The Chronicles of Trey

By Nicky Smith

Published on Mar 23, 2018


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Written by: Nicky Smith Edited by: JD Kaster



I had been deep in thought ever since I'd gone out with Jamal. I'd tried to think about him, being in bed with him, kissing him, touching him, and nothing. It should have been impossible that I should get no reaction to a guy as hot as Jamal was. It wasn't just him though. My thought experiment from that night was still holding up. It was like my mind had put me in some full body chastity belt cause my dick wouldn't rise for thoughts of any other man but Bear.

I was weirdly funny cause I was willing to bet that any number of people would probably kill to have their partner experience the same thing. I wasn't happy though that my mind was essentially trying to keep me from "cheating" on Bear which was stupid considering the way things were between us. I also didn't know what to think about what it meant that I considered it cheating.

One decision I was clear on was that I needed to settle things between Bear and me. One of the things involved with doing that in my opinion was seeing her face to face. I had to see Alicia, let her see me and see what she thought was a defense for what she had done. I had to talk to her, which was why I was currently parked out front of her house.

I got out of me truck and after steeling myself for whatever came from this, I walked up to her door. I rang the bell and waited for her to answer. Then I remembered that she lived with her parents and wondered what I'd do if either of them answered the door. Fortunately, I didn't have to worry about it as when the door opened she was standing there with a blank look on her face.

"Alicia," I said as cordially as I could.

"Trey," she said in a neutral tone.

"Can I come in?" I asked keeping the same tone even though just looking at her made me want to violate my "no violence against women" rule.

"I don't think that's a good idea," she said looking slightly nervous.

"I think you wanna let me in," I said in a cold tone.

"Why is that?" She asked and I kind of liked when she took a defensive pose.

"Let me in Alicia," I said in the same cold tone while looking her directly in the eye. I wasn't sure it would work, but she did stand back and let me in. After I entered the house she closed the door and walked toward what I'd guess was the living room from what I could see. She tried to look like she was completely at ease, but I could tell she was nervous.

"What are you doing here?" She asked with her arms folded in that same defensive stance after we'd stopped in the living room.

"You know what I'm doing here," I said after rolling my eyes at the nerve of her to ask such a dumbass question.

"Look, let's not do this now," she said looking annoyed and put out. This bitch was really trying my patience.

"No, we are doing this now," I said very close to snapping on this... person.

"Okay then, fine. I don't care what you came here to say, I'm not sorry that Bear and I were together," she said, and I had to stop for a moment to actually look at her cause, was she serious?

"I'm sure you not sorry. You wanted Bear and you made sure you got him. It didn't matter that he was in love with me, or that he was in a relationship with me, or even that I was in a fucking coma. You didn't care as long as you got to ride his dick," I said, my anger rising as I spoke.

"Hold up now-" she started but I didn't want to hear her trying to rationalize what she'd done.

"Shut up! I'm talking," I shouted

"Keep your voice down. My daughter is upstairs," she said, and I don't know why but that pushed me over the edge.

"I don't give a fuck! You wouldn't have that kid if you wouldn't have gotten my boyfriend drunk and screwed him!" I yelled, and it was like a sudden realization came over me. Bear's telling of what had happened that night played back over in my head but this time, something he'd said, that I'd ignored, dawned on me.

"Get out!" She yelled no longer seeming to care that her kid could hear her.

"You got him drunk... you took advantage of someone who was drunk," I said, finally allowing all the pieces to come to me. I was talking more to myself than to her.

"Not this again. We were both drunk and we both had sex together and it was amazing," she said and the starry-eyed look she got after saying the last part was kind of creepy.

"You're insane," I said cause that's all I could think of with this crazy bitch.

"You know, did you consider that maybe Bear was tired of you and wanted some of what he used to get? He was straight before you came along," she said and yeah, she was insane.

"Bear was 2 before I came along. We've known each other almost all our lives so far and if you want to get real, Bear has always been into me. He just didn't realize it," I said, and it was weird cause it was like I was just realizing it, even though I'd just said it like it was a fact already known by me. I never ceased to amaze myself at how oblivious I could be.

"Yeah right," she said rolling her eyes.

"No, really. The way he's been about me since we got together, the territorial possessiveness when it comes to other males that aren't related to me, he's always been that way. He's always been mine and I think you've known that all the time. You just didn't care because you wanted him," I said and the guilty look that flashed across her face confirmed my suspicions.

"You're delusional," she said but I could tell she didn't believe it.

"Your the one who's delusional," I said before taking a few steps toward her. "You've got some nerve trying to take what's mine. You may think you succeeded by getting your ass knocked up, but you failed. You won't ever have him!" I said as loudly as I could without yelling. I didn't wanna upset the kid even though she was Alicia's kid.

"What's going on in here?" an older man said as he came into the living room from what I assumed was the kitchen.

"Daddy, I tried to tell him to leave but he wouldn't," Alicia said doing her best to sound like I was terrorizing her. I just rolled my eyes.

"I don't know who you are, but you get out of my house right now," said the man who was apparently Alicia's father.

"Really? That's how you'll play this?" I asked Alicia while ignoring her father.

"Please leave," she said in such a small voice that I almost laughed.

"You know damned well what you did. Stop hiding behind your father and own up to it," I said but she just went even further into her act. The puppy dog look was on point.

"I'm not going to tell you again. Get out!" He shouted at me as he pointed to the front door.

"Walter, who are you yelling at?" A woman who looked his age said as she too came from what I assumed was the kitchen. She must have been her mother.

"This... person was in our house terrorizing our daughter," he said with a mean scowl directed at me. I realized that I'd better address them before they called the police. That's the last thing I needed.

"You don't know what Alicia did to me," I said to her father.

"I don't care what she did to you," he said with his arms folded as he stood in front of Alicia "protecting" her from me.

"Mommy, please make him leave," she said with the small voice and puppy dog eyes now directed to her mother. Her mother in turn looked at her and I almost smirked when a skeptical look appeared on her face.

"Who are you exactly?" She asked but much more cordially than her husband. I decided to tell her since she looked like she wasn't too ready to believe Alicia's act.

"My name is Trey-" I started but her father cut in.

"Good. Now that we have a name, leave our house Trey," he said putting extra emphasis on my name.

"Walter," Alicia's mother said sharply.

"Elaine," he said back just as sharply. They exchanged a look and it looked like she won out for the moment.

"Continue," she said after glancing at Alicia. She looked worried.

"Well for starters, did Alicia tell either of you who her baby daddy is?" I asked because something told me that they didn't know.

"No, she still hasn't," Mrs. Lake said while shooting a stern look at Alicia.

