The Clarksons

By Jason Clarkson

Published on Jan 15, 2012


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Thank you for the many emails. It seems that everyone is enjoying the story! JC

Just as several hours before, the three boys, Justin, his friend Jay and Jay's younger brother Kevin, floated around in the pool. All three were even more physically and sexually spent. All three were careful to keep their distance from each other. Unlike earlier, however, they were all feeling a bit unsure of what they had done and how it might change their relationships.

Justin saw the passion between the two brothers and was fearing that he would be left out. Kevin was worried that Jay would be mad at him for intruding on his friendship and would ice him out. Both Kevin and Justin were now feeling guilty for their hot session in the bushes. They didn't like that they were keeping it from Jay. Jay was feeling the worst of it. He had exposed his secret to his little brother, and felt terrible if he messed with his head at all. Even if everything worked out ok between the three of them, he still had the secret that he let his best friend's dad fuck him like crazy on two different occasions. And, then there was the blowjob he got from him in the car. He also had the lingering thought that maybe Kevin did see something in the window and it was Mr. C. So, the guilt piled on for two more reasons: Jay caused Justin's secret to be known by his dad and that his dad knew Jay was fucking around with his son only an hour after taking the dad's big cock deep inside.

Jay couldn't take the eerily silence anymore as the guilt was overwhelming him. He dove under the water, which he had found to be his solace quite often lately when dealing with his lustful actions. Under the water he decided he would try to lighten things up with the other boys.

As soon as Jay went under, Justin and Kevin looked at each other and said simultaneously:

"We can never tell him!"

The boys both laughed and then Justin said,

"Thanks, Kevin, I am glad you are cool with that. If we do it again without him, and believe me, I want to, we should tell. But, that first one has to be our little secret."

Kevin started to reply even before Justin finished:

"I totally agree, Just. I think...wait, what? You want to do it again sometime? Just the two of us? Oh, man, Justin, I want to as well. Do you think Jay will mind?"

Justin answered quickly as he assumed his friend would be resurfacing soon,

"I don't think so. I'll ask him after I give him great head or something to make sure he is in a good mood, just in case."

Jay had figured out his next move to ease the tension between the boys and resurfaced loudly to get their attention.

After wiping his eyes, Jay announced:

"Here's the thing, Justin and Kevin. What we just did was pretty awesome and I hope we do it again, and other things as well. But, we can't be acting all weird about it. Justin, you're my bud, and I always want us to be able to hang out. If we get to get fool around sometimes that is awesome, but we can't mess with the rest of it. And, Kevin, you're my little brother, so I gotta be sure I don't mess with your life or make it weird to be around. Shit, bro, we live in the same room. So, let's all quit acting weird and go get something to eat or go to the mall or something."

Kevin and Justin were silently relieved. It was now in the open. They were all going to be cool with what had happened. And, Justin and Kevin knew their secret was safe.

Justin tried to add some humor to keep the good feelings flowing, "Believe me, Jay, I am more than fine with it. Now, I got two studs I can call when I am feeling horny, which seems to be all the time lately."

The boys all smiled and got out of the pool. As they were drying off, Justin continued, acting a bit sad now:

"It is going to be hard for me though."

"Aww, why Just?" asked Jay falling for the act.

"Cuz, when I hang with you two, I'll always have to decide which brother I fuck first," said Justin laughing.

"Haha, so funny Justin. Well, Kev, I guess we can solve Justin's problem and never let him fuck either one of us," Jay quipped.

"Yeah, sounds good, bro. We wouldn't want to make you have to make a tough decision like that, Justin," said Kevin, really enjoying the feeling of being able to joke around with Jay and Justin.

"Oh really? well go fuck yourselves then. Even if you guys wanted to, I know you wouldn't be able to resist my cock. In fact, I bet you guys will be begging me to fuck your tight little holes with this monster by the end of today." Justin said as pulled his semi-hard cock out of his suit and dangled it in front of the brothers.

Kevin and Jay admired Justin's cock, and then looked at each other and smiled.

"Let's get em." Jay said as both Kevin and Jay grabbed at Justin and threw him into the pool.

"That should cool off mr. cocky for a bit," said Jay to Kevin as they finished drying off.

Kevin just smiled as he looked admiringly at his big brother.

"You guys are dead," Justin said laughing as he got back out of the pool. "If I wasn't so hungry, I'd get my payback right now, but let's go get something to eat."

