The Chronicles of Trey

By Nicky Smith

Published on Sep 24, 2016


Disclaimer: This story is 100% fictional and may contain references and scenes of consensual sex between males. Any resemblance to real people or situations is purely coincidental. If your country or state does not allow such material to be read or you have come across this site by accident, please leave now.

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Written by: Nicky Smith Edited by: JD Kaster



I still regretted calling Bear. I couldn't figure out his reaction to my call. I ran over everything I'd told him countless times and I couldn't figure out what I'd said to get such a cold reaction from him. I tried to get in touch with him, but he hadn't answered my calls or text for two days and I was worried about him. He also didn't answer any call or texts from our friends.

I called his mother and she told me that she'd talked to him earlier in the day and nothing seemed wrong so I figured he was avoiding me. I was happy that someone had talked to him and that he was okay, but it didn't help me any when it came to worrying about him. I stayed up late texting him and waiting for him to text me back, but he didn't respond. I wanted to cry, but I made myself stop because I wasn't a baby and I forced myself to go to sleep.

It didn't feel like I'd slept at all when I felt something on my nose. I waved it away hoping it was a fly before trying to go back to sleep. I felt it again and I decided to open my eyes to maybe scare whatever the hell it was away by giving it a death glare.

I opened my eyes and I must have been dreaming because looking back at me was a guy with the most handsome face I'd ever seen with crystal blue eyes that were dancing, and a beautiful smile on display. I felt my hands reach up and tentatively touch that face and when my hand made contact with that bearded face, his smile grew even bigger.

"Bear." I shrieked as I jumped up and launched myself at him which caused him to fall off the bed onto the floor while holding on to me. I then thought about how I'd sounded and I needed to rectify that and man up so I tried that again. "I mean, Bear, what up?" I said, this time in a deeper voice and trying to act cool all the while I was straddling Bear as he lay on the floor. Bear laughed at this.

"Hey baby. I didn't expect you to jump me like that," he said, his voice full a happy amusement.

"I didn't expect you to be here," I said as I reached down and laid my hand against his cheek. He closed his eyes and sighed and I melted. I just couldn't get rid of the sunshine and rainbows around him.

"I know," he said after opening his eyes. He looked rather pleased with himself and then I remembered the two days of silence.

"Where were you? I've been calling and texting you for two days. Our friends have even been doing the same and nothing." I didn't realize how worried I'd been until I was actually looking at him.

"I was trying to get my work in so I could take a couple of days off and come to see you. I could tell that you needed to see me and I needed to see you too," he said and didn't he just know what to say to touch my heart.

"You talked to your mom though," I said and mentally slapped myself for being petty. He just smiled though.

"I talked to her because apparently, Sean told his mother that you couldn't get in touch with me. His mother then told this to my mother and she actually tracked down my roommate and made him make me call her," he said. One thing jumped out at me from what he'd said.

"She made you call her, but didn't make you call me?" I asked him. I could hear the slight edge in my tone but I chose to ignore it.

"Well she did tell me to call you. I told her I was working on something and I made her promise not to say anything to you," he said and I moved from being pissed at his mother to annoyed at him.

"Oh, I see," I said as neutrally as I could.

"Okay, before you kill me, you might wanna get rid of any witnesses," he said looking amused. I was curious about what he was talking about so he answered me by gesturing behind me with his eyes. I looked and saw Dave leaning against the door. He looked amused as well, but he also had a look like he was observing or studying us. Maybe it was the first time he'd seen a gay couple interact with each other in person.

"Dave, I didn't know you were in here," I said feeling slightly embarrassed for the intimacy of our interactions in front of Dave. We were friendly with each other, but we weren't best friends or anything. At least not yet anyway.

"Yup, I'm in here," he said with a smirk before he winked at me and went over to sit on his bed. I finally let Bear get up and we both sat down on my bed and he took my hand in his and kissed it a couple of times before he started rubbing the back of my hand with his big thumb.

"So, how long are you here for?" I asked him and I hoped he'd say that he was there for the next four years. I casually glanced over to see Dave still observing us. I decided to leave him be.

"You've got me until Sunday afternoon," he said and while it wasn't four years, I'd take four days in a heartbeat.

"That's great!" I said enthusiastically.

"Well, I'm gonna go," he said as he stood up.

"What?" I said as I shot up.

"I'm gonna go and see Liberty and Jess. Let them know I'm still alive cause they've been blowing up my phone just like you," he said with that grin that I loved so much.

"Oh," I said feeling a bit embarrassed again. He chuckled a bit before bringing his hand up to caress my cheek. He then pulled me to him and I didn't waste any time before I claimed those lips of his. It was a deep but brief kiss as I was aware that we had an audience and I think I heard him gasp slightly.

"I'll be right back," he said after we pulled apart.

"You'd better," I told him and he hit me with that killer grin of his before he turned and left. I got a great view of that perfect ass of his and I was immediately appreciative of the gift.

"So, that's Bear," Dave said after Bear had left.

"Yup, that's Bear," I said while still staring at the door, not willing to stop because I was worried it was a dream. I realized by then that I was probably being a tad bit dramatic, but who cares.

"I gotta say, that pic of yours definitely didn't do him justice," Dave said and that got my attention.

"Really," I said as I finally looked away from the door at him.

"Yeah. He's a pretty imposing figure. He's... bigger than I expected," he said and I tried to stifle the snicker that tried to escape. Leave it to Bear to pique the interest of a straight guy.

"Well, he's always been a big guy in one way or another," I said. I don't know why, but as I looked into Dave's eyes, I know I saw him briefly wonder if he was big everywhere. I smiled and he blushed like I knew what he was thinking so maybe I was right. "You could ask him if you want."

"Ask him what?"

"If he's got a big dick. He'd show ya if you wanna see," I said with a smirk and his eyebrows shot up high.

"I don't wanna know," he said, but not very convincingly.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure I don't wanna know how big your boyfriend is downstairs," he said more convincingly. I watched him for a few moments before shrugging.

I went to look for something to wear and I gave myself a mental reminder to go home to get some more clothes, or better yet, get Calvin to bring me some stuff up. He'd probably love a free weekend away from the parents. I was just getting my stuff together to go and take a shower, as was Dave, when our door was flung open quickly and closed again just as fast.

"Why didn't you warn me about the warden on the girls' floor?" Bear asked looking flustered.

"Ah, you must have run into Denise. Yeah, I forgot that guys can't go to the girls' floors unless they live in this dorm," I said and he rolled his eyes.

"You couldn't have told me that before?" he asked sounding exasperated. Denise must have really given him a tongue lashing.

"You mean a guy as big as you was scared of lil' ole Denise?" Dave asked with a teasing grin.

"You've met Denise, you tell me," I said and Dave thought a moment before giving a nod of understanding.

"What did she say?" Dave asked.

