The Clarksons

By Jason Clarkson

Published on Feb 9, 2012


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Thank you for the many emails. It seems that everyone is enjoying the story! JC

"Dudes, this is gonna be awesome!" Justin said as Kevin drove away.

"Yeah, I hope so. I have to admit I am a little nervous though," admitted Jay from the back seat while looking into the rear view mirror trying to catch Kevin's eyes to see if he felt the same.

"Oh don't worry, Jay. I was freaking out too before I was with Chris and Brek. But, they are really cool, and so I am sure it's gonna be fine," answered Justin.

Kevin remained quiet while driving. He was feeling the same way. He caught Jay's eyes in the mirror and knew that Jay understood.

"I am sure you are right, but how about if Kevin and I kinda hang back a bit just to be sure?" asked Jay.

"Sure, that's cool," replied Justin, "Just don't bail on me. If you want to leave, let me know, because I don't want to stay without you guys."

"OK, cool," said Jay, feeling a lot better about it already. "Just so we know, if anyone wants to go, the other two have to leave right away."

"Deal" said Justin.

"Deal" said Kevin.

Justin helped Kevin navigate his way to the apartment, but otherwise the three guys sat in silence.

The guys pulled up and quickly got to the door as Jay was carrying the case of beer. The beer wasn't open, but a 20 year old shouldn't be parading the streets with a case of beer.

After several knocks at the door by Justin, Chris answered the door in just a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was dripping wet, and beads of water were running down his smooth, muscled chest and stomach. He wasn't expecting Brek and Tye for another 30 minutes, so he had just finished a long, cleansing shower.

"Hey, Justin! What are you doing here? Your cousin is out of town and I am heading out," asked a surprised Chris.

Justin could tell Chris was anxious to get rid of the three of them. Justin realized that Chris must not know that Brek had invited them.

Justin decided to play along for a bit:

"Yeah, I was just on the phone with my cousin and he said you had just talked to him and that you were going out for the night, so he said I could have a few buddies over to drink some beer and hang out. You know, since you weren't going to be home anyway."

Kevin and Jay looked at each other confused. But they both quickly looked back at Chris and then back at each other. The brothers so easily understood what the other was thinking now. And, in this case, they were both thinking how amazing Chris looked in just a towel with the water beading up on his gorgeous body.

"What is Justin up to?" they both wondered.

Chris stood their silent. How could he explain himself out of this one? His roommate seemed more inquisitive lately and Chris was feeling that this might have been just another way to check up on him.

Chris stammered, obviously uncomfortable.

"Well, ummm, I guess. Uhh are you sure? Why would you want to hang here?" Chris asked, trying to bide time while he came up with something.

Justin felt bad. He saw Chris was struggling and didn't want to embarrass him anymore.

"Chris, I am just fucking with you! We saw Brek at the bar; I know they are coming over. He told us to come to! I guess we were a little excited and got here early." Justin said with a huge grin, hoping Chris wouldn't be pissed for messing with him.

Chris immediately looked beyond Justin to the two guys standing behind him. He began to smile as he checked out Justin's friends.

"Wow," he thought, "these guys are as hot as Justin. Damn, this is gonna be awesome."

Justin watched Chris' cock grow under the towel as the new information Justin provided sank in.

Justin was over the top aroused now and was feeling crazy.

He reached over and quickly ripped the towel off Chris and dropped to his knees.

"Well, maybe it was a good thing we got here early, the three of us can show you our appreciation for letting us come," said Justin, looking up to Chris while he took Chris' hardening cock in his hand.

Justin continued:

"These are my friends, Jay and Kevin. Guys, this is Chris."

"Hey guys, glad you could make it," Chris said, a bit embarrassed since he was now naked with Justin stroking him.

"Umm, hi Chris, nice to meet you," said Jay, amazed at Justin's quick move.

Kevin tried to be the voice of reason:

"Hey, uhh, do you think we should move into the apartment? The beer is getting warm and uhh, well, I am pretty sure people from the street can see you Justin."

Chris quickly popped out of the trance Justin news and actions had put him in.

Chris pushed Justin away.

"Yeah, you fuckers, get in here." Chris demanded as he stepped behind the door to conceal himself.

The three boys hustled in, Justin staying on his knees, however.

As Chris closed the door, Justin knee'd himself over to the hot college stud's cock once again.

