The Clarksons

By Jason Clarkson

Published on Jun 16, 2011


If you are not of legal rights and/or age to read any type of adult literature or if you find the material offensive, please do not read any further. The author and site cannot be held liable as you agree to accept all responsibility for reading said material. If you wish to contact the author of this series, please do so at, I will respond to all e-mails. This story is fiction. All names, descriptions and actions of the characters are not real.

"Do I have to pick you up, too?" Jay's brother asked as he pulled into the driveway of Jay's friend's house.

"No, it's cool, I am sure I can find a ride," Jay said.

"OK, see ya later, I am late for work." Kevin responded, trying to hurry Jay out of the car.

It was hard for Jay not to have control of the third car now. It was never officially his, but when he was in high school, he was the only other driver in the family besides his mom and dad. But now he was away at college and his little brother, Kevin, was driving. Jay was home for the summer, but Kevin needed the car for work and it just worked out that he was more in control of the car.

"At least I don't have to worry about drinking and driving this way," Jay thought, "because I hopefully will be drinking a lot this summer, so being carted around by my lil bro ain't the worst thing."

In fact, Jay was hoping to have a few beers this afternoon by the pool with his buddy Justin and maybe some of the other guys. It would be good to see Justin again. Jay hadn't seen him since Christmas break. Jay and Justin were good friends in high school, but went to different colleges. They kept in touch on facebook and texting and stuff, and saw each other when they were back from school at the same time. They were both home for the summer so they would probably hang out a lot together.

Justin had an awesome deck and pool in his backyard, so Jay actually hoped he would spend a lot of time out there, soaking up the sun and relaxing after a rough first year of college. His parents were after him to work more, but he was content with his 20 hour a week job as a bar back at a local bar. The bartenders were cool and would sometimes pour him a draft or two when the shift was over. They tipped him pretty well, too. Jay knew they appreciated how hard he worked when it was busy. The hours were good too, because it was only 2-3 nights a week. Sometimes the shifts didn't end til 2 or 3 in the morning. Being a college kid, he was always up that late anyway.

Jay thought he would see some of the other guy's cars in the driveway as he walked up. Kevin took forever getting ready so Jay was arriving later than he had told Justin. Actually, he assumed Justin knew all of this, although Jay thought it was strange that Justin didn't reply to his texts this morning. Jay had figured Justin was still sleeping, but as he walked to the door, he started to wonder if something was up.

He rang the bell and nervously paced a bit. "We said we would all hang out at Justin's today, didn't we?" Jay thought, recalling the conversation with his buds two nights ago.

Jay worked last night so he hadn't talked with them. Justin's younger brother and sister were still in school and both his parents would be at work, so they would have all afternoon by themselves.

Jay let out a breath of relief as he heard the door begin to open.

"What's up dickhead?" Jay said as the door opened.

"What did you say?" said Justin's father.

"Oh shit, I mean, shoot, Mr. Clarkson, I thought Justin was the only one home." Jay stammered as he felt the redness wash all over his face.

"Oh, I see," Mr Clarkson smiled, "And yeah I guess Justin is a dickhead sometimes, so I guess that's fair."

"Umm, I am so sorry, Mr Clarkson." Jay said with his eyes firmly planted on his feet in front of him.

"Jay, don't worry about it, I know you didn't mean to say it to me, and it's not like I don't talk like that with my friends," explained Mr. Clarkson as he leaned against the doorway.

"Anyway, it's good to see you, how did the school year treat ya?"

"Pretty good, I guess. Sure glad it is over though." Jay said, relaxing enough to lift his head and look at Mr. Clarkson.

Jay's embarrassment slowly disappeared as other emotions began to run through his body. Seeing Mr. Clarkson was bringing back some old memories of the secret crush he had on the man. He knew it was sick to be thinking those thoughts about his friend's Dad, but he had spent many nights jerking off to thoughts of being in Mr. Clarkson's arms. When he went off to college, visions of Mr. Clarkson got quickly replaced with the hot guys that traipsed up and down his dorm floor in varying levels of clothing. Thankfully, his roommate wasn't that hot, otherwise he might have gone out of his mind being that close to him all the time.

Now, Mr. Clarkson was a few feet away and Jay felt the familiar warmth of desire fill him. He also felt his cock begin to grow in his cargo shorts.

