The Chronicles of Trey

By Nicky Smith

Published on Aug 17, 2015


This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal or private copies are permitted only if complete including the copyright notice.

This story is fictional and contains scenes of consensual sex between males. Any resemblance to real people or situations is purely coincidental.

The Chronicles of Trey Chapter 0: Prologue -- Introductions

Hello, my name is Trey Healey and I'm gonna tell you a story. It's a story about me. Why you may ask? Well it's because my life is very... interesting is a word you can use. Everything from where I'm about to start is anyway. Before I start though let me introduce you to the cast of characters you will meet along the way.

First and foremost is my very best friend in the world Barry Davidson. Everyone calls him "Bear" though, and if you saw him you would see why. At only 17 Bear is 6'6 and weighs 230 lbs. Yeah he's a big guy. Add to that a full on beard (not Paul Bunyan mountain man beard, but enough hair that you know it's a beard), chest hair and hairy arms and legs and you can draw the picture. With light brown hair and blue eyes he's quite the assuming individual, but he's all heart and at times a big goofball.

As you can probably guess he's a football player with his size. While not the QB he's still the star of the team even eclipsing Sean Mellow (the actual QB and captain of the team). Bear and I have been friends since we were 2. My mother and Bear's dad grew up together but parted ways after Bear's dad graduated High School since he was a year older than my mom. They met up again years later and our mothers became fast friends and so did we. We were born only 2 weeks apart, kinda weird huh. So we've been together as besties ever since. Nobody ever had a better best bud than Bear Davidson.

Next on the list is Liberty St. John, my partner in snark. What I mean is I've been known to be a snarky person as I've been often told. Well Liberty is my partner in snark cause she's just as bad. Pretty long black hair down past her shoulders, dark eyes and coffee and cream complexion. We joke about how we're surrounded by white people in our group of friends, but it's all in good fun. Liberty has a identical twin sister named Justice (I know Liberty and Justice, what was their parents on). While Liberty goes to Fairfield High with the rest of us, Justice goes to a prestigious boarding school about an hour away in Ravensburg called Whitewood Academy (I know... how pretentious). Liberty is of I guess average intellect while Justice is Scary Freaky Smart. Smarter than me even and I like to call myself Freaky Smart. Their family moved to Fairfield when we were 9 so they could be closer to Justice as she attended the academy.

Next we have Jessica Martin. Gorgeous, pretty, blond, and gorgeous. That's what most people would say about Jessica, but she's actually very witty, and I suspect under that façade of "Blond White Girl" lies a very deep individual. As I said Jessica is gorgeous with shoulder length light blond hair and hazel eyes. Very beautiful girl indeed. We meet Jessica in the 7th grade when we were 13 which is weird since she lives 3 houses down from the St. John residence and has lived there all her life. I attribute it to the fact that we went to different elementary schools.

Last of our group of friends is Drake Franklin. Drake is Liberty's boyfriend and we met him about 3 days after meeting Jessica. The was something about him that made me wanna be his friend but sometimes I wonder about him. He and Liberty started up near the end of freshman year. One thing that I can say about Drake is that he's very... pretty. I mean model pretty. Like for instance where Bear is what you would call ruggedly handsome, Drake would be a pretty boy.

All my friends are very good looking... and therein lies a problem with me. I don't fit... like at all. My friends are for the most part very popular and good looking and I'm just not. I'm 5'8 and weigh 140 lbs where my guy friends are much taller. Hell I was the same height as Liberty and Justice until last year when I grew an inch. While Liberty and Jessica could be cheerleaders, they aren't. Bear is like I said on the football team and Drake is on the baseball team.

Then there's me, a geek. I'm not the suspenders-wearing-pocket-protector-wearing-four-eyed type of geek, but I am one none the less. I've been thinking about this more and more lately and I'm working up to a conclusion that I don't wanna consider but I think I may have to.

Anyway lets move on to my family. My father is Evan and my mother is Olivia, but those close to her call her Liv. My dad owns his own construction company and my mother is a receptionist at a dentist's office. They have a great little life with a house and 5 kids.