"Hey, I am gonna need some help over here, we need to show Chris our appreciation!" Justin yelled, apparently to Kevin and Jay, as he grabbed Chris' cock firmly and began to suck on it.

Kevin took one step towards Chris and Justin, then paused and looked over to Jay for approval. All Kevin needed to see was that beautiful cock Chris had under the towel and any apprehension he had was gone. The stunning body that he saw open the door had him most of the way, but Justin ripping that towel off, sealed the deal. Kevin was ready for anything.

Jay felt the same way, but waited just long enough to make sure Kevin was game too. His cock jumped when he saw Kevin start to move so quickly.

"My little bro thinks just like me, I see," he thought to himself proudly.

He saw Kevin pause and turned and gave him a nod of approval.

Then, the two brothers raced towards the other guys. Kevin dropping on his knees to Justin's left, and Jay doing the same to Justin's right.

"Fuck, yeah, that's what I like, boys knowing how to appreciate their elders." Chris said laughing.

Justin pulled off Chris' now rock hard cock and handed it to Jay. Jay took it obediently and began to suck it vigorously. Justin turned and surprised Kevin by quickly kissing him, hard and fast, burying his tongue deep into Kevin's mouth. Kevin could taste the pre-cum that Chris evidently had poured into Justin's mouth. Kevin kissed back hard, his tongue darting to gather any other remnants of Chris' juice in Justin's mouth.

Chris put one hand on Jay's head, guiding him on and off his cock. Chris was ready to cum already. He had been stroking pretty vigorously and been cleaning out his ass in the shower until he was interrupted by the door knocks, so he was already at a heightened state.

His other hand worked its way back and forth between Justin and Kevin's hair while they kissed.

"Oh fuck yes!" Chris moaned.

Jay stopped quickly, knowing that guttural exclamation meant that Chris was close.

He paused a moment to give Chris a quick break, then announced:

"It's your turn little bro!"

Kevin and Justin stopped kissing, and Kevin obediently grabbed Chris' cock and started sucking.

Jay looked up and saw the hint of surprise in Chris' eyes.

Jay, just like Kevin, had lost all nervousness about the situation. He stood up and kissed Chris on the neck and then whispered in his ear:

"Yeah, that's right stud, we are brothers. You ever fuck brothers before? Well, I think you might have the chance tonight."

Chris didn't answer verbally but instead began to kiss Jay. His tongue worked Jay's tongue just like Kevin's tongue was working his cock head.

Justin got off his now aching knees to give them a rest. He took the opportunity also to rid himself of all his clothes.

Justin was about to nut just watching the scene. His best friend making out with his cousin's roommate and his best friend's younger brother sucking on the hot dude's cock.

Justin walked over to the back of the couch and began to bend over it.

"Kevin, do me a favor and bring that cock over here so I can get the fucking I deserve," demanded Justin. "Fuck, yeah, little man, I love pounding that ass," said Chris.

Kevin stopped sucking but held onto Chris' cock and looked up at Chris.

"You heard him, bring that cock over to that sweet ass," Chris told Kevin.

Kevin stayed on his knees and hung on to Chris cock and dragged him over to Justin.

Chris had his hand wrapped around Jay so Jay was forced to walk over too. While they walked, Jay continued to make out with Chris. The two guys trusted that Kevin was leading them in the right direction.

Chris' eyes opened when he felt the tip of his cock head press against Justin's ass cheek.

Kevin heard Chris' moan, so he began to slide the hard, slippery cock up and down over Justin's muscular butt.

"Hey Kevin, do me a solid and get little man's hot hole nice and wet for me," Chris told Kevin.

Kevin looked up at Chris and then to Jay. Kevin had never rimmed anyone and he wasn't too sure he would even know how or if he would like it. He actually wasn't too concerned he wouldn't like it, but what if it made him gag or something. The thought of it seemed kinda gross.

"Well, big bro, it looks like your little bro is a little scared to tongue fuck your buddy. Maybe you should show him how it's done." Chris told Jay.

"Well, I guess as a big brother, I gotta teach you things, Kev. So, I'll show you and then you can give it a try," said Jay to Kevin as he dropped to his knees next to Kevin.

The two brothers were now staring at Justin's ass as he remained bent over the couch.

"I don't care who does it, somebody better get their tongue or cock in my hole now, I need it bad!" yelled Justin.

Kevin continued to hold onto Chris' cock and started to slowly stroke it.

