The Chronicles of Trey

By Nicky Smith

Published on Aug 31, 2017


Written by: Nicky Smith Edited by: JD Kaster



"Come on Trey. Stop being such a big baby," Carly said to me as I stood there looking at the strange looking chemicals that littered the table. My little sister believed herself a budding scientist and had been working on different things throughout the summer with her assistant Cara at her side. Cara was unavailable today so unfortunately I had to fill in.

"This stuff looks like it's alive," I said looking at the goo like it was an alien species.

"It's gonna be fine," she said but I didn't like the fact that she looked uncertain.

"This stuff looks like it's gonna explode," I said but stupidly choosing to stand there looking at it instead of moving.

"No it's not," she said and no sooner than she said that it did explode all over me. "Oops," Carly said but I was not in an oops mood.

"Oops... you are so dead," I told her as I started toward her.

"Wait, wait, wait, I can fix this,' she said while holding up her hands to halt me.

"Fix this? I'm covered in... purple goo. What part of this stupid experiment involved me getting slimed," I asked her as I felt the slime dripping into my pants.

"Well that was part of another experiment, but that's okay. It won't stain, at least I think it won't," she said and I wanted to seriously harm her, but I couldn't because she was my sister

"You think? I just bought this," I yelled and all I could think was that Mama had done me wrong with the sister department.

"It'll be fine. All I have to do is look and see what I was doing with that to see if it stains, or if it'll cause bodily harm," she said saying that last part in a mumble.

"What?" I yelled as I chucked that sister excuse out the window for a reason not to kill her.

"What is going on in here?" Mama asked and was she serious?

"Are you serious? I'm standing here covered in purple goo and you ask what is going on?" I asked her. She rolled her eyes though and I wanted to tell her things that one shouldn't say to their mother.

"Shoo," she said as she waved Carly away.

"But," Carly tried but Mama wasn't having it, thankfully.

"Go on now," she ordered. Carly sighed but listened and left the room.

"I'm going to kill her," I declared and Mama rolled her eyes again.

"Trey, I wish you would try to be supportive of her. I would think you of all people would support her scientific endeavors," Mama said, and while I agreed, I wasn't done being pissed.

"Look Mama, I'm all for her exploring the limits of her intelligence, but look at me," I complained.

"Trey stop being so dramatic. It's not like it's acid," she said and that thought appealed to me.

"Acid, that sounds nice. I can push her into a tub of acid," I said dreaming up all kinds of horrible things for her.

"Trey," Mama said sounding exasperated.

"Mama, I'm covered in goo. Do you not see that?" I asked her and she again rolled her eyes. I worried that she would dislocate them.

"Trey please, I highly doubt that this is the first time you've been covered in a sticky substance," Mama said and I was stunned and of course an image of Bear unloading all over my chest and abs had to pop into my head.

"Mama!" I yelled and she had the nerve to smirk which let me know that she'd meant it the way I took it.

"Um hm. Look, stop being such a drama queen and just go and wash that stuff off. You could have already done that instead of wasting all this time threatening to kill your sister and arguing with me," she said and I reluctantly agreed and after shooting her a scowl I headed upstairs and hopped in the shower.

While I was in the shower I started to think about Bear and him unloading all over me and I started to get hard before I remembered that something my mother had said inspired the thought and that erection died immediately. I actually felt a little dirty and started scrubbing myself harder.

Once my skin was sufficiently scrubbed raw, I hopped out of the shower and looked myself over in the mirror. I checked the full length mirror on the back of the bathroom door to make sure I didn't miss any of that goo. I also checked to make sure that I didn't have any signs of chemical burns or mutation from whatever the hell that was in that beaker.

I was satisfied that my skin was okay so I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed to my room. I looked around and made sure all of my stuff that I was taking to school with me was packed up. Then I glared in the direction of the twins' room before heading to my closet to find something else to put on.

"Trey, you in here?" I heard someone ask. It sounded like Calvin.

"Yeah, I'm in the closet," I said not realizing what I'd said.

"Again? I thought you came out of that 3 years ago?" I heard him say. I stuck my head out of the closet to see him with a teasing smirk.

"Ha ha, that's funny. You'd better be careful with a funny bone like that before someone breaks it," I said in a veiled threat before returning to the closet to get the clothes I'd gotten together.

"So, I see you got all your stuff pack already," he said. He sounded kind of weird.

"Are you gonna miss me?" I teased trying to take his mind off of whatever was bothering him.

"No," he said obviously lying. I guess I was bothering him.