The boys finished drying off and getting dressed. Justin grabbed Kevin a shirt to wear from the house. Kevin enjoyed the feeling of knowing he was wearing Justin's shirt, as if it was Justin's hot body against his.

As the boys went to leave, Mr. C came walking down the stairs in his suit. Jay enjoyed the view of the man who had given him quite a pounding a few hours ago.

"Hey pops," asked Justin, "I thought you were taking it easy today?"

"I just got an urgent call, I have to go settle an issue," explained Mr. Clarkson.

Jay silently realized that if Mr. C was upstairs changing, it was likely that Kevin was right, there was somebody in the window. It was Mr. C. Jay just hoped the other boys didn't figure it out.

Jay looked at Mr. C. By the look that Mr. C gave back, Jay knew he saw.

"Oh shit, oh shit," Jay thought, "what is he gonna do?"

"Later, boys, I gotta run. Stay out of trouble," said Mr. C as he headed out the door.

Jay was relieved, but he also noticed that Mr. C gave Kevin a long look before turning to leave.

"Uh oh, I have seen that look before," Jay thought to himself. "If he thinks he is gonna tag my brother, well, he is fucked up. I'll make sure of that."

Jay shot Kevin a look to see if he noticed the glare from Mr. C. Apparently, he hadn't, and Jay was also relieved because for a fleeting moment he was panicking thinking that maybe Kevin and Mr. C. had already done stuff. He could tell by Kevin's innocent look that Kevin hardly even noticed Mr. C. at all.

Mr. Clarkson got into his car and drove away, but thought to himself once again, "Yes, I definitely need to have that boy, and soon!"

"So, where we going, guys?" asked Kevin, getting a bit hungry himself.

The three boys looked at each other, realizing they were all alone in the house now. They were all hungry for food. They were all sexually drained. However, their appetite for sex with each other seemed unending and going upstairs to Justin's room to try to satisfy it was foremost on their minds.

Without saying a word, Justin headed towards the stairs. Kevin and Jay followed dutifully. Just then, the door opened. The boys quickly looked to see who it was.

"Oh hey guys," said Mrs. Clarkson, "what are you up to?"

"Oh hi mom," replied Justin, "we were just going to get something to eat. What are you doing home so early?"

"Well, its not that early, Justin, but I just felt like coming home. Your dad's not home?" asked Mrs. Clarkson.

"No, he had some issue to take care of. He was dressed in a suit and everything," said Justin.

"Oh ok," said Mrs. Clarkson disappointedly. "Well, I'll text him to see when he'll be home."

"OK, Mom," Justin said as he led the brothers towards the door, "we're going out, I'll probably be a couple of hours."

"Ok, have fun," said Mrs. Clarkson. "Bye Jay, bye Kevin, nice to see you two."

"Nice to see you too, Mrs. C.," answered Jay for both he and Kevin. "Bye."

Once the boys were outside and the door was completely closed, Justin said:

"Oh man, that was close. Dudes, we gotta be more careful. That was my fault, but let's always make sure with each other. I get so crazy, I stop thinking. I am not used to this at all."

Kevin was tempted to tease Justin and Jay for how bad they were about sneaking around, telling them how he saw them in the kitchen with the whip cream, but decided he would keep that to himself...for now.

"Yeah, we just gotta be cool," said Jay as the three boys piled into the car.

Kevin was driving but had no idea where they were going.

"Ok, guys, like I asked awhile ago, where are we going?" asked Kevin.

"Hey, I got an idea. Tye is working today at the bar. He'll give us a deal on some burgers. Then, he'll sell me a case of beer out the back, we can go somewhere and drink it." Jay explained excitedly.

Kevin got a little nervous. He had never drank with his big brother. He hoped he would be able to keep up with the college boys. But more importantly, he was going to see Tye again for the first time since he got caught perving on Tye and that other stud in the bar.

"Don't worry, Kev, we'll drop the car off at home, I wouldn't let you drink and drive." Jay said when he saw Kevin's reaction.

"OK, cool, sounds great to me," answered Kevin, still nervous about what Tye might say or do.

"Awesome, Jay, this should be fun. I am starving and I love those cheeseburgers, so let's get there, Kev." Justin said from the backseat.

"I am home alone, in bed, waiting for you!"

Mr. Clarkson read the text as he headed to his car from the customer meeting. It was from his wife.

"Awesome, see you in 15! Don't start without me ;)" Mr. Clarkson quickly replied.

