The Chronicles of Trey

By Nicky Smith

Published on Mar 26, 2016


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Written by: Nicky Smith Edited by: JD Kaster



"Speech, speech," several people chanted at my brother. He had graduated from the academy and was now one of our brave boys in blue, and whatever other colors they wore.

"Well, I'd just like to say that, I can't wait to pull you all over," he joked and everyone laughed.

"Boy, you better remember who cooks your food before you decide to pull me over," mom said with a mock threatening smile.

"You also better remember who does `other stuff' for you before you decide to pull me over," Nicole added which of course brought about a bunch of oohs.

"You guys take all the fun out of being a cop," Zane said in a mock pout.

"I got one over here you can lock up," Marcus said as he put his hand on Sean's shoulder.

"What, you'd get your own brother locked up?" Sean asked incredulously.

"Yup," was all Marcus said with a smile.

"Wayne, do something," Sean whined to his brother-in-law.

"You wouldn't really do that, would you puppy?" Wayne asked and there was some laughter at Wayne's pet name for Marcus but he didn't look embarrassed about it like he did about his mom's "sweetie".

"Well now, let me see," Marcus said pretending to contemplate it.

"Don't worry Sean, I'll get you out," Ivy added.

"You'd get someone out of jail that I locked up?" Zane asked.

"Why not?" Ivy asked back.

"Because you're my cousin," Zane answered.

"Yeah, and I'm also a lawyer," Ivy said.

"Ambulance chaser," Zane said while coughing.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. Do you wanna repeat that?" Ivy said in a tone that meant that she really had heard him.

"Nope," Zane said.

"Wow man, you really can't catch a break," Marcus said sounding sympathetic while trying to hide his amusement.

I was shocked that he came to the party as he had only met Zane a week prior and that meeting was less than friendly. I was even more shocked when Nicole had told me that they had hit it off later that night at the party, and that Zane was the one who invited him to this get together and not her. I guess it was some cosmic fate that destined all of the Healey brothers to be friends with all of the Mellow brothers.

"So Zane, when can we see you in your uniform?" Jessica asked a bit flirtatiously.

"Why do you care about that?" Alvis asked her. The two of them had been more and more spending time together and I guess that they were now a couple.

"I don't care. I don't know what you're talking about," Jessica said quickly. Yup, they were a couple.

"Yeah right," Alvis said in that accent that I really liked.

"Don't worry buddy. I'll be sure not to wear anything around Jessica," Zane said stupidly.

"Say what now?" Nicole asked him.

"I mean, I won't wear my uniform around her," Zane said looking amused and I knew he was messing with Nicole then.

"Yeah, don't get hurt," Nicole said back.

"You're threatening me in front of my parents?" Zane asked her.

"We didn't hear anything," dad said trying to act innocent.

"Nope, not a thing," mom added. I was silent through all of this, just enjoying the back and forth and liking that I was in a good mood.

"You seem to be in a good mood," Bear said near my ear from his place standing behind me.

"Yeah I am. My brother is finally gonna be a cop. I'm happy for him," I said because it was true.

"Any chance I can take advantage of that happiness?" Bear asked in that low tone that he knew got to me.

"I don't know, maybe," I said before looking around to make sure nobody was paying attention to us. Everyone was focused on Zane so I grabbed Bear's hand and quickly walked toward the kitchen.

"What did we come in here for? Did you wanna eat me?" he asked sexily.

"Every day big guy," I said before I pushed him up against the wall and attacked his neck.

"Oh yeah baby, that's... damn, so good," he said which made me smile and spurned me on as I kissed, sucked, and licked his neck. I ran my hand down his amazing body and found my target. His dick was hard and ready for some action. I was about to slip my hand into his jeans to touch him skin to skin when I heard someone clear their throat. I moved away from Bear so fast that anyone watching would have thought that I was The Flash.

"Are you two getting something to drink?" Wayne asked with a widely amused expression.

"Uh, yeah," I said. He nodded obviously not believing me before walking to the sink and getting a drink of water. He drank his glass while he looked at us standing awkwardly against the wall. He then put his glass into the sink and walked over to the door but stopped before leaving.

"You two might wanna get rid of those before returning from getting your... drink," he said as he gestured toward our crotches with his eyes with a amused smirk before leaving. I looked down and sure enough we were both still hard even after being caught.

"I can't believe you're still hard," I said with a laugh.

"Look who's talking big daddy," he said as he grabbed my still hard dick and pulled me to him.

"I think we better go back in there before someone else comes in here and catches us," I said, but I didn't make a move to step away from him.

"Can you imagine if that had been your mom," he said before cracking up. I didn't find that funny at all though and he had definitely solved my problem as I stepped back.

"That's not funny at all Bear. What if it'd been your mother?" I asked and he immediately stopped laughing which made me smile triumphantly.

"Now that that's over with, what're you getting me for Christmas?" Bear asked.

"You just got it," I said with a teasing smile before walking off and leaving him there.

"You're not serious are you?" I heard as I walked away while trying not to laugh at the tone of his voice.

