The Chronicles of Trey

By Nicky Smith

Published on Jan 4, 2017


Disclaimer: This story is 100% fictional and may contain references and scenes of consensual sex between males. Any resemblance to real people or situations is purely coincidental. If your country or state does not allow such material to be read or you have come across this site by accident, please leave now.

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Written by: Nicky Smith Edited by: JD Kaster



It had been two weeks since I had started tutoring Lane and I had to admit that he wasn't dumb. His problem was just that he was kind of unfocused and a slacker which proved to be the biggest hurdle I had to overcome.

My first act was to take his phone before we started because he was way too popular for his own good. In the first couple of sessions, he was getting texts like every 5 minutes and he felt compelled to answer them. After several strategies to remedy this, I finally decided to just take his phone from him to make him focus.

I expected a lot of pushback, but he was surprisingly cooperative with whatever I came up with which again made wonder what the deal was with him and his dad as they seemed way too desperate to have this thing happen.

My second act was to spring questions on him via texts. He had to have the answer for me when I contacted him again, or when we saw each other for our sessions for the day. Once we got in stride, things became easy rather quickly. We never interacted much outside of tutoring though and I was fine with that for the most part.

"Trey, I want to say thanks for helping me. I know that I didn't give the best first impression," Lane said out of the blue as we were getting our stuff ready to leave after our last session for this week.

"No problem. It isn't as big of a pain as I expected it to be," I joked and thankfully he took it as such.

"Yeah, I'll bet. I meant what I said too. Anytime you wanna fly up to see your boyfriend, just tell me and I'll take you," he said reminding me about the other part of our deal. It was weird when Lane made me the deal that he'd fly me up to see Bear if I tutored him, but the idea was ideal now.

I have to admit that I was shocked that someone like Lane seemed, a party boy slacker by nature, would be able to invest the time and focus in getting a helicopter license, but I guess being able to fly a helicopter was a big turn on for the ladies. I'd also discovered that when the time came for it, he could focus just fine.

"I will," I said and he gave me a nod before grabbing his bag and heading down the stairs. I grabbed my own and headed out of the library. I was heading for the dorm when my phone rang with Bear's ring-tone. I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face as I pulled out my cell and answered.

"Hey handsome," I said as I answered the phone.

"You don't know who could have been on the other line," he said trying to sound serious but I could hear the smile in his voice.

"I know your ring-tone and I can clearly see your name on the display," I said and he snorted.

"That's not what I meant Mr. Smarty Pants," he said with an amused tone. "I meant that someone else could have gotten ahold of my phone and called you," he said and that was a good point. I would need to remember that after his roommate had gotten his phone when we were talking a while back.

"Since when are you afraid of someone finding out about us? I thought you wanted to shout your love for me from the rooftops," I teased and he snorted again.

"Good point," he said and I rolled my eyes as I should have guessed his response.

"So, what do I owe the pleasure of your correspondence?" I asked which caused him to snicker.

"You're such a nerd," he said teasingly.

"You know you love it," I said confidently. I didn't deny my nerdy/geeky side at all as I knew that Bear liked that part of me. I wouldn't deny it though even if he didn't like it.

"You right. Say more stuff," he said sounding like he actually expected me to do so.

"Grits," I joked.

"That's not nerdy. That's food and now I'm hungry," he said in kind of a pout.

"You're an idiot," I teased.

"And you love me for it," he said which was true, but I wasn't gonna give it up that easily.

"Yeah, I guess," I said in a bit of a mumble.

"You don't have to be so enthusiastic about it," he said sounding kind of serious which had me reconsider what I'd said, for about a second.

"I won't," I said and he snickered a bit so I knew he didn't take me seriously.

"So, how is rich boy's tutoring going?" he asked finally getting to the point of what I knew he was calling for. He made sure to call me every day after my sessions with Lane.

"I don't know `rich boy'. I didn't know you were getting tutored. How is it going?" I teased.

"You know what I mean."

"What I know is that you calling him `rich boy' is like the pot calling the kettle black."

"Just answer my question," he said sounding a little bit testy.

"Like I told you yesterday, it's fine," I said trying to keep any annoyance out of my voice.

"I'm sorry," he said after a brief silence that I didn't try to fill.

"What for?" I asked. I knew why he should be sorry, but I wanted to see if he knew.

"I just... it's just hard Trey. Being apart from you is bad enough but then almost every week I have to hear about some new guy you've met," he said and yes, I could have gotten ticked off at what he'd said but I didn't. I chose to sympathize with him instead. The things we do for love.

"I know what that's like. I had to do that with you for years," I said while trying not to think about the constant flow of girls I had to see and hear about.

"That different," he tried to argue.

"How so?" I asked.

"We weren't together then," he said and while he had a point, so did I.

"That doesn't change the fact that I was in love with you and wanted to be with you. It doesn't change the fact that I had to watch you with all those girls and hear about them from you, but you know you are right in a way."

"About what?" He asked.

"It is different because I'm not dating any of those guys. You're all that exists for me," I said. I didn't intend to say that last part and I knew he wouldn't let it pass.

"Is that a fact?" He asked and I could tell by his tone that he had a big cheesy grin on his face.

"Is what a fact?" I asked trying to deflect.

"Don't play that with me. You know what you said," he gloated.

"Well, look at the time. I gotta go," I said kind of jokingly. I did have to go though as I had arrived at my dorm and I had to get some things together for a surprise.

"Trey, wait. I love you," he said. He just had to be a big mushy man-beast.

"I love you too," I said before ending the call.

"Hey loser," I heard as I walked through the lobby of the dorm. I turned and walked over to the person who'd said it.

"Now, I can say something to you, but it wouldn't be nice to speak to a woman that way," I said to her.

"Boy please. You don't have the guts to say anything to me," she said being completely wrong.

"What are you gonna do? You gonna go running to your sister to protect you?" I taunted.

"I don't need Justice to do anything for me," Liberty said before reaching up, grabbing my collar and bringing me down face to face with her. "I can deal with you all by myself," she said with a sinister grin that made me not doubt what she was saying.

"Whatever," I said as I pulled my collar from her grip.

"You two have a weird relationship," Light said with an amused smile after shaking her head.

"All of us have a weird relationship with each other," Jessica said which only made Light shake her head again.

"Hey Jessica, I locked the door if that's okay," A new girl said to Jessica after approaching us.

"That's fine. I have my key," Jessica responded.

"Okay. Well, I have a class so I'm gonna go," she said before walking away.

"Who dat?" I asked after she was gone.

"Jessica's new roommate. Scotty moved her into the dorm since Maria moved out and into the Sorority house," Liberty explained.

"Oh. Come to think of it, why aren't the three of you living in the Sorority house too?" I asked. They'd been in the Sorority for a while and yet they were still living in the dorm.

"Well, we just wanted to stay here," Jessica said which Liberty and Light agreed to with a nod. I didn't buy it though.

"You mean you didn't want to leave me here alone, right?" I asked and they started to object but ultimately chose to remain silent.

"Oh look, I got a text. Bye," Light said in a rush about 30 seconds later before booking it away from awkwardness.

"We..." Jessica started before trailing off.

"Thank you girls. You didn't have to do it, but thanks nonetheless," I said and they both nodded.

"You do know that there's now a price for our sacrifice, right?" Liberty asked with a slightly sinister grin.

"Wow," Jessica said while shaking her head and looking amused.

"I should have known you'd think of a way to get my money," I said as I stood up.

"Well, that's your fault. You should have given me some before. Now, I have to resort to extortion," she said looking way too serious.

"Extortion, you say," I said with a challenging stare.

"Yup," she said while meeting the challenge with that same grin still present. I put one of my own on and leaned down to face her.

"Ivy Moore," was all I said before her face dropped.

"I didn't say nothing," she said before picking up a magazine and trying to nonchalantly read it.

"Uh hm, thought so," I said before I shot her a victorious grin and turned to walk away.

"You'll get yours," she said as I walked away. I could hear Jessica snickering.

