The Chronicles of Trey

By Nicky Smith

Published on Aug 23, 2015


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On Monday when I went back to school I learned the events of the party were indeed not a fluke. The popular crowd had noticed me.

On Monday Billy Darling waved at me. Sean Mellow waved at me. Dale Simmons waved at me. Veronica Tyler spoke to me.

On Tuesday Veronica waved to me, Billy spoke to me, Dale gave me a thumbs up and Sean winked at me.

On Wednesday Veronica again waved to me, Billy waved to me, Sean gave me a head nod and Dale asked me if Miriam had a boyfriend to which I said no. Then he shook my hand.

On Thursday Sean waved, Dale waved, Billy asked me if Jessica had a boyfriend and Veronica waved.

On Friday they all waved except Veronica who walked up, gave me her cell number and asked for mine. I gave it to her surprised that she would want it.

Then there's Alicia Lake. On Monday she stared. On Tuesday she glared. On Wednesday she saw Bear and he saw her and she made for him but then I called his name and he looked at me and headed my way. Alicia was not happy. On Thursday it seemed that everywhere I went she was nearby glaring at me hard. On Friday I was weirded out by Alicia and the other as well and my friends could tell something was wrong.

"What's up with you" Liberty asked. We were at lunch waiting for Bear and the others.

"Veronica Tyler just asked for my number" I said still shocked

"Really?!" she said mirroring my shock.

"Yeah. Why would she do that" I asked.

"Well, and I may have to dig deep on this one. Maybe she likes you" she said in her Liberty way.

"Who likes who?" Jessica asked sitting down having apparently sneaked up on us.

"Veronica Tyler asked for his number" she stated.

"What?" Drake said as he and Bear arrived and took a seat.

"What's so shocking about it. She kissed him at Sean's party" Jessica said. I really wanted her to shut up.

"WHAT!?" Drake exclaimed. He was really hocking me off.

"Chill with the melodrama would you dear" Liberty said to Drake who looked embarrassed."Especially since Jessica already told us about this after the party.

"I think I would have remembered that" Drake countered.

Bear had yet to say anything and when I followed his gaze it lead to... sigh, Alicia. I needed to get started on operation Justice right away. Justice won't wanna have anything to do with him after he's been all up in that. I know I wouldn't. Okay I'm lying. There isn't really any situation that I wouldn't want some of Bear. Wanting and getting on the other hand...

We talked about nonsense and then Jessica announced that she had a date tonight with Billy. I was surprised as she had stated on more than one occasion that she didn't have time for highschool boys. Liberty reminded her of this and she said she was making an exception for Billy.

We talked some more until lunch was over then went our separate ways. The day ticked on and finally the day was over. Bear and them had their first game tonight. I wanted to go but I needed to distance myself from Bear for a bit so I begged off. I faked sick and was surprised it had worked given my recent revelation about faking sick to get out being discovered as not invited to Sean's party.

By the time I got home I really didn't feel well. That's what I get for lying I guess. Liberty texted me periodically with reports on how the game was going. They were down by 3 in the 4th quarter so I asked Liberty to get her phone to Bear and she did. I called him and told him to win the game. He said he'd win for me and told me to feel better and we hung up as the coach was calling for him. A while later Liberty texted me that with the help of Carter Matthews, Bear had made the game winning touchdown. I smiled.

The next day I was feeling much better after a good night's sleep and I needed food since I hadn't eaten since lunch the previous day so I headed for the kitchen.

"Hey big bro" Calvin said as I entered the kitchen.

"Hey kid" I said smirking as I knew what was coming.

"I'm not a kid, dumbass" he stated but the dumbass thing was new so being the good big brother I was I smacked the back of his head.

"Watch your mouth" I told him sternly.

"Why, you curse and ma and dad don't say anything" he said. He was right though. They had been getting lax in reprimanding me for the occasional language slip up. I guess it was because I was almost a grown man.

"You still watch your mouth. You're just a kid" I said.

"I'm not" he started but I interrupted.

"Fine, your barely a teenager" I stated. "Besides you shouldn't do everything you see Zane and me do. Be your own man" I finished. I liked how sage I sounded.

"Whatever you say oh wise brother of mine" he said slightly sarcastically.

"Speaking of Zane, he didn't come home this weekend?" I asked as I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet.

"Nope. He called last night to say he's staying in Pittsburgh this weekend. Some big frat party of something" he said

"Oh" I said pouring milk over my Cheerios. I loved Cheerios. "Where are the rents? I asked.

"Ma went somewhere with Bear's mom and dad's outside changing the oil in his car. Ma said to call her if you needed anything. Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine today, don't know what happened." I stated pouring a second bowl of Cheerios.

"Okay, if you're sure" he said.

He looked at me for a minute and I guess he was satisfied I wasn't dying or anything so he changed the subject. We talked about what we would do this year for our annual guys weekend. Every year around October dad got us guys together and we did something together for the whole weekend. Bear came along sometimes too.