"I cannot wait until Winter Break. I'm just gonna relax and enjoy some much needed R & R," Liberty said. It was Tuesday and we were back at school. We were at my locker and she looked already checked out.

"Oh, is that what you and Christian call it? Kinky," I said teasing her.

"Shut up. What do you and Bear call it?" she asked.

"Fucking," I said and she crinkled her nose like I knew she would.

"Gross. Why would you say that?" she asked looking all put out but I knew she was faking.

"Because it's the truth," I told her in a "duh, obvious" tone.

"Yeah, but I'm a girl. You're not supposed to talk to me like that," she said and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh please. Liberty, I've known you for nine years. You're not some delicate flower," I said as I shut my locker and started walking away from her.

"Boy, what you talking `bout. I am delicate," she said slipping into her hood speech as she followed me.

"Sure you are, Lib," I said humoring her.

"Liberty, how are ya?" I heard in a voice that immediately made me want to break something, preferably his face. I turned and it was indeed Drake.

He walked up and put his arm around Liberty and before I was even able to process it, she grabbed his hand, spun around while twisting his arm and slammed him into the lockers next to us. It was so crazy that I had to question if I had been talking to Justice all that time as it looked similar to something that I'd seen her do in one of her martial arts tournaments.

"Keep your dammed hands off me," she said harshly.

"Damn baby, you've been spending too much time with your sister," Drake said as he got himself together.

You just better be glad that I don't know the stuff my sister knows or I would've done more to you," she snarled.

"Damn girl, that's cold blooded. Can't a guy get some love?" he asked with what I think he thought was a sexy look on his evil face.

"You had it, but you threw it away," she said.

"Liberty, forget about him and let's go," I told her as I was getting fed up with being in his presence.

"Stay out of this Trey. This has nothing to do with you," Drake said with a scowl.

"Wrong. This has something to do with me since you decided to get within 5 feet of me," I said.

"Don't you have some more football players you need to turn into cocksuckers? You better hurry along because there's only 5 months until graduation," he said with a smug grin.

"You know, I'm tired of football players. I think I'll start on baseball players now. Are you ready?" I said to him hoping it'd shut him up.

"Back off fag," he said and it was so played out that it didn't even bother me coming from him anymore.

"No way. You seem to be desperate to convince people that I have this magical ability to turn guys gay, so let's test your theory, starting with you," I said adding an sinister smirk as I started walking slowly towards him. I heard Liberty snickering beside me.

"Step off cocksucker," he said angrily.

"Ooh, that makes me hot. Does that make you hot?" I asked before licking my lips seductively. I heard Liberty struggling to not laugh which she was failing at.

"Stop right now before I put my foot up your ass," he demanded. I noticed though that the smugness and mocking was gone. All that was left now was true anger and hatred. I decided not to care though.

"Oh my, you certainly move fast, Mr. Franklin," I said in a flirty manner.

"I'm warning your, Trey," he seethed through gritted teeth.

"Are you gay now Drake?" I asked before winking at him.

"I will fuck you up motherfucker. Stay the fuck away from me before I make you wish you weren't born," he snarled with such vehemence that I stepped back. Never before then had I seen Drake look and sound so angry or hateful.

"No you won't be doing a dammed thing to him, because if you do anything to him, I promise you that you will be the one regretting the day you were born," Liberty said as she stepped up to him and started poking him in the chest to punctuate her words. They had a stare-off which apparently Liberty won as he blinked and seemed to cool off.

"I'm not afraid of him Liberty," I told her even though the look in his eyes had concerned me as it hadn't ever been there before then.

"Well maybe not but I'm so fed up with his bullshit," she said truly sounding pissed off.

"I'm right here you know," he said and the smugness was back.

"Good, then I'll say this to you. You are so tired and played out. Everything you say in a cliché, because you are a cliché. I sometimes find myself wondering what I ever saw in an ugly, hateful, vindictive asshole like you," Liberty said unloading on him.

"Wow, bitter much," we heard and turned to see some girl standing there looking at us. She was black and about Liberty's height with long hair that on closer look was very thin braids that looked like strands of hair. She wasn't as slim as Liberty, but even I had to admit that she was hot.

"Excuse me?" Liberty asked her.

"I'm just saying that you sound very bitter. Did someone get dumped and is now trying to appear all big?" she asked and I could tell that it was taking all Liberty had to restrain herself.

"Stay out of this," Liberty said after a few seconds of looking incredulously at the nosy stranger.

"No I think she has your number babe," Drake said with a cocky grin.

"Don't call me babe. You lost that right when you showed your an ass," Liberty said to him.

"Ooh, see that right there, that's bitter. Guys don't like that honey," this bitch said while smirking at Liberty.

"First of all, who the fuck are you?" Liberty asked harshly.

"The name is Darcy hon," she answered while not losing the smirk.

"Second of all, Darcy, I've got a man so I don't need to attract one, especially if they're like this asshole over here," Liberty said as she stepped closer to the girl who was apparently named Darcy.

"Wow, now I see why he must have dumped you," Darcy said while looking annoyingly amused with Liberty.

