The Chronicles of Trey

By Nicky Smith

Published on Sep 7, 2015


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I was at my locker on Monday when I saw Liberty headed in my direction along with.. Drake. Now I didn't hate Drake. It's just that after learning how he feels about me I wasn't too fond of him. Anyway...

"Hey Boo Boo" Liberty said as she came up.

"Hey there. How are you this fine morning?" I asked. I could feel the grin splitting my face, but I couldn't make it go away. Bear had put a permanent smile on my face.

"What's up with you" Drake asked while frowning. I rolled my eyes at him and did what he used to do to me before, I ignored him.

"You have a good weekend Lib?" I asked her.

"Yeah it was fine, but what's up with you?" she asked with suspicious gaze locked onto me.

"What ever do you mean" I said so chipper I was annoying myself.

"You're... Happy. You're not happy. You're cynical and a little bit jaded" she stated and I was insulted. Well I was for a second before I remembered I was with my Bear.

"Oh pish posh Liberty. I'm always happy" I grinned.

"No, you're moody and somewhat emo" Drake said and I again chose to ignore him.

"Jessica! Hey honey" I said as Jessica was walking up.

"Hey sweetie" Jessica said kind of off guard.

"So what did you do this weekend?" I asked.

"Well I avoided Billy again" she said.

"Why? You two look so cute together" I said and inwardly groaned.

"Okay, what's up with you" she asked.

"They're so cute together?" Drake mocked. "Dude don't say stuff like that, you sound like a fag." I stiffened, and Jessica quickly glared at him.

"Yo peoples what be up" Sean said as he descended on the scene.

"Seanie, you cutie you" Jessica said sweetly. Sean told me that she had called the night we had made up and demanded he tell her everything I had told him. When she told him she knew about me they spent a while discussing who at school they each thought might be gay so they could hook me up with them. They had become fast friends.

"Hey there Jessie" he said with a brilliant smile as he looked at her. I wondered for a moment if this was why she was avoiding Billy.

"Seanie, Jessie? You two have cute little nicknames for each other? How sickening" Liberty said.

"Wow, how sad it must be to live in your world so devoid of light and happiness" Jessica said with fake concern.

"I know. I at least had company though, but it seems Trey moved out over the weekend" Liberty said and I almost laughed.

"Hey buddy, I heard about you" Sean said leaning with his elbow resting on my shoulder. I worried what he was about to say.

"He-heard what" I said hating how apprehensive I sounded.

"Yeah, heard what about him?" Drake asked really interested with a slightly evil look. I take that back. I totally hated him.

"My bro told me that Calvin told him about a certain waitress, now what was her name again... oh yeah, Shelly" Sean said beyond amused.

"What about a waitress named Shelly" Liberty asked now interested. Drake looked mildly surprised and Jessica was looking at me squinty eyed.

"Well according to Alex, my buddy here along with his Dad, his brothers, and Bear went out to dinner last night and a waitress who goes to school with Zane apparently was all over Trey" Sean said and I wanted to kill him. Then I was gonna go to the junior high school and track down our brothers and kill them too, big-mouthed kids.

"WHAT!?" Liberty, Jessica, and Drake said in unison.

"Yeah, apparently she was slyly, but still obviously checking out Bear but then she looked into Trey's "pretty grey eyes" and Bear became nonexistent" he finished. I tried hard not to roll my eyes.

"Really?" Liberty said.

"A college girl? You!?" Drake asked like the fact was beyond absurd.

"Why not him? This dude right here has mad sex appeal" Sean said as he pulled me to his side with his arm wrapped around my shoulder.

"Whoa dude. Chill with the compliments. You're sounding like a fag" Drake said again and again I stiffened. I know Sean felt it. He didn't remove his arm, but instead tightened his grip on me.

"So what if I am? You got a problem with that Drakie" Sean asked. He looked totally pissed off. Drake didn't respond but a look of true distaste crossed his face.

"Easy Seanie" Jessica said trying to calm him.

"Whatever you say mama" Sean replied with a smile loosening up and I again wondered if anything was happening between them.

"A college age waitress Trey? You surprise me" Liberty said, but I noticed that she wasn't as thrilled about it as she tried to let on.

"Yeah this is apparently not the first time Trey has attracted a hot girl recently. According to the grapevine I.E. Calvin through Alex, your very own sister invoked quite the response from Trey a few weeks ago when she visited him" Sean said, but like Liberty he now didn't sound as enthusiastic as he had earlier.

"Really" Liberty said now really sounding not pleased.

"Yeah from the way I hear it he was smiling and giggling and he hugged her. He was totally smitten according to Calvin" he finished and I wanted to lock my little brother in the basement.

"Were you now" Liberty said none too kindly with narrowed eyes.

"Why do you care?" Drake asked.

"I don't" Liberty bit out.

"Well you sure sound like it. You sound jealous. Do you want Trey or something?" Drake spat.

"Boy you must have been sipping on that insaneade this this morning because you definitely sound like it" Liberty said in that snarky way I loved "I'll see you all later. Come on asshole" Liberty said to Drake who was protesting her speaking to him like that but following her nonetheless.

"Those two" I said shaking my head. "Now you. What the hell was that?" I asked Sean.

"It was a bit of funny for the sake of Liberty and... Drake" He said. I noticed that almost every time he mentioned Drake he did that pause and rolled his eyes. I liked that he did this in front of him sometimes.

"Hey people" Bear said as he came up and I wanted so much to kiss him right then.

"Hey dude" Sean said.

"Hi Bear" Jessica responded.

"Hey baby" he said with a seductive smile looking at me.

"Hey Big Bear" I said returning the seductive smile. I had told Bear yesterday that Sean and Jessica knew about me and that I was in love with him so I guess he had no qualms about telling them about us

"Wait... Huh... What!?" Jessica said and I could tell her brain was frying.

"Uh... What did you just say dude?" Sean asked sounding no less stunned. I guess I could trip him up after all. Sweet.

"How did you sleep baby" Bear said still looking into my eyes with that loving gaze.

"I slept pretty good. How about you?" I asked remembering his call at 2 in the morning. He sounded so scared and in pain. It broke my heart to hear my big guy sounding so terrified, and over me no less. I wish I could find the root of these dreams so I could quash them because I didn't know if I could handle hearing him like that again without it tearing my heart to shreds.

"I was fine after I talked to you. I did what you asked. I dreamed good dreams of you... of us" he said with that Bear grin that I swear needs to be patented and copyrighted.

