The Chronicles of Trey

By Nicky Smith

Published on Nov 1, 2016


Disclaimer: This story is 100% fictional and may contain references and scenes of consensual sex between males. Any resemblance to real people or situations is purely coincidental. If your country or state does not allow such material to be read or you have come across this site by accident, please leave now.

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Written by: Nicky Smith Edited by: JD Kaster



It had been a few days since Donny had seen me and Bear and while I hadn't seen any wrong looks from anybody, I was still paranoid. My friends tried to convince me that I was being silly and things in college weren't like they were in high school.

I would have been willing to believe them if it wasn't for the fact that I could tell that they didn't believe what they were saying. They proved this by making sure I was never alone when I left the dorm.

I wasn't so much worried about leaving the dorm as I was in leaving my dorm room as Donny lived in our dorm, just on the other guys' floor. I was just waiting for him to say something, but other than seeing him one time and him giving me the stank face, nothing really happened. Still though, I was paranoid.

"Hey Trey," I heard someone say. I was walking to a class and I just happened to be alone. I stopped dead in my tracks and started looking around. I focused on the guy in front of me and he didn't look like he was about to attack me or something.

"Yeah, hey," I said as I took a cautious step back. The guy, whose name was Trevor and who lived on my floor looked at me like he was trying to figure out why I was acting so strange, so I must have been obvious about it.

"Are you okay?" Trevor asked still with a tone that let me know that he was questioning if I was crazy or something.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I tried to say in a neutral tone, but I wasn't very successful.

"You're sure?" he asked again and I had to admire the patience this guy had with me in paranoia mode.

"Yeah, I'm sure," I managed to say this time with a degree of calmness.

"Oh, good," he said and his face softened a bit and a small smile appeared.

"Did you want something?" I asked making sure to keep any hint of worry out of my tone, but it seemed to be easier than I thought once my paranoia attack started fading.

"Yeah, I did. I wanted to know if it's true that you're a cocksucker fag?" Trevor said so innocently, that it took about 10 seconds to really grasp his question. My pulse quickened and I took another cautious step back, but this time he answered that by taking a step forward.

"What did you say?" I asked as dread and anger started to fill me.

"Well, I hear that you and that big fucker that was here over the weekend are fags. That he's your boyfriend or something. I want to know if that's true," he said, but this time, the niceness started to slip from his tone.

"I- I don't know what-" I tried before I was interrupted.

"Don't lie," I heard from behind me. I turned and I saw Donny walking up with two other guys and they looked really smug. "I saw you," Donny said with a sneer as they reached me.

"What did you see Donny?" Trevor asked as he started to close the distance between us.

"Dave and I walked into his room and they were laying on one bed all naked and the room reeked of cum," Donny said looking all disgusted. I was about to dispute what he'd said, but for all I knew, it did reek of cum in the room and that brought a new level of embarrassment to the situation involving Dave. I chose to not focus on it though as I had more important concerns at the moment.

"Yeah, that's what I remember you telling me," Trevor said looking all smug. For a second, he reminded me of a jackass who I didn't want to be thinking about.

"What do you want?" I asked in a tone that sounded so small, that I mentally slapped myself to stop acting so weak.

"Tell us, if what he says is true," Trevor said, which was stupid as he'd already made up his mind to believe Donny.

"I don't have to tell you anything. I'm not on trial here," I said in a strong enough tone that I was satisfied didn't sound like a scared kid.

"You'd better say something," he said, getting really pissed.

"Why? As I already said, I don't have to tell you a damned thing as I'm not on any fucking trial," I said. I could hear the anger in my voice and since it was something different than fright, I chose to go with it.

"Aw, would you look at that. He appears to not be afraid of us," Trevor said as patronizingly as he could.

"Yeah, he looks like a real tough guy," one of the other guys said.

"Yeah well, he'd better get afraid as I'm not having some cocksucker fag living down the hall from me," Trevor said, this time with the maliciousness I'd expect from people like him.

They started backing me up, trying to surround me, but I was a quick thinker. I grabbed Trevor's arm and swung him around and into the Donny and the other two guys as hard as I could. They fell to the ground and I took off running.

I didn't think going back to the dorm was safe at the moment so I just ran. I looked behind me and they were in hot pursuit and I was shocked by how quickly they'd recovered. They were closing in which made me wonder if any of them were jocks. They looked kind of like they could be.

I kept running and turned the corner of a building with a sharp turn, and ran smack dab into somebody. They didn't fall, but the force from me running into them knocked me back and caused me to fall on my ass.

"Ow, shit," I said as I rushed to get to my feet and continue my escape.

"Trey, what the hell?" I heard in a familiar voice. I looked up and was thankful to see Sean and Carter.

"T, what're running from like that?" Carter asked as he helped me up and dusted the grass from my back. Sean's attention though was focused behind me. When I looked, I saw my pursuit team slowing in their stride before coming to a stop about 10 feet from us.

"Is there a problem gentlemen?" Sean asked in a not nice at all tone.

"It doesn't concern you," Trevor said, trying to project his false bravado, but I could see them all weighing their options.

"Yeah, I'm afraid it does if Trey looking like he was running for his life has to do with you ass clowns," Sean said as he walked past me and stood so I was behind him. When I looked at Carter, he was giving them a serious mean mug. He was also holding my arm in a vice grip that I'm sure he wasn't conscious of.

"Yeah well, I'd rather be an ass clown than an ass bandit like your cocksucker friend over there," Trevor said and I'm sure he thought he was being clever, but he wasn't.

"He's probably doing them too," the other guy with them said before they started snickering.

"And what of it if he is? That only makes me more determined to break several parts of your bodies if you mess with him," Sean said and the threat was very clear.

"This ain't over jock boy. You don't live in the same dorm as him like we do," Trevor said before walking off along with his posse.

"Trey, are you okay?" Sean asked after he was sure they were gone.

"Fucking hell! I knew this was gonna happen!" I shouted in frustration. Doing so actually made me feel slightly better. Maybe it was the fact that the other shoe had dropped and now at least, I didn't have to worry about that anymore.

"It's gonna be okay Trey," Carter said as he finally let go of my arm.

"Donny told those guys, so he's gonna tell others. I'm out, again," I said trying to accept my fate.

"Well, even if that's the case. College is different from high school. There's a lot of people here that don't even know you," Carter said trying to be the voice of reason.

"Let's go," Sean said before walking away while pulling his phone from his pocket.

"Where are we going?" Carter asked him, but he did manage to get me moving so we could follow Sean.

