The Chronicles of Trey

By Nicky Smith

Published on Dec 27, 2015


Written by: Nicky Smith Edited by: JD Kaster



"All right everyone, that was a good meeting," I said as I was concluding our student council meeting.

"Wait, we still have yet to decide the theme for the winter formal," Alicia said finding something to cause contention between us like she always did in these meetings since we "took office".

Mr. Renner definitely wasn't one of my favorite people anymore, and I think he knew that since every time he'd seen me since then he would flash me an apologetic smile which I ignored.

"Alicia dear, the winter formal already has a theme. The theme is winter," I said talking condescendingly to her which caused a few snickers and earned me a vicious glare from her.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to like that?" she asked as she stood up to get closer to me, but Jeremy stepped between us.

"Okay, I think we should all get moving," Jeremy said trying to prevent another argument between me and Alicia.

I swear I didn't get why Mr. Renner did this to me. To her too I guess since she had to look at me walking around with the man that she couldn't get, the man that she holds the distinction of being the only girl who he's dated that he didn't have sex with.

That fact always surprisingly made me feel a little bit sorry for her as she had to walk around with people knowing that the jock king went out on a date with her, didn't have sex with her, and the next thing anyone knew he was gay and in a relationship with his longtime best friend.

"What are you thinking about?" someone asked in my ear in a deep voice which startled me. I looked and saw Bear with an amused smile on his face looking at me and standing really close to me.

"Damn Bear, where did you come from?" I asked as I tried to get my heart to calm. I couldn't believe I had zoned out like that. I never really did that before, but I had been doing it a lot since this student council thing started. I think it was my mind's way of coping with being in the vicinity of Alicia Lake every day.

"Well I came from the belly of one April Davidson. I'm told she had to have a c-section," he said still with that amused smile on his face.

"Well of course she did. No woman in her right mind would be able to endure pushing something your size through her baby cannon," I said gesturing at his huge size. I swear there were times where I really wondered if this man I loved was truly a teenager as he definitely didn't look the part.

"I didn't come in this size just so you know," he said and I heard a snicker from behind me. I turned and saw Jeremy trying to look like he wasn't listening to us, but was doing a bad job of it. I also finally noticed that the three of us were the only ones in there.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here. If it isn't the student council president and his first lady. Are you two about to make out standing that close?" I heard in a voice that I wasn't in the mood for. Bear started for Todd immediately, buy I grabbed his huge bicep with both of my hands to hold him back.

"What the hell did you just say?" Bear asked with a deep scowl. I wasn't sure if I could truly hold him back if he decided to charge Todd who stood smirking at us with 3 football players with him and a few other guys. I noticed they were sophomore and juniors which Todd probably liked as that made him top dog since he was the only senior in the group aside from Patrick Clarke.

"You heard me. You two were standing so close it just looked like you were about to swap some spit," Todd said looking smug. Bear made to go after him again, and again I tugged at his arm with all my strength. I knew then that he could get out of my grasp if he wanted but he didn't want to risk hurting me. I decided to distract him.

"Why do you ask Todd? Do you wanna see us make out?" I asked and his face screwed up into a look of disgust along with the other guys with him. Bear looked at me with a raised eyebrow likely wondering what I was doing. I have to admit that it made him look even hotter.

"Hell no, I don't wanna see that shit?" he said with a sneer.

"Then you better leave because Bear and I are about to have a good old fashioned tongue wrestling match right here," I said with a smirk which caused Bear's other eyebrow to raise. I looked at Jeremy and he had the same look. Todd and his crew looked nervous like they couldn't be sure if we would do it.

"You wouldn't dare. You don't have the stones," he said obviously goading me on to actually do it. It made me question briefly where his hatred came from.

"Now see, a smart person would know that saying that would cause me to do this," I said before I grabbed Bear's head and pulling him to me. When our lips touched it was like all the other times when we kissed which was amazing, even with the audience. He was shocked at first, but after a second he recovered from his shock and he put his big arms around me and pulled me even closer and attacked my lips with a vengeance.

We didn't kiss long, but it was enough to get me pretty excited and I could tell that Bear was in the same state. We ended our kiss and stared at each other for a few seconds before we turned and looked at the stunned looks of our audience. All of them looked slack-jawed, but only Todd also looked furious.

"Did you get enough or do you wanna see it again?" Bear asked with a smirk.

"Hell no, I didn't wanna see it that time. Come on guys, lets leave the fags to do all their faggy stuff," Todd said to his cronies in an uninspired attempt to insult Bear and me.

"Bye-bye now," I said as I waved at Todd and he glared at us.

"Come on cuz, don't want you getting tainted by all the queer floating around," Todd said to Jeremy.

"No thanks, I'll be fine," Jeremy said in return.

"You wanna stay around here and get corrupted by these fags?" Todd asked.

"I think you have more reason to worry than him. Seems you football players have a higher occurrence of homosexuality," I heard in yet another voice I didn't want to hear. We turned and saw Drake standing there with a couple of his baseball teammates looking as arrogant as always.

"What did you say loser?" Todd said stepping to Drake who for his part looked unimpressed.

"You heard me meat-head. I think it's all the squatting with your asses in another dude's face that does it," he said then chuckled at his own bad joke that his friends found funny as well.

"Let's go guys. I don't have time to deal with this loser," Todd said before he and his cronies departed the council room.

"What's your deal Drake?" Bear asked as he stepped away from me.

"Don't go getting the wrong idea. I just don't like when other people play with my toys," he said as he looked at me smugly which pissed Bear off big time, and me as well.

"Toy," I said hotly.

"That's right. Now I'd love to stay here and chat but I have to be going. I'll be seeing you Trey," Drake said before he too left along with his crew. The whole exchange was bizarre.

"Okay, that was weird," I said after a minute.

"Who does he think he is calling you his toy? I'd like to see how much he wants to have a toy once I put my foot up his ass," Bear said looking ready to run after Drake and do just that.

"You seem angrier with Drake than you do with Todd. Is it because he called me his toy?" I asked with a slight smile.

"Damn right, besides, that thing with Todd ended in a good way," he said with the grin of his that he knew affected me so. He grasped my chin and started pulling me toward him. We were interrupted however by someone clearing their throat which made me remember that Jeremy was still in the room.

"Oops, I'm sorry about that Jeremy. We had forgotten you were here for a minute," I said weirdly feeling embarrassed even though Bear and I had just made out in front of at least half a dozen guys.

"It's not a problem. I will say though that, although I'm straight, that kiss was hot," he said while turning a serious crimson.

"It's alright dude, we know we're hot," Bear said proudly.

"Yeah well I think I'm gonna get going. I've gotta meet someone," he said as he got his things together.

"See ya man, and don't do anything we wouldn't do," Bear said with a cheeky grin.

"Yeah I have to see about that," Jeremy said with a chuckle before he left.

"So what do you wanna do tonight?" Bear asked as he picked up my backpack and held open the door while I put on my jacket. I just shook my head at him trying to be gallant.

"Well I have some council stuff to look over plus I have some homework, which I'm sure you have as well," I said as I followed him out to our trucks.

"Oh drag baby. I wanna do something with you tonight," he said in kind of a pout.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked seductively as we arrived at my truck.

"Well not that Mr. Horny Pants. I wanted to do something else," he said.

"You're calling me horny? If you look up the definition for horn dog in the dictionary your face is there," I said and he rolled his eyes.

"I'll have you know that I have excellent self control. I waited 10 months before anything really happened between us, and you have no idea how hard it was for me to wait that long to get a taste of that sweet ass of yours," he said and my hole twitched in anticipation of the next time we had sex.

"How hard was it?" I asked in a husky tone which made him shiver as I could see it.