He then talked about what he and his friend Alex were going to be up to this weekend. He was ironically friends with Sean Mellow's little brother. I found it kind of strange that they were good friends yet Sean and I had barely had any interaction before his party the previous week. Oh well.

I got a call from Bear shortly afterwards. He wanted to know how I was and I told him I was doing fine, I then told him I was proud of him and I could practically hear the huge grin that I was sure broke out on his face. Calvin got up laughing that we sounded like an old married couple. If only. The couple part, not the married part. That part was crazy.

He told me he would be over to pick me up a in a bit. I asked for what. He said he was going over to Sean's place to hang. I told him I didn't think Sean would appreciate that as whenever he went to Sean's in the past I didn't go with him. I realized that Sean had been being friendly towards me this week sure, but wasn't sure that translated to going over to his house, again. He said I was going and that was that. Besides Liberty and them were going as well. I finally just said fine. I'd be ready.

It was around 3 and I was in the kitchen with my mom who had returned about an hour ago. She had me eat some chicken soup even though I said I was feeling fine. Dad was on her case for babying me but he did walk over and kiss my forehead when she had her back turned. I was shocked since he hadn't done that since I was about 11 or 12. I was also shocked because he had been kind of distant from me since last weekend.

When I looked at him he winked at me with a smile and then headed out the back door after pinching my mom's butt. She yelped and he snickered and I smiled. Sure it was gross when they did stuff like that but I was also happy when they had these moments. It was in these moments that you could see their love.

Bear arrived a few minutes later with the others in tow.

"Hey guys I didn't know you all would be here" I said as I opened the door.

Before I could even react Bear had grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug. Now I was used to Bear's bear hugs but I was still feeling weird now that those feelings that I had pushed away were back again and didn't look like they were going anywhere this time. It was brief but it felt so good being held in his strong arms against his big body. It made me feel safe. I stuffed that feeling down though and moved back before things got too obvious.

"You sure you're okay?" Bear asked and I swear I heard Drake snort but I ignored him.

"Yeah much better" I said.

"We had to check on you" Jessica said. "Your mom wouldn't happen to be cooking anything would she" she asked sniffing and I laughed at her.

Okay so all my friends loved my mom's cooking. Jessica once asked my mom if she wouldn't mind "taking pity on a poor little white girl, and adopting her". My mom laughed and pinched her cheek and gave her a cookie. You see Jessica's mom... well she tries but she sucks at cooking.

It was made worse because she apparently had no idea about this as neither Jessica, her dad or her little brother would tell her. Jessica had recently taken the helm at the Martin household to handle the cooking. I had to admit she wasn't bad in the kitchen, though she was no Olivia Healey.

"No Jessica I think we're eating takeout tonight "I teased and I swear she looked offended at the thought.

"Takeout?! Blasphemy" she said aghast.

I invited them in and we sat and Liberty spoke about how her mother was getting on her nerves about her cell phone bill. Liberty was addicted to her cell phone and last year had gotten her bill up to $400 in texts. Her parents opted for the unlimited text plan afterwards but I guess they forgot the unlimited talk part.

"You ready" Bear asked as we sat. I was about to say yeah but was summoned by my mother.

She told me that she was going to see the grandparents next weekend and said grandma wanted to see me and Calvin. I told her I would be happy to go visit grandma. I loved mom's parents. They were fun and they liked to give us kids money, even Zane even though he was an adult now. They also treated him like he was their own grandson even though biologically he wasn't. I loved my dad's parents too but I preferred mom's parents more I guess. I was heading back to the living room when I heard them.

"-just don't see why we have to take him everywhere we go" Drake said.

"What the hell do you mean? He's my best friend" Bear said with an edge in his voice I could hear from here.

"Yeah. We take you everywhere why not Trey" Jessica added.

"Look I just think that you all need to realize that people don't like Trey like you do" Drake said and I wanted to punch his face.

"Yeah I want my friend with me. Ooh bad" Bear said sarcastically.

"Speaking of that, yeah it is bad. Dude don't you think you and Trey are way too close. You do everything together. You talk all the time. You can't even carry on a conversation without speaking of each other. It's weird" Drake said and I sadly agreed. Bear and I were too close. That was one of the problems, with me anyway

"Drake" Liberty said but didn't continue. That hurt. That she didn't defend me.

"What? You all are blinded by your long friendship with him to see that he doesn't fit in with us. Hell even he knows. He told you to your faces and you still refuse to admit it. Well I'm tired of holding my tongue" Drake said and it was like all the pieces of the puzzle that was Drake became complete.

The two of us never really hit it off. He and Bear were tight. He and Liberty were in a relationship. He seemed to get along well with Jessica as well. The two of us however never really clicked.

"If you don't shut up you really will be holding your tongue" Bear threatened.

"We all need to shut up and table this discussion. He'll be back in here any minute" Jessica said desperately.