Mr. Clarkson sat in the car a moment before starting it and pulling away. He was instantly aroused at the thought of his sexy wife waiting for him in his bed. However, he was panicking a little bit. He had already shot two loads today and probably still had the smell and juices of his son's friend on him. He had to try to control himself better. He drove home, fully aroused, rubbing himself nonchalantly as visions of his wife danced in his head.

Kevin and Justin followed Jay into the bar. They felt kinda cool walking in, knowing that they would be well taken care of since they were with Jay, who worked there.

For different reasons, both Kevin and Justin stopped dead in their tracks. Kevin had been worried about seeing Tye but had geared himself up for that. However, he hadn't expected to see Brek, the stud who had worked Tye over amazingly that night that Kevin had slipped in to the bar and witnessed the incredible sight of the two studs fucking.

Justin was shocked to see Brek as well. He hadn't seen the older college stud since that amazing night that he was used so intensely by Brek and his cousin Tim's roommate Chris. Justin had been so wrapped up in the hot sex with Jay lately (and now Kevin), he almost had forgotten how hot it was with Brek and Chris.

Both boys fidgeted with their cocks as seeing Brek had definitely brought back erotic memories and caused both of them to get very aroused. Neither of the boys were nervous about seeing Brek, just surprised. However, both of them realized that they were pleasantly surprised.

Jay had moved more comfortably through the bar and was now leaning against it talking to Tye. Jay noticed Tye's eyes drift from his, and assumed he was eyeing Kevin and Justin. Jay didn't know that Tye was actually fixated on Kevin, the younger guy that witnessed Brek and Tye in the bar after hours. Tye was not worried that Kevin had told. Tye realized he was glad to see the hot, young guy. As Jay started some small talk about the crowd, Tye's mind wandered to that night, when he looked over and saw the young, smooth stud whip out his healthy cock and stroke it while Brek pummeled Tye. Tye fought back a smile as he remembered, leaning over, still pants-less with Brek's cum dripping down his back and ass, scooping up a bit of Kevin's load from the floor onto his finger and gobbling it all up. Tye remembered thinking that he would like the opportunity to taste a full load sometime.

"So, how about it, Tye?" asked Jay when Tye didn't respond.

"Wait, what?" Tye replied.

Jay looked at him strangely. Tye realized that he had not been listening to Jay for at least 30 seconds, perhaps longer. Tye also realized his cock was now at full attention.

"Sorry, Jay," Tye said, trying to recover. "I was distracted, there was a hot girl that just left that was looking back at me through the window."

"Oh cool stud, man, you get em all. Anyway, I was saying that my brother Kevin and my friend Justin and I were going to grab some cheeseburgers, and then, would it be cool if you sold me a case of beer when we leave?" Jay repeated to Tye quietly so others in the bar wouldn't hear.

As Jay waited for his answer, he spotted the rather impressive bulge in Tye's pants. He assumed Tye got it because of the girl he had been checking out.

"Regardless of what caused it," Jay thought, "I'd like to get my hands and lips around it."

"Oh sure, Jay. You guys have a seat, I'll be over in a second to take your order. And yeah, I'll set a case by the back door for when you leave. I need the money for it though. I might sell to you underage but I don't steal from the boss, that wouldn't be cool." Tye said as he went to attend to another customer seated at the bar.

Jay walked over to an empty table, sneaking one more peek at his co-worker's nice cock practically busting out of his jeans. Jay never had a single sexual thought about Tye before, and now he was practically drooling at the thought of taking the stud's cock in his mouth.

Tye continued to steal glances at Kevin. Tye then realized that Brek would probably remember Kevin as well. He looked at Brek, but Brek hadn't noticed Kevin enter as he was feverishly texting somebody.

"Hey Brek," Tye said as he walked over in front of Brek's seat at the bar.

"Yeah, what's up Tye?" said Brek as he begrudgingly dragged his eyes from his phone.

"Did you notice our little peeping tom is here?" Tye asked Brek with a devilish smile.

"Oh no, I was busy texting with Chris, setting up plans for when you get off work," explained Brek as he scanned the fairly empty bar looking for the kid that was rewarded with quite a show.

"He's over there, but be cool, his brother works here, and he is with him, and so is another kid. I just thought you might enjoy seeing him, I am sure he is enjoying seeing you. He has been gawking at you since he walked in." Tye explained to Brek quietly.