"Well let's just say that I'm sure my right arm is bigger than my left arm with as many times I woke up in the middle of the night after dreaming about pounding that ass of yours," he said in his deepest baritone which made me shiver.

"Well the embargo is over big guy," I said as I stepped towards him. He surprised me though by stepping back.

"We need to stop," he said with his hands up in an attempt to block me.

"Are you serious?" I asked not believing what I was seeing. I have to admit that some of my old insecurities started to pop up.

"Trey, I just don't think we should do anything right now. Please just understand," he said looking into my eyes. I just shook my head unable to speak.

He gave me a quick peck on the lips and told me he'd see me at school the next day before heading to his truck. He got in and after looking at me with a look that looked like regret he started his truck and drove away.

I just stood there wondering if maybe he had gotten bored with me. I know we hadn't been having sex long, but Bear got bored with his girls quick enough that it wasn't outside the realm of possibilities that he would be bored with sex with me. I finally got into my truck and headed home.

"Wake up Trey. Wake up, wake up, wake up," I heard in an annoying voice as a large number of people jumped up and down on my bed waking me from my sleep. I opened my eyes to see a set of twins looking back at me. It was not the set of twins I expected at... 8:25am on a Saturday morning.

"What the hell are you two doing in my room so early?" I asked to Liberty and Justice.

"Well someone woke up on the bitchy side of the bed this morning," Liberty said with a smirk.

"I don't think so, because I didn't wake up in either of your beds," I said which momentarily stumped them as to a comeback.

"Very funny Trey, now here's my rebuttal" Justice said before jumping up and diving down on my stomach, and damn she was heavy for how thin as she was.

"Good one," Liberty said as they gave each other a high-five.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked again as I struggled to get my breath back while holding my stomach.

"We're here so you can convince Liberty to go out with Christian," Justice said and Liberty responded with an incredulous look. I guess she wasn't privy to this plan.

"Are you serious?! You said we were just coming over to bug Trey," Liberty said before she started to get up, but Justice pulled her back down and sat on her.

"Stay," Justice said as she held Liberty in place.

"Ow, get your fat ass off me Justice," Liberty said as she struggled to get up. She finally just started tickling Justice which distracted her long enough for Liberty to get free and she pushed Justice off her and got off the bed and started for the door. Justice then dived off my bed and tackled Liberty to the floor and held her down with her arm pinned behind her back.

"Stop struggling and just accept this," Justice sad as she struggled to hold Liberty down.

"Your ass is mine when this is over," Liberty said and I shook my head at them because they had no idea how suggestive their speech was, given what they were doing. I crawled over to the end of my bed and just watched them struggle with each other.

"This whole thing is so wasted on me," I said with amusement.

"What is?" they both asked in unison.

"Two hot twin ladies wrestling in my bedroom."

"Just imagine we're both guys," Justice said before deciding to get up off of her sister.

"I'm outta here," Liberty said after she got to her feet.

"Liberty, sit down," I ordered.

"Who do you think you're talking to?" she asked incredulously.

"Liberty, sit down," I ordered again. She liked to not listen, but after looking at me for a full minute she finally sat down on my bed.

"I'm not going out with him and I don't see why you two are so invested in my doing so," Liberty said and I could still see how she was affected by Drake which made me hate him more.

"Liberty, this guy isn't Drake. I know that I don't know him all that well, but he's not. I'm not asking you to get involved in a 6 year romance with him that will result in marriage and you having twins with him," I said and Justice snickered at the imagery while Liberty's eyes widened.

"I am spending too much time with you," she said softly.

"What?" I asked.

"It's nothing, forget it," she said dismissively.

"Lib, I see the look in your eyes when his name comes up. You already like him but you're afraid. Just get over that and go on one date with him, that all we ask," Justice said and I nodded my head I agreement.

"Fine I'll go, but you're all going to regret it," she said as she got up off the bed, and pulled out her phone. Justice rolled her eyes while I shook my head at my very stubborn friend.

She called Christian which surprised me that she had his number in her phone. She talked for a minute before telling him that she'd go out with him that evening. She then sulked like Justice and I had made her do something terrible. We chose to ignore her until she decided to join in on our conversation.

They left after a while as Justice said she had to get Liberty ready for her big date with Liberty grumbling all the while. I laid back down and let my mind wander. Bear and I hadn't really talked since Thursday when he abruptly left me at school after turning me down. What guy in his right mind turned down sex?

That thought didn't sit right with me and made me think I was turning into a sex fiend. Fortunately for me I was saved from anymore self mental torture by my ringing cell phone. I knew who it was immediately since I had a special ring-tone set for him. I started to smile but then thought of his weird behavior over the previous 2 days and that cooled my happiness a bit. I picked up my phone finally and answered it.

"Hello Bear," I said unenthusiastically.

"Hey baby, what're you doing today?" he asked and I thought to tell him I was busy, but decided to just be honest.

"I've got nothing planned," I told him.

"That's good because I have the whole place to myself until tomorrow night and I wanted to know if you wanted to come over and have breakfast with me tomorrow morning," he said and I was confused.

"You want to know if I'm busy today so we can have breakfast tomorrow," I said still confused.

"Well generally people have breakfast when they wake up in the morning," he said still being vague, but this time I got his meaning, after a minute of thinking.

"Mr. Davidson, are you asking me to spend the night?" I asked with a smile.

"No I'm not, I'm asking you to spend today, tonight, and tomorrow with me," he said and I could hear his smile over the phone.

"Whatever will we do with all that free time to ourselves?" I asked in a faux southern accent.

"Let's just say that when were done this weekend, neither of us will be walking straight come Monday," he said and I shivered involuntarily.

"Well just so you know big guy, I've never walked `straight'," I joked and he laughed.

"So my love, will you bestow me with the honor of gazing upon your beautiful face?" he asked and I had to admit that the man had game.

"Well if I must," I said in a fake stuffy accent. We both had a chuckle at that and then talked for a while before we decided to hang up. He told me before we ended our call to hurry because he had been dreaming of me all night and he had a situation that he needed me to take care of.

I didn't need to be asked twice so I ended our call and jumped up and rushed to pack a bag. I decided to break out the sex kit my idiot brother had given me for my birthday. I got some of the ribbed condoms to try them out and I got the lube, and the dildo remembering what Bear had said the night I showed it to him. I also got the douche kit that I had bought since I had already used the one in the box.

I then ran to ask my mom if I could spend the night over at Sean's place. She looked at me likely knowing I would really be with Bear, but chose not to say anything and just said that I was a man now and that I could do whatever I wanted to do. I kind of agreed, but I still wanted to be courteous since they were my parents and I was still living in their house.

I then went to take a long shower and made sure to use my douche kit so I would be nice and clean for whatever Bear and I would get up to. Thinking about what it felt like whenever Bear was inside me was enough to get me hard pretty fast, but I put the brakes on that as I wanted to save myself for Bear. I finished getting clean and made sure to grab my kit then ran to my room to find Zane looking through my bag.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked as I closed my door and ran to the bag and pushed him out of the way.

"I hear you're spending the night at `Sean's place'," he said with air quotes while smirking.

"Yeah, what of it," I said as I went to get some underwear on as I was naked.

"Well, either you two are closer friends than I thought, or you're really going to be with Bear," he said smugly. I just rolled my eyes as I stashed my bathroom kit in my bag when he looked at it too long before heading back to my underwear drawer.

"Do you mind? I'm trying to get dressed," I said as I looked in my drawer for some underwear.

"It's not like I haven't seen it before, although I didn't know there was so much to see now," Zane responded.

"Are you jealous?" I asked with a cocky grin.

"Please, I'm not jealous of anything, `little' brother," he said putting emphasis on little.