It made me wonder how many more of these behind-my-back discussions they had had. It was obvious what I had to do. What I had been thinking about for months. What was especially important to do now that my feelings for Bear had reemerged. I had to distance myself from them. From Bear. I knew it would hurt him but it was for the best. He was better off without me anyway. He didn't deserve to have his best friend lusting after him. Thinking about him in ways that wasn't right to be thinking about your best friend.

I made up my mind. I already had the plan ready. I went back into the living room and everything was obviously tense but they were able to hide it for the most part. I put a smile on my face and sold it like never before.

"Sorry guys. That was my grandma. She needs me to drive up there. She wants to talk to me about something and apparently wants me to do something." I said feeling sick again.

"What? Can't she wait?" Bear asked trying to keep from shouting obviously.

"Bu- Bear, you know how long it takes to drive up there. As it is I'm probably gonna have to spend the night" I said. "Besides you don't keep grandparents waiting. You never knew how long you have with them" I added the thought of which made me really sad but I was able to hide it.

"Yeah I can understand that" Liberty said. I looked at her and she suddenly looked different. I didn't know why though.

"Well, let's go. Sorry Trey" Drake said pushing them toward the door not sounding sorry at all.

"Have fun" I said as they went out the door and I closed it.

"So when did mama tell you this" my mom said surprising me as I came back into the living room.

"Um" I said stalling.

"Trey, why did you lie to your friends just now and use my mama to do it no less" she asked studying me.

"I just wasn't up for going with them but Bear would have stayed here and nursed me back to health had he known that" I lied.

"Well that is true. That boy sure does care about you" she said chuckling as she headed to the family room to check on my sisters. She paused at the doorway and shouted "Cara, girl if you don't stop jumping up and down on my couch I'm gonna tan your hide".

She then entered the room and I used that time to make my exit. I had to stuff to do before Monday. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


I was sitting outside in my truck waiting on Jessica. We were at the store getting some stuff to take over to Sean's. He was having a small little get together later, and Jessica, Liberty and Drake were in the store. I begged off saying it didn't take the four of us to get a few things. It wasn't a huge party just a couple guys from the team, Veronica Tyler, Brandy Carlson, and us. Veronica was popping up more and more lately and the girl was hot. I was definitely gonna have to get some of that soon. Maybe tonight. Before the weekend was over for sure.

She had an awesome rack, nice curves and great legs, and I still hadn't forgot about that tongue thing that Dale had told me about. I was getting hard just thinking about what it would feel like to get into her.

Then I thought about Trey and that sufficiently killed the mood. I just couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. This sudden trip to his grandmother's place. I was suspicious at first but then he explained about not keeping them waiting and I thought of my own grandparents and how long it had been since I had seen them. About a month ago for my dad's parents and almost a year for my mom's parents. They lived in Atlanta down south and were very southern with the accents and everything

My dad's parents lived not that far from Trey's grandparents. The idea came up that maybe I should beg off on Sean's and drive down with Trey to see them. Liberty and them came out of the store and I considered it but decided I'd keep my original plans and give Trey some space. No need for us to be attached at the hip or anything. Jessica hopped in my truck while Liberty got in Drake's car and we took off for Sean's

As we were arriving at Sean's we passed a house and I could almost swear that I saw Trey's car pulling out of the driveway. Who's ever car it was it was out of place in this part of the "Rich" district as Trey and Liberty called our area if they lived in that house. A honda civic. You just didn't see those cars around here. Not that I had a problem with that. Hell I drove a red Ford 4-door truck and I loved my truck.

Anyway we pulled up at Sean's and walked to the door. He threw open the door and greeted us.

"Welcome people" he said jovially.

"Thanks man" I said and we enter his house. Sean's place was really beautiful. I was struck by it every time I came over here.

"Just the 4 of you huh. No Trey?" he asked and I was surprised by how genuine he sounded. I guess my plan was successful in getting them together. I knew Sean and Trey would hit it off if they spent any time together.

"He's busy but why do you care" said Drake as he headed for the kitchen with the bags. He was really pissing me off today.

"Uh, because I asked and it's none of your dammed business why I would care" Sean said and I smiled a bit. Apparently it wasn't just me.

"Whatever" Drake muttered.

"Trey had to do something for his grandmother" Liberty chimed in after briefly glaring at Drake.

"You sure about that? Sean asked.

"Yeah. At least that's what he told us, why?" Liberty asked.

"Well I was outside about 20 minutes ago and I saw Trey down the road" Sean said and I knew then that I was right.

"What? How do you know it was him?" Jessica asked

"Well I recognized his car. Then I actually saw him walking up to the door and Mr. Renner opened the door and let him in" He said.

Mr. Renner was one of our school's guidance counselors. I couldn't imagine a guidance counselor living in this neighborhood or Trey going there for that matter.

