The Chosen One - "TG

By Jennifer Richards

Published on Feb 29, 2000




"I've always felt that there was something special I was supposed to do with my life" I use to say to myself whenever I felt frustrated with my lousy job, my lousy love life and when I felt very lonely. Don't get me wrong. I was 30 years old, single, a job that sent me traveling all over the world (and the envy of many), I had lots friends, and both my family and friends loved me dearly. But my love life was quite dull. Some of my ill existent love life was probably my own fault, since I didn't do a lot change it, I just accepted it. After what happened to me, I finally understand why I was so lonely before and even thou I lost everything I had and knew, I can't say that what I got made up for most of it and it gave me more than I would ever hoped to have. So you might be asking yourselves, what happened to me? To start I got to go back one year ago today. To that faithful September 26th, 1999 when I bought those plane tickets to my current home of Los Angeles. I was feeling restless during those days. I had broken up with my girlfriend, who decided to go back with an ex-boyfriend of hers. I saw an advertisement for half off plane tickets to LA for the end of the millenium. I had always made it a point to visit Los Angeles at least once a year and this opportunity wasn't something I wanted to let go just like that. There's something about LA that always brings me back, even with the gang violence, earthquakes, etc. The pace of the city was always something that allured me and excited me intensely. The months went by like a blur and suddenly it was December and it was 1 week before Christmas. Christmas has always been my favorite time of the year. I loved the fact that everyone at least from the outside seemed to be happy and genuinely happy for one another. It's sappy I know, but I love Christmas. I was busy buying gifts for my friends and family that I had totally forgotten about getting ready for my trip to LA the following week. I was so broke that I was actually contemplating donating blood everyday just to get some money so that I could eat when I was in Los Angeles. We were all at the table having dinner and drinking wine anxiously waiting for 12 o'clock to open up our presents. First my parents went ahead, since they were the hosts it was decided they should go first, then my aunts and cousins. Finally myself after finishing my glass of wine. I got the usual stuff: socks, ties, stereo and car accessories. But at the end I got something I never would've guessed I would get. It was a base. One of those bases that you see in Chinese restaurants with dragons and strange signs. The girlfriend of one of my cousins gave it to me. I was surprised both by the gift and by the person who had given it to me, since we didn't know each other that well. The only thing I knew about her was that she was my cousin's girlfriend and that her name Frances is the female for mine, Frank. I thanked her and promised her that I would get her something when I come back from LA. A couple of hours later, I was back at my own apartment and slumped over to my bed totally exhausted. If I hadn't been so exhausted I would've gone back to where I left the gifts and found out what made the strange sound I heard as my head hit the pillows. The morning after began to get my things ready for my trip, when I saw that the top of the Chinese base open. I looked inside and saw that there was a small card telling me my fortune and a small gold plated pin. The card instructed me to place the pin on the upper right edge of it, and carry it with me at all times to bring me luck. I don't believe in any of these superstitions, but since I was going on a trip without virtually any money on my pockets I figured that it couldn't hurt me. It was Saturday, and as usual I went to buy a Lotto ticket. I've never won anything, but figured that being Christmas Day I could get lucky. But instead of just buying one of those tickets with the 6 numbers that get you millions, I also bought a rub-off game piece. And lo and behold, I actually won! I won $500, which I quickly redeemed, from the retailer. Now I had money to spend on my trip! I went to the mall and bought some travel accessories I had to bring over for my trip. As I went from store to store something possessed me to enter a Victoria's Secret store. I had never been inside one of these stores and for the life of me I didn't know why I was in there. A clerk came over and asked me if she could help. Rapidly racing through my mind I searched or an excuse for being there and told her that I was buying something for a friend of mine. Which was right, I had to repay my cousins girlfriend with something might as well be something from Victoria's Secret. But what to buy her? I couldn't buy her something too risqué' that might send the wrong message. I told the lady clerk to suggest something. She asked me for my friends' measurements. I didn't know them, but she seemed to be about a size bigger than my old girlfriend was. I told this to the lady and she guessed that a size 5 would fit perfectly well. She showed me a red teddy and matching garters. I told her it was a tad too much. She then showed me a lacy white slip. Again I refused. We went on and she pointed out several other outfits, one after another they seemed too much for me to buy. After much searching I settled on buying a black laced bra and panties set which came with matching hose. I also got as part of the deal a small case of accessories to go with the outfit. After I paid and left the store I was ready to go back home. But before I could leave, whatever possessed me before did it again and this time I was in the ladies section of Mervin's. But this time I didn't get any assistance. I picked a couple of skirts, 2 tops, a couple of short dresses and a pair of pumps. I couldn't believe what I was doing. The money I had won was being spent in ladies clothes! (At least I had time to pay for them since I had charged them to my credit card) As I saw the result of the shopping spree I had been on, I suddenly realized that I didn't have any place to hide these clothes (without raising any suspicions from my parents). I wasn't going to give all the gifts to one person, and I didn't have time since I was leaving on my trip the following day. So I decided to take them along with me in another bag. That decision will be remembered for the rest of my life. Monday morning I was ready for my faithful trip to LA LA land. As I was getting into the airplane a strange feeling came over me and I felt that this would be the last time that I would see my family and friends. I quickly tried to brush that thought away. Just airplane nerves, I said to myself. I got inside the airplane and I instantly started to feel different, lighter, and somewhat seasick. I've never felt that way before on a trip, and I've flown dozens of flights in the last few months. When I sat down on my seat I began to feel better, but very tired. Instead of reading a book, which I usually did during a plane trip, I decided to nod off for a while and be fresh when I arrived in LA a couple of hours later. I quickly nodded off and drifted into a restful sleep. I began to dream about flying through the air looking over the cities as I flew by. But I wasn't alone, hundreds, maybe even thousands of other people were flying along with me. As time went by I began to notice the people flying with me; they were all males. That wasn't the troubling part, what struck me as strange, was that they were all naked and looking