"Earth to Jay!" Mr. Clarkson yelled mockingly.

Jay snapped out of the trance seeing Mr. Clarkson had put him in.

"Oh sorry Mr. Clarkson," Jay nervously said while adjusting his package nonchalantly. "I worked til late last night so I guess I am still kinda out of it."

"That's ok, I was just asking if you were working this summer. I can't get that lazy bum, Justin, or dickhead as you like to call him, to go get a job." Mr. Clarkson said, continuing to smile at Jay.

"Wow," Mr Clarkson began to get lost in his own lustful thoughts. "Jay really has turned into a fine young man."

He knew it was sick to be thinking of those thoughts about his son's friend, but he had spent many showers jerking off to thoughts of sliding his cock into this boy. And now, this boy had gone away to college and come back a man. Justin had lots of friends and they always seemed to hang out at their house, but none of them had the same effect that Jay did on Mr. Clarkson.

At first, Mr. Clarkson was troubled that he found himself aroused by a then 16yr old kid. He always knew he was bi-sexual but he was very happily married to his wife and enjoyed their healthy sex life. He hadn't been with a man since he was married. He had occasional dreams and jerk sessions about guys which generally satisfied those secret desires. However, the past two summers with Jay over often, usually shirtless on the deck, had made it difficult to keep those feelings in check.

Mr. Clarkson began to think back on those hot summer days when he would get home from work and be greeted by 5 or 6 17 yr olds parading around the deck and jumping in and out of the pool. He would throw on some shorts, grab a beer and plop down on a lounge chair and soak up some late afternoon sun. Also, soak up the lovely view of Jay. Mr. Clarkson further remembered that after a few beers in the sun, he'd end up scurrying off to the shower, lathering up his throbbing cock and slowly rub out a nice load as if he was making love to that sweet boy. He also remembered the disgust he felt when he finished, that he had succumbed to the lust of fucking Jay once again, if even only in a fantasy filled shower.

Now that boy was a young man and Mr. Clarkson's desires were as strong as ever. However, he noticed that the feeling of shame and guilt were not accompanying his lustful thoughts like they did when Jay was younger. Mr. Clarkson's wanted this man and didn't feel like it was wrong to have him.

They stood their silent, lost in their own secret thoughts for a few minutes. Needless to say, both were rock hard.

The music blaring from a passing car pulled them both out of their stupor.

"Oh umm, so Jay, what's up? I assume you are looking for Justin." Asked Mr. Clarkson, quickly doing a check to make sure his raging hard on wasn't too obvious.

"Yeah, Mr. C," Jay said, surprised that he was feeling so comfortable all of a sudden in front of the man that had usually made him speechless. "Justin invited me and some of the guys to swim and stuff this afternoon."

"Oh, well Justin isn't here. His cousin invited him over to his place last night. It was kind of a last minute thing, but I know he was texting people last night to cancel today. I am sorry he didn't let you know." Mr. Clarkson explained.

"Oh shoot, I wonder why he didn't let me know. And he didn't answer my text this morning either." Jay said, frowning.

"Well, the goof left his cell phone here, so that would explain that. He left in a hurry last night, maybe he had intended on texting you on the way, but then didn't have his phone with him to do it. The damn thing has been beeping and vibrating all night and day."

"Ugh, well alright Mr. C, I am sorry I bothered you. I guess I better get outta your way now." Jay said as he turned to walk away.

He was annoyed that Justin blew him off, but he was really disappointed that he wasn't going to be able to check out Mr. Clarkson all day.

"I am sorry that my son messed up your day," Mr. Clarkson said, with his mind racing to come up with a reason for Jay to stick around.

He noticed that there wasn't an extra car in the driveway.

"Hey, Jay, how are you gonna get home?" Mr. Clarkson asked, almost excited that he had a reason to keep the conversation going.

"Oh shit, I forgot, I got dropped off by my brother Kevin. He had to go to work, so he isn't going to be able to come get me." Jay groaned, even though he also was delighted that he was able to turn back and continue to talk to Mr. Clarkson.

"Well my car is in the shop, which is why I am working from home today, otherwise I'd give you a lift." Mr. Clarkson said using finger quotes when he said the word working.

"Oh, that's ok, Mr. C, I can walk." said Jay as he dejectedly turned to walk away.