"Oh yeah? What were we doing" I said in what I hoped was a flirty voice.

"I can't say. I'm embarrassed to say it out loud" he said with a shy smile and his head down and I swear he was a red as a tomato. He was blushing! I didn't think Bear had the ability to blush.

"You dirty boy" I said with a flirty smile. I was getting the hang of this quickly. I was standing there looking all shy, and it was so cute that this huge hairy guy was all shy like. He must have been dreaming of some pretty dirty things. I was gonna have to find out what they were as soon as possible.

"Okay, hold up, rewind. What the hell is going on here!?" Jessica said kind of loudly.

"What do you mean Jess?" Bear asked with his best charming look aimed at her.

"What do I mean? This... when did this happen?" she asked gesturing between Bear and me.

"Calm down mama, don't want anybody to hear this little pow-wow" Sean reasoned even though I could tell he was just as curious.

"Well, to answer your question we got busy yesterday" Bear said with a huge grin. I wanted to kick his ass.

"What he means is" I stopped to glare at him, but he just grinned, "we got together yesterday, but there was no `getting' busy" I spoke.

"Don't listen to him. There was too" Bear said.

"Dude, this is um, didn't you just go out with Alicia Lake two days ago?" Sean asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah I did" Bear said simply.

"So you go from dating Alicia to being gay? Damn that's gotta suck for her." I couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud. I heard Jessica chuckle a little bit as well but other than that she was quiet now.

"Jessica, you're being awfully quiet over there" I said to her.

"Yeah, just picturing you and Bear together" she said with a sly smile.

"Jessica!" I said almost too loudly.

"Jess, I'm shocked" Bear said faking shock.

"You aren't the only one" Jessica said. "How did this happen" she asked.

"Well, Trey told me he was gay and-" Bear started but was interrupted by Sean.

"You finally realized that you were too, or at least that... you were for him" Sean said proud of himself for figuring it out although he couldn't have really known he guessed right, could he?

"Um, yeah" Bear said

"That is so romantic" Jessica said all starry eyed as some girls sometimes get.

"Yeah he is" I said also feeling starry-eyed. Okay, I guess girls aren't the only ones to get starry-eyed.

"Well, as fantastic as this all is, you two better cool it with the long loving gazes unless you want everyone knowing about you" Sean said and since he had a point I tried to force myself to look away from Bear. He seemed to have the same struggle.

"Okay, enough of that. Let's go" Jessica said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me along with her.

I looked back and saw Sean guiding Bear in the opposite direction but he was looking back at me too. When he saw me looking, he smiled and winked at me. I returned his smile.

It was a struggle to keep my relationship with Bear under wraps. I didn't anticipate how much I would want to touch him or kiss him. I had to watch how much I looked at him and how long. I was good though that we were able to be free to be ourselves around Jessica and Sean though. When we kissed the first time in front of them Jessica swooned and I think Sean did too just a tiny bit.

On Wednesday after school my Dad told us we were going fishing that weekend. I wasn't looking forward to it until he said we were going to be staying at his friend Taylor's cabin that he got from his grandfather as an inheritance. I had seen pictures of my Dad, my uncle Eric and Taylor along with his father and grandfather at that cabin and the whole area looked beautiful.

Dad said I could invite Bear and I could have sworn he briefly smirked before walking away. I called up Bear and told him about the plans. He asked if we were gonna share a room and I could hear his sexy grin over the phone. I told him I didn't know about sharing a room because I didn't think I could be that close to him without something happening. He said he was counting on it.

I told him just for that he was sharing a room with my dad. He countered with saying that he didn't mind as my dad was a total DILF and he had my eyes so he could make do. I was totally grossed out for more than one reason. I told him that if he ever hoped to touch me again that he better never use any combination of those words that he had said again. He apologized but wasn't very heartfelt in his apology.

I also invited Sean even though I didn't have permission but he had a family thing this weekend himself but told us to have fun, then told me and Bear not to have too much fun as he waggled his eye brows. Bear grinned and I rolled my eyes. We got Monday out of school so we didn't have to rush back home the next day as we are heading up to the cabin early Saturday morning.

So Saturday came and at 6 am I was still sleepy. I was awakened by a flash of light. When looking up I saw dad standing in front of the couch. Me, Zane, and Calvin were just asleep, on with his phone with a smile on his face. Zane asked him what he was doing and he showed us the picture he had just taken. The three of us sitting on the couch asleep. Zane was in the middle with Calvin and I each laying our heads on his shoulders with his arms around us. It was a sweet brotherly moment, but I couldn't let myself be taken by this because like I've said before I couldn't feel truly safe around these men who I called my family. I know it was a sad way to live, but that's the way things were sometimes.

Dad told us to get moving as he wanted to have some distance from here by 7. I texted Bear to ask where he was and he said he was just pulling up in front of the house and to not get mad. I texted him back and asked why he said that. He replied with "you'll see in a minute".

When the doorbell rang Zane went to answer it. When he came back he was followed by Bear... and Drake. What the absolute hell.

"Hey Bear... Drake" Dad said cause this was a surprise.

It was a Healey men weekend. Since Bear was honorary Healey man, he was invited to these even when he couldn't make it. Drake though... He had never been invited and I'll admit in the past I felt guilty about that. Now though, I did not want Drake along this weekend, especially since I was gonna be there with my boyfriend... at least I hoped he was. We hadn't discussed what we were yet. Maybe we should wait at least a week before we do that.

"Bear" I said with the fakest smile I think I've even plastered on my face "Can I see you for a minute, please" I asked him.

"Sure b-buddy" he said and I was so glad he caught himself.

"What.The.Fuck" I said after we were in the privacy of the family room.

"Okay, I know you're not Drake's biggest fan right now, but come on" Bear said. I wasn't having this shit.

"Bear, he doesn't like me. Why the hell would you think I wanna spend the weekend with him" I asked. "How did this even happen in the first place"

"Well yesterday he asked what I was doing this weekend and I told him I was spending the weekend with you guys. Then last night he called and said he wanted to come. I started to tell him that maybe your dad wouldn't want someone else horning in on his weekend with his boys but he interrupted and said he'd be ready for me to pick him up by 5:30 and ended the call before I could say anything" he said and I rolled my eyes at Drake.

"You should have called his ass back and told him he wasn't invited. I don't want to spend the weekend with my boyfriend with Drake there" I said, then I realized what I had said when a huge grin broke out on his face.

"Boyfriend, huh" he said in a cocky voice that made me cringe.

