The Chronicles of Trey

By Nicky Smith

Published on Aug 21, 2015


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"So you think she likes you" Zane asked.

It was the next day and we were in the family room playing Madden on his PS3. He was kicking my butt since he knew more about football, but I wasn't losing too badly.

It probably also had to do with the party the night before. It was a weird night with some interesting interactions. I was also stunned by how many populars were talking to me.

Veronica Tyler kissed my cheek.

Billy Darling which was his last name as I found out from Jessica later last night danced with us though I was choosing to ignore certain implications about that.

I was also ignoring the strange feeling I got whenever Sean was near me. His body heat, His perfect white teeth when he smiled at me. The smell of his cologne which I was horrified to find was still on my clothes when I got home.

Yeah, I was choosing to ignore both of them for the time being. I was gonna focus on Veronica for now. Focus on what she meant.

I had told Zane about the kiss. Brief and tame as it was. I had told him about what she had said. I had told him about the dancing but omitted the Billy part as I knew he wouldn't appreciate it even though there was nothing to it. See one thing about my brother was that he hated homosexuals not having anything positive to say about them. I didn't want him misunderstanding anything so I omitted Billy and Sean.

"No. Are you crazy" I asked. "She's Veronica Tyler. Why would she want me" I asked seriously. Veronica was among the top 5 best looking girls at my school. Six if you count both Liberty and Jessica who are tied for 1st. Biased I know but I stand by it.

"Why not? You're a decent looking guy. Besides you're a Healey man. That's more than you need to get all the ladies" he said with a shit-eating grin on his face and I rolled my eyes at his ego.

"What does being a "Healey man" have to do with anything" I asked.

"Lil bro. We exude sensuality. I've been told on more than one occasion and have heard girls I know make that comment about dad too" he stated smugly

"What does that have to do with me" I asked still not seeing the point.

"Man you're thick" he said and I got an idea.

"You better believe it" I said waggling my eye brows and grasping my crotch briefly. I was proud of the fact that while I was shorter than most guys I knew and not all that big, that that wasn't the case everywhere. I had 8 ½ thick inches and I was happy with it.

"Gross dude. I don't wanna be thinking about my little bro's dick" he said indeed sounding grossed out. "What I meant is, idiot, that you are literally a chip off the old block. Out of 5 kids you're the only one that got dad's eyes. Eyes that I've had girls say to me, and I quote "look like they can give them multiple orgasms just by looking into them". Females are weird man" he finally ended.

I felt equal parts intrigued and disgusted. He was right though. Out of the 5 of us I was the only one that had inherited dad's grey eyes. They looked okay on me I thought. They looked great on dad. I decided to put this on the back burner cause it was making my head hurt. I liked it better when the popular people ignored me aside from my friends.

I got a reprieve in the form of a call from Liberty. At least I thought that what was about to happen

"Veronica Tyler?" she said as I answered and I sighed.

"Liberty, how did you hear about this" I asked annoyed.

"Well Jessica it telling e'rybody that she kissed you. Did she" she asked gleefully.

"It was just a brief peck on the cheek and..." I stopped suddenly stuck on something she said. "Did you say she telling everybody" I asked.

"Okay maybe I exaggerated a little bit, but did you think I wouldn't find out? We rode home in the same car for crying out loud" she said. "Also, I said e'rybody not everybody you oreo" she quipped.

"Well as fun as this has been, I'm gonna go. I've gotta murder Jessica over the phone and I gotta read up on how to do that" I said. Where was Jean Grey or Professor Xavier when you needed them.

She joked a bit more and then we hung up. Really this was getting out of hand. I decided to call Jessica and had words with her while Zane laughed at me. I then hung up with her and proceeded to beat Zane with a pillow from the couch while he continued to laugh. I'd finally had enough of him and decided to go get something to munch on. I headed to the kitchen where my mom was making a shopping list.

"Hey sweetie" she said looking in the cabinets.

"Hey mama" I said as I kissed her cheek to which she smiled like she always did. "Make sure to get my Cheerios" I told her.

