The Clarksons

By Jason Clarkson

Published on Feb 29, 2012


If you are not of legal rights and/or age to read any type of adult Literature or if you find the material offensive, please do not read any further. The author and site cannot be held liable as you agree to accept all responsibility for reading said material. If you wish to contact the author of this series, please do so at, I will respond to all e-mails. This story is fiction. All names, descriptions and actions of the characters are not real.

I wasn't too sure about this first section of the chapter. It is not really appropriate for this type of reading category (gay male), but I decided to leave it in. You can tell me your opinion!

I was just trying to fill in some stuff, before the non-stop action with the guys at Chris'!

Thanks again for all your comments - JC

Mr. Clarkson rolled over in his bed. He was still naked. He had come home to find his wife not waiting in the bed as her text had read. Instead, she was in the pool; however, she was truthful in that she was still naked.

Mr. Clarkson tore off his suit on the deck and joined her in the pool. He had been stroking himself the whole ride home so he was plenty hard. He was inside of her almost immediately. They bounced around the pool, with Mrs. Clarkson taking control and riding her husband's hard cock.

"Something felt different about Jason," she had thought to herself when she decided to head home from work early. "The other night when we made love was incredible and I need more of it and I need it now."

Now, she was getting it. Jason's cock felt so good inside her. It seemed bigger and harder than ever before. She felt Jason was more free and excited than he had been in years. Whatever the reason, she didn't care; she was just going to take advantage of it.

Mr. Clarkson was amazed at how he was feeling. He had no guilt from all with the sex he had been having with Jay and Paul. Even being in the pool, where he fucked his son's friend just a few days ago, he only felt completely alive and aroused.

He was fucking his wife and she was loving it. Mr. Clarkson pulled them both of out of the pool and he lay on his back while his wife enjoyed countless orgasms. The more she drove up and down on him, the harder he got, but he was able to hold off cumming.

"I can't believe Jason hasn't cum yet, he usually doesn't last very long." Mrs. Clarkson thought to herself right before she yelled out again as another tremor came over her. She was literally wearing herself out but didn't want to stop.

Mr. Clarkson realized that he wasn't going to cum anytime soon and could tell his wife was tiring, so he slowed her down and said:

"Let's finish this upstairs."

Mrs. Clarkson dutifully stood up and they both walked upstairs to their bedroom.

Mrs. Clarkson flopped onto the bed.

Mr. Clarkson, without saying anything, quickly flipped her onto her stomach. He spread her legs and slid inside her wet pussy. Mr. Clarkson began to fuck her harder than ever before. He put all his weight on her and continued to pound her. He had no control over himself. Luckily, Mrs. Clarkson was thoroughly enjoying it.

Again, she thought, "It's been over 20 years that we have been fucking, and Jason has never taken me from behind, and has never fucked with such force. Oh god, I just hope he keeps it up."

When Mrs. Clarkson gained the strength to begin to push back into her husband when he withdrew, Jason was finished.

The cum boiled up from his balls quickly and exploded into his wife when she was in the throes of possibly her double digit orgasm.

Mr. Clarkson collapsed on top of his wife as they both drifted off. He managed to roll off her at some point.

Now, he was awake, possibly the noise of the shower running. Unbelievably, he was getting hard again as he realized his wife was in the shower. He wanted to fuck again, but he guessed she was worn out.

He decided a nice, warm shower would be good enough even if she wasn't in the mood.

Mrs. Clarkson was enjoying the warm water against her back. Jason was passed out when she woke. She was tempted to mount him again, but opted for hoping he would wake when she turned on the shower and would come join her. She began to fondle herself in anticipation.

Mr. Clarkson headed towards the bathroom but then remembered all his clothes were outside, and more importantly, his phone was still in his suit pocket. He needed to check to see if any messages or calls from the office had come in. He was confident that all the issues from this afternoon were resolved but just in case, he should check.

Still naked, he headed down to grab his clothes from the deck and headed to his office. He thought it best to check both his phone and his email. As he sat at his desk, he realized that he was still logged on facebook. There were several messages from Paul.

He replied with:

"Hi Paul, what's up?

He also took his dick in his hand as he had been semi-hard already but now thinking about Paul made him rock hard.

Paul quickly replied:

"Hey JC, great news! I have to head back by you for work! I leave tonight. I have a hotel as the customer is paying so I won't impose on you again, but I hope we can get together while I am there."