I headed for my room after speaking to a few guys as I passed them in the hall. It seemed things had gotten back to normal. I walked into my room and headed for the closet. I grabbed my duffel bag and started packing stuff in it that I'd need for the weekend. I planned to surprise Bear with a trip up to see him and Lane would be instrumental in that surprise.

"Hey dude, I got some news," Dave said as he entered the room. I looked at him to try and gauge from the look on his face if the news was good or bad, but his face was unreadable.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked as I sat down on my bed.

"My parents are coming to visit," he said, but I still couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Oh," I said and he laughed.

"You don't have to say it like that," he said looking amused.

"How did I say it?" I asked while trying to wipe my face clear of judgement.

"Like I just told you that someone got shot outside in the hall," he said.

"Well, I definitely didn't mean it like that," I told him, but he just waved me off.

"It's cool," he said before walking to his desk and looking through some stuff there.

"Are they coming down to check me out?" I asked as I remembered what he'd said about his parents when he came back to school.

"Probably, but you don't have to worry," he said but I wasn't convinced.

"Are you sure, because I can be gone when they get here if you want. I was planning on going to see Bear anyway," I told him.

"No, you don't need to. Besides, if they don't see you now, they'll keep making up excuses to come down until they get the chance to see you," he said. So they were coming down to check out the fag that their son was forced to live with... swell.

"Great," I said with little enthusiasm which made him chuckle slightly. "Well, when are they coming?" I asked as I continued to pack. I assumed they'd be here tomorrow from the way he'd said it.

"In about an hour or so," he said which shocked me. I wasn't ready yet to deal with these people who were coming here to check and make sure I wasn't turning their son gay. I'm sure that's what they were up to.

"What did you say?" I asked and I didn't like the panic in my voice.

"Relax dude. You look like you're about to face the inquisition," he joked, but was he really that far off.

"You're right," I said while putting on my best game face.

"There you go," he said and gave me a pat on back. "Look, I gotta run out for a bit. It shouldn't be more than 10 minutes," he said and I didn't like the sound of that at all.

"Say what now?" I asked as I looked at him with narrow eyes. I don't know if he was trying to cut out before his parents got here but I wasn't about to be meeting them alone.

"Like I said, it shouldn't be longer than 10 minutes, but you holding me up by panicking for no reason will make this longer," he said before heading for the door while shaking his head and looking amused. I wanted to do bodily harm to him but he'd already walked out of the door.

I looked myself over in the mirror and I looked fine. After about 30 seconds though, I started second guessing myself and that had me stripping down to my underwear and nothing else and searching through my clothes for the "straightest" clothing I had.

I finally found a pair of loose fitting jeans and a red plaid shirt and I threw them on real quick along with a pair of boots. I looked in the mirror again and was satisfied that I looked like any other guy aside from the dreads, but that didn't scream "gay" so I was fine with that. I finished packing my bag for the weekend and was just finishing when the door opened behind me and I heard a loud guffaw that was obviously Dave.

"Dude, what did you do?" Dave asked after he'd calmed down.

"I just changed my clothes," I said trying to play it off.

"Um dude, you didn't have to go all `Brawny Man' on me," he said before sitting down on his bed. He still looked highly amused with me which was kind of annoying me.

"I just changed my clothes. There's no reason behind it," I said unconvincingly I'm sure.

"Yeah right," Dave said not losing the smirk he had.

I picked up one of my pillows and chucked it at him. He threw it back which prompted the start of a pillow fight. I hit him with a particularly hard blow and he retaliated by tackling me onto my bed and then he proceeded with tickle warfare. I probably shouldn't have mentioned in front of him that I was kind of ticklish.

"Hi hon..." I heard from an unknown woman before I heard a sharp gasp.

"Mom, dad..." Dave said as we both looked at the open door. There stood a middle aged white man and woman with features that obviously combined to make Dave.

"Son," the man who had to be his father said in a not pleasant tone. It was then that I happened to look at the position we were in, sprawled on my bed with Dave hovering over me and not getting the hint to move, and I got why they were looking like someone had just shit on their shoes. I shoved Dave off of me and stood up quickly.

"Ow dude," Dave said as he stood up. He was acting awfully casual for someone who's parents were looking at him like they'd actually walked in and saw him giving me head or something.

"What is going on here?" his mother asked with obvious displeasure in her tone.

"Jeez Mom, we weren't doing anything but fooling around a little bit," Dave said and I saw both of his parents' eyes buck wide. I looked at him and saw a slight smirk on his face which was likely from him achieving the desired effect from what he'd said.

"Dave!" I said as I gave him a shot to the side with my elbow.

"Close the door Howard," Mrs. Hamilton said in a tone that had me worried I was about to be killed or something. Her husband did what she said and when the door was closed, they both returned to giving us those displeased looks before turning equal harsh glares on me.

"You two look so serious," Dave said still not sounding phased by this turn of events. They didn't answer as they glanced momentarily at him before returning to glaring at me.

"You must be Trey," Mrs. Hamilton said sounding an awful lot like Bear's grandmother, only without the accent. Unlike Maude Forrester though, it was very obvious that they were pissed about me being gay and not being black.

"Yup. Gay Trey here," I said choosing a bad time to be snarky. Dave seemed to like it though as I heard him try to stifle a snicker.

"So, what were you two doing just now?" Mrs. Hamilton asked as she continued to glare at me.

"Just a little smack and tickle," Dave said which definitely shocked his mother if the bucked eyes and the gasp was any indication. She literally looked like what you'd expect a woman clutching her pearls after seeing or hearing something shocking to look like down to her clutching the pearls she was actually wearing.

"Dave!" I said as I again gave him a shot to the ribs with my elbow.

"What? You smacked me with a pillow and I tackled you and started tickling you to win. That's smack and tickle," he said and I had to struggle real had to keep from rolling my eyes at him.

I heard a snort that sounded like someone trying to keep laughter in and it couldn't be Dave as I was looking at him. I looked over at his parents and saw his mother still looking shocked, but his dad was working on trying to keep a straight face.

"This is no joking manner, young man," Mrs. Hamilton said in reprimand to Dave. I almost laughed at the stereotypical manner in which she said this.

"Mom, please. You need to chill," Dave said off-handedly obviously not taking into account that his mother was thinking things about him.

"Watch the way you talk to your mother," Mr. Hamilton said recovering from almost laughing at Dave to return to `stern parent mode'.

"And I will not chill. You have no business carrying on in this manner with `him," she said and spared me no disgust as she cut her eyes at me when referring to me. That pissed me off big time.

"Excuse me but I have a name and I would prefer that you use it and not refer to me as `him'," I told her in as calm a tone as I could muster. Some of my annoyance and anger seeped out though as both his parents raised their eyebrows in surprise.

"See what you did," Dave said before walking over and sitting down on his bed.

"Look Trey..." Mr. Hamilton said in a more neutral tone but I wasn't having it.

"No I will not look. I could be sorry for being disrespectful, but since your wife doesn't care about doing it, I won't either. Believe it or not, I've encountered people like you before so I know that you two are thinking that I'm up in here corrupting your son, but trust me when I say that sex is the last thing I'm thinking about when I think about Dave," I said in a slightly more cordial tone.

"Wow, now that hurt," Dave said sounding wounded, but I knew he was joking.

"Look, I'm sorry if I came off as rude, but I just don't approve of... this type of thing," she said and I stayed quite because I didn't want to get Dave mad at me for going off on his mother more than I'd already have. If she kept it up though, I didn't think I'd care.

"Mom, it's none of your business," Dave said finally looking serious.

"What did I tell you David. Watch the way you talk to you mother," Mr. Hamilton chimed in.

"Don't you know any nice girls you can be with?" she asked and I smiled a snarky smile.

"I know plenty of nice girls, and they all have boyfriends, except one," I said and it's weird that she actually looked happy to hear this.

"Now see, why don't you-" she started but I interrupted because I knew where she was going.

"Because she's bisexual and not into me," I said and she gasped and clutched those pearls again. I took a small delight in seeing it.

"Dude, are you trying to kill my mom?" Dave asked but I just ignored him.

