The Chronicles of Trey

By Nicky Smith

Published on Oct 27, 2015


Disclaimer: This story is 100% fictional and may contain references and scenes of consensual sex between males. Any resemblance to real people or situations is purely coincidental. If your country or state does not allow such material to be read or you have come across this site by accident, please leave now.

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Written by: Nicky Smith Edited by: JD Kaster



"Interception! The falcons have the ball! Defensive Lineman Dale Simmons guns down the field. He's at the 50, the 40, the 30, is he gonna make it?! He's at the 10, touchdown! The Falcon's have done it! They've won the championship for the 4th year in a row!" said the announcer. It was the championship game between our school and the toughest school in the division and we had won the championship game.

"Oh my god that was awesome!" screamed Miriam right in my ear. I guess she was proud of her man though.

"C'mon," I said to her. Jessica, Veronica, and Justice followed me down toward the field. My parents as well and Bear's and Sean's and my brother and sisters were sitting on the other end of the bleachers still yelling.

"Dale! That was awesome!" Miriam yelled to Dale when he looked at her. He smiled big and gave a thumbs up. I was happy for him even though I would have rather Bear been the big hero to win the team the championship. I saw Dale head over to us followed by Bear and Sean.

"Hey Miri, did you see me?" he asked with a huge smile.

"That was awesome sweetie," she said then leaned down over the railing and gave him a quick kiss.

"Come down to the locker room," he said.

"Okay, if Trey comes with me," she said and I looked at her.

"Um huh. Miriam I'm sure that they don't want me in there," I said as I was sure that they didn't want gay Trey in there watching them.

"Nonsense baby, I want you there," Bear said.

"Even if I'll be checking out all the hot half naked guys?" I asked.

"You're right, you stay out here," he said with a frown which made me smile.

"Don't worry Trey I'll get naked for you whenever you want," Sean said with a wink and a teasing smile. Bear responded by putting him in a headlock and dragging him away.

"C'mon Trey," Miriam said.

"Well I'm going," Justice said as she left to head for the locker room and Miriam followed after her, after looking at me for a few seconds.

"You going?" Jessica asked.

"No I don't want to taint their win with my being there," I said and I went to wait outside the locker room.

I was happy that something else good had happened. This was a tough team and if they hadn't gotten the interception they would have lost as the score was 23-27 before the touchdown. I thought about what it would be like once Bear was in college playing there. College football was a much bigger deal than high school football. We would also have to keep our relationship a secret again once we got to college.

I guess that was something I didn't have to worry about at the moment though as we still had to finish 11th grade and then get through 12th grade. Thinking hard was giving me a headache and sometimes I wished I could just shut my mind off and just be.

"You didn't come in," I heard Bear say. I looked up and he was looking at me with an amused smile on his face.

"No I didn't," I said.

"I wasn't serious you know. I didn't care if you came in there," he said as he walked up and stood right in front of me with barely any space in between.

"This was you all's big night. I didn't want to mess it up with my being in there stirring up trouble," I said as I lifted my hands up and rubbed my fingers over his beard.

"I don't want you to feel like that. They didn't have a problem with Miriam and Justice and you are my fiancée so you trump them. I want you around during all my important moments," he said then he kissed me and I kissed him back.

"Damn, you sure know how to seduce a guy," I said.

"Trey, why didn't you come in the locker room?" Carter asked as he came out.

"Back off Matthews. Don't be starting nothing," Bear said in warning.

"No big guy he's serious. He didn't mean any harm," I said trying to keep the fragile peace because we didn't need anymore drama.

"Yeah I was wondering what with Miriam being in there, I would figure that you being Bear's intended would rank a guest appearance," he said.

"That would be the case if I were female, but since I'm male I think that makes me largely persona non grata," I said.

"Nonsense, well not for me at least. Well I'll see you two around," Carter said as he waved goodbye to us and headed for the parking lot. I wondered if he was going to the celebratory party that Sean was having.

"What the what? When did you two become friends?" Bear asked with a scowl.

"When you were on lock-down," I said.

"Oh yeah, right," he said in a pout.

"Bear come on now. You can't get mad whenever I even talk to another good looking guy," I said as I pulled him to me.

"You think he's good looking?" he asked with a long face.

"Yeah I do," I said and he started to pull away but I held tight. "He doesn't hold a candle to my Bear though".

"True that," he said and I laughed.

"It's `true dat' big guy," I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever," he said as he leaned in to kiss me again.

"Party! Let's get this thing started!" Sean shouted as he busted out of the locker room followed by a lot of the players along with Miriam and Justice.

"Yo Davidson, get your ass over here," yelled one of the guys whose name I didn't recall.

"Go ahead," I said letting him go.

"Okay," he said then grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him. I was uncomfortable as was some of the other guys, but I had Bear, Sean and Dale so I knew that I'd be fine. They broke up after about 10 minutes and we all headed for Sean's place to start the party that his brothers and Wayne were supposed to be setting up.

My head was killing me. I tried to open my eyes but the sun was blinding. I tried to sit up but my head was throbbing. I tried to think but that was also getting to me so I laid back down. I looked around and saw that I was in my room but I had no idea how I got there.

"I actually thought you would make it that time," I heard Dad say from somewhere. I managed to raise up enough to see him sitting in my chair across the room with a mug in his hand.

"What day is it?" I managed to get out in a hoarse whisper.

"It's Saturday. It seems you may have partaken in at least one alcoholic beverage. This is of course according to your loyal fiancée. What I think he should have said though, which would have been more truthful, is that you went to Sean's party and got smashed," Dad said looking like he was trying very hard not to lecture me about the perils of drinking.

"Dad please. I can't do this now," I said trying to make an end run past this. I didn't think I'd ever felt so bad and I thought, with some difficulty, that I had been cured of taking another drink.

"I'm not gonna lecture you. You are gonna get up though and come down to eat breakfast," he said with a smirk and I just groaned as I pictured food and then of course smelled the bacon and eggs cooking.

"Please no, don't make me," I begged as I pulled the covers over my head.

"Yes son, get on up now," he said as he pulled the covers all the way down. "Well at least you can be thankful that this hangover isn't keeping a certain morning companion under wraps," he said with a smirk. It took me a minute to figure out he meant morning wood and I immediately looked down which was a bad idea as a sharp pain crashed down on my head. He laughed and walked out of the room.