First of which is my older brother Zane. He's my dad's son from his first marriage. His first wife, Zane's mother, Athena died when Zane was a kid. She has a rare blood disease that they discovered after she learned she was pregnant. They told her that the stress of a full term pregnancy would worsen her prognosis. They told her that if she terminated the pregnancy she could have a few years but if the carried to term, she would be extremely fortunate to make it six months past birth. She showed them and lived 2 years. Afterwards my dad slipped into a yearlong depression. Then he met my mom and she brought him back to life. A year later they got married and a year after that along came me. Zane used to be my hero. Now he's just my big bro who I love a lot. He's a 21 and a junior at Pittsburgh University along with his friends Alvis Dellum and Leo Dawson. Alvis is my brother's best friend. They've know each other since they were 8. He's a brit complete with the accent. I like him cause of his accent and funny brit words he says. Leo met them in junior high and they've been the three musketeers ever since.

Calvin is 13 and is a mini-Zane. He wants to be just like my brother. I sometimes get jealous of them but I know the kid loves me. When he was little, like 4 or 5, he used to sneak into my room and get in my bed when he was scared. We asked him once why he got in my bed and he said "I know you'll protect me Trey". I know he was just a kid and wasn't thinking but I think that kinda hurt Zane's feeling that Calvin didn't think he would protect him. I think it was probably residual insecurities about only being out half brother even though we've never said anything like that to him or about him.

Last but not least is my little twin sisters Cara and Carly. They are 6 and are a handful. I feel sorry for my parents when they become teenagers. I'm the only one who has always been able to tell them apart. Even my parents weren't able to for a long while. They are better now but try not to dress them alike. I'm sure they love all of us equally but they seem to gravitate to me more than my parents or brother. Though that could be because of Bear whom they are in love with I'm sure.

There's more people to get to know and you will when the time comes. Like my other friends Miriam O'Neil and Kenji Matou. My brainy friends that I know from my schools robotics club. They are really smart like me and I rely on them when my popular friends get to go places that I don't, but more on that soon. Then there's Sean Mellow who's an interesting fellow (HA!), Carter Matthews who is way more interesting than you'll guess, Alicia Lake (sigh), Lawrence and April Davidson who are Bear's parents, and many more. It is my interactions with these people that my story unfolds. That I develop as a person. Through good and bad these people will shape me and well... let's get on with it.

CHAPTER ONE: The Beginning

The story begins on Wednesday the second week of Junior Year. I was standing with Bear at his locker before school started while he rummaged though his locker and like so many times in the last several months those insecure thoughts were plaguing me. Which explains what I'm about to say. "Bear, do you ever wonder why we're friends" I said.

"Huh" Bear so eloquently stated with a confused look on his face.

"I'm just thinking that we couldn't be more different. You're big and tall and I'm short and not big, you're popular and I'm not, you're and jock and I'm and geek, and you're white and I'm black. We couldn't be more different if we tried. The only thing we have in common is we're both dudes" I said suddenly wishing I hadn't said anything.

"What the hell" he said. "I don't know what's going on in that head of yours but I don't care" he said with conviction.

"You don't care? What do you..." I started but he interrupted.

"I don't care if I'm big and tall and you're not big and think you're short. I don't care if I'm popular and you think you're not" he said but this time I interrupted.

"I know I'm not" I said.

"I'm talking now" he said in that tone that let me know not to interrupt again. "I don't care about any of that stuff you just said because all that matters is that you are my best bud and nothing is gonna change that" he said with a look that let me know he meant it and for some reason I felt slightly sad about that.

He looked into my eyes for a minute and gave me that patented Bear grin that I've noticed he only reserves for those closest to him. He started to say something else but then...

"Hey Bear" said Natasha Blade as she sauntered up to Bear and here we go.

"Hey Natasha, how's things?" he said in that deep voice and with the seductive grin that he reserves for these occasions. I call this Casanova mode.

