The Chronicles of Trey

By Nicky Smith

Published on Sep 12, 2015


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Trey had been in a bad mood for the last few days. He was so happy after we got together that I worried people would think he was high or something. The whole first week he was like that. Then the fishing trip happened. He was fine the first day even with me teasing him about swimming naked.

That first night I held him wanting to do so much, especially with him pressed up against me naked, but I controlled myself. I was thankful that his dad had let slip about how to fix the doorknob so it would act as a lock. I admit I kind of wondered why he had said it, but put it out of my mind. It at least let us be close like that without worrying about someone walking in on us. I knew Trey would feel uncomfortable doing anything with Zane and Drake in the next room so I was on my best behavior.

The second day started out good what with how he played the jimmied doorknob thing. He could be a good actor if he wanted. Then his mood took a nosedive after he went fishing with his dad and brothers. When he told me what had happened, I wanted to find Zane and put my fist through his fucking face. I didn't though as that would raise too many questions. Plus I don't think Trey would approve of me hurting his brother even though his brother was hurting him.

I don't know what came over me but something told me to propose to him. I dropped to my knee and at first I was just trying to get his mind on something else, but when I looked up into those incredible grey eyes, I knew I really did want to marry him. I know, we're just teenagers but I still wanted it. He avoided and talked a lot about nothing like he always did when he was trying to get out of something.

It was like fate or something that just when I was asking Trey to marry me, a married gay couple just happen to walk up along the path. They were cool guys, but Trey was caught off guard, especially when they deduced that we were a couple. Then after they left Zane had to come along and put Trey even further down into his mood. It hurt to see him so down and depressed and him not trying to reach out to me. In fact it seemed like he was trying to distance himself from me emotionally.

That night I woke up to find Trey gone from bed so I went searching for him and found the door open to the cabin. I walked toward the door to see Trey and his dad talking and I listened for a bit. His dad was so kind and heartfelt. He sounded so loving and understanding that I had a hard time reconciling this man to the one I had heard making rude gay remarks in my early years. The one who had said those words that Trey had told me a few days before that he had overheard him say to his friend and brother 7 years ago.

I remembered though that these things aren't as cut and dried as all that. Since Trey and I had gotten together I had done a lot of research online about being gay... well after I finished looking at gay porn. I had to check that out, and I must admit it shocked me. It did so because it didn't really do anything for me. I mean not like I thought it should. I couldn't really get into it until I imagined me and Trey in those situations and then I had no problem getting turned on. I actually had to stop and rub one out imagining Trey sucking my cock. Then I remember when I had sucked his and it was too much for me as I shot hard. I hadn't ever cum that hard from actual sex.

That served to further confuse me about myself so I decided to do the real research and found that teens and adults alike who had come out to their families had experienced differing reactions. Those who had expected the absolute worst sometimes had received moderate to total acceptance. On the other hand those who had thought it would probably be bad, had heard some things but expected their families to accept them and have their love for them be enough were met with bitter rejection and in some cases, which scared me on Trey's behalf were met with violence.

That helped me not so easily trust this man and his seemingly loving words when I knew my guy's safety could be at stake. It started to make me wary of every straight man Trey came into contact with, especially those he's related to.

Tuesday and Wednesday Trey didn't really talk even though we all, sans Drake, tried to get him to. It was like it was before only he wasn't avoiding us this time. I couldn't take this anymore. I had seen him like this before when he was 12. He had told me that was when he knew he was gay, that he loved me. It made me happy to hear that, but it made me sad that I was indirectly responsible for his depression then. I wasn't responsible now, but that didn't mean it wasn't up to me to bring him out of this. On Thursday I met him at his locker before school started.

"Hey Trey" I said as a girl was at her locker next to his.

"Hey" he said softly. I was worried that he'd lose his voice if he didn't talk more. I know that was probably stupid but these things cross your mind at times.

"Wanna hang out after school" I asked hoping he would agree.

"I think I'm just gonna go home. I'm not feeling all that good" he said. He looked so sad that it was physically hurting me. What was worse was I couldn't get a read on what he was thinking.

"Come on. Please hang with me?" I asked.

The girl turned to us as she closed her locker. She looked like a senior I had seen around. She looked pretty hot, but she wasn't doing anything for me right now. My focus was on my baby boy. She smiled that smile that girls gave me and when before that would have gotten a reaction out of Little Big Bear, he didn't even notice. I nodded to her with a small smile anyways so as to not offend her and she went on her way.