"We need to deal with this," Sean said. He didn't speak again before he started texting somebody.

Silence. There was nothing but silence as we all sat around a picnic table. We were at a park not that far from campus and we were all sitting around a picnic table just being silent. I guess they were thinking just as hard as me.

Sean had texted Liberty, Jessica, and Christian and told them where to meet us and they'd all arrived a few minutes after we had and I told them what had happened. Then I let Sean give them his perspective on what had happened and after that we'd all fallen into silence. Naturally though, Sean was the first one to speak.

"We should have broken that fool's noses when we had the chance," Sean said and I wasn't opposed to going back in time and letting him do so.

"No you shouldn't have," Liberty said with a hint of annoyance on her face.

"Why the hell not?" Sean asked in a raised tone.

"Because Sean, this is not High School anymore. You're an adult now and you need to learn how to handle situations like an adult and not be stupid by using your fists to solve the problem," she said and while I agreed somewhat, I wasn't averse to his idea.

"You know, you're one to judge someone for being stupid when you did something stupid for six months," Sean said bringing up the sore subject that was Drake.

"What did you say?" Liberty asked as her tone dropped to threatening.

"You heard me," Sean said not backing down.

"Look boy, if you know what's good for you, I wouldn't bring that up to me again, unless you want me to hurt you," Liberty threatened. I was starting to get really annoyed by the shit that always went down between the two of them.

"If you were Justice, I'd actually be worried right now," Sean said as he leaned on the table to get closer to Liberty.

"You think I can't be as dangerous as my sister? Boy please, I don't need all those fancy-assed martial arts to kick your ass," Liberty said and I'd reached my limit of tolerance.

"Is that so?" Sean asked smugly.

"Let me tell you something-" Liberty started but I couldn't take anymore

"Shut up! Shut the fuck up!" I yelled as I slammed my hands down on the table and stood up. They looked at me with equal shocked looks on their face.

"Trey," Jessica tried to say but I wasn't done.

"That's all you two do is go back and forth. Can you try to at least be in the same fucking space for five fucking minutes without going at each other!" I exploded, but then immediately felt guilty for lashing out at my friends with anger that should have been focused on Donny and Trevor.

"Dude, I'm sorry," Sean said in such a humble tone that I felt even worse for exploding at him and Liberty.

"No, I shouldn't have reacted like that," I said before I dropped back down on the bench. "Why do these things happen to me? What could I have done to deserve this?" I asked nobody in particular.

"Are you done with your little pity party?" Liberty asked which ratcheted my anger back up to eleven.

"What the fuck-" I started as I shot up to standing, but Carter who was sitting next to me grabbed my wrist and yanked me back down.

"Chill out Trey," Carter said in a commanding tone that took some of the steam out of my anger.

"You know what I meant Trey. Stop feeling sorry for yourself when you did nothing wrong," Liberty said in her tough but kind tone.

"I never should have called Bear," I said after we were silent for a couple of minutes.

"What?" Jessica asked and they were all looking at me with differing, but still present looks on annoyance.

"I knew nothing good would come of it. Like so many of my decisions, it turned to shit," I said and I noticed most of them were trying not to say whatever they were thinking.

"Don't do that Trey. I made a huge mistake that was actually a mistake, but instead of dwelling on it, I try to look forward. You didn't make a bad decision though. You not calling Bear was the bad decision. Just like with me taking up with Drake, you can't anticipate where your decision will lead so just deal with it and move on," she said and while it may not have been said in a manner that I preferred, I still took her words to heart.

"Wow, I just had a thought," Jessica said suddenly and I knew it meant nothing good.

"What would that be Jessica?" Liberty asked in a nice tone that was anything but nice when you really listened so I guess she knew it as well.

"Justice hated your boyfriend and always talked smack about him. Now, you're doing the same about hers. Although, she was actually right about your jackass ex while you are just being mean for no reason," Jessica said and I just had to shake my head. She was talking all the while not taking into account Liberty's increasing death glare aimed at her.

"You gonna make me kill you one of these days, little white girl," Liberty said in a creepy tone that made Jessica take a audible gulp.

"Can you all just stop? For just one minute just stop all this bickering," Christian said looking very annoyed.

"Excuse me?" Liberty said as she looked at Christian with narrowed eyes.

"I mean, sometimes I find it hard to believe that you all are supposed to be friends. Liberty, you're always on Sean about his supposed interest in Trey. Jessica, Liberty doesn't need you bringing up Drake all the time as she knows she make a huge mistake with him. Sean, stop being such an easy target," Christian said before being interrupted.

"How am I being an easy target?" Sean asked.

"I'm just calling attention to the truth," Liberty said.

"I am too," Jessica said.

"I'm talking," Christian said shutting them down with authority. "Now, we're supposed to be here helping Trey deal with his current problem and instead you three are here rehashing old shit. Let it go because I'm tired of hearing about it," Christian said and I would have kissed him if I wasn't otherwise preoccupied with my own mess.

"Sorry," Liberty, Sean, and Jessica mumbled with their heads down like scolded children.

"Speaking of helping Trey, how do we do that?" Carter asked. He was likely glad he hadn't been included in Christian's dressing down, but he wouldn't be as he wasn't the type to get all caught up in our craziness.

"Dude, I think you need to call Liam," Christian said but I couldn't think of a reason why I should.

"Who's Liam?" the others said in unison. I wondered why they were asking me that until I remembered that I'd yet to tell them about the GSA.

"Well, he's the director, well co-director of the campus GSA," I said and they looked at me with equal looks of disbelief.

"You've been involved with the GSA without us?" Sean asked and I had to roll my eyes.

"You know Sean, Trey's allowed to do something without you," Christian said voicing something I didn't have the heart to say.

"Well you obviously know about this so you have to be involved," Liberty said with a slight amount of bitterness.

"I'm actually the one who told him about it and showed him where it was," Christian said with a smile that I knew he'd end up paying for.

"You don't say," Liberty said confirming my thoughts with her tone.

"How does telling him help me exactly?" I asked as I couldn't figure out how. I mean, I guess I would have done so if my mind weren't on other things.

"That's one of the jobs of the GSA. To help with student relations on campus," Christian said and that's when it clicked for me too.

"Oh," I said feeling slightly embarrassed that it didn't occur to me sooner. So much for being an intellectual.

"Yeah so, get on that," Christian said with a small smile that I'm sure was him being amused at my momentary mind lapse. I pulled out my phone and scrolled for Liam's number before hitting send.

"Hey Trey," Liam said after the third ring.