Paul tried to act casual in his messages. In truth, there was no business trip. He just needed to see JC. But, he was afraid he might be coming on too strong for JC if he showed back up in town.

JC was thrilled to read the news but was a bit shocked:

"You just got back! You didn't know about this?"

Paul knew JC would be suspicious, but he was ready with a reply:

"I know, do you believe it? Of course, no one at work knew about my little trip to see you, but I got an urgent voicemail when I got off the plane that I needed to get out to the customer site by 8am tomorrow."

Paul hit enter and hoped JC believed the story.

JC tugged a few times more on his cock before he replied:

"That's awesome, Paul. Maybe I could pick you up from airport. What time you get in?"

JC wasn't sure he wanted to mention to his wife that Paul was back in town, but he figured he could come up with some reason to be out tonight.

JC continued to stroke while he waited for Paul's response.

Paul's response was slow because he too was busy stroking his long, thick cock.

"It's the last flight of the night, so not until 11pm. That'd be great if you could, but I could take the shuttle too. I don't want to cause any trouble at home."

Paul's balls were now aching. He had been edging since he got home, plotting his return trip.

Before JC could reply, Paul invited him to a cam2cam session.

JC accepted and the two former college roommates and now secret lovers were viewing each other. Both were naked and both were stroking their large cocks.

Paul almost shot his load at the site, but freed his hand from his cock to type a new chat message:

"I see you are glad that I am coming back."

JC was a bit embarrassed but also extremely aroused at the site of his friend, and replied:

"Yeah, I guess I am. So, I will definitely plan on getting you at the airport! You know, to make sure you get to the hotel safely."

Paul didn't answer, but he lowered his camera so that his stroking cock was in full focus.

JC did the same.

The two men worked their cocks thinking of the other.

Mrs. Clarkson was ready for more.

"Since Jason didn't come in here," she thought, "I'll just have to go get him."

She grabbed a towel as she hurried back into the bedroom. She lightly dried herself as she headed downstairs when she discovered that he was not in bed anymore.

"Jason? Are you down here?" Mrs. Clarkson called out as she hit the main floor.

She headed for the office.

Mr. Clarkson heard his wife call for him and quickly turned off the monitor to the computer, however he didn't disconnect himself from the cam session.

He grabbed his phone, hoping to look busy with a work issue.

"I am not sure how I am going to explain this raging hardon, however!" Mr. Clarkson thought, in a mild state of panic.

"There you are!" Mrs. Clarkson said, admiring her naked husband, although she hadn't stepped in far enough to see his cock at full attention yet.

"Yeah, I was just going to come join you in the shower," said Mr. Clarkson truthfully, "but I came down to make sure work wasn't looking for me first."

Mrs. Clarkson walked in and her eyes immediately were drawn to his throbbing cock.

"Hmmm, it looks like you are as ready as I am," said Mrs. Clarkson as she walked all the way in.

She continued as she casually mounted her man as he sat back in the chair.

"I don't know what has gotten into you lately, Jason Clarkson, but it is driving me wild! This is the best sex we've had in years."

Mrs. Clarkson moaned as she felt Mr. Clarkson's cock slide deep inside her again.

Paul sat at his computer with his eyes bulging.

"Did JC leave the camera on so he could watch this?" Paul wondered.

Paul kept his eyes glued to the screen as the moans and groans came through the speakers.

The man he was in love with was being ridden hard by his very hot wife and they were both loving it.

Paul was wishing it was him that was taking JC's cock right now.

Paul opened up the bottom drawer of his desk and pulled out Mr. Blue. Mr. Blue was the bright blue, 8 inch and plenty thick dildo he enjoyed being fucked by on occasion.

Paul poured lube over Mr. Blue quickly and jammed it in his ass. He was watching JC fuck his wife and wanted to mimic her moves with Mr. Blue playing the role of JC.

Paul's hole burned as he forced Mr. Blue in too quickly. Luckily, he muted his microphone so that the Clarksons couldn't hear him cry out. At his place, his sounds were muffled as his speakers were on quite loud, capturing all of the erotic sounds coming from JC's home office.

JC, out of the corner of his eye, noticed the little light that appears at the top of the camera when it is on. He realized that he was still connected with Paul.

"Well, I think my old roommate deserves a show!" he thought as he stood up with his wife still on him and set her on the desk.