Brek spotted Kevin, and when they locked eyes, Brek gave a wry smile and a slight nod of the head. Brek then continued to scan the room with his eyes to keep it subtle. However, his eyes immediately locked on the other set of eyes that were clearly looking his way.

"Oh fuck," Brek muttered.

Tye immediately picked up on it.

"What, Brek?" asked Tye, "do you know that other kid? I think Jay said his name was Justin."

Brek looked back at Tye, with a smile wider than Tye had ever seen.

"Oh man, Tye," Brek said excitedly but with an effort to keep as quiet as possible, "I think we are going to have some fun today."

Brek immediately began texting once again.

"What you got going on in that horny, little head of yours?" asked Tye curiously.

Tye had always liked the look of Justin whenever he popped in to see Jay at work. He had never spoken to him, as he was usually only in for a minute or two. Tye was an experienced bartender and always spotted everyone that came in, but in the case of college guys, Tye usually was pretty good at discretely checking them out from head to toe.

So, if Brek was hatching up a plan to bring Justin along, Tye would be all for it. Tye was already excited about getting with Brek again. Brek was hanging at the bar because when Tye finished his shift, the two college studs were going over to Chris' place for a full night of fun. Chris' roommate Tim was out of town visiting his girlfriend, so they had the place all to themselves.

"Don't you worry your pretty little face about it, Tye, just make sure you don't get stuck here," said Brek as he gulped the last of his Budweiser. "Grab me another one, would ya?"

Tye shook his head with a grin on his face as he walked to the cooler to fetch Brek another Bud. Tye was getting more excited. He trusted Brek that whatever Brek was plotting, he would be cool and it would be fun.

"And dude, try to keep that thing under control," Brek teased, "that poor thing wants to bust right out of those jeans."

"I know, yikes, right? I can't seem to control it today," Tye explained as he non-chalantly untucked his shirt to help conceal the bulge.

Tye left Brek to his texting and Bud and made his way over to the table at which Kevin and Justin had joined Jay.

"So, I know you, right, you're Jay's brother?" said Tye, playing it cool, hoping Kevin would understand that everything was fine.

"Umm, yeah, I'm Kevin. I have seen you lots of times when I pick up Jay, but I have never been in here, as a customer that is," answered Kevin, worried that he was obviously trying to hide that he had been in here.

"Well, nice to meet you, Kevin," Tye said with a smile.

"And I know this goof over here," Tye continued, nudging Jay, "but I don't know you at all. I think I have seen you once or twice but never had a chance to say hello." "Yeah, I've stopped in to talk with Jay a few times when you were working, my name is Justin, I am Jay's friend. And, well, Kevin's friend too." Justin answered as he kept his gaze on Tye but let his leg rub up against Kevin's.

"Well, nice to meet you, Justin. What will you have to eat?" Tye asked.

"Just give us all double cheeseburgers, fries and coke," Jay answered, looking at the two boys for approval.

"Cool," said Tye, "I am leaving in about half an hour, if you guys are still here, I can drop your take out in your car. I'll definitely check with you before I head out tho."

"Ok, thanks, Tye," said Jay.

"Yeah, thanks a lot, Tye!" Justin said excitedly.

Kevin just nodded as he had noticed the bulge in Tye's pants as was now speechless and fixated on the college stud's cock.

After Tye left to put the order in to the kitchen, Brek got up from his spot at the bar and nonchalantly walked past the table, heading to the bathroom.

He gave Justin a slight nod that no one else noticed.

Justin waited a moment and then said:

"I gotta piss, where is the bathroom, Jay?"

Justin knew full well where it was as he had watched Brek enter it, but he didn't want the others to know that he was actually going to talk to Brek.

"It's right over there in the corner," answered Jay, surprised that Justin had to ask, but thought nothing of it.

Justin got up and hurried to the bathroom.

"This is a pretty cool place, Jay. When you go back to school, you think I could fill in `til you get back?" Kevin asked tentatively.

"That's a great idea, bro! Then, maybe they would keep you on, and we could work together, or at least I wouldn't have to worry that they wouldn't take me back next summer. That is, if you promise not to steal my job!" replied Jay.

"No, Jay, I promise, just fill in until you get back," answered Kevin.

Kevin liked the idea of working in the bar, but was also secretly thrilled at the thought of being around the hot bartender, Tye. He thought about telling Jay about Tye and Brek, but decided against it. If Tye found out he told and got pissed, there would be no way he could work here.