"What's it like?" Trey asked after she left.

"What's what like? I asked.

"Nothing" he finally said after a while.

"No Trey, tell me. What's what like?" I asked again.

"It doesn't matter" he said closing his locker.

"It does matter. It's you so it does matter. I want you to talk to me baby, please" I said pleading with him.

"I'm sorry" he said before turning and started walking away. He then stopped and turned and looked at me. "I'll be at your truck after your practice" he said then he left. It was something.

After practice I went into the shower and sped through a shower. Coach Davis walked by and saw me going hyper speed trying to get clean so I could get to Trey.

"Got a hot date waiting on you son?" he asked with humor in his voice.

"Yes and no coach" I said as I finished washing and grabbed my towel. I didn't waste time wrapping around me as I strolled into the locker room. The guys were whistling and cat calling me and I managed to smile as I rushed to my locker.

"What's that mean?" Coach asked as he had followed me to my locker.

"Yes it's a date. No it's not a hot date" I said as I put on my deodorant and cologne.

"Ah, one of those" he said. I thought about what I had said and corrected it.

"No what I mean is the me and Tr... er my date are just going somewhere to talk about something" I said. Damn I almost gave it away. He narrowed his eyes at me briefly, but then his look softened.

"Well you better get on outta here before your... date gets mad at you" he said as gripped my shoulder briefly and left. That pause was weird. It made me think he was suspicious of something but I couldn't afford to be concerned with that. My baby needed me to bring him out of this dark mood he was in.

I told Sean what was up and he told me he was hoping for the best and he'd fill the girls in. I asked him what about Drake and he just rolled his eyes. Sean didn't hide the fact that he didn't like Drake. Him and Justice would probably get along as Trey had told me that she couldn't stand him.

I made it out to my truck and Trey was leaning up against it. Now I know this thinking was wrong but him leaning against my truck with his brooding mood made him look so sexy. The color of my truck made his eyes really pop and it just made him look... man I needed to stop thinking like that as I was getting hard fast. My libido seemed to rear it's ugly head at the worst times.

"See something you like" he said with a slight smirk as I walked up to him.

"What?" I asked.

"That" he said as he cut his eyes down to my crotch. I didn't hide it because there wasn't anyone around.

"No shame baby" I said with a smile as I headed for my truck and he headed for the passenger side.

I stopped and picked us up some tacos at this great taco stand near where Trey's dad worked. I then drove us to the overlook. This place where young people parked to do, well sexy stuff. There was a part that people rarely used and that's where we went.

We got out of the truck and I let down the tailgate and we sat there and ate in silence. Well I scarfed down my food while he slowly ate and just looked out in the distance. He only finished one and gave me the other two. I ate them as well and he looked at me. He didn't smile but I could see a smile in his eyes and him probably thinking that I was a savage animal that hadn't learned how to eat civilly. I decided to test him on this.

"I am not a savage animal. I'm just hungry" I said. His eyes widened and I knew I had seen right. It always made me feel good when I was able to see what he was thinking. Made me feel special as I was the only one who could do this. It made me feel connected to him like no other. We sat there in silence for a few minutes when he finally decided to talk.

"What's it like being straight?" he asked so seriously and with such a look of desperation in his eyes I almost became angry at the whole world.

"I wouldn't know Trey" I said. I know he said I wasn't gay but I definitely wasn't straight either, and this is by his own rule on the matter.

"Don't give me that Bear. You're not gay" he said looking annoyed. I'd take it over that depressed ultra sad look.

"Well, I'm not straight Trey. By your own rules I'm not straight. I saw you earlier leaning against my truck and that combined with that brooding look on your face, and your amazing eyes made me hard. You're a guy and I got hard over you so I am not straight according to you" I said. I didn't plan on telling him that but it seemed the right thing to do now.

"So you were perving on me while I'm in a funk. Bear you need to see a doctor about this horn doggedness you have going on" he said. He sounded so serious that I believed he thought that.

"Hey, have I tried anything with you? I haven't tried to do anything with you since before the fishing trip, which would make that almost a week ago" I said feeling defensive all of a sudden.

"Well that's not true. I recall you having ahold of my hard dick that first night" he said.