"Ma'am, sir, please have a seat," I said deciding to try and reason with them even though I didn't have to. Dave stood up and directed them to his bed to sit before sitting down on mine.

"Now, I know what you have to be thinking but trust me when I say that what you're thinking about me and other gay people is wrong," I said trying my hand at educating the likely misinformed.

"What makes you think you know what we think about you?" Mr. Hamilton said, likely not liking that I did know.

"Like I said before sir, I've met people like you two before. All gay people aren't sitting around thinking up ways of converting straight people. I definitely am not doing that. When I'm not thinking about school, I'm thinking about my family and friends. I'm thinking about the guy who I'm tutoring and trying to figure out how I'm gonna get him to understand the next lesson plan I have for him. Most importantly though, I'm thinking about my boyfriend that goes to a different school," I said in a mouthful that I hoped got through to them.

"Boyfriend?" Mrs. Hamilton said looking a bit shocked and I sighed a heavy sigh that that's all she took from what I'd said.

"Seriously mom? That's all you got from what he said?" Dave said voicing my thoughts. It was weird and I'm not sure I liked it. I only wanted Bear knowing me that well. I decided to keep going though.

"Yes ma'am, I am a gay man so I would have a boyfriend and not a girlfriend," I said a bit more snippy than I intended. I took a deep breath and tried again. "He goes to a different school and we don't get to see each other much. I've known him for all but the first two years of my life and we've been together for two years now. We grew up together and saw each other all the time so it's hard to go from that to maybe twice a month," I said and took it as a small victory that they weren't looking judgmental anymore and instead were looking thoughtful.

"Do you two see? He's way too hung up on his boyfriend to be thinking about doing anything with me. There's also the fact that if he were to try something with me and I went for it, that'd mean I wasn't all that straight in the first place," Dave said and they looked even more thoughtful.

"I can't say that I'm suddenly okay with this, but I'll think about what you've said," Mr. Hamilton said as he looked at me.

"Yes, I have to agree," Mrs. Hamilton added.

"That's fine, as long as you don't give Dave a hard time about me because he's only a friend to me," I said and they kind of nodded. I know I probably didn't completely change their minds, but their sudden behavior was at least something.

"Why don't I take you two out to look around campus," Dave said as he stood up.

"I've already seen it," Mr. Hamilton said as he and his wife stood.

"Well I haven't. That's a good idea honey," Mrs. Hamilton said before pinching Dave's cheek. He protested though to being babied in front of me.

"Do you wanna go with?" Dave asked after stepping out of reach of his mother. I could tell that his parents weren't sure they wanted me along which almost made me consider going.

"Naw. I'm gonna finish up here and head out," I said and I became wary of the smug smile that appeared.

"Okay. Tell you know who I said hello, and don't do anything I wouldn't do" he said before winking. I glanced at his parents with hope that they hadn't picked up on what he was implying but that hope was dashed as they were working hard to keep any discomfort off of their faces. I'm just glad that he didn't mention Bear's name in case Mr. Hamilton had seen any of his games and knew who he was.

"I never do. I'm a respectable guy," I said to get him back. I heard his mother gasp slightly and saw her grimace so I was satisfied.

"Not cool man," Dave said before ushering his parents out of the room.

I took a deep breath at being done with his parents. I finished packing my stuff before texting Lane to see if he was free to take me because I wanted to get going. He sent me a text about 10 minutes later and said he'd swing by to pick me up. I was excited to get to see Bear more than fly in a helicopter so I grabbed my stuff and headed out

I met the girls on the way out and told them where I was going. Jessica really wanted to go, but I told her that she'd have to get him to take her up another time. I headed for the parking lot just in time to see Lane pull up next to me. I thought that it was weird that he'd timed that so well, but I didn't question it.

I hopped into his silver Jag and we were off. He liked to drive fast and a couple of times I was worried he'd wreck the car. He must have noticed my nervousness because he told me to relax and said he knew how to drive. That didn't make me feel any better.

About 30 minutes later, we pulled into what had to be a private airfield. I looked off in the distance and saw a blue and white helicopter with the logo from his dad's company emblazoned on the side. I asked him about this and he said the company had two and he was allowed to fly the second. I kind of joked that it must be nice to have the kind of money that you can throw away on two helicopters. He laughed and got out of the car.

I followed him and he gave his keys to a guy at a station near the helipad before heading over to the helicopter. Up close, it didn't look as big as I'd imagined, but it was still pretty impressive. Another guy standing next to the helicopter told him everything was taken care of and he thanked him before walking around to what I thought was the passenger side and opened the door.

"Hop in," he said with a big smile.

"I could have opened that myself," I told him. I wasn't too keen on having him opening my door for me for some reason.

"Sure," he simply said before heading back around to the other side.

He hopped in and I looked up inside the thing that I was suddenly nervous to get in. He told me not to worry and to get in. The look on his face was so disarming that I hated him for it. Still though, it calmed me enough to climb on inside the helicopter. He messed with the controls for a bit before the beast roared to life.

He did what he told me was the pre-flight procedure before pulling back on the stick and we lifted off the ground. My nervousness was replaced with awe at looking at the ground from so high up. We began to fly and I watched the ground pass by beneath me thinking that I had to learn how to fly one of these things. I couldn't wait to get to Bear and tell him.


I was beat. I was glad that we didn't have a game as I was looking for some down time. Those thoughts disappeared though as I thought of Trey and I felt the need to see him. I got the idea to Skype him and see what he was up to for the weekend before I was interrupted by my roommate Deacon walking out of his room without a shirt on as usual.

"Dude, can you please go and put on a shirt. I get tired of looking at you," I said although I was mostly joking.

"Nope, can't do that. Gotta let the body breathe man," he said and I was just about to reply when I felt a moment of déjà vu. That lasted for a second or two before I realized that it wasn't déjà vu but a memory of Trey and I having a similar conversation, only I was Deacon and Trey was me.

"So dude, what're you up to this weekend? Are you going to see your girl?" He asked with a crooked grin and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about with this girl business," I said which was the truth. I had a guy and I wanted to say that but aside from the fact that Trey would have a fit, I couldn't be sure how he'd take it and I was the one that had to play on the same team with him.

"Man, who do you think you're kidding? You rush out of here at a moment's notice when you receive a call, you leave for days at a time, and you don't even look at any of the ladies around here throwing themselves at you. This girl must have you sprung," Deacon said and I didn't like how he'd noticed some things about me. A little further thought on those points and you'd reach the conclusion that I was gay.

"I could have been going home," I said to try and throw him off.

"Nope, that's not it. I heard you talking to your mother yesterday and you were defending yourself for not having been home since you left for school," he said and that caused me a slight bit of worry. If he'd heard that, he should have logically been able to hear my conversations with Trey with me saying his name and a lot of mushy lovey dovey stuff.

"Stop being nosy," I told him instead of asking him if he'd ever overheard me talking to anyone else.

"Nope," he said simply before slipping on his t-shirt and then a sweater.

"What about you. What're you up to for the weekend?" I asked as I'd seen him packing a bag earlier.

"Remember I told you my cousin's wedding is tomorrow," he said and I did remember him telling me a couple of weeks ago. "You can come with if you want," he said as he looked in the mirror on the wall between our rooms.

"That's okay. I'm just gonna relax for the weekend," I said and he nodded.

"Wish I could," he said before walking into his room and returning with his bags.

"You could skip it," I said even though I wasn't serious.

"I would, but my mother would never let me hear the end of it," he said before heading over to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water.

"Yeah, I can imagine," I said and he nodded.

"Well I'm off," he said after draining the bottle in one go and tossing it in the trash. He then picked up his bags and gave me a nod which I returned before he left leaving me alone for the weekend.

I went to grab a bottle of water and mimicked Deacon by draining it in one go. I then grabbed an apple and a banana and headed for the couch and switched on the TV. I flipped through several channels before settling on ESPN 2 and digging into my fruit.

After about 20 minutes, I got a text from an unknown number. The text said for me to meet the sender outside. I ask the person who they were, but all the person sent back was a repeat of their first text. I questioned if I should do what the text said and I wondered if I had time to call Justice and have her find out who it was, but ultimately, I did what the text said.