The camera was positioned perfectly so that Paul could see JC drive in and out of his wife.

Paul spread his legs and plunged Mr. Blue in and out of his hole in rhythm with JC. Paul was now yelling out, not because of the pain, but rather because he was feeling JC inside him.

Mrs. Clarkson was in heaven. Her orgasm seemed to go on forever as her husband seemed to have no quit in him.

JC was looking directly into the camera now, imagining that he was fucking Paul. He felt himself ready to cum.

JC then did something he had never done with his wife. He pulled his throbbing dick out of her, stroked it a few times and shot his cum all over her stomach. Luckily, he didn't have much left to dump out. Jason was careful not to even mutter the words, but inside his head he was screaming:

"Yes, Paul take my load all over your hot body!"

Paul began to cum all over his own stomach as the first shot plopped out of JC's cock. Mr. Blue was deep inside him, squeezed up against his prostate causing it to spasm over and over.

Mrs. Clarkson put her head back on the desk. She was now completely spent. Jason looked down at her. He had the sudden urge to gobble up all his cum from her stomach. He resisted as that might have been too much for her.

"Shower time!" he announced as he helped her up. She walked out of the room ahead of her. He winked at the camera and mouthed the words, "Text me" to Paul.

Paul let Mr. Blue slip out of him slowly as he watched his man leave the view.

Paul dragged his naked and cum soaked body from the office chair to the couch and drifted off to sleep.

Mrs. Clarkson used the towel to wipe off Jason's cum. Neither of them made it to the shower, they both collapsed on their bed once they made the trek upstairs.

"Well, Chris, I am not fucking you with all that shit all over your face," Brek answered quickly, "you better get one of your boys to clean it up for you."

"Fuck you, Brek, and just so you know, they might be younger than us, but these three are not boys, that's for sure." Chris answered.

Before Kevin realized that he had said it, the words came jumping out of his mouth:

"I'll clean you up, Chris"

All 5 of the guys looked at Kevin, or at least Kevin felt like he had all 10 eyes in the room staring at him.

Without waiting for an answer and not making eye contact with Jay or Justin, Kevin plopped down onto Chris's chest, straddling him and began to kiss and lick all the cum from him. Kevin couldn't tell the difference between his, Jay's, and Justin's load, but he didn't care. He loved the taste and the idea that his brother's and his brother's friend's cum were mixed up with his and he was gobbling it up.

Plus, he loved being on top of Chris and kissing him like this. He felt himself getting hard again as he worked his tongue up and down Chris. When he got close to Chris' mouth, Chris grabbed his head and kissed him. A deep, probing kiss, Chris wanted some of the cum but also felt a strong connection to the youngest member of the group and wanted to explore his new friend's mouth.

Chris and Kevin began to slowly rock side to side as their kissing became more physical. Their hands were now all over each other and Kevin was now lying completely on top of Chris and grinding his cock against him.

Jay looked over at Tye who was now staring at him.

Tye spoke first,

"Hey Jay, I always thought you probably had a nice dick, and now I see I was right! Great body, too. Man, it's gonna be tough to work near you from now on."

Jay walked over to Tye and kissed him hard. Jay pulled Chris' t-shirt off and went back to kissing him. Tye stumbled a bit as his jeans were still at his knees.

"Yeah, Tye, you were thinking about my cock while I ran around fetching you cases of beer and ice and sweeping up after you? Well, then, I guess I better give it to you." Jay said in an authoritative way that was clearly not in character for him.

Jay slipped behind Tye and guided his hard cock up and down Tye's exposed ass crack.

Tye softly moaned and spread his legs as far as he could with his pants still on.

Jay used the added room to dig his cock deeper into the crack of his co-worker. Jay began to kiss Tye's neck and run his hands up and down the bartender's stomach and chest.

Tye just stood there and let the younger guy explore his body. He raised his hands over his head and ran them through Jay's hair.

Jay began to grind a little harder and move his hands quicker. He couldn't believe he was about to fuck Tye. He had worked with him for so long and had never considered the possibility and now he couldn't believe he hadn't noticed how hot he was.

Jay slid his right hand lower and began to stroke Tye.

"Oh fuck, yeah, that feels so good. And your cock feels too good against my ass," said Tye.