"You know, junior year is gonna be big for you," I told him. He was starting his junior year along with Alex. He had also joined the football team and since he had become a big guy, he was perfect. The fact that Bear trained with him over the summer when he wasn't busy ensured that he'd also have some talent in the game.

"Yeah, right. I gotta watch Anika prancing around with that tool that she's dating," he said not cheering up. I have to admit that I was shocked that he and Anika weren't even dating until he started going on and on about her and her apparent "tool of a boyfriend" early in the summer.

"There are other girls at school Cal. You'll be a jock and you know cheerleaders will be all over you," I said and he perked up at that before trying to play it off.

"Yeah well," he said trying to still sound sad but I wasn't falling for it.

"Nice try dude. This pep talk is over," I told him before I gave him a gentle shove. I dropped my towel to change not caring that he was still there.

"Ahh, my eyes! I'm blind!" He joked.

"Yeah I know. You'll never be the same after seeing a real man naked," I joked back before I finished pulling on my underwear and my pants.

"I think I'll manage," he droned.

"I wouldn't have to be changing again at all of it weren't for Carly and her damned experiment exploding on me," I said still not ready to forget my ruined clothes. I'd just bought them too.

"That's your fault. I've tried to warn you about those girls," Calvin said.

"Not this again man," I said not in the mood to hear this again. He had been going on and on all summer about how the twins were evil and these experiments that they were doing was part of some secret plan to take over the world. I thought he was playing at first but I learned that he really believed that after a while.

"Yes this again. I keep telling you that those girls are evil," he said sounding very serious. His eyes were bucked and everything.

"Calvin, you need to stop. Those are your sisters and they are not evil," I said hoping he'd stop the insanity.

"Alright fine, don't listen to me. You're gonna wake up one day in a pod being cloned by them or something," he said and I wanted to laugh at how seriously he believed what he was saying.

"Calvin, I won't be living here starting Monday. You'll be getting cloned before I will," I said before giving him a pat on the back and going back to putting on my clothes.

"A'ight, fine. I'll just go then," he said before leaving in a huff. I just laughed before pulling on my shoes.

I walked into the kitchen to see Mama cooking something that smelled good as always. She had been cooking very decadent meals for the past week which I figured was her trying to fatten me up since she figured I'd starve at school.

"You look better not covered in purple," she said with a teasing smile that I didn't return.

"I'm still plotting your daughter's demise," I said before I grabbed a piece of cut up apple that was left over from the apple pie I could smell baking in the oven.

"I'm sure you are," she said not losing that amused expression.

"At least I'm not calling her evil like Calvin," I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Is he still on that? That boy needs a girl... or a boy if that's what he wants," she said adding the last part quickly.

"Relax Mama. I'm almost positive that Calvin is completely straight," I said as I patted her back.

"Well, I don't know about that. He and Alex are awfully close," she said in almost a singsong.

"If that were the case Sean and I would be into each other," I said and she looked at me unblinkingly.

"You aren't?" She asked with a straight face.

"Hilarious. Calvin must have gotten his "not funny" bone from you," I said and she finally cracked and laughed.

"And you would know about bones," she had the nerve to say before winking at me. I could only stare at her slack jawed.

"I can't-" I tried to say but was stunned she'd actually say that to me. I guess I shouldn't have been based on the past but it was still startling to hear my mother making sex jokes, with me.

"Evan, come quick, Trey is speechless! We gotta throw a party to celebrate!" She yelled to Dad who was supposed to be in the back yard sanding an end table he'd found and had been refurbishing for Mama.

"Say what now?" he asked after coming into the kitchen from outside covered in dust and varnish.

"Look at him. He's speechless," Mama said as she pointed at me. Dad looked at me carefully before speaking.

"Are you sure? Isn't that one of the signs of the Apocalypse?" Dad asked jokingly, at least it had better been jokingly.

"No, that happened in June," I said after rolling my eyes.

"I thought you would have liked to hear that. After all, now you and Bear's marriage will be legal everywhere," Dad said and I smiled that he said it plainly like it was nothing.

"That's not what I was talking about, although I'm sure there are some that will see legalized same-sex marriage as a sign of the apocalypse," I said and I knew of at least a few who would.

"What else happened in June?" Mama asked and I was shocked she could forget it.

"Donald Trump..." I said choosing to let it sit there and marinate.

"Oh that. I choose not to think about that," she said brushing it off but I had a bad feeling about that. I chose to do what she did though and put that aside for the moment because I had something to do that I had been putting off all summer.

"I have something to talk to you two about," I said seriously so I could get their attention.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Mama asked. She was probably secretly hoping I'd changed my mind about the plan to do my undergraduate and graduate studies alongside each other.