at me. I didn't know why until I turned around and saw myself. I was wearing the red slip and matching garters the lady at the store had offered me. And that wasn't all. I filled it! I don't mean that I fit within it (which I did), but every curve and valley that need to be there was there. I looked further down and realized why every man saw me.... I was a woman! A beautiful one from what I got to see! Suddenly I felt a bump and awoke from the dream. We had already reached the airport in LAX and the plane was debarking as my line was next to get out of the plane. I quickly grabbed my book and camera and left the plane. "What a strange dream I had" I said to myself as I was waiting for the baggage to come down the pike. I grabbed my bags and headed for the rental car. As I drove down the boulevard I noticed that the car (a small subcompact) was bigger than I thought. They sure look small when you're on the outside, I thought. But when I got out of the car to check into my hotel, the car seemed somewhat taller than when I got it at the airport. I must've been asleep when I got it. Yet the hotel counter as I approached was taller than I would've expected. Something was definitely awry here. I got to my room and threw down my bags on the floor and rested a bit. I had slept for 2 hours on the plane and will still tired. I could swear the room was getting bigger and bigger. After resting for a couple of minutes I quickly got up and freshened up myself a bit before going to town and visit the sites. I saw myself in the mirror as I washed my face and saw something that brought a big smile to my face. I had hair! I don't mean to say I was bald, but I was quickly getting there. For the first time, since jr. high probably, I had a full set of hair that I had to comb to keep it straight. "At least whatever is happening to me is making me look good!" I could tolerate feeling woozy and having strange dreams if it meant I looked better as a man did. I was very happy and full of energy as I went out of the room. I went out to the beach afterwards. The day was unusually hot and it was perfect to sun bathe. Don't like the sun as most people do, but today I reveled in it. A lot of people was taking advantage of the day and came out to play and swim. I don't swim that well, so I went out and skinny dipped for a while and the rest of the sunny afternoon I sun worshipped. I hadn't noticed at the time, but my skin was nice and tight. My love handles were almost gone from my belly and my waist was a tad smaller. Girls went by and complimented me for my fitness. I was happy beyond belief. After sun-worshiping, I left the beach and went around the shops and stores in and around the beach. As I got closer to the shops that strange feeling I got at the mall the preceding day took over me again. This time I was buying a couple of skimpy swimsuits and bikinis and a couple of thongs. In the next store I got really wild and bought 3 pairs of shoes (for some imaginary girlfriend with a size 4), 2 more dresses, a couple of pleated skirts, 2 handbags and hosiery. That's not to mention all the necklaces, earrings and rings I got as part of the package. I went to have dinner before I went to sleep. There was a restaurant nearby and ordered something to eat. As I ate I noticed that a couple of men were looking at me very intently, I turned around to see who were they looking at and then realized it was me who they were staring at. As I turned round they suddenly disappeared and I couldn't find them. Something about them was vaguely familiar, but I couldn't remember. I went to my eating and as I finished dinner and was paying my check I saw them again, out in the street looking back at the restaurant, I asked the assistant if there was a back door tot his place and proceeded to leave the restaurant that way. I got to my car without attracting their attention and raced back tot he hotel "Who were they?'" I didn't feel that well after that and I went to bed with a queasy feeling. Again my dream about flying in the air came back. This time each of the flying naked men took their turns kissing me and I didn't do anything but receive them and after a while I began to actually enjoy them! The alarm clock woke me from the dream and I shook myself off! As I shook myself off I noticed something more alarming. My hands! They seemed smaller. I saw myself on the mirror again and I could definitely see a difference. I was definitely shorter, probably 3 to 4 inches shorter. And not only was I shorter, but smaller, several sizes smaller. I was a 32, probably now I was a 26. And my hair was fuller, thicker and slightly longer. My thighs though, were fuller, firmer and more rounded. I saw my back, and my ass wasn't bigger but it was more rounded. And my stomach which yesterday was firm, was now smaller and a lot tighter. My boxers were barely hanging on to my waist; my socks drooped down to my ankles. Only T-shirt seemed to stay relatively close to my body. But it seemed more curvaceous. I was scared to do it, but I had to. I took of my shirt and boxers and saw myself naked. I was still a man, which was still obvious. All my equipment was still there. But it wasn't very responsive. I had to stroke it several times before I got a reaction. My body hair was thinning out as well, it seemed to concentrate on my head and groin only. I still looked like a man, but a very effeminate man, and with my golden tan I seemed to sheen. I then realized that I had another problem. What was I going to wear? I went through my clothes and tried almost all of them. My tennis shoes were far too large for my tiny feet. I could get my short on, but with lots help from my belt. As I put on a polo shirt that I brought along I could plainly see that I had an hourglass figure. I looked like a babe the way I dressed. A knock came on the door and I was startled. It was the maid asking if I needed to have service done to the room. "No thanks" my voice. It was lighter, softer. "OK, ma'am" she answered. "Ma'am!?!?" She had called me ma'am. I really had a problem. What am I going to do? I could stay here until this thing goes away. But then again, it may not go away! There wasn't a lot that I could do cooped up in here. But how could I go out, if nothing fitted me! "Something I have might fit me" I suddenly realized it as I saw my other piece of luggage and the shopping bags. No way! I couldn't do that! But I had to! There was no other way! I reached in to the bags and luggage and pulled all of it out. I nervously picked a pair of red panties and put them on. They fitted perfectly. I then slipped into a couple of 2" strap dress sandals, which also fitted me well. I slipped on a white cotton ribbed dress over me which I had to adjust to a little bit. I turned back to the mirror and saw a young lovely lady staring back at me. She was perfect except for one thing, well actually 2. I had the curves but I didn't have the bumps. I turned to the clothes and saw nothing to cover for this. I then remembered and put on the black leather jacket I had brought in case it was cold. I put it over the dress and went back to the mirror. It was big so it didn't look out of place with the rest of the outfit. I then grabbed a pair of clip-on earrings, a couple of rigs and bracelets and sat down in front of the mirror to put on some red lipstick. I wanted to pull the image off, and not arouse any suspicion from anyone. My legs got cold. I wasn't used to have so much air get under my legs, and not have any hair to protect me. I put on some pantyhose and put back on my black ankle strap dress heel sandals.