I decided to get up and was surprised that it took me about 5 minutes to get up and make it to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and regretted it as it gave me more incentive to boycott alcohol. I dragged myself to the shower and stood under the spray and finally started to feel alive again after about 10 minutes. I finished my shower and brushed my teeth then headed slowly downstairs.

I made it to the kitchen and my parents and my sibs were around the table just starting to eat. I trudged over to the fridge and drank the remains of the carton of orange juice down before I did anything else. They were just watching me not saying anything and it was unnerving me. Finally someone spoke.

"Did you have a good time last night Trey?" Mom asked with equal amounts of amusement and admonition in her voice.

"I... can't remember," I mumbled as I walked over to my chair and dropped down. I looked at Calvin and he broke out in a sinister grin that told me what he was about to do then he opened his mouth but I stopped him.

"You say anything and I'll kill you," I threatened. The twins laughed as Dad chuckled, but thankfully Calvin heeded my warning.

"I must say son I don't think I've ever seen you hammered before," Dad said after taking a drink of coffee.

"Well I guess it's bound to happen to a teen at least once," Mom said. "At least it better be once," she pointed at me and narrowed her eyes and I knew she was serious.

"Does this mean-" Calvin started but was interrupted.

"Nope," was all Dad said. The family talked back and forth but I stayed out of it. I instead quietly nibbled on toast and forced down some of the fruit salad Mom had made.

After breakfast I went to head back upstairs when Dad told me that I was expecting company. I asked who and he told me the whole crew. He then said that he was going to do... something. I had no idea as I tuned him out because his voice was hurting my head. I sat down and laid my head back until I heard the doorbell. Calvin thankfully answered the door and in charged my loud ass friends and fiancée.

"Hey Trey, how you be!" Jessica said so loud that I felt it in my bones which ached from hearing her voice. Dang this hangover was pissing me off.

"Jessica shut up unless you want to stop living," I warned.

"My, someone woke up on the bitchy side of the bed this morning," Justice said and I rolled my eyes which I regretted. I looked at Bear and seeing him at least made me smile.

"Hey big guy," I said with a smile but he wasn't returning it.

"Hello Trey. Are you enjoying your hangover?" he said kind of bitterly which confused me because the last thing I remembered was us dancing and he definitely wasn't mad.

"Not really," I said confused with his behavior.

"Hm, that's too bad," he said then sat down kind of stiffly.

"Okay what crawled up your ass?" I asked really not liking how grouchy I was.

"Now before you two go off on your little tangent I think Trey needs to see his activities from last evening," Jessica said in an annoyingly chipper tone as she pulled out her phone.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Dude you were crazy last night," Sean said in his usual bubbly tone which really annoyed me right then.

"See, here's you downing a beer. Then here you are downing your second shot. This is you dancing with Carter Matthews. This is you doing Jell-O shots with a few guys from the football team," Jessica said showing me all these pictures that I didn't remember from the night before.

I saw pictures of me dancing on a table, drinking more beer, dancing a startling group dance with some of Bear's teammates, of me being carried over one of the guy's shoulders... I was horrified because Jessica also made sure to take several pictures of Bear looking fit to kill. I couldn't believe how crazy I had been the night before.

"What the hell?" I said.

"Exactly," Bear huffed.

"How could you let me carry on like that? I'm supposed to be your fiancée dammit," I shouted which was a mistake because my head was still killing me.

"Let you? I told you to stop drinking after the 5th beer, which was after your 2nd shot but oh no, you could take care of yourself," he snapped and I felt even more like an ass.

"Oh my god. I feel like such an idiot," I said as I held my head in my hands.

"Oh come on Trey, Bear's just being a big drama queen because the guys were having fun with you. I gotta say though that for a group of guys who don't like `big gay Trey,' they sure were eyeing you hard last night after you took off your shirt and started dancing on that table" Sean said with a chuckle.

"I'm never touching alcohol again," I said mortified I had been such a fool. Even more so because I couldn't remember any of it.

"Oh sure you will. You'll get over this," Justice said but I disagreed.

"Bear I'm sorry," I said as I grabbed his hand.

"Uh huh," he said which made me feel even worse.

"Bear stop being so moody. So your boy finally let his hair down and blew off some steam. I think he needed that after all the crap you guys have been through," Sean said sagely.

"Yeah and you could have joined him instead of sitting in the corner acting like some wounded lion because Trey was having fun without you," Justice added.

"Whatever," Bear responded while rolling his eyes.

I could not believe this had happened. I know its not like I killed someone, although maybe I did and Jessica either didn't take a picture of it or was hiding the truth from me, but still. I never did this and I didn't like it. I always liked to be in control of myself which was why I hated my feelings for Bear early on. I couldn't control it like I wanted to, so I hated it. I couldn't change it though so I decided to forget it.

We sat around talking, well they talked and I listened. Bear eventually came to sit down next to me and pulled my hand up to his lips and kissed it which made me smile. Sean saw this little display and shook his head at the lovesick fools. My mom left with the twins after a bit heading for her sister Janice's place.

A couple hours later we were sitting and talking when the doorbell rang. Calvin yelled that he would get it. I sat back down and Bear pulled me close to him again. I looked up when Calvin came into the room and he was followed by Alvis, Zane's best friend.

"Hey you all," he said in that brit way that usually brought a smile to my face but this time it didn't. I guess it was because he was so close to Zane and I wondered how he felt about me now that he probably knew I was gay.

"Hey Alvis, how are you?" Jessica asked as she stood and walked over to him.

"I'm fine, thanks," he said in that proper brit speak. "How are you Jessica?" he asked with a smile but I could tell that something was up seeing as how the smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Hello Alvis," I said as I stood.

"Trey, I guess you can tell I'm here for a reason," Alvis said with a serious look that was rare for his handsome face.

"Yeah," I said simply. Bear stood and walked up to me and laid his hands on me shoulders and while I couldn't see him, I'm sure he was glaring at Alvis, probably dripping with his intention to protect me.

"He's doing it again," Alvis said after taking a deep breath. It didn't register at first what he was talking about but after about a minute of looking at Alvis, I recognized the look in his eyes and my heart dropped.