I pulled on my shoes and a jacket and headed downstairs. Once I was outside I looked around, but I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I got another text and this one said to head right until I received another text. This got my guard up, but I was also curious so I did what the person said. About 3 minutes later, I got another text that said to stop so I did. I looked around and I saw a figure step away from behind the statue I was standing near, but I couldn't completely make the person out with the setting sun.

I got another text, but this time, it was from Trey. I was curious about why he was texting me when I was probably in the middle of a mystery novel until I read the text that said "kiss me". I suddenly knew who the person standing a few yards from me was and I rushed to get to him and do what I was told.

"Baby," I said as I reached him before I pulled him to me and kissed him with everything I had. He didn't hold back either and I was happy for that.

"Hey big guy," he said with a big beautiful grin that made my heart stutter.

"You're good. You sure do know how to surprise a guy," I said before pulling him into another hug. I wasn't really worried about anyone seeing us with the low light.

"Thank you," he said with a mock bow while looking very pleased with himself.

"Where did you get the other phone though?" I asked as I thought that was kind of an elaborate surprise.

"Him," he said as he gestured to the back of the statue. I saw a guy that looked like he was oozing privileged which meant that he had to be Lane. I naturally found my eyes narrowing as this guy was good looking and spending an lot of time with my guy. That didn't make me happy to finally see him.

"Lane Prescott. Nice to meet you," this guy said as he walked toward me with his hand extended. I didn't make any move to greet him. When he realized that I wasn't gonna shake his hand, he retracted it.

"Don't mind him. He's just trying to scare you to make sure you don't try anything with me," Trey said, but he was wrong. Well, mostly wrong. I just didn't like this guy.

"Well now I don't know. We do spend a lot of time together and anything can happen under those circumstances," this douche had the nerve to say. Before I even realized it, I was headed towards him and Trey was between us trying to hold me back.

"Bear, stop it. He was just messing with you," Trey said obviously trying to save pretty boy's life.

"I think I'd better go before you need another way to get up here," Lane said before saying he'd see me later and walking away.

"He's gone now. You can disengage overprotective attack mode," Trey said which was enough to get me to do so and almost laugh.

"Why was that fool here?" I asked trying to hold on to being pissed, but being around Trey was really making that hard.

"Well, that `fool' flew me here to see you," he said again looking highly pleased with himself.

"Did you say flew?" I asked because... huh?

"His dad has a helicopter, well two really, and he has a license to pilot it and that was part of our deal for me agreeing to tutor him," he said and I was definitely surprised as he hadn't told me about that part.

"Uh, this is news," I said trying to get my head around it.

"I know. I didn't tell you about that part specifically for a situation like this. Well, the surprising you part, not the part where you try to kill the guy," he said and I felt a tad bit sorry for the way I'd acted toward the guy when he'd gone to the trouble of flying Trey up to see me.

"I feel like an ass," I said and Trey snickered.

"Well, I guess it's a good thing I like ass," he said and I joined him in snickering.

"Come on," I said before heading back to my dorm. I turned around to find Trey still standing where I'd left him. "My roommate is gone until Sunday night," I said and he smiled and started walking towards me.

We walked through the lobby and I could feel how uptight Trey was. I don't know what he was expecting. It's not like he had a big neon sign that said "I suck Bear's dick" or something. He didn't look in the least like he even might be gay. That thought stopped me in my tracks as I'd just realized how he was dressed. I tried to keep a straight face as I started back to walking as he'd passed me and not noticed that had stopped.

We finally got up to my room without any incident, though I didn't expect one. Trey let out a loud sigh as he dropped his bag. I had to laugh at how high strung he got sometimes. He rolled his eyes at me and attempted to walk away but I couldn't have that. I locked the door then grabbed his wrist and he stopped. He looked at me with those beautiful grey eyes and I had to have him.

I pulled him to me and dove right in. The kiss was pretty tame at first, but like so many times when we kissed, it turned heavy fast. After about a minute, I had him pressed up against the wall and we were going at it with a frenzy.

Before I knew it, I was rock hard and grinding up against him as he was doing the same. It felt so good to feel him like this that I got even more turned on. His hands went from gripping and clawing at my back to sliding down to grip my ass which brought a loud moan from both of us.

As we continued kissing, or rather eating each other's faces, it started to become way too hot for the jacket that I still had on so I shed mine and worked to get his off too. That wasn't enough though as I wanted to feel his skin against mine so I started to undo his shirt when I heard a key in the door.

Trey shoved me away from him so hard that I almost fell over the chair that I bumped into. We both seemed to have the same idea and rushed to sit down and just made it when the door opened and Deacon strolled in.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and noticed that I had a slightly aggressive tone.

"Don't mind him. He just heard some bad news and he hasn't learned how to not bite someone's head off," Trey said sounding cool as a cucumber despite the situation we'd almost been caught in. I briefly wondered when he'd learned to do that, and when I'd lost the ability to do so.

"Oh, okay," Deacon said nonchalantly before heading toward his room before stopping in his tracks and turning back toward us. "Wait, who are you?" He asked and I would have laughed at how long it took for Trey to register to him if I wasn't in a battle to reign in my hard dick.

"I'm Trey," Trey said as he extended his hand to Deacon.

"I'm Deacon," Deacon said as he and Trey shook hands. "Oh yeah. You're the friend that Bear talks about all the time," he said and I wanted to kick him in the nuts for telling Trey that.

"I guess I am," Trey said as they shook hands. He glanced at me and I could see a cross between "aww, you old softie" and "stop talking about me so much before he figures things out" in his eyes.

"So you came down here to visit your old pal. That's cool," he said and I saw Trey breath a discreet sigh of relief and I realized that he wasn't as cool as he looked.

"Well, I was passing through and I knew I couldn't just not stop by and see the big galoot. Besides, he'd never let me hear the end of it if he found out," Trey said and damn he was good.

"Yeah, I can imagine," Deacon said before heading for his room.

"I thought you said he was gone for the weekend," Trey hissed at me when Deacon was out of earshot.

"He was supposed to be," I said as I stood up now that my boner was under control.

"He almost caught us," Trey said as he stood and I could see that he was under control as well.

"I know that," I said as I started pacing a bit. "Maybe we should just tell him," I said after few seconds.

"No," he said sternly with hard look in my direction.

"Why not?" I asked. I suddenly wanted to tell Deacon because then, I'd at least have one person here I could confide in, and I wouldn't have to hide my relationship from him.

"Bear, we've already had this conversation. I'm not gonna have you getting hurt just because you can't control your impulse to broadcast our relationship status," he said which both pissed me off and made me want to hug him.

"So Trey, how long are you in town?" Deacon asked as he came back in the room from his bedroom.

"For the weekend," Trey said going back into cool customer mode.

"Well I won't be here so you can crash in my room if you want," Deacon said and for some reason, the thought of Trey sleeping in Deacon's bed pissed me off big time. I probably shouldn't have let Trey see that it did.

"I'd love to. Thank you so much" Trey said with an annoying smile.

"No, he won't be sleeping in your bed," I said before I could stop myself.

"Why not? It'll be empty and it's not like he's gonna be sleeping in your bed," Deacon said and I heard Trey snort.

"I'm sure Trey doesn't wanna sleep in that bed with all the jizz that's probably on those sheets from your `dates'," I said and Deacon looked like I'd hurt his feelings.

"How dare you tell my business like that," Deacon said while feigning being upset. "Look dude, don't listen to that jackass. I changed my sheets this morning," Deacon said to Trey who looked like he was trying to keep from laughing at the situation.

"Don't worry. I never listen to him," Trey said and I made a mental note to get him naked and torture him later.

"What are you doing back here anyway?" I asked him again since he didn't ask the first time.

"Well, I forgot my present for my cousin. It's a good thing that I'm driving down for the wedding and not flying because I'd be in trouble," he said and that's when I noticed a gift-wrapped box in his hand.

"You're gonna be driving all night by yourself?" Trey asked and I loved that he was concerned about a guy who he'd just met.