"Mommy," Alicia said before her mother held up a hand to silence her.

"Go on," she said after shooting Alicia another look.

"His name is Bear Davidson," I said, and both their eyes went buck wide. "And when she got knocked up, we were in a relationship, he was drunk, and I was in a coma," I said and they both looked at her.

"He's lying," she said no longer pretending to be all scared and mousy.

"Oh, and did I forget to mention that she got him drunk and then had sex with him when he was drunk and too distraught over my condition to think about what was happening to him," I said, and I was kind of enjoying telling her parents what she'd done.

"Alicia..." Mr. Lake said in a questioning tone.

"Daddy, he's lying," she said getting back into her act.

"There is a thing called a DNA test you know," I said.

"You did what he just said, didn't you?" Mrs. Lake asked in a tone that said she was not happy.

"Would you even believe me if I said no?" She asked her mother slightly cold tone.

"Knowing you, no I wouldn't," Mrs. Lake said which made me wonder just what else Alicia had done.

"Elaine..." Mr. Lake said sounding desperate.

"Walter, she's my daughter but you know this girl. You need to stop being snowed by her acts," Mrs. Lake said to her husband. He looked almost distraught over having to admit that his daughter would do what I'd said she had done.

"Are you happy now?" Alicia had the nerve to ask me like I had done her wrong.

"No, I'm not cause no matter what, Bear is still the father of your child, which means that I'll have to deal with you for the rest of my life," I said. She had the nerve to look pleased when I declared Bear her baby daddy, but that look changed when I finished what I'd said. I realized then that I'd made up my mind about Bear.

"I'm sorry for what my daughter has done," Mrs. Lake said as she cut Alicia a brief harsh look.

"I'm sorry too," I said before turning and leaving their house.

I got in my truck and looked at the house I'd just left. In that house was the girl who had gotten the guy I loved drunk and had taken advantage of him. In that house were parents that were looking at their daughter in a new and very bad light, especially her father as her mother seemed to have her pegged. Most importantly, in that house was a child whose father was a man that I still loved.

This realization was important because my anger had blinded me to the point that I wondered if I still felt it. I don't know what the catalyst was for me finally seeing past my anger but that wasn't important now. What was important was that I needed to talk to Bear. I needed to see him to make sure my anger had indeed subsided enough for us to work things out.


"Dude, don't you think you're overdoing it?" Deacon asked from the weight bench next to me. He looked worried, but I wasn't, or maybe I just didn't care.

"I'm fine," I said through gritted teeth as I kept pushing myself. I needed something to do to keep my mind off what I'd seen.

Except, this wasn't working. Pushing myself beyond my limits wasn't keeping me from seeing Trey with his... date, after I'd made the mistake of going over to his dorm after arriving back at school. What I'd seen was innocent enough, but the way Trey had smiled at him as he got out of his truck, to the way he looked cemented the fact that Trey was moving on.

I couldn't rid myself of the images of the two of them together. The guy was appealing. In fact, he was exactly Trey's type which was worse. Over the time we'd been together, it had become obvious that Trey had a type and this guy was it. I could compete with most guys but not this guy as aside from being Black, he was almost just like me.

After seeing them... seeing him, I couldn't stop wondering if they'd had sex. They had been out kind of late and there was no way they'd been eating all that time. I didn't take Trey as the type to just jump into bed with a guy after going out with him one time. I mean, sure we did do something as soon as we got together but that was different as we'd known each other for years beforehand.

One thing was sure though, if this was true, I'd have to stay far away from Trey because I didn't want to lose my temper and hurt this dude. Although in this instance, it might be a stalemate, because from what I could see, this dude looked to be as big as me.

"Davidson, ease up on the weights before you hurt yourself son," said our team's defensive coordinator.

"I'm fine," I said as I went for another rep. He grabbed the bar though and guided it to the rest.

"That wasn't a request son," he said before giving me a stern look and walking away.

I sat up and wiped my forehead with the towel that Deacon handed me. He looked really concerned about me and I wanted it to stop. I stood up and walked over to the treadmill to get away from that look. He followed me though and stood next to the treadmill while I started it up and got to a good pace.

"Are you ready to tell me now what happened when you left the other night," he asked but I didn't answer right away. Instead, I cranked up the treadmill a bit more. I considered cranking it up all the way, but I didn't wanna pay for it later like I knew I'd be doing with my arms, chest and back from the weight bench.

"I saw him... them," I said after a few minutes of silence and Deacon waiting patiently.

"And...," he said wanting me to continue.

"Let's just say that I've got everything to worry about if you know what I mean," I said before deciding that I didn't care about paying for it later and cranked up the treadmill a bit more.

"Dude," Deacon said as he reached over and turned down the treadmill some.

"The guy was everything that Trey likes about a guy," I said but Deacon didn't sound convinced from the sound he made.

"Do you think that Trey is just gonna forget about all you two obviously mean to each other just because a shiny new toy comes along?" Deacon asked, and he had a point. Trey wasn't one to have his head turned so easily. Hell, he could have found any number of guys to satisfy him instead of pining over me before we got together. Instead, he waited on me even if he didn't realize it.

"You didn't see him," I said while at the same time trying to erase him from my mind.

"I don't need to. If Trey cares about you as much as you obviously care about him then you don't have anything to worry about," Deacon said with certainty that I wanted to believe.

"I wanna believe you," I said, because I really wanted to believe that nothing had happened between Trey and this guy. It was kind of hard though as I believe even Deacon would be on his knees for this guy.

"Then do it," Deacon said as more of an order.

"I'll try boss," I said which made him smile and chuckle a bit.

"Head's up. We're about to have company," he said, and I looked to see Kenan, Tyler, and a couple other guys heading our way. I was more focused on Hoyt though. He saw this and started avoiding my eyes.

"What's up fellas?" Tyler asked as they reached us.

"Nothing much," Deacon said. I didn't respond. Instead I hopped off the treadmill as I was planning to make a quick exit.

"What's been up with you two? You've been kind of isolated over the last few weeks," Tyler said, and the guys nodded in agreement. Kenan was silent though and just looking at me. Hoyt was still avoiding eye contact with me.

"Just been busy when not here," Deacon said.

"That right Bear?" Kenan finally asked.

"Yeah it is," I said with a bit of attitude.

"Don't mind him. He's just dealing with something," Deacon said with a nervous laugh. The others looked like they understood but Kenan was watching me in that studious way again, except now he was also doing it to Deacon as well. I guess we were kind of acting weird, together.

"Look, I have somewhere to be so I'm just gonna grab a shower and head out," I said before turning to leave.

"Hold up Bear. We're getting together later tonight at Kelsie's. You're gonna come over, right?" Kenan asked but it was more of a demand than I liked it to be.