"Mr. Renner? Why would he be there? Hell what would Mr. Renner be doing there?" Jessica asked just as confused. Something was up and I found myself getting my phone.

"Yeah he married Samantha Hilliard. You remember that socialite who's sister was involved with those bank robbers" Sean stated"

"Yeah remember that. That shit was funny. Damn their dad must be fit to kill. One daughter robs banks and the other marries a teacher. Must suck to be him" Drake said and I rolled my eyes at how shallow he was.

"What's wrong with marrying a teacher. They educate the youth of the world and some of those youth are less than receptive, and then they are grossly underpaid for the trouble. I think it's cool she married below her so-called station" Sean said and I was impressed with how profound he sounded.

"Well said" Liberty agreed.

"Um Trey. What about him?" Jessica asked

I told them to hold on. I called Trey's cell and he picked up. I asked where he was and he said he was on the road. That he would be there in a while. I asked if he was sure and he said yeah and asked why I had asked that. I lied and said I was just checking up on him to make sure he was safe. He was silent for a minute and then said he had to go and that he'd talk to me later. I had a strange feeling then. Like something was up. I thought about mentioning Mr. Renner but thought better of if. I didn't know how I would handle it if he lied to me.

We were all silent for a few minutes when Sean finally said "Well I guess he could be on the way there and just had to stop by Mr. Renner's for something". I didn't believe him though.

"I got it" Jessica finally said. She pulled out her phone and looked though her contacts before selecting one.

"Hello Jeremy, this is Jessica Martin..." she said. The only Jeremy I knew was Jeremy Davis, a sophomore on the Basketball team. "Fine thank you and yourself... Well, I was calling to ask if you would do me a favor... Ok go look out the window at the house across the street... Yeah the Healey's place... Okay do you see a black Honda Civic in the driveway?... Oh... well thanks, bye" she said as she hung up and I was feeling... I don't know what judging by her tone. Also I didn't know Jeremy lived across the street from Trey's family.

"Well" Liberty said anxiously.

"Well he said he had been outside a few minutes ago when the black Honda Civic pulled up and Trey got out and went into his house. He checked just then just to be sure but he said it's still there" she said sounding dejected. I understood the feeling.

"Okay, what is that boy doing?" Liberty asked and I had made up my mind.

"I don't know but I'm gonna find out" I said heading for the door.

"Yeah" Liberty and Jessica both said at the same time and turned to follow me. "Come on Drake" Liberty said as we neared the door.

"Count me out. If you wanna go chasing after Trey that's fine but leave me out of it. It's stupid anyway. You think he's gonna give you a straight answer" Drake said leaning against a wall.

"What are you trying to say Drake" I said quickly losing my patience with him.

"Bear dude, you need to wake up and smell the coffee. He's supposed to be your "best friend" yet the boy does nothing but lie to you and you keep taking it" Drake said and I wanted to seriously strangle him, even more so because he was kind of right.

This wasn't the first time Trey had lied to me. To us. I had been nothing but forthcoming about everything with him ever since I can remember. He was my best friend so it never occurred to me to ever lie to him. Yet he lied to me and built up walls around himself to keep everyone at bay. Why? Why did he feel the need to keep everyone at arms length.

"Drake shut your fucking mouth" Jessica stated hotly. We all looked at her in shock because Jessica never talked like that. "Trey is our friend and something is wrong. We're going to see about him, but you're right you stay here and be a jackass while his real friends worry about him" she continued and I was so proud of her.

I wasn't surprised though that she felt so strongly. There's just something about Trey that made you love him. Except that didn't seen the case for Drake.

"Guys, while I don't necessarily agree with Drake about that other stuff, I don't you need to go over to his house now and corner him. He may be dealing with something that he doesn't want to bother you with right now. Give him some space and maybe try to talk to him at school on Monday or something" Sean said and I was again impressed with how logical he thought. Guess he wasn't just some dumb jock after all. We reluctantly agreed to wait until Monday.

I was having a bad day and it wasn't even 8 o'clock yet. Deciding to listen to Sean was hard. I was officially no fun for the rest of the night Saturday. Veronica tried to talk to me but I was determined to mope until this thing with Trey was settled. She finally told me to wait on him and went to talk to Drake. She seemed to regret that decision about 5 minutes later as I caught her rolling her eyes at something he said. She then then repeated this 3 more times during the next 5 minutes before finally attaching herself to Jessica for the rest of the night

Sunday I decided I wasn't gonna call Trey and I didn't... for an hour. I called him, then when he didn't answer I called 3 more times in 15 minutes before deciding I wasn't gonna call again and I didn't... for 2 hours. I called him 5 more times that he didn't answer and sent several texts that went unanswered. I decided then that I was pissed. Damn him for ignoring me like this. I then realized I was behaving like some jilted obsessive ex and forced myself not to call or text him again for the rest of the day and I stuck to it.

Now we come to Monday and we were waiting at his locker and... No Trey.

"Where the hell is he" Liberty asked.