Yeah as you can probably guess, someone as good looking and popular as Bear who is also a jock is also a huge ladies man. He's also a huge horn dog having gone through quite a few girls at our school. From what I know we were 14 when he first did it. He told me about it with this wild freaky wide-eyed look on his face like his mind had been blown. Whoever this girl was (he would never tell me who she was, and he's told me about most of them since) sure was some girl judging by the happy look he wore weeks afterwards. His mother was concerned he was doing drugs and contracted my mother to "subtlely" decipher from me if he was. My mother's method... "So are you and Bear doing drugs or what?" I kindly (read: belligerently) told her no along with some other words that got me grounded for a week. After about an hour of interrogation I finally told her what really had him so blissed. I don't know if she ever told Mrs. Davidson or not as it wasn't brought up again

Anyway back to... this

"Bear, I was just checking to see if we're still on for tonight" she said in that breathy way that women have. I swear these girls are weird. They don't seem to mind that Bear dates other girls. All they're concerned with is getting some of "the Bear" and I really think that his name is a big part of it.

Ok, full disclosure. Bear is called Bear because of me so this is partly my fault. See, for as long as I can remember probably ever since he started playing football when he was 7 he had this intimidation tactic where he kind of growled. It got to be more of a growl as he got older and by 12 he was also rapidly growing facial hair and body hair (at 12, can you believe that? I mean how much testosterone does this guy have) and so I said if he kept this up I was gonna have to start calling him a bear. Well he got the biggest grin on his face that I had ever seen up to that point and declared to everyone from that moment on that he was Bear.

Well anyway Bear gave that seductive grin and gaze of his and I was expecting for Natasha's panties to fall off with how thick he was pouring it on. I've heard it's happened before to other girls of his, but I heard this from Bear so I don't know if I should believe it.

"Sure Natasha. I can't wait. I'm gonna show you the night of your life" Bear said and I inwardly groaned at how stupid these girls were to fall under Bear's spell.

"Oh I'm sure you will" she said with a lilt to her voice and a look in her eyes full of lust. "Bye Bear" she said as she sauntered off not even acknowledging my presence.

"You stud you" I heard from behind us and turned to see Liberty, Jessica and Drake walking up. "Natasha Blade is a hot chick" Drake continued but then had the good sense to shut up as Liberty was glaring at him.

"She's not that hot. I'm sure anybody can look good after a nose job, boob job, tummy tuck and butt lift, and damn Bear another girl? With as many girls as you date I'm surprised you find time to do anything else" Liberty bit out. See what I mean when I say my partner in snark. She can be very cruel when she wants to be.

"Ouch Lib" Jessica said but smiling nonetheless.

"Libby you know that she hasn't had any of that done" Bear said but also had a small smile on his face.

We all loved Liberty. She was so fun. She could be a bit cynical at times but a lot times she had a protective nature to her. She did her best to look out for all of us, especially me. Sometimes I call her big sis since she's older than Bear and me by a month. All 5 of us were actually born within a 3 month period. Liberty in July, Bear and me in August and Jessica and Drake in September. "Hey Boo Boo" Liberty said finally acknowledging me.

"Oh I didn't know anybody saw me standing here. I thought I had gone invisible or something. That Natasha certainly didn't said one word to me or even look at me" I said. See that right there is why me and Liberty are so good together.

"Oh hush you silly boy" Liberty said as she kissed my cheek.

"Hey sweetie" Jessica said as she kissed my other cheek.

I looked at Drake

"I'm not kissing you" Drake said in all seriousness.

"Oh damn, and that's just what I needed to make my life complete. Now I'm doomed to walk the Earth and never know the... pleasure that it is to be kissed by you." I said with as much contempt as possible. I don't know how it happens. Sometimes it just comes out and I can't stop the --for lack of a better word- bitchiness. I also barely managed to not vomit in my mouth at the imagery.

Bear, Liberty and Jessica were trying their best not to laugh or smile but were losing that battle. After strangely looking kind of insulted Drake got over it and mostly ignored me like he did a lot of the time.