"I didn't say that. You just heard wrong" I said trying to backpedal

"No, I think you called me your boyfriend" he said stepping into my personal space. I promptly stepped back because I had no idea when someone would sick their heads in here to hurry us up.

"Fine, I said it. Now you need to go tell Drake to go home" I said

"I think that would be rude. Besides, I think you know better than I do that your pops isn't gonna let that happen" he said with a self satisfied smile because he knew he was right. My dad wouldn't let us send Drake away now that he was here.

"I hate you so much. Like so much it should be a crime" I said even though I didn't mean it in the least.

"I love you too" he said with a brilliant smile those crystal blues twinkling. Damn him.

"Come on" I said as I headed back to the living room.

"You two finished with your lover's quarrel" dad said with an amused expression.

I stopped dead in my tracks and Bear who wasn't prepared walked right into me. Having him pressed up against my back like that was not a good thing, especially in this current situation. Zane and Drake were nowhere to be seen but Calvin who was still in there laughed.

"Um, what?" I asked after swallowing loudly.

"Come on Trey. I know you didn't invite Drake to come with us. So I guess that means that our Bear did, and I'm guessing that he just got taken to task for it" dad said and my heart finally started beating again, but just barely.

"Hey, I didn't invite him. He invited himself. I just didn't tell him no, because I'm actually nice" Bear said.

"See that's what you get for being nice. You get Drake'd" I said with a sneer.

"Well we can't all be cynical and jaded like you" Bear said with a smile.

"I'm not jaded. I'm a realist. I see things like they are and not all sunny and happy like people try to portray them" I said feeling pretty self-righteous. "Did that sound as bad to you as it did to me" I asked.

"Yup" Bear, Dad, and Calvin replied.

"Okay, lets leave before I get anymore self-righteous" I said.

"Well son, the first step is admitting you have a problem" Dad said as he guided me out of the house with Bear and Calvin following.

We got everything packed into the SUV, including... Drake's stuff. Mom and the sleepy twins came out and saw us off with Cara wanting to go with. Dad explained the deal and said that this was their chance to have a girls weekend and that next weekend he would spend time with just the two of them doing whatever they wanted to do. Disneyworld came up and Calvin lit up, until Zane mentioned that if they did go it would be just dad and the girls and he looked like Zane had told him he was adopted and his old family of gypsies wanted him back.

Calvin called shotgun and we all went to get into the SUV. That bastard Drake sat next to Bear and I was stuck with Zane. Well at least I didn't have to sit next to Drake. I actually had fun talking to Zane. He told me about things he hadn't told me before. Like he was talking to this new girl at school, though he didn't tell me her name. When I asked he said he'd tell me later. He told me that Leo was on academic probation because of a wild frat party the week prior. That seemed like Leo. He was a wild dude. He would need a woman that was serious and goal oriented to tame him.

After driving for a few hours Dad stopped at a little market to stock up on food we'd need for the weekend. He said he stopped now because we were closer and the perishable foods wouldn't spoil. We all got out to stretch our legs and everyone followed Dad into the store except Bear who grabbed me once everyone else was safely inside and dragged me behind the SUV. After looking to see if anyone could see us from the store, he kissed me and reminded me how much I missed him.

"Damn I've wanted to kiss you for hours" Bear said with a content smile on his handsome face.

He was so incredibly manly and good looking. I sometimes wondered if Bear was really a teenager. If I hadn't known him since we were both 2, I would never believe it. He looked like he was in his early 20s especially with his beard which I noticed was a bit thicker recently. He would have to trim it back soon or he'd be entering mountain man territory. I had a soul patch that it took me years to get right. I shaved everything else off, what little I grew.

"I hate Drake so much. He got to sit next to you when I wanted to" I pouted.

"I know right. I had planned to do some things I was gonna do to you" he said with that Bear grin that now made my dick twitch.

"You would not have done anything with my dad and brothers in the same car" I said now glad that we didn't sit together because I'm sure he would have tried something in front of them.

"You are so easy" he said still with the grin. "I wouldn't have been broadcasting my moves. I would have been stealthy" He added.

"Stealthy, yeah right" I said.

"Trey, believe it or not I have done this before enough to have confidence I would know what to do to put the moves on someone without anyone knowing" he said, the arrogant bastard.

"Right, I forgot that you were a man whore" I joked, but I saw something in his eyes. Something I didn't think I'd see. Regret. I felt like a heel for bringing up his sexual history. We were together now and that was in the past. "Bear, I'm sorry. I was just joking but it was in bad taste. I'll never bring it up again" I said but I wasn't sure I could live up to that.

"No. It's there, and we shouldn't hide from it or forget it. I just wish I had known about all this before. Think of all the time we could have had together" he said. He really knew how to touch my heart. My big strong Bear was such a softy.

We heard the bell on the door chime and we separated. Dad and the other guys were loaded up. I didn't think we could eat all that food, but then I thought that Bear and Zane were here. They could probably eat all that by themselves. Drake probably ate a lot too since he was a jock as well. I sighed to myself again that he was here.

I opened the back and they loaded the groceries in. Dad asked Zane if he wouldn't mind driving. Zane agreed and Dad told him to follow the GPS. Zane got in the driver's seat and Drake got back in his seat, but Dad surprised us by sitting next to him. When I looked at him he gave me a small smile and winked at me. I had no idea what that was about, but as I got back in my seat in the back, Bear had to sit next to me. Is that why he did it? It couldn't be. I decided not to think about it and just enjoy the rest of the trip.

I was shaken awake after a while to discover I had fallen asleep on Bear's shoulder. It was so wonderful to do that in public, but I wondered if anyone who saw thought anything about it. We had arrived at a beautiful log cabin. It didn't look like any log cabin I had ever seen though. It looked like it was pretty big to just be called a cabin, but that's what Dad called it so who was I to argue.

Down the hill from the cabin was a nice looking big lake. It looked to stretch on for a while. Dad told us there were other cabins scattered around but we still had our privacy. There was also a lodge back toward the entrance to the area. I guessed I had missed that since I was asleep.

We unloaded the bags and gear and brought everything in. I guess having 2 jocks, a former jock and a construction man was handy for carrying lots of stuff. The inside was spacious with a decent sized kitchen in the back which looked to have all the amenities. A bathroom on the left wall and three bedrooms to the right with one on the back wall.

"Okay, lets get the bedrooms squared away first" Dad said.

"Well I could bunk with B-" Drake started but was interrupted.

"Now I've got the back room because it's the biggest" he said with a smile.