"Hey Liam, where are you?" I asked deciding to cut to the chase.

"Well, I was doing some shopping for the GSA event that's being held in a couple of weeks," he said and that explained why it sounded like he was in a car driving.

"Oh," I said wondering if I should interrupt what he was doing.

"What's up?" He asked likely taking note of my tone.

"Well, I'm at the park not far from school. Do you think you could meet me here?"

"Sure. I was heading home and I'm actually not far from there. I'll be there in about 5 minutes."

"Okay, thanks," I said thankful I wasn't messing up his day.

"No problem," he said. I could tell he wanted to ask what was wrong, but he chose to wait and told me he was on his way. I ended the call and looked around at my friends. I could tell that they wanted to grill me on this new development but were trying very hard to hold their tongues.

Exactly seven minutes later, I looked up and noticed Liam heading for us. I looked and saw that nobody else had noticed him but Christian, but that could be because they didn't know Liam. They noticed him though when he was almost near us and I heard Jessica gasp and then whisper "he's cute" to Liberty.

"Hey Trey, and Christian," Liam said as he arrived.

"Hey," I said and I saw him frown a bit, likely because he'd taken note of my tone.

"Okay, what's wrong?" He asked as he took a seat between Christian and Sean.

"Well," I started but I didn't get the chance to continue.

"Are you gay?" Sean blurted out and everyone just stared at him incredulous looks. Liam though didn't look phased at all as a small smile appeared on his face.

"Are you?" He asked Sean in response.

"No," Sean said, but the way he said it made it sound like a question or something.

"Are you sure about that? You don't sound like it," he said and I almost laughed at that. Liberty went all the way though.

"Liberty," Jessica said in reprimand, although she was trying hard to keep a straight face.

"What? He said it, not me."

"Sean, he's straight so chill out," I said while managing to keep from rolling my eyes at him.

"Besides, it's not like Trey is your boyfriend so it's none of your business," Carter said thankfully so I wouldn't have to.

"I'm just looking out for Bear," Sean said. I didn't have time to question whether or not I believed him as I found myself kicking him under that table for saying Bear's name.

"Ow! What was that for?" He asked as he rubbed his leg.

"You aren't smart, are you?" Christian said while holding his face in his hand.

"Trey, it's fine. I was aware that you were making an effort to keep from saying your guy's name. When you said he played football in college, I figured that you were trying to keep his identity a secret," Liam said and I felt a bit ashamed for doing that. I'd told Dave, Light, and Maria about Bear, and even showed them what he looked like when I first met them and I had more of a reason to be guarded with them than Liam.

"Sorry," I said simply.

"It's fine. Now, tell me what's going on," he said.

I told him everything that had happened from when Bear arrived to what had happened earlier. For the most part he kept a neutral face, until I got to the part where I was almost jumped. His expression grew hard then.

When I was finished, nobody said anything. I was waiting for him to say something but he wasn't talking. He looked deep in thought so I let him think on what I'd said. We all waited for a few minutes before he said anything.

"Well first, we'd better tell your dorm director," he finally said.

"Why?" Liberty asked.

"Well, it's his job to ensure the well being and safety of the students in his care," he responded.

"And if he doesn't?" Liberty asked and I had to give her props for her concerns.

"Then we go to the administration. We'll tell them of the threats to Trey and the unwillingness of his dorm director to try and ensure he's safe when he lives," Liam answered and I saw in her eyes that she was impressed with him.

"When do we do this?" I asked as I wanted to get this done as soon as possible.

"We can do it right now. I'd rather get started on this today in case we have to make other arrangements for you regarding where you will be staying," he said and I guess that's when I realized just how serious this could be.

"Okay," I said as I stood. Everyone else followed suit, except Liam who chuckled slightly at this before he too stood. He told me that he'd call Angel and have him meet us there before he headed for his car. We headed for our cars too.

We arrived back at school and met up near the dorm as we waited for Angel. I took this time to properly introduce everyone else to Liam and he to them. Liberty and Jessica talked to him while Sean stood back trying to hide the fact that he was glaring at Liam.

Christian was struggling to keep a straight face about Sean as he kept drawing my attention to him. Carter was silent and observant as usual until he saw Angel heading our way which lead to him becoming very observant of him.

"Hey. I got here as soon as I could," Angel said as he reached us.

"Oh, I see how it is Trey," Jessica said.

"How what is?" I asked although I had a feeling the answer wasn't gonna be good.

"You didn't tell us about the GSA because you wanted to keep all the hot guys to yourself," she said and confirmed my thoughts. Liam and Angel laughed but everyone else let out a very audible sigh.

"Okay... let's do this," Liam said, thankfully changing the subject.

"Okay," Sean said before starting toward the dorm before he was stopped by Liam.

"I think that just two of us should do this with Trey," Liam said which I could tell didn't sit right with my friends.

"Why do you get to do it with Trey?" Sean asked and I couldn't stop the loud guffaw that erupted from me.

"Sean, you give Phil Dunphy a run for his money," Jessica said while shaking her head.

"Who?" he asked which only made things worse for him.

"Modern Family dummy," she responded.

"Oh," he said before blushing slightly as I guess he finally knew what she was talking about.

"Come on Trey. Let's go do it," Liam said with a teasing smile aimed at Sean before guiding me toward the door to the dorm.

We entered the dorm and I looked around just to be on the safe side. Nobody seemed to know anything as they were carrying on as if nothing had happened. I released a breath before leading Liam and Angel towards Scotty's office. The door was open but I knocked anyway.

"Trey, come on in," he said after looking up. I was surprised that he knew my name right off the bat as we hadn't spoken but one other time since I'd been here.

"Hey," I said as I walked in and nervously shook his hand. I didn't know if doing this would make things worse or not, and that uncertainty was bugging me.

"I was just thinking about you," he said and that caused me to pause.

"Really, why?" I asked and I could feel myself taking a defensive position. My automatic reactions were annoying me as I'd dealt with this situation before so I should have been better equipped to handle it, but my experience in living while out wasn't coming through.

"Well, I was just getting ready to call on you for your mid-semester evaluation," he said and that calmed me down just a little.

"Then we're right on time," Liam said and Scotty then took note of the two of them being there.

"And you are?" Scotty asked.

"I'm Liam and this is Angel," Liam said before urging me on to speak.

"Scotty, I need to talk to you about something important," I told him. He looked at me, then at Liam and Angel before a serious look came over his face. He went to close his office door and then offered us a seat on the long couch in his office before taking a seat in one of the chairs opposite us.

"Okay, let's hear it," he said all business like.