"Yes master" she joked.

"Where's dad" I asked. "Wasn't he supposed to be doing something for you?"

"He's with your uncle of course." She answered jotting something down

"Oh" I said simply as I looked into the fridge. I decided to get the last bottle of water and an apple.

"I wouldn't be too curious about what I want him to do if I were you because I bet he's gonna get you boys to help him" she said with a smile and I groaned. "Oh my poor baby" she faked soothed.

"What" Zane asked as he came in followed by Calvin.

"Dad's wants" I started but was interrupted by Zane

"Nope, nuh uh, not gonna happen. I'm busy tonight so no to doing whatever it is he wants to do" Zane interjected.

"First of all boy, you will do it if I tell you to" she warned an he shrank, "and second of all there is nothing to do... tonight. Tomorrow though your father is clearing some of the junk from the garage" mom added.

"Which means we're clearing junk from the garage" Calvin droned sounding resigned to his fate.

"Yup" Zane said simply.

"Cheer up boys. Trey why don't you call Bear and see if he wouldn't mind helping. It would be good if your father had at least one big, strong guy to help him" she cackled as she headed out of the kitchen.

"Hey" the 3 of us said in unison. We might not be the biggest guys around but we weren't shrimps either. Zane was obviously the biggest of us at 5'11 and 160 lbs. Calvin was already at 5'6 and about 130. He was probably gonna be a big guy like my our maternal granddad. He's 6'3 and in his heyday was 230 lbs. of solid muscle. He played college ball but got injured in his junior year. Point is Calvin is about the same height and weight he was at 13. I was the shorty of the family but I would learn to deal with it.

I decided to do what my mom said and called Bear up

"Hey buddy" he said brightly as he answered his phone.

"Yo dude" I said. "Listen we're gonna be recruited to help clear out the garage tomorrow. Mind lending your considerable muscle power to the job" I asked laying it on thick.

"When you ask like that how can I say no" he said and I could hear the smile in his voice which made me smile too.

"Cool come on over early tomorrow and well get started" I said dreading this but if Bear was gonna be here then it wouldn't be all bad.

"How about I spend the night and that way I'll already be there" he asked.

"You just want dinner and breakfast" I teased.

"Yup" he said simply.

I agreed that it would be a good idea. He said he'd be over in a bit and we hung up. I hung out with my bros watching then play Madden and then we put the groceries away when my mom came back. Dad came back soon afterwards and I told him that Bear would be sleeping over and helping with the garage and he was all for it.

My parents loved Bear since he had been in their lives since he was 2. They were practically his second set of parents. I though wasn't as close to his parents as he was mine. It wasn't that they didn't like me but that they were busier than my parents were, or rather my parents made more of an effort to be there. They weren't bad parents though it's just the way it was.

Bear arrived shortly after 6 that evening just in time for dinner. It wasn't lost on me that he probably timed it like that. He loved my mom's cooking so he made sure to be over here a lot during meal times knowing that if he was here my mom was gonna feed him.

I played a joke on him one day a about a year ago with Calvin's help. We were sitting at the dinner table waiting for my parents to finish bringing out the food and I had Calvin distract him while I taped a sign to his back.

When my mom walked past him to get to her seat she pulled the sign off his back that read "Warning: Don't feed the Bear!". Calvin and I cracked up, my mom smacked the backs of out heads while trying to hide a smile, and my dad suppressed a chuckle himself. Bear just grinned a sinister grin at me and I knew I was in for it. He proved me right by holding me upside down by my ankles for about 20 minutes later that night.

After dinner Bear and Zane played a few games of Madden and of course my best bud won. In your face Zane. With him thoroughly humiliated, dad told us we better get some sleep so we could be fresh in the morning. We reluctantly headed up to get ready for bed.

I was in my bed writing some stuff down regarding some outlandish things I wanted to accomplish with robotics while I waited on Bear so I could hit the hay. He came strolling in wearing only his pajama bottoms and I rolled my eyes. Since we were about 13 whenever he slept over he never wore a shirt. He slipped under the covers and took my notebook out of my hands and looked it over.