"So dude you gonna bring us a win next weekend at the first game" Drake said to Bear. He was a jock too but the baseball team at our school wasn't as popular as the football team. The were the All-stars. Baseball team was next then the Basketball which sucked. Oh well.

"Don't worry I'm sure we're gonna win besides you should be asking Sean about this? I mean he's the captain" Bear said and I was immediately wishing the conversation hadn't taken this turn because of what was about to happen.

"Naw dude. Everybody knows you're the real star of the team" Drake said with something akin to hero worship in his voice.

"Speaking of Sean," Jessica said like I knew was going to happen "his party is this weekend. You gonna take Natasha, Bear?" she said as I dreaded the continuation of this discussion.

"Don't know yet. I probably won't though" Bear said

Look before I go on I'll tell you. I have no problems with Sean. Not really anyway. I just don't know him all that well. He's been friends with Bear since 8th grade when they were on the football team in junior high. Anyway he has this party at the start of school every year starting in freshman year to "greet the new school year". It's the sort of thing you expect from popular, wealthy white boys.

I haven't been to one of these parties yet. Why you may ask? For the simple reason that he hasn't invited me. Not once. Now you may be wondering why my closest friends go to his parties or even speak to him when he snubs me like he does? The answer: they don't know.

See they are oblivious to how unpopular I am and how the popular crowd see me as the black sheep of the group. I suspect Drake knows though. I also played a part in their obliviousness.

Freshman year's excuse I was "sick". Simple right. Last year I had to get more creative so I "conveniently" had to go out of town to see my grandparents who live in Harrisburg. It didn't end there. Knowing Bear as well as I did I told my parents to tell him the same when he asked explaining that I didn't wanna go to Sean's stinky old party. They reluctantly agreed because they loved Bear and didn't like lying to him. Sure enough he came to them and begged and pleaded with them to let me go, but they said no. I was gonna have to think outside the box this time.

I was in the middle of thinking of a way get out of this when Bear cut in.

"You're going this time" he said looking at me.

"Huh" I said stunned and worried that he had somehow read my mind.

"You're going. I already reserved it with your parents and I got some pills for you to take to keep you from getting sick." He said ruining my plans.

"Bear I don't think those things work, but if you're serious, I know a girl who knows a guy who can help you." Liberty said almost believably.

"Liberty," Jessica gasped "You're a drug dealer? I'm shocked" Jessica said actually seeming to think this was true.

"What you sayin'? Liberty said going into her hood girl mode as I call it. "Since I'm black I automatically gotta be a dealer or sumthin?" She continued

Jessica looking seriously distressed tried to backpedal "No..No, What I w..was sayin uh I mean saying was..." Jessica stammered completely flustered.

Liberty cracked up. "Girl I was just playing with you, damn chill out." Liberty said still laughing.

Drake was looking at her like he wanted to do questionable things to her right there in the hallway. He liked it when Liberty went hood girl. Bear said he told him it turns him on.

"Back to the topic at hand. You are going to the party so get ready." Bear said.

"Look dude, maybe he..." Drake started but was cut off

"Stay outta this." Bear said an edge to his voice. He looked me in my eyes and said with finality "You're going"

I tried to say no but when he got like this I couldn't disagree with him. I guess he will find out this year the real reason why I wasn't going. They all would and finally see what a loser I was. Thankfully the warning bell sounded to save me from his intense stare but it wouldn't save me completely since not counting homeroom we had 4 out of 6 classes together. I had 3 each with Liberty and Jessica but not the same ones, and only 1 with Drake. Sensing a theme with Drake and me? Keep reading, there's more.

After homeroom I had history with Bear and Liberty, then Spanish 1 with Bear and Jessica, then Government with all 3 sans Drake, then Science with Bear and Liberty. After 1st lunch which we all had I had AP Calculus with Miriam and Kenji, my fellow geeks, then finally Art with Jessica and Drake.