"Well first off, I'm gay," I said and let it sit there to gauge his reaction before going further.

"Okay, and...," he said, dragging it out like he was waiting for more information. I guess that was a good sign though that he was treating it like I'd just told him the sky was blue. I told him everything that I could tell him, but I didn't elaborate like I'd done with Liam.

"As you can see, this is a real problem," Angel said taking over after I'd finished.

"I take it that this is why you two are here," Scotty said. I was waiting for this to turn sideways, but so far it was going okay.

"Yes it is. We're the co-directors of the campus GSA and we're here to make sure that things are handled in the best way possible," Liam said and it really struck me how professional the two of them were.

"Okay. Well, I'll have to have a talk with the guys involved. Since you said the other two guys were with Trevor and Donny, I might know who they are. I'm gonna need to talk to them before I do anything else, but rest assured that I'm on top of this," Scotty said and while it sounded good, it didn't address the immediate problem.

"What about them trying to jump him? What's to stop them from doing anything to him before you get a chance to talk to them?" Angel asked and I'm glad he did.

"Well, I plan on talking to them as soon as possible, and I'm gonna make it very clear that nothing is to happen to Trey or else," Scotty said and while that seemed reasonable, I still wasn't satisfied.

"Okay well, I hope things are taken care of in the best possible way, and that we don't have to take things further," Liam said, and while he said it politely enough, the threat was obvious.

"It will be," Scotty said taking note of the subtle threat. We all stood and they shook hands, but I was preoccupied worrying about what could happen.

We went out and told everyone what was said. None of them were satisfied with that and they all wanted to camp in my room until things were settled. That was nice and all, but I couldn't keep hiding behind them all the time so I told them so. This was not taken well by them but I told them that I was fine. I had to believe things were gonna be fine.

Things were not gonna be fine. I knew this as I woke up the next morning and saw that Dave was already gone. He had been kind of at a distance since this whole thing had happened. I guess we had reached the limit of his tolerance of the whole gay thing.

That wasn't what let me know that things weren't gonna be fine though. I could just feel that my life was about to get worse. I started getting my stuff ready for the day when I got a text. It was Bear asking how I was. I lied and told him I was fine. I hadn't told him about almost being jumped and I made everyone else swear they wouldn't tell him either.

I was just finishing getting my stuff together when there was a knock on the door. I threw on a pair of sweat pants as I was only in a t-shirt and my underwear and went to answer the door to see Scotty on the other side. I invited him in and I could tell from his expression that I was not going to like what he had to say.

"Well, I talked to the whole bunch of `em last night and they all denied doing anything," Scotty said and I guess I should have known they would.

"Yeah, I should have known," I said bitterly.

"They actually acted like my telling them was the first time they'd heard that you were gay."

"That's stupid. They have to know that I have a witness that at least proves that Donny knew," I said getting truly pissed off at these jackasses. I grabbed onto this feeling to push all the others away.

"That's what I told them. They dropped the pretense then and I informed them that I wasn't gonna allow any bullying or violence in the dorm. I also told them that if anything happened to you and I found out that they had anything to do with it that they were out of here and possibly out of school if I had anything to do with it," he said and I guess that was good enough. There was really nothing else he could do right now so I took that.

"Thanks," I said and shook his hand. He told me he would be watching them and me as well to make sure things didn't escalate. I thanked him again and he left.

I grabbed my stuff and went to take a quick shower as I didn't want to chance running into Trevor. I got dressed and headed for my first class. I tried to concentrate on my professor which was usually not that hard as he was kind of hot, but my mind wandered to what Trevor and Donny planned to do now that they had been sort of cut off at the pass.

Just before my second class was over, I got a text from Jessica that simply said "we got a problem". I didn't wanna get caught texting in class as I was fairly close to the front of the room so I sat there and stewed on what Jessica's text could mean. I got my answer when my class ended and I called Jessica.

"Trey, we've got a problem," she said as soon as she answered her phone.

"What is it?" I asked and winced as I could hear the panic in my voice.

"You're out," she said and that feeling from when I'd woken up made more sense.

"What do you mean? Of course I am. Did you miss the part when Donny saw me, and then told Trevor and the rest of his friends?" I said in a whisper as I was walking away past other students.

"No. I mean it's all over the dorm," she said and I stopped in my tracks.

"What do you mean?" I asked although it was very clear what she meant.

"Maria texted me that she'd heard some girls on our floor talking about you being gay when she was leaving. I came back and as soon as I stepped into the dorm people looked in my direction, and I could tell that they knew," she said and I had to stop myself from throwing my phone to the ground.

"I guess this is their revenge for me telling Scotty about what they did," I said in a chilling tone that surprised even me.

"Are you okay?" She asked carefully.

"I'm fine," I lied. "I'm gonna go. I'll talk to you later," I told her and ended the call before she could say anything else. I know she meant well, but I didn't feel much like hearing her trying to comfort me.

I walked around for a while and thought about how I'd found myself in this situation again. I found a bench and sat down and watched as student and professors passed me by. I waited for one of them to notice me and look at me strangely but none of them did.

It occurred to me then that while it seemed that in some ways college was just like high school, in some ways it wasn't. For instance, it'd probably take a lot longer for news about me to reach everyone, and most people here didn't even know me whereas back in high school, I was well known for being the permanent tag-along for Bear Davidson.

That thought made me think about him and wonder what he was doing. I decided to just stop being an idiot for once and call him. I texted him first though to make sure he wasn't in class. He replied that he was for another 10 minutes so I just waited for him to get out of class. About 10 minutes later my phone rang and I smiled.

"Did you dial me immediately after your class was finished?"

"Maybe," he said and just hearing the sound of his voice made me feel a bit better.

"How are you doing?" I asked wanting to focus on him. It suddenly struck me how much of our relationship was focused on me and while I was choosing a bad time to do so, I wanted to change that.

"Nevermind about me. Tell me how you're doing," he said. I could hear paper rustling in the background so I figured he was still getting ready to leave class.

"Well, I want you to do something for me first," I said making sure to keep my voice as neutral as possible.

"What?" He asked sounding very curious.

"I want you to go somewhere private," I said knowing it would kick up his curiosity even more.

"Why?" He asked. I could hear the apprehension in his voice.

"Just do it," I told him strongly so he would know to do what I said and not ask any questions.

"Alright, fine. I'm alone, now tell me what's up," he said after about 5 minutes.

"Well, first of all, it seems I'm a celebrity in my dorm," I said deciding to start with the easier thing first.