Jay reacted quickly to Justin's request and buried his face into Justin's crack. Jay slid his tongue up and down searching for Justin's hole.

Justin spread his legs wider as he began to moan. He could feel Jay's breath on his hole as the wet tongue began to moisten his crack. He needed Jay's tongue to slide across his hole! Jay squirmed a bit trying to help Jay find the target.

"AAaaah, Jay, come on, find my hole," Justin yelled.

"Spread Justin's check for your brother, Kevin," Chris barked out.

Kevin obeyed, letting go of Chris's cock to do so.

As Kevin spread apart Justin, Jay pulled back to get a view of Justin's pulsing rosebud. Jay licked his lips with his tongue.

"Mmmm, so sweet," Jay said as he dove back in, tongue first.

"Aaaah fuck yes, Jay, that's it. No work it in! Oh yes, that feels so good," screamed Justin as he started to push back into his friend.

"There ya go, slobber up all inside that hole, get it nice and ready for me," said Chris.

Chris took a step closer and grabbed his cock and slapped it softly against Kevin's face.

"Come on Kev, you can suck on this while you are holding that ass open," said Chris.

Kevin obeyed once again, and turned his head to take Chris' cock.

Chris was horned up now, and so he took Kevin's head in his hand and began to fuck Kevin's mouth pretty hard and fast.

Kevin struggled at first but stayed with it, enjoying the feeling of Chris' cock banging at his throat.

Jay and Justin were in a good rhythm now, and Jay's tongue was finding its way deeper into Justin's hole each time Justin thrust back into him.

Chris and Justin increased their moaning as the brothers continued to pleasure them. Kevin and Jay were still fully clothed but both could feel their cocks trapped in their shorts, pulsing against their thighs.

"Oh fuck, I better get this cock inside that hole soon, it sounds like little man is gonna explode any minute," Chris announced although he didn't slow his exuberant pace of sliding his cock in and out of Kevin's wanting mouth.

"Oh yeah, Chris, come fuck me. I need your cock," cried out Justin.

Jay took the cue and pulled himself away. He was amazed at how much we was enjoying eating Justin's ass, but he also wanted to watch this college stud's cock slide in and out of it.

He also loved hearing Justin crying out in such pure pleasure. He had made Justin yelp by his own fucking abilities, but he was certain this stud was going to take Justin to a whole new level.

Kevin hated to give up the cock in his mouth, but he knew it was time for Chris to fuck Justin. He also was looking forward to watching Justin get fucked by this beautiful man. Kevin released Justin's ass cheeks and pressed his hands against Chris's waist to stop him from driving his cock back into his mouth.

"Umm, I think Justin's ready for your cock. I got it nice and wet for you." Kevin explained as he turned his head so as to not have the cock forced back in.

Chris didn't answer but just walked over to Justin. Kevin and Jay quietly backed away a bit to give Chris some space but also so they could soak in the incredible view.

Chris plopped his sloppy wet, hard cock onto the small of Justin's back and then slid it down Justin's slippery crack. Jay had done a masterful job at slobbering up the whole area so that Chris' cock could slide all over.

Justin couldn't keep still as Chris continued to tease his hole and crack with his cock.

Kevin followed Jay's actions by removing his clothes. Soon, the brothers were naked like Justin and Chris. They both stroked their own hard dicks as they enjoyed the show.

Kevin suddenly remembered watching Brek eat out Chris and how much Chris enjoyed it.

"Maybe I should try it out on Chris. He just showered, so he should be nice and clean, and I know how much he loves it." Kevin thought to himself.

But still he was afraid, so he concentrated on the wonderful fuck scene instead.

Chris finally found Justin's hole with his cock head. He knew he had been mercilessly teasing Justin, and figured that Justin thought it was just that, but in truth, he was just struggling finding the tight little hole with his raging cock.

Jay smiled as he heard the familiar yelps from Justin as Chris entered him. Kevin smiled too as he recognized the strange pitch emanating from Justin from the time he had hidden on the stairs and watched his brother plow his friend.

Chris was roaring like a lion as he fucked Justin. His body was still wet. The liquid that glistened from his smooth torso was now a mixture of a bit of shower water, and mostly sweat as he worked his dick in and out of Justin.

Kevin and Jay began to stroke harder and faster as they took in the sights and sounds of this raw sex in front of them.