More on Miriam and Kenji. They are your stereotypical geeks. Glasses and such. With Miriam I suspect that under all that geek is a pretty girl, but I like her just the way she is. Long red hair down her back she keeps braided and braces. She surprisingly has a good tan. Kenji is Japanese-American. His family moved to the U.S when he was 3 and he looks like the typical Japanese geek. I like them a lot cause I can talk to them about things I can't with my other friends cause they would look at me like I was speaking a language not known to this planet. I reserve my geek for them, and Justice of course.

Anyway after my calculus class I was at my locker when Jessica walked up.

"So you got a date for Sean's party or are you going stag and hooking up there?" Jessica said out of nowhere. Now I'm gonna let you in on a secret. I've never been on a date with a girl, well not really. I went to the movies once with Jessica but we spent the whole time ranking on how bad the movie was. So no dates.

"I uh" I said stalling for time, but I was saved by the Bear.

"Hey bud and Jess" he said strolling up and loosely slinging his heavy left arm across my shoulders. I hated when he did that. Imagine if you had some big gorilla walk up and use you as a leaning post.

"Hey Bear." Jessica said. She looked at me with this strange look in her eyes. Part of me wanted to know what it was but a bigger part of me was scared of what whatever she saw and I didn't know why.

"What you two talking bout?" Bear said not moving.

"Sean's party. I was asking Trey if he had a date yet." Jessica said and they both looked at me.

"I uh" I said again stalling for time, and I was again saved this time by Liberty as she walked up with Drake bringing up the rear.

"What's up? You guys get you invites from Sean yet?" Liberty said holding a yellow card.

"Yup" Jessica and Bear said in unison. "I was just asking if Trey had a date yet" Jessica said and I swear that I heard Drake quietly snort. Liberty glared at him and he had the nerve to look innocent.

"Well since Trey isn't gonna answer, Bear what about you?" Jessica said

"Nope no date since this morning. Why do you ask? You wanna... go with me?" Bear said with a grin while waggling his eyebrows.

"Gross" both Liberty and Jessica said

I don't mind saying that I was highly offended. I mean really had they never seen this guy. My Bear... did I say my Bear? I meant my bff... nope still kinda wrong. My bud... Yeah lets use that one, my bud Bear was Tall and big and a freaking jock for crying out loud, and they had the nerve to say he was gross. Dippy broads.

"Gross?" Bear said, and I was getting even madder.

What I didn't know was that it written all over my face.

"Calm down mad dog" Liberty said humorously. "What we meant is that Bear is like a brother to us. You both have sisters, now imagine dating them. Trey this should be especially fun for you" Liberty said and just hearing her say that made me ill. I can assume the same was true for Bear if the sickly green color was any indication.

"See what we mean? You both look like you're gonna projectile vomit." Jessica said.

"Okay enough of that" Drake said. "You never said if Sean invited you yet Trey" Drake spoke with a subtle smirk on his face that I really hated.

They all looked at me and waited... and waited... and waited, until I couldn't take it anymore and just said it "No I wasn't invited"

"Yet you mean?" Liberty said.

"No mine was the last one. He said so. I joked and said he was saving the best for last and he laughed and said you know it." Bear said. I could tell he wasn't pleased.

"Why wouldn't he invite you? Was it because you skipped the last 2?" Jessica said in disbelief. I loved her but I also wanted this to end.

"Just drop it" I said with enough edge get the point across that I wanted to end this conversation

"No I'm not dropping it" Bear said. "He obviously forgot or something" he said getting worked up.

"Well then he forgot the last two years too because he didn't invite me then either" I said. I was done with this. Jessica and Liberty looked shocked, Bear looked angry and Drake looked mildly uninterested. "What the hell are you talking about?" Liberty finally bit out.

"Huh?" Jessica said.

"No, you..." Bear started but I interrupted.

"I didn't want you to know. I didn't wanna see that look on your faces when you realize what a loser I really am." I said wishing this day was over and getting angrier by the second.

"Trey, you..." Bear tried again but I interrupted again.