"I guess that I'm ready" I told myself as I took a big breath. I grabbed a handbag put my things in and went out of the hotel room. I walked down the stairs and proceeded to the car. As I walked by I noticed a couple of guys stepping out of their rooms eyeing me. I got nervous and stepped quickly. I looked back and saw that they were smiling at each and stared back at me. I guess I'm pulling it off. I thought to myself, as I got into the car and drove off. As I drove down the highway I got acclimated to my new body. Things were farther from my reach (the steering wheel, the radio knobs, etc), but I quickly got used to my new limitations. I finally reached the library where I looked for anything that might explain what was happening to me. I went through anything conceivable that might explain it (even the inconceivable as well). But I couldn't find anything. All the while I felt more and more uncomfortable as my hips felt wider and my chest felt more and more constricted underneath my jacket. I didn't dare look inside for fears of what I might find. After spending 3 hours cooped up in the library, I decided to give up and deal with the situation and then try to find out what is happening and how I could change it. I left the library and went to the first Mall I could find. I went into the Barnes and Noble store to look for books on women's fashion and apparel. If I was to look like a woman, I had to be convincing at it. I bought several magazines (Cosmo, vogue and the lot) and several books on how to dress for success and for dating. I certainly wasn't buying them to start dating men. My ego just didn't accept that I would be unattractive. As I reached for my credit card I realized that it wouldn't match what I looked like right now. I reached for the money I won from the lottery and paid the cashier. I certainly hadn't thought about the implications of looking like a lady. I had no identity to speak off. What would be my name? How can I work looking like this? How can I find other work looking like this? I had to find out what was happening to me. I went into another Victoria's Secret store and this time I bought the red teddy and matching garters that I didn't buy previously as well as Lilly blue baby doll, a pink chemise, a stringless bra and panties and some perfume As the sales clerk handed me the clothes to try them out, I opened up my jacket and saw what I was dreading in the library as I was feeling more and more uncomfortable. I had 2 very big (they seemed huge from my perspective) breasts nicely snuggled in between the folds of my dress. Now that they were free I could feel the weight of them on my chest. I began to walk and a sway of my hips was more evident with every step. Guys and women around me noticed me as I walked by. Men had sheepish grins, while the women talked to themselves about the way I looked. I went into a bathroom and looked at myself again in the mirror. I looked ravishing! A cross between Salma Hayek and Winona Rider, but with blondish hair (I looked like a short Charlize Theron as I inspected more closely). My hair had grown since the morning and it was turning more and more blondish. I was totally unrecognizable to myself. I turned around to see all of me. I still couldn't believe it! The transformation had been amazing! At that moment I realized that maybe not only my exterior had changed, but that my interior would also. But at the moment I had to ensure that my entire exterior had truly changed. I went into a stall and closed the door. I pulled up the dress and slowly pulled down my panties (my panties!?). I saw a small nub that used to be my penis (about an inch tall) poking out of what looked like 2 small lips (as if my scrotum had hidden inside myself like a frightened animal). I didn't dare touch it, but I had to make sure. My fingers slowly touched the outsides of the lips and then the top of my diminished male self. I felt pain as I touched myself there, as if I had been though the ringer. It felt swollen and very sensitive to the touch. I pulled my panties up and dropped the dress. Obviously the transformation was still going through my veins. This trip was supposed to be the precursor of something new. I've always thought that it would be because of the end of the millennia, not because of this. I couldn't think, I had to do something, anything. I left the bathroom and left the Mall for a quick drive around town. I didn't know exactly where to go, so I just around the city and saw the sites. I passed by the Hollywood sign, and then went through Hollywood itself (Mann's Chinese Theater, the walk of fame, and the garish nightclubs). Then I went on to The Sunset Strip and saw the entire green hairdo, tongue pierced men and women walking the streets that mid noon. Somehow I got more at ease with myself. I wasn't a freak, at least not in this city. For all intents and purposes, anyone that saw me out in the streets, I was a normal beautiful woman cruising the city. Nothing more, nothing less. And no one cared what I was before this. I was feeling better as I drove around West LA. After a while I finally reached the Santa Monica Pier. I parked the car nearby and stepped out into the Beach. The street shops were crowded all around. The rides were closed because of the cold weather. I sat down in a small café nearby and ordered some lunch while I read one of the magazines I bought. The more I read, the more I felt more self-assured about my situation. I didn't have any future since I didn't have an identity. But I felt as if I was beginning anew, and I was. I could actually start out a new life from now on. I loved my life before. But this was an opportunity to do something different. I've always wanted to be and do something totally out of the ordinary and this may be my opportunity. Someone else, who might've had this experience happen to them, probably would've committed suicide, but not me. This is an enormous change, but I can rise to it. I quickly devoured the whole magazine and then the next one. I need to know what it took to be a total woman, The issues, the expectations of society, everything. After finishing I left the Café and walked down the street with a renewed sense of confidence. As I was happily strolling down the street, a punk almost ran over me with his skateboard. If it weren't for a gentleman who quickly grabbed me by the arm and pulled me over to him as the punk ran by with his skateboard. "Thank you" I said in a sweet melodic voice which was now my own. "You are welcomed ma'am," He said in a gently but powerful voice. "Are you all right?" He added. "Yes, thanks to you" I was a little flushed from embarrassment. "You're welcomed again." " What is your name?" What is my name? Quick, think quickly! " Kim.. Kimberly. Kimberly Nichols" I don't know from where I got that name but it was the only thing I could think at the moment. "Kim, Kimberly Nichols. I'm Warren. Warren Cole" He extended out his hand "Nice to meet you Warren" I extended my own petite little hand. I was amazed how small my hand felt in his huge and strong hand. "Thank you for everything" I said as I was trying to move on my way. "Before you say goodbye," he said as he still held my hand in his. "How would you like to repay me by having dinner with me this evening?" I was shocked; he was asking me out! Doesn't he know who I really am?! I guess not. "Well?" He leaned closer to me. I felt a tad uncomfortable with him so close to me. "Yes I will" I wasn't going to go through with it, all I wanted was for him to let me go. "Very well, do you like Spago's?" Spago's! I've never been there. Maybe I should go just to be able to say that I have been there and ate where the stars eat. "Never been there." It was true. "Well then, Spago's it is" "Where shall I pick you up?" "At my hotel room. I'm staying at the Comfort Inn in Anaheim" :"So you are visiting LA?" His eyes brightened "Yes" "Then shall you permit me to be your tour guide?" "I've been to LA several other times" I answered. "Have you been to Mulholland Drive?" "No I haven't" "Have you gone to the Hollywood bowl?" "I passed it once" "Griffith