"I'll see," I said before walking away this time.

I took a shower and thought about Trey and the last time we'd showered together. I expected to spring a boner, but nothing happened. I guess nothing was happening downstairs with my head all messed up like it was. It was something that had been happening off and on since we'd been apart, but this time felt significant for some reason. I couldn't put my finger on why though.

I finished my shower, dried off, got dressed and trudged through the gym. I saw the guys talking to Deacon. He noticed me leaving and gave me a subtle nod. Kenan also noticed me, but he just watched with the unnerving look. He was getting on my nerves. If he was thinking that he knew about me I'd have to deal with him sooner rather than later.

I dragged my feet across campus looking at the last of the falling leaves. Thanksgiving would be soon, but I had no desire to even go home as I knew Trey would be there. I would also have to deal with my parents, mainly my mother. I didn't think I'd have any real problems with my dad as on a certain level he'd be relieved that I had a kid. That would mean I wasn't completely gay and would be something he could hold on to.

I arrived back at the dorm and made it to my room. I kicked off my shoes and plopped down on the couch. I closed my eyes and tried to remember when my life was uncomplicated. Some would say that was before Trey and I got together and maybe we shouldn't have done so. I didn't care about that though as if it meant that I had him, I'd take complication and drama any day of the week.

A knock on the door made me roll my eyes as I was sure it was one of the guys. Maybe it was Kenan coming over to tell me that he knew about me and thought that Deacon and I were together. Maybe it was Hoyt coming over to plead for forgiveness for setting Trey up with another guy. Maybe it was one of my friends coming to give me their two cents about what I'd done as aside from Sean and Justice, and being snubbed by Miriam, they'd been strangely silent. It wasn't either of them though as I opened the door.


I made up my mind after seeing Alicia. I took a day to make sure I really wanted to do this. I changed my mind about 5 times during that time, but I was sure of my decision as I headed over to see Bear. Alicia tried to force her way into my mind as I walked over but I pushed her away. She would not be a factor in this. She would not beat me. I chanted this a few times before knocking on the door.

"Trey?" He said looking almost confused as he looked at me.

"Can I come in?" I asked and almost laughed that I'd said the same thing the last few times I'd come over here.

"Sure," he said as he opened the door. I walked in and he closed the door behind me. I stood before him and he looked expectantly at me. I could also see some fear in his eyes and while I wished to wash it away, I needed to speak first.

"Bear-" I started but was interrupted by him grabbing me and pulling me to him and into a crushing hug.

"Trey please, forgive me. I'm sorry for what happened. I didn't go out and seek to do what I did. I had given up on everything and I didn't care about life anymore because I thought I was never gonna see you awake again. I couldn't imagine life without you and I still can't. I never would have consciously or purposely done anything to hurt you and I still won't. Please take me back. I'll do anything you want," he said in a heartfelt plea that I couldn't ignore.

I tried to steel myself against his emotions, but it was futile. We were too ingrained into each other for that to ever happen. In fact, I was surprised that I could hold out as long as I had. It was scary sometimes the power that Bear had over me, how he could affect me, but it seemed that it was the same way for him.

I decided in that moment that we could talk later. At that moment, my big guy needed me to forgive him and damn it if I didn't want to. I needed to, and it wasn't like I didn't believe him. I knew deep down that he'd never intentionally hurt me. He'd rather die. I'd known that since I was a little boy and saw how fiercely protective he was of me.

I knew I could live to regret it, but in the end, I forgave him. I raised my arms and hugged him back and I heard a sniffle from him. I also felt what seemed like a year's worth of tension leave his body. He sighed that sigh that affected me in a way that it shouldn't have, but it did.

"Bear, I don't know how I'm gonna be able to handle Alicia and her... your kid, but I don't need to know that to forgive you," I said in a stunning display of maturity from me. I was impressed with myself. Then I mentally slapped myself for thinking of something so stupid now.

"Thank you, baby, I promise that I'll spend the rest of our lives showing you that you made the right decision," he said as he pulled back from me a bit. Then he pulled me forward and kissed me and I had to admit that I missed his lips against mine. Jamal was a distant memory at that point. We ended the kiss and the smile on his face was so amazing, I hated to see it leave, but I needed to say what I had to say.

"Bear, before you get too far, we still have to talk," I said and sure enough, his smile fell a bit.

"I- I know," he said sullenly.

"Well don't act like somebody died. It's just that there's some things that I need to say," I said but his expression didn't change.

"I know," he said again. He then took my hand and lead me to the couch. He waited for me to sit before he did too.

"Bear, I forgive you and I'll try to forget what happened with you and Alicia, but I don't realistically see how that's possible with her kid... your kid out there," I said, and he nodded seriously.

"I know. I won't see her," he said, and I knew that wasn't realistic either.

"Bear, if you're seeing your daughter you'll see Alicia too. There's really no way around it," I said but he just shook his head.

"I meant I won't see her kid," he said and while some would have been happy about that, I wasn't.

"Bear, you can't do that," I said but he shook his head again and held up his hand to silence me.

"I mean it. My relationship with you means everything to me. I won't let anyone, even Alicia and her kid come between us so if that's what it takes, I'm gonna do it," he said and again it was tempting to take Bear up on what he was proposing but I couldn't.

"Bear-" I started but he silenced me with a brief kiss.

"You are my world and I'll do anything to make sure I never lose you," he said as he held my head close to his and looked me in the eye.

I wanted to fight him, but it was so hard with his emotions all out there. I managed to fight my way through them and was about to try again to get through to him, but my cell rang. I looked and saw that it was Liberty. I rolled my eyes at the timing. Knowing her she probably sensed that I had forgiven Bear and was calling to give me hell over it. I dismissed the call, but she called again a second later. I knew to answer this time.

"Boy, don't you ever put me on ignore again," she said as soon as I'd answered the call.

"What is it?" I asked as she sounded weird. Bear looked concerned too.

"Jessica was in a car accident," she said, and my blood ran cold.

"What?! Is she...?" I asked as I shot up to standing.

"She's not dead," she said, and I let out a breath of relief.

"How is she?" I asked while Bear was whispering trying to find out what had happened.

"She's in surgery now. That's all I know. Her parents are on their way up here," Liberty said but all I could focus on was that she was in surgery.

"I'm on my way," I said and ended the call.

"What happened?" Bear asked as he followed me to the door.

"Jessica was in a car accident," I said as I reached for the door. Bear's hand shot out to hold it closed though.

"I'll drive you," he said as he went to his bedroom. I wasn't sure about that though.

"I'm not too sure about that," I said after he came back with his coat on.