"I'm not little anything. You should see this guy when he gets fully loaded," I said gesturing toward my dick, strangely not embarrassed by having this conversation with Zane or standing naked before him.

"Oh I'm sure you aren't. I'm guessing you get to probably 6 – 6 ½ inches," Zane said totally off.

"Try 8 ½," I said with a victory smile as Zane's eyes went wide.

"No way, you have to be lying," Zane said in disbelief.

"Nope, wanna see?" I asked.

"No thank you," Zane said holding up his hand. He then thought for a few seconds and I guess his natural competitive streak kicked in. "Okay, I wanna see," he said, but I could see he was still unsure if he should be doing this, but I wasn't worried as we weren't doing anything wrong.

"Okay then," I said then I headed for my desk, opened the drawer, and grabbed my ruler. I walked back over near Zane and handed it to him.

"What's that for?" he asked with a slight frown.

"To measure idiot," I said as I rolled my eyes.

"You mean this has touched your dick before?" he asked aghast while holding the ruler like it was some horrible trash or something.

"No fool," I said as I again rolled my eyes and he looked relieved. "It has been up my ass though," I joked and he dropped it and started wiping his hands on his pants. I shook my head and picked it up.

I then thought of Bear licking and nibbling my earlobe while rubbing his rough hand over my chest and abs and that did the trick as I became rock hard. Zane stared like it was an alien or something. I took the ruler and used the rules I had read online for how to measure and put the ruler to my dick. Zane got kind of close and looked at the ruler.

"No way," Zane said kind of quietly.

"Trey I want you to-," Dad started as he opened the door and barged into my room but stopped dead in his tracks with his mouth open as he looked at us and I could only imagine what was running through his mind. Zane stood back up quickly and I tossed the ruler and quickly grabbed a pair of sweat pants and threw them on.

"Dad, this isn't what it looks like," I said quickly and slightly panicked.

"So... you and Zane aren't having a dick measuring contest?" he asked as he closed my door behind him.

"Oh, well I guess it is what it looks like then," I said breathing slightly easier.

"So who won?" Dad asked as he folded his arms.

"I did of course," I said with a proud smile.

"Hey, you don't know that. I didn't show mine," Zane said futilely.

"You didn't have to Zane. I got my answer from your reaction," I said as I patted his arm before going to get something to wear.

"So what was the result?" Dad asked with his hand on the doorknob, I guess headed back out.

"8 ½," I heard Zane say as I was looking in my closet. I then heard silence so I looked back out into my room to see my dad with a wide-eyes expression. This shocked me and let me know that of the three of us I was packing more than them. That was a big confidence boost.

"Well I would love to stand here and talk about how I'm apparently the big dog around here, but I gotta get dressed and go meet an even bigger dog, as in Bear," I teased as I lead them out of the room.

"Bear too?" I heard Zane ask Dad as they walked down the hall.

"Well him I'm not that surprised about, but your brother on the other hand," Dad said and I snickered at them before closing my door.

After a quick breakfast and some awkward glances from both my dad and my brother, I got on my way over to Bear's place. This would be the first time we spent so much time together since we started having sex. As I drove over to Bear's place I started thinking about all the stuff we could get up to with a whole big house to ourselves for that long and I started to get hard.

That gave me motivation to hurry over there. I made it to Bear's place in record time and jumped out of my truck. I practically ran to the door only realizing how horny I was just before I rang the bell. Not wanting to appear desperate I calmed myself before ringing the bell.

Before the bell was finished with its chime Bear threw the door open, pulled me into his house and slammed the door. I wasn't even able to get my bearings before Bear had me pressed up against the door and was attacking my lips with a ferocity that I hadn't ever experienced from him before. Not one to be outdone in a lot of things I attacked his lips with just as much passion as he had.

We continued our mad make-out session for a few minutes before he pulled away from my lips and pried his body from mine which surprised me because it physically hurt to have him remove his body from being pressed against mine. The look in his eyes as he stared at me was enough to set me on fire.

He let out a low growl before he reached out and pulled my shirt over my head and it was at this time that I saw that all he had on was a pair of boxer briefs and I couldn't stop myself from letting go with a moan because this man was just unbelievably gorgeous.

Our eyes roamed each other's bodies and I was able to take in that Bear was rock hard in his black boxer briefs and I was in the same state. He then attacked my lips again as his hands roamed over my body and I copied his movements running my hands over the great expanse of his muscular back.

When my hands roamed lower and I gripped his ass in both my hands he let out a loud moan as he continued to kiss me and pulled me closer to him. I let my hands slip under the waistband of his underwear and gripped his bare cheeks in my hands which elicited a much louder moan from Bear.

He finally pulled away from me and rested his forehead against mine with a lusty look in his eyes. We just stood there catching our breaths while looking at each other. Standing there that close to him looking into his eyes made me realize just how much I loved him. Bear took in a sharp breath when I had this thought and attacked my lips again before he started moving lower.

He kissed and sucked on my neck in the spot he knew drove me crazy before continuing his descent. He licked and nibbled on each of my nipples which had me moaning and struggling to stay standing. He rubbed his big hands all over my chest and abs as he went lower, kissing and licking my body until he got to the waist of my pants

He looked up at me with a killer smile before he shoved his face into my crotch licking and nibbling at my hard dick through my pants. He was driving me crazy with pleasure and he hadn't even really touched me there. He rectified that by quickly unbuckling my belt and then unbuttoning my pants.

He then grabbed my pants and yanked them down hard pulling my underwear along with then. My dick sprang up and slapped against my abs, but he didn't give it time to get comfortable before he wrapped his fingers around it. I heard him mutter "so hot" before he swallowed more than half my dick at once.

I almost fell as my knees went weak but he pushed me back up so I didn't fall. He kept up his exquisite torture of my dick bobbing up and down for a few minutes before he pulled off and let go. When this registered I looked down at him and he was smirking up at me. He stuck out the tip of his tongue and licked the tip of my dick and I'm sure I whimpered because I heard his deep chuckle.

He took pity on me and took me back into his mouth and went to work at a good speed and before I knew it I was falling over the edge of a powerful orgasm. Once I finally came down from my orgasmic high I felt Bear still with my dick in his mouth. He finally sucked on it one last time cleaning me off before he put my dick back in my pants and pulled them back in place and buttoned and buckled me back up.

"Hey," he said after he had stood back up and rested his forehead against mine again. I realized then that this was the first word either of us had said to each other since I arrived.

"Hey yourself sexy," I said back and he giggled.

"You certainly were a horny boy. You almost drowned me," he said and chuckled.

"Sorry about that," I said but he brought his hand up to my face and rubbed my cheek with his thumb in that way that always touched my heart.

"Don't be sorry. I like it when you give me a big load. I'm sure I'll have one for you later," he said before he stepped back from me and took my hand in his.

"Why later?" I asked as he pulled me along with him as he walked upstairs. He didn't respond until we were in his room.

"Well my love, I did have plans of you coming over to relieve me of some tension as you can probably tell my lack of clothes, but when I saw you I had to taste you and it couldn't wait," he said like it was the most logical thing, but who was I to argue with an unbelievably gorgeous hunk of man wanting to drink my juices.

"That still doesn't say why we have to wait until later for me to get a taste of you," I said just itching to get my hands on that big meat of his.

"I want to save myself so you can have a nice big drink. Me being horny all day will help that and being around you all day will help to keep me horny," he said and I won't lie that his words swelled my ego up a bit, not to mention my dick was plumping up again. I suddenly had an idea.

"Do you really think you'll make it the whole day without begging me to take the big dick of your into my throat and giving you the blow-job of your life?" I asked in a low husky voice which made him shiver visibly and I also saw his dick jerk wildly behind the confines of the thin fabric of his black boxer briefs. He let out a low growl and his eyes briefly changed to that dark color which signaled him being consumed by lust before they changed back and he shook his head as if to clear his thoughts.

