The Chronicles of Trey

By Nicky Smith

Published on Aug 25, 2015


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"How long are you gonna keep up this charade" Miriam asked.

We were at her locker on Tuesday. It had been two weeks since I had "broken up" with my friends. It was hard. I had never gone this long without speaking to them, especially Bear. I missed hearing his voice, his deep laugh, his smile.

I saw them in the halls and they would look at me and I would try to ignore them. Sean keep trying to get me to talk to them but I ignored him. What gave him the right to get into my business. We weren't friends. He was annoying me that he wouldn't go away

"It's not a charade, it's the way it is" I stated. "Kenji was right. I should have done this a while ago. I don't belong with them".

"Because you're a geek right? Because you're a geek you don't belong with them. You belong with us?" She asked and I could tell she was getting annoyed.

"Yeah" I stated.

"So what? Why does your being a geek mean you don't belong with them. People don't have to all be the same to be friends. Think of what you're doing to them. Think of how much you're hurting them. Hurting Bear" she said and I was immediately on guard.

"Why is Bear so special in your statement" I asked cautiously.

"Please, I'm not stupid Trey" she said and I stopped breathing. "He's your best friend. Everyone knows how close you two are. You two are like brothers, and you're keeping Bear from his brother" Miriam said, and I could breathe again but it still hurt to.

"It may hurt them now but it's for the best" I said. I needed to believe that because it was killing me seeing that sad look on Bear's face whenever I was unfortunate enough to cross his path. I just had to suck it up. Time healed most wounds.

It was so boring without my friends. Not that Miriam and Kenji aren't fun, but they talk about geek stuff too much and sometimes I need some gossip and taking about mindless stuff. I missed Liberty's snark. I missed Jessica's laugh. I missed Bear's... I missed Bear.

I was sitting in art class doing a sketch. We were supposed to be doing a sketch from memory of something we value and treasure. Something dear from our hearts. I was sketching and Sean sat down next to me and looked at my sketch.

"Hm, interesting" he said as he saw my sketch.

I hadn't been paying attention and letting my heart take over. When I looked it was a breathtaking sketch of Bear in his football gear. I was surprised I had that kind of talent actually. I quickly closed my sketchpad as Sean knew what the assignment was and me sketching Bear made a huge statement that I didn't want anyone to know. He chuckled.

"What's so funny" I asked really uncomfortable with having my deepest feelings displayed so openly by my blabbermouth heart.

"You are. You're cute" he said with a different grin than any other he had given me and I'm ashamed to say that it went straight to my dick, and I got a semi.

"Uh, what" I asked

"Have lunch with me. Not here though. Off campus" he said still looking at me with that grin. Now several things occurred to me at once. One: Juniors weren't allowed off campus for lunch, although the school tended to look the other way for the jocks, the football ones anyway. Two: Was he flirting with me. Three: I wanted to get out of school for a while so I didn't have to see my ex-friends.

"Um, I guess" I said reluctantly.

After class we headed to Hal's Diner, this place that all the high school kids hung out at. Currently the only students here aside from us were Seniors since they were allowed to have lunch off campus. I was surprised a rich kid like Sean Mellow would eat here. I would have expected him to have his lunch catered. I really needed to stop being so judgmental. I mean Bear never had his lunch catered.

We arrived and went inside. The place was almost packed. There was a booth in the back and we headed toward it. A few jocks stopped Sean and spoke to him and glanced at me no doubt wondering why Sean was hanging out with Bear's former tag-along.

We were finally seated and then the waitress, an older lady named Elie came over to take our order. I remembered Bear once asked her what happened to the other "L" in her name and she said she misplaced it a long time ago but she was sure to find it one of these days. We laughed.

Anyway I order a burger and fries, standard teen rations. Sean got a bacon double chili cheeseburger and chili cheese fries. I looked at him like he was crazy but he said his muscular body needed the fuel, and proceeded to flex a bit. I tried to shrink down in my seat so no one would see this. I told him his so-called muscles would not be benefitting from all that fat. He scoffed and said I didn't know what I was talking about.

"Now that I've got you trapped, what's going on with your friends" He asked with a slight smirk

"What do you mean trapped" I asked

He angled his head toward the door and I saw that those jocks he was talking to earlier were camped by the door. They looked over this way, then started talking amongst themselves.