Park observatorium?" "No" I was feeling very sheepishly. "Then you really haven't seen LA." He took my hand in his and led me to a walk through the pier. I was nervous as I walked with him through the pier. I've never been this close to someone for years. And of course never with a man. He pointed several sites on the pier and related their history. We walked around the many places for what seemed like hours. I bought a jacket, which fitted better than the big leather jacket. As well as a couple of camisoles, and tank tops. I began to feel comfortable walking with him and no longer felt apprehensive about going out to dinner with him. "How do we do this?" I suddenly asked. "What?" "I have my car and I guess you have yours" I answered. "If you like you can leave your car here and we can go in my car." "I can't do that, it's a rental and I don't want to anything happen to it" "Nothing will, don't worry" "I got worry" "Well OK. Tell you what. I'll follow you to you hotel and we drop the car there and you come with me." I thought about it for a while, but he insisted so I accepted. We went for a long drive all the way to my hotel. I tried to figure out why I had accepted to go out with him. I'm still a man inside of here. Well, eventually I would have to if things didn't change. We reached the hotel and after parking my car I got into Warren's car and we drove to Spago's. As we entered the restaurant, he was recognized by a couple of gentlemen waiting to be seated. They spoke for a while after he introduced me to them. I sat for a while as we waited to be seated. "What exactly do you do for a living?" I asked him to make time. "I run a Marketing firm." He answered with confidence n his success. "What does it do" I hate to admit it, but his confidence was attractive. "We prepare marketing plans for big corporations, ads. TV spots, merchandising." "I guess it pays very well" Why was I making this stupid assertions? "Yes it does!" His face gleamed as he said it. "Do you travel a lot?" "Yes I do. I've visited several countries" "Wow, your job must be great!" Why was I being so ditsy?! The evening went on and I kept being the prototypical dumb blonde. After finishing dinner we left the restaurant and dropped by a nearby bar were we had a couple of drinks. I started getting very drowsy from the drinks and we left after I only had a couple of drinks. I didn't know why, but I was feeling very woozy. The drive back to the hotel was long and very confusing. I was having strange sensation throughout my body and I didn't know what was happening. After finally getting to the hotel, we walked over to my room where I was almost ready to give out. Warren remarked on how wonderful the evening was and asked me to go out again tomorrow. I was so tired that I didn't know what I said when I answered. Before he left, he picked up my hand and gently kissed it. I guess I must've said "yes". After he left. I quickly got into the room and immediately went to the bathroom where I threw up on the bathroom toilet. I did this a couple more times before it stopped. It must've been something I ate. I didn't feel like getting a bath but I knew I had to after that god-awful display. I sat on the hot tub and slowly let the hot water pour into my tired body. As I lay on the hot water I started to feel a lot better. I gently rubbed the soap over my now very smooth and very sensitive body. I could feel my body reacting favorably to my touch. I've never felt and fiber of my body the way I was feeling it now. I could feel the warmth and electricity my body achieved as I ran the bar of soap through my new breasts. My nipples felt very aroused and I felt them pointing out into the air. I saw how red and swollen they got from the touch. I got my other hand to gently caress my now swollen nipples and revel from the sheer eroticism they generated. My right hand was now slowly rubbing down my legs and thighs. With the rhythmic motions my left hand made on my breasts and the caress of the sop on my legs and thighs provoked an inner desire to touch my fully formed new gender. I let the soap down to the side and my soapy right hand gently stroked the little pubic hair I had between my thighs. I slowly, nervously and yet excitedly moved forward down that tricky part down the golden triangle. My hand slowly reached the exposed lips of my new gender. I caressed it around while my left hand was now more urgent in its caressing and stroking of my nipples. The index finger of my right hand was the first to go into the hidden cave of desires. It slowly and torturously circled the length of my very moist lips. My body shrudered in excitement as my index finger was accompanied by my middle finger and both of them invaded that cave of desires. I suddenly gasped as my fingers found a hot button buried beneath my now swollen lips. I had finally found heaven! My finger quickly invaded this lovely hot button and my breath quickened and my racing heartbeat sent wave upon wave of red-hot blood through my swollen nipples, lips and clit. My head was totally blank as I rushed to my pending climax. My body felt more and more pressure building within me, and then... It was as if I had opened the valve open of a huge dam. My body jerked wildly and waves upon wave of hot juices poured down my lovely pussy. I was panting and breathing heavily after that earth shattering orgasm. I had never known so much pleasure in my life! And the best part of it was that I could keep stroking myself and my release kept coming on. I didn't know for how long it would last, but it wasn't long enough for me. I kept exploring deeper and deeper within myself finding more pleasures within. I let out a wild shriek of erotic pleasure as I reached a second wonderful orgasm. My body was a furnace of desire that I didn't want extinguished. After an hour of the most wonderful erotic moment of my life the warmth of the water was beginning to make my skin feel like an old prune. I regretfully got out of the water and toweled my self off. I was so excited that I didn't want to sleep, but after my blood pressure began to tone down my body wanted some rest from this night's activities. I felt very feminine at that moment and wanted everything that surrounded me to be that way. I grabbed a white camisole and no undies and fell asleep with a big grin on my face. I was again flying though the hair with all the males around me flying as well. Now they approached me and started to lick and kiss me on my nipples and rapidly drenching pussy. When I woke up in the morning a big wet spot was in the middle of the bed. I was very embarrassed and tried to cover it up before the lady doing the beds noticed it. I didn't have a lotta luck. I looked at myself again in the mirror and for once I didn't notice anymore changes. If anything, my insides were no longer running wild and my stomach seemed to be settled down. I was very hungry. I sat on the edge of the bed as I thought about what I would wear today and what would I do. I grabbed a fitted Grey short skirt and matching camisole. I put on some dark pantyhose, and another pair of dress sandals to finish the outfit. I then began to put on some make up and do my face. I don't know how I got to learn to this, but I was doing it now like a pro. After I finished I looked even more stunning than yesterday! It was 9 o'clock and I was ready to leave when the phone rang. "Hello?" I answered nervously. " Hi there, remember me?" It was Warren. I had forgotten about him. "Yes I remember you Warren." I lied. "How are you doing?" His voice was very pleasant. "I'm getting ready to go out and have some breakfast, how about you?" "Would you mind if I joined you?" "I thought you would be working right now." "Well, that's the great thing about being the boss. You don't have to call in sick to miss a day of work. So where are you going?" "I don't know yet. I figured I would grab something to eat on my way to Universal Studios." "So you want to go there? Huh?" "Yes" "Then wait for me. I'll be there in a couple of minutes" "How can you make it here so quick?" "I have a very fast car," He said smugly. "Very