"Sit, and I'll be right back," I said before running up to my room real quick to grab something.

"What do you have to tell us?" Dad asked after I'd returned and sat at the table where they were.

"Here," I said as I slid the envelope across to them. They opened it and their eyes went so wide I thought they'd fall out of their sockets.

"Trey, this is a check for... $60,000! Where did you get this?" Dad asked. I was surprised that I'd managed to make that much from tutoring Lane even if Liberty had laid it out for me. I kept $10,000 and put it in a money market account and put the rest in my checking account.

"This can't be a real check," Mama said but she didn't sound like she'd convinced herself of that fact.

"During the school year last year, a man approached me and offered to pay me a nice chunk of money a week to tutor his son. I can't tell you all the details, but this was on the up and up and there are no strings attached," I said trying to counter all of their questions before they voiced them.

"You made 60 grand from tutoring one person in less than a year?" Mama asked and hearing her say it out loud in her tone did make my story, true as it was, sound fishy.

"The guy was a big shot business dude and his son was a flake that he needed to turn into a genius in business affairs quickly. One of my professors assessed I had a good head for figures and numbers and set me up with `em. This is legit," I said and they stared for what seemed like forever before one of them spoke.

"Well I guess I'm proud of you for doing this on your own. Puts me at ease that you will be able to take care of yourself out there," Dad said with an increasingly proud look on his face. Mama was slower to come around but she did if the smile she had meant anything.

"I agree with your father," she said before she slid the check back over to me.

"You two obviously didn't look at the check fully," I said with a smile before sliding the check back over to them. The looked and their eyes bucked wide again.

"Why is this check made out to us?" Dad asked.

"That's to repay you guys for my tuition for last year and to help with Calvin's tuition in a couple of years," I said and they both started to get misty eyed. Dad covered better though.

"What about your school this year though?" Dad asked and I guess I hadn't told him about that yet.

"Yeah, I heard from the Deans and I kind of have a scholarship. I still have to take care of essentials though but don't worry, I have enough," I said feeling proud of myself for how things were lining up.

"How much more did you get from this job?" Dad asked looking a bit stunned.

"I think I'll keep that to myself," I said with a smile. I patted Mama's hand that was on the table before I stood and left them in the kitchen to digest what had just happened. It wasn't everyday that parents had their just turned 20 year old son walk in and hand them a check for 60 grand that he'd earned honestly.

Later in the day they each separately surprised me, Dad with a hug and a pat on the back and Mama with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. The proud looks they gave me made me feel good, feel normal and that was a great gift indeed.

Sunday my friends came over to hang out with me since I was leaving for school the next day. Bear, Sean, and Carter weren't there as they had gone back to school early for training for the upcoming season. I would be seeing Bear when I got to school but I was kind of sad that Sean and Carter weren't there. I'd be seeing them soon enough though so I didn't get too bummed.

Jessica decided to cook dinner for us to show off what she had been learning in culinary school over the summer and Mama didn't stop her. The dinner was pretty good, not my mother's level but still great. I did make a big deal about it though, only partially to tick my mother off a bit.

Later that night, after they'd gone I looked around the house and focused on a picture on the wall which was weird as I hadn't noticed it still there. It was of Dad, Uncle Eric, and Taylor. I thought about him and if he had changed any since we'd last seen him in April. It was probably foolish to think that a few months was enough to change a lifetime of behavior but it was enough for my Dad. Taylor wasn't my Dad though so he didn't have the same motivation to change.

As I laid down I got a text from Bear that said he couldn't wait until tomorrow. I reminded him that we weren't gonna have sex the minute I was in my room like I'm sure he was thinking. He sent me a wink emoji then the peach and eggplant emoji. I sent him the eyeroll emoji then laughed because our chats had devolved into emojis.

He sent me another text with 20 hearts and I didn't find a problem with just emoji chats anymore. I sent him a text with one heart to see what he'd say. He sent a sad face emoji and a crying face emoji. I sent him 30 hearts followed by a real I love you written out. He replied the same and I smiled at how goofy we were before I fell asleep.

"Get up lazy. It's time to head out," Dad said as he shook my bed. I looked over at my clock and saw that it was 6:35 am.

"Five more minutes," I mumbled as I pulled the sheet over my head.

"I already gave you five minutes once already now get on up," he said and gave me a swat on my ass before leaving the room.

I managed to extract myself from the bed that I wouldn't be sleeping in for a while and dragged myself to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and drained the tank while the shower got to the right temperature. I hopped in and the spray helped me wake up and remember that Bear was waiting for me at school. That got me moving quickly.