"I can't wait to get it inside you, Tye," Jay replied as he continued to stroke Tye's cock. "Oh yeah, Jay, I want you inside me. But, I need a shower, I am all nasty from work," Tye said as he grabbed Jay's arm to slow down his stroking.

"Well, let's get in there, and get you all scrubbed up," Jay quickly replied.

Tye turned to face Jay and they began kissing.

Justin's head was spinning, literally, as he was trying to keep an eye on both the brothers' activities.

Brek was enjoying the scenes as well but was ready for some action.

He walked over to Justin and put a hand on his shoulder, guiding him to his knees.

Justin obediently got down and began to take Brek's massive cock in his mouth.

"Aahhh, there ya go little man, suck my cock, get it ready for some fucking." Brek said as he leaned his head back a bit, enjoying the service.

Brek closed his eyes and imagined the three younger guys on all fours, lined up, and he would just bounce from one to the next, giving them a pounding. When he would leave one and go to the next, he would hear the begging to come back and fill their hole some more.

"Yes," Brek thought, "I am gonna have all three of them."

Brek pulled Justin off of him momentarily.

"Come over here, little man, let me get comfortable," Brek said as he walked around the couch and sat down.

"Uuggh, what's all this?" Brek shouted.

Brek had sat back against the cushion that was covered in Justin's cum. Now it was all over his shirt.

"Umm, sorry, Brek, that was my first load. Chris, literally, fucked it out of me." Justin explained rather boastfully.

Brek ripped off his shirt.

"Oh well, I didn't like that shirt anyway. Hey Chris, I am gonna need a new shirt." Brek said as he looked over in Chris's direction.

Brek started laughing and said:

"But, I guess you can get it for me later."

"Aaah, ooh, yeah, ok Brek, whatever, I am a little busy right now." Chris said.

Chris was busy and wasn't in a position to move.

His knees were resting up on Kevin's shoulders and his heels were digging into Kevin's back.

Chris' ass was a good 10 inches off the ground and Kevin was positioning his young cock at Chris' hole.

Kevin was nervous; he had never fucked a guy before. He wanted to make sure he did it right. He knew what he liked when Justin fucked him, so he just planned on doing the same to Chris.

Kevin didn't realize how hard it would be to penetrate a tight ass hole. His dick just slid right into his girlfriend's pussy the other night, but Chris' hole was being stubborn.

"Oh come on Kevin, get your cock in me. Spit on it and jam it in." Chris demanded.

Kevin spit on his cock, mixing it with the precum that had surfaced, he got it nice and wet.

He held his cock at the tip and pressed it firmly at Chris' hole.

Chris' began moaning, different than before and Kevin felt the most amazing feeling as his cock got squeezed and began entering Chris. Chris' ass felt like a vacuum to Kevin, slowly sucking his cock in further and further.

Kevin didn't feel like he was pushing at all but could tell his cock was plummeting deeper and deeper into Chris.

Chris groans made it obvious as well.

Kevin opened his eyes and looked right into Chris'. The two guys had never really spoken but the connection they had was amazing.

Chris stretched his arms as far as he could to grab Kevin's hips and pull him in deeper.

Kevin understood the move and began to thrust until he felt completely engulfed.

Chris moved his hand to Kevin's head and pulled him in closer. Chris kissed Kevin. It was his way of inviting Kevin to take his tight ass as his own. Kevin kept kissing but began fucking Chris hard. This was all new to Kevin but it felt so good and so right.

Kevin couldn't believe that he was fucking such a hot stud.

"No offense to Justin, cuz I still totally have the hots for him, but this guy Chris is fucking amazing." Kevin thought to himself as he continued his onslaught of Chris.

The thoughts in his head and the unbelievable feeling of Chris' tight ass massaging his dick had Kevin ready to cum again. He tried to focus on Chris and making sure that Chris got the same enjoyment out of this because he hoped to do this again.

He pulled away from the Chris' kiss and looked into Chris' eyes. He reached down with his right hand and stroked Chris. The positioning was awkward but Chris understood. His new young stud was ready to cum and wanted Chris to cum with him.

Chris grabbed Kevin's wrist with his right hand and pulled it off his cock. He smiled up at Kevin and began to stroke his own cock hard. Chris gave a slight nod to Kevin, giving him the go ahead to fire away.

Kevin felt Chris' heels dig in deeper and Chris' ass clench tighter on his pole.

