading his legs quite wide.

JC grabbed by Paul by the ass cheeks, one in each hand. JC strained as he lifted his friend up in the air and positioned him properly over his throbbing cock.

Most of Paul's weight rested in JC's hands. Paul's feet were mid air in the back seat. Paul grabbed onto JC's shoulders and was ready for the ride.

"Take me JC, fuck me long and hard. I am all yours. I love you so fucking much!" Paul screamed.

JC was crazed at this point and the words didn't sink in much, but he proceeded to drop his friend right onto his cock, not bothering to slow as he successfully entered the tight, wanting hole.

Paul wanted to ride JC hard but in this position he was dependent on JC as he couldn't get his legs on anything to solid to raise himself up.

JC let his cock continue to sink into Paul as deep as the gravity would allow, but then he yanked his friend back up, carefully keeping his cock head inside Paul.

JC dropped Paul once again, and let his cock sink deep into Paul.

This time he hit Paul's button and Paul shrieked in glory:

"AAaahhh, yes, that's it JC, fuck me! You own me, I'm all yours!!"

Again, JC wasn't concentrating on the words, but was enjoying the pleasures he was providing his friend.

After 10 or 12 times, JC's muscles began to strain from lifting Paul before dropping him. So, he rested with his cock seemingly into Paul's stomach it was so deep. He kissed his friend, long and passionate this time.

The feeling of being inside Paul was amazing. He had never been so deep in anyone. He was beginning to strain from the effort it was taking, but he was close to cumming. He wanted to go on forever, but he knew it was only going to take a few more thrusts before he was going to fill his hot friend with his load.

Chris and Tye stumbled out of the bar arm in arm and crossed the parking lot. Brek had dropped them off earlier before he headed home. They were now walking back to Tye's house which was conveniently only a block and a half away. It was even closer because there was a shortcut through a neighbor's yard. The opening was right by the dumpster.

Chris spotted the car he recognized.

"Hey, that's Justin's car. I've seen it when he comes over to hang with Tim." Chris said to Tye.

"Haha, yeah right, Chris. Sounds like you got a big ol' crush on the freshman and now you are wishing he is waiting in there for you." Tye said as he laughed and stumbled a bit.

"Dude, I know I'm drunk but I am sure that it is his car." Chris said as he forced Tye to walk towards the car.

Both guys, although quite buzzed, slowed up as they realized the windows were all steamed up and that is quite obvious that the car was bouncing a bit.

"Holy fuck, I bet it is that horned dog Justin with Jay!" Tye said, now very interested in seeing the two hot guys again.

Paul was now just moaning uncontrollably as JC strained to raise and then drop his friend on his cock again and again.

JC finally announced:

"Oh yes, Paul, I am gonna fill you with huge load, take it all!"

Paul took hold of his leaking cock and with only a few tugs was ready to shoot as well.

The two men yelled out in ecstasy as Paul began to paint JC's now sweaty chest with another load while his friend dumped his cum deep inside his hole.

Tye and Chris rambled up to the passenger door and Chris grabbed the handle and opened it.

"What are you two horned dogs up to?" Chris said giggling.

"Oh shit!" JC screamed as he tried to bury his face into Paul's chest so as to not be seen.

"Oh fuck, sorry guys, I thought you were someone else." Chris said as he slammed the door shut.

Chris and Tye ran off quickly, laughing and stumbling the whole way to Tye's house.

Paul couldn't really move anyway, but stayed still on top of JC. He was coming down from another amazing orgasm but he could feel his lover panicking beneath him.

Paul didn't care who saw as he wasn't from around here and didn't have a family here. However, he knew something like this could ruin JC's life rather quickly.

Paul finally spoke as JC's cum dripped out of his ass, although JC's cock remained planted very deep inside him.

"That was just some drunk kids, they didn't see you. They won't even remember tomorrow." Paul said to JC hoping to ease his mind.

"I hope you are right, but for some reason, I recognize that voice. I can't place it but I am pretty sure I know him from somewhere." Jason said, still burying his head into Paul's sweaty chest.