"It was hard. What did you expect" I replied.

"So every time I get hard you wanna get ahold of it?" he asked.

"Preferably" I answered. "Nobody else better be getting ahold of it that's for damn sure" I said with an edge to my voice that I meant, but didn't intend.

"I don't know. I was thinking of letting Sean have a grab" he joked. That was good. I wanted to get him up and out of this depressive funk he was in.

"Only if you wanna see him die baby" I said simply and truthfully.

"Well now that presents a problem, because sometimes he gets to be too much and I want him to die, but not really" he continued to joke and I smiled.

"Well don't let him touch you because he will be really dying if he does" I stated.

"Duly noted. What about Drake? Would you kill him?" he asked.

"Yup" I said. "I'll kill ANYBODY that touches your cock baby, even a girl" I said honestly.

"Well then I need to find a way to get Drake to touch my dick" he said with a small smile. "What about the doctor?" he asked.

"He better be a doctor and I'm gonna be watching him" I said.

"Oh, okay" he said.

We were silent again for another bit. After a few minutes he reached over and took my hand in his and twined his fingers with mine. It felt so good to have him just hold my hand like this. I never felt like this with girls. This must mean I'm gay if just small things with Trey make me feel things bigger than the hottest things I did with other girls.

"That means you're Bisexual leaning more towards gay, but still Bisexual nonetheless" he said shocking me out of my thoughts. I looked at him and he was smiling.

"I see you're getting the hang of this" I asked.

"Yeah" he said. It looked like he was heading back into his depression. I couldn't have that.

"Baby, I know you're feeling down. You feel all alone. I just want you to know you're not alone. I'm here for you. No matter what anyone says or does I'll be here" I said hoping I was getting through to him. He was looking at me with glistening eyes that I knew held unshed tears. I took his hand and held it over my heart and he smiled.

"I know what you're saying Bear. I know this intellectually but I can't get my heart to understand. I'm... I guess my dad was right. I guess something's missing that would make me respond correctly in these situations" he said.

"No, remember what I said before? There's nothing wrong with you because I love you just the way you are. You have my heart Trey. You always have I just didn't realize it" I said cracking a smile at the end.

"I know. You have mine too. I've loved you for as long as I can remember. I've known for sure that I was in love with you for the last 5 years. It's just this feeling of dread is on me and I can't shake it. I want you to save me but then I hear my thoughts and they make me sound like some damsel in distress" he said. His words were pulling me in two different directions. They were making me feel good and feel sad for him.

"I will save you Trey. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it. Seeing you like this is killing me. It's hurting me because I can't help you. I'd do anything for you but I can't seem to drive this dark depression away from you" I said. I tried to be strong but seeing him like this, hearing his words was tearing me apart. A tear fell from my eye before I knew it.

"Oh Bear, I'm so sorry. This is what I didn't want. I didn't want to drag you down with me" he said as he wiped my tear away. His touch was so soothing.

"I'd go anywhere if you were there. I would fight lions and slay dragons, and swim oceans and move the stars for you." I said and I meant it.

"Wow Bear that was super cheesy" he said with a small smile, which grew into that smile that reached his eyes and made them dance. He then burst out laughing. He laughed like he hadn't in years.

"Well, I'm so glad my declaration of my devotion is so funny to you" I said in mock indignation but I couldn't help but smile.

"I'm sorry big guy but you can't just say cheesy stuff like that without me laughing" he said still laughing.

"I guess I can't woo you with flowery words like I can with girls. A girl would have been all over me after that" I said with a cocky smile.

"Well, I'll be all over you, but not for that" he said with a smile.

"Really, you don't say" I responded with my signature grin.

"Yeah" he said. "Bear, thank you. Thank you for not giving up on me. I'll be okay. It might take a while, but I'll be okay. As long as you continue to love me I'll be okay" he said as he squeezed my hand.

"Always baby. I'll always be there for you. Some day things will work out for you because who could not love you? Anyone who could not love you isn't human" I said because it was true.

We looked into each others eyes and it felt good to stare into his eyes. I never got into that, just doing it because girls liked it. With Trey though I felt like I was looking into his heart. I wanted to see everything about him and I wanted him to see me. He let go of my hand and raised his hand to my face and trailed his fingertips across my jaw. It was such a light touch but it had my cock rising to attention.