"I want to spend the day with you, doing things that couples do," he said with a small smile which made me smile and think he was the sweetest guy on the planet. He then walked over to me, pulled me to him, and leaned down so that his lips were next to my ear. "Then I'm gonna bring you back here and let you drink a big load from me before I bend you over my bed and fuck your tight little ass so hard and so good that you'll be screaming my name loud enough for Sean and his folks to hear it over at their place," he said in that low deep voice that cut right through me. I shivered and almost jumped up and planted myself on his dick so he could do it now.

"Y-you play dirty pool," I said near breathless from just his words and he chuckled at having gotten the upper hand. He slapped my ass before stepping away from me and heading for his bathroom which gave me time to cool off.

"So what did your folks say about you staying over here tonight?" he asked from the bathroom.

"They didn't say anything because I told them I was gonna be with Sean," I said and I heard him laugh out loud.

"I thought that's what you would do," he said still chuckling at me.

"Hey, just because they know I'm gay doesn't mean they need the imagery of me getting butt-sexed by my boyfriend all night," I said briefly startled by my brazen speech.

"Fiancée, and did you really say butt-sexed? You have become a naughty boy baby," he said and I could hear him laughing at me.

"What can I say, I've been corrupted by a big hairy beast," I said and he laughed again as he came out of the bathroom still in his underwear. I wondered what he was doing until I noticed that he had been trimming his beard a bit. He always liked to keep it neat which I definitely liked.

"Big hairy beast, huh," he said as he came up to me and gave me a brief but soulful kiss.

"Yup, in fact I'm thinking of changing your name from Bear to Beast," I joked as I headed for his bed and sat down on the still unmade bed. I picked up one of his pillows when his back was turned as he grabbed some clothes out of his closet and sniffed it. It smelled like him and I was pleased that there wasn't also the smell of perfume like I used to find before we got together.

"You trying to turn me into a comic book character now?" he asked as he came back with the clothes he was gonna wear.

"Well you would be the star of my comic book any day of the week," I said and he stopped buttoning his jeans to look at me. The look in his eyes at that moment was breathtaking. Sometimes I wondered just how someone could love me that much.

"It's easy to love you Trey. I just wished you knew that," he said obviously seeing what I was thinking. At that point I decided to just not be surprised and just feel fortunate that I had a love so strong that the guy I loved could sometimes know what I was thinking. He nodded his head and I returned the gesture.

He finished getting dressed in a blue sweater that matched his eyes and a pair of blue jeans with the black boots that Jessica had gotten him for his birthday that looked great on him. He then went to fix his hair and I took it upon myself to make up his bed and pick up the clothes that were scattered around. When he came out of his bathroom and saw what I had done, he shook his head, but smiled nonetheless.

He pulled me up and kissed me again before leading me out of his room by the hand. He checked on everything downstairs and set the alarm before he let us out of the house. He looked at my truck and then at me before I took the hint and tossed him the keys and headed for the passenger seat.

He was in the truck before I even got in and I couldn't hold back the laughter that came. He got weirdly giddy whenever I let him drive my truck. The last time he drove it I asked him why he did it and he simply said that it was because it belonged to me, just like he did. I couldn't speak afterwards so I just nodded my head. He took my hand and placed it on his thigh which is where he liked my hand to be when he drove, and started the truck and we left for our day out.


"Liberty, come on. Will you please pick something to wear before you make me snap your dammed neck," my annoying sister Justice shouted at me from her place seated on my bed next to Jessica who had also lost her patience with me judging by how annoyed she looked.

"Shut up Justice, I'm trying here," I shouted back.

"Liberty, what is the problem? You've gone out on a date before, hell you've even dressed yourself before, I know you have because I've seen you do it so what is your problem?" Jessica asked trying to hold her temper.

"Yes Jessica I know I have dressed myself before," I snapped back and they both rolled their eyes. I couldn't explain why I was having such a hard time with this, aside from the fact that I didn't want to go out with Christian in the first place.

"I know you didn't want to go out with him in the first place, but suck it up, be a big girl and pick something out before I do it for you," Justice said making me hate having a twin sister for a brief moment.

"Fine," I said picking up the first thing I saw which after I looked turn out to be a really nice outfit. Justice and Jessica were surprised by the move as was I.

I went to get dressed while Justice and Jessica talked my head off about what to do and what not to do like this was my first date ever. It's true that I really only ever dated Drake but he wasn't the first boy I had gone on a date with so I knew the ins and outs of how to date. I came out after combing my hair and they both whistled at me.

"Now that is a good look," Justice said with a smile.

"I agree," Jessica said. She then went to my closet and got a jacket for me to put on that matched what I had on perfectly.

About that time the doorbell rang and Justice and Jessica went to answer it. I just looked myself over in the mirror and steadied my nerves. I couldn't understand why I was so nervous all of a sudden. I then caught sight of something that I didn't need to see at that time. I went to my dresser and picked up the picture of Drake that I had obviously missed when I was throwing away all the crap of his I had.

As I looked at the picture I remembered how much I really did love him, but that he didn't really love me. At the root of everything was the fact that he only used me to hurt Trey which he had succeeded in doing for quite a while with my help.

I crumpled the picture and dropped it into my trash can and pushed Drake out of my mind and headed for the living room where my sister and Jessica stood talking to a very good looking Christian. When he saw me he looked startled. We just stood looking at each other and I had a weird though of where I was gonna go shopping for my wedding dress.

He smirked at me when I had this thought and I immediately thought of something else. He walked over to me and told me how great I looked. I couldn't speak and he chuckled a bit at that and damn what was this boy doing to me? I finally found my voice and told him he looked good as well.

He then said we should get going so we went out to his car which was a nice Honda Civic like Trey's old car, but his was gray. He opened the door for me and I got in then he headed for his side and got in. He looked at me and smiled before starting the car and pulled away from my house.

On the way to the Delia's Bistro which was a nice Italian place that I had been to a few times, but never with Drake thankfully, we were mostly silent. When we arrived we parked and he again was at my door to open it. I smiled a bit at his attempts at chivalry.

I got out and we headed into the restaurant where he had apparently had a reservation. The maitre d' led us to our table and handed us both menus before telling us our waiter would be with us shortly before leaving.

"So, I finally got you out on a date with me," Christian said with a self-satisfied smile.

"Yes you did. You won and I lost," I said sarcastically. I didn't intend to but it came out regardless.

"I didn't mean for you to lose. I'll try to make this an enjoyable experience for the both of us," he said with a smile, but I could see in his eyes that I had hurt his feeling by making like I was being forced to be here.

"Well, sitting across from someone who cleans up as well as you do isn't a bad experience at all," I said trying to appease him without giving away too much. His smile was so beautiful. It put Drake's to shame.

"So tell me about Liberty St. John," he said and I already hated this. Thankfully our waiter chose that time to arrive to take out orders. I ordered chicken fettuccine and he ordered the chicken piccatta. After the waiter left he looked at me expectantly so I finally decided to talk.

"I'm 18," I said and took a long drink of water. He continued to look at me waiting for me to continue. After it was clear I wasn't gonna continue he finally shook his head with an amused smile.

"Well that was certainly a wealth of information. Most certainly enough to write a book about," he joked and I fought to keep a smile from appearing on my face. I was unsuccessful.

"Okay, but remember you asked for it," I warned and he looked to give me his undivided attention.

"Fire away when ready," he said.

"Well, Liberty St. John is an 18 year old high school senior. She has an annoying twin sister named Justice who's absolutely a freak of nature as there can't possibly be anyone that smart on the planet. At least that's what I chose to believe until I was 9. That's when I met this strange pair named Trey and Barry".