"What's up little man?" asked Brek as Justin entered the bathroom.

"Oh hi, Brek, how are you?" asked Justin, feigning surprise at seeing Brek.

"Cut the bullshit, I saw you checking me out, I knew you'd follow me in here. You are dying for some of this, aren't you?" Brek taunted as he caressed his large and now semi-hard cock.

Justin just stood still, speechless, his eyes glued to Brek's monstrous cock.

Brek began to tuck it back in.

"Well, I tell you what, little man. We have a full night planned, and I just texted my boy Chris, and if you want in, you are welcome to join us." Brek explained.

Justin's mind raced. The first time with Chris and Brek was absolutely amazing and he wanted to jump at the chance to join them again. However, he was looking forward to drinking some beers with Kevin and Jay. He also knew that the beer drinking would turn into a sex filled adventure that he was most anticipating.

Just then, Brek's phone buzzed with a text. It was from Tye:

"Get these boys to join us! And you better not be fucking that hottie in the bathroom."

Brek laughed out loud, and then replied:

"LOL, I am behaving, and I am working on it!"

Brek turned his attention back to Justin who was now at the urinal trying to pee but mostly stroking his cock which was slightly hard.

"Here's the deal, kid. Tye is getting off work in a bit, and we are going over to Chris' place. Your cousin Tim is out of town. You and your two buds out there need to join us." Brek explained to Justin authoratively.

"Wait. Tye, the bartender, fools around with guys too? Awesome, he is hot!" replied Justin.

Justin was elated. He would get the best of both worlds! Hanging with Jay and Kevin and get some great fucking by the older college studs. And now knowing that Tye was joining them, it was going to be amazing.

But reality set in quickly. He doubted Kevin and Jay would be up for it, and how was he even going to explain how it all came about? He would have to admit to Jay that he got his brains fucked out by Brek and his cousin's roommate. He was certain Jay would be done with him if he found out.

Justin continued to stroke his cock at the urinal as he thought through his dilemma.

Brek stood and admired the younger, hot college boy. All the excitement of what might happen had Brek's cock stirring.

Brek came up behind Justin and tugged his pants down below his ass. Brek slipped his cock back out and pressed it into Justin's crack. There was no lock on the door and if someone were to come in, there would be no way for Brek to conceal what he was doing.

Maybe it was the several Budweisers or maybe just the extremely sexy Justin, but Brek understood the dangers but threw caution to the wind and began to force his cock into Justin.

Justin was well aware of the dangers too but found himself succumbing to Brek's onslaught. Justin felt weak in the knees as the older stud began to enter him. As Brek began to plow his hole, he knew he was going over to Chris'. He also knew that he was going to tell Jay and Kevin the whole story and that they would join him.

Justin raised his hands up to steady himself against the wall as Brek invaded him. Brek's cock was absolutely huge, but Justin's ass accepted it so well. Brek felt Justin's hole wrap around it so tight, but was pleasantly surprised that there was no resistance.

Brek had been horny all day and with Justin's ass feeling so good, he felt his balls bubbling up quickly. He was going to breed this hot young boy right here in the bathroom. He almost wished that someone would come in and see this amazing site.

Justin began to push back into Brek as he too was now quite aroused. He was amazed at how much he loved getting fucked, and how absolutely wonderful it felt to have Brek's massive cock driving into him over and over.

Both guys knew they needed to make this quick.

Tye was nervously watching the bathroom door.

"Brek should be done in there, what is he doing? He wouldn't really be fooling around with Justin in there, would he?" Tye thought to himself.

He texted Brek again...

"WTF you doin in there?"

Brek continued to drill his boy but managed to read the text with one hand.

Brek began laughing and suddenly stopped the onslaught of Justin, and pulled his rock hard cock out of Justin's ass.

"Aaaaggh, what the fuck Brek, don't stop now," Justin said as he continued to back to try to the Brek's monster back inside him.

"No little man. Sorry, that was just a preview to make sure you show. I know you will, you are a little cock slut." Brek said as he began to pull up his pants.

Brek didn't mean to tease Justin like that, he would have loved to have finished deep inside the boy. But, he knew Tye would be pissed if he found out Brek was doing this in the bathroom. In fact, he knew if he didn't answer Tye's text quickly, Tye would be barging through that door.

Justin stood there facing the wall still.