"Yeah, that's fair" Zane said.

"You wanna challenge me for it" Dad said puffing out is chest and staring Zane down. It was funny because it was the sort of thing he would say, and the way he looked.

"No thank you" Zane conceded.

" I was saying that Bear-" Drake said but was interrupted again.

"Now where was I... Right, I'll be in the back room and Cal you bunk with me. Zane, you and Drake will be in the back right room and Trey, you and Bear will be in the front room" Dad said.

I was shocked at these developments. I would get to sleep with Bear? On one hand, that was awesome as I would get to sleep next to Bear all weekend and that was great. On the other hand, I would have to sleep next to Bear all weekend and that was terrible. I wouldn't be able to control myself with him that close to me and not being able to touch him because if we did anything we could be heard as my brother and Zane were in the next room.

"Cool let's go get our stuff in set up roomie" Zane said patting Drake on the back. He didn't look all that happy about it but he went along.

As Dad and Calvin headed to their room I took all my stuff to the room I was gonna be sharing with my guy. I was giddy and nervous at the same time. As I was putting my bags in the closet I heard the door to the room close and I smiled. I turned and Bear was giving me the most heated look I'd ever seen on him. My dick got hard almost immediately. His eyes tracked down my body and then he smiled and laughed.

"I knew that would get you" he continued to laugh.

I turned around to adjust myself but he came up behind me and wrapped his huge right arm around me and gripped my dick through my jeans. The moan that escaped me was kind of loud, but I wasn't caring at the moment, especially when I felt him getting hard behind me. He continued to grip and squeeze my dick and I had the good sense to not moan so loud next time. I had to stop him before things got too far.

"Bear" I said slightly breathlessly. He could get me worked up too quickly. "We need to stop" I managed to say.

"I want to touch you so bad. I need to feel you in my hand" he said in a strained voice.

"I know. I want to touch you too. I need it, but we can't right now. We'll find a way later" I said.

"You promise" Bear said gripping me tight.

"Yeah" I barely managed to get out I was so consumed by lust. After a few more seconds he took his hand away and it actually hurt with him not holding me anymore.

I didn't know if I could make it this whole weekend without doing something that would get us caught. I needed to get away from Bear for a minute as bad as that sounded. I noticed as I gripped the doorknob that there wasn't a lock on this door. Well wasn't that just fucking fantastic.

Back in the main room Dad and Calvin were unloading the groceries and Dad looked at us and asked us if we got everything taken care of. I could have sworn that there was a glint in his eyes but I couldn't place it with anything so I just ignored it.

Zane and Drake came out and said they were headed to the lake. Dad said we all should head down. It was getting cooler but today was warm enough that we wouldn't freeze. I excused myself and went into our room and put on some board shorts and put my jeans back on. We all headed down to the lake and Drake and Zane stripped down to their board shorts. I had to admit that Drake had a good body. His torso was well defined, but hairless. He had some big biceps and forearms though that went hand in hand with baseball players.

Zane was my brother so I wasn't paying much attention to him though he still had his athletic body, though he had trimmed down quite a bit after highschool since he wasn't playing football anymore. Calvin joined them and stripped down and took off for the lake and cannon balled in. He was such a child sometimes. Then he was followed by my dad proving that old saying that you never really grow up.

I laughed at them, Zane and Drake raced to the lake and jumped in. Zane won but Drake was close behind. Bear and I walked down to the lake shore.

"You two coming in?" Dad asked.

I took off my shirt. I had on a tank top underneath as I wasn't muscular like the men around me, and I wasn't comfortable with them looking at me. Hell even Calvin with his 13 year old body had more muscle definition. Bear took off his shirt to reveal that massive hairy chest and 8-pack.I looked away quickly before I was caught staring.

"Um, I forgot board shorts" Bear said.

"Dude really. Didn't you know there would be a lake up here?" Calvin asked.

"Well since I've never been up here little dude I didn't think" Bear replied.

"We're here to fish though" Calvin said.

"He said he didn't think to bring them. Damn Calvin let it go" I said. He was pissing me off for some reason. So of course he had to open his dammed mouth and add to it.

"Alright geez. Ease up defending your boyfriend" Calvin joked and I wanted to kill him. I couldn't though because I couldn't move, or breathe.

"Not very funny kid" Zane said with a bitter look

"It is so" Calvin said.

"I agree, jokes about fags are funny" Drake chimed in.

"Not when you call my brother one" Zane replied and my stomach fell out. Hearing this stuff wasn't anything new but now it made things so much worse.

"So Bear, what are you gonna do" Dad asked.

He looked at me then grinned briefly before looking at everyone with a so face innocent look on his face and said "I guess I'll have to go naked. I mean were all guys right". There was no way that I was gonna have that.

"Hell no!" I said kind of loudly. I hear what sounded like my dad snort.

"Why not. Like I said we're all guys. It's not like you've never seen a dong before" Bear said with a sly smirk.

"Yeah my own" I rapidly stated. I felt the need to get that out less anyone start thinking things. "I don't wanna see yours" I said.

"You wound me Trey" Bear said with his hand to his chest after a stage gasp.

"HA! Trey's naked shy" Calvin said.

"I am not" I said.

"I'm just gonna get nekkid" Bear said with a grin while starting to unbutton his pants.

"NO! Come with me" I said grabbing his arm. I didn't want to grab his hand because it felt too good when he held my hands in those huge hands of his.

"Where you going" Zane asked.

"Bear's gonna borrow some of your shorts" I said.

"What?! You think I want Bear's franks and beans in my shorts?" Zane asked.

"Well son, hopefully it's only frank and beans, unless Bear's anatomically um, interesting" Dad said amused.

"Well I could show ya" Bear said.

"Let's go" I said as I left for the cabin and Bear followed.


Trey was so funny sometimes. I don't know why I teased him so much. I can tell he's out of his element in dealing with his hormones, and well I am hot. Wow that sounded so narcissistic. He lead me back to the cabin and went into the room that his brother was sharing with Drake. I was still pissed about that bastard horning in on this weekend. What was his deal lately anyway. It seemed like he was always around me.

I didn't want to be mean to him though since I knew that Liberty liked, maybe even loved him. Anyway, Trey came out of the room and threw me the pair of shorts and said he was leaving. I asked why in a teasing manner. I knew why but I didn't think he'd tell me.

"I'm leaving because if I see you naked, I'm gonna get hard and I don't think that's something I'll be able to hide" he said honestly.