"Excuse you" I said in mock annoyance, "and can you please put on a shirt? Don't you think I get tired of looking at all... that" I added frowning as I gestured at his bare torso. I knew it wouldn't happen though.

"Nope. My body needs to breathe. It's part of the process that keeps it looking so good. Hell if I didn't think you would freak out I would get totally naked" he said full of arrogance with a grin on his face.

"You would not" I firmly stated feeling slightly panicked at the thought for some reason but was able to disguise it.

"Why not" he asked.

"Because" I started, "I wouldn't want to roll over and meet your little friend that lives downstairs there. Besides, No pubes allowed in my bed unless they belong to me" I finished hoping like hell he didn't do it. It seemed like something he would do just to mess with me.

"Weirdo" he said with a roll of his eyes. "Also my "friend" as you called him isn't little at all. Wanna see" he asked with a sinister grin on his face.

"NO!" I said perhaps a bit too loudly feeling that slight panic again.

"Wimp" he said. "Can't handle seeing a little man meat" he added smirking.

"Well yeah you're right. I happen to have a low tolerance for "man meat" as you call it other than my own." I said wanting to end this conversation.

"You don't say" he said. "How often do you "tolerate" your man meat" he asked with a grin waggling his eyebrows when he said tolerate.

"None of your business" I managed to say. "Let's talk about something else.

"Fine" he agreed. "So tell me about this" he said pointing to my notebook he still had ahold of.

"It's nothing. Just some crazy plans for a robotic super suit" I said feeling embarrassed.

"No shit" he asked with a wide grin "You mean like Iron Man or something.

"Yeah actually" I told him feeling slightly less embarrassed now.

"Cool" he said still grinning. "You're totally gonna grow up to be like some real life Tony Stark aren't you" he teased.

"Yeah I'm sure that won't be happening since I'm not a billionaire or anything" I said back.

"I've got money" he said earnestly. "Well my parents do, but I'm sure I can talk them into giving you a loan or something. Like maybe if you drew up a business plan and presented it to my dad or something I think" he continued to ramble. He was sweet but I had to stop him.

"Bear. Calm down. I don't need a loan, ok" I said as I looked into his eyes. He looked at me in all seriousness and I swear he said this very thing word for word.

"Well then how are you gonna get the money? I mean you can't exactly just go to the bank for this. That is unless people are making super suits all over the place in the future, then I guess it'd be easy, and it would definitely be important if they're all over the place cause anyone could just walk up and blast you with a repulsar ray and you'd be dead, but if you had your own suit you would be able to defend yourself. Of course then this would lead to open brawls in the streets and everything would be crazy and little suzie would tell her dad to get her a super suit so she could kick her brother's ass for stepping on her favorite doll and he would do it to buy her love since he works so much. How would you go about getting a loan for something like this from a bank anyway? Would you like go to the bank and see the loan lady. Her name would be Jaclyn and she would have a slight mustache and about 10 framed photos of her cats spread around her desk. Anyway you would go up to her and tell you want to apply for a loan and she would ask for what is the purpose of the loan and you would tell her it's for a super suit and she would look at you like you have just escaped from the loony bin and then I would have to tell her that she's a bitch for looking at you like that because your super suit was a great idea and that she had a small mind and too many cats and that she had better give you your loan or I would find her cats and tie them up and throw them off a bridge one by one until she okayed your loan. Do you see what would end up happening if you don't just get the loan from my dad" he finished finally.

I was stunned and trying my best not to laugh in his face at the absurd picture he had just painted, I finally told him I would just go to his dad for the loan. He then asked me if when I did decide to make it if I would make him one. I asked what for. He said he wanted it to protect me. Hearing that made me feel funny but I tried to ignore it and told him that I probably couldn't afford enough material to make a suit big enough to fit his big body. I then told him that he didn't need a super suit to protect me because he could do so just fine with the muscles he already had because he had enough and some to spare for about 2 other guys. He gave me a huge grin and I grinned back.