Mr. Clarkson began to panic. He couldn't let this opportunity pass. He had always kept his feelings and desires for men in check but Jay had changed all of that. He knew that he needed to be with this young man and this might be his only chance.

Jay was freaking out. He had experimented with a couple of guys in college, just some late night drunk playing around. He enjoyed it but was cool with it being his little secret without much action. However, right now, he was absolutely lusting after Justin's dad and would do just about anything to touch him. He slowly walked away, already feeling the pain of not being able to act on these strong feelings that had enveloped him.

Mr. Clarkson finally came up with an idea.

"Whoa, wait a minute, mister," Mr. Clarkson said, a bit embarrassed at how obvious his flirting was going to be. "I can't let Justin ruin the good Clarkson name and have it getting out that we invite people over for a swim and then don't deliver. Get back over here. You came for a swim, you are going for a swim."

Mr. Clarkson's heart was racing. He couldn't believe he said all that. Now, he held his breath as he awaited Jay's response.

Jay stopped dead in his tracks. He couldn't look back at Mr. Clarkson yet. He had to regain his composure. His heart started racing.

"Could he possibly be attracted to me?" Jay wondered. "No, dude, don't be an idiot. He is married and way older. He doesn't like guys and he sure doesn't like you in that way."

Jay continued his thought process, "Oh well, yeah, you are just being stupid! Wishful thinking. But hey, he invited you to stay for a swim, so you at least get to perv on him a bit more. If you can't take it, you can always just run into the bathroom and rub one out."

Jay, now with a new outlook on the afternoon, turned and grinned, feeling ridiculous that he was trying to put on his best, flirtatious smile.

"Sounds like an offer I can't refuse, Mr. C., especially since I have nowhere to go anyway." Jay replied, relieved that he was successfully hiding all the real thoughts and feelings that were running through his brain.

"OK, come on in. You know where to go. I'll be out in a minute to keep you company," said Mr. Clarkson as he headed upstairs.

"Thanks, Mr C." Jay said as he headed to the room off the deck that the Clarksons used to put the towels and other swimming supplies. It also doubled as a quick changing room for guests.

Jay quickly flipped off his tshirt and dropped his shorts. His still semi-hard cock flopped out as he slid his boxers down and stepped out of them. He noticed a wet spot on them, obviously his cock had been dripping some precum while he had recalled his Mr. Clarkson fantasies.

The site of the spot triggered more thoughts, and Jay instinctively began to stroke his cock, bringing it back to full attention quite quickly.

Jay started to softly moan as he ran his left hand up and down his smooth stomach and chest, stopping at his nipple to give it a quick pinch. Jay leaned against the wall with his head tilted back and his eyes closed as he could almost feel the warmth of Mr. Clarkson's strong body press against him.

The sound of Mr. Clarkson's feet on the stairs startled Jay and brought him back to reality.

"Oh shit, oh shit!" he exclaimed quietly as he grabbed his swim trunks and tried to throw them on hurriedly.

In his haste, he fumbled with them, his foot getting stuck in the lining. He was bent over at the waist, fiddling with it, when he heard the door open. Thankfully, he was turned away from the door, so his raging hard on was concealed.

"Whoa, sorry, Jay, I figured you were already changed and out on the deck." Mr. Clarkson said as he stopped in his tracks after opening the door.

Luckily, Jay was turned away, so he couldn't see Mr. Clarkson's wide open mouth and eyes locked firmly on Jay's perfectly round ass.

Mr. Clarkson couldn't believe his eyes. He had imagined Jay completely naked dozens of times, but to see that sweet ass in the flesh was unbelievable. He never dreamed it would look so perfect, so beautiful.

Jay felt his face redden as he furiously worked to raise his swim trunks and avoid the embarrassment of getting caught jacking off.

"I am sorry, Mr. C, I just got a bit tangled in this suit, but I am almost done," Jay said relieved, as he successfully pulled up the suit.

Still keeping himself turned away from Mr. Clarkson, Jay grabbed a towel to help conceal his erection which thankfully was beginning to fade.

"Well, grab me a towel, too, and I'll get us some drinks," Mr. Clarkson said as he turned away and headed to the kitchen. The vision of Jay bent over had made Mr. Clarkson immediately hard so he also turned quickly to avoid getting caught.