Chris released the tight grip he had on Justin's hip and extended each hand out to the brothers. Jay obediently grabbed Chris's left hand, Kevin doing the same to the right. Chris softly pulled and both boys took the signal to stand up. Chris released their hands.

Jay knew what to do, and Kevin followed suit.

Both brothers kissed Chris on the neck while they slid their hand up and down Chris' smooth but glistening skin. Jay tweaked and played with Chris' left nipple with his left hand while he gently squeezed Chris' left ass cheek with his right hand.

Kevin tweaked and played with Chris' right nipple with his right hand while he gently squeezed Chris' right ass cheek with his left hand.

The two brothers moved their kisses down to Chris' chest and began to suck on his hardened nipples.

Their hands on the front of Chris slid down to his stomach. They locked fingers there and held it while they continued to play with his chest with their mouths.

Chris slowed his pace down as Justin began to beg for it harder so he could finish:

"Oh, yes, Chris, I love your cock. Fuck me harder, please, I want to cum. Please fuck me harder and make me shoot!"

Justin began to push back harder as he realized Chris wasn't going to do all the work to bring him to climax.

Kevin and Jay decided to help Justin out and began to push Chris into Justin with the hands they had on his ass.

The three boys were doing all the work. Chris rested his hands on each of the brothers' shoulders—left hand on Jay's left shoulder, right hand on Kevin's right shoulder. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes. He felt his balls rising as that wonderful, familiar feeling was overtaking him.

"Oh yes, boys, you are gonna make me cum!" Chris announced.

All three boys quickened their pace. Kevin and Jay were now straining to push Chris in deeper after Justin had pushed him back with his own thrusts.

"Fuck yeah, Chris, I am gonna cum too! Keep fucking me hard." Justin screamed.

Kevin and Jay had never heard Justin like this. They were busy on Chris but both noticed that the animal in Justin had truly been unleashed.

Jay released his left hand from Kevin's right and began stroking himself without stopping any of his other activities.

Kevin took a quick glance to confirm the reason Jay had freed his hand. Once he saw his brother stroking his cock, he refocused on Chris' beautiful chest and began to stroke his own, now leaking cock.

The boys both noticed Chris had now taken back over as their hands were no longer powering the quickened thrusts from Chris.

Justin had also stopped firing back onto Chris.

Chris was rapidly and forcefully sliding his swelled up cock in and out of Justin. His body was beginning to flail to where Kevin and Jay had trouble keeping their mouths connected with his chest.

Chris pulled Kevin and Jay off and grabbed tight onto Justin's hips as he was going in for the finish.

Jay and Kevin released their grip of Chris' ass and let him go to town on their friend.

Justin's cock was grinding against the couch and he knew it wouldn't be but a few more times of Chris' wonderful cock head sliding over his prostate until he exploded.

Kevin and Jay stepped closer and stroked their cock while they hovered them over Justin.

Kevin saw Jay's precum fall off his cock slit and splash onto Justin's back, mixing with the sweat that was building on Justin. Kevin quickly reached over and scooped it up and tasted his brother's sweet juice.

That was the final straw for Chris. Seeing the little brother eat up his big brother's juice put him over the edge and he slammed one final time into Justin and held it in there.

None of the guys knew who fired the first shot, but they all fired many. Chris felt 8 or 9 solid, healthy shots fly from his balls deep into Justin.

Justin was in such a heightened state he had no idea how many shots came out, as his whole body was in a tremor for well over a minute while he soaked the couch and his stomach.

Kevin and Jay coated Justin's back with their loads.

The guys were a perfect quartet as they bellowed out low guttural sounds as well as some high pitched ones and everything in between.

Kevin and Jay kept stroking even though they had completely emptied their balls. Chris yanked his cock out and plopped it on to Justin's back.

Kevin and Jay joined Chris and the three of them slid their slimy cocks over the other two. Jay looked up and began kissing Chris. Kevin reached over and took Chris' cock in his left hand, and Jay's in his right and softly stroked them.

Jay and Chris stopped kissing and looked at Kevin. Jay leaned over Justin's body and kissed his brother.

"Fuck, that's so hot, I want to watch you to fuck," said Chris.

Justin snapped out of his crazed state but realized he was pretty well trapped. He wanted to see what Kevin and Jay were doing that Chris thought was so hot, but he couldn't really move. Chris was still pressed up against his ass and Kevin and Jay had now sandwiched him in.