"I will fucking-" Liberty said as she started toward the girl but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back before things could escalate any further.

"Liberty, let's go. We can't afford any more trouble with Mr. Renner. I think our free passes are used up," I warned her as I pulled her back.

"Stay away from me and anyone I know Drake, or next time I won't be so nice," Liberty threatened, but he still looked smug which made me hate him more.

We walked away and just before we turned the corner I looked back and saw that the nosy girl and Drake were standing close and talking. I guess a bitch attracts bitches. We went to class and told Bear and the others about what had happened. Bear wanted to leave class then to find Drake but I stopped him. Veronica said that the girl was new and I wondered why a new girl would start out making enemies, especially with a popular girl like Liberty.

Bear pulled me aside when class was over and asked if I wanted to go get something to eat after school. I wanted to but I had a council meeting before a tutoring session with Clyde so I told him I'd take a rain check.

When I got to the meeting, Alicia pulled me aside and told me that she'd handle the meeting. When I asked her why she said that Veronica had blackmailed her into giving me the day off, but I could tell that she was mostly lying and that Bear had probably asked her to do it. She had been weird lately as she wasn't nearly as annoying as she had been.

I decided to take it for what it was worth as I had enough problems without looking for more with Alicia so I let her have the meeting and I sent Bear a text that I was free. He replied that he'd be waiting for me at my truck and that he wanted to drive it. I asked why he didn't just drive his own truck if he wanted to drive and he replied "because" so I just let it drop and headed out to meet him.

"Wow Bear, you really know how to woo a guy," I said sarcastically as we sat in the drive-thru at a Burger King.

"What're you talking about?" he asked as he drove up to the window to pay.

"Well, when you asked if I wanted to get something to eat, I didn't imagine drive-thru fast food," I said but he just smirked and drove up and got the bags before pulling out onto the street.

"Are you calling me cheap?" he asked without losing the amused smirk.

"No, I'm calling you... well yeah, I'm calling you cheap. You have a trust fund that can choke a horse and you take me for drive-thru," I said mostly messing with him.

"Well I'm not the only one that has something that could choke a horse," he said before winking at me and reached over and put his big hand on my thigh near my crotch and squeezed a bit which made me involuntarily shudder.

"You don't play fair," I said after I recovered. It was insane how quickly he could get me going.

"No I don't baby," he said with a proud smile before he grabbed my hand and put it on his thigh where he liked to have it.

We continued driving until I realized we were heading for the overlook. I just sat back until he pulled up to our special place which is what I'd started calling it. He shut off the truck and gave me a wink before he grabbed the food and got out. I followed and he let down the tailgate and we sat down and ate in a comfortable silence. It reminded me of the first time we'd ended up there after we'd gotten together. Things were different this time though.

"This is nice," Bear finally said after a while. I looked and he was done with his food and just looking off in the distance with an easy smile on his handsome face.

"Yeah it is. I guess cheap food is still good when you eat it with the right person," I said and his smile got bigger.

"I just want to get in one of our trucks and just drive and see the sights. I want us to do some traveling," he said and I have to admit that the idea sounded really good.

"Maybe over winter break," I told him.

"What about the holidays?" he asked and I had forgot about that. Surely our families would want us at home as this was the last time it was certain that we would be there for the holidays as that might not be possible once we started college, depending on where we got in.

"Well we can do it during the summer," I said and that seemed to make him happy.

"It's a deal then. Just imagine it, the two of us spending the whole summer together, alone," he said adding emphasis to alone while waggling his eyebrows and smiling sexily at me.

"I can't imagine what we could do for the whole summer alone with each other," I joked with a innocent look on my face.

"I'll show you what we can do," he said before he pounced and pinned me to the floor of my truck bed.

"What are you gonna do?" I goaded.

"How about this," he said before he started tickling me. I tried to fight him but I was powerless as he knew just where to tickle me to get the best results. He stopped after a couple minutes though to let me catch my breath, but he still held his place straddling my waist.

"You're evil," I finally said after I had recovered a bit.

"I'm lovable," he corrected with a cocky grin.

"Yes you are big guy," I said and his grin became the one that always got to me. We stared at each other for a bit before I raised my hands and he grabbed them and interlocked our fingers. He then leaned down and kissed me before moving on to my neck. He lowered some of his weight on me and like always I loved feeling his weight on me.

He continued kissing and licking my neck as he ground his crotch into mine and it was then that I realized that I was hard and so was he. This made me let loose a loud moan. I needed to touch him, so I freed my hands from his and I gripped his back and pulled more of his weight down on me before my hands began to roam the muscular expanse of his back until they slipped into the waist of his jeans and I gripped his ass with both hands. He let out a loud moan of his own which made me smile.

Bear slipped his hand between us and down my pants and gripped my dick in his strong grip. The already heated situation grew in intensity, especially when he moved back to my lips and kissed me with gusto. Our tongues wrestled as he continued to grip my dick and started to jack it a bit. It was enough though to get me going, but whatever was going to happen was ruined by the chirp of my phone.

"Dammit," I huffed.