Jay raced out to the deck, relieved he had avoided that potential mess. With the hard on still not completely gone away, Jay jumped into the pool, hoping the cool water would calm him down. He wasn't going to be able to survive otherwise.

Mr. Clarkson needed a beer!

"This is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy," Mr. Clarkson said to himself as he grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and began to feverishly chug it down.

"Get yourself together, this is Justin's friend and he is just here for a swim!" he yelled at himself as he grabbed for more beer.

Jay was starting to worry that maybe Mr. Clarkson had seen him.

"He should have come out by now," Jay worried to himself, "maybe he thinks I am a freak and wants to stay away."

Jay dove back under, trying to calm himself down and drown his panicked thoughts. He stayed down as long as he could and then came springing back up, gasping for breath as he cleared the water.

Jay was startled when he opened his eyes. There was Mr. Clarkson standing at the side of the pool with a bucket of beers in his hand and a couple of glasses.

"Oh my god, he looks amazing," Jay thought to himself, noting his heart began to race once again.

Mr. Clarkson did look pretty good. With the kids getting older and more independent and the demands at work easing off, he was able to hit the gym on a more regular basis. His body was well toned now, and the slight beer belly that had been creeping in on him was almost all gone. His stomach and chest were covered in dark hair but he kept it fairly well trimmed so it wasn't too thick as to hide the muscles that bulged at the skin from being seen.

"I am sure you guys were planning to drink some beers while you lounged around all afternoon, so I didn't want to disappoint," said Mr. Clarkson smoothly.

Mr. Clarkson was feeling the effects of the 2 beers he slammed down in the kitchen plus the 2 he casually had drank before Jay's arrival. He was now feeling very relaxed and very thankful for that.

Seeing what seemed to be an embarrassed look on Jay's face, Mr. Clarkson interpreted that Jay thought that the fact that they often drank at Justin's house had always gone undetected by Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson.

"OH, you thought we didn't know, huh?" Mr. Clarkson laughed. "Well, we can't condone it, but you kids are responsible, so we trust you. So, we have our own version of the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy."

"Man, you and Mrs. C are so awesome, we never knew. Can I tell Justin?" asked Jay excitedly, and thankful that once again he didn't get busted for blatantly staring at this man.

"Umm, No, maybe we should let the little dickhead sweat it out some more, especially after he blew you off today," giggled Mr. Clarkson.

"Ha, cool, I'll keep it quiet, serves him right the little dickhead. I still get to kick his ass tho for ditching me." Jay said as he splashed some water onto his chest.

"Yeah, this will have to be our little secret, ok?" Mr. Clarkson said. "Mrs. C, as you call her, doesn't need to know about this little get together either."

Mr. Clarkson set the bucket down and began to pour Jay a beer. He was shaking a bit after that last statement. He couldn't believe it came out of his mouth so easily. He guessed Jay would probably think it was about the beer only, but it felt good to let out another innuendo just in case Jay had any of the same thoughts running through his head.

Jay was once again stunned, but recovered quickly, saying,

"Oh don't worry Mr. C, I can keep a secret, no one will ever need to know what happened today. It will just be between us." Jay said and then quickly dove back into the water to hide.

"Oh fuck, why did I say that?" Jay thought as he vigorously swam under the water, trying to relieve himself of the nervous energy that exploded inside of him as those words came out.

Mr. Clarkson almost spilled the beer as he heard the words. His head quickly darted to look at Jay, to see if there was some other meaning.

His first thought was of panic, that Jay was onto him and was now gonna use it against him, make him pay for lusting after his son's friend.

But, Jay was under the water already when he looked.

Jay popped back up and was greeted with a beer. Mr. Clarkson was leaning over the pool with the glass. Jay took it appreciatively and took a big gulp, hoping that it would reduce his anxiety.

"Take it easy big guy, there is plenty more," Mr. Clarkson teased as he plopped down onto the side of the pool, letting his legs dangle in the water.

Mr. Clarkson raised his glass, "Here's to a successful first year at school, Jay, and a nice long, enjoyable summer!"

Jay raised his glass to toast, trying like hell to come up with a toast of his own that might offer more clues to if anything was going on between them.

He smiled as the idea came to him so easily. Luckily, it appeared to Mr. Clarkson that he appreciated the toast.