Paul lifted JC's head and kissed his friend, softly.

"It'll be ok, JC, we'll figure it out together." Paul whispered, "But, now, help me off, I can't move."

JC laughed and tossed Paul off of his cock.

"I better get you to the hotel and get home, it's getting late." JC said as he began to dress. "And, thanks for ruining one of my favorite shirts."

"Oh, umm, sorry about that. I guess you got me going." Paul answered as he was gathering his clothes from the floor of the car.

"Hey JC, don't be mad, but I actually don't have a reservation for the hotel. I was hoping you would insist that I stay at your place." Paul said meekly.

JC laughed and shook his head.

"I should throw you out now and make you sleep in the park. That's fine, Paul, but you might get the couch if Justin's already asleep."

"The couch is just fine, and if you have the urge in the middle of the night, you are welcome to come visit." Paul said slyly.

"Oh man, don't get me thinking about that. I can't believe I crawled into Justin's bed with you last time you were here." JC said as he grimaced at the recollection.

Paul laughed devilishly as JC drove out of the parking lot and headed for home.

Tye and Chris were both out of breath but still giggling when they got into Tye's place. Tye's roommate was home but apparently asleep. The two guys headed immediately to Tye's room and collapsed on the bed fully clothed.

As their breathing slowed, they were beginning to drift off to sleep.

"Holy shit! I think that was Justin's Dad." Tye said, but Chris didn't respond as he was already asleep.

Justin woke up a bit to the pleasant surprise Jay was providing and put his hand on Jay's head, softly running his fingers through Jay's hair. Justin fell back asleep several times, sometimes incorporating the live actions of Jay into a hot dream.

Jay began to rub a finger over Justin's balls while he swirled his tongue around Justin's cock head as best he could. He didn't want to start slamming his mouth up and down on Justin's cock, he just wanted it to fill his mouth. However, he was beginning to crave Justin's cum. So, he hoped the attention his finger was giving Justin's balls would be enough to trigger the explosion he wanted.

After several more minutes, Jay was happy to discover that it was working. Justin was still drifting in and out but he was ever so slightly thrusting his hips as his balls were stirring, preparing to erupt.

Finally, Jay felt Justin's grip on his hair tighten. Justin's other arm was still wrapped around the sleeping Kevin. He tightened his hug of Jay's brother.

"Oh yes, Jay, I'm cumming" Justin whispered as he filled his friend's mouth with a heavy load.

Jay felt Justin's balls bounce up and down as they drained themselves. Jay tried to savor the taste as long as he could, so much so, that much of Justin's cum leaked out of his mouth and onto Justin's stomach.

Jay felt Justin's balls settle down and his tight grip softened and released altogether. Justin's cock began to soften and Jay heard the rhythmic breathing.

Jay swallowed the remaining cum in his mouth and let Justin's shrinking dick slip out past his lips. Jay went to work cleaning up his friend's stomach, enjoying the taste of his own saliva mixed with Justin's sweet juices.

Justin was fast asleep once again, and Jay was happy to let him be now.

Jay did have to disturb Justin one more time however so that he could free Kevin and pushed him onto his back.

Kevin stirred a bit but then fell back into a deep sleep. Jay slowly maneuvered himself on to the other side of Justin's king size bed, so that he had total access to Kevin now.

Justin's eyes opened a bit and he saw the change in positions. Justin took the opportunity to snuggle up against Kevin like Jay and Kevin had done to him. Soon enough, both Kevin and Justin were breathing in tandem and sound asleep.

Jay began to run his fingers up and down his brother's body just as he had done to his friend.

Jay paused for a minute when he heard someone in the hallway.

"Mr. C must have been out or something," Jay thought to himself.

Jay panicked for a moment as he heard the steps get close to the bedroom door. However, he remembered that Justin had carefully checked to make sure the door was locked.

Jay heard the person on the other side of the door, try to turn the handle. Jay instinctively ducked his head down, just in case the door did open.

Mr. Clarkson had tried the door to see if Justin was home or not, but retreated back downstairs to let Paul know he had the couch for the night.