"Get dressed little man. Enjoy your lunch, tell your boys the good news, and after you see Tye and me leave, get your asses over to Chris' place. We'll be ready and waiting for you," Brek said as he headed out of the bathroom while replying to Tye's text.

"Geez Tye, can't a man take a dump in peace? Lol"

Justin obediently pulled up his pants, struggling to tuck his still rock hard cock back into his boxers and jeans. His ass was still twitching from the invasion and he felt it craving for so much more.

Justin headed back to the table, trying to conceal his cock and his excitement. He failed miserably on both points, at least to his two friends.

Jay immediately called him out on it.

"What the fuck have you been up to? Dude, your fuckin rock hard and you got a goofy ass grin on your face."

Here was the moment of truth for Justin. He realized that Brek played that perfectly. Brek got him completely horned up, so that he would definitely go through with it. Of course, Brek didn't do that intentionally, but Justin didn't know that. Justin's cock continued to throb as he prepared himself to tell the whole story to Kevin and Jay.

"Well, boys, let's just say there has been a change of plans after lunch, but first I have to tell you a story that started a few nights ago." Justin began, darting his eyes between the two brothers to make sure they were not disapproving of anything he said.

First, Justin explained to Kevin about the first time he and Jay were together about a week ago. Then, he told both of them that after that, he has been feeling completely horned up for guys. He was looking more at Jay for approval. He hoped Jay understood, so that what he was about to hear wouldn't get him too pissed.

As he progressed through the story to when he got destroyed by Brek and Chris, he was trying to describe it as hot as possible. It was keeping him rock hard as well. The brothers seemed mesmerized so he believed they were enjoying the tales of their slutty friend.

"It was amazing guys, these two ripped college studs with thick, juicy cocks on either side of me. One would shove their cock down my throat while the other one buried it deep into my ass."

Both brothers were rubbing each other as Justin continued the sex stories.

"So, anyway, that brings us to today. One of those college studs I was talking about, not my cousin's roommate, the other guy, is sitting over at the bar," said Justin.

The two boys immediately shifted their eyes to the various people sitting at the bar.

"Don't look, don't look," Justin said quickly.

The two boys looked back at Justin.

"It's him on the end, drinking Bud, but be cool, don't stare." Justin explained.

"Oh shit, Just, he is fucking hot," said Jay as he slyly checked out Brek.

Kevin didn't have to look, he knew it was Brek. He just smiled, but was unsure if he should tell his little story.

Jay was incredibly turned on. He was a little surprised that Justin was such a little slut, but he wished he could have seen it or joined in.

Jay, naturally, felt the need to tease his friend.

"Wow, Justin, how long you been sluttin' around like this?"

"Fuck you, Jay, I've never done anything before we played last week," Justin said defensively, but knowing Jay was only messing with him.

Jay didn't think Justin had done much with guys but he was glad that Justin said it. He realized he wasn't jealous that Justin was with those guys, he was more turned on that his friend liked being tag teamed like that.

Jay suddenly worried that this was too much for Kevin. It was a big thing what they just did, but it was nothing like what Justin described.

"So, Kev, sounds like we got ourselves a little bitch boy we can use at our disposal. You show some cock and a bit of muscle, and the boy winds up on all fours," teased Jay hoping to feel out what Kevin was thinking about all of this.

"Oh man," Kevin answered quickly, thankful that Jay gave him an opening, "that sounds amazing Justin. And yes, if you want me and Jay to do that to you sometime, I am most definitely in!"

Justin smiled from ear to ear.

"Well, boys, if you'd let me finish my story, I think you might be quite pleased." Justin said as he prepared to provide the details of what went on in the bathroom.

He had intended on leaving the part about being fucked by Brek out and just mention the invite to join them, but he could tell he had the two brothers worked up. Providing the details, Justin believed, would guarantee that they would both jump at the chance to go over to Chris'.

"So, when Brek went to the bathroom, I saw him look over at me, so I followed him in there," began Justin.

"When I got in there, he was waiting for me. He wanted to invite me and you two over to Chris'. He said him and Tye were going over there."

"What? Tye? The bartender?" asked Jay as softly as he could.

Justin was happy to see Jay's response. He was a bit surprised, albeit happy, that Tye was joining Chris and Brek, but he was also figuring that meant that Jay and Tye had probably played around here after hours. He found himself disappointed and somewhat jealous thinking of his best friend naked with the hot bartender.