"Well first, she asked if I was some kind of super soldier or something. Then she said that even if I was, she wasn't intimidated by me. Then she told me that she didn't know me and that meant that she wasn't letting me on the floor, and she didn't care who I said I knew," Bear said and that definitely described Denise. She took her job of RA seriously. I'm sure she didn't want any teenage pregnancies on her watch.

"Sorry I let you go into battle with Wonder Woman," I said before I started laughing at an annoyed looking Bear. He softened up rather quickly though.

"Yeah well, I'll be sure to repay you for that," he said and I could hear the mischief in his voice.

"You just better recognize who you're dealing with before you go trying to get all clever," I warned, but with a smile to let him know I was mostly kidding.

"Trust me, I know," he said with that grin that made me weak as he gazed into my eyes and I into his.

"Well, I think I'm gonna go and grab a shower," Dave said, obviously giving us some privacy, or maybe he was getting a bit uncomfortable with the obvious sparks flying off of us.

"Okay," I said while not taking my eyes off of Bear. Bear moved away from the door while still staring at me. I managed to see Dave shake his head from the corner of my eyes, but he had a small smile so I knew he was probably thinking that we were a couple of lovesick fools. He then left the room, leaving me alone with the man of my dreams and desires.

"Damn, you look good. I wanna kiss every inch of you," Bear said after a minute more of our gazing in a husky voice that made me shudder involuntarily.

"Really?" I asked in a hoarse voice before clearing my throat.

"Yeah," he said as he started walking slowly toward me. I was automatically drawn toward him and I didn't have one objection.

When we reached each other, we continued to stare at each other for about a minute before he leaned down and tenderly kissed me and I returned the kiss. It was a very tame, but satisfying kiss, but the heat started to rise quickly when I felt that special part of Bear growing hard between us.

Our kiss became more urgent and frenzied after that with the both of us practically clawing at each other. I pulled away from Bear and he looked a bit confused until I moved him over toward my bed and pushed him back until he fell on it. He looked momentarily shocked before looking up at me with a big grin. I looked him all over from head to toe, paying special attention to the obvious bulge in the tight jeans he was wearing caused by the boner that was clearly straining for release.

I looked back into his eyes and I saw his love for me, but I also saw his lust and desire for me and that made me even harder than I already was. I almost jumped on the bed and devoured his lips. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tightly against him. We both started grinding against each other as we tongue wrestled which was driving me insane.

I wanted this feeling to last forever, with me lying on top of Bear with him holding me as close to him as possible and grinding against each other. It didn't last forever though as I became aware of my phone beeping with the message alert. I ignored it at first until I heard it again, and again a third time.

This time I reluctantly stopped and Bear let out an frustrated breath which I could relate to. I reached for my phone and saw I had 3 texts from Dave which confused me. I looked at the first and chuckled a bit as I showed it to Bear and he chuckled too. The message read "Is it safe to come back yet?" The next two texts just had question marks in them.

Bear grabbed my phone and pushed me off when I tried to grab the phone back as I knew he was up to no good. He typed something with one hand while holding me back with the other. He then hit send and showed me the message. I glared at him as he cracked up and his own idiocy. His reply was "There's hardcore gay sex going on in here. Come check it out".

"You're an idiot," I said as he tried to recover from his laughing fit while lying on my bed.

"You should have seen your face," he said before cracking up again. The door opened at this time and Dave walked in with his hand over his eyes. Bear looked over at him and cracked up even harder.

"Is everything okay?" Dave asked tentatively which only served to set Bear off even more.

"Yeah, it's fine, other than the fact that I'm plotting the murder of this gigantic jackass," I said with as much mock annoyance as I could.

"Are you two fully clothed?" Dave asked, again sounding a bit tentative.

"Yeah, sure. Take your hand down and see," Bear said with a voice full of humor and teasing. I knew from his tone that he was trying to make it seem like we weren't, and he was trying to trick Dave into seeing us naked.

"Uh," Dave said sounding unsure, like he didn't believe Bear, which is exactly what Bear was going for.

"Don't listen to the idiot. He's fully clothed and he's gonna stay that way," I said making sure he got my point.

"Wait, say what now?" Bear asked sobering up real quick.

"You heard me. You should have thought about that before you decided to be funny," I said and I heard Dave obviously stifling a laugh from behind me.

"Okay now, let's not do anything crazy," Bear said trying to reason with me.

"Nope. I think I'm gonna go and take a shower and then put on a lot of clothes," I said and I had to stop myself from laughing at the desperate look on his face.

"How much is a lot?" he asked and I almost lost the battle against laughter.

"You won't be seeing an inch of my skin below my neck," I threatened and he thought for a second before that damned confident smirk that I hated appeared on his face.

"I can work with that," he said and I heard Dave almost losing his battle as well.

"With my neck?" I asked this fool who I was sometimes unfortunate enough to be in love with.

"Yup. I can do a lot with a neck," he said before shooting me a lecherous grin that finally broke Dave as he started cracking up. I'm sure the slightly weirded out look that I'm sure had to be on my face contributed to it as well.

"Freak," I mumbled before heading to my closet to get the clothes I'd gotten together.

"So, what do you wanna do today," Bear asked and that's when I remembered that I had two classes, one of which was in an hour.

"I actually have two classes," I said a bit hesitantly.

"Oh," he said with obvious disappointment in his tone.

"I can just skip `em though," I said, fully prepared to do so. Bear had come all the way down here and the least I could do was skip a couple of classes.

"No, don't do that. I know how much school means to you," he said being his usual considerate self.

"I can keep him company if you want. I don't have but one class today and that's not until later this afternoon," Dave said and I looked at him with a bit of surprise.

"You don't have to," I told him, but he just waved me off.

"It's no problem. Besides, that'll give him the chance to give me the third degree and try and discern my intentions toward you," Dave said with a teasing smile.

"What are your intentions?" Bear asked with a serious look and a gruff tone.

"Bear, come on. He's straight," I said while trying not to sound annoyed at his possessiveness.

"So was I," he said, which was mostly the truth.

"What?" Dave asked and I saw that glint in Bear's eyes that signaled that he was about to be up to no good again.

"Don't you know straight guys can become gay?" Bear asked sounding serious but it was obvious to anyone who knew him that he was joking.

"What?" Dave asked again looking just a tad concerned.

"Oh yeah. Trey has a certain... quality that can make it happen. He did it to me," Bear said as he stared at Dave looking entirely too serious.

"You don't ever wanna get laid again, do you?" I asked him and that got his attention.

"I was just joking," he said quickly while poor Dave was still looking unsure.

"Yeah, right. I'm gonna go get a shower," I said before heading for the door.

"You're just joking, right?" Bear asked while giving me an intent stare. I just gave him a sinister smile before leaving the room.


"I'm sure he's kidding," Dave said as he sat on his bed.

I took this time to get a good look at Dave without distraction. He was about 5'11 and about 185 pounds. He looked a bit stocky instead of defined and cut. He had some pretty big biceps and strong looking forearms and I remembered Trey telling me he had been a baseball player.