"No!" I said strongly.

"Yes," he replied.

"He promised me. Damn him," I said walking away from Bear's protective grip.

"I know," he said sadly.

"How long," I asked.

"Almost ever since he found out about you," he said and I couldn't stop the guilt from crashing down around me as I thought I had driven him to this again. Then I remembered what he had done to me and that guilt was replaced with anger.

"Oh well that's too bad then. He can take care of himself," I said bitterly.

"Trey it's not like it was then. It's worse now because the guys he's doing it with aren't high school kids. These are grown dudes and they're serious," he said and I guess that told me what I didn't want to hear.

"Dudes he's doing it with?" Justice asked incredulously.

"What the hell," Sean said.

"Trey what the hell is going on?" Bear asked and after hearing what Alvis had said over in my still slightly hungover head again I figured out where they had taken it.

"Zane's not having sex with dudes," I said rolling my eyes.

"Well don't blame us, blame Jessica's brit boyfriend," Justice said with a slight smile.

"Justice!" Jessica exclaimed. I looked back at Alvis and he was trying not to smile but he wasn't succeeding. It didn't last though as I guess he remembered what he was here for.

"What do you expect me to do Alvis?" I asked.

"You need to talk to him. Get him to stop like you did last time," he said desperately.

"Stop what? What's going on Trey?" Bear asked again. I took a deep breath and thought to send Calvin out of the room but decided to just go ahead and say it.

"My brother, when he was in high school was in a fight club," I said.

"Like the movie?" Sean asked.

"Kinda yeah. They would organize and have their little bouts," I told them.

"Are you serious? Like he would get together with other dudes and they would like fight for fun or something?" Calvin asked looking like he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Yeah, and I guess they were having fun. I seriously don't know as I know I wasn't having fun when Zane was beating me," I said still not wanting to believe Zane was doing this again.

"What do you mean beating you?" Alvis asked and of course Zane hadn't told him what he had done to me.

"Oh you mean your friend didn't tell you he almost beat his brother to death? Yeah well he did" Bear said and I could see the anger in his eyes. I knew he still carried that with him, that he couldn't stop what had happened to me because he just has this desperate need to protect me.

"I- I didn't know that," Alvis said dejectedly.

"Well now you do so whatever you want Trey to do for that bastard, the answer is no," Justice said.

"Trey, I know I can't imagine what you may have gone through, but please, your brother needs help," Alvis said pleading with me.

"I helped him before. I was 13 years old dealing with something like that and he repays me by doing to me what he used to do to the guys he fought. I looked into those eyes of his so filled with rage and hatred that they hurt almost as much as the blows," I said feeling the anger that I had felt that day at the park coming back again.

"I know Trey. Believe me I wish I didn't have to lay this on you but I don't wanna have to tell your parents unless I have to," he said.

"Well you have to. We don't care about keeping Zane's secrets when he didn't care enough about his own brother to, oh I don't know, not brutalize him," Jessica said and I was so happy to have friends who cared about me like them.

"Nicole came to me and said that Zane hadn't been the same for a while and I knew her time frame lined up with when he told me about you. Well he ranted and raved and went on about you. Then I saw her a few days ago and she said that she didn't know that Zane was such a violent person. I naturally thought that she had found out about the fight club but I guess you were what she was talking about," he said and while I didn't care about this Nicole I couldn't stop myself from caring about Zane.

"Yeah I showed her the pictures my friends took the day after it happened," I told him.

"You wanna see?" Justice asked but for some reason I didn't want to show him. It was one thing to show that Nicole girl because I didn't know her. Showing Alvis though, I just didn't have the heart to tarnish his likely already murky image of Zane.

"No Jus, I don't want to show him," I said.

"What do you want Trey to do, Alvis?" Bear asked. He was silent for a minute before he spoke.

"I want you to go see him. Do whatever you did last time to get him to listen," he said. "I know you don't have to, especially with what you apparently went through, but I hope you consider it."

"I'll think about it," I told him.

"Thank you, and for what it's worth I think you two make a nice looking couple" he said. He turned to leave, but I called him back and pulled him into a hug. I expected it to be a tense one since he knew I was gay now, but he didn't seem to have a problem hugging me like he always did which was close.

We separated and then he said goodbye to us. Jessica walked him to the door and I sat down to think about what I was gonna do. On one hand he was my brother and if I could help him shouldn't I do so? On the other hand he hadn't given me any reason to feel this way because when I needed him the most he had hurt me in a very drastic way. Thinking about this was making my head hurt again. Bear knelt in front of me and put his hands on my knees to get my attention.

"Let's go," he said simply as he looked into my eyes. I guess he had seen my decision in them before I was sure of it myself.

Silence was not always a good thing because it gave your mind time to wander. We were maybe 10 miles away from Zane's school and I was talked out, but I didn't like this silence either. It wasn't bad but my mind worked too much when it wasn't there. Add silence and I couldn't get it to turn off.

Bear decided that we would drive up there in his truck while Sean, Jessica, and Justice stayed at my house with Calvin and covered for me when my parents came home. On the drive up to Zane's school I told Bear all the details of 4 years ago. How Alvis had come to me much like he had today and told me about what my brother had been up to.

He told me that my brother had been in a fight club ever since his sophomore year in high school. That he had been trying to get him to stop but Zane had said he needed it to release his pent-up aggression though he never said, even to me, what he was so angry about.

He told me that Zane had gotten into a bout with a new guy in the group who didn't play by the rules, which among others was to be no hits to the face. He hadn't listened and by the time they had gotten this guy off of Zane his face was a mess.

I couldn't believe it, but then Alvis took me to see him and what I saw horrified me. He looked very similar to how he had left me. There was no way that he could hide this from our parents so I came up with a plan that he was supposed to be going away on a week-long trip with Alvis' family. He managed to get permission with my help even though he wasn't face-to-face with our parents.

What he was really doing was recuperating in Alvis' uncle's place for a week until his bruises healed to the point that he could disguise them with make-up that I went online to figure out how to use for that purpose. I did all of this to hide his dirty little secret, but I made him promise before I did anything that he had better quit his fight club or I would rat him out to the rents.