"It's non-negotiable," he said before he opened the door and walked out into the hall. He then looked at me expectantly. I just shook my head and walked out of the door which he locked behind me.

We headed for the elevator and rode down to the lobby. We both looked at each other and even though we both realized that things weren't completely settled between us, we knew, at least I did, that things were on the right track between us. Our hands touched briefly before he grasped my hand and held it for the next 10 seconds of our ride until the doors opened. We headed out of the lobby and ran into someone that I didn't ever want to see again.

"Bear, what's up?" said Zev Collins, one of Bear's former teammates when we were in high school. He was standing with one of Bear's current teammates. I couldn't remember his name.

"Zev," Bear said with no kindness.

"You two know each other?" the guy asked Zev.

"Yeah cuz, we do. Bear and I go way back," Zev said with a smirk to the guy who was apparently his cousin.

"Cuz?" Bear said as he looked between them and there was a bit of a resemblance.

"Yeah, Zack here is my cousin," Zev said still with that smirk.

"Zack Collins, of course," Bear said although he didn't sound happy about the pieces coming together.

"Hey Trey, it's been a long time," Zev said as he looked at me now with that smirk.

"Yeah it has," I said as I looked between Zev who looked like the cat that ate the canary, his cousin who didn't seem to know anything yet, and Bear who looked like he wanted to kill Zev but was doing his best to mask it.

"How ironic that you come to visit me and see some of your old school mates," Zack said oblivious to what was between us.

"Yeah, Ironic," Zev said as he and Bear eyed each other.

"We gotta get going," I said thinking quickly. Bear seemed to snap out of it and remember where we had to go.

"Yeah, we gotta be somewhere," Bear said before he stepped off the last step to the ground.

"Yeah, I'll bet," Zev said as we both passed him.

"See ya later," Zack said as we were walking away. Bear tossed a hand up as he walked away. I took one last look back and Zev winked at me. We didn't have time or I'm sure Bear would have had a "talk" with him. I tried to put him out of my head. As we reached Bear's truck and got in. He looked over at me and smiled and I had to smile back because I missed him. He started the truck and pulled away.

Liberty told us which hospital they were at and I put it into my phone's GPS to get the directions. I didn't tell her about Bear and I knew I'd hear about it once I got there. On the drive to the hospital Bear finally worked up the nerve to reach over and take my hand and place it on his thigh. I rolled my eyes at him, but I couldn't help the smile on my face.

When we arrived at the hospital, Bear found a place to park and we walked the long distance to the emergency room. Then we were directed to admitting and were given a room number where she was. Liberty had texted me on our drive to say that Jessica was out of surgery and was doing well so that was a relief.

We headed up to the 7th floor where she was and when we got there, I steered us in the wrong direction, so it took us much longer to get to her room than it should have considering her room was nearby the elevators. Bear tried to hide how funny he thought this was when we realized this. I started to knock but the door opened before I could.

"Oh, hey boys," Mr. Martin said as he and his wife were leaving Jessica's room. Mrs. Martin was just looking back and forth between Bear and me which probably meant that she knew about our "break-up".

"Hey sir. How is Jessica doing?" I asked Mr. Martin while trying to ignore the way his wife was looking at Bear and me.

"She's doing fine. In fact, we have been banished from her cause her mother was fussing over her too much," Mr. Martin said with amusement etched into his face as he looked at his wife.

"That girl is gonna drive me crazy one day," Mrs. Martin said as she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah well, we'd better go and get her burger," Mr. Martin said before starting down the hall. He got a few steps before he realized his wife hadn't moved.

"I'm not going anywhere. She made me leave," Mrs. Martin said in a pout.

"Come on Amy," Mr. Martin said looking amused again.

"Fine," Mrs. Martin said before dragging her feet down the hall. She reminded me of Jessica so much then.

"Let's go in," Bear said before opening the door for me. I hesitated before going in. I knew how Liberty would react and I wasn't really in the mood for it.

"Trey... and Bear," Jessica said in not a surprising way. Liberty was there, and she was glaring at him. Light was there as well and looked confused.

"What you doing here?" Liberty asked in her surly tone that I didn't want to deal with now.

"Bear drove me down here," I said before Bear could answer.

"Hm," she said as she looked him up and down with the harshest look I'd ever seen her give someone.

"How are you Jess?" I asked her to try and change the subject.

"I've just got a few bumps and bruises, and a slight concussion. Oh, and my leg is kind of broken," she said. That should have been obvious though with her left leg rigged up the way it was.

"What are you doing getting into accidents. You scared me," I said, although I wasn't intending to. Truth was, when Liberty had called, I was scared that she was about to tell me that Jessica was dead, or in a coma.

"I'm sorry. I'll try not to swerve to avoid a dog and hit a tree next time," she said with obvious sarcasm.

"I'm sorry, okay. It's just that, I don't wanna have to break in a new friend," I said while doing my best to hold back my emotions. With all that had been going on, I guess I was due an emotional breakdown.

"Don't worry about me. I'm gonna be around for a long time. After all, Liberty wouldn't be able to live without me," she said ending with a wink towards Liberty.

"I'd manage," Liberty said, putting on a front. I knew though that she and Jess were tight.

"You two are so sweet," Light said with a sickeningly sweet grin.

"Girl, don't make me regret continuing to talk to you," Liberty said back to her old snarky self.

"So, where are the guys?" I asked as we hadn't seen Sean, Carter, Christian, or Dave for that matter on our way in.

"They are coming," Liberty said while eyeing Bear with a scowl. It was then that I noticed that his hand was on my shoulder and I was shocked at how much I'd missed such a simple thing as a touch from him.

"It feels kind of hostile in here," Bear said, and I looked at him before looking at the three ladies in the room. Light looked relatively normal, but Liberty and Jessica were now both scowling at Bear.

"It's fine. They just need to adjust to us being back together," I said, and I could feel Liberty's scowl turn into a glare.

"Excuse me?" She said with obvious disdain for what I'd just said.

"I think I'm gonna go and get Jess something from the gift shop," Bear said before he leaned in a gave me a kiss on the cheek and left the room.

"Before you start-" I started but Liberty held up her hand.

"He cheated on you, knocked up that bitch Alicia, and you take him back?" She said sounding relatively calm, but I knew that to be a lie.

"You don't know the circumstances," I said, and I'll admit that was mostly my fault. I'd told them what had happened with Bear and Alicia, but I'll admit that I may have put a spin on it to make it even worse than it was.

"I know enough to know what that bastard did to you. I can't believe you took him back," she said sounding more disappointed than pissed by the time she'd finished.