"Yeah school starts in 5 minutes" Jessica said

"I'm not waiting around here any longer for Trey, bye" Drake said walking away. Good cause he was pissing me off lately.

"Maybe he's sick" Jessica said as she leaned against his locker.

"Move" I said with an edge I didn't mean toward Jessica.

She moved and I mumbled a sorry and used Trey's combination to open his locker since we had each other's combinations and I saw his backpack sitting there which meant that he was already here since I know he had it Friday when he left school.

"What the hell" Liberty said

I just stared at his backpack not getting what was going on.

"Hey Brandy" Jessica called to Brandy Carlson

"Hey Jessica, Liberty, Bear" she said saying my name kinda flirty.

"Listen you park near Trey don't you?" she asked.

"Black Honda Civic with charcoal grey seats? Yeah" she stated and I was finally getting what Jessica was up to.

"Yeah was it there this morning" Jessica asked proving myself right.

"Yeah it was. Actually we usually arrive around the same time with me getting here first. He would then show up while I was primping in my mirror, but he was already here before me today. Looked like he had been here a while. Why do you ask?" she said and I was getting angry at Trey's obvious effort to avoid us.

"It's not important" she said slightly dejectedly.

"Okay well classes are about the start. You guys better get to homeroom" she said as she took off.

"So his car is here, his backpack is here, he's here, but we haven't seen him. What the hell is he doing?" Liberty asked.

"Well we don't have time to work on that. You 2 will see him next period so ask him then. Until then let's jet" Jessica said taking off for her homeroom. Liberty and I looked at each other and then did the same

"What the fuck is that bastard doing" Jessica said.

Yeah she was pissed as well as Liberty and I. It was after Government class and I was getting fed up. Trey wasn't in any of the classes we had today. I was supposed to have seen him in 3 classes by now but nothing. We were next to Mr. Barnes' Science class that Liberty and I had in a few minutes and I was pissed like I said.

"That boy is starting to annoy me now" Liberty said

"Hold up, look" Jessica said and we looked to see what looked like Trey enter the same Government class we were supposed to have had last period.

"Was that Trey" Liberty asked?

"Well there is only one way to find out" I said as I headed for the class, but Liberty grabbed my arm.

"Hold up. We need to get in there before the bell rings" she said pointing to the class we were standing next to.

"Damn, I'm gonna go if I wanna get to history. I'll see you 2 after class" Jessica said booking it while I reluctantly followed Liberty into science.

I sat there reading my book wondering what was up with Trey. He should have been in this class now but he was probably in Government. I zoned out and wondered if maybe he's sick and he doesn't know how to tell us. I thought back to Friday when he suddenly didn't feel well and he missed my first game. I was then really worried that maybe he had cancer or something and he didn't know how to tell me. It would explain why he was so guarded lately. I then felt like a heel. My best bud was sick and here I was pissed off with him for avoiding me.

I then found myself silently praying that nothing was wrong with him. If it was then that would make my dream real. Something horrible happening to him and me not being able to stop it. I guess a super suit wouldn't work against cancer though. Please don't let anything be wrong with him. I want him to grow up and make that suit...

I didn't know how long I had zoned out until Liberty was shaking my shoulder. I hoped Mr. Barnes didn't teach something that I absolutely needed to know. We walked out of class and saw Drake walking up to us.

"So what did the wayward son have to say for his avoidance, and where is he now" Drake spoke

"We don't know. We haven't seen him all day" Liberty spoke through gritted teeth.

"What? He didn't come to school?" Drake actually sounded confused.

"He's here. After you left Bear opened his locker and his backpack was in there and Brandy said his car is here" she said.

"Did he come out" Jessica asked as she came up and I had totally forgot about supposedly seeing him go into Government and apparently so had Liberty as she looked at me.

"We forgot to look" Liberty said

"Huh" Drake asked.

"We saw him go into Government when we were standing here before last period. He wasn't in Government when we were" Jessica stated

"So he's not been in any of the classes with you all, and he supposedly went to Government when he wasn't supposed to. Huh" Drake said, and I wanted to hit him what with the cavalier way he was saying all this.

"Tina, come here" Jessica called to a Junior named Tina Sharp. She was kinda hot. I was surprised I hadn't went out with her yet. Well there was plenty of time to rectify that error. I really needed to learn how to reign in my libido.

"Hey Jessica, Liberty, Drake, Bear" she said saying my name with a little extra lilt. I guess I had this effect on most all girls except Liberty and Jessica, and... Justice. I don't know why but I'm not too fond of Justice. I don't hate her or anything but for some reason we just don't... click. It's strange too since I get along great with Liberty. She's my closest and oldest friend aside from Trey, but Justice...

"Did you just see Trey in Government with you?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah, he came in and sat down looking all shifty like he was avoiding someone. What's he doing in there anyway, cause I thought he already had Government with the three of you?" She asked.