"What do you want to protect me from anyway" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I don't know" he said. He looked self-conscious all of a sudden and dropped his head. It made me curious.

"Bear, what is it" I asked after I grasped his chin and brought his head back up to look at me.

"It's nothing" he said softly with downcast eyes. He looked so sad then that I hated myself for taking the conversation in this direction.

"It's not nothing. You know you can tell anything and I'll never judge you" I said, briefly feeling like a hypocrite but squelching it.

He looked at me for a few minutes and I kept silent waiting on him.

"I have dreams" he finally said and I couldn't breathe for a second but covered it up. "They're bad dreams. In them something bad happens to you. When I wake up I can't remember what happened just that something happened to you and I couldn't stop it" he finished.

I was stunned. I wouldn't have thought he had bad dreams about me. I had to do something to calm his fears somehow since I seemed to be the source of them.

"Bear, nothing is gonna happen to me" I spoke calmly.

"You don't know that" he said sounding upset.

"You're right. Anything can happen to anybody at anytime. The trick is to enjoy life as it comes. I'm happy you wanna protect me but you can't spend your time worrying that something bad is gonna happen to me" I said hoping it was doing something for him.

"You're right as always" he said with a small smile after a few minutes of silence.

"Now that is worthy of a bumper sticker "Trey Healey is always right" don't you think" I said trying to lighten the mood some.

"I'll get right on that" he grinned. Looks like it worked.

We talked for a few more minutes before deciding to hit the hay.

When I woke up I saw it was early morning and the sun was shining in my window. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 7:30. I decided I would doze a few more minutes so I laid my head back down. It took about 10 seconds to realize something was amiss. My pillow felt weird. So I opened my eyes again a bit more awake and was horrified by what I saw. I was laying with my head resting on Bear's naked chest with my right arm laying across his flat stomach and my right hand resting on his muscled left pec near his heart. I paid more attention and realized that I was cuddled up to his right side and my right leg was lying in between his legs.

It was such an intimate position that it nearly made me sick. I was so afraid that he would wake up and find me like this that I tried my best to extricate myself from him without waking him up.

After a couple of minutes I had managed to ease out of the bed and I just stood there and looked at Bear lying in my bed. He arms were spread above his head his mouth slightly open. We had somehow lost the covers during the night and his left leg was bent slightly. He looked so peaceful lying there. He looked so... I quietly ran out of the room and to the bathroom.

I closed the door, locked it and stared at myself in the mirror. The me that looked back had a wild look to him. This couldn't be happening. Not again. I was doing so good too. I screamed at myself in my head. I couldn't do this. This wasn't right!

Then the very real words that I refused to say, that always came back to me every time I had pushed them away in the past came back again. That I was gay. That I was in love with my best friend. That no matter what I felt I couldn't have him. That no matter what I felt he would never love me the way I loved him.

Yeah if you hadn't figured that out yet well there you go. I was gay and in love with my best friend. I had realized this when we were 12 and I had a dream. It was a sex dream, my first and it starred my best friend and I doing things that made me blush. I know it wasn't just sex though because in the dream I said it to Bear, that I loved him and he smiled.

I had that dream every night for months and I became more and more depressed because of it. Everyone got worried about me for a while but I bounced back once the dream stopped. It was then that I had learned to keep the world at bay. I used cynicism and snark and my intelligence to hide behind so no one would see real me. I could not have them see the real me because it would destroy my life. Everything would vanish and I would be all alone.

Being a guy and being in love with my very male best friend was only part of the problem. See I knew that my father and brothers hated gays. I overheard my father talking to my uncle Eric (his brother) and my uncle Taylor (his oldest friend) one day when I was about 10. They were talking about gay people and Taylor said something like "I can't stand how they just walk around flaunting that shit in everyone's faces. Nobody wants to see that disgusting shit. Makes me ill just looking at `em" he had said. My uncle nodded but didn't comment.

