The Chronicles of Trey

By Nicky Smith

Published on Jun 30, 2016


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Written by: Nicky Smith Edited by: JD Kaster


Hello again, my name is Trey Healey, but if you've read part 1 of my story, you already know that. If you haven't done that yet, what are you doing here? This isn't one of those series where you can just jump in whenever. Go back and read that first as you will be totally confused by what's about to happen.

For those that did read part 1, thank you and sorry for how crazy I seem. I'm slightly less crazy than that and don't listen to anyone else who tells you different. Didn't I tell you though that my life was interesting from the point where I started? The years before that aren't that interesting at all, well nowhere near as interesting as the stuff I've told you about.

Aren't you glad that I started my story there? I mean, did you really want to sit through Bear and I growing up and see me going through years of self hatred and hiding my true feelings and have you pounding your head and face-palming and screaming at me to get a clue?

If you did then I'm sorry. There will be no prequels around here. Trust me though that you didn't want to see any of that. This part of my life is much more entertaining. Now comes the really crazy stuff like car chases and hostage situations and affairs and teenage pregnancies and global notoriety and weddings and funerals and... okay I'm lying. One of those things won't be happening.

Okay, I'm gonna give the people that didn't read part 1 a character synopsis of part 1. I'm being very generous here so... you're welcome.

I'm Trey Healey and I'm the main character, the hero, as it were, of this tale. You'll be hearing a lot from me so, sorry for all the... me. I'm smart, insecure at times, and I used to be a shy introverted guy, but I'm more assertive now that I've experienced being gay bashed (by my own brother) and raped and shot (by my neighbor). Yeah, that's a lot to happen so again, I'm sorry for the... me.

Barry "Bear" Davidson is formally my childhood best friend since the age of 2. He's now my very handsome and studly fiancé, yes I did say fiancé. He's a big, muscular, hairy bear of a man to be so young and is very protective of me.

Liberty St. John is my second oldest friend whom Bear and I met when we were 9. She's sassy, snarky but caring and protective at the same time. We had a falling out when her boyfriend at the time outed me and Bear, but we're back and stronger than ever.

Justice St. John is the very much smarter twin sister of Liberty. She's in some ways more snarky than her sister. She's very academically competitive, especially with me and she's hopelessly in love with my new self proclaimed best friend Sean.

Sean Mellow is, like I just said, my self proclaimed best friend taking over the position after he says Bear abdicated to become my main squeeze. He's crazy about Justice but there's a bit of weirdness about our relationship where he's known to be slightly bi-curious, but only when it comes to me.

Jessica Martin is my gorgeous blond road dog. She's been there though thick and thin with me and has gone above and beyond in her duty as one of my biggest supporters. Bear holds her in high regard and has given her the nickname "baby girl" which he says is her badge of honor for her help in trying to get Bear and I together in the aftermath of our outing.

Evan and Olivia Healey are my parents. They are supportive of me and I didn't think my dad would be because of his previous hateful remarks about gay people. He turned out to be my biggest and most immediate supporter in my family though. My mother struggled with it, but came around quickly enough and I love them both.

Zane and Calvin Healey are my brothers. Zane is my older half brother who had a very bad and violent reaction to my being gay. He beat me really badly and we were estranged for a while before I confronted him on it and he told me the reasons behind his reaction. Calvin is my younger brother and he too didn't like it at first but he came around and apologized to me for standing by while I was attacked by our older brother. I forgave them and our relationship as brothers is stronger than ever.

Cara and Carly Healey are my little twin sisters who are slowly morphing into my family's version of Liberty and Justice where Cara is more like Liberty and Carly is more like Justice. I have a strange feeling though that Carly might grow up to be even smarter than Justice and I are.

Carter Matthews is the third member of my group of friends to be outed as gay and like Bear he's also a jock. Unlike Bear and Sean though, Carter is more like me, including being black. He's kind of quiet and introverted.

Miriam O'Neal is another of my friends who's blessed in the intelligence department. She's more of a stereotypical geek in appearance but her jock boyfriend Dale likes her and I like that. It also marks the 3rd geek/jock couple in our group of friends.

Christian Grey (I know right) is Liberty's boyfriend (not the bad one). I like him because he likes Liberty and because he likes to read like I do. He's perhaps the only close male friend I have that isn't a jock.

Veronica Tyler is Sean's cousin and another friend of mine. She's half black with a complexion to match. She was very mysterious for quite a while during our junior year, not to mention one of her close friends is someone I really don't like. She came out as bisexual near the end of our senior year in high school.

Dale Simmons is the last member of our group, but certainly not least. He's dating Miriam and while I'm not as close to him as the rest of the group, he has been there along with them and...

Marcus and Alex Mellow are Sean's brothers. Marcus is his older brother who's gay and married to Wayne Calloway and they have a 1 year old son. I had a very slight crush on Marcus as he's like an older version of Bear and I guess that's when I figured out that guys like them were my type. Alex is Sean's younger brother and also my younger brother Calvin's best friend like Sean is mine. We have sort of a joke that the Healey brothers and the Mellow brothers are cosmically linked, at least that's what Sean says. Its become even more true now that Zane and Marcus are friends.

The rest of the Davidson family consists of Lawrence, Bear's dad, his mom April, his younger sister Stephanie, and his older brother Brian. His father, who grew up with my mother, reacted badly to finding out about us and there was a time where things were bad in Bear's house. His mother, who's my mother's best friend, wasn't exactly happy about it, but she was instrumental in getting Bear and I back together. His sister has mostly always been on our side while his brother still hates it and us, more specifically me. There's very bitter feelings between the brothers and I think it's more than my being gay as they became estranged long before learning about us.

There's more people and more events to know, but for that, you'll have to do a little reading. Now it's time to continue my tale, our tale. It's time to proceed with The Chronicles of Trey.

Next: Chapter 32: The Chronicles of Trey II 1

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