"I should be there before midnight. It's not that long of a drive and I'll be stopping off to pick up another cousin so I won't be alone," he said and Trey nodded.

"Well, you'd better get a move on. Wouldn't want your mother to get on your ass," I said hoping I didn't sound like I was pushing him out, which I was.

"Yeah, I'd better go before I start grilling Trey on who your secret girlfriend is," Deacon said and I noticed Trey's eyebrows shoot up high, but he held his tongue.

"Get lost jackass," I said jokingly.

"Later doof," Deacon said before heading out the door. I waited for about 10 seconds before going over to lock the door again.

"You have a secret girlfriend?" Trey asked as he looked at me with his arms crossed and a stern look on his face. I was about to defend myself until I saw he wasn't able to make his eyes cooperate with the rest of his body language.

"Idiot," I said before walking over to the couch and sitting down.

"I know you are but what am I?" he said as he dropped down next to me.

"I missed you," I said as I took his hand in mine.

"Me too," he said as he looked into my eyes. He looked so beautiful that I just didn't understand why he had so little self-esteem sometimes.

I reached up and trailed my fingertips down the length of his face before grasping his chin and pulling him towards me. When our lips met this time, it was soft and sweet and I could feel his heartbeat pick up as did mine.

I felt his hands on my face before they slid up to my hair and he softly ran his fingers through my hair as we continued to kiss. He pulled me to him and laid back on the couch so I was on top of him and he started caressing my back. I know he was feeling my muscles as he'd told me how he liked to do that.

The heat started to build between us again, but it didn't get that chance to reach the level it had before because there was a knock at my door. We both let out equal frustrated sigh and then laughed at each other before I got up to answer the door.

"Bear, open up. We know you're in there," I heard from the other side of the door just as I reached it. I knew who it was then and shook my head at the timing.

"What do you guys want?' I asked as I opened the door to see several of my teammates on the other side.

"We're here to take your ass out," said Kenan Summers, our quarterback.

"I'm not in the mood," I said hoping they'd listen, but that wasn't to be as they pushed their way into my room.

"Who dat?" Tyson Hart, one of the defensive linemen asked pointing at Trey.

"Dude, have some manners," Kenan said as he slapped Tyson across the chest.

"Guys, this is Trey," I said and I don't know why, but I had the sudden urge to tell them the truth. Trey obviously saw this as he stood up and kind of rushed over to us.

"I'm an old buddy of his from back home," he said and I tried to hide the fact that hearing him call himself that made me cringe.

"Oh, well nice to meet ya," Kenan said as he shook Trey's hand. A couple of the other guys shook his hand as well, but I noticed that one of my teammates, a guy named Hoyt Daniels stood back and eyed Trey weirdly. It made me wonder if he believed Trey's lie.

"You came all the way up here just to see this Bear?" Tyson asked as he kind of leaned on Trey. I wanted to stop him from touching what was mine, but I couldn't do so without looking suspicious.

"Well, I came to see someone else, and I wanted to stop by and see the big guy here," Trey said and I tried my best to keep my face as neutral as possible even though inside, I was wondering when did he learn to lie so convincingly.

"A girl someone?" Tyson asked with a huge cheesy grin on his face.

"Maybe," Trey said with a smile that pissed me off. I just hoped nobody saw it.

"See, you don't have anything to do so you're coming with us," Kenan said and I started to protest again but Trey jumped in.

"You should go," he said while looking at me with a pleading look.

"I'm not in the mood to go out," I said and I could slightly hear the irritation in my voice.

"Don't let me keep you from hanging with your teammates. I'm just gonna go and see who I came to see," he said and I actually started to wonder if he did only come to see someone else.

"You spend too much time holed up in here. You're going and that's the order of your captain," Kenan said which only served to piss me off as Trey wasn't helping things at all.

"I'm gonna go so go have fun with your friends. I'll see you later," Trey said before heading towards the door. He turned and shot me an apology with his eyes before walking out of the door.


Bear was pissed off with me I know. I realize that the situation could have been handled much better than it was, but I was trying to shut him down because I could tell he was gearing up to tell them about us. The idea came to me that if I pissed him off enough, he wouldn't want to tell them about us. This presented the problem though of the possibility of there no longer being an "us" to tell anyone about, but he wouldn't have gotten that pissed.

As I walked around the campus of a school I didn't attend, at night, with nowhere to go, I started thinking about how much I'd wanted Bear over the years. The yearning for him became unbearable at times and that necessitated the action that I took, which was to shut off any kind of major feelings I had about anything and hide behind snarky and snide remarks.

That worked for the most part, until it didn't at all anymore, and that led to me having to be honest with myself, with him and everyone else about myself. I wanted Bear and I was thrilled when I actually got him, but ever since then, at some point in our relationship I was finding excuses to hide our relationship. The logic of the fact that after wanting a relationship with Bear for so long, but after getting him I'd spent a large part of the time afterward trying to hide that relationship wasn't lost on me.

It's one of the things that made me really consider if I was insane, at least in some way. It also made me consider if Bear was insane as well as the stupid decisions I made on the fly would be enough to drive a sane person away. It made me worry that I would do something that would be enough to drive him away.

"What did you do to Bear?" Someone asked me which startled me because I was lost in thought. I turned and saw a woman standing there who looked familiar, but I couldn't place her. The fact that she knew me and sounded like she knew about Bear and I had me on guard.

"Who are you?" I asked as I took a step back. I mentally kicked myself because unless this slight woman had a gun, she wasn't a threat.

"Oh please Trey. I don't look that different," she said and she sounded like...

"Miriam? Is that you?" I asked as I looked her over carefully. She was sans glasses with shorter, but still long, dark brown hair. Her skin was flawless and I ran the image of her I had in my head against the one I was currently looking at and I guess her skin hadn't changed much. She looked like she'd be the most popular girl in school back at our old school.

"See, this is what happens when you don't see someone for months," she said with an amused smile.

"Aren't you supposed to be at Columbia?" I asked because that's where I thought she was all the times I've talked to her since school started.

"No... I told you this summer that I was going here," she said while looking at me like I'd lost my mind.

"No you didn't," I told her because I think I would have remembered that.

"Maybe you were too caught up in La-La Land with Bear to remember what I told you," she said and I had to admit that it was plausible that she did tell me and I forgot.

"You mean to tell me you've been here, with Bear, all this time?" I asked as I was still struggling to understand this.

"I was just waiting for you to ask me to spy on him, which I would have done. I didn't realize the reason you didn't was because you didn't know I was here," she said and I seriously considered taking her up on that, but I just couldn't.

"Wow," I said as I took a seat on the bench that was near me.

"So, you never answered my question," she said but I couldn't remember being asked a question.

"What question?" I asked.

"What did you do to Bear?" she asked as she took a seat next to me.

"What makes you think I did something to Bear?" I asked her while trying to keep my cool as the way she said it strangely pissed me off. It was probably because she was right.

"You had that thinking face you have when you do something wrong and you're trying to navigate through all the wrong turns you made. Since you're here, walking alone at night, it can only be about Bear," she said. I guess she hadn't lost the ability to read me during our time apart.

"I think I might have screwed up," I said before telling her everything from arriving there to leaving Bear's dorm. She was silent for about a minute before responding.

"Okay, let's not deal with this problem right now. You're gonna come with me to a party I was going to and get your mind off of this. Then later, you can talk to Bear after he's had some time to calm down," she said and I wanted to say no at first, but it was probably a good idea. Besides, Bear was probably gone so I'd have to wait anyway.

"Fine, but I'm telling you now that I'm not gonna be any fun," I said as I stood and so did she. She grabbed my hand and looked a me earnestly.

"Oh honey, you were never any fun," she said before snickering and dragging me off in whatever direction this party was in. There were definitely still some things I had to talk to her about but they could wait.


"Dude, are you planning on having any fun?" Kenan asked as he sat down across from me. We were at an outdoor party and like he said, I was not having any fun. I was moping and stewing on the fact that I'd basically been forced to go out with these guys by Trey who proceeded to abandon me as well. Why did he even bother to come here if that's what he was gonna do?