My dad however did. I listened hard for his response though I couldn't understand why it was so important to hear it at the time. Well he said "makes you wish there was some island where you can put em and fence em in. That way they can do all the faggy things they want without normal people having to look at em." Then the three of them clinked their bottles and with those words my fate was sealed.

I tried to not be gay at first. I tried to be straight. I tried so hard and thought about girls so hard that I'm surprised that I didn't injure my brain. It didn't work though. Probably because that damned dream kept popping up every now and then. It was weird. Bear and I would be doing the same things as in the first dream, but the dream seemed to keep getting retconned. Replacing 12 year old Trey and Bear with 13 year old Trey and Bear, then 14 year old Trey and Bear, then 15 year old Trey and Bear.

I thought I was getting better since it had been almost 2 years since I had had the dream. I was finally able to look Bear in the eyes again without feeling the overwhelming urge to kiss him, and now this.

So the final tally: My father hated gays, my brothers hated gays, and here I was: Gay. I was also in love with a boy who would never love me that way. I knew that Bear loved me. He told me all the time. He had no shame in telling me, but he loved me like a brother, and I so didn't love him like a brother.

I felt sick and disgusting for being this way and wanting Bear that way. He was straight and didn't deserve his best friend lusting after him. He was a good, kind, loving man that deserved better than me.

Why did it have to be him? Sean was hot with gorgeous green eyes. Why not him? Sure he's not gay either but I wouldn't be in love with my best friend then. I would be able to look at him without my heart beating faster if he smiled at me. I wouldn't feel like I would explode whenever I saw even an inch of his skin that wasn't normally visible. And It was so stupid too I told my traitorous heart. What self respecting man would choose a skinny little black geek boy when he had beautiful girls practically throwing themselves at him.

I didn't wanna face him. I wanted him to go home so I could think without him being near me twisting me up inside, but 2 things complicated that. 1: There was no getting out of helping my dad today even if Bear did go home. 2: Bear would question me about why I wanted him to leave and he was getting much to good at reading me lately.

I heard movement against the wall and I knew Zane must be in his closet because his room was next to this bathroom. I thought of Zane being in the closet and laughed bitterly. That made two of us only my closet was of the figurative variety.

I decided to drain my bladder then I washed my face, brushed my teeth and left the bathroom. Downstairs my mother was drinking coffee and looking at her laptop. She must have been paying the bills I figured. She always waited until Sundays to do things like this as she was less busy then.

"Hey sweetie" she greeted as I came in.

"Hey mama" I said as I kissed her cheek and she smiled. This was our standard greeting. She seemed to have a different one with each of us save the twins who obviously shared one.

"Hey ma" Calvin said also coming into the kitchen and hugged mom while she sat.

"Hey sugar" she greeted him. See. I was sweetie, Zane was honey, and Calvin was sugar. Dad was baby and the twins were sweethearts.

"Where's your brother" dad asked coming in from out back.

"He's up. I heard him when I was in the bathroom" I spoke.

"He said he'd be down in a few" Calvin added

"Good. You bunch of lazy asses slept long enough" dad said gruffly, though I knew he was mostly teasing. Calvin didn't however.

"Dad, it's barely 8 o'clock. It's still early" Calvin said.

"Boy you don't know nothin about early. I was up at 5:30 when I was your age helping dad on the farm. I was" dad continued as I tuned him out. I had heard this spiel so many times I could recite it word for word.

See, dad as he said grew up on a farm. It was him, grandma Alice, grandpa Henry, his older brother Peter and his younger brother Eric. Dad and Eric were close in age, separated by only 2 years so they stuck together while Peter was 5 years older and kind of did his own thing. Dad and Eric were close like me and my brothers while Peter was sort of off on his own. I'm sure he loved his family and he and dad act as typical brothers getting together several times a year as Peter lives in New York but dad and Eric see each other several times a month since Eric only lives in Philadelphia which isn't all that far away.

"Then we" dad was saying as I tuned back in to see a bored look on Calvin's face and an exasperated look on mom's face.

"Evan, I'm really not up for listening to Ye Old Country Tale" this morning. Could you please stow it until I'm not here" mom said and I was reminded that I loved this woman.