I hopped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around my waist and rushed to my room to see all my stuff that I'd packed was gone. My bed was also made and some clothes were laid out on the bed. Damn that woman was quick. I shook my head and pulled on my clothes as quickly as I could, grabbed my carry case with all my personal files in it, grabbed my keys, wallet, and phone and headed downstairs.

"What's the rush dude?" I heard Zane ask.

"What are you doing here?" I asked instead of answering him.

"I took the morning off to go with you guys," he said and while that was a nice thing to do, I just chose to give him a nod instead of getting all mushy and hugging him like I was prone to do.

We all got my stuff packed into the truck and Mama's SUV before my parents, sisters, and Zane loaded into the SUV while I got into my truck with Calvin riding along with me and we all headed for Penn.

After making a stop at a diner for breakfast, we arrived at school. I texted Bear to find out where to park since he knew where my dorm was and knew the school better than me. He guided me by text to the place where I needed to and I got in the lead to show Dad where to follow. When I pulled up I saw Bear standing there trying to hide the happy look that was threatening to break out on his face.

I pulled into the parking spot and was about to rush out and run and hug him before I remembered that this was not my school. People knew who Bear was here and I had to be very careful now. That threw cold water on my enthusiasm and I kicked myself for not thinking about this before now.

"What's wrong?" Calvin asked as he likely saw the look that I saw as I looked in my rearview mirror.

"Nothing," I said before I slowly got out of my truck. Bear walked up with a smile that slowly fell as he saw my face.

"What's wrong Trey?" He asked as he reached me.

"I just realized that I didn't think about something very important," I said before turning away from him and walking to the back of my truck.

"What's that?" he asked as he followed me.

"We have to be very careful now that we're on the same campus as people know you here," I told him. He frowned for a second before he smiled and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I looked at him in wide eyed shock but he just shrugged and went to get a few of my bags and a box.

Calvin grabbed the biggest box and followed Bear as my parents parked behind my truck in the parking spots on that side of the road. We all unloaded the stuff from my truck first and with all of us helping it only took one trip to get all the stuff and get it to my dorm that was nearby.

We carried it up to my room that was on the third floor and I saw that my room was very similar to the one I'd had when I was at my old school only a little bit bigger, which was odd as this dorm looked older while the dorm at my old school had been brand new. I had a brief thought that all dorm rooms must look the same.

"Why do all dorm rooms look alike?" Calvin asked as he looked around my new room.

"Don't know lil' bro," Zane said. I almost laughed that he'd had that same thought. He didn't see my dorm room but he'd visited Zane in his before he moved to the dorm he lived in during his senior year which was more like a small apartment building. Dad, Zane, Calvin and Bear finished getting my stuff from the SUV and after about 30 minutes we had everything in.

"Okay, you guys can leave now," I said mostly joking.

"Do you have everything?" Mama asked, ever the mother.

"Yeah I'm good," I told her.

"You sure you don't want us to stay and help you unpack?" She asked like I knew she would.

"We've got everything under control," Bear said as he walked up to me and laid a big hand on my shoulder.

"Well, let's head on out," Dad said. He then walked over and hugged me.

"I love you sweetie. I wanna see you soon," Mama said after she too hugged me.

"I'll be home in a week Mama," I told her.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Dad said and Zane laughed.

"Dad, everything they do is what you wouldn't do," he said and he laughed again along with Calvin.

"Well I don't know about that. If I found somebody like Bear-" Dad joked before Mama cut in.

"You'll die, that's what because I'll kill you," she threatened.

"I'm gonna go before it gets any more gay up in here," Calvin joked before walking over and giving be a tight dude hug. It wasn't until he hugged me that I saw how big he had gotten. He was not all that far from how big Bear was at his age, just not as tall as he was about 6'2.

"You take care of yourself and stop trying to catch up to my man in size," I said and most everyone laughed except Calvin who got a cheesy grin on his face.

"He's gonna be a shrimp next to me when I'm done, in more ways than one," Calvin said and ew.

"That's gross," Zane said plainly.

"Challenge accepted kid," Bear said with an extended hand. They shook and it was obvious that they were showing off trying to squeeze each other's hand. Bear eventually won.

"Ow," Calvin said as he rubbed his hand. Dad and Mama were shaking their heads at their silly boys.

"Nice try kid. You got some growing to do still," Bear said while preening.

"Let's go ice that hand champ," Zane said and fist bumped Bear and me before leading Calvin out of the room.

"Bye guys," Cara and said as she hugged me then Bear which surprised me as the twins usually favored Bear. I also saw that they were growing fast too.

"Here Trey," Carly said as she held out a bag that I hadn't noticed before. I pulled the clothes that she'd ruined out of the bag only they looked brand new.