"What is that?" Bear asked in a strained voice.

"The alarm. I have to be home to tutor Clyde," I said even though I really wasn't in the mood for that at that moment.

"Screw him. He can skip one lesson," Bear said before he started kissing my lips and neck again. I really wanted to stay there and get down and dirty with Bear but I'd made a commitment to tutor Clyde so I had to disappoint Bear.

"Babe, as much as I'd love to stay here and explore your glorious body, I have to go," I said and he moaned a desperate moan.

"Damn, why did you have to say it like that? I want you so bad right now," he said with his voice still sounding strained.

"I know, and the feeling is mutual," I told him. I took one last chance to run my hands over his chest and abs with him shuddering as I went. He finally let me up and it was clear he was frustrated but he tried to hide it.

We got down on the ground and he closed the tailgate and headed for the driver's side so I went back and got in the passenger's side. We rode back to the school in silence and I wondered if I should have just stayed with him. We pulled up at school and he parked next to his truck and shut off my truck.

"I'm sorry," he said after a few seconds which confused me as I was the one who was ditching him.

"Why are you sorry? I'm the one who should be sorry," I said and he turned to me and grabbed my hand.

"I was pissed that you wanted to leave me to go and tutor Clyde, but I have to remember that I'm not the only part of your life. You have other commitments and you take them seriously. Besides, I already got you out of your council meeting so I should just be happy with the time we did have," he said and I wondered if this man was too good to be true. He was big, strong, handsome, and kind, caring and loving. He was the total package that belonged to me.

"You can't be real," I let slip out in awe of him.

"What do you mean?" he asked with a chuckle.

"It's nothing. Just, thank you for being you," I told him as I was too shy to tell him what I was thinking, but I think he realized it anyway as he kind of preened a bit.

"Anything for you baby," he said before leaning over and giving me a kiss before we got out of my truck and he walked to his. I gave him another deep kiss before he got into his truck and pulled away. As I got into my truck and started the engine, I got a text from Bear that said that he was going to look into hiring Clyde a private tutor. I just laughed and headed home.

As I pulled up to the house I saw that the house was dark, but Clyde hadn't arrived yet as he wasn't due for another few minutes and he was always punctual. I was glad that I had made it home in time as I had gotten caught behind an accident and was delayed. I got out and headed for the door but I was interrupted.

"Hey queer boy," I heard from behind me. I turned and saw Jeremy's brother Kent along with two other guys standing there trying to look all menacing.

"What did you say?" I asked because maybe I'd heard him wrong.

"You heard me queer boy. I hope you're satisfied," he said with a sneer.

"Satisfied with what?" I asked as I took a cautious step backwards.

"You turned my cousin into a dirty little fag like you are," he said with a look of pure disgust on his face.

"I didn't do a dammed thing to your cousin. Anything that happened between us, well I wasn't asking for it that's for sure," I told him as I was truly pissed off that it seemed that I couldn't even escape this shit at home anymore.

"Yeah well you are asking for this," he said as he and his friends took a step toward me.

"Look now, I don't want any trouble," as I stepped back some more and looked toward my house. I knew I couldn't take these guys alone and was looking for someone inside to come outside.

"Well you're gonna get trouble and don't bother because nobody's home to save you," he said with a sinister grin before he grabbed my shirt and spun me around before shoving me into the passenger side of my truck hard.

"Now wait a minute," I said before he cut in.

"Today's your reckoning faggot," he said before he grabbed my neck started to squeeze. I started to fight back and even got a shot at his eye before his boys grabbed my arms. I was starting to feel the loss of oxygen when I felt my right arm jerk roughly. I looked and saw Kent being pulled off of me and the other guy getting shoved back.

"What seems to be the problem here gentlemen?" asked my savior who turned out to be the ever punctual Clyde.

"This is none of your fucking business so get lost putz," Kent snarled at Clyde.

"No, I think it is," Clyde said calmly but strongly.

"Butt out jackass," one of Kent's friends heatedly said.

"Or what? Do you three think that you can take me on?" he asked and I was skeptical if he could take the three of them on. Even though he was the third biggest guy on the team next to Carter, these guys weren't exactly small fry.

"This isn't over pansy," Kent said to me after considering what Clyde had said. He and his goons then walked across the street to the Davis residence and went into the house.

"Are you okay?" Clyde asked when they were gone. I was shocked by his concern as he laid his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm just tired of this shit," I said which was the truth. Home wasn't even a refuge from homophobic idiots.

"C'mon, let's get you inside," Clyde said as he guided me towards the door. I unlocked the door and let him in and went to the family room with him tagging along. I dropped down on the couch and held my head in my hands.

"Why can't people just leave me alone? Am I really hurting people by having the nerve to exist while being gay?" I asked to nobody in particular as I didn't expect an answer from Clyde.

"People on average are close-minded about most things. Sometimes they can become open-minded when introduced to the thing they are close-minded about, but sometimes they are stubborn and don't want to," Clyde said in a piece of inspired advice that I considered. I too fell into what he said as I was apprehensive about Tony's more flamboyant manner.