"Well, I told you I wasn't in the mood for this," I told him and I guess he sought to change that as he slid the full beer he was holding across to me.

"Now tell me all about what ills you," he said sounding like a concerned parent.

"No thanks," I said before taking a swig from the beer.

"Come on man, lighten up. You've been extra growly ever since we first showed up at your place," he said as he continued to look at me and I tried to ignore him.

"Yeah," I said dismissively. He watched me for a few more seconds before grabbing the bottle of beer from Tyson as he passed us. Tyson just shot him a dirty look and headed back to get another one.

"Does this have to do with your friend?" He asked and again I was tempted to tell him the truth, but then again, I was too pissed off to think of Trey in good enough terms to risk anything for him.

"Kinda," I said vaguely.

"Did he tell you something that upset you?" He asked as he continued to study me. It kind of unnerved me a bit because he seemed like he was actually trying to figure me out.

"You could say that," I said as I continued to be vague.

"Bear, I want you to meet Mimi. Mimi, this is Bear," Tyson said as he arrived at the table with this stacked blond girl who was eyeing me like I was gold or something.

"Hello Bear," she said in a breathy tone as she extended her hand for shake. I shook her hand in that dainty way that some women liked but I hated.

"Hi Mimi," I said in as social a tone as I could muster which probably still sounded grumpy.

"Aw, what's wrong?" She asked as she slid into the seat next to me and moved very close to me. I didn't move away from her but I didn't move toward her either.

"Not really in a good mood," I said honestly which for some reason prompted her to move closer to me. I looked at her and she looked like she was deciding whether to savor me or swallow me whole. I looked around for help, but Kenan and Tyson had abandoned me to fend for myself with this obviously thirsty girl. I looked over and saw a group of the guys watching us from a distance with hopeful grins on their faces.

"That's too bad, but maybe I can do something to help you feel better," she said before laying her hand on my thigh and started rubbing it getting closer on every upstroke to my dick.

"That's okay," I said as I tried to tactfully extract her hand from my thigh.

"Here you go dude," Kenneth Bradley another of my teammates said as he sat three beers down on the table. "Thanks," I said as I took one of the beers and downed half of it in one go.

"Do you wanna tell me what's got you so upset?" Mimi asked as she slyly maneuvered her hand back onto my thigh.

"Not really," I said as I looked at her and downed the other half of my beer. As I looked her over, I saw that she was really hot and back in the day, I'd probably already have her off somewhere trying to get into her panties, although I don't think I'd have to try hard.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're very, very hot?" She asked next to my ear before she latched onto my earlobe and started sucking on it. I'm not gonna lie, it felt really good and finally got me to stirring downstairs.

"I've been told," I said before I grabbed a third beer and started drinking it.

It was about this time that I realized that I was half hard and Mimi was doing her best to make that fully hard. She started to sucking on my neck slightly behind my ear and I heard a slight moan escape my throat. I opened my eyes enough to make out the guys a ways away from us looking like they were celebrating their victory of getting me on the road to getting laid.

Mimi started sucking on my neck in earnest which I had to admit she was talented at. She moved her other hand that was on my thigh up to grip my bicep for a few seconds before moving it down the length of my arm to my hand until her fingers came into contact with my ring. The second that happened, it was like lightning struck me and not in a good way as I suddenly remembered Trey and that he'd probably want to kill me if he saw this.

I moved back from her as fast as I could but her fingers were still threaded in my fingers and that caused her to pull my ring off. She noticed the look on my face as she palmed the ring which must have provoked her to look at it. She obviously saw the inscription that said "Trey loves Bear" and the infinity symbol as her eyes widened slightly.

"Nice ring," she said as she handed me back the ring.

"Thanks," I mumbled as I took it and put it back on.

"I didn't ask before if you had a girlfriend," she said as she looked at me carefully.

"No, I don't," I said as I looked at her and hoped I conveyed to her what I meant with my eyes.

"I see," she said before sliding out of the seat and standing up.

"It was nice to meet you Mimi," I said as I extended my hand.

"You too and I won't say a word," she said before walking away which confirmed that she got what I meant.

"Dude, what happened?" Tyson asked as he and the other guys arrived where I was.

"I don't know. She was kissing me then all of a sudden she jumped up and apologized," hoping they'd been far enough away that my explanation was believable.

"Damn," one of my teammates said.

"What was up with that ring on your finger though?" Kenan asked as he watched me closely. I guess he at least had seen that.

"That's what made her jump up. Maybe she had a boyfriend or something," I said and the other guys just nodded. I looked at Kenan but he just looked back and I wondered if he believed me.

"What's up with that ring anyway?" Kenneth asked he looked at it a little closer.

"Yeah, it looks kind of fancy for a normal ring," said Toby, Kenneth's cousin. He wasn't on the team but he still hung out with his cousin a lot. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say it was an engagement ring," he said as he lifted my hand to get a closer look. What he said briefly shocked me enough to yank my hand back.

"It's nothing," I mumbled.

"You sure?" Kenan asked as he continued to closely observe me.

"Yeah, I am," I snapped and the guys looked around at each other. "Sorry," I mumbled, but I guess they got over it as Tyson gave me a pat on the back.

"It's cool dude," Tyson said with the infectious smile he was known to have and I found myself genuinely smiling for the first time since before they'd showed up.

"What happened to Hoyt?" I asked as I hadn't seen him since we'd gotten there.

"He bailed just after we got here. He said he had something to do," Kenneth said so I just shrugged. I wanted to talk to Trey, but I had to endure the rest of the night with these guys first.


"I know you said that you wouldn't be any fun, but I didn't think you were being literal," Miriam said as she stood next to me at the house party we were at. I was surprised that Miriam had changed so much in such a short time as she was eager to party and a lot of people seemed to know her.

"I tried to tell you," I said with a shrug.

"Yeah, you did," she said as she gave me that look that she was prone to giving me when I was doing something stupid. I was glad to see it so I'd know that "my" Miriam was still in there.

"Hey Miri, let's dance," some guy said as he walked up. He was the third one in the last hour. Oh yeah, and apparently Miriam was Miri now.

"Not right now Linc," she said and the guy looked kind of devastated before saying okay and walking off.

"I can leave so you can entertain your fans," I said and she gave me that look again.

"No you will not leave. You will stay here and try to have some fun," she said before walking over to the tub of ice that contained what I assumed were beers and grabbing two bottles. She came back and handed me one and I saw that they were actually wine coolers.

"I don't know. I think this is a little too gay even for me," I joked and she smiled.

"No, that would be a Shirley Temple. Besides, nothing is too gay for you," she quipped before we both took a drink.

"So, have you talked to Kenji?" I asked and I could tell from her facial expression that she had.

"Yeah... I have," she said kind of hesitantly.

"How is he?" I asked and again her face gave away way too much.

"Still mad at me," she said sounding sad.

"And still hating me," I added.

"He doesn't-" she started but I had to stop her.

"Miriam," I said as I held up a hand to stop her from lying.

"Yeah, he's still a bit bitter," she said trying to be tactful. I kind of figured she'd reach out to him at some point. I wanted to, but I knew where it would go and I already had too many haters in my life to go looking for more.

"Yeah, that's an understatement," I said which obviously made her sad. I regretted bringing him up, but I was in that kind of mood.

"He just needs time," she said and I knew she was trying to be supportive so I managed to keep my cool. He'd already had two years and if that wasn't enough time, nothing was gonna change.

"Hey Miri, where you been hiding?" a stocky guy asked as he came up to her wearing a Letter jacket. He had to be a jock and that's when I thought of two things at once. One was Bear of course, and the other was Dale. I wondered if he and Miriam were still together and that's why she wasn't dancing with these guys in front of me.

"I've been hanging with an old friend," she said as she gestured to me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Milo," the guy said as he extended his hand.

"Trey," I said as I shook.

"So you're the famous Trey that Miri can't stop talking about?" he asked and I saw that Miriam didn't want me to hear that.

"I don't know what he's talking about," she said as she elbowed him hard in the side.

"Ow," Milo let out as he doubled over a little.