"Where is he now" I asked

"Well when the bell rang he got up and shot out of there like his pants were on fire" she said and I was getting pissed again but managed to tamp it down.

"Yo people" Sean said walking up.

"Hey Sean" Jessica, Liberty and I said halfheartedly. Nothing against Sean but I wasn't in the mood. Tina waved and walked off.

"Wow, such enthusiasm" he said sarcastically. "By the by, what was Trey doing in my Spanish class today?" Sean asked and I immediately paid attention.

"Wait what. So he was in your Spanish class" Liberty asked.

"Well yeah. I thought he took regular Spanish with some of you but he was in my AP Spanish class this morning.

"You take AP Spanish?" Drake asked sounding like the jerk that he was. Of course that would be the thing he would focus on. Sean rolled his eyes at him and I had to smile a bit.

"Yeah he was there. I tried to talk to him but he ignored me." Sean said ignoring Drake.

He then said he had to go for he had class in a few. He had 2nd lunch and those students had a class this coming period. We decided to just go to lunch and wait for him there


Well so far so good. I had avoided them all day so far, although they almost saw me going into Government. I just had to keep this up for the rest of the day and I would be safe until tomorrow.

My plan kicked into action after leaving the house on Saturday. I called Mr. Renner my guidance counselor and asked if I could come over because I had something important to discuss and he told me sure after a beat. He told me where he lived and I thought how did a guidance counselor live in that area. It was in the "rich" district were Bear's and Sean's families lived. I decided to google him and found out that he had not that long ago wed some rich socialite and that it was initially just her home. Who marries a multi-millionaire heiress and keeps their job as a school counselor? I needed to stop being so judgmental.

I pulled out of the driveway and headed for the "rich" district. When I got there I rolled my eyes. Of course this dude had to live down the fucking road from Sean Mellow. In view of his house even. I guess that bitch misfortune decided to be nice to me today as Bear and them hadn't made it there yet even though they had left my house before I did. I pulled into the driveway, got out and walked up to the beautiful house. This dude had married well. He greeted me at the door and invited me in.

We talked for a bit and he introduced me to his wife Samantha and their baby Holden. We went into his study and talked a few more minutes and then I stopped beating around the bush and told him what I wanted. He studied me for a few minutes then asked why I wanted this done. I told him I wanted a change.

"You want to change all of your classes except AP Calculus" he asked. He has a very perceptive gaze and as I sat there trying to avoid it I studied him. Vincent Renner was about 35 with light brown hair and chocolate brown eyes that were made more obvious by the thin glasses he wore. He had this college professor vibe and it was working for him. I briefly wondered what he looked like under that red button up shirt he wore. I looked back in his eyes and he had a smirk that made me think I had been too studious of him, and that he had figured me out.

"Trey, correct me if I'm wrong but don't you share all but one of these classes you want changed with Barry Davidson?" he asked with that smirk still in place and I squirmed.

"Um yeah" I said unsure where this was going.

"Uh huh" he finally said after a few minutes of studying me. "Okay I'll do what you want, but it won't be as you expect. You might not be able to get the same classes" he said as he slid over to his desktop computer.

He typed on the keyboard for a bit and I was worried about being spotted over here. Then he slid back to the desk and looked at me and said "Ok, I was able to work it but you will have to take AP Spanish and History for this to work.

"I can handle it" I said because I could.

"I thought as much. I was curious why you weren't taking all AP courses like your friends Miriam O'Neil and Kenji Matou, until I thought about Barry and then it all clicked." He said with a small smile and again I squirmed.

We talked for a few more minutes as he printed out my new schedule and I learned that to get this I would also have to give up AP Calculus with Miriam and Kenji, but he informed me they would be in my Spanish and History classes so that was good.

He walk me to the door and as I exited he said "Don't give up on him. You never know what could happen". He smiled, said goodbye and closed the door while I gaped after him. I finally recovered and decided to leave. As I pulled out I saw Drake's car and then Bear's truck pass. I tried my best to hide as I pulled off praying they hadn't seen me.

So here I was and I had avoided them but I was surprised that I saw Sean in AP Spanish. I sat down in Art class and I already missed lunch as I was supposed to be there right now. So of course Sean would walk in and again I was shocked. He sat down and zoned in on me. He had a curious smile on his face. Ms. Ona our Art teacher came in and looked at me.

"Trey, Mr. Renner informs me that we have you this period now" she said as people started looking at me.

"Uh yeah" I said dumbly.

"Well good to see you so early. Okay class today we will be picking a classmate and trying to capture a feature about them that you think others can't normally see. It's up to you to figure out who's the artist and who's the subject" she said. Everyone started pairing off and of course Sean heads my way. He sat in front of me and said that he should be the subject and that how he wanted me to immortalize him in pencil. I rolled my eyes and he grinned at me with those incredible teeth. Oh well I can think of worse things than starring at Sean Mellow for a while. His grin kicked up a notch when I had this thought which made me think he had somehow figured out what I was thinking then.