"You bought these?" I asked as I looked over the clothes. I didn't see any tags though.

"Nope," she said with a cocky grin before leaving the room along with Cara.

"She came up with some stuff that really cleans clothes. I've been washing the clothes in it and they've never been cleaner," Mama said and that was all I needed to hear before I dropped the clothes.

"How do you know that stuff is safe?" I asked wondering if she'd washed the stuff I was wearing in it.

"Because I trust my daughter," Mama said in exasperation.

"Yeah she trusts Carly, after she had her brother-in-law test the stuff and he said it was safe and that he was impressed," Dad said and that made me feel better. Uncle Douglas was a chemist so he'd know better than anyone.

"Oh," I said before picking the clothes up. Bear was snickering at me so I threw the clothes at him.

"Let's go and we'll have a talk about keeping confidential things confidential," Mama said before grabbing Dad's ear and dragging him out of the room with him cursing all the way.

"Your parents are funny," Bear said as he closed the door behind them.

"You poor dear. You've been so deprived of funny that you think my parents are funny," I said in mock pity.

"Shut up," he said with a smile before he walked over and laid a deep kiss on me. It was amazing every time he kissed me but after a couple weeks of separation it was incredible.

"Finally," I said then laughed at myself for some reason.

"Yeah, I know. Kissing me is like finally getting a big prize," Bear said with a teasing grin.

"I didn't know your ego was in proportion to your size," I said before I stepped away from him.

"It is," he said while posing like a superhero. I just rolled my eyes and went to start putting my stuff away. It looked like my roommate had already gotten his stuff squared away so he had to have arrived at least the day before.

"My closet looks smaller in here," I said out loud more to myself than to Bear.

"I wonder who this dude is," Bear said as he looked over his side of the room. It looked like the typical jock or former jock. Actually it looked similar to Dave's side of our room and I had to dismiss the thought that he's secretly followed me here.

"Stop being nosy," I told Bear before diving into my box of books and papers that I'd need.

"What the..." Bear said after a few seconds.

"What?" I asked without looking at him.

"What is a pennant flag from our school doing on this dude's desk?" Bear asked. That was weird so I walked over and looked.

"That's a pennant from our school," I said pointing at the wall.

"I do not fucking believe this. Look at this," Bear said and the way he'd said it had me already on edge. I walked over and looked at the picture Bear held in his hand and it was of the very last person I'd ever want to have to see again.

"Drake!" I hissed.

"There's no way," Bear said with wide eyes. As those words left his mouth the sound of keys in the lock drew our attention to the door. It opened and there stood the person in the picture that Bear dropped like it had burned him. He was looking at some papers so he didn't immediately see us but when he looked up and saw us there, there was surprise, then confusion, then anger on his face.

"What the fuck are you two doing in my room?" He asked not sparing us any anger as he stormed over towards us.

"This is my room," I said matching his anger as stood my ground.

"Bullshit! This has been my room ever since last year," he said and that couldn't be right. There was no way that he had gone to this school with Bear for a whole year and not known. There was no way that Bear had gone here and never seen him.

"I've never seen you," Bear said and I rolled my eyes at that. Of course he would go to school with someone he'd known for years and not know they were there. He had done the same thing with Miriam the year before.

"Well I've seen you. I was willing to let you live your fantasy as a hotshot new guy as long as I didn't have to see your girlfriend here but I guess I'll have to reconsider that," he said and the threat was very clear.

"Well if I rip your fucking tongue out right now I won't have to worry about anything," Bear snarled. Every muscle in his body looked like it was flexed.

"Bear, chill," I said to try and calm down the situation so I could deal with Drake. "And as for you, I am here and you'd better not say anything to anybody about what you know otherwise I have a cousin that will love to drop a lawsuit on your parents for endangering someone's life," I told him and I hoped he believed me. Truth is I had no idea if that was true.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He asked with an annoyingly confused look on his face.

"Well, do you remember when you so viciously told my family that I was gay and then my brother proceeded to try and beat the fag out of me? Well, if I had died, you could have been charged with having a hand in that. The same would hold true if you went blabbing anything about Bear knowing what could happen," I said on a roll. I saw Bear looking kind of surprised and impressed at the same time.

"You're lying," he said while trying to posture like he was all big and bad, but I could tell he was unsure if I was telling the truth.

"Try me," I said as menacingly as I could. I was actually impressed. I actually found the time to have a brief thought about taking a theater class.

"I'm not staying in this room with you," he said after a minute of glaring at the two of us.

"I completely agree. Come on," I said before heading to the door.