He did and I went to work doing everything I had done. What was truly messed up about that whole situation was that I was 13 years old when I was doing this. I was a 13-year old helping his older brother hide the fact that he had been beaten up so severely and it was his own doing that caused it. To think he would repay me by doing to me what had been done to him. That's the real painful part, that he knew what I had to be feeling but he didn't care.

"We can go back you know. We can go back to your house and forget that Alvis even came by and let Zane fend for himself," Bear said. I appreciated him so much for not only giving me an out, but for driving me here in the first place even though I knew he would rather be anywhere else.

"I know but I'm gonna see this through. It's time I stop being weak and hiding behind walls. I'm gonna really confront him and make him tell me why he did what he did," I said.

"What if he doesn't tell you, or his answer isn't one you wanna hear?" he asked.

"I'm gonna hear it regardless of if I want to or not, and as for him not telling me, he WILL be telling me," I said and Bear squeezed my hand and gave me a slight nod and a small smile.

We continued on until we arrived at Pittsburgh University. I pointed Bear toward the visitor's parking and he parked. He started to get out, but I told him I wanted him to wait there so I could talk to Zane alone. He refused to leave me alone with him so I made a compromise that he would come with me but stay in the lobby of the dorm my brother lived in.

We headed toward the dorm and I checked out the campus like I always did when I came here. It was a really nice place and I considered going to school here after Zane went away to college. We arrived at the dorm and a guy was coming out and he glared at us. It took me a few seconds to realize that Bear and I were holding hands, but when I did I just smiled and winked at him as we passed by.

I left Bear in the lobby and headed for the elevator. My brother's room was on the 4th floor but the elevator stopped on the 3rd floor and this really hot guy with no shirt on got on. We did the customary head nod to each other and when I got to my brother's floor and got off I took one last look at him and he smiled and winked at me as he rubbed his hand across his stomach and I was glad that Bear had stayed down in the lobby.

I reached my brother's room and took a deep breath. Then I knocked, softly at first then harder. I knocked 2 then 3 times but there was no answer. I then thought that we had driven all the way here and my brother wasn't even in. I knocked again and waited another minute. A guy had seen my knock the last time as he passed me to head toward the end of the hall. When he came back I decided to try him.

"Hey can you tell me if Zane Healey is in?" I asked.

"Yeah he's in there. Hasn't left in like two days. I think his lady broke up with him, but what do I know," he said. "Zaney, open up man. You have a visitor," he yelled as he pounded on the door.

"I don't think he'll open the door. I've been standing here for a few minutes knocking and he hasn't answered," I said.

"You're his brother right," the guy asked.

"Yeah" I said and then I heard a lock disengage.

"See you just needed to be loud," he said as he smiled and he had a nice smile. He then left and went to his room and then Zane opened the door. When he saw it was me he frowned.

"Alvis brought you here didn't he?" he asked sounding like he had just woken up and also drunk at the same time. His face didn't look too bad but he did look bruised all over since he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"No Bear brought me," I said and he frowned again. "Yeah I know you don't like that I'm a fag. You hate it so much that you tried to `beat it out of me'."

"I don't have time for this," he snapped as he started to close his door, but that anger came back and I pushed the door as hard as I could which caused it to smack him in the face. "Ow fuck, what the hell?" he said angrily.

"Oh did that hurt you, good," I said as I stepped into his room and slammed the door behind me. "Now you're gonna tell me why you did that. You're going to tell me why you felt the need to brutalize me, your own brother. You're gonna tell me and I'm not leaving until you do," I said feeling so much rage inside that it scared me. He looked at me wide-eyed for a few seconds before he recovered.

"Then you better go and file for a change of address cause I ain't telling you shit" he spat.

"Oh you are going to tell me," I said in a low tone.

"What are you gonna do if I don't. You gonna call your `boyfriend' up here to kick my ass?" he asked snidely.

"As much as he wants to, no. I'm gonna do it myself," I seethed.

"You, really? I'd like to see you try," he said mockingly.

"Zane, I'm so angry with you. I'm so filled with rage and hatred toward you that if you knew how filled with fury I was, you wouldn't be standing there thinking that you were safe just because you're bigger than me. You would be seeking somewhere to hide," I said in a low snarl.

"So you're angry, filled with rage and fury? Join the crowd kid," he said as he leaned against the arm of his sofa. I looked into his eyes and I saw that he indeed was angry. What I also say though was pain, and not from physical blows.

"Tell me about your anger Zane," I said calmer than I had been previously.

"No," he said also seeming to have cooled down.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why do you wanna know? Telling you isn't gonna change anything. I did what I did and hearing why isn't gonna magically heal you," he said and I became more curious.

"I know that, but it might help me to stop hating you so much Zane," I said realizing I was now pleading with him.

"Why?" he asked sullenly.

"Why what?" I asked in return.

"Why did you have to be like this, like them? You're my little brother who I'm supposed to love. Why did you of all people have to be like this? How am I supposed to love you when you're like them?" he asked and I was so confused, because he sounded so sad and I could see his eyes shining with unshed tears, but they didn't stay unshed for long.

"Zane, what is it? Tell me what's wrong. What are you holding in that would push you to the point that you would do that to me?" I asked.

"I didn't want to do it. You're my brother, but I couldn't have a fa- gay brother," he said his voice full of emotion.

"Why not? Why does my being gay hurt you so bad?" I asked.

"Because all they do is hurt people. They don't care about the pain they cause to people," he shouted and his words hurt.

"So I hurt you just by being gay? I hurt you just because of something I can't control about myself?" I asked and I hated that I wasn't able to stop the tear that fell.

"No Trey you didn't hurt me," he said as he rushed to me and pulled me close. "I hurt you because of what they did. I'm just as bad as them because I hurt you. I'm supposed to look out for you and protect you and I... god I can't stand this anymore," he said as he stepped back and held his head in his hands. He fell to his knees and I could hear his sobs which tore at me.

"Zane, what happened to you?" I asked as I knelt beside him and rubbed his back. It was starting to dawn on me what could possibly be behind this and it made me sick to the stomach.

"I can't," he croaked.

"Please, tell me," I said. He sobbed for a few minutes and I just rubbed his back. I waited on him, hoping he would say something.