"He outed you," Bear stated rather than asked.


"What else?" He asked and I considered not saying anything more as he already sounded pissed.

"What makes you think there's something else?"

"Tell me," he said throwing my strong tone back at me.

"Well, Donny told this dude named Trevor and some other dudes about it, and they tried to jump me yesterday," I said and paused to let him say something.

"Uh huh," was all he said, but I could hear his teeth grinding on the other end.

"I told my dorm director and he had a talk with them. They tried to lie at first and pretend that they didn't even know about me but they eventually told the truth. After he threatened eviction, I guess they retaliated by spreading the news about me around the dorm," I said. I ignored the very subtle low rumble coming from him.

"I'm coming down there," Bear said in a snarl.

"No, you're not. I'm fine," I said and tried to be convincing.

"Try convincing yourself of that lie first before trying to make me believe it," he said cutting through that line of thought.

"Bear," I tried again to stop him as I knew that nothing good would come from him being there.

"I'm coming and that's that," he said before the call ended.

I stared at my phone for a full minute before I just gave up. It was obvious by this point that my life wasn't in my control at this point so I just had to go where I was supposed to be. I unfortunately needed to go back to the dorm so that's what I did.

As soon as I walked in, several students turned to look at me. It was mostly girls though so that was good. There were two guys though and they didn't look that happy to see me. I guess that was because one of them lived on my floor.

I was surprised when both my arms were grasped and my first thought was to fight, but fortunately, I saw in time that it was Jessica and Light. They lead me over to a corner and sat me in a chair.

"Are you alright?" Jessica asked. She looked so motherly then that it made me miss my own mother right then.

"No," I answered honestly. They both had equal looks of pity on their faces, but the strange thing was that I wasn't feeling all that panicked anymore. I refused to admit that as much as I thought I didn't want Bear to come here, that I was secretly happy that he was. To know that he'd drop everything to come to me whenever I needed him was a happy feeling.

"Why the hell are you smiling?" Light asked as she looked at me like I had finally snapped.

"You're really thinking about Bear at a time like this?" Jessica asked with a hint of annoyance, but she also had a faint smile.

"I'm willing to think about anything that'll take my mind off of this crap," I said before standing up. I saw Scotty heading in my direction and he didn't look too happy.

"Hey Trey, I take it you know what's going on," he said after he reached us.

"If you mean that those douchebags outed him, then yes we do," Jessica snapped.

"Well, I'm putting something together to address this situation so try not to worry too much," he said in I'm sure his most reassuring tone.

"I'll bet you didn't imagine dealing with all of this when you signed on for this job, did you?" I asked and Light again looked at me like I was crazy as my tone was far from panicked. I was actually feeling a bit better as I started to realize that I could probably deal with this.

"It's a teaching moment. It'll prepare me for next year at least if I end up having to deal with something similar," he said and gave me a pat on my shoulder and a small smile before heading back to his office.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Jessica asked again and my first instinct was to get annoyed, but I knew that they were worried about me so I reigned that annoyance in immediately so it wouldn't show.

"Actually, I'm doing good, well as good as I can be at the moment. I guess my conditioning from the last two years has finally kicked in," I said as kind of a joke, but I could tell they didn't take it as one. Light looked sad and Jessica looked like she was trying unsuccessfully to hide her anger.

"We got you," Light said before hugging me. It made me happy that she felt close enough to me after only knowing me a short time to get involved in my drama.

"I'm gonna go to my room and get a nap before my next class," I told them. Light eventually stopped hugging me and they both looked at me with those looks of pity that I hated, but I understood.

I headed for the elevator and those two guys were still giving me mean mugs, but two girls who had just stepped off the elevator smiled and waved at me. I assumed they knew as they hadn't done that before.

When I got to my floor, I was on high alert3, but I didn't see anybody. Just before I made it to my room, the door right across the hall from me opened and Cal, my neighbor stepped out of his room. I waited for him to do or say something, but all he did was nod and smile which was his usual greeting to me. I returned his greeting and went into my room. Dave wasn't there even though I knew that he wasn't in class. There was nothing I could do about him though so I just put him out of my head and crashed on my bed.

Things were good and bad. Quite a few of the guys in my dorm had been giving me aggressive looks but nobody said anything. After a day, it felt like I was back in high school again, but I was trying to keep a positive attitude.

News had spread beyond my dorm as I'd had a few girls in a couple of my classes ask me point blank if it was true that I was gay. They didn't live in our dorm so I knew that it'd spread. I'd even gotten very obviously checked out by a couple of guys. One of them actually stopped at my desk after my second morning class to place his number on my desk and then he winked at me before walking away.

For the most part though, I hadn't been met with any real open hostility other than being glared at by Trevor and Donny as I was leaving the dorm for my first class of the day. After a day of dealing with all this stuff though, I was tired and hungry so I was thankful when Liberty texted me to meet them at The Cove.

On the way to The Cove, I got a text from Bear asking where I was. He had told me he was coming down, but woke me up with a call to apologize for not being there yet. I told him he was an idiot and he said he'd be here soon. Anyway, I sent him a reply telling him I was heading to The Cove to meet everyone. He simply replied okay which was weird, but I didn't think too much on it.

"Aw, are you texting your boyfriend? Is that what that smile is for?" I heard in a voice that startled me. I looked up and cursed myself for not being more aware of my surroundings. In front of me stood Trevor and Donny.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked before I could stop myself, or contain my anger.

"What do I want? That's a good question," he said smugly before making a small nod. Before I was able to wonder what it was for, I was grabbed from behind and both my arm were held behind my back. As I struggled to get free I saw that one of three guys that were now behind me was holding on to me.

"Let me go! You know that if you do anything to me, you'll get kicked out of school," I said hoping that would make them reconsider what they were thinking.

"Yeah, well, we thought about that. That's why we spread the truth about you around campus. You see, that way, if anything were to happen to you, it can't be traced back to us, because I'm sure that there's more people than us that doesn't like disgusting fags like you," Trevor said and I had to admit that his plan was mildly clever.

"Unless you're planning on killing me, that plan won't work as I'm damn sure not keeping you out of this," I said and then I mentally kicked myself for possibly signing my own death warrant.

"Trey, you need to realize that we don't want to live in the same dorm with a fag so, you can leave, or we'll revisit your idea of you not living anymore."

"Yo Trev, you didn't-," one of the other guys started to say.

"Shut up," Trevor said cutting him off. "Now Trey, what will it be?" he asked as he sneered at me.

"Fuck you," I snarled out.