"Trey was a slightly scrawny 9 year old black kid who was best friends with an abnormally big 9 year old white kid. Meeting them I knew we would be friends for life and the three of us got into a lot of trouble together. I also saw that my sister wasn't as rare as I thought as Trey was just as smart even though he likes to say that Justice is smarter," I said and took another drink of my water.

"So you've really known them for that long?" he asked before taking a drink as well.

"Yeah I have, and for some years things were really cool, aside from when we were 12 when Trey went through a bit of a dark period which I just recently found out was when he figured out he was gay," I said before taking a break as our waiter was returning with our salads. We each took a few bites before we continued.

"You said `for some years'. Was this thing that happened last year the thing that went wrong?" he asked.

"What went wrong was that when we were 13 we met Drake Franklin. First off, this was only a few days after we had met Jessica, and second, it was actually Trey who brought him into the group. Trey wanted to be friends with him but after a bit of time, things started to become obvious, although we all over looked it. It was that he didn't like Trey," I said feeling like a fool for not looking at him closer where Trey was concerned.

"He didn't like Trey, but he was friends with you all for years? How did that happen?" he asked and he had a good point in that we had overlooked the obvious for years.

"He wasn't vocal about if for a while. Then when he was vocal it was just small little remarks. Then there was that fateful day when Drake and I walked into Trey's bedroom to see the shocking scene of Trey and Bear lying on Trey's bed making out big time. Before then Bear Davidson was know as the king of the ladies. He had gone out with a lot of girls and it was common knowledge that he slept with all of them, so it was a huge shock to not only find out that he was gay, but that both my oldest friends were and that they were with each other," I said before taking another break as our main dish arrived.

"So what happened that made things go south, well aside from you finding them in that situation?" Christian asked after taking a few bites of his meal.

"Well I was shocked, but some other weird feeling rose to the surface that I still am unsure of. Anyway, Drake wasted no time running to Trey's family and telling them. He got so much delight from telling them, and I saw how much it hurt Trey, but I couldn't shake this feeling of betrayal so I looked past his evil deeds."

"I looked past it when he went to Bear's father and told him about the two of them, but making things sound worse than they were, I looked past when he spread all kinds of rumors all over school about them. I steeled myself to the horrible person Drake really was until I couldn't stomach him anymore. At that point six months had passed and I had to learn from other sources all the bad stuff that Trey and Bear had gone through in the aftermath of their outing and it hurt that I had abandoned them," I finally finished having lost my appetite at all the emotions my story had drudged up.

"Wow that's some story," he said after a minute of silence.

"Well I'm tired of talking about me. Tell me about Christian Grey," I said and he rolled his eyes slightly because I put extra emphasis on his name.

"Well to start off, I'm not a fictional book character. I grew up in humble roots in Philly. I ran with the same crew since I was about 8, but I was never really close to any of them. They were mostly just acquaintance type friends, but I really hit it off with this weird dude named Sed. He was a couple years older than most of us, but we became tight," he said and again he spoke so fondly of this Sed guy that I had to wonder if they were more than friends.

"So how did you find out he was gay?" I asked after regaining my appetite and continuing my meal.

"He told me one day a few years ago. He came to me and said simply "I'm gay and I hope you can accept it. If you can't I'll understand, but that's what the deal is". I was so impressed with how he handled it that of course I was okay with it," he said. I was ashamed because I didn't do anything similar to that with my friend, even though I found out his secret by accident instead of him telling me.

"You really seem to care about him," I said looking for something, but wasn't sure what.

"Yeah I do. He's like my brother and I love him. When I was getting in trouble and my parents couldn't care less he tried to keep me on the straight and narrow. Ultimately he failed at his job though," he said saying that last bit on a down note which really had me curious.

"What do you mean?" I asked unable to hide my curiosity. He smirked at me before speaking again.

"I got into some trouble. It wasn't big trouble like someone getting killed or something, but it was serious enough that my parents in their newfound wisdom decided to send me here to stay with my aunt and uncle and let me go to school with you hoity-toity sheltered kids," he said like an insult but I could tell he was joking. I decided to show him I wasn't as sheltered as he thought.

"Boy please, ain't nobody sheltered round here," I said and he looked momentarily shocked before he started to laugh and I joined him.

We continued to talk about other things and I found myself having a good time when I wasn't thinking of the past. I found out that he was actually a smart guy even though people sometimes judged him by the way he dressed. He wasn't on par with Justice and Trey, but he was smart though. I warned him about my snarky personality which I owned completely. It was an enjoyable time all around.

He paid for our dinner and we left the restaurant and headed for his car. After we were seated he drove us around for a while and we talked about a lot of things. It surprised me how comfortable I was talking to him.

He finally took me home and walked me to my door. I expected him to lay a big kiss on me, but he simply leaned in and gave me a tame kiss on the cheek. He them smiled and told me good night before heading to his car. I watched him as he got into his car, started it, and pulled away while giving a wave. I couldn't stop the smile that was permanently glued to my face as I went inside.


Spending the day with my baby was a totally awesome experience. Sure we spent time together a lot, but there was something about spending this day with him that was so great. I wasn't sure if he would agree with it as I had messed up in stalling him on Thursday. I knew he wanted us to do something then and I really wanted to as well, but I wanted to wait until the weekend as I knew I had the house to myself.

On Tuesday my sister received permission to go skiing with her friend's family for the weekend, then on Wednesday my parents told me that they were headed out of town Friday night after the game. I almost invited Trey after the game, but their plans were postponed so I was wise to wait a day.

When I talked to him to invite him, hearing his voice turned me on big time and I was aching to have his mouth on my dick. That was the plan at least until he actually showed up and I couldn't stop myself from tasting those lips of his. Then when I looked into his eyes I was consumed with desire for him like I had never been before and I had to have his dick in my mouth.

After drinking him down and some back and forth teasing we left the house and just went out on the town. We went to the mall and walked around doing some window shopping and just goofing off. Then we had lunch in the park and just sat for a while and watched people. It was cool when we saw two gay dudes with a kid and a lesbian couple. It was like seeing that we weren't alone in the world.

We then went to see a movie and spent most of the time in the back making out. I messed with him pretty good by grabbing his dick and giving it a good tug which had him hard for the rest of the movie. We had to sit after the movie and wait for him to get soft enough to not be completely obvious when someone saw him.

For dinner I was planning to pick up some takeout, but Trey decided he wanted to cook something so after a quick trip to the grocery store and heading back to my place he got to work while I watched. I was amazed he had picked up so much from his mom. He made us chicken parmesan with pasta and some store-bought but delicious rolls. The delicious meal was a topper on an awesome day spent with the guy I loved.

"What're you thinking about with that big grin on you face?" Trey asked next to my ear startling me a bit. He had been in the kitchen cleaning up the mess he'd made cooking. I wanted to do it for him or at least help but he forbid me from doing so and sent me out into the living room.

"The only thing that makes me smile so much," I said and struggled to keep from rolling my own eyes at my cheesiness.

"Hmm let's see, could it be ice cream?" he asked with his hand on his chin pretending to be thinking hard on the subject.

"No it's not. The thing I'm thinking about tastes a lot better than ice cream," I said and I could feel my grin getting bigger.

"You don't say," he said with an amused smile as he walked over and sat next to me on the arm of the chair I was sitting in. I pulled him into my lap and kissed him deeply. We pulled back after a few minutes and he had a mischievous smile which sent a jolt of electricity straight to my dick.

"What's with the smile?" I asked trying to match his smile.

"Well I remember a promise you made to me earlier today. It was something like you getting me to drink a big load from you before you bent me over your bed and fucked me so hard and so good that Sean would hear me screaming your name over at his place," he said and damn this man was good at lighting my fuse.