well. If you are not here in 10 minutes. I'm leaving. OK?" "OK." and he hung up. After hanging up I noticed that I was taking very short breaths and my chest was heaving with excitement. I tried to calm myself down. I told myself that I didn't like him, I was just taking advantage of his hospitality and generosity. And I don't think he would mind it as long as got to hang around a beautiful woman like I was at this moment. So might as well enjoy it while it lasted. I looked over the mirror again to check if everything was OK and then turned on the TV while Warren came for me. It didn't take any more than a couple of minutes when I heard a knock on my door. "Who is it?" "Who else?" I rushed to the door and there he was Warren. "How did you make it here so quickly?" I asked with bafflement. " I told you, I have a very fast car!" "Well I guess so." I was amazed on how fast he got here. We walked down to his car and he opened the door for me and then we drove away. I looked around the car in search for something that might let me know why he reached me so quickly. It seemed like an ordinary car. "What's up?" He asked "I was looking for you car phone." "I don't have a car phone." "Then how did you get here so quickly?" "Ahh, that'll be something that I'll tell you when I trust you more" "When you trust me more?" "Yes. I don't you know you that well. You might be a foreign spy sent here to get my secret out." He grinned as he said it. "I'm not a secret agent. But then again...." I said winking at him. "Now you know why can't tell you" "Please tell me. I promise not to tell my government about it" "Promise?" "Yes, I promise" "Well, it has jet fuel" "Oh! come on!. I'm not as stupid as I look. Jet fuel doesn't work on cars, and even if they did. A car would not be able to speed at more than 200 mph." "Wow!, you really know your cars well Kimmy." "Don't call me Kimmy. It's insulting. Call me Kim or Kimberly" "Very well, Kimberly. That is a beautiful name." "Thank you. But don't change the subject. How did you do it?" "I'll tell you if you agree to go out with me for the rest of the millenium." O frowned at this. "Hey! It's only 3 more days!" he was right about it. "Well?" He asked again. "OK" I took a big breath as I said it. I didn't feel like going through the last few days of the century and millenium by myself, so I didn't have a choice. And he seemed like a nice guy to hang around with. We got to an IHOP that was on an off ramp by the Highway. We left the restaurant an hour later. I was stuffed. When we reached Universal Studios I immediately grabbed my video camera and we headed inside the theme park. We had a lotta fun there in all the different rides and the fantastic shows. I hardly noticed it, but several times he had his arm around my shoulders or my waist during the different shows and in most of the studio tour. Not only that, but I unconsciously dropped my hand on top of his leg while we went through the earthquake, King Kong and volcano attractions, as well as the Jurassic Park ride. I love being in theme parks that when it was time to go I didn't want it to stop. We walked by the city walk as we headed to the parking lot, when I got the crazy idea to go dancing. I was wired with the electricity in the air and wanted the night to go on. We went up to one of their discos on the Walk and grabbed a table while the music went around us. We ordered a couple of drinks while we talked about the day's events. I had a twinkle in my eyes as I asked Warren to take me dancing. The music was raucous and fast and so was our dancing. The music seemed to last for hours and I getting more and more energy from it. It was probably around midnight when the mood of the music changed and the slow romantic rhythms came to our ears and bodies. We got closer to each other and danced to the slow rhythm of the love songs. I felt safe and secure for the first time in a long time. I held on tightly as we moved around the dance floor. He caressed my hair and back as we got closer to each other. It lasted an eternity and I didn't want it to end. The music stopped but we kept dancing for a while. When we stopped we looked into each other's yes and without any words he leaned down and I leaned up to him and we kissed for the first time. I loved the way his warm breath felt and his moist lips touching and caressing mine as we kissed lovingly. I didn't know what to think, I knew I shouldn't be doing this, but it felt so right so wonderful. I let his notty little tongue travel around my wanting lips. We kissed for another eternity until it regretfully ended. We took a moment to catch our breaths and returned to our table. I was suddenly getting very drowsy and asked him to take me back tot he hotel. We walked hand in hand to the parking lot and we drove away. It had been one of the most wonderful evenings in my life. I quickly nodded off while he drove me back. All of a sudden I was back at the hotel and we were stepping up to my room. I was so tired it seemed as if I had sleep in years. We reached for each other and kissed one last time. I waved him goodbye as I slowly closed the door. I went into the bath and took a quick shower, and then I slumbered off to bed and quickly fell asleep. My nocturnal activities went on as usual, I was flying again with all my male friends around me. This time around none of them approached me and as I wondered why they didn't seem to notice me a dark shadowy figure appeared in front of me. As the dark figure was approaching me, someone came from behind me and out a blindfold over me eyes. I could sense the cloaked man closing on me even with my eyes covered. A firm hand grabbed my left breast and a shot of electricity ran through my body. Then I felt the moist tip of a hot tongue licking my already erect right nipple. I let out a huge gasp that became a moan as the other hand went inside my pussy. My body jerked wildly as my first orgasm hot me like a thunderstorm. I could feel his warm body close to mine. The air between us gently caressing my skin. His hands left me as well as his mouth I subconsciously tried to reach for him without avail. I then felt his hands grab me again, this time by my hips and slowly began to separate my legs apart. I knew what was coming, but was unable to stop it even if I wanted to. A very hard and wet rod was begging to penetrate slowly into my wet cherry. My nipples were hard as a rock as I reached for my breasts trying to hold my self together from this invader. The feeling was indescribably bliss. His hard cock was enormous and so tight! The walls of my pussy were buckling under the pressure and I hungered for him to go all the way in. I just couldn't stand so much pleasure. It's travel inside of me seemed interminable. All I could do was take it as it went in. I could almost feel that he was going all the way into me filling all of me. I needed release and I came again. He wasn't finished yet. As soon as he got all the way in (I could feel the base tickling my pubic hair, as he began to withdraw). I started to protest as the warmth of this uninvited guest was scorching my body, when he trusted back into me again. I had just lost it then I began to come and come like a waterfall. His trusts began to be faster and faster as the lubrication of my pussy became better and wetter. I wanted to take my blindfold off to see that man who was making a woman out of me when 2 pair or hands grabbed mine and prevented me from doing so. I then felt the most explosive feeling in my body as his hot juices exploded into me making me come even harder than I have ever came. I woke up panting and sweating just like in the dream. My bed was again wet in the middle and I could detect that the smell was of my juices still flowing down from my pussy. It had to be a dream. But what a dream! I took a small bath and put on a pair of long silk stockings. I put on the stringless bra and matching panties, then a floral print dress and a pair of pumps. I did myself up and went down to the lobby to wait for Warren who promised to pick me up. I picked up a couple of Danish buns while I waited. As I was finishing