He leaned toward me and kissed me softly. I joined in and it was all soft and tame until he rested his hand on my lap and felt my now hard cock. I heard him moan and then suddenly the kiss became more intense. He gripped the back of my head with both hands and shoved his tongue into my mouth. It was so hot with him being the aggressor. He pulled away and looked at me breathless.

He pushed me back until my back hit the bed of my truck. He then grabbed for the belt of my pants and started undoing them. I didn't think we should be doing whatever he was about to do out in the open and opened my mouth to say just that, but he looked me in the eye and his eyes told me he wanted me and it wasn't up for discussion.

He finished unbuckling my belt and then unbuttoned and unzipped my pants. He looked up at me with a look of pure lust. He then pulled down my pants enough for my hard cock to be freed. He gripped me and it was like lightning struck my dick.

"Oh baby" I moaned. "How do you do it? I'm already too close" I said barely able to talk. I was confused how he could turn me on so much with just a touch. I wasn't spending a huge amount of time on this though as there was more important stuff going on.

"Now who's quick on the trigger" he said with a cocky grin. "I'm gonna make you beg me to let you cum" he said with a sexy sinister grin. He tightened his grip on me an licked up the length of my cock on the underside and I almost came up off the bed of my truck.

He snickered and then slowly lowered his mouth over the head of my cock. I wondered where he had learned this. He was being so sexy and sensual as he continued to slowly take me into his mouth. He stopped about halfway down and then moved his tongue over the head of my cock so agonizingly slow that my body ached at all the sensations going on.

"Baby, I... can't... ooohhh!" I managed to get out. He then pulled off and then licked the slit of my cock and it set me on fire. He did it two more times and damn. It was too intense. He then blew some air on my moistened cock head and damn. I didn't think that would feel so good. This boy was gifted for his first time. He probably looked up some stuff online.

"You like that huh" he said with that sexy grin that he had perfected in a really short time.

"Yeah" I said breathlessly.

"Good" he said then he took the head of my cock back into his mouth and swirled his tongue around it slowly as he grabbed my balls in his other hand and gave a tug. I was moaning and near breathless by then.

He went down further on my cock and this time started a slow up and down while he tightly gripped the base of my cock in his right hand. I felt a finger going lower towards my hole and I momentarily became apprehensive, but then I remembered this was Trey and I trusted him completely. He only went a short distance then pressed behind my balls and I had this strong urge to cum right then. He pressed and rubbed at this spot and I got louder.

I was so close I warned him and the bastard just stopped everything. He let go of my balls and came up off my Cock. He then blew on my cock head and which made me wanna cum more, but there was no friction to get me there.

"Trey what are you doing?" I asked through halted breaths.

"I already told you" he said with a grin then he chuckled. He went back to work on my cock and started massaging behind my balls again and again I was almost there again. I made the mistake of warning him again and again he stopped everything. It was so frustrating.

"Trey, come on" I begged.

"I'll think about it" he said with a sadistic grin.

He licked my cock head a few times then slowly took me back in and held my cock in his mouth not doing anything but tugging on my ball. He then started sucking my cock with gusto. I felt myself getting close real quick but then thought I better not tell him this time. I knew it was wrong, but I needed to get off. I was almost there when he stopped everything yet again.

"Baby, please. I need to cum, please" I pleaded breathlessly.

"You naught boy you. You weren't gonna warn me this time were you" he teased.

"Baby please. I'll do ANYTHING if you just let me cum, PLEASE!" I pleaded going out of my mind.

"Okay Big Bear, you asked for it" he said and while I was suspicious what with the way he said that, I didn't particularly care all that much either since I needed to cum.

He took my cock back into his mouth and this time it was different and I didn't realize why until I felt his lips at the base of my cock and my cock head felt like it was enclosed in something tight and warm. I looked down and he had taken me all the way down. I was stunned.

I then realized that every time he took me back into his mouth he went further down. He must have been trying to reign in his gag reflex. He grabbed my balls in one hand while pressing behind my balls with the other and then he hummed and I felt it run from my cock all over my body and that was all I could take.

"Ahhh ooohhh shittt! Ooohhh ffuuuckkk!" I shouted as I erupted with the most powerful orgasm I had ever had. It felt like my cock was gonna rupture or something. He surprised me by staying in place and swallowing my cum. He then hummed after I was finished cumming and it was so intense I had to pull him off of me.