"I know what I'm doing Lib. I know all the details and now that my anger has subsided enough, I'm comfortable with forgiving him," I said but she just rolled her eyes.

"You know all the details, huh? Did he give you these `details'?" She said a bit sarcastically.

"No, I got it from the horse's ass, I mean mouth," I said, and I heard a suppressed laugh from Jessica.

"What now?" Light asked looked way too confused.

"I talked to Alicia. The girl is delusional, but I got what I needed out of her, and blew up her -somehow still intact- good image in her dad's eyes to boot," I said, and I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my lips as I remembered what had happened at Alicia's house.

The three of them still looked confused so I filled them in on what had happened. When I was done, Liberty looked a bit less pissed than she's been. I could tell that she wouldn't forgive and forget that easily though. She seemed to focus her anger more on Alicia than it had been though, and I could live with that.

The guys arrived a few minutes after I'd gotten them squared away. Carter and Christian were acting a bit standoffish towards Bear, Dave was trying to just be a part of things, but Sean surprised me when he greeted Bear like he normally did. He told Jessica that Justice wished her a speedy recovery and joked that she was working on something that would fix her instantly. Jessica looked worried more than relieved though.

Jessica's nurse came in and shooed us out of the room long enough for her to tend to her. She then let us back in but told us that we'd have to clear out soon as there was too many of us there. We promised, then went back in. As we sat and joked my phone rang. I looked and saw that it was Deacon. It was weird, as Deacon didn't really have any reason to be calling me.

"What's wrong?" Bear asked, likely seeing my confusion. I showed him my phone.

"Why's he calling me?" I asked but Bear just shrugged.

"Who's calling you?" Liberty asked.

"Bear's roommate," I said as I continued to look at the phone. Bear rolled his eyes as he took the phone from me, answered it, and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I said as I took over holding the phone from Bear.

"Hey Trey, do you know where Bear could be?" Deacon asked. There was something in his voice though that made me extremely curious.

"He's right here with me. We're visiting a friend," I said as I looked at Bear. I rolled my eyes as he winked at me. I heard Liberty scoff on the other side of the room.

"Good. I hope you two are back together," he said but that something was still there in his voice.

"Yeah, we are," I said, and he smiled that smile that made me weak. I tried to hide it though.

"Listen, you two might wanna get back to school," he said and there was that thing again, but it was more pronounced now.

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked, and it seemed like everyone was on alert.

"Well, one of my teammates came to me and he just told me that he'd heard that Bear was gay and was "in a relationship with you". Keep in mind that I prettied up what he actually said," he said, and I knew it could be only one person.

"Zack," I said, and Bear took notice, especially with the tone I'd used.

"Yeah, how did you know?" He asked but I just let out a deep frustrated sigh.

"We ran into him and his cousin when we were leaving. His cousin went to high school with us," I said while wishing I could see Zev right now, so I could kick him in the nuts so hard he'd spit those fuckers up.

"Damn, that sucks. Well, like I said you two need to get back here so we can come up with a game plan. I called Hoyt over too," he said and while I appreciated it, I wasn't sure how Bear would take to that.

"Okay, we'll be there as soon as we can," I said before ending the call.

"What happened," almost everyone said simultaneously.

"Zev Collins happened," I said through gritted teeth.

"What's that douchebag up to now?" Sean asked looking a bit on edge.

"His cousin is apparently one of my teammates and we ran into them when we were on our way here," Bear said, and I cursed that bitch misfortune yet again. She did not want to leave me the hell alone. One of these days, I was gonna set her ass on fire.

"Did he out you?" Carter asked not sounding happy. He was probably remembering when Drake had outed him and what had happened to me during freshman year.

"Only to his cousin who apparently told Bear's roommate," I said, and Bear raised his eyebrows.

"What did Deac say?" Bear asked and for a second, I just wanted to stop time so that I could enjoy being back with him, even if we still had to talk about things. Unfortunately though, the world didn't work like that.

"He said we need to get back there so you can think of something," I said. I left out the Hoyt part as I didn't think that was important right now.

"Okay," he said and tried to not look worried. I was though.

"You two go on and head back to school. I'm fine here with all these annoying people," Jessica said trying to lighten the mood.

"Okay Jess. I'll see you soon," I said before walking over and giving her a peck on the cheek. We waved bye to everyone else and left Jessica's room. We passed Miriam on the way and she was mean mugging me. I apologized for forgetting her when we reached her and told her that we were in a hurry. She gave me a quick glare which she also shared with Bear before giving me a pat on the shoulder and sending us on our way.

During our drive back to school, I was worried about what awaited us when we got back. I had it in my head that the whole school would know, and they would be out everywhere with torches and pitchforks to chase us away. I knew that thoughts like that were stupid, but I had been bitten by this bug twice now and I wasn't looking forward to having it happen a 3rd time.

"It's gonna be fine. Whatever happens, we'll be there for each other like always," he said with a smile before taking ahold of my hand. It made me feel a little safer, but I also felt guilty. The thing was that we weren't always together when misfortune struck. I knew that I was justified in my reaction to finding out about Bear and Alicia but that didn't take away the fact that we weren't always together.

"Yeah..." I chose to say instead. He obviously read the tone in my voice but instead of saying anything he just gave my hand a brief squeeze.

When we arrived back at school I was looking around all paranoid like trying to see if I could see any dangers, but everything looked normal. Bear parked in his spot and we both got out of the truck. Again, I looked around, but nobody was calling us fags so I guess everything was safe so far. Bear gave me a reassuring smile before heading in the direction of his dorm.

As we arrived at his dorm, I looked around and started to pay extra close attention to my surroundings. It was like I was back in my freshman year only I felt worse. I was getting tired of this. My life probably wouldn't be so bad if I just didn't care who knew, but after experiencing two separate instances of violence after being outed, I was on guard about the subject.

"It's gonna be fine. We'll get through this," Bear said and as I looked into his eyes, I saw something that I wasn't sure I liked. I saw determination, and since it could mean anything, I wasn't feeling it at all.

He gave me a sly wink and a smile before turning and walking into the building. I looked around very carefully to make sure nobody had seen that little exchange before following him in. When I reached him, as I was checking my surroundings, he was already in the elevator smirking at me. When I stepped on and the doors closed he gripped my hand. I was dying to remove it, but I just couldn't make myself do it.

We did separate as the doors opened and we headed for Bear's dorm room. Bear tried to put his key in the lock, but the door flew open instead to reveal a worried looking Deacon standing there. We both walked in to see Hoyt sitting on the couch. Bear came to stop which caused me to walk into his back.

"What's he doing here?" Bear asked not sounding happy one bit that he was there.