my milk a pair of familiar looking gentleman stepped into the lobby. It was the same guys from the restaurant the other night! I was in a panic! How did they find me? I tried to lurk behind the shrubbery while they were looking around the lobby. I quickly grabbed a newspaper and put it in between my face and them. Every once in a while I looked out to see if they were there. Still they remained. I went nervously back to the newspaper hoping they wouldn't find me. Why were they here? What did they want? I was getting tired of this. I gathered all my courage up and decided to confront them. I left the paper on a table and walked towards them. As I was to tap one of them on the shoulders a hand grabbed me from behind and spun me around. I was shocked until a pair of familiar lips pressed hard against mine. The men walked away not finding what they were looking for. Warren was kissing me longingly and passionately. As he stopped and I managed to catch my breath, the hotel clerk grinned at me and I blushed. "Hi there gorgeous! What are you up to?" He asked. "Nothing. Just waiting for you, you big lug!" I tapped him hard on his shoulders. "Hey no need to get physical on me" He grabbed me by the waist and carried me out to the car. "Stop it!" I shouted at him. "Drop me now!" He just grinned and opened the door for me. "Where do you want to go today my sweet!" I was a little angry with him for making me feel so embarrassed "Why did you do that?" "What?" "Carry me out like that!" "Because you were being a brat, that's why." "I was a brat!?" "Yes you were." No, I think I'm perfectly justified for being angry at you" "Will you forgive me?" He looked at me with those beautiful puppy eyes. "No" He leaned towards me and began to kiss me again. I loved the way his lips and tongue felt against mine. My breath now quickened because of the arousal I felt for him, not about the nervousness those men made me feel. We kissed for a while longer as my nerves began to settle and we were getting hotter and hotter. His hands casually caressed the contours of my dress. I was getting really horny, but I then remembered that we were out in the open and stop his advances. We drove away and headed for a trip around the city. He drove me to Griffith Park were we walked around the grounds and I got to see the planetarium. He then took me to the John Paul Getty museum and then to the theater to catch an early showing of the Phantom of the Opera. I had already seen the play before, but these time the spectacle and the music touched me. I wept. Warren put his arm around me and held me the whole show. After leaving the lovely theater I walked on his arms around the plaza. We sat on a bench and began to kiss like passionate lovers. I didn't know if I loved him, but I felt closer to him that I felt for anyone ever in my life. We caressed each other's bodies and hungered for more. Warren had his hands all over me and I had mine all over him. We keep kissing for 20 minutes. We were exhausted and were breathing heavily. We walked back to the car and continued our heavy petting there. I don't know how I did it, but I managed to ask him to take me back to my hotel. I sat besides him as he drove me back. I felt so safe and secure with him at that moment, so I nuzzled against him as he drove. We got to the hotel and I walked in his arms up to the room. We stopped in front of the door and gazed into each other's eyes. We leaned towards each other and began to kiss again. His luscious kisses started my engines running again. I grabbed with one hand my handbag and reached for the keys while we kept kissing. I found the keys and clumsily tried to open the door with my back to it. As the keys went finally in I formulated in my head that I was going to stop kissing him and use the door as a shield from him so we could stop this before it went any further. As I went back and the door began to open, Warren grabbed me from my hips and lifted me up from my feet. I felt so helpless as he lifted me up, and yet I also felt exhilarated. I felt that I didn't have any control and I wanted it that way now, here, with him. I held on to him tighter not to fall down and. he slowly carried me into the room. He kicked the door shut and slowly carried me to the bed. I let my pumps go from my feet and threw them away from us. He further lifted me up and settled me on top of the bed. Our lips parted as he massaged my legs and thighs. I began to shake as a shoot of electricity went through my body. His hands were soft yet firm as he proceeded to let my pantyhose down my legs while kissing my legs and thighs. I let out a huge moan as he kissed the insides of my thighs and my knees went weak. His firms hands held me up and slowly ran up to my ass were they went underneath my dress and gingerly pushed down my panties. I was up there totally naked underneath my dress and Warren ravaging my hips and ass checks with his lips and hands. I gently caressed his hair as he kept controlling me from down there. My left hand proceeded to massage my breasts, neck and face. My now erect nipples were getting harder and harder with every kiss he made. "On my Godddddd!" I screamed as he first touched and then kissed and licked the outsides of my swollen pussy. He licked the whole length of my lips and I began to moan uncontrollably. I had to have release. I grabbed his hair harder trying not to explode right then and there. I let the straps of my dress down and unbuttoned a couple of buttons to let my breasts more loosely. My left hand unclasped my bra and my right hand lifted it up from my heaving chest. I could now see my fully erect nipples red with engorged blood aching for some attention. I licked a couple of my fingers and rubbed and caressed them. My pussy just couldn't take it any more. The swollen lips gave way and parted by his incessant licking and kissing, fully exposing my wet juices flowing inside and my little hot button waiting to be conquered. "Fuck me!" I moaned to him, pleading him to go inside of me. I ached for a release from this pressure. He kept his licking and kissing. My body began to build up an enormous amount of pressure that I didn't think I could handle it anymore. I just knew I loved being here. He began lick me harder and faster as my body began to rhythmically move to his licks. Then I felt the most indescribable pleasure I've ever had in my life, as wave upon wave of pleasure went through my body and found blissful release through a smashing orgasm releasing wave upon wave of juices down my aching pussy. Warren eagerly sipped licked and drank every bit of it. I was amazed as I felt that I couldn't take it anymore, but I did. I wanted more. Id had the most intense orgasm in my life and I still wanted more. And I was ready for it! Warren looked up at me and I looked back with wanting eyes. He pulled the rest of my dress down to my toes. He threw my clothes down to the floor and gently led me down to the bed were I laid waiting for him to come to me. He began to take his clothes off as I gently masturbated myself watching him do so, and keeping my love juices flowing. For the first time in my life I saw a man's penis which wasn't mine. I should've been terrified, but I was looking forward to having that one eyed monster go inside of me. I could not even fathom how that enormous thing would ever fit in me, but my pussy ached to try. He approached me like a tiger approaching its prey. He began to kiss me from my little toes up my quivering thighs, then my trembling hips and then he released my fingers from my moist lips and inserted his own fingers inside. I let out a shriek of pleasure as he finger fucked me and kept kissing my juicy cunt. I began to beg him to enter me, but he wouldn't do it. I felt a second wave of orgasms coming ever so close. I was panting and breathing heavily. He could see that I was about to come again, for he suddenly stopped. I desperately needed to come I put my fingers back in my pussy, but he stopped me. I writhed back and forth trying to come. He wouldn't let me. He blew cold air down my pubic hair and I just couldn't take it any more. I again