Justin and Brek had both turned to watch after they heard Chris' distracted response. They both began stroking their cocks as they watched Kevin enter Chris.

"I have never been fucked, but I might just have to have that young cock inside me tonight!" Brek thought to himself as he grabbed Justin by the head and pulled him down to get back servicing his cock.

Justin gladly obliged although he was disappointed that he couldn't see the action.

Brek kept his head turned so was able to enjoy the show while Justin slobbered all over his huge cock.

Justin was starting to feel the effects of the long day of pretty much non-stop sex. Brek's massive cock was also adding to his fatigue. However, he continued to work it masterfully. His jaw was aching as he stretched his mouth open to take in the python. Since Brek was sitting, he wasn't forcing it down Justin's throat. Justin, however, couldn't resist the temptation and continued to try to take it further and further into his throat.

The room was filled with the sounds of Kevin fucking Chris, the incredible moans that Chris was bellowing, and a few grunts from Kevin.

Jay had helped Tye remove his clothes and they headed to the bathroom. They paused at the door and turned to have a peek at Kevin and Chris. Jay couldn't believe what a stud his little brother was. He was fucking Chris like a pro.

"Where did he learn that?" Jay wondered to himself.

Tye whispered into Jay's ear: "I hope you fuck half as good as your brother."

Jay looked at Tye and playfully pushed him into the bathroom.

Tye turned the water on and while they were letting it warm up, Jay went to his knees and began working his bartender's cock. Jay looked up at Tye while he let Tye's cock head slide across his lips.

Tye ran his fingers through Jay's hair once again. The thrill of having Tye's cock in his mouth and the soft touch of Tye's fingers through his hair sent waves of pleasure through Jay's body.

Jay felt the incredible lust take over him and he stopped teasing Tye's cock with his lips and simply devoured it. He put both hands on Tye's ass and thrust Tye's cock in and out of his mouth, forcing it down his throat.

Jay forced his face against Tye's pubes and held Tye's cock in his throat. He was able to suppress the gagging. Jay kept it deep in for a good 30 seconds but he was needing to breathe, so he relented. Now, he was really slobbering. He repeated this move several times much to the delight of Tye as the room filled with steam from the shower.

With Tye's cock so slick now, Jay began to stroke it while he caught his breath before driving Tye's dick back in. Jay was loving the smell of Tye's pubes as he continued to bury his nose them each time he swallowed Tye's throbbing mushroom head.

The onslaught was too much for Tye and without even announcing he began to shoot cum into Jay's mouth. Jay was pleasantly surprised and started sucking like he was drinking a thick milkshake through a straw. Jay loved the taste of Tye's cum as it passed down into his throat.

Tye's body shook and shivered as Jay didn't relent on the powerful sucking that he was doing. Jay finally slowed down, satisfied he had every last drop of Tye's cum. Jay's lust had not subsided at all, but he let Tye's softening cock fall from his mouth.

Jay pressed his face against Tye's hip, soaking in the smells while he gently kissed his co-worker. Jay squeezed and fondled Tye's ass cheeks.

Tye continued to stroke Jay's head with his fingers as he softly cooed, still tingling from the incredible blowjob he had just received.

As Jay's fingers moved closer and closer to Tye's hole, Tye interrupted:

"Let's get in the shower before the hot water runs out. You need to get me cleaned up if you want to fuck me."

Jay stood and entered the shower and Tye followed.

At about the same time Jay was swallowing up Tye's cum, his younger brother was getting ready to cum.

Chris and Kevin were both streaming out a chorus of moans and groans as they brought themselves closer and closer to the edge.

Chris was stroking hard as he looked into Kevin's eyes once again and then his whole body went rigid for an instant. His first cum shot banged into his chin and so did the second.

When Kevin felt Chris go rigid, he also froze. His cock was deep inside Chris.

As the cum fired out of Chris' cock, his prostate began pounding against Kevin's cock. Kevin felt it pulsing against his cockhead and Chris' entire hole clenched even tighter against Kevin's cock.

"Aaaahhh fuuuuccckkkk!!!" Kevin yelled, much louder than any noise that had been made the whole night thus far.

Chris saw Kevin's eyes roll back as he felt the younger stud deposit a warm load in his ass.

The two guys held there spots for minutes as their balls continue to pump out more cum. Well, their balls were spasming and pumping, but neither had much left.