"You like?" he asked with a self-satisfied grin.

"Oh baby, that was unreal. That was... how did you... my goodness" I managed to cobble together.

"Sorry I tortured you like that. I just wanted it to be the best you ever experienced when you finally did cum" he said kind of shyly dropping his head. I hooked my finger under his chin and raised it back up to look at me.

"Baby, that was the most mind numbing, mind blowing orgasm I have ever had. It felt like my cock was gonna explode" I said smiling with pride that my baby wanted to please me so much.

"You kinda did explode. You almost drowned me big guy" he said with a smile. I was about to respond when my cell rang. It was Sean.

"Hello" I said still kinda breathless.

"What are you up to" he said and I could hear the amusement in his voice.

"Nothing" I said.

"Really cause you sound out of breath" Sean said still teasing.

"I was running" I lied and Trey snickered.

"Sure you were. Running into Trey were you?" he asked and I could hear the amusement on his face over the phone.

"What do you want jackass?" I asked.

"Is that what you were doing... Jacking into his ass, my gosh" he said in mock shock.

"Why did you call me asshole?" I spoke getting slightly annoyed.

"So you were doing something involving Trey's ass. You naught boy Bear" he said. Trey was cracking up because he was able to hear Sean.

"Speak fool" I said annoyed.

"Alright big guy, I was calling to ask if you wanted to come over" he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well I just wanted to confess my love for you and Trey. I've finally decided I want to be with both of you and I want us to be a..." he said before pausing. "What do you call a couple when it's 3 people?" he finally asked.

"A freak show" I said.

"You and Trey just get your asses over here, and don't make me have to call you again" he fake ordered.

"What's gonna happen if you do have to call again?" I asked in a teasing voice.

"You'll see" he said simply before ending the call. I got up and resituated myself and we hopped into the truck and headed over to Sean's place.


I was feeling better. The dark cloud that had descended on me over the weekend was dissipating. I still felt kinda down but I just had to focus on what I did have. Also, I'm not the only one in my position. There are others who have actually gone through what I'm so afraid of.

I just needed to concentrate on Bear. He would do anything for me and I had to reaffirm for him the feeling was more than mutual. I reached over and rested my hand on his thigh. I saw a grin break out on his face.

"You thinking naughty things baby?" he asked.

"Nope, well not really. I just needed to touch you" I said honestly. I hoped it was okay with him to just touch him like this. I know were together but maybe he wasn't in for me just touching him whenever I want.

"Baby" he said as he took my hand in his and twined our fingers together, "I don't care if you touch me or not. I want you to feel free to touch me whenever the need comes up. I love it when you touch me. Before all this happened, I used to like it then too. I liked to touch you. I always loved it when I held you in my arms. It made me happy that for that brief time, I had you close to me. You never let the hugs go on long though" he said and it warmed my heart to hear these things.

"Bear, I had to end the hugs because they felt so good that I was worried you would think it was weird. That you would start to suspect me. I was terrified of that" I said because that was true.

"I kind of wish I did suspect something. We would have been together then if this had come out sooner" he said. I didn't think it would have ended up like this if not for the fact that he had already experienced life without me. That was apart of his quick come around. "I almost kissed you that night" he said which confused me because I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Huh? What night are you talking about?" I asked.

"The night that you apologized to me for avoiding me" he said which shocked me because he didn't even know I was gay then.

"But... what?" I barely said.

"Okay full disclosure. That night I missed you so much. I remember saying to Sean that I needed you which was true. It felt like this unbearable weight was on me without you around. Then I walked outside and saw you and I felt a little bit better knowing you were there for me. Then when we hugged all these feelings came up. I wanted to never let you go, to be as close to you as possible. Then a thought popped into my head that I wanted to kiss you. I had no idea where it came from but I wanted to" he admitted.

I had a permanent smile on my face after that. Hearing that even before I told him I was gay he had wanted to kiss me. It felt so wonderful to hear that even before we got together that he felt these feelings for me. He squeezed my hand and we continued on in silence.

We arrived at the Mellow residence and sat in his truck for a moment just staring at each other. We then got out, went up to the door and Bear rang the bell. Wayne again opened the door to let us in with a smile.

"Hey guys, come on in" he said brightly. It really struck me how beautiful he was.

"Thanks" Bear said as we entered the house.