However, seeing that Jay was completely surprised by the announcement that Tye was headed over to the sex party, Justin knew that Jay had no idea about his co-worker.

Kevin, meanwhile, sat quietly by Jay's side, although he did perk up at Jay's response. He had seen Tye and Brek in action, so he wasn't surprised by Justin's comments, but he was happily surprised that Jay had no idea. He knew he had to share his brother with Justin, but he wasn't sure he was ready to find out that there were other college studs that Jay was playing around with.

Justin's eyes widened.

"Dude, you didn't know? I thought for sure you were bending over that stud for years now, how else could you have kept this job?" Justin said, giggling, knowing full well he had actually never thought of Jay having sex with another guy, ever, but knowing he owed Jay one for the bitch boy comment.

"Fuck you, Justin," answered Jay, knowing Justin was kidding but kind of annoyed anyway.

Actually, he realized he wasn't annoyed by what Justin had said, he was more annoyed that Tye never showed any interest in him in that way.

"What the fuck, Jay, stop thinking that way. Up until a few days ago, you would have quit if you thought that Tye was hitting on you," Jay chided himself.

"Oh, look Kev, your big bro can dish it out but I guess he can't take it," replied Justin.

Kevin stayed completely out of the conversation.

"Oh please Justin, I can take anything you can bring on," Jay replied instinctively, not actually sure what he really meant.

Justin's eyes got big again, he had his opening to bring in the final twist to the story.

"Well, Jay, you have your wish. Because I said yes, that we all were going over. And what I am gonna bring on to see if you can take is Brek's monstrous cock. I just had a turn on it in the bathroom, and it is as big as ever. It was fucking amazing to feel that hot stud inside me!"

The two brothers' jaws dropped simultaneously.

Kevin spoke first as he was so turned on by what Justin had just said.

"That guy just fucked you in the bathroom?" Kevin asked.

Justin couldn't believe he had just blurted it out but now that he had he felt excited and obligated to boast about it.

"Yep, when I walked in, he was wagging it in front of me. I went to take a piss, showed him my ass, and soon he was driving that massive cock deep inside me."

Justin realized that he was sounding way too slutty so he decided to change the ending.

"But I pushed him away and told him he would have to wait until later to have it, and that I needed to make sure that it was cool both you guys could come with, and that he had plenty of beer for us for the night."

"Justin! You gotta be careful, dude, that guy could kick your ass!" Jay said, exasperated.

Justin hadn't thought about that, although he knew it hadn't happened that way. So, he decided to come clean as he wasn't ready to extend the lie any further.

"I am just bullshitting, I'd never say that to that guy, you are right, he'd kick my ass," Justin admitted laughing out loud.

"Truth is, he was fucking me pretty hard but then he stopped and said I better show up for the rest." Justin explained.

Justin continued, very quickly:

"But I turned back and saw him texting, so what I really think happened was Tye told him to get out of the bathroom. Anyway, he left me ready for more! Are you guys up for it? You will really like Chris. And I can tell already that you, Jay, have the hots for Tye. And, well, Kevin, you have been in a trance since we got here, so I am guessing you are in. And, you might want to stop rubbing your dick, people are starting to watch."

"Uh, what? Oh, shit, sorry," Kevin replied as he stopped rubbing himself.

Justin laughed.

"I am just messing with ya, Kev, but what do you think? Are you up for it?" asked Justin.

"Um, yeah, I mean, if Jay is and you guys don't mind me coming along," Kevin said as he looked at Jay for approval.

Jay wanted to go so bad, but was unsure. Finding out that Tye was going to be there was a bit of a shock. He was afraid it might be very awkward for the two of them. He was also worried how it would be at work going forward.

"Kev, if we are going, you are definitely going with us," Jay said to Kevin as he could tell Kevin was look for his permission.

But, then Jay aired his concern:

"I dunno tho, Just. I mean, it sounds way hot and everything, but are you sure Tye is going? I dunno, I think it might be kinda weird for me and him. Does he know I am coming? Is he really ok with that?"

"Jay, you are thinking way too much, man. I don't know if he knows anything. Brek said we are all to come, so I say we go. He wouldn't invited us if it wasn't gonna be cool." Justin said trying to ease Jay's concerns.

Justin could tell it wasn't really working, so he continued:

"Don't worry about you and Tye, it might be weird at first, but once we get into it, it'll be fine. And, then, maybe those nights when you and him close the bar, me and your bro can stop by and the four of us can have some fun."