Kevin lowered Chris' ass to the floor and Chris lifted his heels off Kevin's back. Kevin lifted each leg of Chris' off his shoulders. His softening cock slipped out of Chris' ass and Kevin collapsed onto Chris's chest, smearing cum into his cheek.

Their hearts were pounding and they were still breathing heavy, but both were slowing back to normal rates.

"Now, that was a fucking. How did such a young stud learn how to do that so well?" Chris asked Kevin as he ran hand up and down Kevin's back.

Chris was enjoying the feel of the smooth skin with a light trace of sweat all over it.

"I guess it was beginner's luck," Kevin said, subtly admitting that it was his first time.

Chris was amazed and pleased at the same time.

He said to Kevin in a whisper,

"I am glad I was your first, but I hope it isn't our last."

The sight and sounds of Kevin fucking Chris til they both had explosive orgasms helped get Brek closer to the edge. Justin was slowing mostly from pure exhaustion, his jaw ached and his throat was taking a beating as Brek was forcing his head up and down his monstrous cock.

Justin started to feel dizzy. He was on auto-pilot sucking Brek. He started to think about watching Kevin get to fuck Chris and assumed from what was going on before they went in to the bathroom, that his best friend Jay was fucking Tye. He decided it was only fair that he get to fuck Brek too. He was exhausted but his cock was rock hard and he knew he could give the college stud a nice fucking. The only problem was that Brek was fairly insistent on Justin swallowing Brek's.

Justin decided to pull off Brek's cock and make a move that might change the flow.

Jay had successfully lathered up Tye from head to toe and front to back and now had him pressed against the tile wall of the shower. Jay was amazed at how crazed he was but also how willing Tye was. Every move Jay made, Tye seemed to allow and willingly submit to. Jay now had Tye's face pressed against the wall and he was holding it there while he teased his cock head over Tye's soapy hole.

Jay wanted to hear Tye beg for it, but didn't want to ask or tell him to. So, he just continued to press his body hard against Tye's forcing him harder against the wall while he dragged his cock up and down Tye's crack, dancing all around Tye's hole.

Every time Jay's cock got close, Jay could feel Tye start to push his ass back into him. Jay matched that move by pushing Tye's hip back into the wall. Jay would feel Tye squirm and slide his soapy cock against the slippery wall and moan a bit, but still Tye did not ask for Jay to fuck him.

The co-workers bounced from wall to wall, Jay occasionally re-lathering Tye but continuing the teasing always. As he lathered with his hands, his fingers would play with Tye's twitching ass, but never entering. Jay would lightly stroke Tye's cock with the suds but never took a firm grip.

"Fuck, I want him to fuck me so bad, but how can I work with him and have to tell him to bring me 2 more cases and ice if I beg for his cock right now?" Tye wondered as he continued to squirm.

"Come on Tye, you know you want it, I just need you to say it," Jay thought to himself as his leaking cock continued to graze Tye's hole.

Jay began to think about how things would be after this. He and Justin were cool. His relationship with Kevin was ever better. Things were not really right with Mr. Clarkson, but that was totally different anyway. But, he had to work with Tye and Tye was not really his boss but he was in charge when they worked together. How would all that work if Jay forced Tye into fucking right now?

The two guys continued their little game of cat and mouse. But, both were being driven absolutely mad with lust.

Jay came up with an idea. If Tye were to tell Jay to fuck him, it would be the same as Tye asking Jay to bring up more beer or clean up that table. Tye would be in charge as he should be.

That's how their relationship should be. Jay was at Tye's service, whether at the bar or in the shower.

Jay decided to whisper in Tye's ear.

"Tye, you're my boss, you're in charge. If you tell me to do something, anything, you know I will do it as best as I can. I will always do what you say."

Jay kissed Tye's neck as his hands continued to run up and down the bartender's muscled body. He waited for the words from that he hoped were coming. He let his hard cock wedge itself into Tye's crack.

"Awesome," Tye thought, "I think this is gonna work out perfectly."

Tye answered, trying to act not too desperate for a fucking, but in fact, he could feel his ass twitching in anticipation of Jay's hot cock penetrating it.

"That's right, Jay. And I will always let you know when you are doing a good job."

Tye continued:

"Jay, I need you to grab my cock with your right hand, but keep rubbing my body with your left, like you have been doing."

Jay followed Tye's instructions, much to Tye's appreciation:

"Oh yes, Jay, squeeze my fucking cock, aaahhh, that feels so good."