"I thought it'd be a good idea to involve him in this," Deacon said but Bear still didn't look happy.

"Is that so?" Bear asked Deacon, but his intense gaze was fixed on Hoyt.

"Look Bear, everything regarding the three of you is out in the open. You three already know about each other so just get over it," Deacon said, but that wasn't what was bothering Bear, especially if the look I saw in his eyes was what I thought it was.

"I don't care about him knowing about us," he said which went to confirm my thoughts.

"Really?" Hoyt said although he could have kept the smirk.

"You don't?" Deacon asked looking more surprised.

"No, I don't. What I do care about is him kissing my man," Bear said, and I'm not gonna lie and say that hearing that didn't touch me in a way that it probably shouldn't have but it did.

"You still on that? That happened a year ago," Hoyt said like it was nothing.

"What? You just told me you liked him. You never said that you'd kissed him," Deacon said while looking at him with wide eyes.

"What can I say? I don't kiss and tell," he said with a sly smile before cutting his eyes at me. I saw the accusation in them.

"I'm not gonna apologize for telling him. He was... is my boyfriend and I wasn't about to have him find out some other way and let him think I was keeping secrets from him," I said, and was satisfied when he lost the smile. I looked at Bear though and he looked pained. It took me a few seconds to realize why. I didn't comment though.

"Okay, why don't we put a pin in this for a second and deal with the problem at hand," Deacon said before walking over and taking a seat next to Hoyt. Bear sat down in the chair and I sat on the arm next to him. He took my hand in his and took a deep breath. It was weird, but nice being able to be close to him again in front on new people. It was a weird thing to think, but then again, I was weird.

"Tell us what happened," Bear said after a few more seconds.

"Well, Zack said that his cousin had told him about you two and that he was coming to me first to see if it was true," Deacon said, and I wanted to find Zev and kick him in the nuts.

"Why you?" Bear asked, and I couldn't help but notice, now that he wasn't focused on Hoyt, he seemed unusually calm given the situation.

"Because we share a room. He wanted to know if you had told me, or if I had heard or seen anything that would indicate that you were gay," Deacon said, and I rolled my eyes. What business was it of his if Bear was gay.

"What did you tell him?" I asked a little more harshly than I'd intended. Deacon looked like he understood though.

"I told him I didn't know anything, and that I thought that you had a girlfriend. I also told him to keep what he had heard to himself until I had a chance to verify what he'd heard," Deacon said, and I was thankful that he was the one who Bear was rooming with.

"Playing dumb and stalling at the same time... good thinking," Hoyt said looking mildly impressed.

"Yeah," Bear said after glaring at Hoyt for a few seconds.

"What are you gonna do?" Deacon asked, and I appreciated how concerned for us he was.

Bear squeezed my hand before standing up and walking over to the kitchenette and grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. He drank it all and I was not appreciating the stalling he was doing. I felt myself glaring at the back of his head. He turned around and saw me and snickered a bit. His face then became serious and instantly I knew what he was gonna say.

"I'm gonna tell him... them," he said with the look of determination in his eyes. He then looked at me and the look made me scared for him but also, I couldn't say no this time for some reason.

"What now?" Deacon asked, and I wanted to feel the same way but something about Bear's stare was keeping me from panicking and trying to stop him.

"I'm gonna come out to the team. I'm tired of hiding, and I'm tired of the guys trying to get me to date. Plus, I think Kenan already suspects something and he's not too long from acting on his suspicion," Bear said, and again I wanted to panic and scream for him not to do it, but that damned stare was having a weird effect on me.

"I hope you know what you're doing," Deacon said after looking at him for about a minute.

"I do," Bear said before he finally looked away from me and looked toward Deacon and Hoyt. I thought that I would be free now that he wasn't staring at me, but I still felt that weird feeling of calm. I looked at him, and not for the last time wondered if he was a wizard of something.

"Okay, when do we do this?" Deacon asked, and while it was sweet of him to want to be involved, we had to do this alone.

"Trey and I are gonna do it. I need you two there before we get there to make sure it doesn't look like we all colluded on this," Bear said, and I just had to laugh.

"I think you're thinking too much on that babe," I said before walking over and giving him a quick kiss.

"Whatever," he said, but he was smiling which I could never get enough of.

We decided that since it was late that we'd wait until tomorrow to tell the team. I was nervous as I left Bear and Deacon's room a little bit later. Bear made sure to keep me there long enough for Hoyt to get to his room, so I wouldn't leave with him. I left about 10 minutes after he did and teased Bear that I was gonna stop by Hoyt's room before I left. He responded by pinning me up against the closed door and giving me a kiss that had me on fire.

When he was done, I realized that Deacon was still in the room and I felt another kind of heat, the heat of embarrassment. He tried his best to look unaffected, but I could see how red he was from blushing. Bear didn't look at all sorry for kissing me in front of Deacon like that. In fact, he was beaming as he opened the door. He gave me a wink as I exited the room and I had to check to see if everything was under wraps as I headed for the elevator.

When I got back to my room I saw that it was empty. I had no idea where Drake was, and I didn't really care. I had more important things to worry about like how Bear's team would react to him coming out. I laid back on my bed and tried to shake the nerves that were now coming down on me. I checked in with Liberty to see how Jessica was doing and after having to listen to her bitch about everything, she finally told me that Jessica was doing okay. We ended the call after another round of her bitching, and I laid there trying to drum up the courage to face Bear's teammates tomorrow.


After hearing what Deacon had to say and making up my mind to come out to the team, I expected to have a restless night of sleep. Instead, I slept better than I had since before Alicia had dropped her bombshell on my life. I woke up and I felt light and happy. I know most of it was because Trey and I were back together, but I did feel a sense of relief not having to hide my relationship with Trey after today, at least around the team.

I showered, got dressed and ate a bowl of cereal before I went to get Trey. Our plan was first for me to come out to my head coach and go from there. Deacon had already left because we had some training before an afternoon practice. I still had a few pages to do on a paper but that could wait.

When I arrived at Trey's room he opened the door and I could tell he was nervous. I walked in and saw that Drake wasn't there, for which I was grateful. He tried to pretend like he was fine, but I could tell he was worried about me. I pulled him into a hug and was happy that he hugged me back almost immediately.

I'm not gonna lie and say that I thought that Trey and I were back to the way things were between us. I realized that we still had to talk about certain things, but I was sure that I was willing to do anything to make sure that we stayed together. This whole thing had highlighted for me that Trey was an important part of my life that I would do anything to protect.

"I'm okay," he said after a few minutes of us embracing each other.

"Are you sure?" I asked while still holding him.

"Yeah, just nerves that I'm sure will go away after a while," he said, and I hoped that he was right. I couldn't predict how today would go though so I couldn't know for sure.