"Yeah I remember that," I said in a shaky voice. He then took hold of my hand and stood up, pulling me with him and I gladly obliged. He headed toward the stairs with me trailing behind eyeing that awesome ass of his. I swear he had no idea how hot he truly was.

"I didn't used to but I know now, thanks in a large part to you," he said still pulling my along with him. I almost tripped as he had startled me by knowing what I was thinking. I did it to him so much that I didn't realize how freaky it was. Also I was almost always looking into his eyes when I did it, but he wasn't even looking at me.

We finally made it to my room and I closed the door behind us. He pulled me to the middle of my room before starting to unbuttoning my shirt and slowly taking it off. He then repeated the action with my pants and underwear. He even took off my socks. After I was completely naked he took off all of his own clothes going way too slowly for my taste, but I think that was his plan when he smirked at the impatient look I could feel on my face.

He then led me to the bathroom and turned on the shower and checked the water before gesturing for me to get in. He went and got his bathroom kit before joining me. He had taken a bit of time and I wondered what he was doing. He grabbed my body wash and soaped up every inch of my body that was visible even making sure to get up between my ass cheeks.

I couldn't stop the shudder that went through me or the whimper that escaped me when his finger grazed then lingered around my hole. Even though I loved getting some of Trey's ass, I was waiting for him to finally take the plunge and top for me. I wanted to know what it felt like and I definitely wanted to know what he felt like but he was a bit nervous about topping so I had no problem doing it until he was ready.

He gave my hole one more stroke before moving on and finishing soaping me up. Then he got his kit and took out this squirt bottle and looked at me with a smirk. I looked at him wondering what he was up to, but he didn't speak. He simply twirled his finger indicating he wanted me to turn around so I did and braced my hands on the wall. I felt his finger on my hole again and I somehow knew what he was doing now so I let him clean me out wondering what that meant.

He finished up and then washed my whole body before he dropped to his knees and took my dick into his mouth and took me to the hilt on the first try. I was amazed at his talents and at how close I was so quick. I had been known for my endurance, but with Trey everything was so incredible that I couldn't hold off long sometimes.

He continued his expert blow-job tugging on my balls tweaking one my nipples to drive me crazy. When he reached around and started rubbing at my hole I was sure I was gonna lose my balance. I did almost fall when I felt his wet finger slip into my ass and I shot hard down his throat from all the sensations.

After I came back down from my high I pulled him to his feet and kissed him hard tasting my seed on his tongue which turned me on. I took my turn at washing him completely before we got out of the shower and dried each other. We then went back into my bedroom. When he was at my bed I decided to make good on my promise. I bent him over on my bed and did something I had read about and wanted to do. I grabbed his cheeks and pulled them apart exposing his puckered hole to the air and my view.

He looked surprised and curious about what I was gonna do so I winked at him and dived in. I was worried I would find it gross but giving him a good rim job was really turning me on, especially with how he was moaning and cursing and gripping my comforter so tight that I thought he would tear them.

"Bear, please, I need you inside me, NOW!" Trey demanded near breathless.

"Whatever you need baby," I said unable to contain my smile. I grabbed the lube and thoroughly lubed up his hole before slicking up my rod. I then rubbed the head of my dick around his entrance and his moaned even more which almost made me laugh but I was able to stifle it.

"Stop joking around and give it to me," he ordered. I was momentarily shocked, but that turned out to be what I needed. I lined up my dick with his entrance and pushed in.

I thought it would take a bit to get the head through as it was most times before but he just swallowed me up and I had to struggle to hold myself together to continue pushing in. When I finished pushing all that way in I had to stop to let myself adjust before I came too early. I was finally secure that I was ready to get started and a funny thought came to my mind.

"Docking complete captain," I said before I could stop myself and we both started laughing hard. We finally cooled down after a minute or two.

"Okay lieutenant, give me all you got," he said with humor still in his voice, but I could still tell he meant what he said.

I pulled almost all the way out before pushing back in slowly. I did this a few times just to get us used to the motions before I started giving it more force. I slid in and out at a good pace while he moaned and grunted and again gripped my covers. I sped up my pace and he yelled "oh fuck" which spurred me on more. It was good, but not what I was looking for.

I slowed down a bit and slowly gyrated my hips grinding deep within him as I leaned forward and kissed and licked behind his ear. He leaned his head up and he kissed as I continued my slow gyration. After a bit of this motion I decided it was time for the main event.

"Now's the time I'm gonna make you scream my name. Are you ready?" I said into his ear and I felt a shudder run through him.

"Yes please, give it to me," he said breathing heavy. I pulled out again almost all the way before ramming back in which elicited a yelp out of him. I drove it home again and he yelped again. I started really pounding his ass and I could hear the slap of out skin together on every in stroke.

He was moaning and grunting and hassling and saying `oh yeah' over and over again which ratcheted me up real high. I slowed down again and ground my hips again working him real slow which brought out a long moan from him that I was sure had to last a minute. I then adjusted my angle before driving home again roughly.

"OH FUCK YEAH!" he shouted so loud that my ears were ringing and I knew I had hit his prostate.

"Bingo," I said delighted that I was living up to my promise. I rammed in again some more and he shouted `oh fuck' over and over.

"Fuck me hard big Bear! Give it to me!" he shouted and hearing that pushed me to the edge. I wanted him to join me so I started driving in at high speed hitting his prostate on every stroke. I know he was having a good time because he had pulled my comforter and sheets off the bed down to where he was.

"Oh yeah baby, I'm there, I'm cumming," I said and I could hear the growl in my voice that Trey always talked about.

"Yeah me too, now ram it home big guy," he said and I did just that. I rammed in one last time and shouted an "oh fuck" as I shot load after load into my boy. He shouted the same as he shot all over my bed. It was so much that I thought he was pumping out my jizz along with his.

After I finished shooting I collapsed onto his back and he collapsed onto the bed and we both struggled to catch out breaths. He rolled us over after a few minutes and we both sprawled out on my bed as we came down from the post-orgasmic high.

"So do you think Sean heard you?" I asked and he chuckled weakly with me joining him.

"If he didn't he must have left the country?" Trey said in a hoarse voice.

"I love you so much baby," I said after the minute it took to regain my strength.

"I love you too big guy," he said then he turned over and got in his place cuddled up to my right side with his head lying on my side. I felt myself dozing with the last thing I remember was Trey cleaning me up with a towel. I felt myself smile before I drifted off to sleep.


I was having a great dream. I couldn't tell exactly what was happening at first, but all I knew was that I felt great. Then I realized that I was receiving a great blow-job. I liked this dream already, only it was't a dream as I slowly became conscious. I opened my eyes and looked down to see the blonde head of a hot stud named Bear between my legs with my dick in his mouth. The sight was truly spectacular.

I lowered my hands to run my fingers through his hair and he lifted up off my dick to look at me with a big smile on his face. I looked around and saw it was still dark out and when I looked at the clock I saw it was 2:35 am. I looked back at Bear and he had a sinister grin on his face.

"What are you grinning about?" I asked curious as to what he was thinking as I couldn't tell.

"I want you to fuck me baby," he said and I know my eyebrows shot up. He had been hinting at it for a while now but I was nervous about doing so.

He continued to look at me expectantly and something triggered in me as I looked into his eyes, and I think he saw it too as his smile got really big. He crawled up the bed and gave me a long kiss before grabbing the lube and lying on his back and handing it to me.

My hand shook a bit as I reached for it, but Bear pulled my hand to his lips and kissed it. This act calmed me down a lot and he smiled at me and kissed me again. We made out as I opened the cap of the lube and poured too much on my hand, but Bear was thankfully preoccupied to take notice.