Jay kissed Tye's neck as he stroked Tye's cock. His left hand was sliding over Tye's wet skin, occasionally stopping at Tye's nipple and tweaking it.

Jay also began to hump Tye a bit. Jay's cock was sliding up and down Tye's crack as the two guys were enjoying the feeling.

Tye began to moan louder. Jay continued as he was told, hoping that he would receive another instruction shortly.

"Jay, take your hand off my cock now." Tye ordered.

Jay abruptly stopped, but still had a firm grip on Tye's dick..

"What is Tye doing? Is he stopping? Is he trying to drive me crazy or something?" Jay thought as he stopped all of his movements.

"Jay, I need you to take your hand off my cock and put it on yours, so that you can guide that throbbing thing into my ass."

Jay replied quickly:

"Yes, Tye, I have been wanting to so much, I can't wait to feel it deep inside you."

"Soap it up and get it in there, I need it bad," said Tye.

Once again, Jay did as he was told.

Jay lathered up his cock quickly with his right hand and used his left hand to lather up Tye's ass. He didn't touch Tye's hole, he just got the crack and cheeks all sudsy and slippery. He was amazed at how wonderful the touch of Tye's ass was.

Jay tried to go slow as he lined up his cock head at Tye's hole. But, as soon as Tye felt the pressure against his tight, twitching rosebud, he immediately pushed back.

Jay was halfway in before he knew it.

Tye shrieked, but it was clearly in pleasure and not pain.

Tye continued to drive back onto Jay's cock. Jay put a hand on the wall to steady himself. Tye kept pushing back, and Jay had to step back to keep his balance.

Tye put his hands on the wall in front of him and pushed back even harder. Jay's pubes brushed against Tye's soaped up ass cheeks now. Tye kept pushing back though, until Jay was pressed against the wall of the shower.

Once Tye felt the pressure of Jay's hips against his ass, he knew Jay was all the way in and that he was back against the wall.

The shower stream poured onto Tye's head from this new position, which somehow added to the sensations already racing through Tye's body.

Tye's ass tightened around Jay's cock and he began to ride the younger college guy.

Now, it was Jay's turn to yell out. Tye was doing amazing things to his cock. Jay certainly wasn't experienced, but he definitely never felt this way.

"Don't go cumming yet!" Tye ordered as he continued to work Jay's cock in and out of his hole.

Tye was getting close himself, but he needed Jay to stay nice and hard to finish.

"Well, he is no Brek, but I could get used to getting this dick." Tye thought as he pushed back even harder, forcing Jay in even deeper.

After a good 5 minutes of driving back and forth, Tye was beginning to tire. He was right on the edge of cumming. He wished he could get Jay to reach around and give his cock a few yanks. It wouldn't take much. But the position he had Jay in was absolutely perfect and if he had Jay adjust at all to reach his cock, it would mess that up.

So, instead he took his right hand off the wall and began to stroke his own cock. He still kept up his ramming pace.

Jay was almost uncontrollably groaning now, so Tye knew he was going to be getting an assful pretty soon. The thought of it drove Tye over the edge.

"Fuck yes, Jay, it's time now. Dump your hot load in me." Tye demanded.

Somehow, Tye picked up the pace. Jay just rested his hands on Tye's back as Tye literally fucked the cum out of his younger co-worker.

"Aaaaah, yes, Tye, I am ccccummminnng!" Jay screamed, loud enough that the rest of the guys in the apartment could hear.

Tye yelled out too as he lobbed shot after shot onto the shower floor from his own exploding cock.

Tye moaned and groaned as he slowed down. He could feel Jay's cock softening just like Jay's own shouts of passion softened to a whisper.

Tye pushed back one last time and held the two in place for a few moments. He slowly straightened up, managing to keep Jay's cock inside him.

Jay hugged Tye from behind and rested his head on Tye's shoulder while the two guys recovered from their explosive orgasms. Jay's cock eased out of Tye's ass.

Tye guided Jay under the water and turned to face him. They kissed slow and passionately as they let their hands help rinse the soap off of each other.

Brek laughed to himself when he heard Jay shout out.

"Ha ha, I bet Tye did that thing he does with his ass, fucking squeezes your cock so tight, you shoot uncontrollably," Brek thought, but didn't want to say it out loud as he wouldn't want Justin to break stride.