We finally separated, and he gave me a nervous smile before giving me a kiss on the cheek. I couldn't stop the smile that appeared at such a simple thing, but he just had an effect on me that I couldn't explain, not that I was complaining.

We left his room and headed over to the athletic building. I took a deep breath and walked in with Trey in tow. I saw a few of the guys already there on different machines. I looked around and saw Deacon and Hoyt together on the free weights. I gave Deacon a nod and ignored Hoyt before heading in the direction of the staff offices.

"Davidson, what are you doing here so early?" I heard from behind us. We turned, well I turned, and Trey nearly jumped out of his skin, and saw that it was Coach Simpson, our head coach, talking to me. He was just who I was looking for.

"Hey Coach, I was just looking for you. I need to talk to you about something," I said while making sure to look him in the eye.

"What about?" He asked, and I noticed that he briefly glanced at Trey. While it wasn't unusual for people not on the team to work out here, they usually had a pass and Trey didn't have one. In fact, I think this was the first time that they had been this close to each other.

"Can we talk in your office?" I asked and waited as he tried to figure out what I wanted from studying me.

"Sure, this way," he said before turning and walking toward his office. I gestured for Trey to follow and we headed for the office.

When we got to his office, he walked in and held the door open for me. He was about to close it behind me, but Trey put a hand on the door to hold it open. He looked at Trey then back at me. I nodded, and he moved to let Trey in the room before closing the door. He looked us both over quickly before gesturing for us to sit in the chairs in front of the desk that he went to sit at. I took a seat, but Trey chose to stand behind my chair.

"You can take that seat," Coach Simpson said to Trey.

"I'm fine standing sir," Trey said, and he sounded so nervous that I wanted to get up and hug him. I'd get to it, but I had to do this first.

"Okay, what's all this about? Are any of the guys messing with your friend here?" Coach asked, and I tried to discern if there was any inflection in the way he'd said "friend" but after hearing it over in my head, there was none.

"No sir, it's nothing like that," I said, and he seemed to relax a bit. That wouldn't last long.

"Then what's all this about?" He asked, this time with a hint of impatience in his voice.

"Sir, Trey isn't my friend. He's my boyfriend," I said, and while I'm sure he was trying to not react, I did notice his eyes widen a bit.

"Oh," he said as he looked between us. It seemed like he was really seeing us for the first time.

"Yeah sir, I'm- " I started before Trey placed both hands on my shoulders interrupting me

"Bisexual," Trey said while I was distracted. I looked at him, but he just winked.

"And I take it there's a reason for telling me this?" Coach asked. It was weird as I couldn't get a read on what he was feeling.

"Yeah, I wanna come to the team. After what Trey and I have just been through, I'm done hiding our relationship," I said, and I meant it.

"Are you sure you wanna do that?" He asked and again I couldn't tell what he was thinking. He had a great poker face.

"Sir, I have to do it," I said as I really didn't have a choice. Either I came out or Zack was gonna out me. I wanted to do it on my own terms.

"Why is that?" He asked, and this time I did manage to see a little bit of something.

"A guy we knew from high school who knows about us told his cousin who is one of your players about us," Trey said, and I noticed he didn't mention Zack's name. It was nice that he wanted to keep him out of any trouble unless he did something, but I didn't care about that.

"Zack is the guy. He's already gone to my roommate to see if he could confirm what his cousin told him," I said as he deserved to know the whole truth.

"I see. So, you wanna do this as an end-run around Zack in case he spills the beans," Coach said, and I just nodded.

"Trust me sir, we wouldn't be doing this if we had any other choice," Trey said, but I'm not entirely sure about that. I probably would have still wanted to do it.

Coach was quiet for a few minutes as he looked at the two of us. The silence became weird after about a minute but he didn't speak and so we didn't either as we let him work out whatever he was mulling over in his head.

"Okay, I'm gonna call a meeting of the coaching staff and discuss what we need to do," he said before he stood up. He told us to wait in his office before leaving.

"What do you think is gonna happen?" Trey asked after a minute of silence.

"Coach seemed to take it well enough," I told him, although that didn't guarantee that all the coaching staff would, let alone the players.

"I just can't help but worry about what's gonna happen," he said, and since we were alone, I got up and pulled him into a hug. He was very tense but relaxed a bit while I was holding him. It didn't last long though as Coach's office door opened. He pushed me back so hard that I almost fell over the chair that I had been sitting in.

"Sorry I interrupted. I forgot something," Coach said before walking over to his desk and getting a folder out of a drawer. He then looked at us standing awkwardly before shaking his head and walking out of his office. He had a slight smile though so that was a good sign.

"You need to relax Trey," I said, but he just glared at me. It may have been because of the amused smile on my face.

We sat down and waited for a while. After about an hour though, Trey started to get tense again. I got a text from Deacon that said that Coach had called an emergency meeting of all the players. That had to mean something. Whether it was good or bad though was anybody's guess.

"Hey guys," Coach said about 20 minutes later as he came back into his office startling the both of us.

"Hey Coach, how did it go?" I asked as his face gave away nothing.

"It went about as well as it could. There were some that didn't think you should do it, but I explained that it was gonna happen one way or another, so it was best that you do it on your own terms," he said, and I just nodded. I'm sure there was another reason for at least one of them to be against it, but it was probably best that I didn't know who.

Coach said that he'd called a meeting of the players, which I already knew thanks to Deacon's text. He said that all the staff would be there to show support for me and Trey. I wondered if they all did support us. I supposed I'd be able to tell in time who had a problem with me. He then gestured for us to follow him.

We headed back to the gym area to see all the players there. I had been through this before, but for some reason, I was nervous this time. It was weird as I didn't feel the nerves until I came to a stop next to Coach Simpson. I looked back and noticed that Trey had hung back near the entrance to the gym.

"Hey Coach, what's up with the urgent meeting?" Tyson asked. I looked around at the guys. Most of them looked varying degrees between curious and uninterested. Kenan though watched me very carefully. I also saw when his gaze switched to Trey before returning to me. I looked to Deacon who discreetly gave me a thumbs-up. Finally, I looked to Zack who looked like he was finally realizing something.

"Bear here has something to say," Coach said before giving me a pat on the back and stepping back a bit.

"So, what's the big deal dude?" Asked Ren Caster, one of the offensive lineman.

"Well, the thing is, Trey isn't my friend. He's my boyfriend. We've been together since high school, and he means everything to me," I said, and waited for the reaction.

"You saying you a fag man?" Asked Max Dawning, another of the offensive lineman. When he did, the room exploded with loud talking.