Once Jay heard Mr. Clarkson go down the stairs, he resumed his light assault of his brother's body. Up and down he ran his finger across his brother's sweet body. He noted that Kevin and Justin actually had very similar bodies. The same hair patterns as well. He loved playing with the soft trail that both boys sported. Maybe it was because he didn't have one, he guessed. Jay's body was much smoother than his younger brother's. Even his legs didn't have as much hair as Kevin, nor Justin for that matter.

Jay became worked up much sooner while playing with Kevin's body than he did with Justin, so he ended up taking Kevin's soft cock in his mouth after only 5 or 6 times of running his finger up and down Kevin. Kevin was in a pretty deep sleep because Jay didn't notice any reaction, even when he put his finger up to Kevin's lips.

Kevin's cock was much smaller than Justin's, at least when soft. Jay was delighted to feel it begin to grow in his mouth. Jay had just sucked Kevin a few hours earlier but Kevin's cock was already throbbing and dripping pre-cum that time. This time Jay got to experience his brother's rising up.

Jay rested his head on Kevin's stomach just as he did with Justin, and began to massage Kevin's balls. The technique was working on Kevin just as it had on Justin. Before long, Kevin's cock was hard and long and pressing at the back of Jay's mouth.

After a few minutes of soft suckling and ball massaging, Kevin was beginning to stir.

He cooed softly and placed his hand on Jay's head, running his fingers through his brother's hair. Just as Justin had done, Kevin began to thrust ever so slightly.

Kevin grabbed a chunk of Jay's hair and pushed his head down, hoping to get him to take the cock he was enjoying even further into his throat.

Jay began to move up and down Kevin's cock. He had been able to control himself with Justin, but not with Kevin. Not only was he slobbering all over Kevin's cock but he had also slipped his boxers to mid thigh and was cranking pretty hard on his own cock.

Kevin had now woken completely and was moaning a little louder. When Jay heard his little brother's grunts of joy, he joined in, although a muffled version as Kevin's cock was still stuffed in his mouth.

As Jay sensed Kevin getting close to cumming, he stroked his cock faster. He wanted to shoot with Kevin, like they had done earlier. If he had thought that Kevin was going to wake up, he would have positioned himself differently so that Kevin could at least stroke him. As it was, Jay's cock was only in his hand's reach, far from Kevin's hands or mouth which would have been even better.

Kevin gripped Jay's hair tighter, and announced a little bit louder than he should have:

"Oh yes, Jay, I am cumming bro, take my fucking load!"

Jay sucked harder as Kevin pushed his head deeper into his crotch to take more of his cock.

As Jay felt the warm fluid pour into his mouth from Kevin, he realized he was also cumming. But, his cock felt strange, in a wonderful, warm moist way. He realized there was a mouth covering his cock head while he stroked his cock. All of his cum was pouring into his friend Justin's mouth as he took his brother's seed. The two friends gobbled up all that the pulsing cock in their mouths had to offer.

They both kept their mouths encircled around the cock head and softly sucked anything that might shoot or leak out.

Kevin relished the intense pleasure of the amazing blowjob he just received from his brother and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Jay had his head resting on Kevin's stomach and began to drift off as well.

The same was true for Justin. Jay wasn't lying on his back allowing total access, but Justin made do with the situation and was quite comfortable with Jay's softening cock still in his mouth.

The last thing Jay remembers hearing before sleep took over was step outside the bedroom door.

Mr. Clarkson had put his ear to the door as he passed as he thought he had heard something. He figured he was imagining it after the sex filled day he had, but we thought for sure he had heard moans of sexual pleasure coming from Justin's room.

"I tell Justin all the time that I don't like him to lock his door," Mr. Clarkson thought as he was frustrated that he wasn't able to quickly peak into Justin's room to see what was going in there.

When he put his ear to the door and didn't hear anything, he headed off to his own bed. Mr. Clarkson stripped naked and slid in next to his wife, thoroughly exhausted from an amazing day.

The boys had their fun, next chapter Mr. C gets back involved...

Next: Chapter 15

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