"When I was 7 my little league assistant coach was like my hero, after dad. He was tall and strong and I remember he used to treat me like a little brother. One day you were sick and had to go to the hospital while I was at practice. Dad called and asked coach if he wouldn't mind bringing me to the hospital. Well coach told him that he would just take me to his place and they could pick me up later as he didn't think it was wise for a little kid to be in a hospital if he didn't need to be. I was so happy to be going to his place and hanging out with him. He took me there and he gave me cookies and milk and we watched this really cool movie that I had wanted to see that Pop and Ma wouldn't let me see.

Well after the movie, he went to his room and after a few minutes he came back with no shirt on and I remember thinking that I wanted to be buff like him when I was his age. He sat down and told me to sit next to him and pulled me close to him. He asked me if I wanted to be a big boy and naturally I was curious because I wanted to be a big boy. I told him yeah and he told me that for me to be a big boy I would have to do something that big boys did together and I would be part of the group.

I asked what I had to do and he... pulled his pants down and his dick popped out and was hard. I didn't get what was going on as at that time I had only seen mine and it wasn't near that big or stiff like his. He told me to touch it and I did but when I did I felt, wrong. He told me that to be a big boy I had to kiss it and I immediately knew I didn't want to, but I wanted to be a big boy so I did.

Long story short, he made me give him a blow-job and when he was... done, I felt sick. He told me I was a big boy, but the most important thing about being a big boy that I had to remember at all times was to never tell anyone about what we had done so I didn't. Dad came to pick me up and I hardly talked to him. Mom thought I was worried about you because I went to see you as soon as we got home.

I thought that was the end, but it wasn't. Apparently to be a big boy I had to blow him twice a week. It made me sick to even think about him after that, and I didn't want him touching me but I didn't want anyone to suspect anything and stop me from being a big boy so I hid it, until I couldn't stand it anymore.

I went one day about two months later and told our head coach and he told me he would deal with it. I was so happy that I would have done anything for that man. He came back and told me he had talked to him and he wouldn't do anything else to me. Then he told me that I had to repay him for helping me. The way he said it I somehow automatically knew that things weren't gonna change.

They did change though as now I had to blow the head coach and he wasn't near as kind and gentle as my assistant coach was. At least he was nice and made sure I was okay. My head coach didn't do that though and I was now up to 3 times a week. I hated myself and I've hated baseball ever since.

I stood that for as long as I could. After a month and a half I finally cracked. One night when Ma and Pop were out of town and you were with them, Uncle Peter stayed over. He asked me why I was so down and I looked at him and broke down. I told him everything and he listened. I cried myself to sleep and when I woke up it was morning and Ma and Pop were back. They told me that Uncle Peter would be right back.

He came back and asked if I had told Ma and Pop about what I had told him and I told him no because I hadn't. He told me that he had taken care of everything and I wouldn't have to worry about them anymore and that nobody would mess with me again. I was so happy that I hugged him. He then continued and I couldn't believe even at that young age that he was telling me this.

He said that sometimes certain men had urges and desires and that there were special people out there like me that helped them satisfy their desires. He then said that I should feel honored that I was chosen for such a task, but that I should never tell anyone about it. I felt so bad after that.

To think that every time I had told someone about it the next person had made me feel worse, so I did what he said and never told anyone. I became angry but I also became a pro at hiding it. I gravitated toward football because it let me take out my aggression, and it worked for a while. I couldn't trust my coaches though so in the 10th grade I joined the fight club and it helped with my anger," he finally finished.

Listening to that story was an exercise in restraint. Several times I wanted to jump up and tear up everything in his room to relieve the pressure of anger that was pressing down on me. I could only imagine what he had to endure all these years having had this happen to him.

What kind of sick twisted fuck does that to a kid? What kind of so-called man finds out his brother's son had been molested for months by two different men and doesn't tell him. If it were a kid of either Zane or Calvin that had come to me like that I would have told them as soon as possible, well I would have after I had relieved said fuckers of their nuts.

By the end of his tale he had stopped crying and his voice had taken on a lifeless monotone that it killed me to listen to as it was like he was becoming devoid of emotion. I looked at him and I didn't even realize I had been crying until he wiped my tears away.

"I know. See I knew I shouldn't have told you. I'm supposed to shield you from the ugliness of the world, but then again I haven't exactly been living up to my job description lately. Hell I brought some ugliness to you in one of the worst ways," he said as he wiped away another tear that fell.

"Why would they, why would he?" I managed to croak out.

"I don't know bro. Maybe they saw me as an easy target. Maybe I'm secretly gay and they saw that in me. Whatever it was it made me a victim," he said still sounding emotionless.

"No, you are not gay, and you are not a victim," I said.

"What's wrong with being gay?" he asked and I was confused.

"Well you tell me," I said.

"Those men hurt me and they were gay, but you're gay too and I know you wouldn't do that to anyone," he said, I guess finally reasoning this out.

"I think what happened to you is sick and I wouldn't ever do that to a little boy," I said more forcefully than I intended.

"I know that. I just couldn't realize that before because I was so consumed with hatred. Besides I know you wouldn't do that when to you no one else exists like that except Bear," he said breaking out in a small smile near the end.

"I wouldn't exactly say it like that," I said even though I knew it was true.

"Please, who you trying to fool? Now that I'm thinking somewhat clearly I'm actually embarrassed that I was so stupid. You were so obviously in love with Bear and have been for a long time," he said and I just had to roll me eyes.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about, and what about Justice?" I said to him because I couldn't just let him win.

"I don't even know. That is weird how you go all giddy around her given that you're gay," he said and I noticed that when he said "gay" this time, it wasn't with even a bit of disgust.

"I'm sorry about Nicole," I said.

"I deserved it. I deserve a lot more. Your mother hates me now, as she should," he said and it broke my heart to hear him say that, like she wasn't his mother anymore.

"OUR mother doesn't hate you. She's just extremely angry with you," I said.

"You're her firstborn and I did that to you. How do you expect her to look at me like a son again?" he asked and I knew he was wrong.

"Get up," I ordered.

"What?" he asked.

"Get up and get dressed. We're going home," I said with intentional force this time as I stood up.

"What, no!" he said as he stood too.