"You set me up didn't you" I asked surprised, and slightly impressed

"Yes, indeed I did. Now as I recall you owe me a big one and I'm gonna collect" he said with a sinister smile. I swallowed because damn this boy made sinister look good.

"Why? Why do you care? Why do you keep popping up? Why don't you just leave me alone" I said. I was sad. Even more so because the situation I found myself in was my own doing.

"I don't know" he said seriously. "I keep asking myself that question. Why don't I just take your ignoring me and just move on, and I can't. I just get the feeling that I need to be around you. I can't explain it" he stated.

I was shocked. By his honesty. By his determination to get me to talk and not taking my efforts to not let him in personally. It loosened my lips before I could stop it

"I miss them. I know it was my decision but I miss them" I said

"You miss Bear you mean" he said.

"No, I miss them all" I countered.

"But you especially miss Bear" he challenged.

"Well yeah he's my best friend. We've known each other since we were 2" I said. That was safe.

"I can understand that. They are your friends and have been for a long time and you miss them. You've shared things, emotions. You have a bond and it has been hard to break it" he said and I was shocked that he was so profound.

I thought about this for a moment and the bond I felt with Jessica and Liberty was strong. Even stronger with Bear but I was also in love with him so it went even deeper. Drake was, well an ass. Elie brought our food and I bit into my burger while Sean inhaled half his fries and took a big bite of his burger and I was shocked by his eating manners.

"Yeah. We've been through a lot and it's hard to be away from them" I answered.

"Yeah like I said I get that, especially since you're in love with Bear" he said simply. I happened to be taking a drink at the time and spit it out to glare at his chuckling.

"I don't- What would you- Why would you say that? I'm not gay" I said hissing the last part.

He studied me for a bit and I squirmed in my seat. He got a smirk and then grinned that sexy grin of his at me and my eyes went wide. He then smirked again.

"Yes you are" he said simply

"No I'm not!" I said a slight bit too loudly.

"Trey, come on. I know a gay guy when I see one" he said, and I thought he was about to say something along the lines of takes one to know one.

"I'm not..." I said trying one more time to deny it but losing the will to. I was so tired of hiding it. I looked down feeling ashamed.

"Trey, look at me" he said strongly so I did. "I don't care if you are gay or not. Hell my big brother is gay so I know a gay guy when I see one" he said

I was surprised since I had seen Sean's older brother a couple of times though I had never spoken to him. He name was Marcus and he was the uber masculine type like Bear, but with just a goatee. He looked hot. What made him really hot though was his eyes. They looked so serious and like if he looked at you he could see down to the depths of your heart or something. He gave off this dominant vibe that made him extremely desirable.

"You're serious" I asked

"Yeah. He's married even, though it's not legal everywhere. It's one of those Vermont deals, but he and Wayne, that's his husband's name btw, well they had all the legal stuff taken care of so most all the rights a spouse has they have with each other. They're even about to have a baby, well adopt a baby" he said.

I was struck by how he talked about his brother. He talked with such love and pride that it shook me up. It made me jealous since I couldn't expect that whenever I came out.

"Wow, married" I said.

"He's real happy and Wayne just dotes on him. I love em both" he said.

"How did they meet" I asked.

"You can ask em if you want. Might give you some insight into your own situation" he said with a small smile.

"I have no situation" I stated.

"I call a guy being in love with his straight best friend a situation" he said, and laughed when I glared at him.

"Wait, Calvin must not know about Marcus?" I asked.

"How do you know my little brother's friend" he asked.

"Because your little brother's friend id my little brother" I said.

"Huh. I guess this was inevitable then. We're the same age in the same grade both with little brothers who not only share the same thing in common but are friends themselves. Kind of like some freaky soul mate thing, only without the gay sex" he said adding the last part with a smirk.

"So all soul mates have gay sex? What about the hetero soul mates?" I asked

"Well yeah. See they love each other so much that the wife wants her husband to get poked and the husband wants his wife to... well do whatever lesbians do. What do they do?" he asked.

"I don't know" I said in a high voice and shuddered visibly. That was just gross.

"I think they call it scissoring" he said, then he got that sinister grin again and I knew he was about to gross me out. "Like rubbing their pussies together. That seems like it'll be hot two pussies rubbing together and then I could get a finger-" he was saying but I had to stop him before he went any further.