Sean was standing next to the couch that Marcus was currently sitting on. He was wearing a tank and baggy shorts that showed off his hairy muscular legs. When I brought my eyes back up to his after their roaming expedition he smirked at me. He looked up at Sean and winked and Sean returned his wink. I knew they were about to be up to no good.

"Trey, good to see you again. Come, sit next to me" he said with a seductive smile while patting the seat next to him that if I took it would trap me between him and the end of the couch.

"Okay" I said as I headed over there. When I sat down, he put his muscular right arm across my shoulders.

"So, how've ya been Trey" he said still with that heated smile of his.

I knew what this was. I had been through this with Sean, but Sean wasn't really my type once I thought about it. He was a muscular jock sure, but he had more of a preppy sort of frat boy look without being one. Marcus on the other hand was the hairy rugged uber masculine type which was more my style, like Bear. Their type as I learned was called muscle bear. His efforts in flirting would be more effective on me. That is it would have been had I not had my own taller muscle bear. Nothing against playing along though.

"I've been good. How about you" I asked pulling out my best smile and shooting him a seductive gaze. I had been practicing and had been told that I was quite good at it now. I was rewarded with an audible gulp. I smiled even bigger.

"Um, I'm fine" he said slightly shaky.

"Oh my god. You got owned dude" Sean said laughing his ass off.

"Yeah Marcus, you're no match for those sexy eyes of his. Also, you'd be wise to pay attention to a certain huge jock giving you a death glare" Wayne said walking over to sit on the other sofa.

We looked and indeed Bear was killing Marcus with his eyes. He and Marcus locked eyes for a moment and it was palpable. Marcus then stood and walked over to Bear and stood in from of him. They continued their eyelock and I could feel the testosterone in the air as the war of wills between the two alpha males commenced. It was one of the hottest things I had ever seen. Finally Marcus smiled as did Bear and they shook hands.

"You better take care of him or I'm gonna have to kick your ass" Marcus said.

"I'd like to see you try" Bear said with a cocky grin. He had 3 inches in height and about 20lbs on Marcus, but Marcus was older so maybe that meant something.

"Very well" Marcus said then headed over to the couch Wayne was on. They kissed briefly and I have to admit it was hot.

"I feel so outnumbered. I'm the lone straight guy in a house full of gay dudes. I'm fearful of my butt-ginity" Sean joked.

"Please, nobody wants your ass" Marcus said.

"Now wait a minute Marcus, lets see it first" I said joining in on the joking.

"Yeah Sean, show us you cute little ass. Let's see if we want it" Bear added. Of course Sean being Sean walked in front of all of us and pulled down his pants a little and patted his ass.

"Dude, cover that thing up. I don't wanna see that" Marcus said.

"I don't know babe. That is a cute ass" Wayne said with an appreciative gaze. Sean proceeded to shake his butt for us.

"Sean stop waving your ass in my man's face before I put my foot up it. I'm sure Bear feels the same way" Marcus said.

"I'm actually thinking of putting something else up his ass if he keeps waving it around like that" Bear teased with a glint in his eyes.

"You all play too much" Sean said as he sat on the arm of the couch next to me.

"So Trey, Sean tells us you were down, but it seems like you're doing better" Marcus said. I was surprised he seemed so worried about me.

"Yeah I'm doing better now that Bear and I had a talk" I said as I looked at him and he looked at me. He took my hand in his and gave me his signature grin which made me smile.

"Aw they're so cute. They're like a young us" Wayne said with a smile.

"What you mean "A young us"? I'm not old" Marcus said.

"You sure?" Wayne teased.

"I'll be more than happy to show you how young I am later" Marcus said giving Wayne that sexy smile.

"I'll bet babe" Wayne said as he patted Marcus' arm.

"Yuck that was gross" Sean said. "Also Trey, you sure it wasn't the Bear Lovin' that cheered you up" Sean joked.

"What lovin'"I asked.

"That same lovin' that had Bear there breathless when he answered the phone" Sean replied.

"You don't say" Marcus said with an amused expression.

"Well now" Wayne added.

"Thanks a lot Sean" I said as I used my elbow to push him off the arm of the couch which caused him to fall to the floor and we all laughed.

"Yeah fun-ny. Being laughed at by the gays" Sean said.

"You know little brother I wouldn't keep throwing around that word if I were you. You're not exactly straight" Marcus said and I was wide eyes and all ears.