He had brown eyes, dark hair, and a dark mustache to match. If I was being honest, while he wasn't conventionally handsome, I liked the way he looked and I wondered if Trey did as well. I then wondered how many times he and Trey had seen each other naked. I'd seen my teammates naked plenty already, which included my roommate Deacon, but this was different.

"I'm straight, like Trey said," Dave said after a few minutes of me sizing him up and him apparently letting me.

"Yeah well, I wasn't kidding about being straight before being with Trey," I told him and the uneasy look he'd had earlier returned.

"You'd never been with a guy before Trey?" Dave asked with a slight nervous tremble of his voice.

"I hadn't even thought about another guy before Trey, well not completely. I did however, feel closer to him than any other person, including my family."

"What do you mean by `not completely'?"

"I mean that there was one time, close to when we got together, when I really wanted to know what it'd be like to kiss him," I said and that look on his face deepened.

"I... I've thought about it before too. Just a couple of times, but I've thought about it," he said looking nervous now. "Does that make me gay?"

"I don't know," I said and I was able to notice an edge in my voice, but who could blame me when this guy, who shared a room with the guy I loved was telling me he'd thought about kissing him.

"Hey, I'm not talking about Trey. This is about another guy I knew from back home," he said and I immediately deflated.

"Oh," I said feeling slightly embarrassed that I'd automatically assumed he meant Trey and was secretly plotting how to discreetly murder him.

"So, have you killed him yet?" Trey asked as he burst back into the room.

"Not yet. I'm still considering it," I said a bit gruffly. Dave looked like he believed me, but Trey definitely saw through my bullshit.

"Uh-huh," he said sounding so much like his mother that I'm sure he would have died if I'd told him as much.

"Well, I might just let him live though as I just discovered that he's more interesting than you know," I said just cryptic enough to make him wonder.

"Oh, I already know that Dave's curious," he said while looking so smug that it kind of irritated me. He was always so on that it was difficult to get him unless I resorted to drastic measures like earlier. Sean was even worse.

"What?" Dave said sounding slightly panicked.

"Don't concern yourself with it," Trey said, waving Dave off as the two of us squared-off. When it wasn't irritating me, I liked that he was confident enough to go toe-to-toe with me. He wasn't afraid to challenge me as he knew most times that he'd win and that was great.

"Don't you have to get to class?" I asked, more kidding than anything. I didn't really want him to leave.

"Oh shit, I forgot," he said before rushing over to get his wallet, keys, and phone. "See ya later, big guy," he said before grabbing his books and heading for the door. I stopped him and gave him a deep kiss before he aimed a beautiful, slightly bashful smile at me. He then walked out the door and left me alone, well alone with Dave.

"Okay well, I'm ready so let's go. I can show you around campus a bit. I'll save the good stuff for Trey though," he said as got his wallet, phone and keys. I figured he'd still be freaked out by what Trey had said, but I guess he was choosing not to dwell on it at the moment. I just shrugged and followed him.

We left the room and he locked the door before we headed to the elevator. There were more guys milling around now that it'd gotten later. They were definitely sizing me up, probably wondering who I was and where I'd come from.

We hopped on the elevator and rode down to the lobby. As we got off the elevator, I took in the lobby again, more fully this time. It was a really great looking place. It looked more like a hotel than a dorm, and I had a thought that Penn would kill for something like this.

We headed for the exit and I noticed that I was attracting a lot of attention. They probably thought I was a new freshman, which was kind of true, except I was a freshman at another school. I'd had quite a few guys on the team tell me I looked older than 19. I took that as meaning that I could probably get a fake ID and easily get into bars.

"Bear!" I heard someone scream. A female someone. It could have only been two females calling me so excitedly. I turned and saw Jessica running toward me and Liberty hanging back and trying to hide herself. Jessica made it to me, jumped up, and stuck herself to me.

"Hey baby girl," I said after recovering from her attack and grabbing her so she wouldn't fall.

"Hey Bear. I missed you," she said before giving me a big wet kiss on the forehead.

"I missed you too baby girl," I said through my laughter at how unchanged Jessica was. She was always warring with Sean for the most bubbly person of our group of friends.

"Jessica! Get your ass down and stop embarrassing me. I have to live here," Liberty hissed and I guess she hadn't changed from her old surly self either.

"Oh, am I embarrassing you, Liberty St. John? The same Liberty St. John that has known me and lived next door to me, Jessica Martin, for the last 6 years!" Jessica said very loudly.

"I will rip your tongue out of your mouth, little white girl," Liberty seethed.

"Alright, fine. Grouchy," Jessica said as she climbed down off of me.

"And you," Liberty said as she walked over, reaching up to grab my collar, and pulled me down to her eye level. "The next time you don't answer my calls or texts, I will track you down and rip your beating heart out of your chest," she said in such a threatening tone, that it left no room that she was more than willing to do it.

"Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?" I asked with a grin that I knew would piss her off.

"No, she did that 19 years ago," Jessica muttered loud enough for us to hear.

"I will not let you white people get me sent to prison," Liberty said while holding up her hands looking like she was mentally trying to keep her cool.

"For what?" Jessica asked.

"Murder," Liberty said with such a creepy smile that I had to take a cautious step back. I noticed that Jessica did as well.

"Where are you two headed?" Jessica asked after giving Liberty a wary once-over.

"Um," Dave said, likely trying to contribute, but still stunned by the behavior of us supposed close friends.

"He's taking me around campus," I said, giving him more time to recover.

"Why isn't Trey doing that? Have your even seen him?" Liberty asked, acting all mama bear. I was happy that she was able to transition right back into it like no time had passed during her and Trey's separation.

"He had some classes," I said.

"Yeah, and since he's busy, I get Bear all to my self," Dave said, recovering big time and throwing around innuendo to boot. Maybe he was alright after all.

"Really Dave? You're throwing around gay subs now?" Liberty asked. She was likely jealous as that was usually her role.

"Look who's talking. You're the queen of gay subs, especially with Sean," Jessica said voicing my thoughts.

"Hey, it's not my fault. He's like a beacon for `em when he's around Trey," Liberty said acting like they just came from nowhere with no intervention from her.

"Hey guys," two girls said as they walked up to us. One was a white girl with long brown hair that she had in a big braid. The other was... well I couldn't tell. She looked like she was a mix of different ethnicities.

"Yo," Jessica greeted them.

"Whoa!" they both said in unison and I heard Liberty let out an irritated sigh.

"Who are you?" The white girl said as she obviously went into hunter mode. I recognized it as I used to use it myself.

"Um, Maria... I think he's taken, and you'd realize that if you actually looked at him," the other girl said with an amused expression. Trey had told me about these two and since the white girl was named Maria, the one who'd just spoken must've been Light.

"What're you talking about?" she asked before giving me a really thorough looking over, noticeably stopping at my crotch. I could tell when realization hit her. "Damned Trey! I hate him so hard," she grumbled out and Light laughed. Maria was definitely not happy.