Justin had just picked up his pace after kinda dragging along for a while. Brek wasn't complaining, he liked a nice, long, slow blowjob, too. But now that Justin was working it so hard, Brek was ready to explode.

But, Justin had different plans. Hearing Jay shout out only confirmed what he thought. Both Jay and Kevin got to fuck the older guys and so he wanted to as well. The only problem was, Brek didn't seem like the type to lift his legs and get fucked.

But Justin was going to give it a try.

Justin sucked Brek fast and hard, hoping to get him close. Then, he slid his mouth down the shaft of Brek's glorious cock, trying to slobber it up as much as possible.

He grabbed the slick cock in his left hand and began to stroke it while he moved his mouth further down, pausing only quickly to lick and suck Brek's balls. The salty taste was intoxicating, but Justin knew he had to get to Brek's hole quickly.

Justin had his tongue darting over Brek's hole before Brek even knew Justin had headed down there. The sensation of the warm tongue against Brek's rosebud sent shockwaves through the college stud. He found himself spreading his legs further and repositioning to give Justin more access. Justin took full advantage of it. Justin was practically out of breath, but he continued to ferociously eat out Brek.

Brek began to moan louder and Justin could feel Brek bucking to get Justin's tongue in further.

Justin couldn't believe, but his plan had worked. A few more minutes and he'll be begging for my cock. Justin took his right hand and scooped up any slobber he find and began to lube up his own dick. He was leaking pretty good too, so he used his pre-cum to help slick up his cock head.

After a few tugs, Justin realized he was getting close to cumming. The taste and scent of Brek's hole was amazing and the thought being inside this muscled, gorgeous guy was overwhelming.

It was time, or Justin wouldn't be able to last.

Justin quickly raised his head up, started sucking Brek's cock and positioned his own cock at the throne. Justin even impressed himself that he was able to do all of that so quickly.

He ventured on, hoping the bigger guy would not offer resistance, because he knew that he was no match physically if he did.

Brek was out of his mind. He had been playing with his two college friends for a while but none of them had ever gone where Justin had. Brek had no idea how incredible it could feel.

Justin continued on as Brek actually lifted his legs in the air. Justin was inside quickly.

Brek groaned as the younger guy's cock burned as it entered him. Justin could tell Brek was in some pain, but still he didn't try to stop Justin. So, Justin picked up the pace. Brek's hole was so tight. Justin knew it wouldn't take long.

He stroked Brek's cock while he thrust his own cock in and out of Brek. He was now able to drive all the way in as he could feel Brek's balls bang into his pubes when he went in.

After a couple of minutes, Justin was nailing Brek's prostate with every thrust and precum was pouring from Brek's cock head.

Brek's head was leaned back, his eyes were closed and he looked like he was in heaven.

Justin yelled first.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, Brek, I can't hold it anymore. Here I cu..."

Justin couldn't finish the words as his balls exploded into the older guy.

As Justin squirmed and bucked inside him, Brek let himself go. Brek had a tremendous ability to stay right on the edge and then just instantly shoot when he wanted. Brek wanted to and did. With each spasm of Justin firing another shot, Brek fired off two. He was coating his chest. He didn't care about that because he knew he could find one of these horny fuckers to clean it off.

Justin wanted to collapse but kept driving in and out of Brek. He noticed that each time he did, Brek seemed to fire off another two quick shots of cum.

Justin's balls ached and he finally had to stop. He wasn't sure how much more Brek could have continued but he couldn't physically keep going to find out.

Brek had great control of his orgasm, but even he realized that he had never experienced what Justin had done, literally milking more and more out of him with each thrust.

Although Justin was loving everything about cum, even he wasn't interested into collapsing onto that mess on Brek's chest. So, when his softening cock plopped out of Brek's ass, he fell backwards. He spread his arms wide and lay there, breathing heavily and basking in the glory of taking the college stud.

Brek didn't move. He just closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of his hot, sticky, cum dripping down his chest.

Kevin had almost drifted off to sleep on Chris when he heard his brother shout out. Kevin smiled. It was so hot to hear Jay yell out like that.

"What a day! First, Justin, my dream come true! Then, sharing it all with Jay. And I fucked my first guy, and it happens to be this incredibly hot, college stud. I wonder what else is in store for me." Kevin thought as he closed his eyes once again.

Next: Chapter 13

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