"Does that include you?" I asked as he hadn't been too thrilled about me being his tutor at first.

"To be honest, yes it does. I wasn't too thrilled about you being my tutor at first, but as I spent time with you I began to see that you are a person first and you being gay is just one aspect of a whole person so it was stupid for me to just pick one thing about you and associate that with being all there was to you and not like you for it," he said and I was stunned silent for a few seconds.

"Are you sure you need a tutor?' I asked because this was some next level thinking that he was speaking and definitely didn't gel with someone who I initially thought was just another dumb jock.

"Well, just because I'm not just a dumb jock doesn't mean I don't have academic difficulties," he said with a small smile.

"I guess that's true," I replied.

"Do you want me to call Bear?" he asked looking concerned again.

"No, I'll be fine. Besides, I just left him," I said and he looked at me for a few seconds before a realization dawned on him.

"Ah, ok then," he said with a slightly amused expression.

"I don't want to have to depend on Bear for the rest of my life to be my personal bodyguard because he's not going to always be around," I said which was part of the truth. The other part was that I didn't want to look like a weak little wimp who always needed the big strong Bear to protect him all the time.

"I'm sure that he doesn't see you that way," Clyde said as he finally took a seat.

"I know he doesn't. Other people however do see me that way and I want to prove that I can handle at least one little thing without running to Bear or anybody else for saving," I said meaning what I was saying. I was gonna make sure that nobody needed to save me anymore from then on out.

We talked for a few more minutes before I insisted we get started on his tutoring. He tried to beg off thinking that I needed the night off, but I was adamant that we do it, especially since I'd left Bear and a guaranteed good time to do so.

My family came home gradually about an hour after I had gotten home. I considered telling them about what had happened, but I wanted to avoid a big blowup. Despite that though, I just had a feeling that this wasn't over yet.

"What? Why do you keep looking at me like that?" Zane asked. We were having lunch and it was my first time seeing him in his uniform and I had to admit he looked pretty cool. It made me briefly consider becoming a cop myself.

"I just can't get over the whole cop thing," I told him.

"You've known about this for a long time now," he said with an ironic smile.

"Yeah, but actually seeing you in uniform makes it more real," I said which was true. Seeing him actually in his cop uniform made me feel differently about it, aside from the cool factor.

"Does it make me look hot?" he asked with a cheesy grin.

"See, now you had to go and ruin it," I said partly joking.

"So it doesn't make me look hot?" he asked looking serious, but I could still see the amusement in his eyes.

"Zane, that's the very last thing I want to be thinking about my brother," I said and he smirked.

"Well I'm gonna go hit the head before I get back on the mean streets," he said and I rolled my eyes. He stood and did a slight flex after he caught a table of three girls checking him out before he left for the bathroom.

"Trey, is that you?" someone asked. I looked up and saw a really familiar guy.

"Jerry," I said as recognition hit.

"Hey, how are ya?" he asked as I stood and we shook hands.

"I'm good. I see you're still in town," I told him as I had expected him to be gone back to his marine duties.

"Yeah I'm still around. My tour is over so I'm just enjoying my civilian life," he said with an easy smile. I still remembered that I liked his smile. It was the same as I remember from when I was young, only now attached to an older Jerry.

"That's good. Are you gonna stick around here or are you gonna travel around some?" I asked as I would guess our little town wouldn't hold up to a marine after having seen different parts of the world.

"I'll be around for a bit. I plan on going out to Cali after the holidays though to meet up with some of my marine buddies," he said. I got the feeling that he would have rather been out there now as oppose to being here, but I could have been wrong.

"That sounds great. I want to do some traveling before college myself," I told him.

"You should. A road trip with your buddies, or even just Bear would be a cool thing to do," he said and it made me think about what Bear and I had talked about. The idea seemed even more irresistible now.

"What the fuck are you doing talking to my friend?" I heard just as I was about to respond to Jerry's comment. Brian had a knack for shitting on any good mood I had.

"Brian man, leave it alone. Besides, I'm the one who approached him," Jerry said in defense of me.

"Why would you wanna talk to this fag?" Brian asked and I had to stop myself from kicking him in the balls.

"Who the hell are you calling a fag?" Zane said as he walked up and stood between me and Brian.

"Your brother standing right there," Brian said with an unapologetic smirk.

"You've got a lot of nerve saying shit like that when I'm around," Zane said while posturing and trying to intimidate Brian.

"Really, because from what I hear my nerve isn't as big as yours," Brian said not losing the smug look on his face.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Zane demanded.

"It means Zane, that while I don't like your brother, not even I could have done what you did to him, and you call yourself a big brother," Brian said and Zane flinched as he probably realized what Brian was talking about.

"T-that was in the past," Zane stammered.

"It's not that far in the past, and the fact that you're standing there trying to defend his honor is laughable since everyone knows what you did to him, how very little brotherly love you had for your little brother," he said adding air quotes around the word brother.

"You better shut up right now," Zane seethed.