"And here's to Justin the dickhead blowing me off, I think this afternoon will be more memorable without him," toasted Jay.

Mr. Clarkson laughed, nodded his head, and raised his glass again and completed the toast. Jay felt the tension between them from the toast but was okay with it.

When their glasses hit, their eyes locked for more than would be normal. Both felt the gaze went on forever.

Mr. Clarkson finally broke the moment by chugging the rest of his beer. He got up, his cock was tenting in his swim suit, but he neglected to do anything about it.

"I need another one, how `bout you?" he asked Jay as he walked to the now dwindling bucket of beer.

"Sure," Jay said as he chugged the remaining half a glass he still had, "I never turn down good beer."

Mr. Clarkson tossed Jay another beer, which Jay grabbed deftly with his left hand.

"Nice grab. I only pour the first one, you are on your own from there." Mr. Clarkson grinned as he proceeded to fill his own glass.

"Hey, the sun is beating down pretty good today, I better get some sunscreen on you or I'll get my ass chewed out by Mrs. Clarkson," Mr. Clarkson said as he went to get the sunscreen.

"Oh fuck, here it is. It is now or never. There is no way you will be able to resist if you start rubbing lotion into this boy's body." Mr Clarkson said to himself, trying to convince himself to go for it.

"Oh fuck, no way can I let him rub lotion on me, I'll fucking cum. He'll know. What do I do?" Jay thought as he quickly set his beer on the side of the pool and dove down under the water.

The water was now becoming his hiding place, to think and to gain composure. But, unfortunately, he could only stay down so long. He suddenly went still under the water.

"Wait, Mr. C was hard! That had to be his dick sticking straight up in those shorts. Oh my god, he wants to do this!" Jay screamed into his head.

"Yeah right, you idiot! That was a shadow or just the swim suit bunched up. Little Jay must be doing the thinking. Mr. C isn't getting hard over the likes of you. But, just be cool and you will be fine." The more rational side of Jay screamed back.

Jay resurfaced, ready to fight Mr. Clarkson's advice on putting sunscreen at all and definitely no way was he gonna let him put it on.

Mr. Clarkson was already back at the side of the pool. His legs were spread a bit further. Jay looked right into his crotch. He was certain his dick was sticking straight up.

"Come here, you. Don't make me hold you down like I have to do with Justin sometimes." Mr. Clarkson said as he was squirting a puddle of the sunscreen into his right hand.

Mr. Clarkson was squinting into the sun but was certain that Jay had a huge hard on similar to his own. He also realized that his cock was in full view, but the beer or the lust had made him completely fine with Jay seeing it.

Jay was mesmerized by Mr. Clarkson's cock. And his commanding words made him melt. Without any complaint, he walked over to where Mr. Clarkson was sitting. Jay turned around and backed up between Mr. Clarkson's legs allowing him access to his shoulders.

Jay further rationalized his move, although he was still confused as to why he didn't resist at all.

"My shoulders do feel like they are already getting lots of sun, I'll be glad to have the lotion on." thought Jay as he carefully stepped close enough to Mr. Clarkson without making any physical contact with him.

It became eerily quiet in the Clarkson backyard.

Mr. Clarkson rubbed the lotion on one shoulder while squirting a healthy load on the other shoulder. He set the bottle down and simultaneously worked in the lotion on each shoulder with both hands. He rubbed much deeper and stronger that would be necessary for a normal application of sunscreen but he noted that Jay didn't resist. In fact, he felt Jay's muscles begin to relax. As he continued to now fully massage Jay's back and shoulder he felt Jay move in closer.

Mr. Clarkson paused a moment and grabbed more lotion. Jay stood fairly motionless with his head pointed down at the water. Mr. Clarkson started high on the shoulders again, but this time moved forward towards Jay's chest. This motion caused Jay to fall back a bit into Mr. Clarkson. Jay's greased up back pressed up against Mr. Clarkson's hairy chest. Jay felt the tickle of the fine hairs on Mr. Clarkson's toned pecs.

Still no words were spoken as Mr. Clarkson's hands began to smooth lotion into Jay's decently toned chest. Mr. Clarkson began to fondle Jay's now perky nipples. As Mr. Clarkson's hands moved further down Jay's smooth stomach, Jay naturally fell further backward into Mr. Clarkson. Their bodies were tight against each other, and their heavy breathing was in unison.