"You're telling me. Where did you get all that anyway?" I asked.

"I watered it every night" he said. He then told me to get to it and left me alone. I pulled off my jeans and put on the shorts. When I finished I got a call on my cell. I was surprised that I got service out here.

"Hello" I said answering the phone. It was Sean.

"Yo buddy what's up" he asked.

"Nothing much, just changing" I said.

"Changing already. You two been up to things?" Sean asked. The bastard was gonna get it when I saw him again.

"What would I be up to? His dad and brothers are here as well as Drake" I said still kind of pissed at Drake.

"Did you just say Drake?" he asked.

"Yup. The dude just won't give me a break" I said.

"Maybe he likes you. Nobody can resist "The Bear" after all" he joked.

"Does that include you?" I asked joking back.

"Maybe. I mean have you seen you. All muscular and hairy and hot. I sometimes have to hold myself back from jumping you man" Sean said. I have to admit he sounded believable. Well he would have if I hadn't heard him trying to hold back laughter.

"Jackass" I said and that broke the laughter floodgates.

"So got any plans for you and Trey's first night together?" he asked.

"Well I did, but then while I am sharing a room with Trey, it's right next to the room that Zane and Drake are sharing. Also the doors don't lock" I said cursing my bad fortune. Being so close to Trey and not being able to do anything. Sometimes my overactive libido was a curse.

"Well if the doors did lock and you locked them and someone tried the door and it was locked, it would look suspicious so maybe that was a good thing" Sean said. I had to admit he had a point.

"I just" I started but stopped. I couldn't tell Sean what I was about to tell him. No matter how okay he said he was with this I just couldn't.

"Tell me man. You can talk to me about anything and I promise it won't shock me or anything" he said like he knew what I was worrying about.

"I just need to touch him. Like all the time. I've felt this way at times over the years, but it was a dull feeling and it was nothing like this. In this context. It hurts not to touch him. To not have him near me. I've never felt this before. It's kind of scaring me" I spoke honestly.

"That's love dude. Well, love and lust" he said.

"How is this possible though. I've never even considered, not even a little bit being with a guy" I said. It had been bugging me for the last week about how these feelings came up all of a sudden.

"I'm sure Trey didn't consider it either, until he did. Also, if you're honest with yourself, your feelings for Trey didn't just come out of nowhere. They've been there all along. I suspected it a little bit that day you jumped on me for not inviting him to my party. I really considered it that day after the game a couple weeks back when you said you needed him. I think it was the day you two made up" he said. I remembered the feeling I had that day and I did indeed need him then.

The two of us bullshitted some more with him telling me that I just had to be patient and I'd get to have my way with Trey and vice versa. It felt weird discussing these things with him, but also cool. Sean really was a cool guy. We hung up after a few minutes and I headed down to the lake.


Bear sure took his sweet time coming back. When he did though the dude still looked too hot. Zane's shorts weren't doing anything for him because they were tight on him. They whistled and catcalled him and he told them to shut it.

He cannon balled into the lake but with his big body I should say he bouldered. We all horsed around with Bear after a bit coming up out of the water under me putting me on his shoulders. It was scary and exhilarating, and miracle of miracles I didn't get hard. Calvin got on Dad's shoulders and we tried to knock each other down.

We switched it up with me on Dad's shoulders and Calvin on Zane's . Then Drake had to get in on the action. He got on Bear's shoulders as Bear was the only one who could hold him. I decided I'd let Zane take him. I was tired anyway. After watching them play a little while longer Dad said it was time to feed us so he got out and headed for the cabin. We followed him.

Instead of helping though Zane decided to go to the lodge to try and find some girls. Calvin and Drake tagged along. Bear decided to help my dad with dinner by grilling the steaks. Dad shooed me away and told me to go elsewhere.

I decided to go back down to the lake. I sat there and just looked out across it and just let my mind wander. I was up here in this beautiful place and I had the most incredible guy. I wanted so much to be able to touch Bear. To simply hold his hand without anyone seeing and figuring us out. It was a shame that in this day and age I was this worried about my family.

No, I wasn't gonna think about what I couldn't change anymore. I was gonna focus on what good I had in my life. I had great friends in Liberty, Jessica, Sean, Miriam and Kenji. I was freaky smart. I had a big dick. I had the hottest guy on the planet as my boyfriend after years of longing for him. Finally I was able to see that my life didn't suck like I believed it did for so long.

"About damn time you figured that out" I heard from behind me. I smiled because that deep baritone I loved so much was directed at me. Then I actually thought about his words and my heart skipped a beat. How did he do that.

"How do you do that" I asked.

"Like I told you Trey, you think so hard sometimes that I can kind of see what's going on" Bear said looking down at me.

"Bear that's not normal" I said. He started to interject but I beat him to it. "I know, you never said you were normal but it's just too strange" I said then I stood up because while looking up the expanse of that great body of his was fun, it was also hurting my neck.

"I don't care if it's strange. I think it's a sign of how close we are. Well of how close I am to you as you have yet to do this to me" he said.

While he tried to say it jokingly I could hear in his voice that he was questioning if I truly felt for him what he felt for me. Then something strange happened. As I looked into his eyes I had this strange feeling in my head. It told me he was indeed wondering if that's how I felt. As I looked into his eyes I realized it wasn't what he was feeling. It was what he was thinking. I was doing it.

"I do love you Bear. With all my heart. I'll never love anyone else like I love you" I said and the grin on his face became so big I worried if it would split his face open.

"Thank you baby. I knew you could see me too if you just let yourself. I wanna hug you so bad right now" he said with such a look of longing in his eyes that I was momentarily breathless.

"Let's go to the cabin" I said. I wanted to go in our room and hug the hell out of him.

We headed back up to the cabin with our arms touching since we were walking so close together. When we got there my brothers and Drake were headed inside. We headed on in and Bear said he forgot the reason he had come down was to tell me dinner was ready. I playfully shoved him. We ate and talked. Drake said that there weren't any girls around. Just dudes looking for this and that, or hanging out watching TV. There were some college guys playing pool according to him.

Dad said he had probably missed the girl action until winter when they were up here for Christmas break. We talked some more and they joked around. After we were done eating I volunteered to clean the dishes and Bear looked like he was about to offer to help but Drake dragged him off saying he needed to ask him something. Zane offered to help and I took the offer.

A few hours later Dad announced that he was turning in and Calvin seconded the motion. I'm sure it was so he didn't disturb Dad when he went to bed. The rest of us decided to hit the sack since we were going fishing in the morning.