begged him to fuck me. Tears ran down my cheeks, as the pleasure was unbearable. Just when I thought I couldn't take any longer he leaned upwards and began to kiss my stomach and slowly kissed his way up to the valley between my breasts. He gently nudged the base of them with his nose and then he slowly climbed upward kissing every inch of them. My super erect nipples couldn't take any more. My whole body was supercharged with sexual tension. And he kept charging it even more. He lapped the areolas and then licked the length of my nipples and seemed to gently bite the end of them with his teeth. That really drove me wild! And then I felt what could be described as complete bliss. His engorged organ had quietly traveled its way up in between my legs and was now poised to devour his juicy counterpart that clamored for it. It began to probe around the length of my slit and then slowly poked its way in to my precious cave. I felt so complete, for the first time in my life I was complete. I closed my eyes to all that pleasure and I let him do as he pleased. Warren saw the contented face on me, but he wanted me screaming of joy. He began to withdraw, and as soon as I was about to protest, he trusted back with all his might. That almost took my breath away. With that trust he was all the way in. I felt him on every inch of my body. As he began to rhythmically trust back and forth I wilted away from my second explosive orgasm. My second orgasm quickly built up to a third one as kept his strokes into me with ever more urgency. We kissed passionately as he went into me deeper and deeper with every stroke. I orgasmed a third and fourth time as he began to ram faster and faster. It was incredible, I was coming and coming and he wouldn't stop fucking me. Pretty soon I began to come with every stroke. I couldn't handle it anymore and my mind shut down from all that pleasure, I fainted from all his fucking. Again I was blindfolded and the cloaked man was fucking my brains out. I knew it was him, I could smell his musk Now I also felt the presence of another body near me, behind me. His hands went to breasts and grabbed them from behind, caressing them, tweaking my nipples. I then felt another hard member probing me, and then finally getting inside of me from behind. I now had 2 holes filled. I could feel my body starting to split apart in two. I was panting and writhing around in pleasure when some enormous thing approached my dry mouth. As it entered my mouth I almost gagged from the sheer size of it. I knew it was a man's cock. And instead of repulsing it I began suckle and lick it inside my small mouth. The more I sucked it, the more I began to enjoy it. I loved the way it was soft at the tip and so hard in the shaft. My body kept receiving all this joy from all these 3 men. I didn't know what more it could happen to make feel more erotic than this. As my body began to jerk wildly as I began to orgasm from everywhere in my body I could feel their members shaking and tensing up as they started spurting their love juices into me. I expected it to taste horrible, but instead I was surprised to find out that it tasted not only not bad, but actually quite good. I couldn't figure out what it was, but it wasn't what I feared it would taste like. As they came I felt them leave me from all my holes. My eyes were uncovered now, and I was alone. No one was around. I was no longer flying, I was my hotel room and I was all dark and muggy. I turned around and saw Warren's outline lying besides me on the bed. He was asleep. I was now awake. I could feel my mouth aching from a lotta work. But why? It was all a dream, was it? I could still taste the juices of my invisible lover in my mouth. I could also feel wetness inside of my buns and pussy. And I knew they weren't my own. But how could that be possible? I left Warren resting in the bed and went to the bathroom. I needed a shower to soothe and calm my skin and try to think what was going on. Had Warren done all of those things while I was sleep or what happened? It had to be Warren; there was no other explanation for it. I felt the warmth of the water reviving my aching body and soothing my smooth skin. I was enjoying myself so much lathering up in the warm steam that I didn't notice Warren coming from behind me and grabbed my breasts and impale me from behind. I couldn't believe it, but my pussy was ready for him and received the welcomed visitor gladly. The warm water hit us and the soap on my body made me slip in and out of him so easily that I quickly got wet inside and was ready to come yet again. Ooohhh! An orgasm in the morning was soooo wonderful. He ran his hands all over my buns and then my breasts got his attention. I hanged on to the knobs on the shower as he carelessly rammed into me. A stud was fucking me. He just didn't relent on me. I came two more times before we stopped our yummy lovemaking. We dried ourselves and got dressed. I got into the bathroom and closed to the doors to get dressed. I didn't want him to know what I was wearing underneath my short skirt and blouse. Let's just say that if the wind isn't in my favor I could give a young boy the show of a lifetime. And since we were going to Disneyland, Mickey would definitely leave Minnie for a piece of my cheese. ;-) We got into the car and headed to the happiest place on Earth. As long as Warren was with me, anywhere was the happiest place on Earth, As we drove over to Anaheim, I felt the urge to ask him: "Did you have a goof time?" I started. "Why of course! I made to the most beautiful woman in the world, why wouldn't I?" he answered eagerly. ""Thanks. It's just that I don't remember you being satisfied." I was afraid of asking him directly. "What do you mean?" "Well." I paused, " you didn't come" I finally had the guts to say it. He remained silent for a while. "I'm sorry for asking. I had an awesome time. I shouldn't pry too much" "It's alright, you should ask" He stopped the car to one side of the Highway and looked towards me as he turned off the car. "I have something to tell you" I was very attentive as he said this and nodded to him. "I know that you're weren't like that before you came to Los Angeles" What?" I asked quizzically. "I know you used to be a man before you came." He looked straight into my eyes as he said it. "How do you know?" I looked away ashamed of it. "Turn around, look at me." I didn't want to, but he pleaded, and I relented. "I am partially responsible for you becoming a woman." He asserted. "What!" I was getting angry." How? Why? Why me?"" "Hold on" "Answer me!" I shouted. "Because you're special" He seemed to wink at me as he said it. "What? Special? In what way?" "There's only 7 people in the whole world who have your unique qualities" "Which are?" I doubted him, but his compliments were good to my ego. "Your incredible intelligence. But most of all your resiliency." "You didn't have a lot of trouble adapting to your new circumstances. Did you?" He continued. "I guess not" He was right about that..." But why me? If you say there are 7 persons like me, why not one of them? And who are you anyway? What are you?" "First things, first. Yes there are 7 like you. One of them was just born 4 days ago. A second one is 89 years old and he's terminally ill. The third one has devoted her life to her religion and is completely celibate. The fourth one is happily married and has 3 lovely children. The fifth one is only attracted to members of the same sex. The sixth one, you already know, she's your cousin Monica. And then, YOU." "You could've done this to the 89 year old. He would've been happy to be reborn again" "NO, he wouldn't. He lost his wife a couple of years ago and wants to join her." What about the celibate woman, or the gay one?" "You didn't say your cousin" "Leave her out of this, Whatever you want to do to me, leave her out of this." "We don't want to harm anyone." "Then why did you do this?" I pointed at myself "What do you want? Who are you?" "We..." He paused. " I think I can explain it better if I showed you. Close your eyes" "Why?" "Because I want to show you something" "And I