"What!?" Bear and I asked at the same time.

"I have no idea what he's talking about" Sean said giving his brother a death glare.

"Well you see when little Sean was 15-" Marcus started but Sean cut in.

"You finish saying that and I'll just have to tell your husband there an interesting tale of my own" Sean challenged.

"What tale would that be. I have no secrets" Marcus said. This was getting way interesting.

"Winter" was all Sean said before Marcus' eyes went wide and he clammed up.

"Oh hell no. What the hell is this winter?" Wayne asked.

"Babe I promise to tell you sometime before I die" Marcus said with a smile.

"So you expect me to wait 60+ years to hear it?" he asked.

"Hopefully yeah, and I never said it would take that long. Just that I'd tell you before I died" Marcus said.

"Well I guess I could wait. I wonder though how long you can before you-" Wayne said before whispering the rest into Marcus' ear. I saw his eyes go wide, then fill with lust which meant what Wayne was saying was sex related, then finally his eyes narrowed as Wayne pulled away.

"Sean I hate you so much right now" Marcus said directing a glare at Sean.

"Hey, you started this, I just finished it. Hope you enjoy your blue balls, and thanks for playing our game" Sean replied with a gloating grin. Marcus just pointed and glared him which I'm sure meant nothing good for Sean's well being.

"I'm starting to think we aren't gonna hear anything interesting" I said to Bear.

"Don't worry baby, I'll tell you plenty of interesting things" he said with a smile before he kissed me. I kissed him back and it was so nice to be able to kiss him in front of other and not have to hide.

"That was kinda hot" Wayne said with a smile as we broke away from each other each smiling.

"I agree" came a voice that startled me, because it wasn't a voice that belonged to anyone who was supposed to be already there. The voice was female. As I looked toward where it came from I saw the voice belonged to Veronica. There she stood with Alex standing next to her. He looked shocked but she looked, well not surprised in the least.

"Veronica!" I said loudly as I pushed Bear away and stood. She rolled her eyes and Sean laughed. "This isn't what it looks like" I said desperately. I looked around and everyone then had a mild exasperated look on their faces.

"So it wasn't you and Bear swapping spit?" she asked with a smirk.

"Gross! Damn Ronnie why you gotta make it sound like that?" Marcus asked.

"Because Marky, it tickles me" she said with a teasing smile.

"Veronica, this was..." I said still trying to find a way out of this.

"Trey dude, you know you're my boy right, but man you sure are thick" Sean said still with an exasperated smile. Bear snorted with laughter and I turned to glare at him because I knew what was about to leave his mouth. I did not want him telling anybody about my dick in this situation. Wayne was way quicker on the uptake than everyone else though it seemed as I saw him glance down at my crotch quickly.

"Trey honey. Before you give yourself a heart attack, I already knew" Veronica said.

"Huh? What? How?" I asked and she laughed softly.

"Well there were little things. How close you two were. Most guys would be too worried about people thinking they're gay being that close to another guy but Bear never put up with anything when it came to you. He never had problems with PDA, none of that. Then there were the looks you gave him when you didn't think anyone was looking. Then came Sean's party and first there was Bear's look of fury when he stalked toward Sean to take him to task for not inviting you, then the actual party when you were dancing with Jessica and Billy and Bear couldn't keep his eyes off of you, or rather his glare off of Jessica and Billy. It was the same when you were dancing with Liberty's sister" she replied.

"That's not... completely true" Bear said, but I was too stunned to respond.

"Trey you became especially noticeable when Alicia started sniffing around Bear. She's my friend but the girl is cray cray" Veronica said which finally moved me to speak.

"Wow what a shock. Alicia's crazy" I said. I was glad Bear never slept with her.

"Yeah and Bear you didn't make things easier by not having sex with her thus making her the ONLY girl that you've dated that you never had sex with" she said looking at Bear.

"Hey I'm sorry, but I didn't wanna have sex with her. It wouldn't have been right to Trey" Bear said which warmed my heart to hear. I couldn't help the smile.

"But didn't you and Trey get together after Alicia?" Sean asked.

"Maybe he knew subconsciously he was gonna be with Trey" Wayne added.

"Wait, so you knew, or at least suspected about me. Is that why you wouldn't go out with me?" Bear asked and I looked at him shocked. "Hey, we weren't together then" he defended himself.