The boys all went quiet as they each individually thought about how hot it would be to be doing it in the bar. Kevin imagined himself on the bar being fucked by his brother while Justin fed him his hot cock.

Jay suddenly imagined Tye naked, on a bar stool, telling Jay to come sit on his rock hard cock. Jay imagined Justin sitting at the bar stool next to him, summoning Kevin. Jay and Kevin slowly kissed while they helped each other strip. They hugged tight after they lifted each other's shirts off. Their smooth, muscled bodies with a bit of sweat glistening felt amazing. Tye and Justin, on the stools, were stroking and watching the two brothers preparing to be fucked. Kevin lowered himself to Jay's waist and quickly undid Jay's belt, button and zipper and quickly dropped Jay's jeans and boxers to the floor. Jay could almost feel the warmth of Kevin's mouth as he imagined Kevin's mouth taking his now hard cock in. Jay pulled Kevin back up and repeated the move, and stood again, looking Kevin in the eye. Jay took Kevin by the hand and walked Kevin over to the two naked, stroking studs on the bar stools. Jay mounted Tye and Kevin followed onto Justin. The two brothers continued holding hands as they slowly eased down on the swollen cock heads that were begging to enter them.

"Mmmmm," Jay softly moaned.

"Earth to Jay, you, dude, what are you doing?" asked Justin as he waved his hand in front of Jay's face.

"Oh, sorry," Jay said, smiling, "I was just thinking about something. So, um, anyway, yeah, I think I am up for it."

"Awesome!" Justin exclaimed.

The boys quickly got to work finishing up their food. Their excitement continued to build, but they were still teenagers, and so their hunger for food still needed to be satisfied. They knew their hunger for cock would be satisfied soon enough.

Jay went to pay Tye for the food. Jay could tell that Tye did not know that Brek had invited them to join them. Jay couldn't mention anything now as there were other customers around, but he wanted to get the awkwardness out of the way as soon as possible so things would be cool over at Chris'.

"Oh, Jay, I have your coat that you left last time you worked. Why don't you meet me around back to get it," said Tye, using the coat as code for the case of beer.

"Oh, thanks, Tye. Yeah, I'll come around, oh and here is that $15 I owe," answered Jay.

Tye smoothly took Jay's money and put it in the register for payment of the case of beer Tye was going to give Jay.

Jay walked back to Kevin and Justin.

"Grab the car and meet me out by the back door. And pop the trunk when you get there," Jay instructed Kevin.

The two boys headed out the front door.

"Thanks, guys," said Tye as they headed out.

"Thank you, Tye, see you later!" Justin said as he walked out.

Kevin turned, waved and smiled.

Tye didn't think anything of Justin's comment that he would see him later.

Tye looked at Jay who wasn't following the guys.

"Can I just walk into the back this way? You know, to get my coat. They are gonna pull the car around and pick me up at the back door." Jay asked Tye, keeping the ruse up in case any of the customers were paying attention.

"Oh sure," said Tye, "I'll show you where it is."

Tye and Jay walked into the back and Tye grabbed the case of beer out of the cooler.

Jay had purposely gone back this way so he could talk to Tye.

"Umm, Tye, Brek invited us to join you guys at Chris' place," Jay blurted out.

Tye looked surprised but tried to play it cool:

"Oh cool. I didn't know you knew those guys. Yeah, should be a good beer fest, good thing you're bringing some too."

Jay knew Tye was trying to cover up what really had been planned.

"Yeah. Well, Justin knows them. Chris' roommate is Justin's cousin." replied Jay, hoping that would give Tye the clue that they were in on the sex part too.

Tye immediately put the pieces together. Brek had just recently told him about the cousin that Chris and Brek had fucked so mightily, and the smile Brek had when he saw Justin made perfect sense now.

Tye grinned.

"Really? Well, then I think things might get very interesting. Boy, you think you know someone after working with him for awhile, but apparently not." Tye said as he looked into Jay's eyes.

"Well, I could say the same thing about you, I guess," Jay replied, with an equally large grin on his face. Just then the two guys heard the car pull up outside the back door.

Jay broke the stare first and said:

"Well, I guess I'll see you in a little bit."

"I certainly look forward to it, Jay," said Tye as he watched Jay head out the door.

That's it for this Chapter, sorry no great sex scene to end, but it was getting long. I wrote the next chapter already, so I will post shortly.

Next: Chapter 11

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