As I was taking off my jeans and button up which left me in my underwear and tank as I had changed clothes before going back down to the lake, Bear came in. He closed the door and fumbled with the knob for about a minute then turned and grinned at me. The look in his eyes said he had plans. I was gonna have to nip that in the bud.

"Whatever you're thinking, hell no" I said as he stalked me like hunter stalking his prey.

"Whatever I'm thinking, hell yeah" he responded.

"No Bear" I said firmly.

"Yes Trey" he replied firmly

"Bear..." I said backing up.

"Trey..." he said following me. My back hit the wall and he was on my lightning quick. His hands were roaming my back as he kissed me. Opened for him on instinct and we kissed like our lives depended on it. Our tongues wrestled for superiority though I think his won. He must have brushed before coming in here because he tasted like mint and cinnamon. It was incredible. He broke off the kiss and pulled me to the bed before pushing me down. He looked down at me with such desire that it set me on fire I had to stop this though.

"Bear, we can't" I said breathlessly.

"Yeah we can. No one can come in here baby" he said with a smile.

"What do you mean" I asked. How did he know nobody was coming in here?

"Well your dad told me a story while I was helping him fix dinner" he said but I didn't get it.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked.

"Well if you let me tell you the story you'd see what it has to do with this" he said as he climbed onto the bed to straddle me. I felt my dick get even harder.

"Fine" was all I could get out I was so turned on.

"Good boy" he said with a sexy grin. "Now in this story your dad said that when he was younger, he used to share this room with his friend Taylor and your uncle Eric. Well anyway they figured out how to rig the doorknob so that you couldn't open the door from the other side. It's basically locked. See that's what I was doing to the knob. I jimmied it so now nobody can open that door from the outside." He said. I was now thrilled, but kind of confused also.

"Why would he tell you how to do that" I asked. It was strange.

"Baby, I'm sure he didn't tell me that specifically so I could do it. He was telling me about things he had done when he used to come up here as a kid and teenager. It just came up during all of the other stuff he told me" he said.

That made more sense, because why would my dad tell Bear how to lock the door to a room that he was sharing with his son. I had thought that Dad had known or at least suspected me as being gay, but after that week of distance things went back to normal. If anything he was more friendly now than before. Also, telling an obviously hot guy how to "lock" the door to a room that he shared with his suspected as gay son didn't sound right. So Bear must have been right.

"Stop thinking and strip" Bear said as he was already pulling off his clothes. I complied with request and we ended up naked at the same time.

I looked at his naked body for the first time and my goodness was this man built to perfection. His big pecs and 8-pack framed his hairy torso just right. His huge arms and hairy masculine forearms were a sight to see. His hard dick stood strong up against his belly. He had strong looking muscular legs. By and large this guy was built better than men much older than him. He didn't have the body of a 17 year old boy. He had the body of a man, and it was all I could do to keep from losing it just from looking at that body.

I watched as his eyes roamed my body. I was suddenly ashamed at my unimpressive body standing before the greatness that was him. He continued his trek of my body with his eyes and when his eyes landed on my dick, I heard him moan softly and I saw his dick jerk wildly. I was struck with that feeling of power again. That I could illicit these responses from him by doing very little was trippy. He laid down on the bed after pulling back the covers and beckoned to me.

I went to him and he pulled me down to lay with him. He pulled the covers up and just wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, then he let out a big contented sigh. He softly rubbed his hands up and down my back and kissed me behind my ear.

"This is great" he said with another sigh.

"Yeah it is" I said.

"I wasn't gonna try anything baby. I know you wouldn't feel comfortable doing anything with your dad, your brothers and Drake so close. I love you too much to do that" he said and made me wonder how this guy was so loving and kind. How I had got him.

"Thank you Bear" I said.

We lay there for a while with him just rubbing my back and kissing me every now and then. Our dicks never went down and I think that was okay. Before I knew it I was dozing off.

When I woke up I saw sunlight streaming through the curtains and I saw that Bear and I were in the what I would call out position. Him on his back with me laying across his right side with my head laying on his chest with my arms wrapped around him, and my leg in between his legs. I smiled and looked up to see him smiling back at me.

"Morning baby" Bear said.

"Morning" I replied wit sleep still in my voice.

"I slept better than I have in a while last night" he said with a beautiful smile.

"No dreams?" I asked. I still remembered that night a week ago when he called me sounding so terrified that it scared me.

"Only good ones baby. You keep the bad dreams at bay" he said.

"You are so cheesy" I said with a laugh as I got up and grabbed my to put on. Nature called and I had to go answer the call in the bathroom.

"I know right" he grinned. We heard the doorknob twisting and Bear jumped up from the bed and scrambled for some clothes to put on. Thank goodness that knob trick worked.

"Hey, how come this door won't open? Bear, you guys in there" I heard Drake say.

"Dude, can't you wait for him to come out to see him, geez" I heard Calvin say and I burst out laughing because it was true. Drake was acting so weird.

"Shut up kid" Drake said.

"Fuck off Drake" I heard Calvin say followed by the sound of a slap to the head. "Oww! Dad that hurt" he said.

"Watch your mouth boy" I heard Dad say. I got an idea. I walked over to the door since I had my boxers briefs, tank, and sleep pants back on and grasped the knob and started twisting wildly.

"Hey, I can't get it open. What the hell? I think the door is jammed. Help, get me out of here, I gotta whiz!" I said as Bear was cracking up behind me. He had some pajamas on now but no shirt and that hairy chest was so delectable.

"Hold on, let me try dude" Bear said loudly. He told me to make a run for it when he opened the door. He didn't have to tell me twice as I really had to go. He worked the knob and finally yanked the door open and I took off out of the room for the bathroom. After taking care of business I washed my hands and left the bathroom to see Dad with an amused look on his face. No one else was in the room.

"They're all getting ready for to go fishing. Get a good night's sleep?" he asked. The question was innocent enough, but the way he asked it with a sly smirk was weird. I chose to ignore it.

"Yeah it was fine. Sleep is sleep" I said nonchalantly.

"Uh huh. You don't say" he said finishing up his coffee. "Go on and get dressed and meet me down by the lake" he said. He then headed for the door after patting me on the back.

We got ready and headed out to the lake, and I found out what Drake wanted to talk to Bear about. He wanted him and Bear to be in the same boat. I started to get suspicious of this fucker wanting to be around Bear so much. I decided that it was not good to be around him then so I did the family thing.