So Sean Mellow. He had short cropped dirty blond hair which he spiked up and brilliant green eyes. He was tanned and while Bear had that beard Sean was clean shaven. He also had soft looking pink lips that I wondered how they would feel for a second before I pushed the thought away. After looking at him for several minutes studying him and him letting me with a small smile on his face I saw what I wanted to portray. He hid a wiseness in his eyes that I'm sure people couldn't see. As I started to sketch, he talked.

"So you are hiding from your friends" He said. I didn't respond. "It all fits now why you were at Mr. Renner's place Saturday. You were changing your schedule" he added and I was surprised.

"You saw me" I asked not liking the anxiousness in my voice.

"Yeah I saw and Bear saw you too, but he didn't know he had until I spilled the Beans" he said. Dammit.

"What did he- they say" I said correcting myself.

"Well they were curious about why you were there until they figured out you lied to them about your little trip. Then they were pissed and were headed towards you before I stopped them" he said and I was thankful.

"Thanks" I said

"It's fine. You have a little narc living across the street from you ya know." he stated

"Huh, you mean Jeremy?" I asked him. Jeremy Davis was a sophomore that played on the sucktastic Basketball team and he lived across the street from me.

"Yup. Jessica called him and he told em your car was at home. Of course this was after you had told Bear you were on the road" he informed me. Super Dammit. Post Particle explosion Dammit. Post Gamma Ray exposure Dammit. Damn I was a nerd.

"Shit" I muttered.

"Yeah. By the by, why are you friends with that jerkass Drake?" he asked and I have to say I didn't have an answer.

Time passed and I was satisfied with my sketch and when class was over I handed it to Ms. Ona. She smiled and I knew I did a good job. Sean followed me out of class and we were headed to lunch but then I stopped. I realized that my friends would be waiting for me in the cafeteria. There was a 10 minute overlap between 1st and 2nd lunch and I knew they would wait there to catch me if the figured out my plan.

"Sean I need you to do something" I asked him. He stopped, looked at me for a few seconds then rolled his eyes.

"You want me to go defer your friends" he said sounding slightly exasperated.

"Yeah. They are gonna be in there waiting" I said. He looked at me like he was waiting for more. "Look, I have my reasons for doing this. It'll be fine after a while. Once they get used to it" I said and felt sad and like a jerk.

"Fine, but if I do this you're gonna owe me big" he said.

"What do you wanted?" I asked curious.

He looked me up and down, smirked and said "I'll think of something".

"Okay, but make sure you sell it" I stated and he chuckled. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just someone else said that same thing to me recently. Interesting" he said. He turned and went toward the cafeteria and I wondered what he would think of. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


This was getting ridiculous. Not one time did we see Trey other than that brief glimpse before 4th period. Whatever this was he was doing he was very good at it, but I had him. Even if he somehow had gotten a different lunch he would have to be here at some point and I would catch him. We didn't have long but it was enough time to wait him out. So we did.

We were standing at the entrance of the caf and we would see him when he came in thinking he was safe.

"This is stupid" Drake said

"Then why are you still here?" I snapped. Drake was getting on my fucking nerves.

"Trust me I wanna leave but I did my girlfriend would be all over me and not in the good way" Drake countered.

"Oh is that the only reason you're here? So I can give you some?" Liberty spat. I guess her patience with her boyfriend had reached it's limit.

"No, What I meant was-" Drake said trying to backpedal

"Y'know what, save it. Just leave Drake. Go to class and get outta my face cause you're really pissing me off" Liberty snapped. You go girl.

"Thank you" Jessica added.

"Well you all are pissing me off. This guy who you say is your friend had gone out of his way to avoid even being in the same room with you. He's not answering your calls and texts, and yet here you all are. Chasing after him, lurking in places for the slim chance to get a glimpse of him like you are all some starry eyed fans looking for a celebrity. It's insane" Drake ranted and I was about to stomp his ass but then I saw Sean.

"Sean, over here" I called to him. He gave a small shake to his head with a knowing smile but headed over. Knowing what though?

"What're you all still doing here. Waiting for Trey" he asked

"Yeah, why? Did you see him?" Jessica asked before I was able to.

"Yeah I saw him. He said he was going to the library for lunch. Said he had something to research." He said, and I was fed up. If he thought this was over then he was mistaken. Did he forget I knew where he lived.

"Unbelievable" Drake uttered. "I'm out" he said as he left.

Sean said hang in there and then went to get his lunch. The three of us looked at each other then we went to out next periods.