"Yeah, whatever" he muttered. "You, go get that lumbering giant up out your bed and you all get your asses out here and help me." he said to me, and the image of Bear laying in my bed half naked made me shudder.

"Well good morning to you too sunshine" Zane said sarcastically passing dad as he entered the kitchen. Zane started to get a bowl but dad stopped him and told us no food until we were half done. Zane looked at him like he was crazy but dad stared him down and Zane wasn't a fool.

I know what you may be thinking but dad isn't a hardass. He owns a construction company so he has a bit of a gruffness to him having to deal with all the testosterone heads on a daily basis, but for the most part he's quite funny and kind. He treats my mother like a queen and my little sisters like princesses. We're his princes but were also his boys so he knows he can be a little rougher with us than he is with the girls and he knows we won't break.

Anyway, fortune smiled on me and I didn't have to go and get Bear up out of bed as I heard him coming down the stairs. Then that bitch's smile turn into an evil grin as Bear enter the kitchen still in his sleeping attire. That is his pajama bottoms and nothing else. Damn him for looking like he did. I wanted to stab him in the eye with a fork.

"Good lord son how much bigger are you gonna get" dad said as he took in Bear's huge chest.

"Don't know sir" Bear said kind of shyly.

"I don't see how his chest is hairier than mine when I'm four years older than him. I'm a grown man for crying out loud and this kid is out manning me" Zane added.

"It's all in the genes dude" Bear said this time with a cocky grin which he then aimed at me and I subtlely shuddered again.

Then that bitch fortune whom I was now renaming misfortune turned a now sinister grin and gaze on me as Bear strolled over and stood behind me and rested his big hands on my shoulders and I wanted to stab him in both eyes. It didn't help that I was sat back completely in my chair which put the back of my head up against his flat belly. I could feel the ripples of his 8 pack abs against the back of my head.

I prayed no one noticed the effect he was having on my by just standing there. I looked at my mom and my brothers and they were fine. When I looked at my dad however, I saw... something in his eyes, but it vanished just as quickly as it came. I hoped that he hadn't noticed anything.

My hopes were dashed however. Well sort of. His eyes narrowed slightly and he turned and walked away.

"Well what do you say we get started on that garage" Bear said as he slightly squeezed my shoulders with his big hands and I shuddered again.

"Sure, but aren't you gonna change" Calvin said standing up.

"Oh right, be right back" he said as he jetted from the room. I felt lonely then missing his belly being pressed against my head.

Dad knew.Or at least suspected.

We were in the garage about an hour later and he was talking to Zane. He was talking to Calvin. He was talking to Bear. He was not however, talking to me. Other than "here" when he handed me something or "over there" when I asked where he wanted something.

This was weird because even though my dad could be a bit gruff at times he was mostly an jovial guy who loved to talk to people he cared about.

He especially liked talking to me cause I actually had a brain. Now I'm not saying that my brothers were dumb, but Zane tended to lean more toward the athletic and like I said Calvin was kind of like Zane pt. 2. I on the other hand veered on the academic side and thus my body of knowledge was greater. That's why he liked talking to me, and I was surprised at first when I was younger because I didn't expect my dad to be so intellectual. Bad judgement on my part. I had tended to lump him into the category with the other testosterone heads that worked for him. They also weren't what I thought as when I was about 13 my dad actually told them what I had called them and I was so embarrassed. They took it in stride though. I thought at first that they were doing it because I was the boss's son but they made an effort after that to talk to me whenever I came to the sites. They talked to Zane and Calvin too but they seemed to like me more for some reason.

Anyway it was weird that he wasn't talking to me as I wasn't used to it. It wasn't unusual if he came into my room some days when I was doing my homework or something and asked how I was doing and it lead to an hour long conversation.

I was kind of off because of the cold shoulder and I guess Bear noticed like I should have guessed he would.

"You okay" he asked putting a big hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah I'm fine" I said not liking how meek I sounded.