Jay had to catch himself from giggling as he thought to say: "Mr. C, is that a beer bottle between your legs or are you just glad to see me?"

But he decided that silence was better. He was unsure where this was heading but wasn't going to risk messing it up. He felt all of his inhibitions melting under the warm and strength of Mr. Clarkson's hands, and was now under Mr. Clarkson's control, whether Mr. Clarkson knew it or not.

Mr. Clarkson felt his balls boiling as Jay fell back into him. He unconsciously began to grind his cock against Jay's back as he continued to work the lotion into Jay's stomach and chest.

"This kid is rock solid," Mr. Clarkson thought as he felt Jay's muscles up and down. "Holy fuck, I want to fuck this kid so bad. I can't believe this is happening."

Mr. Clarkson wanted to tell Jay how impressed he was with his muscle tone, he wanted to ask him if he had been working out at college. But, he too, felt that silence was better. He wasn't going to risk messing this up, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity that held potentially horrific ramifications to him and his family and any pause may snap him back into reality and cause it to end.

Mr. Clarkson rested his chin on Jay's left shoulder as he slid his fingers under the waist band of Jay's swim suit.

Still feeling no resistance from Jay, Mr. Clarkson turned into Jay's neck and kissed it. Jay moved his hands onto Mr. Clarkson's thighs, pushing all his weight back into his friend's dad's muscled chest.

Mr. Clarkson held firm, accepting Jay's body and also found his throbbing cock beneath the waist of his swim suit. He feverishly stroked it as he darted his tongue against the soft skin of Jay's neck.

With his left hand he grabbed Jay's head and turned it toward him. He quickly kissed Jay.

Jay obediently opened his mouth and returned the kiss, letting Mr. Clarkson probe Jay's mouth with his tongue.

As they continued their deep, passionate kiss, Mr. Clarkson worked to undo Jay's swim suit. He successfully had it mid thigh. Jay's hard cock bobbed in and out of the water as he thrusted his hips. Jay's ass banged against Mr. Clarkson's hard cock which was still confined within his trunks.

Mr. Clarkson used his feet to pull Jay's swim trunks all the way down. Jay stepped out of the swim suit. Laughing to himself because how much easier it was to get them off than it was to put them on when he was scrambling to hide himself from Mr. Clarkson.

Jay felt so free now, naked in the pool. He felt his legs almost giving way as his desires overwhelm him. He broke their kiss and threw his left arm around Mr. Clarkson's right shoulder. Jay lifted himself onto Mr. Clarkson's right leg so that he was facing Mr. Clarkson

Still no words were spoken, but they were looking in each other's eyes. They began to kiss once again as Jay ran his hand through Mr. Clarkson's hairy chest.

Mr. Clarkson grabbed hold of Jay's uninhibited cock. Jay moaned while still kissing. Mr. Clarkson realized this boy wouldn't last long, and the same was true for him. He lifted Jay up off of his leg and plopped him onto the side of the pool.

Jay sat there with his legs dangling in the water. Mr. Clarkson jumped into the water and resurfaced between Jay's legs. He quickly took Jay's cock in his mouth. Years of sexual desires blasted through Mr. Clarkson, every part of him tingling as he devoured Jay's cock.

He didn't realize he had been suppressing so much for so long. The taste of the precum, even though mixed with some chlorine pool water, caused Mr. Clarkson's cock to jump. As he forced Jay's cock further into his throat, Mr. Clarkson quickly squirmed out of his own swim suit.

Jay was moaning uncontrollably. He leaned back and was lying on the deck now with his legs still in the water. The deck was extremely hot from the sun, but it only added to the incredible sensations Jay was feeling.

He felt Mr. Clarkson's hands move under his ass.

"Oh fuck," Jay thought, "his hands feel so good on my ass. So strong!"

Jay spread his legs further, providing Mr. Clarkson with more access.

"His ass is so amazing," Mr. Clarkson thought while still focusing most of his attention on swallowing Jay's cock. "It's so round and muscular, I want to be inside of him. I am sure it is so tight."

"I want him to fuck me so bad," Jay continued his thoughts as he proceeded to wrap his legs around Mr. Clarkson's waist. "I know it's going to hurt to have Mr. C's cock deep inside my tight hole, but I want it more than anything right now."