"Don't tell me what to do," he said stubbornly.

"Bring your ass on here unless you changed your mind that quickly about staying here with me," I said.

"Where are you going?" Bear asked while shifting between looking at me and glaring at Drake.

"I'm going to see Dean Wallace about this," I said as I waited at the door for Drake. He just stood there though with his arms crossed so I left him and the room. A minute later I heard him walking behind me and rolled my eyes. The bastard had to make it look like it was his idea. I didn't care because there was no way I was sleeping in the same room with Drake Franklin.

I was sharing a room with Drake Franklin. We went to talk to Dean Wallace and I tried to explain that I couldn't share a room with Drake and he tried to make me seem like the spawn of Satan. Since I knew I wasn't his brother I knew that wasn't possible. We ended talking over each other and after we finished Dean Wallace explained that there was limited space and it was impossible at the time to switch either of us.

That pissed me off royally as it did Drake. I was surprised though that when he point blank asked us why we couldn't share the room Drake didn't just come out and say that he didn't wanna sleep with a fag laying in the bed next to him or something, like I expected him to do. Maybe my bluff had been successful.

When we left the office, Drake looked furious and I started to worry that maybe I had more to worry about than I knew. I mean, there was nothing keeping that fool from suffocating me in my sleep, other than the fact that Bear would probably know it was him and he'd be following me in death. He stared at me hard before storming off. I had an idea and went back in to see the Dean but it didn't pan out so I decided to go back to the room since I needed to see Bear and I knew he'd be still there waiting.

"How did it go?" He asked after I opened the door and before I could get inside.

"I'm stuck with that... person, for a whole year," I heard in a voice that I was surprised was my own as it was so malicious.

"Oh, baby," Bear said as he headed towards me. He pulled me into the room, closed the door and pulled me into a much needed hug. I held myself closer to him and he held me tighter, but not too tight.

"Having to occasionally see Drake and deal with his bullshit in high school was bad enough. I don't know how I'm gonna get through waking up every morning and going to sleep every night with him a few feet from me," I said and Bear let out a deep sigh and held me even tighter.

"I'm so sorry this happened baby," he said trying his best to comfort me. My stupid brain though had to be stupid and I thought how could he have not know Drake was at school with him.

"How the hell could you not know Drake was here," I said and cringed that it had actually come out.

"Excuse me?" He said as he stepped away from me and looked at me like he couldn't believe that I was trying to blame him. I was surprised too but I went with it because I was stupid.

"First you didn't know Miriam was here and now Drake? What have you be doing every day?" I said and hated myself for blaming him for what really wasn't his fault.

"Well excuse me for being oblivious, but how was I supposed to know that Drake was here? I didn't even know that he was smart enough to get in here," he said and a thought came to me that I squelched before it came out of my traitorous mouth that Drake had been a jock like he was and he was here.

"Well Bear, you have to admit it is a little weird," I said and mentally slapped myself.

"Well Trey, if you must know, when I wasn't in class, on the football field, or studying, I was thinking about and missing you or actually with you so maybe that's why I was so oblivious," he said and that was enough to put a stop to my stupidity.

"Do you see what I mean when I say I'm not a normal person? I just blamed you for this fucked up situation I'm in," I said and his annoyed scowl faded and he pulled me back to him and hugged me again.

"You're normal enough for me. Your head just gets ahead of reason when you're stressed," he said being comforting again when I didn't deserve it.

"I don't deserve you," I said before I pulled him in for a kiss.

"No, it's me who doesn't deserve you," he said and since I knew that wasn't true I kissed him again. We separated after a few minutes and I looked and saw that most of my stuff had been put away.

"You unpacked my stuff?" I asked and he smile a shy smile.

"I figured that you would want to stay in this room and Drake would be the one moving if they moved you," he said and left it there but I knew there was more.

"That wouldn't happen to be because this dorm is close to yours, is it?" I teased.

"Maybe," he said before sitting on my bed and patting the spot next to him. I dropped down on the space and sighed a deep sigh.

"Why did it have to be him?" I asked more to myself than to Bear.

"Maybe we could like get an apartment off campus or something," Bear said after a brief silence.

"No, I can't. I have to stay in a dorm for my first year here for some reason. That's what the Dean said when I asked him about this after Drake had stormed off."

"Damn," he said. He moved up on the bed and laid back on it before beckoning for me and he didn't have to ask twice. I moved up and laid my head on his chest and he wrapped an arm around me.

We laid there for a while not talking with Bear just holding me. It was so weird that I had finally gotten what I wanted, to finally be challenged in school and to be at school with Bear as an added bonus but I had to suffer living with Drake Franklin to do so. This whole situation seemed like some twisted Genie shit, to get your wish but it comes with some horrifically drastic consequences.