After school we headed over to Trey's house minus Drake and waited... and waited... and waited. His mother finally called him and asked where he was around nine and he said he was with Sean and Veronica and that he'd be home late. She hesitantly agreed. I'm sure she wanted to object but Trey would be 18 in under a year and I guess she decided to give him some freedom. I was... depressed by this point as I hadn't seen or heard from him since Saturday and then the avoidance. Liberty and Jessica picked my up and we left. We made a plan to ambush Trey tomorrow morning before he left his house and demand some answers as I took them home. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Here we go again. Another day of avoiding my friends. Sean texted me yesterday after they left the lunchroom yesterday and told me the coast was clear. I was shocked that he even had my number but he told me he had gotten it from Veronica. Sure enough when I got to lunch he was sitting with her. He had an amused look on his face, but Veronica had a contemplative look on her face. I started to sit somewhere else but they waved me over I reluctantly sat with them and after a while of my not saying one word to them they decided to carry on as if I wasn't there. Good as that was my intention.

On my way home I suddenly thought about what Sean had told me about Jessica's spy that happened to live across the street and I detoured and headed to the park and use him myself. I called Jeremy and asked him to call me if he saw a red ford truck across the street. Sure enough He called only ten minutes later. I then asked him to call when it left. My mom called about 9 and asked where I was and I lied and said I was with Sean and Veronica. Jeremy called about 30 minutes later and told me the red truck had just pulled off and asked why I hiding from Bear since he knew that was his truck. I told him I was working on something and I needed my friends out of my hair. I told him to keep this a secret so it wouldn't ruin the surprise.

I felt guilty lying to him and using him like this but he had helped them kind of bust me even if unwittingly so I felt less guilty.

I should have realized how persistent Bear was. I should have but didn't.

I was walking out the door headed to my car on Tuesday and doing so early so I could get to school and get things set for day two of avoidance and his truck pulled up behind my car and they all filed out.

"Hey guys, long time no see" I tried for humor.

"What.the.hell?" Bear asked in a tone I never heard directed toward me before.

"Trey, what are you doing" Liberty asked looking pissed.

"Well I'm trying to go to school but there's this big red truck in my way" I asked getting annoyed.

"School. Let's talk about school. Apparently there you've become some sort of bigfoot where there's been sightings of you but it's hard to prove you actually exist" Bear quipped angrily.

"Bear now wait a min-" I started but he interrupted me.

"Sean saw you. Veronica saw you. Brandy saw you. Tina Sharp saw you. You wanna know who didn't see you Trey? Your closest friends that who" he spat.

"Trey you wanna tell us what's going on?" Jessica added, but I could tell she was trying to keep her cool. This served to piss me off cause, how dare they.

"Fine! You wanna know what's going on. I changed my schedule so I didn't have to see your faces anymore. I told you this already but you seem to not get it so let me say it again and this time listen. I don't fit. Other people see it. They see that I'm not worth being friends with. This is for the best. That way you don't have to worry about having to take me EVERYWHERE you go" I snapped and they looked at me wide-eyed for a few seconds then all three of them turn and looked at Drake. I realized then I had let slip a clue that I had heard their conversation Saturday.

"Trey" Bear said simply. He sounded so desperate that I wanted to hug him then.

"Please just move your truck so I can go" I asked him.

"No Trey, not yet" Liberty stated.

"WHAT!" I asked perhaps too loudly. I didn't want my parents hearing this and coming out here.

"You heard her this isn't over" Bear said and I had an idea.

"Bear, come here" he started walking toward me hesitantly at first, but got a small smile on his face and started walking faster as I held out my arms.

He walked to me and wrapped his arms around me and it felt so good. I wished I could stay wrapped in his strong arms forever, but I had a mission. With him distracted, I quickly reached into his pocket and grabbed his keys.

"Hey" he said ad he jerked back. "What are you doing with my keys" he asked but I didn't answer. Instead I tossed his keys to Drake.

"Move the truck" I said to him. He looked stunned for a second but recovered quickly.

"Okay" he said.

Bear headed toward him and Drake jogged to the truck. He got in, locked the door and cranked up the truck and moved it out of the way against Bear's yelling and ranting to get out of his truck and Liberty and Jessica holding him back. I looked up and saw my dad looking out his bedroom window at them carrying on. He then glanced at me and I mouthed "later". He looked at me a few seconds, nodded and left the window.

Bear was threatening Drake's life and I decided to use this commotion as a distraction and I slipped into my car, cranked it up and left my house leaving them there.

To be continued....

So... that happened.

Okay, okay I know what you're thinking. First, this was kind of long. Second, Trey is an idiot. Well Trey is a teenager so he's allowed to be stupid at least once. Don't worry. After this unfortunate episode is over he won't be stupid again... well maybe once more after this, but that's way down the road.

I may have already said this but I have these characters' major events and a lot of minor stuff all planned out up until Trey is 30. I hope to continue writing til that point and probably after then.

I will say that you're probably gonna hate me because this won't be resolved in the next chapter. All I ask is that you use small stones when you stone me and hold out because things get very interesting and sexy right after this saga is over.

I hope you enjoy this crazy chapter and keep reading cause there's a LOT more to come. Send any comments good or bad to

Next: Chapter 5

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