"Quiet!" Coach yelled over the voices which all stopped. "Now, Bear has told us something very personal and I think we should all support him as a team," Coach said, but I didn't see that happening.

"Like Hell. I ain't playing on a team with a fag," Max said, and a few other guys nodded their heads. I expected as much. As a matter of fact, I expected worse.

"That's fine. Any of you that don't wanna play on the team with Bear, the door is over there," Coach said as he pointed toward the door.

"Get real Coach. If enough of us walk out you won't have a team," Max said, but this time, only one guy nodded in agreement. Of course, it was Zack.

"You're off the team. You too Collins," Coach said. They didn't look happy.

"Coach, you're not seriously choosing this fag over us, are you?" Max asked. Zack just looked pissed.

"Can't you come up with more original names. Fag is kind of tired," Hoyt said as he walked up to Max.

"Butt out Daniels before I start thinking you're a butt pirate too," Max said as he got in Hoyt's face. Hoyt responded by grabbing Mack's head and pulling him in to a rough kiss.

"Suspect me now?" Hoyt asked after Max had pried himself from his grasp.

"You're a fucking fag too?!" Max shouted after wiping his lips.

"If that's what you wanna call it," Hoyt said with a smile and a wink toward Max.

"Are you a cocksucker too, Deacon?" Zack asked as he headed over to Deacon.

"Maybe," Deacon said with a smirk, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at how this was starting to get out of hand.

"Alright, that's enough! If you can't act like your ass is grown, hit the bricks, and don't come back. Dawning, you and Collins can go, now!" Coach shouted in his gruffest tone.

"You can't be serious Coach," Max said, looking like he was finally taking things seriously.

"We're a team, and it shouldn't matter what you do, and with who behind closed doors. If you can't deal with that then you need to go," Kenan said completely shocking me. He had been watching me so intently that I figured he was just waiting for his turn to "condemn" me.

"What Kenan said. I've already spoken so don't let the door hit ya on the way out," Coach said in that tone that we knew to mean he was serious, and there was to be no argument.

Max and Zack looked at Coach, then the staff, Kenan, and finally to me. I noticed that Max glanced in Trey's direction before he and Zack stormed out of the gym area. Coach then gave a speech about how we needed to be a team if we were to succeed on the field and that if anybody else had a problem with me, and now Hoyt, they could follow Max and Zack.

I know that there had to be more than just those two who had a problem with me and Hoyt being on the team, but I guess playing was more important to them than who we slept with. Coach then dismissed the meeting, giving me a pat on the back before heading for his office. The coaching staff dispersed without saying anything to me. I chose to ignore what that meant.

A few of the guys, including Kenan, came over and told me that they had my back. I called Trey over and after he dragged his feet coming over, they told him the same thing. Kenan then confirmed what I had been thinking when he said that he'd had his suspicions about the two of us ever since he'd met Trey.

Coach came back in the gym and after confirming that everyone was still there told all of us that what had been discussed today was to stay between us. He said that if he heard anything about me and Hoyt, he'd find out who had spilled the beans and they'd be off the team. He then pulled the two of us along with Trey aside and told us that he'd sent a text to Max and Zack and threatened them with disciplinary action if they spoke of what had happened today with anybody.

I didn't hold any hope of them keeping their mouth's shut, but it wasn't that important right then. All I cared about was that the truth was out, at least amongst my teammates, and I didn't have to hide my relationship with Trey from them anymore. Trey teased me about how "giddy" I was acting. I was over it though when a few of the guys joined in.

Trey left after a bit as he still had two papers to finish and some research to do. I gave him a brief tame kiss before he left. I could tell that he was self-conscious doing so, but he'd have to get over it. We were out, and I was going to flaunt him as much as I could. It didn't hurt that it'd get to Hoyt, and that especially appealed to me.

I realized that I'd have to get over my grudge against him, especially after today as he didn't have to out himself just to help me. It was a completely selfless move, especially since he still didn't know, at the time, how things were gonna go. It was brave to do it, and I appreciated it. I didn't mean that I wasn't still irked that he'd kissed my guy though. I'm sure I'd get over it at some point. That could wait though as I breathed a sigh of relief that the storm that had descended on Trey and me weeks ago had parted and the sun had come out again. I planned to enjoy it.

To be continued....

Author Notes:

Hello all and welcome back to another installment of The Chronicles of Trey.

In this chapter, we see the awaited confrontation between Trey and Alicia, and it goes about as one would expect. Alicia is still delusional, but now, her parents have found out the whole story involving her pregnancy. Something that Trey delighted in doing even if perhaps he shouldn't have.

After his talk with Alicia, Trey has to face the choice of what to do about Bear. He makes up his mind that he needs to talk to Bear, and after seeing him, and hearing his plea for forgiveness, he decides to forgive him. They still have things to discuss, and Trey is not sure how he feels about Bear's vow to avoid his child. Maybe he'll be able to convince him after some time.

After a scare with Jessica involving a car accident, Trey and Bear come face to face with Zev, one of Bear's old teammates and because of him, Bear has to face the choice of coming out to his team to stop someone else from outing him. After a big scene with a few of his teammates, Bear and Trey are out to the team, and even have some support.

What is next on the horizon for the guys as they face the coming holidays? Find out in the next part of The Chronicles of Trey.

I want to say thank you to everyone who has read/ is reading my story. I also want to say thanks to those who send emails. You don't have to, but I appreciate it very much. It helps to keep me motivated to keep writing. Please send any comments to

Until next time.... Nicky

Editor's Notes:

Hey guys and welcome to another chapter, and its hasn't been that long of a wait. Trey is finally able to forgive Bear after a visit to Alicia, and realizing how crazy she actually is, and is able to reveal to her parents who the father of there grandchild is, and how she became pregnant. I hope Trey can convince Bear to see his daughter at some point and time.

Had a little scare with Jessica in an car accident, but at least all seems well with her. Trey and Bear run into an old teammate of Bear's and a cousin to someone on the team as they are running to see her. After receiving a call from Deacon and talking with him and Hoyt about what to do, Bear decides to come out to the team.

After talking to the head Coach and him talking with the other coach heads, he tells the team, and only two people so far have a problem and are now off the team. Got a feeling we will be seeing them again soon to cause trouble for our boys. Also Hoyt coming out as well to give Bear some support.

Now a mystery that will hopefully be answered soon, though some people will probably think otherwise, is where is Drake and what is going on with him. He seems to be trying to act friendly but also acting like he doesn't care.

Anyways as always if you guys liked the chapter let Nicky know at the email above, and if you want you can reach me at

Until the next chapter guys,


Next: Chapter 48: The Chronicles of Trey II 17

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