I told Bear this and he laughed at first before he thought about it and said that I had been too accurate. He stayed for a long while before he had to get over to the athletic department to do some weight training. He asked if I wanted to go with and I reminded him that there would probably be other hot buff jocks there and he forbade me from coming over ever.

He told me to call him if Drake started any shit. I told him I would to reassure him but I knew I wouldn't because I was a man now and I had to deal with my own problems without running to Bear all the time. He gave me another toe curling kiss to take my mind off of things and promised me more things to come to take my mind off of having to share a room with Drake before he left me half hard and wanting to know what things he had in mind.

I was lying on my bed later in the day and I hadn't seen nor heard from Drake, not that I expected or wanted to. Maybe he'd dropped out of school and was on his way back home. I could only hope, but I knew that was unlikely. I was pulled from my wallowing in self pity by my ringing cell. I saw that it was Liberty and I tried to hide how crappy I felt before answering.

"Hello," I said and it sounded okay but I waited to see what she said.

"Hey boo-boo," Liberty said thankfully not picking up on my annoyance

"Hey," I said and cringed at the sullen tone in my voice that I slipped and let out. She would definitely pick up on that.

"What's wrong?" Liberty asked like I expected her to.

"Hell," I seethed deciding to drop the pretense.

"What could Bear have possibly done this soon? You just got there," she said incorrectly guessing my problem. She'd have no way of guessing this though.

"Bear didn't do anything. He was actually a sweetheart and unpacked my stuff while I tried to get out of this shitty situation I've found myself in," I said while trying to keep from yelling at Liberty for no reason.

"What situation?" She asked sounding much more curious than concerned.

"Drake," I seethed yet again.

"What's he got to do with you now?" She asked now sounding concerned.

"Well, a lot considering he's my new roommate," I said in kind of an aggressive tone that I didn't intend to direct at Liberty.

"What the fuck? What's he doing there?" She asked sounding majorly pissed and I could relate to that feeling.

"Apparently, he's been here since last year," I said through gritted teeth.

"What the hell is up with your man? First he doesn't know that Miriam goes to school with him and now he didn't know that Drake was there too?" She said and I was slightly stunned that she was saying the same thing that I'd just said to Bear. To cut him some slack though, Miriam didn't know either.

"I know right. He at least tried to excuse it by saying that when his attention wasn't needed for football or school that he was thinking about me," I said and that again kind of cooled my anger at him.

"Oh please," Liberty said not buying the sentimental excuse.

"Tell me about it," I said not wanting her to know that his excuse had worked on me.

"Well, I hate to say it but this is your fault," she said and I was in that moment glad that she wasn't there within arms reach.

"Are you fucking serious?" I asked her with all the righteous indignation I could muster.

"Yeah I am," she said matching my tone. "If you and Jessica hadn't went off and left me here by myself, you wouldn't be going through this," she said and I found myself glaring at her over the phone and wishing she'd Skype'd me instead so she could actually see my glaring at her.

"What exactly is Jessica going through?" I asked to keep from saying some cruel shit to her.

"Nothing yet, but she'll get something," she said to which I just had to roll my eyes.

"So you're wishing ill will onto Jessica?" I asked and she snorted.

"I'm not doing anything. She incurred it herself by leaving me and so did you so enjoy your reward," she said and I had to try hard to remember that this was Liberty and this was just her way.

"We didn't leave you by yourself. Sean and Carter are still there along with Dave, Light, and Maria," I said and she snorted again.

"Oh please. It's not the same. I miss my home girls," she said which irked me as I didn't go in for that.

"I'm not your home girl," I corrected her.

"You know what I mean," she said trying to hand wave it.

"Yeah I do and I'm not your home girl," I said again.

"Whatever," she said dismissively.

"Also, we probably wouldn't have been together this year anyway since we're not in McGruder Hall this year," I said and her only response was to click her tongue.

"I just don't see how he's even at that school. Drake has the IQ of an amoeba," she said and I wanted to agree with her but something made me not do so.

"I don't see how I'm gonna be able to stay in this room with him. I already want to kill him and salt the earth where I did it so nothing will ever grow there again," I said not bothered at all about my new found homicidal fantasies.

"Ooh, I like that. I'm gonna use it," she said and I should have figured that she's like a threat so graphic. A few seconds later I heard the doorknob turn and the door opened to a scowling Drake whose scowl deepened when he saw me.

"You're still here?" He asked before walking into the room.

"Yeah I am. What of it?" I said and if possible he looked more pissed off.