"So you've been talking about me? Oh Miri, you sweetie," I teased making sure to call her Miri since that seemed to be the name that everyone knew her by.

"Yeah dude. I'm tempted to ask if you're her boyfriend," Milo said and Miriam let out a loud laugh that she squelched quickly.

"What so funny?" Milo asked looking confused.

"Yeah Miri, what's so funny?" I mock asked her. I knew why she'd laughed but I was kind of unsure if I wanted this guy to know in case he knew Bear.

"Uh, inside joke," she said but poor Milo still looked confused.

"Tell me Milo, did you come to ask my dear friend Miri to dance?" I asked and he actually blushed.

"Well yeah, I did, but if you two are hanging out..." he said before trailing off.

"She'd love to dance with you," I said and he lit up.

"Wait, but I-" she started but I stopped that.

"Get your ass out there and dance with this guy before I do," I whispered in her ear after pulling her close to me.

"You wouldn't," she said looking a bit surprised.

"Try me," I said as a challenge.

"I guess I'm not the only one that's changed," she said kind of softly.

"She's all yours," I said as I gently pushed her towards Milo.

"Thanks dude," he said before grabbing her hand and pulling her away.

I watched the two of them and I again wondered if her and Dale were still a thing as they looked a little too cozy. They probably had fell victim to the fate of a lot of long distance relationships. This thought brought me back to Bear and I started wondering if he was still mad or if his teammates had managed to cool him off.

"What's got you so down?" I heard someone ask which startled me a bit. I looked up and standing there kind of close to me, but not too close, was a rather tall muscular guy. He had a thick beard and I have to admit that he was my type.

"Nothing," I said and I didn't like how I kind of yelped.

"Are you sure? You look kind of down," he said as he leaned against the wall I was standing near. The wall definitely looked better with him there than me.

"I'm fine," I said hoping that I sounded believable.

"Okay, if you say so," he said. I expected him to leave after that but he continued to lean there while he looked me over. I couldn't tell what he thought as his face was unreadable. "I'm Hoyt," he said with an extended hand after about a minute of silence.

"Trey," I said as I extended my own hand. He grasped it, but didn't shake. He just held my hand in his and I noticed that he had big hands like Bear. In fact, he was very similar to Bear which was not a good thing as my libido was noticing it too.

"I know. We've met," he said but I couldn't recall meeting him before. I think I'd remember this guy.

"We have?" I asked as he continued to hold my hand and I didn't try to retrieve it.

"Earlier when we came to see Bear," he said and that was the motivation I needed to yank my hand from his grasp.

"Uh..." was all I was able to say.

"You know, you have amazing eyes. They're so sensual and inviting," he said in a deep husky tone which utterly confused me and put me on guard. This guy played on Bear's team, but it also seemed like he was on Bear's "other team" as well. Either that or he was trying to see if there was anything going on between Bear and me because Bear had raised somebody's suspicions.

"What did you say?" I asked as I took a step back from him.

"I think you heard me," he said with a mischievous smile as he started advancing on me. I answered that by taking more steps backwards.

"I'm not-" I started but he shook his head.

"Yes you are," he said not losing that smile. I was confused by what was happening. Was he about to out me or was he hitting on me.

"What makes you think that?" I asked as I hit a wall behind me.

"This," he said as he lifted my right wrist indicating my rainbow bracelet.

"That doesn't mean anything," I said as I yanked my wrist from his grasp.

"It says enough," he said before grasping my hand again. He turned my hand over and started tracing a finger over my palm.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked not liking how weak my voice sounded.

"I'm usually better at handling myself, but there's something about you that made me need to find you," he said and at least he'd lost that cockiness he'd had before.

"Why?" I asked, but I could guess the reason.

"I... I just had to talk to you, touch you, kiss you," he said and that definitely shocked me.

"I-" I started to say but I was silenced and shocked by his lips on mine as he pinned me against the wall. I was stunned still until I felt his tongue on my lips indicating he wanted entrance which was not about to happen. I pushed him back and he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Why?" He asked looking confused.

"First of all, you don't know that I'm gay. I could run out of here screaming that you're a fag," I said and at least he looked worried that I could do just that. "Secondly, even if I was gay, you can't just push all up on me like that," I finished and he looked like he was slightly dazed.

"I just... I knew when I saw you that you were gay. I've never been as instantly attracted to anyone before and I guess I just lost my head a bit," he said sounding humble but I couldn't get past one thing he said.

"You... knew, just by looking at me?" I asked not liking that tone of my voice. It was an old issue of mine from as far back as I could remember. Plus, I couldn't come off as gay while being around Bear without arousing suspicion with him not dating anyone.

"I have a pretty good gaydar," he said with a smile and that cockiness returned full force.

"Well, I'm not interested," I said but he didn't look like he wanted to take no for an answer.

"Please, just give me a chance," he said before he kissed me again. I was about to push him away, but he ended the kiss himself. "I promise to show you a good time," he whispered in my ear before he latched on to my neck behind my ear. I'm ashamed to admit that he had me briefly. That was one of the spots that really turned me on and I cursed the moan that escaped me.

"Wait...," I said in a whimper before another moan.

"I'll give you such good pleasure," he whispered in my ear and that was all I needed to hear.

"No thanks," I said as I pushed him back. He looked confused as he'd probably never been turned down before and I could definitely believe that part with the way he looked.

"But why?" He asked in a kind of whine which made me smile.

"I'm not interested," I said as I made eye contact with him so he could get the message. I may have conveyed too much though because he suddenly looked like he'd figured something out.

"Bear," he said looking a bit triumphant when I couldn't control my reaction.

"What about him?" I asked a bit too defensively.

"You like him," he stated more than asked.

"Bear's straight," I lied and hoped that he believed me. I know that he'd obviously outed himself to me, but he may have felt that using the fact that Bear was with a guy was a way to ensure my silence, or even get what he wanted from me. I couldn't be sure so lying was the safest bet.

"I never said he wasn't but that doesn't change the fact that you want him," he said and I used the pause to do some quick thinking.

"You can't tell him. He can't know," I said hoping that would deter him. It would either do that or expose him for the snake I feared he was.

"What do I get out of it?" He asked with a cocky grin which I took as confirmation of my suspicions.

"What do you want?" I asked him aggressively on purpose.

"Calm down tiger," he said in a humorous tone but that only served to piss me off more. Bear called me that so I considered that just for us.

"What do you want?" I asked in my best imitation of pissed off Bear.

"Okay, easy. I was just kidding. I'm not in any position to demand anything as you hold all the cards in my case," he said, but I wasn't sure if I should believe him.

"You promise not to tell Bear about me?" I asked again.

"Promise," he said and offered his hand to shake. I shook it, but he didn't let go.

"Are you sure you don't want to hook up? I've been told I'm a great lover," he said and if I were a different person, I'd take him up on that, but even at that moment, Bear was still my everything and nobody would ever equal that.

"I'm positive," I said and I was. This guy was hot and he'd done more for me than any other guy I'd ever met, but Bear still eclipsed him. It made me happy that even when presented with a guy who was exactly my type and offering me whatever I could want, that I still preferred Bear.

"Wow, that stings," he said, but he was mostly joking.

"Sorry," I said even though I mostly wasn't.

"I'll see you around," he said and after taking a few more seconds to look me over, he turned and left.

"I was starting to think I'd have to get the girls together and whip your ass, or his," I heard as I saw Miriam walking into eyesight.

"You saw that?" I asked and it was then that I wondered if anyone else had seen us.

"Don't worry. I don't think anybody else saw, but I have to say that football players are getting brazen these days," she said and I had to agree.

"Tell me about it," I said and we both laughed.

I told her a cliff's noted version of what had happened and she said that I was crazy, but that she also admired my restraint. I finally got around to asking about Dale and she said that they'd agreed to take a break and would see where they were over the holidays. I was kind of sad to hear that, but maybe they had run their course. It did make me need to talk to Bear though.


I had to endure two more hours of hanging with the guys, but it wasn't so bad once their attention moved on from my ring. The guys dragged me to two more parties before I was able to convince them that I was partied out and wanted to get back to my room so I could crash. They eventually relented and I left as soon as I could.