"Or what? You'll arrest me, Officer Healey? How they let you become a cop is frightening, but I guess your mommy, oops, I mean step-mommy's cousin probably made sure nobody found out about all of your indiscretions," Brian said still with the annoying smirk.

"That only happened once," Zane defended.

"I'm not talking about that. I know about your high school `activities'," Brian gloated. Zane looked about ready to stomp Brian so I had to stop this now.

"Zane, just leave it alone. Nothing Brian says is hurtful because I know what a hateful person he is," I told him while holding his arm back.

"Yeah Brian, I think you need to stop. You've gone too far," Jerry said trying to break things up too.

"No I don't think I've gone far enough. This jackass is up in my face trying to defend his sissy brother's honor, yet unlike me, he can't say that he's never laid a finger on him. Of course that's a huge understatement to call him brutally beating his brother nearly to death, and for being a fag too, laying a finger on him. I guess though that controlling those fists of yours is a hard habit to break though, isn't it Zane?" Brian said and I could feel the anger radiating off of Zane.

"You're right. I beat my brother when I found out about him, but we made up. You though continue to treat your own brother as well as mine like trash and then there's the fact that aside from that time I've always shown my brother kindness and love. You on the other hand have treated your brother like a annoying invader into your life long before you knew he was gay, so really Brian, who is the bigger asshole here?" Zane said and I was proud of his restraint.

"I think that's still you. In my opinion, indifference is a lot better than brutality," Brian said with that smug look still present.

"I think we'd better leave now. I think you've said enough," Jerry said as he pulled on Brian's arm.

"Maybe you're right. Besides, being around Trey this long is sickening," he said with a sneer.

"Now you know what it's like to look at you," I sniped back. He bristled, but Jerry was pulling him back. He finally shot me a hard glare and walked away with Jerry who looked back and mouthed a "sorry".

"Are you okay?" Zane asked but I could tell he was the one who wasn't all right.

"I'm good. Are you okay?" I asked in return.

"I'm fine," he said sounding not fine.

"Zane," I started but he interrupted.

"I gotta go. I'll see you later," he said before he walked away without even looking at me. It was yet another day shot to hell by a homophobic jackass. I couldn't wait until graduation so I could go to a college far away and get away from everyone that had even an inkling that I was gay and I could start over fresh.

"Are you gonna tell Bear?" Carter asked. It was later that afternoon, almost evening, and he had called up and asked if I wanted some company. Never one to turn down a friend especially when they looked like Carter, I said yes and he came over.

"No I'm not," I told him. I had told him about what had happened with Brian when he asked why I was in such a bad mood when he had arrived.

"Let me guess, you don't want to be the reason that a brawl of the brothers begins," Carter said and I confirmed that statement with a nod.

"Bear will want to at least kick his ass and I don't want to be the cause of even more animosity between them than there already is," I said which was true.

"Trey, you think of other people too much and keep things bottled up too much as well. It's going to come back to haunt you one of these days," Carter said and it made me think of the encounter with Kent Davis that only Clyde knew about. I was sure that would come up again as his parents and brother lived across the street from me.

"Look, I can handle things myself. I don't always need some big strong football player to come to my rescue, not that I don't appreciate it though," I said. He had started to frown until I said that I appreciated the saving which made him smile just a bit.

"I still think you should tell Bear so he doesn't find out on his own," Carter said and I had to admit that he spoke some truth. I had hidden so much from Bear and he'd never hidden anything from me. I needed to stop doing that as I planned to spend the rest of my life with him.

"I'll think about it, and thanks," I told him and he nodded. My cell rang with Bear's ringtone and I immediately grabbed it and answered it to Carter's amusement.

"Hey big guy," I said with an uncontrollable smile.

"Hey baby," Bear said, but he sounded weird.

"What's wrong?" I asked and Carter who had looked like he was giving us privacy looked concerned as well after hearing me ask that.

"Nothing is wrong. I just needed to hear your voice," he said and again I heard something in his voice.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked again. Carter mouthed that he was gonna jet and he'd see me later. I nodded and continued to listen to Bear.

"I'm fine Trey. I just... had this need to call you all of a sudden," he said and he was still sounding weird.

"Bear, what is it? You know you can tell me anything," I said and immediately felt like a hypocrite.

"It's just... we're gonna be together forever, right?" he asked and I wondered what brought that on.

"Of course big guy. I'm yours and you're mine for the rest of our lives," I said and I could practically hear the big grin that I'm sure appeared on his face.

"Good. I needed to hear that," he said and he sounded better but I could still hear that something a bit in his voice.

"Are you gonna tell me what's up now?" I asked.

"Nothing really Trey. I just had this need to call you and so I did," he said and that made me smile.

"Well anytime big guy, but you know you could just come over. Who knows, something fun might happen with me being here all alone," I teased even though I wasn't alone as Calvin was downstairs watching the twins and their friend.

"You don't say. Well I'd love to take you up on that offer, but I'm stuck doing some shit for my mom," he said but I could hear the slight horniness in is voice.

"Okay, but whenever you're free I'm here," I said in a husky voice. I heard him swallow audibly and I knew he wanted to ditch his mother right then and run right over.