"Is that him?" Liberty asked.

"Yeah, it's the jackass," I said with blatant contempt.

"Is that your girlfriend?" He asked with a sneer.

"No, yours... oops, I mean your ex-girlfriend. The one who dumped you, not the one who humiliated you," I said with a smirk. His eyes blazed with anger and he started toward me but when I didn't even budge, only smiled a challenging smile at him, he stopped.

"Fucking faggot. Just leave and let me be in peace," he said but again I didn't budge or drop my challenging smile.

"Put me on speaker," Liberty said and at first I considered not doing it, but maybe she needed to speak to him too.

"Okay, it's on," I said after switching on the speaker.

"Listen to me fucker, you'd better watch your step or I'd be happy to get my girls and come break your damned kneecaps before I let my sister loose on you," Liberty exploded. It wasn't a threat as I don't think I'd ever heard her sound so angry.

"Hello to you too sunshine," Drake said sounding annoyingly chipper to annoy Liberty.

"Try me Drake. You know I can ruin you because I already did it. The next time, I won't be so gentle," she said before the call ended. I think she had forgotten that she was talking to me for a second. I got confirmation of this when a text came through a few seconds later that said she was sorry for hanging up on me.

"You have to go and get everybody to fight your battles for you because you're too much of a pussy to do it yourself." I wanted him to know that that was an incorrect line of though so I got off my bed and got in his face before speaking.

"I'm not afraid of you. I'm here and I guess you're here too. I don't like you and you don't like me and that's fine, but you'd better know that I can fight my own battles. Did you forget when I almost choked your ass out or when I almost broke your damned nose? Know who you steppin' to before you do so cause I'm more than willing to throw hands if that's what you want," I said throwing a little ethnic in there to get my point across.

He stared at me and I stared at him and the tension in the air was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. In that moment I weirdly thought back to that day when I'd first saw Drake and something drew me to him. I still didn't know what that was and I had serious doubt that he'd ever show me anything redeemable to make me think I'd been doing anything other than assuring my own destruction.

"You're a faggot and you'll always be one," he said with some serious venom proving my thought process was right.

"You're a bitch and you've been one all your life," I said back.

He sneered as he looked me up and down and I returned the sentiment. We stood squaring off for another minute before he looked away and walked over to his bed and dropped down on it. He pulled out his phone and started texting someone. I walked over to my bed and pulled out my laptop and started doing some research. Every once in a while I would look up to see Drake scowling at me before looking back at his phone. All I could think of is where I could find a Genie, any Genie, so I could kick him in the balls.

To be continued....

**************************************************************************** Author's Note:

Welcome to another installment in the continuing Chronicles of Trey.

This chapter sees Trey after the summer spending the last weekend with his family and friends before he heads to school and a new start in college again.

He is happy and eager to get to school. It isn't until he gets there though that he realizes that things may not be all that great, as he will have to be very careful around Bear now that they're at the same school if he truly wants to keep their relationship a secret.

The shocker of shocks, for the moment anyway (hehe), is that his new roommate is Drake Franklin, one of Trey's most bitter of enemies. In the first moments of them seeing each other again after over a year, it's clear that nothing has changed and Drake is still the cruel and heartless asshole he's been for a long time.

After trying to get their living situation changed, the guys find out that they're stuck together for the next year. Bear is supportive as always and Liberty is Liberty as always about this news. What other new things will happen to Trey during his sophomore year of college?

Find out in the continuing saga of The Chronicles of Trey.

As always, I thank everyone who's reading my story and take the time time to send me an email. You don't have to as I'm happy of you are just reading the story and find it enjoyable, but I appreciate them nonetheless. Speaking of which, you can send me emails at

Q: Would you all be receptive to Facebook group or message board where we can interact and readers can talk about the story? Email me to let me know.

Until next time, Nicky.

Editor's Note:

Surprise guys, we have another chapter and this time its sooner then expected probably. It's a bit shorter then the other chapter's but still a great one, though I think it might have been better without Drake showing up, but ah what can you do.

We see Trey getting ready for his new journey to college with Bear at Penn, everything is looking good for Trey til he learns that his new roommate is non other then Drake Franklin, the jackass. After a failed attempt at getting their rooms changed, Trey returns to Bear and later gets a call from Liberty, who feels no symathey for Trey for leaving her all alone at college.

But now that Drake has entered the story once more maybe we can finally learn why he is such a jackass to Trey and the others, only time will tell.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, please let Nicky know you thoughts with the email at the top of the page. You can also reach me at and let me know your thoughts as well.

Until the next chapter


Next: Chapter 43: The Chronicles of Trey II 12

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