"Aw, it's okay. A lot of girls have been where you are now," Jessica said as she pretended to console Maria.

"I don't get what the big deal is about you," Liberty said in her usual surly tone. I just smiled as I had her.

"Oh yeah? Well, I remember about a year or so ago when you said, to my face, `have you always been this hot'. That's a direct quote by the way," I said and I knew I'd get it bad for bringing that up, but I didn't care. The look on her face definitely said that I was gonna die hard.

"You don't say. I can't wait to tell Christian about this," Jessica joked, looking full of glee. Liberty looked livid, but then a calculating smirk appeared on her face and I was briefly reminded of that jackass Drake.

"Go ahead, but then I'd just have to go to Alvis and mention the words `Summer of 2010'," Liberty said and Jessica's eyes went pretty big. I still had no idea what this big secret between the two of them was. Trey didn't even know, at least that's what he told me.

"I suddenly forgot what I was talking about," Jessica said, backing off.

"Um-hmm, thought so," Liberty said with a victorious grin.

"Well, I've got a class in about 15 minutes so I'm out," Jessica said before walking away, and only tossing a casual wave over her shoulders. Liberty said she had to leave too and she also left with no fanfare. Light and Maria formally introduced themselves before leaving as well.

"I guess it's just you and me," Dave said.

I followed behind him, he showed me several places, including some landmarks. I'd seen a couple of them in pics Trey had sent me. He introduced me to some people he knew from around school, including a few players on the football team. They were really interested in me and tried hard to get me to transfer to their school so I could play with them.

I jokingly told them that I'd rather stay with my winning team. They didn't take it personally and told me about these two new hotshots, one of which thought he was the king of football. I knew then that they were talking about Sean and I told them that I'd gone to High School with him.

They tried to pump me for some embarrassing stuff on him, but I wasn't telling them anything. I believed in loyalty and even though Sean annoyed me sometimes, he was a real friend and I knew how to keep my mouth shut.

We then went to the place that Trey was always on about called The Cove. When I walked in, I was immediately sold on the place and wished there was one at my school. We got something to eat and mostly ate in silence.

"What did Trey mean by the fact that I was curious?" Dave asked out of the blue. I studied him for a minute to determine what he wanted to really hear.

"Haven't you ever heard of bi-curious?" I finally asked him and his eyes widened.

"You think I'm... bisexual?" he asked with his voice lowered.

"No. Bisexual means physically and sexually attracted to both men and women. Bi-curious means that you're straight or gay, but you might be a little curious about what it'd be like to be with the other. You're not completely bisexual, but the thoughts are more than just passing thoughts. At least, that's what I believe it is anyway," I told him in the best way I could think to describe it.

"Oh," he said, but he still looked a bit confused.

"Okay, let's get out of here and go somewhere else," I said. He looked up and nodded and grabbed his garbage and I did the same. We emptied our trash and stacked our trays on the bins before leaving.

We walked around for a bit before I saw a bench that was relatively private so I directed him to it. He looked confused, but he followed me. I didn't want to get too far into details where other people could hear me. We took a seat and I turned towards him.

"Okay now, let's try to explain it like this. Say you see a guy and think, I wonder what it'd be like to kiss him. You get around to doing so but you find that while the kiss was okay for a kiss, it didn't really do anything for you and you decide that your satisfied and it ends there. That's bi-curious," I said and he looked more understanding this time.

"Okay, I get that," he said and he looked a bit relieved. I decided not to comment on that though as I had no idea where it was coming from.

"It can go farther though. Two guys, or two girls for that matter, can even end up fooling around with each other, but still, one or both of them can find that it really wasn't for them and it ends there. If it goes further and longer than that though, you're probably more in the realm of bisexuality," I said and he just nodded. He looked deep in thought and I wondered what was going through his head.

"Thanks," he said finally, even though he still looked deep in thought.

"Is there someone you wanna kiss?" I asked. I tried to ask the question with as little judgement as possible because I didn't want him thinking I was thinking he was gay or something. Some guys seemed really hung up on their perceived heterosexuality.

"Kind of, but I don't think I'm brave enough to try it," he said and I was surprised that he was so honest, especially since he hadn't even known me for a whole day yet. I nodded my understanding and he smiled a little bit.

We just sat there for about a minute when I received a text from Trey. He asked where we were and I told him that we were near his favorite place. He said that that better not be the case as his favorite place was in my arms. I tried not to melt in front Dave and I mostly succeeded.

I told him we were near The Cove and he told me that he would meet us there. Dave told me that he had to get back because it was almost time for him to be getting ready for his class so I told Trey we'd meet him back in the room. He said okay, but sent me a frowny face as well. I just laughed because I knew what he wanted. I told Dave to wait while I went back into The Cove and got Trey something to eat. I then caught back up with him and we headed back to their dorm.

I noticed that there were several girls who couldn't take their eyes off of me as we walked past them both on the way and when we made it back to the dorm. A few years ago, that would have made my ego rise, along with something else. Now though, it did nothing for me. I guess I was so into Trey that others didn't register and I was happy about that.


I made it back to my room and tossed my books. I'd look over my work later as I had something else to focus on now. I thought of losing all my clothes and greeting Bear naked, but there was the Dave factor. He'd seen me naked before, but naked and hard was quite a different thing.

I ditched those thoughts as I heard the doorknob turning. I didn't need Dave seeing that I'd been thinking naughty thoughts, especially since Bear definitely would draw attention to it. They came in and I couldn't stop the automatic smile that spread on my face when I saw Bear.

"Hey baby. I brought you some eats," he said with a big grin and I briefly hated Dave for being with Bear so I could just jump Bear's bones without an audience.

"Thanks. I'm starved," I said choosing to focus instead on the food that I could smell and that was making my stomach growl.

I grabbed the bag, but I made the mistake of looking into his eyes. He looked into mine and a knowing smirk appeared on his handsome face. I guess there was still evidence of my earlier thoughts still visible. I just let him see whatever he saw though.

"You two are so cute," Dave said before his eyes bucked open wide. He probably shocked himself with his own statement.

"Aw, thanks Dave," Bear said before walking over and giving him a big loud smack on the cheek.

"What the hell happened between you two while I was in class?" I asked as I looked at my normally overprotective Bear being all buddy-buddy with the guy who shares a room with me.

"That's private baby," Bear said and I gave him the side eye as he walked over and sat on my bed.

I decided to let it go for the moment and instead chose to dig into my food which was delicious. Dave sat and he and Bear talked for a few minutes about nothing in particular before Dave got ready to leave for his class. That left me alone with my Bear and that definitely made me happy.

I went over to my bed and sat down and looked at him. He looked at me and I could tell he saw something, probably something that I didn't want him to see because a slight frown appeared on his face.

"What is it?" I asked as I started to feel self-conscious.

"Tell me what's really on your mind," he said as he continued peering into my eyes.

"Are you sure?" I asked because I wasn't sure I wanted to rehash this. I really needed to let things go.