"Yeah it was when you were shunning him and he was dating everything in sight. I had a feeling something was going on and I didn't wanna get into it. I knew that if what I suspected were true that you two would get together sooner or later" she said and I liked her ever more. Then I had a thought.

"So did you know that she knew?" I asked Sean.

"Well I knew she had her suspicions but I never confirmed anything" he replied.

"Wait, you knew about this and wouldn't tell me?" Veronica demanded with a scowl.

"This is getting good" Marcus said and Wayne nodded.

"Well I didn't know about them because there was no them then. I did know that Trey was gay though and in love with Bear" Sean said.

"I'll deal with you later" Veronica said with narrowed eyes at Sean. "As for you" she directed at me, "my cousin is gay. I was at the wedding. Why didn't you think you could trust me?" she asked and I had no response.

"Lay off Ronnie. You don't know anything about this. You can never be sure about how people will react to this. Besides did he actually know you knew about me?" Marcus said.

"Well, I guess not" she replied.

"Yeah and cuz, you'd be wise to pay attention to a certain guy with an animal name that's glaring at you right about now" Sean said which we all looked to see that Bear was indeed glaring at her.

"Easy Big Bear" I said giving him a look that I hoped turned him on so he could stop glaring at Veronica, especially since it isn't really anything to get upset about because she was right.

I should have considered the fact that she probably knew about Marcus and accepted him since there was a wedding which meant that there was a high chance his whole family knew about him. Even without that they would have had to hear about the graduation kiss since it was so public.

"Well this has just been a barrel of laughs. It's a good thing Calvin couldn't come over though" Alex said shaking his head with a small smile.

"What!?" I asked suddenly in a panic.

"Yeah, I invited him over after school but he said he had to go somewhere with your dad" Alex said and I was so thankful that Dad had asked Calvin to go with him to pick up something from one of Mom's friends or my secret would have been more blown that it was already. Too many people knew about me: Jessica, Sean, Sean's brothers and brother-in-law, and now Veronica. I was feeling nervous all of a sudden and now breathing heavy. This was new.

"Baby, calm down. It'll be fine. Nobody here is gonna say anything to your family" Bear said as he rubbed my back. He then turned me so I was facing him. "I promise that no matter what I'll be there for you. I'll do everything in my power to take care of you" he said rubbing up and down my arms. He then pulled me into a tight hug and being held against the strong body of his had this calming effect on me.

"I'm sorry, I just don't know why I get like this" I said.

"Never apologize Trey. It's okay to feel like this" Bear said his eyes glistening.

"Yeah Trey I was a lot like you when I was a teenager. I was scared and easily panicked that someone, especially Marcus, would find me out. That's why my friend Heather was a great help" Wayne said and I remember their story so I knew that he was telling the truth.

After all the joking and shock at Veronica finding out we sat down and talked for a while. The upcoming Autumn dance came up and Veronica said that Billy had asked her to go. I guess he was tired of Jessica avoiding him. I thought to ask Sean about the two of them but decided to let it go and they'll let us know if and when the time came.

After we talked for a bit more I decided we better get a move on because I had to pick up my car at school and I had some homework I had to do. It wouldn't take long but I still wanted to get to it before it got too late. We left and the ride back to school was in a contented silence with my hand on Bear's thigh and his hand resting on top of mine. He had done this.

We got to school and parked. We looked at each other for a bit and just enjoyed being together. Finally I kissed him and he kissed me back. This turned heated quick, but I was able to pull away before things got too far and I kissed his cheek. He smiled that smile that warmed me through and I got out of his truck and made for my car. I pulled away as Bear waved at me, and I smiled because even though I still felt this dread deep inside, Bear's love was keeping it in check and that's all I needed for now.

To be continued....

Bear was able to lift Trey out of his mood and Trey repaid Bear by giving him a mind-blowing blowjob. What now for the duo as the school dance is coming up?

Veronica has confirmed that she knew about Trey and Bear all along. Who's next to find out about the two lovers?

Justice returns next chapter and Bear... well just wait.

The picture contest is still open for a few more chapters so jump on it. Thanks to all those who have sent me pics, especially the steamy ones.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thank you to all of you who have read the story thus far and have sent me comments. I really look forward to the comments and hope so read more. Send all comments good or bad to

Next: Chapter 11

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