I went with my dad and brothers on the other boat since both boats could only hold 4 people at the most. We four bantered back and forth and Calvin asked me why Drake was clinging to Bear so much. I didn't answer since I had no clue. I mean I knew he wasn't gay or anything.

"Hey Zane look it's them" Calvin said gesturing to a couple of dudes in a boat a distance away.

"Yeah it's those fags" he spat.

"What?" Dad said looking where they were looking. I was silent as I always was during these turns.

"Yeah them right there" he said with obvious disgust. I couldn't tell much about them from this distance except they were both white. One had brown hair and the other black.

"How do you know" Dad asked.

"Because they told us point blank" Zane said clearly not happy about that.

"Yeah they introduced themselves to us as husbands" Calvin added.

"Can you believe that? Right out in the open they say it. You would think that if they were gonna be... like that they would have the decency to the rest of us to keep that shit to themselves" Zane said and my chest hurt. It felt constricted. I tried my best to keep this hidden though.

The object of Zane's hatred moved on after a few minutes and the guys started talking about something else but my mind was preoccupied. I couldn't get Zane's words out of my head. I guess that's what I would have to do to continue a relationship with my family. I would never be able to tell them about my being with Bear. That sounded so bad, especially since I was forcing Bear into this closet with me.

We left after a few hours. Dad and the guys each caught a few fish while I caught nothing. Bear caught the most with Drake catching a little fish. They all laughed at it but I just couldn't laugh. While they were joking around I slipped out of the cabin and walked around the woods.

It was peaceful and tranquil meanwhile turmoil was brewing inside me. It was one thing when Zane said those things in the past. Now though, being with Bear made them more real. I couldn't deny it anymore now that I was with a guy.

I heard twigs and leaves snapping and rustling and wondered if it was a deer or something. I turned and saw a bear. My Bear. He was walking up towards me and when he saw me he smiled for a second before his smiled faded. He picked up the pace and made his way for me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked as he brought his hand up to cup my face.

"Nothing" I mumbled as I dropped my head. He hooked his finger under my chin and raised my head up to look at him.

"Tell me what's wrong. I can see the storm inside you in your eyes. What happened? You were fine before you left with your dad and brothers then when you came back I could tell something was wrong" he said and it made me feel so good that he new me so well.

"I'll never be able to tell them" I said as a tear leaked out of my eye.

He pulled me to him and hugged me tight. I told him what had happened and he held me even tighter. He told me everything would work out the way it was supposed to, and that no matter what he'd love me for eternity. That I'd never be alone as long as I had him. His words coupled with his strong arms wrapped around me were like healing balm for my wounded heart.

We broke apart and he took my hand and we walked through the woods. We came to a trail and he turned to grin at me and dropped to one knee with my hand still in his.

"Bear, what are you doing" I asked because this was weird, and for some reason a bit frightening.

"What do you think I'm doing" he said with a wide grin while still holding my hand.

"I don't know what you're doing but let go of my hand" I said trying to get my hand back but he just wouldn't let go.

"Nuh uh" he said simply.

"Bear come on. We're on a trail. Someone could come along and see us like this. My brothers or Drake could. Le go of my hand" I said still struggling with him for my hand.

"Trey" he said in a deep commanding voice that made me immediately stop. It also made my dick twitch. "I'm gonna do this and you with all your talking and avoiding that you've taken to an art form are not gonna stop me" he finished.

"Bear, you can't be serious about this" I said.

"I wanna marry you Trey. I want to be your husband. I want you to be mine" he said so seriously and with so much emotion I had no choice but to take him seriously.

"Bear, we're 17. We're in highschool. We're kids. We're-" I said but he jumped in.

"In love. Trey I love you and I want to marry you" he said with that look still in his eyes that was seriously getting to me. This bastard was a master manipulator.

"Bear, I can think of tons of reasons why we can't do that" I stated.

"Okay, name 3" he replied.

"Fine, other than what I already said, One: it's not legal, Two: none of our families know we're together, and the most important reason: We've only been together for one frickin week" I told him. Did he get hit on the head during his game on Friday?

"I don't care about any of those reasons. I still want to be your husband. I'm going to and there's nothing you can say about it" he said with a cocky grin.

"So you're just gonna marry me against my will" I asked wondering if this dude was high or something. Were he and Drake smoking pot of something when they were on their boat.

"Nope, not against your will. You're gonna agree to it. You'll see" he said.

My response was cut off by the noise of someone approaching. I snatched my hand from Bear's grasp quickly while he was distracted and made him get up. After a few seconds we saw two guys coming up the trail. The saw us and stopped and I was stunned for some reason. It was the two guys that my brothers were talking about.

"Oh hello. We didn't startle you did we" the taller of the two said.

"Oh no we're fine" Bear said in his usual charming manner whenever he meets new people. "We're just on a walk through the woods. It's our first time up here" Bear said.

"Oh well it's so great up here, especially this time of year. You know just before it get's too cold. We come every year around this time" the shorter guy said.

"I'm Lane by the way and this is Morgan" the taller guy said.

Lane was tall, maybe 6'2 with brown hair and a tan. He had brown eyes to match his hair and he was thin. Not skinny, just thin. Morgan was shorter than Lane. He looked around 5'10 but he was solidly built. He had strong looking arm and leg which I saw since he was wearing shorts and he was a hairy guy. He had black hair and gold eyes. Lane looked pretty good in a highschool teacher sort of way, but Morgan was hot.

"Yeah hi. This is Trey and I'm Bear" Bear said with a big smile.

"Bear huh. Well I don't think I've ever met a bear before. Well at least not one that could talk" Lane joked. I actually laughed at that.

"Well Trey just found me up here, shaved me and taught me to talk" Bear joked and they laughed. Then he leaned close to them and stage whispered. "Between you and me I think he's planning on taking me home with him" he said and they laughed again.

"Well since he went to all the trouble you may as well" Lane joked.

"So how long have you been together" Morgan asked. We hadn't said we were together and that made me self conscious if anyone else could see we were a couple.

"Just a week, but we've known each other since we were 2" Bear said which made me smile.

"That's so sweet. Lifelong friends discover their true feeling and get together" Lane said. "We just got married in Vermont this spring. Now, we're just waiting for the whole country to get on board" he added.

"Yeah I hear ya" Bear said then glanced at me. I looked away because I refused to entertain this foolishness.

"Lane we have to go we were supposed to be back before your brothers arrived" Morgan said.