"No thanks. I'm not into deviant sex," Trevor said before slamming his fist hard into my gut. It knocked the wind out of me. I looked around, but we were mostly near a secluded path and nobody was around.

"Help!" I screamed anyway.

I saw Donny step up and pull some duct tape from his bag and tear off a piece. I immediately flashed back to the night with Kent and I started struggling with everything I had. I barely got out another scream before the tape was slapped over my mouth.

Trevor then punched me three more times in the gut and the pain hurt like hell. I thought of something I'd seen on TV and I slammed my head back and was satisfied when I made contact with one of their faces. I heard the guy scream out and the other two guys grabbed ahold of me. I looked to the side and saw the guy's nose was bloody. That made me slightly happy even though the back of my head was now hurting.

"Bitch," Trevor hissed before driving his fist hard into my jaw. The hit dazed me and could barely think straight. The last thing I could recall was Bear's handsome face smiling at me that morning I'd woken up and seen him after he'd come down to see me. If only he were here now.


"Yo dude, you in there?" Carter asked waving his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah man, just thinking," I said making sure to smile. Truth was, I was worried about Trey and I couldn't stop thinking about what could happen. I wanted to think that things were different now, but the truth was that a lot of the students here were in high school last year so they couldn't have changed that much.

"Are you thinking about Justice?" Jessica teased.

"None of your business Mama," I said hoping that they would buy it.

"Where is that boy? I'm hungry," Liberty said being her usual surly self.

"Then eat. Nobody's stopping you," I said which earned me a glare.

"I ain't rude like some people around here," she snapped.

"Is her sister like her?" Maria asked.

"Yes and no. In some ways Justice is nicer, but in others, she's way more prone to violence," Jessica said which wasn't too far off the mark. I loved Justice very much, but there were certain similarities to Liberty that I couldn't ignore.

"Listen here little white girl, I ain't gonna have you spreading lies about my sister. She's much nicer than I am and she's only resorted to violence once, and that jackass deserved it," Liberty said which completely shocked me. From the looks of it, she also shocked Jessica and Carter as Liberty was not one to defend her sister often.

"I think we just entered the Twilight Zone," Carter stage whispered which got a laugh out of me and Jessica.

"It sounds like you all are trying to imply that I can't say anything nice about my sister," Liberty said but I wasn't touching that one so I remained silent. Carter cleared his throat and Jessica started whistling which earned us a stern roll of the eyes from Liberty.

"Hey people," we heard in a surprising voice. We turned to see Bear arriving at our table.

"Hey, Bear. What are you doing here?" Jessica asked.

"Trey didn't tell you that I was coming down?" he asked looking confused.

"I am going to kill that boy one of these days," Liberty said and I kind of shared the sentiment. It was annoying when he kept things from us.

"Where is Trey?" Bear asked as he looked around.

"That's what we were wondering," Liberty said with annoyance clear on her face. I was feeling anxious though.

"Well I texted him 15 minutes ago and he said he was on the way here," Bear said and I could hear the worry in his voice.

"It shouldn't have taken him that long to get here," Jessica said worriedly as well. The looks on everyone's faces showed what I was feeling.

"Hey guys, we've got a problem," Christian said as he walked up to the table.

"What?" Bear asked in a rush.

"Come with me," he said before turning around and walking back outside. We all got up quickly and followed him.

"What is it?" Bear asked again this time with the same anxiousness I was feeling clearly in his voice.

"This is Chad. He's in my class that just let out," Christian said but I failed to see why we needed to know this dude.

"And..." Liberty dragged out.

"Tell `em," Christian said to this Chad guy.

"Well, I was in class this afternoon and I heard these guys behind me talking about some dude that they really seemed to hate. They said they needed to get him out of their dorm," he said and I had an idea where this was going.

"Get to the point," Bear ordered in a testy tone. I saw Jessica step next to him and start rubbing his back as it was obvious he was tense and getting more so.

"Oh, well, um...," Chad said stumbling over himself likely intimidated by Bear.

"Bear," Liberty said in an admonishing tone.

"Sorry," Bear said dialing back his ire.

"Well, I didn't pay much attention to then until I heard the name Trey. I heard about him last night, and before that I'd known that he was friends with Christian so I listened closely. They were saying that they planned to make him leave their dorm or he'd be sorry," Chad said and I guess we should have known that they wouldn't quit.

"Well, that's just great," Liberty said clearly pissed off.

"I should have kicked their asses when I had the chance," I said and Carter nodded his head in agreement.

"That's not all," Christian said.

"What else?" I asked mimicking Bear's earlier tone.

"They said they were planning on doing this today," Chad said and before we were able to register it, Bear had taken off running.


"Shit," I cursed at how cruel people could be, especially to somebody like Trey. They had already tried to jump him before, but I guess him telling on them really pissed them off.

"Let's go," Carter said to Sean and they both took off after Bear.

"What are you waiting for? Go after them," Liberty ordered and she didn't have to do so twice. I followed after them along with Chad.

I didn't know where Trey could be, but I knew the path that he took to get to The Cove at this time of day. Fortunately, we were all on that path so there was no need to alter the direction we were headed. I looked ahead and didn't see Bear anywhere and I was able to take a moment and be incredibly impressed at the speed of a guy as big as Bear was.

As we continued to run, we started to close the distance with Bear, Sean, and Carter, and I saw several other figures in the distance. As we got closer, I took notice of the event about to happen in front of me and had to stop to take in everything. Bear actually picked up speed and rammed into a guy who had his arm drawn back as if he was about to punch somebody.

As Bear knocked the first guy down, I saw that the guy who was about to be punched was Trey. The guy standing next to the one Bear had rammed as well as another guy headed toward Bear who had the neck of the one he'd hit in a stranglehold.

The other two guys didn't get the chance to do anything because Carter and Sean picked the two of them off. Once they were taken out, they started struggling with Carter and Sean but they had no chance. I looked next to me and saw that Chad was looking just as stunned as I had to be.

Bear gave the guy he'd hit one really hard punch to the jaw and stood up and advanced on the two other guys holding Trey. They looked like they were gonna use Trey as a shield at first, but abandoned that idea and chose to be stupid and shoved him to the ground and started advancing on Bear. When Trey hit the ground, hard, I heard a snarl/growl from Bear and I knew shit was about to get serious.

I called out to him, but he was like a wild animal as he charged both of those guys who actually had time to register terror before the terrifying behemoth that was Bear collided with them which sent them flying a few feet before they fell to the ground. I heard Chad whisper "oh shit" next to me.