"Sean!" I said too loudly drawing attention to us. I slid down in my seat while Sean was turning blue he was laughing so hard.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry. To make it up to you I'm gonna give you a mental gift" he said. Then he leaned forward and in a low husky voice said "Imagine me and Bear naked and rubbing our dicks together". I'm ashamed to say that the mental image made me hard in like 0.01 seconds and I think I moaned a little. He smirked like he had achieved his intended goal.

"You bastard" I hissed because now I was gonna have to sit here for who knows how long now.

"See all better. Now, lets all stand up and walk around the place" he said knowing I couldn't do that because he probably knew I was rock hard and with how big I was it would be way too noticeable.

"Pussies, pussies, pussies" I muttered trying to get my traitorous dick to go down. He laughed at me some more and after a few minutes my dick did go down. He calmed down after a bit.

"So why did you ask about Calvin knowing about Marcus?" he asked finishing off his coke.

I decided not to say anything about what I knew of my brother. I can't imagine that Calvin and Alex were friends yet Alex not once mentioning that his brother was gay. Maybe even a comment that he may have thought was innocent like "I can't hang out today cause my brother and his husband are visiting". If he had then why was Calvin friends with a guy who had a gay brother yet made the comments he did about gays. Yeah I realized most of it was him parroting Zane and my dad, especially Zane since he was much more vocal about it, but still. He must believe some of it to keep saying it.

I mean as much as I mess with him he's not a kid anymore. He's 13 and knows at least something about these sort of things. I was hearing about that stuff when I was his age. He's at a point when gay rights and gay issues are in the forefront of society so he would have an opinion which makes me believe that some of the stuff he says he has to believe himself.

"Hey, you in there" Sean asked.

"Huh" I said.

"You zoned out when I asked why you wanted to know if Calvin knew about Marcus" he said but now he was watching me with a look that let me know he was working up to what I was thinking about as there was no longer a smile on his face when there had been one almost ever since we've been here. I decided to run interference for my brother even if some part of me didn't think I should. He was still my little brother.

"I was curious since he never mentioned it. Calvin talks about everything he experiences, to the point where you have to tune out or have your ears fall off, and I just had never heard that" I said with some truth. He was like that when he was younger. Talking and talking and talking and never shutting up. He has mellowed bit since he's becoming a moody teenager.

"Oh" he said simply. I worried that he didn't believe me.

"So how do your parents feel about Marcus" I asked.

"Well my mom dotes on Wayne. I laughed when she found out cause she said she was glad Marcus was with Wayne because she had known him for so long and that no woman would be good enough for her little boy" he said with a smile at the memory. I smiled too. I liked his mom already. "My dad tries to handle it. He says insensitive things sometimes. I know it hurts Marcus but he puts on a brave face. I overheard my parents talking one night. He was crying because of something he had said to Marcus and he hadn't been able to hide the hurt quick enough. Dad saw and that night he was actually crying. I remember him saying to my mom that he loved Marcus so much. That Marcus was his first born and it hurt him to hurt Marcus. It was like he was pleading with my mom to help him stop saying hurtful things to him. I wasn't in the room with them but I could feel how much it was hurting him that he had hurt Marcus. I was angry with him, but I had decided that this was simply a man who didn't know how to deal with having a gay son, but who wanted desperately to accept him. I had a new respect for him" he said.

It was a lot to chew on. A totally excepting mother and a father who said hurtful things, but wanted desperately to find a way to stop doing it and find a way to accept his son. I had no idea where my mother stood, but I knew where my dad did. I looked at my watch.

"We better be getting back to school. We'll be cutting it close as it is" I said as I got up and reached for my wallet.

"My treat. I invited you, remember" Sean said as he dropped some money on the table and a $20 tip for Elie. I was surprised. As he walked away I dropped another $10 because everyone who came her loved Elie.

We headed back to school in a comfortable silence went our separate ways after we got back with me barely making it to AP History. Miriam gave me a look but didn't say anything. After school I was headed for my car when I saw Sean sitting on it.

"What's up" I asked.

"I want you to take me home with you" he said and my eyes widened.

"What?!" I asked with a squeak.

"Get your mind out of the gutter" he said with a smirk. "I just wanna see where you live. Meet those whom your sprang from" he added with genuine smile. He was such a good looking guy and his green eyes were so beautiful.

"Those whom I sprung from" I asked with a laugh.

"Yeah" he stated simply.

"Why" I asked suspiciously.