"Yeah don't remind me" Lane replied. I guess I wasn't the only one with unaccepting brothers. "I can't wait to hear them ragging on me about when we're gonna have kids. "You're not getting any younger Lane", "I want to be an uncle Lane". You'd think they would figure out a way to make each other an uncle if they can't wait" Lane said.

"Well we better get going. I was nice meeting you two" Morgan said.

We all shook hands and they were on their way. About a minute later we heard footsteps coming up to us from behind.

"What did those fags want?" Zane asked as he, Calvin and Drake reached us.

"They-" Bear started but I interrupted because I could already hear an edge to his voice.

"They just were walking by and spoke to us on their way down the trail" I said. It was better to say that. Better he not know the conversation went on for a bit.

"Oh, well keep away from em. Don't want em trying anything with ya" Zane said. The three of then kept walking and I heard Zane say "disgusting fags showing up all over the place" as he walked with Calvin and Drake.

"Trey, you okay" Bear asked tentatively.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I replied hoarsely. I then walked away. I needed to be away from Bear then. I felt disgusting and I didn't want to taint him by being near him. I also didn't want him reading my mind and knowing what I was thinking, because it has been well established by now, I couldn't stop thinking.

I was quiet for the rest of the night. Everyone at some point asked about it, but I just said I had something on my mind. I finished dinner and excused myself and went to the bedroom. Bear came in after a while and asked if I wanted to talk about it. I told him no. he just rubbed my back while I laid down on the bed.

We got ready for bed but it wasn't the same as the night before as we wore clothes. Well Bear wore his pajamas. I laid on the other side of the bed from him. I just needed to think. I needed to stop thinking. Sometimes I hated my brain. I knew Bear was worried about me, and I hated myself because I couldn't reassure him because I was too much in my head.

I managed to doze off but I awoke a few hours later. I checked my phone and saw it was 2:35 am. I needed to get up and... do something. I eased out of bed so as to not wake Bear and headed out of the room. I needed some air so I went outside. I sat out there for a while wishing I had a coat because it was chilly out there.

I then thought of how I could have been different. I thought that maybe I didn't try hard enough to be straight. Maybe if I tried harder I could do it. I already liked Justice. Maybe if I tried hard enough I could want her like I want Bear. When Bear invaded my thoughts I knew that was impossible. He was the big guy who filled up my world. After years of wanting and yearning and longing and trying to push those feelings aside just so I could coexist with this guy I finally had him. I loved him and he loved me too.

"Doing some heavy thinking?" I heard from behind me on the picnic table I was perched upon. It was Dad.

"Yeah I guess" I said kind of dejectedly. He came over to the table and sat down next to me.

"You know things are never as bad as we think they are. You can tell me if there's something bothering you" he said. I wanted to believe him but I just couldn't I had heard the things he had said. Have said since.

"It's nothing Dad. I'll figure it out on my own" I said.

"Well did you talk to Bear?" he asked.

"No" I said simply. Then I wondered why he would ask me that.

"Well you and Bear are... close. You have been in each other's lives for a long time and I just thought that whatever was bothering you that you'd feel more comfortable telling him rather than me" he said. I know he was trying but I could hear it in his voice that I felt closer to Bear than him.

"Dad, I love you. It's just, there are things that I don't like to say out loud. I feel more comfortable keeping them to myself. My mind... it worries me sometimes and I just feel better if I don't say some things" I said skirting around the reason for my mood.

"I know you love me bud. I love you too. I hope you know how proud I am of you. You are such a smart well behaved child. You were kind of rambunctious when you were younger but you calmed down a lot. I just with it wasn't due to the mood you have been in for a long while now" he said.

"Mood?" I asked.

"Son, you're been down a lot since that depression you had when you were 12. You recovered and I'm happy for that, but it left you different. I feel like we lost a part of you and I don't know why, or how to get it back" he said. I felt bad that he felt like that but then I remembered it was partly him that was the cause of it.

"I'm still here" I argued.

"Yeah I know you're still here. It's just that you're so smart and so responsible, and that makes me happy that you aren't like a lot of these wild kids, especially these black kids in the streets, but I sometimes look in your eyes and though you try to hide it I can see such sadness in your eyes that it breaks my heart. I'm your father and I want to help you. It's my job, my responsibility but I can't help you if you don't trust me, don't let me in" he finally finished and I so wanted to open up to him but I just couldn't find the courage to trust him.

I started to open my mouth anyway and those words from 7 years ago rang in my head and I was transported back to that day: "makes you wish there was some island where you can put em and fence em in. That way they can do all the faggy things they want without normal people having to look at em". Before I could stop it a tear leaked out of my right eye.

"It's nothing really" I said hoarsely I looked at him and saw him looking so sad.

He wanted to help me but if he knew what the problem was he wouldn't want to help me. He'd be ready to fence me in with all the other fags on that island of his so normal people wouldn't have to be subjected to me. No, Zane was right. Since I'm like this I'll have the decency and keep it to myself. I told Dad I was going back to bed and headed in.

Dad got us up early Monday morning so we could get some breakfast before we got on the road. Zane, Calvin and Drake were talking all through breakfast, but Bear and Dad were mostly quiet as they kept glancing at me.

We packed up, piled into the SUV, and headed out. Zane and Drake sat together on the ride back. I guess they had become friends what with their hate of us fags. I sat in the back with Bear but I didn't sit close to him. I hated myself for how I was shutting him out again, but all this stuff I had been feeling over the years seemed to be closing in on me dragging me down and I didn't want it to pull him under as well.

We arrived back home in the late afternoon and Bear and Drake helped us unload the car then Drake said he had to be home so Bear had to leave to take him home. I could tell he wanted us to be alone so he could at least hug me, but Drake had to get going so I said goodbye to them and headed into the house before they left. As I fell onto my bed and fell deeper into this mood I just couldn't shake I got text a from Bear that said "I'll love you forever". It cut though the dark mood I was in enough for me to smile.

To be continued....

The guys went on a fishing trip that started out fun but ended on a sad note for Trey. Will Bear be able to break through the dark mood that's coming up on him again?

So Jessica and Sean now know about the new couple. Who's next? Will they be as accepting as Jessica and Sean? Is there something going on between those two?

Thanks to all who sent me pics. I'll still hold the little contest for the next 5 chapters. The pics can be as tame or as steamy as you want (though steamy is always good, lol).

We're getting closer to Trey's big moment of truth. Things won't be the same after that day so I'm preparing you all now.

I hope you all like this chapter. I look forward to your comments and hope you continue to do so. Send any comments good or bad to

Next: Chapter 10

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