About that time, the girls arrived and they were asking me a flood of question I couldn't answer. I started towards Trey when campus security chose that time to show up. There were a lot of them and they were pulling Bear, Carter, and Sean off the other guys. I knew then that they were in trouble.

When all was said and done, Chad, the girls, and I weren't brought in. Bear, Sean, Carter, and the jerks that had attacked Trey were though. I called Liam as soon as I could and he and Angel got over here quickly.

They along with that Scotty guy went to the Dean of students while I hung back with the girls at their dorm. They had been gone for quite a while and I was getting antsy. I was also getting pissed off at all the students whispering about Trey and us. I knew they were because they would look in our direction every once in a while.

I hoped that they could sort this whole thing out as there had been witnesses. I was surprised with all the people around when the whole scene was broken up, and I was kind of pissed that none of them had tried to help Trey.

"Look, here they come," Maria said drawing our attention to the group of guys headed through the door. That Scotty dude gestured for us to follow him before heading to what I guessed was his office.

"Well, what happened?" Liberty asked as soon as he'd closed the door.

"Well, first thing's first. Carter and Sean are on academic probation for the rest of the semester, but Bear won't face any charges," Liam said.

"Yeah, once all the stuff came out about what was going on and then your friend Chad telling the dean what he'd heard, they were put on academic restriction," Angel said.

"What does that mean?" Jessica asked.

"It means that if they so much as get caught Jaywalking, they'll be kicked out of school," Liam explained.

"They've also been evicted from this dorm," Scotty added.

"That's good at least," Light said

"I'm glad that I informed the Dean about what was going on this morning. That way, they already had established behavior on file before this happened," Scotty said.

I looked over and saw Trey looking defeated and that killed me. I was glad though that Bear was here as he was in protective mode, holding Trey close to him, but it looked like he wasn't gripping tightly as Trey had to have bruises on his torso.

After a few more minutes of talking, we all left Scotty's office. He gave Bear permission to stay if he wanted, but I'm sure that Bear was planning on doing so even if he didn't. We hung in the lobby and talked for a while until Trey said he was tired. We all decided to call it a night and headed for our own dorms. I kissed Liberty goodnight, but I could tell she was still pissed. I was too, but hopefully, things would get better.


I was sick and tired of this bullshit happening to me. The only bright side of this was that I hopefully didn't have to worry about these particular fools again. That didn't mean that I was safe by any degree.

After Bear and the others were hauled in to see Dean Harper, I was seething mad. I had to listen to them try and talk their way out of what they'd done. They tried to lie about Bear, Sean, and Carter misunderstanding a "discussion" between me and them and jumped them.

Dean Harper took one look at the bruise on my face and Bear showing him my torso that had started to change colors already and shut them down. That guy who Christian knew came in to tell the Dean what he'd heard and after one of the security guys said he'd gotten reports from witnesses that said that Trevor and his group had started it, the Dean took all this evidence and pronounced their judgement.

It was only then after he apologized for all I'd been through that I got to go to the clinic. They treated the cut on my cheek from the ring that Trevor had been wearing, rubbed some ointment on my bruised body and gave me some non-narcotic painkillers.

"How are you doing?" Bear asked after we'd been in my room for a couple of minutes.

"Sore," I said as I tried to pull off my shirt.

"Here, let me," Bear said before he carefully pulled off my shirt. I saw the storm starting to brew in his eyes as he took in my torso. He trailed his fingertips along the bruises that had grown more developed since we were at the clinic. He continued to trace each bruise stopping only when he reached the scars from when I'd been shot.

The pain in his eyes was very evident every time he saw them. I know it wasn't my fault, but I started to feel guilty for always worrying him. He probably spent so much time worrying about me that he hardly had time to do anything else. At least, that's what I'd convinced myself of.

He laid a soft kiss over the scars before he went to my drawer and found me another t-shirt and helped me carefully slip it on. He then knelt and undid the belt of my pants before undoing the button and fly. He then untied my shoes and slipped them off as well as my socks before I helped him slide my pants off too. I took full note of how gentle and careful he was being with his actions, as if he were worried he'd hurt me if he went too fast.

He then went about taking off his clothes until he was only in his boxer briefs. He went and pulled down the bed covers and got in before beckoning for me to get in. When I was as close to him as I could be, he wrapped his arm around me spoon-style in a protective hold, but he was careful not to put too much pressure on my midsection.

"Thank you for coming Bear," I said softly as I was starting to fall asleep.

"Anytime baby. I love you," he said before kissing be behind my ear.

"I love you too big guy," I said and he let out a sigh. The last thing I noticed before falling asleep was that it was after 12 and Dave wasn't in yet.

"Wake up sleepy head," I heard in a deep sing-song. I opened my eyes to very pleasant sight of a smiling Bear with his face hanging inches from mine.

"Good morning handsome," I said as a smile that I'm sure would equal Bear's threatened to erupt on my face.

"Right back at ya," he said before dropping a quick kiss on my lips.

"What time is it?" I asked as I sat up.

"It's after 9," he said and I started to jump up as I was gonna be late for my first class. Bear though gently pinned me back against the headboard with his hand while trying to keep from laughing at me.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as I again tried to get up.

"Scotty came to tell me that he got you the rest of the week off from your classes," he said and gave me a stern, but amused look to make sure I stayed in place before he moved his hand.

"That's good, I think," I said and Bear laughed.

"You're such a nerd," said before leaning over and kissing me again.

"Yup," I said proudly.

"Well get up nerd. Scotty said that you need to be in the lobby by 10," he said before sitting up and starting to pull on his shoes.

"What for?" I asked as I gingerly stood. I was expecting there to be a lot of pain, but it wasn't near as bad as I'd been expecting.

"Don't know," he said. I looked over and saw that Dave's bed looked like it hadn't been slept in. "He didn't come back," Bear said.

"Oh," I said as I tried to keep the sadness out of my voice. I really had no reason to be sad because it wasn't my fault that he was acting the way he was. Maybe I should consider moving out of the dorm as I'm sure there was nobody else that wanted to room with me.

I got dressed opting to forego the showers as I wasn't in the mood to deal with any bullshit that might be awaiting me in there. Just before I opened the door, Bear stepped up and pulled me into a hug which I allowed myself to be swallowed in. This was one of the thing's that I loved about these days compared to before Bear and I got together. I was now able to enjoy and revel in being wrapped in his arms without worrying he'd figure me out as he knew now and he was mine.

Bear gave a long sigh like he so often did whenever we had any significant non-sexual physical contact. It was like he wasn't content until he could touch me or hold me in some way, and I'm gonna be honest and admit that that made me feel good.