"Fire away," he said with a slight smile. I prepared to speak and hoped I didn't regret it.

"Okay, but you asked for it. Now that we're alone I want to know why you were so cold to me?"

"What do you mean?" he asked as he looked at me with confusion.

"You didn't answer my calls or texts. You froze me out for days, and I wanna know why." His look changed to one of resignation, I suppose.

"Ah yeah. I should have figured you'd ask that question again," he said with a slight smile.

"Yeah. While your cookie-cutter explanation was enough to placate me earlier, not so much now."

"You mean, now that you've had time to think and find a reason to be pissed at me," he said with a smirk which did kind of piss me off because what he'd said was slightly true.

"I don't know what-"

"Yup. You just can't help it," he said taking far too much joy in the situation.

"Answer my question, jackass," I said impatiently.

"Okay," he said before getting serious. "I heard your voice and it just tore me up."

"Huh? What're you talking about?" I asked as I was sure that I was being as neutral as possible when I was talking to him.

"Well, I know you probably think you were keeping your emotions out of your voice, but I still heard you. I heard how much all that stuff had been weighing on you and I heard how much you missed me. I was already missing you like crazy, but your tone had me close to crying. I couldn't let you hear that so I shut everything out and I guess that made me seem like I was being cold."

His explanation was a pretty good one, and was actually one of the reasons why I'd came up with the idea of us not talking on the phone. I know that being apart in some ways was supposed to be good for us, but it was starting to suck ass big time.

I looked into those blue eyes that were looking back into my own with such regard that I knew that I'd never love anyone else like him and I didn't want to. I took his hand in mine and he gave me a genuine smile that gave me butterflies. Damned sunshine and rainbows.

"I was just feeling so much stuff and all those feelings were coming down hard on me and I needed to hear your voice because I knew that at least that would lift my spirits," I said and he smiled a beautiful smile.

"I understand that feeling," he said before his grip on my hand tightened slightly.

I could feel all those pesky emotions coming back up again and I hated that because I liked to be in control and emotions, especially love, were messy things that couldn't be controlled most of the time.

"See," I said as I sniffled. "This is why I don't particularly care for all these emotional epiphanies," I said and he chuckled slightly.

"Well, you can't keep this stuff inside. You need to express your emotions," he said while he still had me pinned in his intent gaze.

"Yeah, I know that, Dr. Manning," I said sarcastically.

"My point is, you shouldn't be hiding your feelings from me. I wanna know what you're feeling," he said in such a heartfelt and genuine statement that I needed to kiss him, but I held off.

"Well, you hid your feelings from me," I said and he rolled his eyes, but he still managed to smile a bit. I hated how stubborn I could be sometimes. One day, I needed to get inside my head and knock some sense into my brain.

"I did that because I could hear how much you needed me, even if you couldn't. I needed you too, but I couldn't get to you right then so I just shut off everything until I could see you again," he said and what he said made sense so I chose to let that be the end of this particular line of discussion, well almost.

"So, you heard that I needed you and you just came to my rescue like some superhero?" I said in jest. He grinned and again that powerful urge to kiss him reared it's head. I resisted it again though as I wasn't done talking to him and I knew that if I kissed him, we'd get lost in ourselves.

"Yup. I'm your superhero," he said with a cheesy grin.

"Well, you're certainly built like a superhero," I said and he squeezed my hand slightly. I knew he liked when I complimented his body.

"You don't say. Tell me how," he said before sliding closer to me.

"Well, you have big, strong arms that look like they can lift a car," I said in a low, husky tone as I trailed the fingers of my free hand up his arm. "You have awesome pecs and abs for days and I definitely love the body hair. I just wanna run my hands all over your chest and abs. Well, your whole body actually," I said, feeling the heat rise as I spoke. Bear's grip on my hand tightened at intervals as I spoke and his gaze grew penetrating and smoldering.

"I definitely want you to touch me all over. I want to feel your hands on every part of my body," he said in a husky rasp that made my dick hard.

"Every part?" I asked after swallowing a lump in my throat.

"Every part," he said putting the right emphasis on his words.

We looked at each other for a few more seconds before I just had to taste him. I lunged at him and pushed him back onto my bed and attacked his lips. He shoved his tongue into my mouth and feeling his tongue gliding against mine dragged a moan out of me that was muffled by Bear.

Bear then flipped us over so he was on top and threaded our fingers together and pinned my hands to the bed above me. He then pulled back and looked at me with a burning gaze that lit me on fire.

He then leaned down and started kissing me again as he laid more of his weight on me. I loved feeling his strong body against mine. As our tongues dueled, we started grinding our dicks against each other. It was great, but I needed more.

"Bear, I need... touch me... please," I said in a breathless plea. Bear pulled away from me and after looking at me for a few seconds and letting loose a low growl, he started fumbling with trying to undo my jeans. I followed suit with his and we were a tangled mess trying to undo each others pants.

We finally got our pants undone and shoved down and I finally got to see that hot rod that was rock hard and drooling as was mine. Bear then wrapped his big hand around both our dicks which brought a grunt and a simultaneous "oh fuck" from the both of us.

Bear leaned down and locked his lips with mine while he began a slow jerk of our dicks. We were pumping out a good supply of pre-cum so we glided though Bear's fist pretty easily. This thought caused a surge of heat to shoot through me and had me moaning and grunting even more.

Bear's grip on our dicks tightened and he started moaning and grunting just as much as I was and that ratcheted me up even higher. I needed to feel more of Bear though so I pushed him up and after almost ripping off my own shirt, I quickly unbuttoned his shirt and threw it aside. I looked at that glorious tanned flesh that made up his amazingly hairy torso and I almost came from the visual alone.

I pulled Bear back down and shoved my tongue into his mouth. With skin on skin contact and our tongues dueling, I didn't even need Bear jerking my dick to have me moaning a lot. He wrapped his hand back around our dicks and started jerking in earnest. I felt the pressure in my balls and I knew I was close and Bear must have sensed it because he stopped and pulled back and straddled my waist.

"Jerk yourself. I wanna see you cum," Bear said in that husky rasp that almost did the trick by itself.

I gripped my dick immediately and started jerking wildly and Bear started to match my rhythm on his own dick. Watching him jerking himself while straddling my waist was just the visual I needed to send me over the edge and I unloaded several shots of cum all over my chest and abs. I opened my eyes just in time to see Bear following suit as he shot his load on me and that almost made me have another orgasm.

After he was spent, Bear collapsed on top on me and I wrapped my arms around his massive body. I could feel the muscles in his back as he heaved heavy breaths in and out. I thrilled at feeling his body on me. After a few more minutes of us coming down from our orgasmic bliss, Bear raised his head and looked at me with a blissed out smile.

"That was so hot watching you shoot like that. The look on your face was so awesome, I could have cum by just looking at you shooting," he said and I couldn't help the grin that appeared on my face.

"You too big guy. You can put porn stars to shame with the way you look. Watching you jerking it was better than any porn I could ever think of," I said and I actually felt his spent dick twitch between us.