"You sure? You haven't been talking" he said. He looked in my eyes and I wanted to look away before he saw something I didn't want him to see but he had me trapped in his eyes. I managed to glance over to see my dad looking at us and that was all the encouragement I needed.

I stepped away from him and went to the other side of the garage. I looked back at Bear and he was still looking at me. He finally went back to work.

About 20 minutes later a car pulled up in front of the house and I saw it was Liberty's car. It was Justice though that stepped out of it and it was like magic again. I felt this huge grin attack my face and I dropped the box I was holding then. I mumbled an apology and went over to greet her as she walked up.

"Hey Trey" she said with a smile her face.

"Hey yourself" I responded and I could not have removed the grin on my face with a jackhammer.

I had no idea why she had this effect on me. I was gay after all. I shouldn't be affected by a woman like this. I mean I didn't have a boner or anything and it's not like I wanted to screw her or something but she just... made me feel good. Like just a few minutes ago I was depressed and now I was happy.

It suddenly occurred to me that anyone seeing my reactions to her would misunderstand it. Which is exactly what happened as I decided to turn around and I saw both my brothers with shit-eating grins on their faces. My dad looked slightly confused but tried to hide it and Bear had the same unreadable look on his face that he had a lot of the time when he looked at Justice. I wondered suddenly if he liked her. I know Bear likes all females but maybe he really liked her and it was freaking him out or something. Well if he liked her I couldn't imagine him with a better girl than Justice. I decided then that I would look into this and see if I could subtlely push them together.

Justice and Bear... Bear Justice... Ha! That sounded like a court show set in a forest with the honorable Judge Yogi Bear presiding over the court.

Anyway I turned back to Justice and asked what she was doing there.

"Well I when I was talking to Miriam and Kenji the other night they told me that were looking for some ideas for your robotics project and I remember something I did last year for my class. So I decided to bring over the schematics. You can use them and a guideline to build something from." She said and I was so taken by her thoughtfulness I hugged her and thanked her.

I probably shouldn't have done that because I heard a sound from behind us that sounded like my brother high fiving each other. Stupid idiots.

"Well I see you all are busy so I'm gonna take off" she said stepping back.

"NO! You don't have to go" I didn't realize how I sounded until it was too late.

"No actually I have to get my sister's car back to her. She's meeting... Drake somewhere. I asked her why her stupid boyfriend couldn't pick her up and she said because of none of my business and that all I needed to know was that this was her car and I had better have her car back on time or she would take actions that would result in her no longer having twin. I then reminded her that if she knew what was good for her that she wouldn't make such statements" she said sound like Liberty now. I smiled

"What is good for her" I asked.

"Trey, a girl must have some secrets. We can't simply be giving out everything. The important thing is that she knows what I was talking about. Well I'll see you later" she said and I was intrigued.

She said goodbye to my dad, my brothers and Bear and apologized for not speaking. My brother put on the charm and told her it was fine and that she was welcome anytime. She giggled and bid us adieu.

We finished off the garage and Zane spent that time talking about Justice and how I was acting. Calvin contributed and mocked my so-called moony-eyed gaze as Zane called it. Bear just smiled but I did catch sight of something that briefly appeared in his eyes. My dad was quiet though. Not saying anything.

Zane recounted my falling for Justice to my mom during lunch and again I saw something in Bear's eyes. I was gonna have to get to work on this Bear/Justice thing before I alienated my best friend.

To Be Continued...

So there you have it. Trey is gay and in love with Bear. I'm pretty sure you all could see it but now it's out in the open. From now on it's no more veiled comments, no more hedging. Trey will be be talking about this out in the open now.

Now just because it's been revealed that he's in love with Bear doesn't mean something else won't happen. What about Sean and all the looks and smiles? All I will say is that I see Trey at 30 years old and he and Sean are very close at that point.

And what about Bear? Well the day is coming very soon where Trey's secret won't be so secret anymore so we'll see.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I would appreciate any feedback good or bad since this my first attempt at wrinting a story. Send any comments to

Next: Chapter 4

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