Justin wriggled a bit, and said:

"Hey, let me up"

Jay pulled off Kevin's lips so that Justin could stand, but only long enough for Justin to stand and turn around. Then, Jay was back kissing his brother.

Chris couldn't take watching it and had to join in, and finally Justin did as well.

The four naked guys stood in a tight huddle, arms now wrapped around each other, kissing and tonguing each other. Sometimes, all four, other times rotating around the circle.

A puddle of cum had formed under Justin with Kevin and Jay's load dripping down his back and over his ass cheeks and Chris' cum slipping out his worn out hole.

Justin was the first to fully harden again. He wondered just how much fucking he could take in one day, but he was surprisingly ready to go again.

Chris, Kevin and Jay had all never softened after their intense orgasms and they each felt their cocks rising in the tight huddle.

The four guys swayed back and forth, kissing and now rubbing up against each other. Their arms were still locked around each other.

Chris pulled his head out of the mix for a moment and asked:

"Oldest or youngest?"

The boys were confused.

Justin spoke up:

"What do you mean?"

"Just answer the question, Oldest or youngest?" Chris demanded.

"Umm, ok, oldest," answered Justin.

Chris waited for Kevin and Jay to answer, looking at Jay and saying,


"Umm, oldest," said Jay not knowing what either answer would mean.

"Oldest," Kevin answered quickly before Chris had to look over at him.

"Well, I vote youngest, but I lose 3-1 I guess," Chris said laughing.

"If youngest, it was going to be young Kevin here that was going to be the first to drop into the middle, but since it's oldest, I guess it's me." Chris explained as he dropped to his knees in front of the younger guys.

"Yeah, Chris, suck me first," said an excited Justin.

Chris began sucking Justin quickly as Jay and Kevin tightened the circle, filling in the gap left by Chris.

"Mmmm, yeah, that feels great! But, that was kinda unfair that Jay and I didn't have a chance to be the lucky one in the middle." Justin said.

Chris paused and looked up and said,

"We got all night, Justin, I am sure you will have plenty of chances."

Chris bounced from cock to cock as Justin, Jay and Kevin continued to swap kisses and other mouth only pleasures. They kept their arms locked around their shoulders and kept Chris in the middle of them.

As things heated up, Chris began to really on the younger Kevin's cock. Chris had begun to use his hands on Kevin as well. Sliding his right hand up and down Kevin's chest and stomach and his left hand was on Kevin's ass, occasionally brushing past the sweet, young rosebud.

Jay and Justin were losing control just watching the college stud work on Kevin. It was so hot to see Kevin's face show such enjoyment and his sweet, soft moans were intoxicating.

They began to grind their cocks against Chris. His face, shoulders, neck, wherever they could find contact as they swayed.

Kevin's moans grew louder and the others knew the younger guy was about to cum.

Jay and Justin unlocked themselves so that they could position themselves in front of Chris and used their now free hand to stroke themselves.

Chris realized what they were doing, and pulled Kevin's cock from his mouth and began stroking it vigorously.

"OK, boys, gimme your best shots," said Chris as he leaned his head back a bit and opened his mouth wide. Kevin was the first to shoot as Chris was working his cock perfectly.

"Oh fuck yeah, Chris, eat my cum," exclaimed Kevin as the first shot hit Chris' cheek.

Kevin was able to adjust his cock but hit too low with his second shot as it only caught Chris' chin.

Kevin stepped in a bit closer and dropped a two shots right onto Chris' tongue.

Justin began spraying Chris' face. The shots weren't targeted anywhere, he was just plastering Chris all over.

Jay began firing from the other side, as Chris worked his tongue around trying to catch any of the flying cum.

The door burst open and Tye and Brek walked in, just as the last few drops oozed out of Jay's cock.

Chris' face was covered in cum and it was running down his neck. He fell back and lay on the floor.

"Wow, looks like the party already started!" said Brek.

"You boys be ready for round 2, cuz my fucking cock has been hard all afternoon." Tye added as he quickly whipped down his jeans to expose his very healthy and very hard dick.

Brek answered by dropping his pants as well.

"My cock is ready for some young, hot ass too!"

Kevin and Jay's eyes grew wide as they saw the monster cock that Justin had talked about.

"Well, it'll actually be round 3 for them, but I could use a good fucking while they get ready!" said Chris.

Next: Chapter 12

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