"I better go before you make me ditch my mother," he said confirming my suspicions. We said "see ya later" and hung up.

No sooner had I laid my phone down that I got a text. It was from Clyde of all people and he said he wanted to meet me at Renlo Park. It was the biggest park in town. He wanted to meet in the secluded area to talk about something. I wondered what that was about, but I still got up and headed out after telling Calvin that I'd be back in a bit.

I arrived at the park and went to the secluded part where I was supposed to meet Clyde. I walked around for a few minutes before I saw Clyde standing up against a lamp post. When I got closer I saw that he wasn't standing there, but tied to it. I started running toward him and that's when he saw me.

"Trey stop! Run away now!" he yelled looking panicked. I stalled for a second and looked at him before I decided that I'd do just that, at least until I got to the area where more people were. I turned and ran smack into a body which caused me to lose my balance and fall. I looked up and saw Kent Davis standing there smirking.

"Hello Trey. I told you that we'd have this "chat" again," he said with a bit of a sneer.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, Kent?" I asked angrily as I scrambled to stand up.

"I'm teaching you a lesson for turning my cousin into a little pussy ass faggot like you. If you want cock shoved up your ass so bad, I'm gonna help you out there," he said and before I could register what he'd said, four more guys came into view. Only one of his friends from before was among them. The new guys were a bit bigger than Kent and his other friend was.

"What are you gonna do?" I asked as I took a step back.

"I think you know," he said with a leer. I started to run but I was caught before I could get away by the two biggest guys and they wrestled me to the ground and held me down as I fought.

"Get the fuck off me!" I shouted as I kicked and pulled and twisted to get free, but these guys were strong.

"Get off him bastards!" Clyde yelled as he struggled against whatever they'd used to tie him up. They must have tricked him here somehow and used his phone to text me about coming here.

"Go shut him up," Kent ordered and the other two went and the guy from before in my yard pulled out a roll of duct tape and put it over Clyde's mouth.

"Stop! Whatever you're gonna do... you don't have to do it," I babbled in a panic.

"Oh but I do Trey. I'm gonna make sure you get all the dicking you want. When we're done with you, I'll bet you wont want another cock up there for a long time," he said and I'd never felt as powerless before as I struggled to get free.

"Wait!" was all I was able to get out before my mouth too was covered with tape.

The other two guys came and pulled my leg up as I still struggled and pulled down my pants and I felt tears running down my face. Kent taunted me by calling me a little crying bitch. He pulled out his dick which was hard, but otherwise not all that big. He got into place and said "I'm gonna make you hate cock like I hate you" before I felt his dick at my hole.

I tried once more to break free but the bigger guys tightened their grip on me and then I felt pain unlike I'd felt before. It was way worse than my first time with Bear as Kent just rammed into me. I tried to just block out the pain and what was happening to me.

I thought of Bear and his handsome face. He had always been there for me, but this time he wasn't gonna come to my rescue. None of my football bodyguards were gonna stop this. I closed my eyes tight and wished that I could just die because there was no way I could live on after this. Then I thought about what Zane had been through and did he ever feel like this.

"Open your eyes faggot," Kent snarled before he let go and I realized he was cumming. That made everything worse as I knew then that this had actually happened. I had been raped and according to Kent, his friends were gonna take a turn as well.

"You done?" the biggest guy asked Kent.

"Yeah, your turn," he said before looking at me with a sinister grin.

They made the mistake of letting go of one of my legs and when the big guy came around, I used all my strength and kicked him in the nuts. He dropped with a howl and that was a suitable distraction because they all had loosened their grip on me and I kicked the other guy who had my other leg and punched Kent square in the jaw as he had moved up and grabbed my arm.

At the same time something slammed into the other big guy and tackled him and it took a few seconds to see that it was Clyde. I also saw that they'd used the duct tape to bind him to the post and he had somehow gotten free.

They fought for a few seconds before Clyde drove his fist into the dude's nose so hard that I was surprised his fist hadn't went straight through his head. I scrambled to my feet and pulled the duct tape from my mouth and yelled at the top of my lungs before Kent punched me in the gut. I recovered enough and dived for him but I couldn't get a good angle as my pants started falling again. I just knew that things couldn't get worse, but as always when you think that, it does get worse.


"Are you crazy?" I asked Justice. I was in my car heading home and talking to her on my cell.

"No I'm not. It'll look good on you," she said as if she wasn't making any sense.

"Justice, babe, I'm not wearing a red tux to the prom. I'll look like I stepped out of the seventies," I tried to explain.

"Sean, the theme is gonna be sensational 70s," she explained.

"Oh. Well I'm still not doing it," I told her.

"Why not?" she whined which she knew would get to me.

"How do you even know the theme for prom, that's over 5 months away, and why are we even talking about it now?" I asked. I was a guy who had better things to do than talk about prom. Like at the moment I was scarfing down some fast food that I seldom ate in my car, but I was hungry so I made an exception.

"We have to plan these things in advance. We can't just wake up the morning of prom and throw on whatever's in the closet," she reasoned.