"Well if we're gonna be bros for life I'm gonna have to see where you live eventually. It'll defeat the purpose of me picking you up for a night of looking for tail, though yours will have outdoor plumbing, if I don't know where you live" he said believeably.

"What!" I said after a minute of gaping at him.

"Look, just take me to your house. If you do, I'll tell you a secret" he said and I was intrigued.

"What secret" I asked.

"Ah-ah-ah, first home, then secret" he said wagging his finger in a humorous way. I had to admit that Sean had a very pleasant personality when he wasn't messing with me.

After a few minutes of staring at him I agreed. As I headed for my door, I saw him head for the passenger side. I asked him what he was doing. He said he was getting in my car. I asked how he would get home and was he just gonna leave his car here. He said his car was gone. He went on to explain that Veronica had his car cause he had given her a ride this morning and that he would call her later to tell her where to pick him up.

I asked were he and Veronica dating. I wanted to know cause I knew Bear had plans for her and I didn't want any beef. He laughed and said no. I asked why they were together so much then. He asked me was I dating any of my friends. It made me think of Bear and how I wanted to be dating him. He laughed again and said that Veronica was his cousin. I looked at him weird and asked how when Veronica was black. He said I wasn't very progressive given who I was in love with and corrected me by saying the Veronica was half black and that her mother was his mothers' sister while her father was black. I got the progressive thing then as I was black and Bear was white. I guess that explained the eye color at least as I had never seen a black person with her eye color.

We arrived at my house and I saw my dad's car was in the driveway which was weird. I was the first home everyday followed by Calvin about 20 minutes after as he rode the bus. My mom was home by 4:30 with the girls who got dropped off where she worked, while dad came in after 5. So him here at 20 after 3 was weird.

"So here we are. Sorry it's not as spectacular as the "rich district", but it's home" I said

"Yeah, Bear told me that that's what you and I think Liberty called where we lived" he said.

"Yup, no shame here" I grinned.

"I'm not shallow you know" he said seriously. It seems I had hurt his feelings somehow.

"I didn't mean anything by it" I said

"Its cool" he said with a small smile. "Well, show me how the less fortunate live" he smirked and I flipped him off.

We got out of the car and headed for the house. I unlocked the door and led Sean in. When I got in dad was just coming out of the kitchen with two glasses of juice.

"Hey dad" I said

"Hey son" he said and zeroed in on Sean standing behind me. His eyes narrowed slightly

"What are you doing here so early" I asked

"Your sisters got sick at school, and your mom wasn't able to get off so I took off and picked them up" he said occasionally glancing at Sean.

"Both of em got sick" I asked.

"Yeah it happens. I remember one little boy getting the flu at the exact same time his best friend got it, and you two didn't start getting better until you got to see each other" he said.

"Aw" Sean said to this and I gave him a subtle shot to the ribs with my elbow.

"So, who's your friend" dad asked. He didn't sound mean but he didn't exactly sound welcoming either. It was weird.

"Sean, my dad Evan, Dad, this is Sean Mellow" I said introducing them. Dad handed me one of the glasses of juice and shook his hand, but still was a bit standoffish.

"Nice to meet you sir" Sean said kicking up the charm. It didn't seem to be working on my dad at all.

"You too" he said flatly. "I'm gonna go take these to your sisters" he said and left us to head upstairs.

"Wow, your dad loves me" Sean said sarcastically. I couldn't explain it either so I lied for my dad.

"He's like that at first. Once he gets to know you he'll love you" I said and he looked like he believed me. "Want something to drink" I asked him.

"You got coke" he asked and I smiled. It seems every time I saw him outside of school he was drinking a coke.

"Sure. Wait here" I said and headed for the kitchen.

As I was pouring some coke in a glass after I got a bottle of water for myself, dad came back into the kitchen.

"The girls doing okay?" I asked

"They have a fever. Probably just a little cold" he said "Where are you friends Trey? Where's Bear?" he asked and I was startled by the abrupt subject change. Especially this subject.

My parents had been asking about them for the last 2 weeks because it was very rare we went this long without talking. Bear went to football camp this past summer and that was the longest time we had been away from each other.

"They're-" I started but he finished.

"Busy. You keep saying that. You haven't talked to Bear in about two weeks. You're here with this... Sean and haven't spoken to your lifelong friend in 2 weeks. What's going on?" he demanded.