"Yes, now go and get your ass dressed," I ordered again.

"What happened to you?" he asked with a surprised, but also impressed look on his face.

"You did, now get along," I said. A brief pained look crossed his face but I decided he deserved it so I didn't try to apologize. He headed to his bedroom and I left his room.

"NO, hell no! Absolutely not!" Bear snapped.

"Come on big guy," I said soothingly.

"Don't you big guy me. How the hell do you expect me to ride in the same truck with him all that time without killing him?" he asked and he had a point but he couldn't do anything if he was preoccupied.

"Well since you're driving I think it'll be pretty hard for you to reach across the seat and strangle him without killing us all," I said with an amused smile.

"Well there's a simple fix for that problem, you're driving," he said as he tossed me his keys. While the idea of driving Bear's truck was kind of cool since he never allowed anyone to drive it, except apparently Jessica, I knew why he was doing it.

"So I drive your truck while you murder my brother right there next to me?" I asked.

"Damn right. He'd already be dead if you hadn't stopped me," he said like any of what he was saying made sense.

"Bear, you can't kill my brother," I said simply.

"Why not," he whined.

"Because big guy, he's my brother, no matter what," I said as I reached up and ran my finger against his cheek which seemed to calm him. It was at this time that the shirtless guy who winked at me in the elevator, although he had a shirt on now, chose to walk by and wink and smile at me again.

"Who the fuck is that!?" Bear exploded.

"How the hell should I know," I responded.

"That's Marty. He's a friend to your brother's girlfriend, eh I mean ex girlfriend," Zane's neighbor said.

"What the hell were you doing in there? I thought you were supposed to be talking to Zane, not picking up guys," Bear said bitterly.

"Picking up guys? What guys am I supposed to have picked up?" I asked getting pissed at him.

"That smiling and winking fool, and this guy," Bear said.

"For the record, I'm not gay," Zane's neighbor said.

"Yeah neither is he," I said rolling my eyes at being pulled into this inane situation.

"Yes I am," Bear stated strongly.

"Well, I don't think I've ever heard this conversation play out like this before," the guy said.

"Who are you?" Bear asked with an edge.

"I'm Zay and I live across the hall from your boyfriend's brother," the guy named Zay said.

"How do you know he's my boyfriend?" I asked, because he didn't have to be my boyfriend just because we were both gay.

"Well, by the way you two were interacting. Plus I heard Zane yelling at his British friend a few weeks ago about his gay brother, although that wasn't the word he was using, and the name Bear came up," Zay said and I had to push down the anger that threatened to rise to the surface again.

"Do you see? Why in hell do you want him to come home with us?" Bear asked.

"Because, he needs to talk to our parents," I said.

"I can see I'm intruding on your private business so I'm gonna go," Zay said and then took off.

"Why does he need to talk to your parents?" Bear asked sounding more calm.

"I'll tell you afterwards," I said.

"Well I'm not letting him in my truck until you tell me," he replied.

"Then we'll go in his car," I said simply not wanting to argue anymore.

"I'm not gonna win here am I?" he asked seemingly giving up.

"No," I said. I took his hand in mine and he gave me a small smile which let me know that our little fight was mostly over. It touched me that he seemed to like even small gestures like my holding his hand. I guess I had a calming effect on him, at least whenever he wasn't mad at me.

Zane came up about a minute later and the square-off began. They stared each other down but I could tell that Zane was worried about what would happen to him. I could see it in his eyes, although I guess being tackled at top speed by a massive jock could have that effect on you.

"Well, I'm driving so let's go," I said as I headed for the truck.

"Yeah Zane, Trey's driving so that means that it'll just be you and me sitting side-by-side," Bear said and I don't believe I've ever heard such a threatening tone before then.

"Maybe I better just go in my own car," Zane said clearly worried about his well-being.

"No Zane, ride with us. I want us to sit next to each other. I feel like I want you within arm's reach of me," Bear said sounding positively sinister.

"Bear! How would you like to drive back home alone?" I asked in warning.

"I'll be good," he said with his head down sounding like a scolded child. Zane looked back and forth between us with a look of wonder on his face. We then piled into Bear's truck for the drive home.

The ride home was fun, for about 5 minutes. That's how long it took the cool feeling from driving my guy's truck to wear off. After that came the reality that I was stuck in a small space with my male fiancée, who truly hated and wanted to kill my brother who happened to be sitting next to him. For most of the ride there was silence which as I already discussed left my mind time to roam and did it ever.

I thought about what kind of sick fuck could do what those men had done to my brother. To completely betray the trust he had in them, and to end up influencing how he would react to other gay people as he grew up. I wish I knew where these guys were now so I could light their dicks on fire.

Then there was Peter, my father's brother, who we hadn't seen in a long while. I used to think that was kind of sad that Dad and Eric didn't see him more, but now I was grateful. Not only did he keep something like this a secret from his own brother, but his reaction and words concerned me.

I just knew that my dad was gonna explode when he learned of this. It was probably a good thing that Peter was far away from there because there would probably be a bloodbath when my dad heard about this, not to mention my mom.

Then there was my feelings about Zane. I still hadn't forgotten what he had done to me and hearing this hadn't erased it like I hoped it would. I was still angry with him and I was worried that it would never go away and my relationship with Zane would never be anywhere like it was. If after hearing this I still felt hatred for him, what would take it away, and what would that mean for his relationship with our parents?

Bear and Zane, well Bear anyway, didn't make this ride any easier as Bear kept grunting and glaring at Zane. Then there was the period of time where Bear was pressing Zane into the passenger door, and didn't think I knew he was doing it. I slid my hand between his legs and gripped his balls and gave him a pointed look that he correctly read as my warning him to stop or I would squeeze his ball hard.

Zane obviously saw this and discerned what it meant because he snorted and I looked and saw a slight gloating smirk on his face aimed at Bear. I couldn't have him thinking he was safe so I shoved Bear into him hard which caused him to smack his head into the passenger window.

He looked at me and I gave him the same pointed look and he dropped his head as did Bear. This then lead to more silence which of course my brain took advantage of and I ended up thinking about every other thing I didn't need to be thinking about. Like Drake and the threatening looks he had been giving me since I decked him.