Mr. Clarkson took Jay's wrapping of his legs as a sign and quickly pulled Jay up into his arms. Jay's virgin hole amazingly positioned itself on top of Mr. Clarkson's wet cockhead. Jay wrapped himself tighter around Mr. Clarkson's waist and placed his hands on Mr. Clarkson's strong shoulders for balance.

They stared into each other's eyes. No words needed to be spoken as their looks made it clear that Mr. Clarkson wanted inside Jay, and Jay wanted Mr. Clarkson inside him.

They kissed.

Mr. Clarkson thrust his hips forward with great force just as Jay was letting himself down by dropping his hands off Mr. Clarkson's shoulders.

"Aaaarggghhh!" The first real sounds in several minutes bellowed from Jay.

The pain was fierce but gravity and Mr. Clarkson's over exuberance couldn't stop his cock from invading the tight, unchartered territory of Jay's hole.

Jay was afraid to make too much noise, so he buried his face into Mr. Clarkson's neck and began biting Mr. Clarkson.

Mr. Clarkson felt the pain but it only spurred him on to drive his cock further into Jay.

Jay bit harder, tasting blood.

Mr. Clarkson began driving in and out of Jay with no regard for the agony it was causing Jay.

Jay let up on his bite as the pain soon became replaced with the most intense pleasure Jay had ever known.

Jay began to writhe but no longer in pain but in an effort to enhance the feelings rushing through him.

Mr. Clarkson had trouble standing in the water with the added force of Jay's efforts, so he slowed his own thrusting to a minimum and let Jay ride his cock.

Mr. Clarkson strolled around the pool while Jay furiously used Mr. Clarkson's raging cock to fuck himself. Jay stopped biting but instead began to suck on Mr. Clarkson's neck to keep from screaming out. He could still taste the blood that was oozing from the bite wound he had inflicted.

Jay was enjoying the incredible pleasure Mr. Clarkson's cock was providing in his hole, and was also now grinding his leaking cock on Mr. Clarkson's wet, hairy stomach. The combination was mind blowing. Mr. Clarkson was straining to keep from exploding. Jay's tight hole was tightly wrapped around his cock and he could feel Jay's muscles pulsing against his cock head and all up and down the shaft. He couldn't take much more of this.

"Of Fuck, I am gonna cum!" they both shouted almost simultaneously.

Jay exploded.

The first shot was smashed between the two of them but then they separated a bit to allow the second and third shots to fire up to Mr. Clarkson's chin and bounce back onto Jay's chest.

Mr. Clarkson lost track of how many shots he was firing into Jay's ass.

His balls were draining cum faster and stronger than he had ever felt. He continued to thrust as he never wanted them to stop.

Jay's body continued to twitch inside and out as more cum poured out of his cock, smearing all over his and Mr. Clarkson's chest.

The simultaneous orgasm continued for what seemed like hours and then the two new lovers slowed together.

With his cock still firmly inside Jay, Mr. Clarkson lowered them into the water, floating around, letting the loose cum wash off their bodies and float away. Much of their cum was smeared into Mr. Clarkson's hairy stomach and chest and would need a good scrubbing in the shower to get it out.

As his cock softened, it slowly slipped from Jay's now thoroughly used hole. Jay felt some of Mr. Clarkson's load leak out as well.

Jay was suddenly exhausted. He held his legs and arms tight around Mr. Clarkson, and sunk his head into Mr. Clarkson's neck. He lightly sucked the same area he had before, the same spot he had bitten.

Mr. Clarkson felt the energy drain from his body as well. The last 15 minutes had been so intense, more so than an hour long workout at the gym. Jay began to get heavy in his arms.

Mr. Clarkson trudged to the side of the water, and set Jay down on the ledge, while he struggled to get out of the pool himself. Mr. Clarkson sprawled out on the deck on his back, the heat feeling good as it almost burned his skin.

Jay snuggled up to Mr. Clarkson, resting his head on his new lover's chest.

They quickly and quietly fell asleep.

"Later, man, thanks again! That was an awesome time," Justin said to his cousin as he slammed the car door. With a wave, his cousin pulled out of the driveway and sped off.

"Oh man, I am so hung over," Justin said to himself as headed for his front door. "I need a quick jump in the pool to cure this."

Next: Chapter 2

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