"I think we'd better get cleaned up before Dave gets back," Bear said, but made no move to get up.

"He'll be gone for a while yet, but you're right," I said and Bear finally let me up.

I grabbed some more clothes and sprinted to the shower. I took a quick shower, put on some more clothes, and made sure the coast was clear before I signaled Bear by text that he could come and grab a shower.

He made sure to tease me while he was in there as I didn't have the good sense to leave. Bear was naked and wet so my judgement was shaky. I was fortunate enough though that nobody came in as the middle of the day wasn't a peak shower time.

Bear got dried off, while still managing to tease me and tempt me to push him back into the shower and attack his body, and put on some more clothes. He stopped before leaving the standing room to give me a deep kiss and gripped my dick. He then stepped away and grinned that annoyingly hot grin at me before leaving me there with a situation that I needed to let subside before leaving.

I met my big oaf back in my room and glared at him hard. He just smiled since he knew I wasn't too mad. I finally went and sat on my bed beside him. He scooted up to the headboard and beckoned for me to move up and sit between his spread legs, which I did. I leaned back and he enveloped me in those strong arms and pulled me close to his strong body. I felt so at peace as I laid my head back on his shoulders and he made lazy circles with his hand on my belly.

"I wanna take you out on a date," he said after we'd been silent for a few minutes.

"A date?" I asked, like the idea was absurd or something. The idea of going on a date with Bear was actually really good after being apart for a while, but I had to mess with him a little.

"Yes little man, a date," he said in a voice full of humor.

"Hey, I ain't little," I argued.

"That's the truth," he said before reaching down to grip my dick through my pants.

"You better back up off that unless you're ready to take care of any situation that arises," I said and he snickered.

"I promise I'll handle any rising situations," he said through his snickers. He didn't move his hand, but I managed to keep from getting hard, although I did plump up a bit.

We returned to a comfortable silence with him holding me close and periodically tightening his grip slightly on my pants clad dick. He also started placing soft kisses on my neck behind my ear which was one of my spots. I still managed to stay mostly soft though as I was enjoying just being close to Bear.


"Yeah Bear?"

"You know I love you, right?" Bear asked so out of the blue that it worried me for a moment.

"Yeah I do," I said as evenly as I could. "I love you too, big guy."

I noticed then that his heartbeat, that I could feel since I was pressed so close to him, slowed down after having been beating fast, like he was worried about what I was gonna say. That was weird as I didn't recall ever giving him any reason to expect me to feel or say any different. His grip on me tightened and he went back to softly kissing my neck. The sudden possessiveness was strange.

"Bear, are you okay?" I asked as tentatively as I could.

"I just needed to tell you that I loved you and I needed to hear you say it back. I don't know why. I just did," he said and I could tell that he was being honest so I let it drop. I started to doze after about ten minutes and the last thing I remember is hearing a soft snore from Bear before I drifted off into contented sleep.

I opened my eyes when I felt something vibrating against my leg. When I looked over, I saw Dave sitting on his bed with a curious look on his face as he watched us. He looked like he was deep in thought, maybe so deep that he hadn't realized that I had woken up and noticed him studying Bear and me as we were in the same position as when I'd drifted off.

"What time is it?" I asked him. He finally came back from wherever he'd gone off to in his head and looked embarrassed to be caught staring at us as we slept.

"It's almost 6," he said while still blushing.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. I don't mind if you were watching us, and I'm sure Bear wouldn't either," I said and he looked slightly relieved.

"I just got lost in thought," he said and I could see a lot going on in his head.

"Dave, are you thinking you might be gay or something?" I asked and he looked startled and that red blush that was starting to fade came back in full force.

"Uh," was all he managed to say.

"He's bi-curious, kind of like Sean," Bear said in a sleep laced voice.

"Oh really? I was just kidding earlier. I didn't know I was right," I said before what Bear had actually said dawned on me and his blasé reaction to it. It was like it was nothing to him.

"Um," Dave said before lowering his head. I crawled out of Bear's grasp and headed over to sit on Dave's bed.

"Hey dude, it's nothing to be ashamed of. It doesn't mean you're gay, or even bisexual. It's just means you wanna know what it's like to kiss a guy or maybe do more," I said and he looked at me as if trying to judge if I was serious. "I can personally attest to the fact that it's fantastic," I said before aiming a cheesy grin at Bear which caused him to let loose a hearty laugh. Dave even smiled a bit.

"It's just that I've never seen gay people, or rather people that I knew were gay interacting before, and all the stuff I've heard about you all isn't nice," Dave said and I figured as much.

"Well, we're not as evil as they say," Bear said and all I could do was look at him. It was always a surprise to see him so easily own being gay.

"Yeah, we don't morph into monsters, spit acid, spread aids or any of that stuff," I said as kind of a joke, but I was mostly serious.

"Uh baby, I think you got two of those from Family Guy," Bear said while unsuccessfully to keep a straight face.

"Yeah, I know that."

"I'm just worried that if it turns out I am gay, that my family is gonna freak. They are ultra conservatives and it's any wonder that I didn't come out like them," he said and I definitely breathed a sigh a relief that he didn't after hearing this. "If I'd been like my family, you wouldn't be having a good time rooming with me," he said confirming my thoughts and reinforcing my relief.

"There's no need to get so worked up right now. You don't know anything yet," Bear said and I had to smile at my wonderful understanding guy.

"Yeah, I guess," Dave said still looking deep in thought. I looked at Bear and he looked at me for a few seconds before smiling and giving me a nod. I was glad he's seen what I wanted him to.

I then moved very carefully and grasped Dave's chin to bring his gaze up to me. He looked confused at first before looking a bit wary as I scooted closer to him. I gave him my most non-threatening look before I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. He didn't move for the longest time and I could tell that he was tensed up a lot.

I didn't move to do anything else aside from keeping my lips pressed against his. After what seemed like forever, but was probably closer to a minute or so, he tentatively raised his hand and grasped the back of my head which he used to pull my lips more against his. He then surprised me by licking my lips with his tongue. I didn't think he'd wanna go that far and I was unsure if I should.

I managed to make eye contact with Bear and he looked really focused on us. He gave me a small nod and I guess that was his assent to go further so I opened my mouth and Dave's tongue entered my mouth. We tongue wrestled and I had the sudden thought that this was the first time I'd kissed a guy like this other than Bear.

I mean, sure I'd kissed my brother, Todd, and Kent, but two of those were for revenge and neither one went beyond a press of the lips together. This though was full on tongue dueling and I had to admit that Dave knew how to kiss. I also realized though that while it was pretty good, it wasn't really doing it for me near as well as kissing Bear did.

After about a minute or so of `making out' with Dave, we pulled apart. Dave looked at me a few seconds before dropping his head. I looked at Bear and I could see his silent question which I answered with a shrug. He smirked as I guess he got his answer in some way.