I wasn't too worried at first until his teammates started doing it as well and that concerned me. I mean if they were to corner me when I was alone, which was often since all I only had was Sean for a couple of classes and because of my idiocy I had no classes with Bear, they could do some damage, especially since they used baseball bats on a regular basis.

Then there was Liberty and when she was gonna come to her senses. I missed listening to her and I missed her snarky attitude. Most of all though I just missed her. I know I had Justice and they're identical, and Justice is a lot more like Liberty than I originally thought, maybe even worse in some respects, but they were different people and I could tell the difference. Bottom line was that I missed Liberty.

Finally there was that leaked video of my proposal to Bear. What if some college recruiter saw that and it influenced his decision on rather or not to offer Bear an invitation to their school to play? I knew he had the means to get into any school anyway, but if it kept him from playing football, well that would just hurt.

"Don't worry about it. I don't have to play college ball," Bear said startling me because I was so used to the silence.

"What? No one said anything, especially about football," Zane said.

"Don't concern yourself over it. He does this sometimes," I said in reply.

"Does what?" Zane asked.

"Knows what I'm thing," I stated.

"Wait, he read's your mind? What the hell?" Zane asked incredulously.

"Yeah well," I said nonchalantly.

"I mean what I said. I don't have to play football in college," he said sounding truly genuine.

"Bear I know how much you love football. I remember how happy you looked when you won your first game. How excited you were and the joy on your face," I told him.

"That was mostly because I saw how proud you were of me. That's the main reason why I like football so much," he said as he looked at me with a bright smile.

"You do it to impress me?" I asked.

"Well yes and no. I do it because I know you like to see me play," he said which was mostly true, but I wasn't gonna admit to it.

"Yeah right," I said and he chuckled. He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and I wondered if he had forgotten that Zane was sitting right next to him, maybe it's why he did it. I didn't care though as I liked whenever he kissed me.

We continued on with more silence. My mind started to roam again when Bear grabbed my hand in his and kissed it. That seemed to stop my wandering mind and I focused on getting us home. That lasted for about five minutes when Bear started rubbing his thumb lightly on the back of my hand and it stirred up things, which started me thinking about very naughty stuff.

"You naughty boy, I knew I'd get to you," Bear whispered in my ear and then chuckled.

"Damn you Bear," I said loud enough for Zane to hear even though I didn't intend to.

"Huh?" Zane said. "Why're you damning him?"

"Never mind, stay out of this," I unintentionally snapped. Damn Bear for getting me frustrated.

We arrived back into town shortly after that and I headed home. When we pulled up to the house Dad and Mom seemed to be back and there was a new car there. I didn't recognize it but secretly I hoped that it was Liberty. I knew it wasn't her car but it could have been her dad's new car as Justice had said he had gotten one.

Sean's car was gone so I guess he at least had left. We got out and Zane dragged his feet but followed us on up to the house. He looked apprehensive and I felt strange too as the last time we were both in this house together he had brutally attacked me, I pushed that aside though. I decided I'd work my way up to it so I told Zane to wait at the door while I broached the subject.

I opened the door and headed into the house followed by Bear and Zane. Zane hung back while Bear and I headed in. I heard boisterous voices and when I walked into the living room my parents and my Uncle Eric were there talking to... Peter. My Uncle Peter was sitting there, I was beyond pissed.

"Hey son, look who's here" Dad said looking so happy and I was... nowhere near happy.

"Trey, long time no see. Come give your uncle a hug" Peter said as he reached out and pulled me into a hug I didn't return. None of them seemed to notice but Mom.

"Hello Peter," I said evenly as he let me go.

"Now what way is that to greet your uncle," he said with a smile that reminded me of my father and that sickened me.

"Sorry," I said and I could hear the cold tone in my voice.

"Hey nephew, everything okay?" uncle Eric asked. I guess they could tell now that something was up with me. Bear walked up and put his big hands on my shoulders and that surprisingly didn't calm my rage like I wanted it to.

"I think I may know what's going on," Dad said not having a clue what was going on I was sure. "Trey probably doesn't know how to tell you that, well he's gay and he and Bear are together."

"What?" Peter asked, but he didn't sound all that friendly.

"Yeah we found out over a month or so ago and he probably is unsure of how you'll react," Dad said and one thing I noticed was that uncle Eric didn't react so that had to mean that he already knew. I wondered, and it probably wouldn't be the first time, if Dad had told him, or he had seen the video.

"What do you mean he's gay? Your son is gay and you just blurt it out like that, like it's nothing?" Peter asked, his voice raising slightly.

"Well yeah I did because it is nothing to me," Dad said and I was warmed by his sentiment. It didn't last long though with what was happening before me.

"That's new. I thought I knew you Evan. How could you let this... thing go on under your nose and not do anything about it?" Peter asked and I thought that I had to be mishearing this fucker.

"I'm not letting' anything go on.' He's gay and that's all there is to it," Dad said strongly.

"What about you Liv? What do you think about your son doing this?" Peter asked my Mom who glared at him hard.

"It's my son and no matter what I personally think I still love him and I'm gonna support him and show him that he can always depend on me," she said leaving no room for argument on the subject.

"I can't believe you two are condoning this shit," Peter said and I couldn't stop the sarcastic laugh that escaped.

"Excuse me, but are you serious? You are actually standing there trying to judge me?" I asked incredulously.

"I'm not judging you. I'm just telling you you're wrong," he had the nerve to say and I felt Bear's grip on my shoulders tighten to almost too painful.

"I'm wrong? Who the fuck do you think you are?" I asked.

"Trey," Mom said

"No you don't, this is mine," I said and she started to object but Dad held up his hand to silence her.

"Look Trey I'm just trying to help you," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"You're trying to help me? Is that like you tried to help Zane?" I asked and his eyes went momentarily wide.

"What are you talking about Trey?" Dad asked and I could tell he meant business.

"That is a good question. What am I talking about, Uncle Peter?" I asked saying his name with as much hatred as I could.

"I- I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know what lies you're gonna tell," he said, but I could hear the slight panic in his voice and I strangely didn't enjoy it. I looked at Bear and he nodded and left the room after he glared at Peter. When he returned he was followed by Zane.

"Zane," Mom and Dad said together.