"Why not?" I asked to mess with her.

"I swear, sometimes you can be such a man," she said but she didn't make it sound all that flattering at all.

"A big man though, right?" I asked referring to Mr. Happy which is what I called my cock. Justice tried to pretend that she didn't like the name but it made her smile.

"Eh, I've seen bigger," she said which shocked me and made me drop my drink.

"Dammit," I said as my coke was dripping all over me and my new seats.

"I was kidding Sean," she said sounding amused.

"I wasted my coke on my new seats," I told her.

"I told you to stop eating in your car," she said to be annoying as like I said I hardly ever ate in my car.

I pulled over and when I tried to get out I knocked over my nachos as well. After cursing up a storm I started cleaning out my car. I could hear Justice laughing over the line as I hadn't disconnected. When I'd gotten the last of the stuff up and thrown into the garbage, I heard this loud yell.

I got my phone and decided to check out what was going on. I had no idea where my hero streak was coming from but I ignored that for the time being. I followed the trees until I came to an opening in the secluded area of the park where people seldom went. It was far enough away that you couldn't really hear anything from the main part.

When I arrived at the clearing I saw a bunch of guys were fighting and after a few seconds I recognized one as Trey. I took off towards the fray and as a guy who pulled Trey off of another guy who was getting pummeled in the face by Trey, I tackled that guy to the ground. We got to tussling and fighting before I heard the guy Trey was punching yell.

"Everybody stop!" he said and as everyone looked at him he had a gun pointed right at Trey. Somewhere in the distance I could hear a voice that sounded like Justice hysterically demanding to know what was going on.

"Yo Kent, what's the deal? Where did you get that gun?" one of the guys asked as the guy I was fighting got to his feet and so did I. I finally recognized the guy Trey was hammering was Kent Davis, Jeremy Davis' brother.

"Shut up!" Kent demanded.

"Kent, you don't want to do anything stupid," Trey said in a calm voice but I could tell he was scared. It was then that I finally noticed Clyde was there as he and two guys he was fighting with had stopped too and just stood there staring at Kent.

"It's not stupid to kill a fag. Look on the bright side, you won't have to live knowing that I made you my bitch," he said with a smug grin and it registered immediately what he'd meant when I saw Trey's pants had been undone.

"Kent...," Trey started before Kent cut in.

"Die faggot," he snarled and before I could move two steps I heard gunfire. Four shots rang out before I made it to Kent and tackled him. I wrestled the gun from him and pointed it at him as I heard sirens. I then stood and looked towards Trey only to see Clyde lying on top of him.

I pointed the gun at them and walked over and sure enough Clyde had 4 bloody spots on his back. Shaking, I managed to roll Clyde off of Trey and I saw blood on him too, but I was hoping darkly that it was Clyde's blood. I was wrong as I lifted his shirt and I saw two bullet wounds on his torso. The last thing I remember was the police and ambulance rushing to us and I noticed that both of them were unconscious. I just knew that they were both dead and I didn't know what to do.

To be continued....

Author's Notes:

Zane has become a cop and now can finally start arresting his family, at least those that don't feed him. What will he get up to now that he's a cop?

Trey had good times before they are dashed by those that hate him. First Drake, then Kent and finally Brian. each time Trey is having a good time before the dark clouds descend. Then Kent returns as promised to mess things up for him.

A violent confrontation occurs between Trey and Kent. Kent uses Clyde as bait to lure Trey into trap where he's raped, almost gang raped and it ends with both Trey and Clyde getting shot. What will happen next. Will they both live or die?

Find out in the next chapter of The Chronnicles of Trey

I apologize for the delay of this chapter as I've been busy with my family as we have been dealing with the death of a family member. Thank you to all who have read and are reading the story. I appreciate hearing from everyone who sends me an email. Please send comments to

Editor's Notes:

Trey seemed to be having some good moment's but then something would come along and ruin it. First talking with Liberty in school and having Drake interfere, then the get together with Bear, but when he went home to tutor Clyde, Kent Davis has to show up and give him a hard time. We see a bit more of Clyde and he seems to have some good insight.

Zane has finally graduated the police academy and is now one of the proud boys in blue. What new plots will open with this twist as well as the cousin being a lawyer. Those two aspects (the cop and lawyer) may be coming into play here soon with how this chapter ended.

Bear calls Trey cause he just had to hear his voice, I feel that he had a very bad feeling that something was going to happen. Well that something did happen, and it was in the form of Kent Davis and his friend tricking Trey into a secluded spot in the park.

Sad to say Trey was raped but was able to fight back after one of the guys let him go a bit. And Sean even shows up to help save the day, but then it gets worse. How bad are Clyde and Treys injures from the gun shot. Who will live and who will Die. I can say that I will be on the edge of my seat waiting for the next chapter.

As always guys thank you for enjoying this story that Nicky is taking his time to give to us. Be sure to send him an email and let him know how he is doing. You can also send me one and let me know if you noticed anything that I may have missed that needed a bit of editing. You can reach me at

Until next time John D.

Next: Chapter 28

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