I reached for his hole and he briefly tensed up before he relaxed and I inserted one finger into his ass with a brief moment of resistance. He moaned into our kiss as I worked my finger into him. I worked in a second and then third finger and he was moaning oh yeah' and right there' over and over. I was surprised that a guy like Bear would get off with something up his ass because he seemed to macho for it, but who was I to judge what a guy liked.

I withdrew my fingers and snickered a bit when Bear sort of whined at their absence. I then lifted his heavy legs with his help then nervously lined my dick up with his hole and looked into his eyes. He looked back and I could finally see that he was nervous too so I leaned forward and kissed him again and pushed in as our lips were locked.

He gripped my arms tightly with his big hands and I knew there was pain there so I held still. I also held still because he was so hot and tight inside that I almost lost it right there. After I regained my composure I started pushing in some more being careful to go slow as while he was longer than I was, I was thicker than him. When I bottomed out we both let out a sigh.

"Ready?" I asked and he smiled big at me.

"Give it to me big daddy," he said with a huge grin and hearing that was all I needed to hear.

I pulled out and pushed back in a few times testing our limits. I couldn't believe how unbelievable it was to be inside Bear and I hoped it was like this for him too. There were so many feelings and emotions I was feeling that it was almost sensory overload as I pumped in and out.

"Damn baby... your ass... is amazing," I said in halting breaths as I drove in and out of him.

"I... can't believe... so... good," he was able to get out. I shifted my angle a bit and when I pushed in again Bear gripped my hand tight and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. "Oh shit, oh fuck yeah. Give it to me baby. Give me that big dick," he said and his words were hitting me in the right spot pushing me towards the edge.

I felt myself getting close so I reached up and gripped Bear's dick and gave him a few strokes before I felt his ass clamp down on my dick so hard I thought it would break off as he yelled and shouted and sputtered as he came hard shooting several large shots all over his face, chest and abs.

Watching him shoot like that distracted me for a moment before I realized I still hadn't cum so I rammed in hard one last time and unloaded deep inside Bear. When I finished I collapsed on top of Bear and he pulled me into a kiss that lasted a few minutes before we broke apart to catch our breaths.

"So how was your first time?" I asked after a few minutes of us calming down.

"I can't believe I waited so long because that was fan-fucking-tastic baby," he said while still catching his breath.

"C'mon big guy, let's go take a shower," I said as I struggled to find the energy to stand before pulling him along with me.

We went and took a shower before heading downstairs to get some of the key lime pie I had bought at the store. We then went into the living room and sat on the floor with our backs to the couch and watched some TV. The last thing I remember was falling asleep with my head lying on Bear's chest.

"Well this is just fucking fantastic," I heard in a loud voice. I opened my eyes and what I saw was not what I expected. That was because I was looking into blue eyes staring down at me, but these eyes were cold and they happen to belong to Brian Davidson, Bear's older brother. I nudged Bear and he opened his eyes and smiled at me before I directed his attention to Brian.

"Brian, what're you doing here?" Bear asked as he sat up and I did the same.

"Well I came for the weekend with some buddies, and imagine my surprise when I come into the house and find my brother lying on the living room floor all hugged up with his `boyfriend' looking all faggy. I had to send them out of the room because I was so embarrassed," Brian said with a scowl.

"What did you say?" Bear asked hotly as he jumped to his feet faster than I could believe.

"You heard me. If you were gonna be all queer and gross with your little fag here, the least you could have done was keep that shit in your bedroom instead of spreading it all over the house," Brian said and I remembered how I never really liked him all that much.

"You watch what you say about Trey if you care at all about your well being," Bear warned Brian as he stepped up to him. Bear towered over most people, even Brian as Brian was near as tall as Bear. I would say he was about 6'0 even.

"What're you gonna do? You gonna pout and throw a fabulous temper tantrum before flouncing away with a rainbow colored vapor trailing after you?" Brian asked looking amused. He stopped though when Bear's hand shot up like lightning and wrapped around his neck.

"No motherfucker, I'm gonna do this," Bear said through gritted teeth as he tightened his grip on Brian's neck. I could see his arm flexing wildly so I knew he was really squeezing hard.

"Bear, stop! You're gonna kill him if you don't stop!" I said strongly but he didn't listen. About a few seconds later 4 guys came into the room and when they saw what was happening they rushed toward us.

"Hey, what the hell is going on?" one of the guys who was the biggest, but nowhere near my Bear asked.

"Stay back unless you want me to snap his fucking neck," Bear growled. They all stopped and considered their options and probably their odds of survival against Bear if they were to try something.

"Look dude, let B go and there won't be any problems," the big dude said in a strong voice, but I could tell he was worried.

"I'll let "B" go when he tells me that he won't say anything else about my fiancée. Also, I don't think you want any problems so you can get that off your mind," Bear said in warning and the other three guys took a subtle but cautious step back, but the bigger guy tried to stand his ground.

"Bear come on, let him go. We'll just leave and let him have the house," I said trying to convince him to let Brian go, who was starting to looked starved for oxygen.

"I shouldn't have to leave, this is my dammed house. He doesn't even live here," Bear said and while I agreed with him, I needed to get him away from that house before there were 5 dead bodies and the guy I loved was in prison for life.

"Bear, let's just go for now and let him have the house. Besides, I don't think I'd be comfortable here now that he's here," I said being sure to sneer at him afterwards. Bear considered my words before letting Brian's neck go. Brian collapsed on the floor gasping for breath and holding his neck. I could tell that his friends wanted to check on him but were afraid to with Bear so close to him.

"Say anything negative about Trey again and actually be stupid enough to let me catch you doing it, and I'll end your pathetic life," Bear seethed and his face was contorted and his neck muscles were flexed so seriously that I was afraid for Brian.

He stormed off upstairs and after glaring at Brian I followed him. He threw on some clothes and looked at me once not in a friendly way before grabbing his keys and phone and storming out of the room. I rushed to finish getting dressed and was thankful that Bear and I had on underwear when Brian and his friends arrived. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs looking for Bear.

"If you're looking for your boyfriend he's outside. Nice job turning my brother into a fag like you by the way," Brian said with complete disdain in his voice as he scowled.

"First of all, Bear's my fiancée if you couldn't tell by that ring that I put on his finger. Second of all, fuck you asshole," I said before I walked away, but Brian being the jerk he was couldn't let me leave.

"Sorry but I'm not into that sort of thing, but maybe my brother will let you fuck him," he said smugly. I started to say that Bear had already let me fuck him, but that wasn't any of his business so I just walked away.

I walked outside to see Bear standing by the passenger side of my truck with his arms folded looking totally pissed. I was a bit worried about him, but I chose to just head for the driver's side and get in. I unlocked the door and he got in and slammed the door and that was the final straw.

"Bear, what's wrong? Are you mad at me?" I asked calmly.

"Well gee let's see. I'm here in your truck instead of in my house while my jackass jerk of a brother is in there with his friends on the weekend that I was supposed to have the house to myself, so do you think I'm mad with you?" he said which really pissed me off.

"Well Bear, I'm sorry that I didn't let you continue killing your brother, but I had this plan of not having to marry you behind prison bars. Please forgive me for the horrible crime of not letting you murder your own brother," I said sarcastically.

I started the truck and pulled away from the house. I decided to just head home and on the drive there was total silence. I glanced over at Bear every now and then and he was beyond pissed off. I couldn't figure out why as he hadn't done this every other time I had stopped him from killing someone. Then there's the fact that I've had to stop him from killing someone more than once.

We arrived at my street and I headed for my house and pulled into the driveway. I noticed that Zane's and Ivy's cars were in front of the house so they had to be here. We both continued to sit in silence before the silence was broken by Bear.

"Trey, I'm sorry I said that. It's not your fault and I had no right to blame you," he said but I could tell he was still pissed.