"How was it?" Bear asked after a minute of silence in the room. Dave was silent for a few seconds before raising his head with a confused look on his face.

"Is it supposed to feel like that?" Dave asked with confusion evident in his voice

"Like what?" I asked after shooting Bear a quick glare for the snort of suppressed laughter he'd made.

"Well, don't take this the wrong way, but I didn't feel anything," he said and I stupidly took offense to that.

"Excuse me," I said and I had to shoot Bear another glare after he let a laugh slip out.

"Don't get me wrong now! I mean, it was okay, for a kiss I guess. I just thought that since I'm supposed to be bi-curious that I'd feel like turned on or something and I didn't," he said still looking confused. That big oaf of mine started cracking up and I tossed one of Dave's pillows at him as hard as I could before stewing.

"Shut up jackass," I ordered him as I stood up "And you, I'll have you know I'm a great kisser," I said to Dave and that's when reality dawned on me. As I'd already said, I'd only ever really kissed Bear so he's the only feedback I had, and I was the only guy he'd ever kissed so he wasn't a good source of judgement for this particular situation.

"Trey, it's not you, it's him. He's just not gay, or even bi. Trust me when I say that if there was any chance that he was, he would have been crawling all over you trying to get more and I would've had to pull him off of you and do some serious bodily damage to him," Bear said being equal parts humorous and serious.

"Are you sure?" I said feeling really self conscious and inadequate just then.

"I'm positive," he said before standing up and pulling me towards him. He then gripped my arms and kissed me. It was tame at first but it got deep really quickly. I pulled away after I started to feel things getting stirred up.

"Okay," I said after clearing my throat. He laughed before stepping back.

"I'm guessing you definitely felt something," Dave said while trying to keep a straight face.

"How did you know?" Bear asked and Dave gestured downward with his eyes toward Bear's crotch. I looked and it was obvious that Bear was plumped up. He was mostly hard from the condition of his bulge.

"Your pants look more... snug," Dave said choosing to be tactful. Bear looked slightly embarrassed at first, but then he just shrugged with a smile and went to sit down. It made me feel better about my ability to get someone fired up.

"You alright with what just happened? There's not gonna be any weirdness is there?" I asked Dave as I went to sit down next to Bear. He thought about it for a second.

"I guess everything is fine. If that's all there is to kissing another guy then I'm good," Dave said and I rolled my eyes and gave Bear a sharp elbow to the ribs for having the nerve to snicker again.

"There's more to it if you're into guys. I could give it a try if you still need more proof," Bear said and I was quick to glare at him hard. I ignored how hypocritical I was being seeing as I'd just kissed Dave, but so what.

"That's alright. If you wanna kiss another guy, you can just kiss Sean," I said because I knew that that was the last thing he wanted to do.

"No thanks. Once was quite enough," he said looking slightly queasy which I'm sure was mostly a put on. His comment surprised me for a second before I then remembered that he'd already kissed Sean, or rather, Sean had kissed him the day we returned from our summer trip.

"Too much lip, right," I said deciding to mess with Bear.

"Yeah, his bottom lip...," he started before his face scrunched up. "How do you know that?" he asked with a serious frown going on.

"So, you're sure you're good?" I asked Dave instead choosing to ignore Bear as I knew that would annoy him. Fact was, for all his previous stressing about Sean, he'd done more with him that I had.

"Yeah, I'm cool. I am hungry though," he said.

"Yeah, I want some pizza," I said and that perked Bear up a bit.

"Cool, I'll buy," Bear said and I was glad for that.

As Bear and Dave looked for a good place to order Pizza, I remembered what had woke me up and I checked my phone. It was a text from Dad asking how I was doing. I sent him a text telling him I was doing good and that Bear was there. He told me to tell Bear hello and that I'd better be good. He ended that particular text with a winking face emoji so I knew what he was implying.

I reminded him that I shared a room with someone and that I'd never be so classless as to do anything with Bear while he was there. I then decided to tease him by adding that I'd make sure to ask Dave to join in so as not to be rude. He sent back the frowny face emoji.

I sent a text to Liberty to find out where she was. She replied after about a minute saying she was on her way to The Cove along with Jessica. I told her to hold off and after talking to Bear and Dave, we came up with a place to meet.

We ran into Maria on our way out of the dorm. She told us that Jessica had texted her to bring a blanket and meet her so we all went to meet up with them at a small park area near the student union. Bear had already called for the pizza before we left so it didn't take long after we'd gotten there before the pizza guy arrived with the pizza.

Sean, Carter, and Christian showed up just after the pizza guy had left and he made a big show of hugging Bear. I knew he was trying to get a rise out of me so I mostly ignored him though and chose to eat my pizza and enjoy hanging out with Bear and our friends. I had my friends all the time, but the Bear factor made everything better.

Maria and Light took the chance to grill Bear about everything that wasn't any of their business. I didn't participate and he kept his answers vague enough to really annoy them, which I liked. I looked around at everyone and while we were missing some of our own crew, the addition of Dave, Maria, and Light help to ease the temporary void left by them. I looked at Bear and he looked at me and I couldn't help but smile at him. I just knew that the next few days would be great.

"Wake up sleepy head," I heard in a deep familiar voice. I smiled at that voice before opening my eyes to see Bear with his face very close to mine. He had a peaceful smile on his face that I could also feel on mine. That could have been because I got to sleep cuddled up to Bear for the first time in a while.

We'd made sure to ask Dave if he minded if we slept in the same bed. He said he didn't have the right to keep us from doing so, as long as we didn't get up to anything kinky. Bear told him that he couldn't promise that and Dave compromised and told us that if we did have to do something, to make sure we were quiet and didn't wake him up.

We were respectful of him though and just shared the same bed with Bear and me sleeping spoon-style. It was great falling asleep with those strong arms holding me tight. I don't think even Bear realized how possessive he got sometimes. This happened to be one of the times I loved it.

"What time is it?" I asked as I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"It's after 10," he said while never losing that smile that made him look downright delectable.

"Oh shit, I gotta get going," I said as I jumped up and started rushing for the door before I realized that I didn't have any classes until Monday. Bear laughed when he knew I'd realized it.

I turned to glare at him. He just answered my glare by holding up a cup of coffee and a bag from Dunkin' Donuts. I grabbed the coffee and bag and swallowed two donuts and half the coffee while Bear looked on with a content smile. After eating half of another donut, I finally pulled one from the bag and handed it to him which he took.

We ate donuts and drank coffee in silence with Bear flirting really shamelessly with me in the process. By the time we were finished, I was half hard and in the mood for some Bear. This plan though was ruined by a text from my mother with her telling me that she wanted me to call her soon.

I replied to her text with Bear teasing me about being a mama's boy. I threatened to call his mother and tell her about his teasing and that stopped him. I then got up and went to take a shower after I managed to make Bear stay in the room. After I got back Bear pulled me to him and kissed me hard and deep.