"NO!" I said harshly as I slammed my locker attracting attention from several students. "I've been dealing with stuff like this for years but you all have been too oblivious to see. Well now you do. Now you see what other people think of me. How they see me as unworthy to be seen with you all." I said feeling sick for going off on them. "Now wait just a min..." Bear started but I continued.

"I didn't want you to know he didn't invite me so I faked being sick freshman year, and I faked the "convenient" trip to my grandparents last year which I actually had to take because I made my parents lie to you." I said losing steam.

"Trey, honey" Liberty said trying to soothe me.

"Can't you see? You all are you and I'm me, and that the way it is. Why can't you all see that I'm not like you." I said, and before they could say anything more I left. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


I was pissed. I couldn't believe that Sean would do that. It hurt hearing Trey say those things about himself. He just doesn't know how awesome a guy he is. He's my best friend. The one I turn to with all my problems. He's the only person who understands me and he keeps so much to himself. So much of himself bottled up and protected by the wall of snark and cynicism that he wears like armor. I can tell. I wish he would trust me to tell me his problems. I had to fix this.

"Bear?" Jessica said tentatively

"I gotta do something real quick" I said as I left before they could stop me and before I put my fist through Drake's face because of that slight smirk he didn't think anyone could see.

I rounded the corner and say Sean talking to Veronica Tyler and Alicia Lake. Two raven haired hotties I hadn't had the pleasure of going out with... yet. They saw me first and I swear Alicia swooned. She was definitely hot but I wanted to take a swing at Veronica first. She was smoking and I heard from Dale Simmons(football buddy) that she has a very talented tongue that I'm sure "Little Big Bear" would love to become acquainted with "stop thinking about sex Bear, you have something to do" I chastised myself.

Sean turn around and saw it was me and smiled, until he saw the look on my face which I guess had to be really bad cause Veronica looked slightly scared when I reached them.

"What's with the hate face?" Sean said trying to diffuse this situation with bad humor which didn't work.

"Why didn't you invite Trey to the party" I'm sure I snarled.

"Uh, I forgot?" he said not even trying to sound convincing. Veronica looked mildly interested in this conversation while Alicia was sighing and rolling her eyes. Okay she just moved down my list even though she had some nice tits that I wouldn't mind... okay maybe I'll give her another chance.

"Can you two excuse us please" I said, adding the please with as much sweetness as I can.

"Of course Bear, and shame on you Sean." Veronica said as she dragged an objecting Alicia away before mouthing "call me".

"Look Bear I don't know why you have your britches all in a bunch but" Sean said but I interrupted.

"Why didn't you invite Trey and don't give me that you forgot thing again cause you seem to "forget" every year", I said hostility creeping back into my voice. I get that way when it comes to my friends. Especially Trey.

"Okay truth?" he said.

"Yeah let's try that." I spat back

"Okay Bear I'm only trying to help you here. Trey is holding you back. You're too good for him. You need to drop him before it's too late. Football won't help you out forever" he said and I was trying to keep from hurting him. I could feel that dangerous feeling creeping up and I needed to calm down before something bad happened.

"Look" I said trying to speak without all the venom "I know you think Trey is a loser but that's because you don't know him. He's an awesome guy. He's funny, wise, smart" I said but was interrupted.

"Are you trying to hook me up with him or something cause I gotta say I'm not interested" he said and I was again trying to calm my anger.

"My point is" I seethed "If you got to know him you would see that you would like him and wanna be his friend. You two have a lot in common" I said. I wasn't lying either. They did have a few things in common. One of which that I knew was that their little brothers were friends

"Me and him, really? He asked sarcastically.

"Yeah" I said. "You two have similar annoying senses of humor" I said with a small smile trying to diffuse the situation.

He looked like he was considering it.

"Just invite him okay" I said.

"Fine, for you I'll do it but I better see some Seanisms or I'm gonna make you suffer dude" he said.

I thanked him and told him to make sure he played it like he forgot and that he better sell it or we were gonna "talk" some more. He laughed and said fine and I left just as the bell rang for 6th period.

This is my first attempt at writing a story and could use some feedback. Email me an and let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 2

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