"You still don't know what I'm talking about, right Uncle Peter?" I asked sarcastically. He looked slightly more panicked and a weird thought occurred to me. It was that we should have known something was up as Zane somehow found a way to be absent whenever Peter was around. He became much better at it as he grew older.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about," he said boldly.

"Watch the way you talk to my kid Peter," Dad warned.

"You're telling me to watch my mouth? What about him?" he asked raising his voice.

As he and Dad went back and forth I walked to Zane and took his hands in mine. "Tell them Zane. Do it now, while he's here," I said. He looked at me unsure for a moment before I saw him steel himself for what he had to say. He let go of my hands and walked over to Dad and Mom.

"Ma, Pop, I have to tell you something" he said. They looked at him and then at me and back to him. Peter tried to stop him from talking but Bear growled at him and I had to wonder if this beast of mine was actually a human and not an animal.

Peter shut up though and Zane took a deep breath before he began talking. He told them everything from the day I had gotten sick which I now felt guilty for up to the morning after Peter had stopped his abuse, but caused his own pain to Zane. He even told them about the fight club stuff. As he talked, Mom's hand went to her mouth, Dad's eyes glazed over, and Bear's grip on my shoulders tightened to an almost unbearable grip.

When he was finished there was silence. It was almost deafening in it's intensity. It didn't last long though. "You motherfucking bastard!" Dad shouted as he lunged toward Peter, grabbed him, picked him, and slammed him into the floor. It was crazy, but not totally unbelievable as while Peter was taller, Dad had about 20 pounds of muscle over him.

"Get off me!" Peter shouted as he struggled to get Dad off him and get up. Eric jumped in and the three tussled and wrestled until Eric had them separated and stood between them.

"Now calm down dammit," he said as he struggled to catch a breath.

"Calm down? This fucker knew my son had been molested and wouldn't tell me!" Dad shouted as he struggled against Eric's arm to get at Peter.

"I know that. I heard the story too," Eric said still holding them back.

"You gonna believe that shit?!" Peter shouted "That fucker's lying," he said and then before any of us could notice, he was slapped across the face harder than I had ever seen anyone get slapped before. Mom stood there fuming.

"How dare you stand there and call my son a liar. I have to wonder Peter, why you were so sympathetic to two men who were molesting a little boy?" Mom asked giving life to a thought that I had tried to kill when it tried to form.

"I'm not listening to any of this anymore. I'm out of here," Peter said as he tried to leave while still holding his face were he had been slapped.

"You take another step and I will break you in half," Bear said in a very dangerous tone as he stepped in Peter's path. Peter sized him up and smartly decided not to test him so he stepped back.

"I came to you when I was at my wits end. I couldn't take what they were making me do anymore and when I told you, and you told me it would stop, I was so happy. Then you had to say that I should have felt honored that two perverts were forcing me, a child, to suck their dicks. What kind of sick fuck are you?" Zane asked his voice full of the pain he had repressed all these years.

"Zane, I..." Peter trailed off.

"Do you know that because of you, and especially because of those sick fucks, I attacked my brother when I found out he was gay? I almost killed him because they made me look at all gay people as disgusting perverts, and deserving of brutality. I almost killed my brother because of them and because of you," Zane said and then he broke down and collapsed onto the floor. Mom was there in a second to comfort him. He apologized to her over and over again but she just held him and rocked him. I knew that she would still love him.

Seeing this helped me to get rid of the hatred I had for him. I was still angry with him, but I was happy that I no longer felt hatred for him. That hatred though was transferred to my father's brother and the child abusers he sympathized with and protected.

"I want you to leave my house now Peter. I want you to leave and I don't ever want to see you or hear from you again, because if I do, I can't say I'll be able to stop myself from doing you serious bodily harm," Dad said in a chilling tone.

Peter looked around the room at everyone who looked at him like he was the spawn of Satan. His eyes settled on me and they narrowed. I just winked and smirked at him. That really pissed him off, but he glanced at Bear and I guess decided to "poke the Bear" so he stormed out of the living room past Calvin who I had just noticed was there.

I wondered how much he had heard, but then my attention turned to the pile of my brother that was still slumped on the floor being rocked by our mother. Bear walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me tightly against him. It made me feel better to be held by him like this and I thought how amazing it was that we had the ability to soothe each other when the other needed it.

I looked inside myself and decided that I could forgive Zane. It probably wouldn't happen soon, but it would happen. I just hoped that we would one day be able to build a new relationship with each other now that our secrets were out. I also hoped he could live with his as I was learning to live with mine. I had my family and friends and especially Bear to help me and I guess we would have to help him too.

To be concluded.... *************************************************************************************

Author's Note

The ugly truth about Zane is out. The thing that caused his hatred of gays has been revealed and his uncle had known all along. What will happen now for the brothers and for Zane himself? Will he be able to live with himself with all the mistakes he's made and with what happened to him?

Will Evan and Olivia be able to support Zane and help him heal with the fact that he brutally beat his brother hanging over them? Will Zane be able to patch things up with Nicole?

Will Drake retaliate against Trey for being punched out, especially in front of so many witnesses? Will Liberty finally come to her senses?

Will Trey ever drink again and dance on tables and drink shots with football players? All this and much more will explored in the next chapter.

Starting in the next chapter Carter will become a "semi-main character". Next chaper will also be the final chapter in part one of book 1. For people wondering, Liberty will be making her big return next chapter and you will finally get to see her POV so look out for that and all the other things to come.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter. You can send any comments about the story, or any comments in general to You can check out my blog at and send my editor JD an email to let him know how he's doing at the email below.

Editor's Note

Well we finally learn what happened to Zane to make him such an angry person, and we learn that a family member had know all this time and never said anything to Zane's father. The way Peter looked at Trey after Evan told him to leave, I wonder if he's going to do anything.

I don't know why Zane never told his parents when all that crap was going on, could have probably saved him a whole lot of problems in the future.

Looks like Trey is going to try forgiving Zane but it will probably be a long process. But what is now the future for the Healey family with all this secrets coming out.

As always let Nicky know you thoughts of this chapter and the story as a whole at his email address, you can also reach me at my email address:

Until the next chapter...

Next: Chapter 19

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