"What I can't have more than one friend" I asked

"No, what I'm saying is that I feel that you aren't telling us something. You've stopped talking to your friends and are now bringing this Sean home. I'm just curious I guess" he said. He looked at me for a minute then got 2 spoons and left the kitchen.

I started thinking then about just what I was doing. I had distanced myself from my friends because I felt they were popular and that I didn't fit, yet here I was with Sean who was equally as popular if not more so. I didn't wanna admit to my hypocritical view of things so I pushed it to the side.

I carried Sean his coke and we went upstairs. I sent him on into my room while I went to check on the twins. They looked sick but not at death's door so I was satisfied and kissed each of their foreheads and headed for my room.

When I got there Sean was looking around my room. He looked at my posters of different Marvel and DC characters with a poster of Steven Amell as Arrow over my bed. I suddenly looked at it and wondered why no one suspected I was gay as that poster was very erotic looking. A shirtless Steven Amell with scars on that gorgeous torso.

I guess Sean agreed because after studying it for a few seconds he looked at me, smiled and shook his head.

He sat down on my bed and looked at me, smiled and patted the bed beside him. Sitting on my bed with a hot guy like Sean was not something that I was interested in because being around him was making me feel funny things. Not like with Bear though so for the most part it was fine. I pulled my desk chair over to sit in front of him instead. He laughed like he knew I would do that.

"I need to make a confession" Sean said.

"Okay shoot" I replied. I tried to play it cool but I was anything but cool. This confession could be anything. He was gay too, this was all a joke just to learn where I lived and I would wake up tomorrow and the house would be TP'ed, that he was a serial killer and he was gonna kill me in my sleep now that he knew where I lived, anything.

"You weren't just imagining things. I was flirting with you when I invited you to lunch" he said shocking me.

"What? You what? I asked stunned.

"Yeah. One: I wanted to see how you'd react when I turned up the heat and I was not disappointed if your half wood was any indication. Second: I knew that even if you really didn't wanna go you would anyway just to learn my motives. I've actually been flirting with you since my party" he finished taking a drink of his coke and I was further stunned.

"Wha... You... huh..." I tried to say.

"Calm down. Before you ask, no I'm gay or bi or anything like that although if I was gay I would definitely go for you. There's just something about you like I said earlier. Like right now I know for a fact that I'm not gay or bi, yet I kinda wanna kiss you.

"Um" I said unable to speak. Who was this guy? I'd never heard of ultra macho straight guys like him so freely talking about these kinds of things with gay dudes.

"I've actually suspected you for a while. At first I didn't like it but then Bear defended you when I didn't invite you to my party then Marcus kicked my ass, not literally though, when I told him why I was trying to keep you away from Bear not realizing that I was telling my gay brother who I loved that I was keeping a guy I suspected as gay from my friend." He spoke honestly.

"Whoa" I said. I really needed to regain access to my brain because I was sounding like an idiot.

"Yeah. I gotta say I was surprised by your restraint because I was pouring it on really think, what with the grinning and the touching and the sitting all up against you. I don't normally sit that close to other dudes you know" he grinned.

"So let me get this straight. You've been trying to seduce me for weeks, but only far enough to ascertain whether I was gay like you suspected" I asked. It was a pretty ingenuous plan when I thought about it and that made me both hate him and like him.

"You got it" he said with a wink. "I did learn something that I didn't intend to though.

"What's that" I asked intrigued.

"You've got a pretty big cock" he added with a smirk. My mouth dropped open.

I asked how he knew that and he said if my cock was that pronounced only being half hard as he could tell, that it must have been a monster all hard up. After recovering from my shock I decided to pull a Bear and I asked if he wanted to see how big it was with a smirk. He looked thoughtful for a few seconds then told me he didn't want to at the time but that he would let me know if he changed his mind.

I sat there thinking that nothing seemed to phase this guy. I wondered what it would take to trip him up. He looked into my eyes and smirked like he knew what I was thinking. I knew that was ridiculous, until he spoke again with that smirk.


To be continued....

So Trey has spent the day with Sean. He has learned a lot about Sean and things since his party have been made clear.

Now that Sean's motives have been made mostly clear, will this be the beginning of a great friendship? Now that Trey finally has an ally on his side that knows that he's gay and doesn't care, will this give him courage to tell others? Stay tuned.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. Trey's ex-friends will be making a return next chapter and Jessica will be revealing a surprising secret. Send any comments good or bad to

Next: Chapter 6

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