This kiss led to a lot of groping which led to us shedding our clothes and giving each other mutual blowjobs. After bring each other the edge of incredible pleasure, we lay on my bed and just held each other. We talked about nothing in particular and somewhere in the conversation, Bear mentioned that Dave said he'd be out all day so that left us time to do whatever we wanted.

This led to yet another round of mutual blowjobs and teasing. I was really enjoying being with Bear just lazing around and enjoying each other. It made me really not want Sunday to come, but it had to so dwelling on it wasn't gonna do any good. I started dozing and I heard Bear softly snoring too.

I was awakened by the sound of keys. I tried to wake Bear up so we could cover up before Dave walked in as he was lying on the cover. I was stunned though as I heard Dave talking to someone else on the other side of the door. I jumped up and shook Bear, but it was too late as the door opened and there stood Dave and that guy I'd seen him with a few times.

"What the fuck?" the guy said and he definitely didn't look or sound happy.

"Damn... shit," Dave said as he covered his eyes. "Let's go," he then said before grabbing the guy's arm and pulling him out of the room before closing the door behind him.

"Dammit Bear! I thought you said that Dave was gonna be gone most of the day," I said as I jumped out of the bed and started quickly pulling on my clothes.

"Well that's what he told me," Bear said as he too started quickly putting his clothes back on. We started hearing them on the other side of the door.

"Look man, just calm down," Dave said in a surprisingly calm tone.

"Calm down! You want me to calm down? We just walked into your room and saw your male roommate naked and in bed with another dude," the guy said sounding much too worked up. It wasn't like it was his room.

"Yeah I know that Donny, now keep your voice down," Dave said and I said a silent thank you that he was trying to keep his friend, whose name was apparently Donny, from drawing too much attention.

"Why? Who cares who hears me?" Donny said not dropping his voice at all.

"I do," Dave said and I had to wonder briefly why.

"Why? Did you know your roommate was a fucking fag?" Donny asked and I had to roll my eyes as I had hoped to never hear that word again said in that way.

"Why does that matter?" Dave asked.

"It matters. It means you're condoning it. You're living with that disgusting shit in your room, with him sleeping in the bed across the room from you," Donny said and he'd thoroughly succeeded in royally pissing me off, and Bear too judging by the look on his face.

"Look, just go, and keep your damned mouth shut about what you saw because it's nobody else's business," Dave said and I was grateful that he'd said it.

"Wow, just wow man. Tell your fucking roommate to stay the fuck away from me," Donny said with disgust evident in his voice before he could be heard stomping away. Dave came back in after a few more seconds.

"I'm sorry for that," Dave said sounding sorry, but he wouldn't make eye contact with either of us.

"You said you'd be out all day," Bear said not willing just yet to accept his apology.

"I thought you and Trey were gonna be out today as that's what you'd alluded to when we talked. I didn't plan on coming back until later, but Donny needed a book for a paper and I remembered that I had the book as I'd borrowed it from my sister so we came back here to get it," Dave explained.

"I was just trying to find out your plans so I could know if we'd have the room to ourselves," Bear said and it was obvious that he was angry.

"Well that didn't last long," I said as I dropped down on my bed.

"What?" Dave asked.

"Me not being out," I said and I didn't know how I'd sounded until Bear pulled me back up and hugged me tight.

"It's gonna be alright Trey," Bear said as he held me.

"I'm sorry," Dave said again. I wanted to tell him that it wasn't his fault as he sounded so guilty, but I was too busy worrying about what I had to face now.

Bear texted the gang and told them about what had happened and they told us to meet them at that park area we'd been at the night before so we did. The girls tried to console me while the guys wanted to hunt down Donny and assure that he kept his mouth shut. Dave tried to stick up for his friend, but I think mostly everyone was kind of mad at him too.

I spent the next two days paranoid and I wanted to hide in my dorm room, but my annoying friends and Bear insisted on me getting out. Bear tried every trick in his arsenal to get me to cheer up, but there was no stopping my mind once I started worrying.

By Sunday I was depressed and Bear looked like he didn't wanna leave, for more than one reason. Liberty and the others promised that they'd make sure I was okay. That didn't really do anything for Bear, but he had to go. I felt guilty for wasting all the rest of our time with my worrying since it didn't look like Donny was gonna say anything.

Dave gave me and Bear some privacy and I tried to convince him that I would be okay by giving him a long, deep kiss. I don't think he bought it, but he went along with it anyway. I went down to his truck with him and saw him off. After he'd left and I was walking back to the dorm, I got a text from Bear that said "If anything happens, call me immediately".

I sent him a text telling him not to worry so much, even though I'd been worrying a lot over the past two days. He sent back a selfie with him giving me a "are you kidding me?" look. He then sent me another text telling me he loved me. I sent him a last text telling him I loved him too and to stop texting while driving before heading back to my dorm to renew my worrying for when the other shoe was gonna drop.

To be continued.... *****************************************************************************

Author's Note:

This ends another installment of Book 2 of The Chronicles of Trey.

This time, we see what was the cause of Bear's cold reaction to Trey at the end of the previous chapter when Bear pays Trey a surprise visit. The two of them get up to the usual things when they're together, which is joking and teasing each other, and quite a bit of fooling around.

Bear gets to spend time with Dave and learn a few things about him, like the fact that he suspects that he may be bi-curious, at least that's the diagnosis that Bear and Trey render based on his behavior. After an experimental kiss from Trey, Dave discovers finds that it doesn't really do it for him. Is that the end of this development though?

Bear is also reunited with his friends and Trey gets to enjoy a great evening surrounded by his High School friends, College friends, and Bear which definitely what he needed. After all, he's a guy that feels a lot, but struggles with how to deal with it and the people close to him help him to deal.

Finally, after a miscommunication between Bear and Dave, Trey and Bear are discovered in a compromising situation by Dave and his friend Donny. Donny has a reaction similar to one Dave warned the guys about in regards to his own parents. Now Trey's worried if he's about to be outed again. Will Donny keep his mouth shut?

Find out in the next installment of The Chronicles of Trey.

As always, I'd like to thank everyone for reading my story and thank those that send me emails. I enjoy reading you feedback on the story. Feel free to send any comments to me at Also, if anyone wants to, you can follow me on twitter. My twitter handle is @StoryGuyNick.

Until next time.... Nicky *****************************************************************************

Editor's Note:

Hey guys and welcome back to another chapter in book 2 of Trey's Story.

Well we get a surprise visit by Bear in this chapter and I think it was something the boys both needed. We also learn that Dave might have a bi-curious side but that was possibly disproved but who knows.

We also learn that Dave's parent won't be Trey fans and they may be a problem when and if they do make an appearance. We see his friend Donny may also be a problem now that he's learned about Trey in a big way. Like Trey said, when will the other shoe drop.

Also gotta wonder what this big secret is between Jessica and Liberty is all about.

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. If you wish to let Nicky or myself know your thoughts you can get ahold of him at the email above and me at

Until next time guys


Next: Chapter 36: The Chronicles of Trey II 5

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