We then left my room and I was glad that we didn't run into anyone on the floor before getting on the elevator. When we got to the lobby, it was packed with what looked like almost our entire dorm. I tried to ignore the attention as we walked over to where the girls were to find out what was going on.

"What's happening?" I asked Liberty as we reached them.

"Don't know. Scotty started waking everyone up early and telling them to meet in the lobby by ten," she said. I didn't have to wait long as Scotty came out of his office followed by Denise and Roger.

"Thank you all for coming. I know some of you probably have classes right now and I'll be happy to talk to your professors to explain why you missed class," Scotty explained.

"What's this about?" a guy from the 4th floor asked.

"Now I'm sure that everyone has heard a certain piece of information about one of your dorm mates," Scotty said and it was almost comical when almost everyone turned to look at me. "Now, we've had some trouble because a few of your dorm mates have taken it upon themselves to act out in violence."

"I'm here to tell you now that violence will not be tolerated, nor will any kind of discrimination against anyone in this dorm based on a person's skin color, religion, or sexual orientation. Now, I told this to several of your dorm mates already and they chose to disregard this warning so now they find themselves in the position of looking for somewhere else to stay."

"I will say this once, and only once. If I receive any report of any kind of bullying perpetrated against anyone in this dorm by someone else in this dorm, and I find the report credible, you will be out of here. There will be no warning beforehand because this speech will serve as your warning."

"Now, if any of you think you won't be able to abide by this, you can come and sign this paper that Denise is holding and I'll tell the Dean to look for you somewhere else to live. I want this to be a safe place for everyone to live, without being in fear of their fellow dorm mates."

"If any of you have already experienced any bullying and want to tell me, you can do so discreetly anytime this weekend as I'm making special hours to hear your complaints. I hope this puts an end to any negativity that may be going around. Finally, for floor 1 and floor 2, you'll both have new RA's by the beginning of next week," Scotty finished and I was stunned by how he'd chosen to handle this situation.

A few people walked over and spoke to me and told me they hoped I'd feel better. I guess my being jumped and beaten up had spread as well. I kept glancing at Denise to see if anyone would go and sign the paper she had. After about 10 minutes, I saw a guy and a girl walk up to her and they both signed it. Bear gave me a comforting squeeze of my shoulder.

Things calmed down a little although there were still people looking and whispering about me. I'd finally had enough and decided to give them what they were looking for. It was Sunday and Bear was due to leave later in the day. I'd sent him off with the crew the day before and went on a secret trip. He'd tried to get out of me what I'd done the night before by trying to seduce me, but I remained silent. He finally gave up and went to sleep in protest.

I got up really early and took a shower as I'd taken to doing so I could avoid any of the guys on my floor. I wasn't a fool to believe that Scotty's speech had reached everyone, especially my roommate whom I hadn't seen nor heard from since the day before I'd been attacked.

Anyway, I made Bear leave and went about putting my look together. When I was done, I laughed at myself, but I had to also admit that I looked kind of hot in all these tight clothes. I had on a pair of black sunglasses that I had perched on top of my head, a tight pink t-shirt that had the words "Super Gay" in big print on the front and a rainbow on the back, a pair of pink jeans with a white belt, white shoes, and a bunch of colored bracelets on my wrist that I had arranged in a rainbow pattern.

I looked slightly tacky, without being overly tacky so I left it as it was. I took one last look at myself before leaving my room and hopping on the elevator. When I entered the lobby, the eyes of everyone there seemed to gravitate to me. When I walked up to my friends and Bear, Liberty and Jessica were trying to keep a straight face while Bear was eyeing me with extreme interest.

"Don't you think that's a little... blatant?" Liberty said through her struggle to keep from laughing.

"Nope. I think I look fabulous," I said and Jessica lost her war with keeping a straight face.

"I agree," Bear said as he stepped up to me with obvious desire in his eyes.

"There's literally nothing that I can do to turn you off is there?" I asked him.

"Nothing," he said before taking my hand and pulling me along after him as he headed for the door.

I spent the day hanging with my friends and my Bear and it was great. I felt like I could breathe again after putting myself through so much drama, putting so much stress on myself. I knew that things weren't over as I'm sure there had to be at least someone else on campus, maybe even still in my dorm that had a problem with me, but I'd handle that when it came up.

The only real problem I saw was my roommate and what was up with him. I wondered what was up with Dave and when he'd come back to our room. I wondered if the problem that I felt could be on the horizon would be with him. I couldn't do anything about him though until he showed himself, so until then, I just had to move on and live my life.

To be continued....

Author's Note's:

The fallout from Trey and Bear being seen by Donny starts to unfold. Donny tells some of his friends about Trey and they gang up to try and jump him, but some quick thinking from Trey and the intervention from Sean and Carter saves Trey temporarily.

After a ordeal though that leads to Trey being outed to first his whole dorm, then to other students across campus, Donny and his crew, with their ringleader Trevor finally succeeds in attacking Trey to try and force him to leave.

Bear, Sean, and Carter come to his rescue though and the immediate threat of Donny, Trevor and their crew is dealt with thanks to help from Liam, Angel, and Trey's dorm director Scotty.

Now that Trey is out and things have cooled down a little bit, all Trey has to deal with now is his absent roommate who had been MIA since before he was attacked. Is there more to this story than meets the eye?

Find out in the next installment of "The Chronicles of Trey"

Thank you to all who read this story and to you who have taken the time to send me emails to let me know what you think. It really makes me happy to receive emails from my readers and gives me the confidence and motivation to keep writing. I apologize for the long delay in getting this chapter out. Things have been busy for me lately, but I hope to have chapter 6 out much sooner than a month's time. Please send any comments, good or bad, to If you want to, you can also follow me on Twitter. My handle is @StoryGuyNick. Thank you all again for reading my story.

Until next time.... Nicky

Editor's Note's:

The other shoe has dropped as they like to say sometime, and so it happens after Trey and Bear are seen by Donny he has to go and run his mouth to some friend's. Of course they can't leave well enough alone and have to cause more problems. Luckily Bear show's up and save's Trey from an even worse beating.

Like Trey said their problem's aren't probably over yet as his roommate has not been seen since before the attack. What could be going on with Dave. Could he have finally gotten a problem with Trey being gay. Hopefully we can find out soon.

Until then guys hope you have a safe Halloween. (I was editing the this chapter all night while handing out candy.)


Next: Chapter 37: The Chronicles of Trey II 6

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