I headed back to my dorm and wondered where Trey was. I thought of texting him but thought better of it. He knew where I was and could come back when he wanted. As I reached my door though, I thought about the fact that Trey had been out on campus all night with nowhere to go and then I started to worry. I pulled my phone from my pocket and started texting him as I opened the door but came to a stop once I saw him sitting on my sofa.

"What are you doing here? How did you get in?" I asked as I walked in and closed and locked the door.

"You didn't lock the door. I hope you're not in a habit of doing that," he said. As I looked at him, my anger and annoyance started to fade quite a bit.

"Where did you go?" I asked as I walked over to him.

"Where did you?" he asked back. I tried to figure what he was thinking but for the first time in a long time, I couldn't get a read on him.

"The guys dragged me to some parties around campus," I said and I noticed a brief reaction that was quickly masked before I could figure out what it meant.

"Well, Miriam dragged me to a party," he said after a few seconds.

"Miriam? Why was she here?" I asked as I sat down.

"Well apparently, she goes here and you didn't even know," he said, but that couldn't be possible. I would like to think I'd be able to pick a girl with long red hair and glasses out if I saw her.

"That can't be," I said and he smirked.

"You probably saw her and didn't even know it was her," he said before taking out his phone and swiping a few times before showing it to me.

"That's Miriam?" I asked as the girl I was looking at was not the Miriam that I remember from just earlier this past summer.

"Yeah, well no. She's Miri now," Trey said with a roll of his eyes.

"Miri..." I said and he nodded. "Well, I'll have to be careful now that I know you have a spy around," I joked and he laughed, but I could see something in his eyes that worried me.

"She actually said that she thought that I knew that she was here and was waiting on me to tell her to spy on you," he said before laughing again and again I saw that something.

"Is she still with Dale?" I asked as I tried to figure out what was going on.

"A guy kissed me," Trey blurted out before his eyes went wide. "I meant to say that they are taking a break," he said as he held his head in his hand.

"Would you mind repeating that?" I asked but it wasn't a question. I could hear my teeth grinding and my jaw hurt from how hard I was clenching it.

"I'm sorry. I was just standing there and he showed up and started coming on to me and before I knew it, he was kissing me. I stopped him once I recovered from the shock," he rambled and even though he sounded sorry, I couldn't think straight from the throbbing in my head.

"Who was he?" I asked through gritted teeth. I was trying my best to keep my cool and losing the battle.

"I..." he started before trailing off. He looked even more guilty which made me think there was more to this story.

"You what?" I asked in a hiss. Trey looked really guilty, but also conflicted.

"It's someone that knows you and I don't know if I should tell you. I didn't tell him about you so I don't think its fair you know he's gay but he doesn't know about you," he said and while I could understand that with a clear head and sort of sympathize with it, I didn't have a clear head.

"I don't give a fuck if he does know about me. I want to know who this fucker is that thinks he has the right to be kissing you without permission," I said and I don't know why but that seemed to upset him.

"What did you say?" He asked as he jumped up and glared down at me. I jumped back up too to stand my ground.

"This dude just kisses you without your permission and you don't have a problem with that?" I asked him a little louder than maybe I should have.

"Oh," he said cooling down and sitting back down. I guess I owed it to him to cool down as well. After all, I wasn't innocent.

"What aren't you telling me?" I asked in a more calm tone.

"He... he kissed my neck and I kind of liked it. It kind of turned me on, but then I thought about you and how you're the one that discovered that spot and I couldn't let anyone else have that so I stopped him," he said and I wanted to explode, but like I said, I wasn't innocent.

"A girl kissed me kind of like that tonight. I got into it too, until she touched my ring. It reminded me that I had somebody that I loved, even if I was pissed off at him for making me go out without him."

I watched his expression go from anger to fury to realization. I guess the realization was him remembering what he'd just told me. I watched as those gears started turning in his head big time. It made me wary of the next thing that would come out of his mouth because serious thoughts were dangerous in Trey's hands.

"Do you think we should see other people?" he asked with his head hanging kind of low. I thought about it and the thought of him with some other guy made me want to kill every male, gay or straight, in the world.

"Is that what you want?" I asked as calmly as I could, but my face and my knuckles were hurting from how tightly my jaw and fists were clenched. I looked him over carefully, but while he appeared to be calm, I could almost hear him plotting the deaths of hypothetical people.

"No," he said in the exact same tone as I'd asked him the question in. That made me smile which made him smile.

"We really messed up this night," I said and he nodded.

"Well, I messed it up. I knew you were about to tell your teammates and I did what I did on purpose to piss you off enough to stop you," he said and now that I was thinking clearly, that was obvious. "If you want to tell them still, we can," he said before taking ahold of my hand.

"I don't need to right now. I might in the future, but only when you're comfortable," I said. He pulled me to him and kissed me. That was brief, but it was enough to eclipse what had happened with Mimi earlier. I leaned back and pulled him down to lay down with me on the sofa.

We talked about a lot of things like what was happening with him at school. He told me about meeting Dave's parents and about riding in the helicopter with Lane. My life at school aside from football was rather bland in comparison but I still told him what was going on.

Lying there with Trey while he went on about our friends made me realize that no matter what I'd shared with anyone else in the past, spending intimate time with Trey like this seemed to outweigh all those experiences and made me love and desire him more. I just wished I could get rid of that nagging feeling that kept plaguing me.

To be continued....

Author's Note:

Welcome back everyone to the exciting tales from the world of Trey.

Trey meets Dave Parents and despite their first impression, they seemed to have been left with something to think about and maybe things will be okay with Dave and his parents now.

Trey get to take advantage of his deal wit Lane by having Lane fly him up to see Bear. Bear reacts like expected, but things deflate quickly enough. Trey and Bear get some time alone with Bear's roommate gone for the weekend, and they get things started before being interruped twice. Once by Deacon's brief return and the other by his other teammates.

Things don't go well with the meeting of Bear's teammates which leads to Trey and Bear going their seperate ways for the night and leads to the guys each having their own moment of temptaion to do the wrong thing. Eventually though, the love the guys have for each other wins out and they stay true to each other.

In other events, Trey discovers that Miriam, now Miri, has been at school with Bear all the time and neither of them knew it. At least Bear now has someone to talk to as school so he won't be so alone. Trey also discovers that Bear isn't the only member of his team to play for the other team as his moment of temptation happens with one of Bear's teammates.

Stay tuned to the next chapter of The Chronicles of Trey

This is the point where I apologize for the very long delay in chapters. Several things happened to delay me including my computer messing up and me having to rewrite quite a bit of this chapter over again. I thank everyone for reading my story and I promise to have a surprise for you all soon as a reward for your patience. As always, please send any comments good or bad to You can also follow me on twitter @StoryGuyNick. Thanks again for reading.

Until next time... Nicky.

Editor's Note:

Hey guys and welcome back to another chapter in the Life of Trey. Life still moves for Trey and the tutoring seems to be going good for him. Now just have to find a way to keep Liberty away from his money. A surprise happened for Trey in the form of Dave's parent's, and even though it started out bad with what his parents walked in on, Trey was able to diffuse the situation and they agreed they needed to think on some things.

Then Trey pulls the surprise on Bear by having Lane fly him up to see Bear. At first Bear was his usual self with meeting a new guy around Trey, but like before the situation was diffused.

Bear's Team shows up and takes him out to party and Miriam take's Trey out to party as well. Both boys seem to have similar experiences at the party, and they were stopped before going too far. Later Trey ends up kinda telling Bear about it and Bear does the same, keeping an honest relationship with one another. But are Bear's nagging feelings justified or is he being paranoid.

Hopefully when he tells his team, and he seems to really want to tell them, but Trey was holding him back, now that Trey has giving the green light to tell when will it happen and how will the team react.

As always hope you all enjoyed this chapter in the life of Trey and Bear. Please send comment and any feedback you guys have to Nicky at the email above, or me at

Until Next time guys,


Next: Chapter 39: The Chronicles of Trey II 8

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