"I forgive you big guy," I said and then took his hand in mine which made him smile a little. He lifted my hand and kissed it then turned my hand around and licked my palm with a seductive look in his eyes which made my dick hard in seconds flat.

"Okay, let's go into your house, where your parents are," he said before getting out of the truck and heading up to the door. I stuck behind and cursed that big oaf of mine. I finally got my dick to go down by thinking of dead kittens and puppies. I got out and headed for the door and promised Bear I would make him regret that before I let us both into the house. We found everyone in the dining room eating Sunday breakfast.

"Good morning sweetie. I thought you were spending the night with Sean?" Mom asked but I could tell by the look in her eyes that she never believed me. I shot a look at my stupid brothers who had the nerve to snort at the statement.

"You're sleeping with Sean too? Who's Sean by the way?" Ivy asked from her place seated between my sisters.

"Oh yeah, Sean is Trey's other boyfriend," Calvin said then winked at me.

"You have another boyfriend Trey? Well you certainly have changed," Ivy said seeming like she was really believing Calvin. The fact that Calvin and Zane were snickering should have told her that he wasn't serious.

"No Ivy, Sean is Trey's friend. He's a newer friend though," Mom said correcting the situation. I looked at Bear and I could tell he wasn't in the mood for that kind of joking as Sean was for some reason a sore subject for him.

"If I were you two idiots, I would stop snickering and joking around like that because in case you hadn't noticed it, Bear isn't in the mood for it," I warned my idiot brothers. It was at this time that everyone noticed that Bear was not smiling and in fact looked ticked off.

"What's wrong son?" Dad asked Bear and I have to admit it made me happy to hear him refer to Bear as son.

"Yeah, I would have figured after a night spent fuc-," Zane started but Mom cut in.

"ZANE, watch your mouth!" Mom thankfully interrupted as our 8 year old sisters were at the table. I sometimes wondered what went through my brother's head.

"What was Zane gonna say?" Cara asked.

"Never mind, now you two get up and go into the family room," Mom said to the twins. They begrudgingly did what she asked after taking their time which earned them a stern glare from Mom.

"What the hell is wrong with you boy? Is your head on straight?" Dad asked after he was sure they were gone.

"I'm sorry, I forgot they were here, geez," Zane said in an feeble attempt to excuse himself. I pulled Bear over to the table and Ivy moved over so we could occupy the empty seats. Mom went to fix the two of us a plate I guess assuming we hadn't eaten.

"Now what's going on with you two?" Mom asked as she sat a plate in front of each of us loaded with pumpkin pancakes, bacon, eggs, and sausage and fruit salad. Looking at the plate made me really hungry so I dug in a bit before I answered the question since it looked like Bear wasn't going to.

"Brian showed up this morning and he and Bear got into an argument," I said sugarcoating what had actually happened. I didn't want my parents worrying about my safety around Bear.

"What did you guys argue about?" Ivy asked as she wasn't privy to the current state of the relationship between the Davidson brothers.

"He finally decided to let me know what he thinks about me being gay and I decided to finally let him know what it feels like to have my hand wrapped around his throat," Bear said doing a bit of over-sharing.

"What did you say?" Mom asked.

"Damn man is that your go to move, to choke somebody out? I still have nightmares about your hands wrapped around my throat," Zane said adding fuel to the fire

"Say what now?" Dad said.

"What the hell are you all talking about? You choked my son?" Mom asked as she stood up and looked at Bear. He dropped his head at being called out for defending me and that pissed me off big time.

"Ma, chill with your righteous indignation because it's not like he didn't deserve it," I said and she looked at me with a glare before she must have remembered why I would say that and she sat down.

"Okay I'm confused," Ivy said slowly and I figured nobody had told her what had happened between me and Zane, but I didn't think it was the right time to do so right then.

"I'll tell you later," Zane said likely having the same thought.

"Alright now I want to know what happened at your house this morning Bear," Dad said and I started to speak before Bear laid a hand on my thigh to get my attention. I looked at him and he looked at me and I somehow knew he wanted to say something.

He then started telling my parents what had happened and as I listened to him I really began to hate Brian as it was obvious that there was more going on between them. I remember when they were really young when they were close. Then sometime after Bear entered his teens their relationship changed to one of indifference.

"Wow Bear, your brother is a jerk," Ivy said and I agreed.

"Was this really the first time you two have talked since he found out about you?" Dad asked.

"Well we've obviously seen each other, but then he'd just ignore me and I did the same," Bear said and while he was trying to hide it I could tell he was sad about how far his relationship with Brian had deteriorated.

"You want me to talk to him for you?" Zane asked and I was curious why he wanted to.

"Don't you think you'd be the wrong person to do that given what happened between you and Trey?" Calvin asked and I kind of agreed.

"I think that makes me the best person to talk to him and it's not like I'm gonna give him ideas. He'd be a fool to try that with Bear," Zane said and I could see looking at Ivy that she was about to explode.

"What, do what? What happened between you and Trey?" Ivy said, but nobody answered her. "Alright fine, but I'd like you all to remember that I'm a lawyer who can find out about stuff," Ivy said.

I looked at Bear and he looked down again so I stood and took his hand pulling him up with me before heading out of the dining room. I headed for my room and when we were in my room I closed and locked my door before pulling the big guy into a hug. He hugged me back squeezing me tight.

I wondered what it would be like if Zane and I were still at odds and if it were the same with Calvin and I got an idea of what Bear had to be feeling with his non-relationship with his brother. I pulled him to my bed and lay against the headboard and beckoned for him to get on the bed with me. He got in and settles between my spread legs with his back against my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close.

"You can have one of my brothers if you want. I'd be happy to part with Zane if it'll make you happy," I said in an attempt to cheer him up. I guess it kind of worked because he chuckled a bit.

"Are you sure that's not because you want to get rid of Zane?" he asked.

"No of course not," I said unconvincingly. He chuckled again and sighed a few minutes later I heard a soft snore from him and I just continued to hold my big Bear in my arms and feel even more love for him than I did before. I hoped that things would change between him and Brian but I had no idea what had happened so I was in the dark as to what I could do to help. I kissed his cheek and dozed off myself after a few more minutes knowing my big Bear was in my arms and I would find some way to fix him and his brother.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Student council with Alicia is just as annoying as Trey imagined maybe even more so. Will they ever be able to get along? Will Jeremy have to continue being the referee between the two of them?

Liberty finally breaks down and decides to go out on a date with Christian. They have a good time and Liberty learns things about him while exploring her own feelings about what happened with her friends after finding out Trey and Bear were gay. Will the two of them continue on, and is Christian a good guy or does he have an agenda?

After a misunderstanding between Trey and Bear the get together to have a great Saturday followed by an amazing night with each other. The next day though bring with it the storm cloud of Brian Davidson. What is the deal between the two brothers? What happened to create a rift between the two brothers and will Trey be able to figure it out?

Stay tuned to find out...

I thank all of you for reading my story and for waiting patiently for this next chapter. I apologize for the long delay and I promise to try my best and have the next chapter out much sooner. I appreciate all emails I get and I hope you continue to email me with your comments good or bad. You can send any comments to and check out my blog at

Editor's Note:

Another awesome chapter. We get to see a little scene of student council and a bit of confrontation from Todd and Drake entering the room, but they left with no problems caused.

Liberty finally gives Christian a chance and it seems like they were having a good time and they learned some things about the other person.

Bear trys planning a weekend with Trey at his house but his brother Brian ends up showing up and ruining the whole thing. What could have happened between Bear and Brian to get them where they are now?

As always send us an email and let us know how we are doing, you can reach me at and be sure to check out Nickys blog as well.

Until the next chapter this is JD signing off...

Next: Chapter 24

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