have to close my eyes to see it?" "Yes. Won't harm you." "You won't harm me? What do you call this?" "You're not harmed." "How do you know?" "Because, you've always been alone. And now you're not." I didn't have any answers for that. "Close your eyes, please." I was very angry, but I wanted answers, do I closed my eyes as he asked me to. "OK, Open the" He said a second later. I was floating above the most beautiful city I've ever seen. It looked like the futuristic cities from Star Wars, Blade Runner or Fifth Element. All of a sudden we were on top of an enormous building looking down on the city. "This is Los Angeles." He said. "What?" I turned to him. "Yes. In this universe this is Los Angeles." "In this Universe? Is this some sort of parallel universe?" I figured. "Yes you're right. This is one of many parallel universes running along with yours. This one though, has one small little problem." "Which is?" We were down on street level and he pointed all around himself. "There are no women." "What? No women? How?" "We are sterile. That's why I never came when we made love." "I'm sorry." I felt ashamed for having asked him about it. "Don't feel sorry for us. We've been living this way for thousands of years." "How old are you?" "3 thousand years old." "Wow!" no wonder he was so anxious and lasted so long. "How do you procreate?" "That's why you are here." I turned around to him when he said that. We were now inside of a hospital, were there was a lotta turmoil and people running all around us. We got close to an emergency room were a man was being operated on. After several minutes of frantic action, the doctors seemed to give up and resign themselves to the man's faith. As a doctor was coming out I approached him and asked him what had happened to the man. He looked up and then to Warren and then moved away. "What's going on?" I asked Warren. "We're dying." "We're slowly becoming extinct." "What's happening?" "No one knows, but if things keep going the way they are in a couple hundred years we will all disappear. For us 200 hundred years is like 2 years for you." "I'm sorry, but what does it have to do with me?" I asked. "I'm sorry to sound thoughtless." "Don't be. I would ask the same questions if I was in your place." " I told you before that you were 1 of 7 people who have very unique qualities. Those qualities bring you here. Besides being intelligent and resilient. You also have a special gene in your DNA. For humanity, this gene doesn't do anything for you, but here, it will save us from extinction." "Which gene is it and how will it help you?" I asked. "It resides in the 23rd chromosome pair in the Chromosome that determines your sex. It can only be activated when you are a female. This gene will make it possible for us to procreate and survive." "How will it do this?" "By you becoming pregnant." "Me! Pregnant?" "Yes. But it isn't as simple as it sounds." "It sounds pretty complicated to me. I've been a woman for a couple of days only. I don't want to be pregnant. Not now, not ever." "Don't rush off to any judgements yet. Let me finish." "I am sterile, so is everyone here. But we believe that this condition is only temporary since we haven't used our glands for thousands of years. We just need the repetition." "So that's why you grabbed me this morning." I realized. "Not just that, I wanted to do that." He approached and caressed my face "You're a very beautiful and sensual woman no matter what you were before." "In essence men and women are the same" He continued "both feel the same emotions and feel the same joy or pain. Society just imposes a different way conducting one self. That's all" "That's not true," I said as he caressed my hair, enjoying the way it felt, "I've never felt this way before." "You're not alone anymore." "Yes I know" I looked straight into his eyes, "but you want me to get pregnant." "It's not the same way as you think." "You won't have to carry the babies to term." "The babies? What?" "If this actually works, and we can all do this, what will happen is that several of your eggs will be impregnated during sexual intercourse and after a couple of days, they will be extracted from you. No pain, I assure you, and the process will begin again." "For how long?" "Until we can have 10,000 children that should provide ample diversity in our gene pool to survive for the coming millennia's." "10,000?! That would mean that we would have to make love for the next 30 or 40 years every day to maybe achieve that. I would be 70 by the time we finish. If I was to agree to this." "Well, you're wrong in 3 things. First: when we changed you into a woman, your gene makeup was also altered to slow down your aging process and in a sense you were reborn. Biologically you're a 23 year old female." "The second thing is that it will probably take 2 to 3 months to actually achieve for each one of us." "For each one of you?" "That's the third thing. In order to achieve some diversity, each of your pregnancies has to be from a different partner." " I don't think so. I might've agreed to do this with you, but 10,000? I'm not a slut!" "Would it help to convince you if all of them look like me?" "What?' "You see. We don't have this form in our natural state.' "How do you look like then?" "We're mostly energy, no body, no shell to contain us. What you see here is a fabrication made for your benefit. We can have any shape you may want us to have." "So if I want you to look like Brad Pitt or Mel Gibson, you can do that?" "Yes." And then he turned into Brad Pitt and then into Mel Gibson, right before my eyes. "WOW!" I was amazed. "Not only that, we are a collective. We share our experiences with each other, therefore what I feel for you is felt by the entire collective. Will you agree to this?" "I'm not sure, but then again you could force me if you wanted to." "We are not aggressive. We could not do this if we wanted to." "Ohh! At least you're not like those guys in my dreams." "What guys?!" He had a look of terror in his face. "Just some guys in some wet dreams I've been having lately." "What did they do?" "They blinded my eyes and made wild and passionate love to me." I was blushing as I said this. "Did you come? Did they?" He demanded an answer. "Yes I guess so." "Damn! Come with me, fast!" "What's going on!" "You were assaulted by a rogue band." "I thought you were all connected to each other." "Mostly. There's a rogue group that doesn't share our ideals of non aggression." "So they raped me." "Yes, I'm sorry" We got to the hospital again and I was lying on some stirrups while a doctor was examining my vagina. He took some samples from me and examined them under a very sophisticated microscope. "She's [regnant." He said. "But how?" I protested. "It was them." Warren stated." They got you pregnant during your sleep." "But how?" I again protested "you were with me the whole night." "In your dreams" He answered "The same way I brought you here, in a blink of an eye, they took you from your bed." "What are you going to do?" I asked them both. "We are going to take the impregnated egg from you and cryogenically freeze it." The doctor answered. "How long will it take?" I asked. "About a couple of minutes." He grabbed a syringe and some forceps and went underneath me and inserted the forceps into my vagina and in a matter of a few moments and a little prick and all of a sudden he had finished. "You're alright now Miss." He stated. "Thank you." I smiled at him. We left the Hospital and as we walked down the streets he grabbed my hand and held me tightly against him. I felt very safe with him by my side. "What are you going to do?" I asked him. "Now that we know what they are doing, we can take some measures to prevent them from invading you in your sleep." "Thank you." I leaned my head against his strong arm. "Can we go back?" "Certainly. Are you going to agree to our proposition?" He asked. "Let me think about it." I answered. "But before I answer you I want to have some fun." It was strange feeling I was having. I didn't feel any repercussions from hearing that I was pregnant. I believed Warren when he said that being pregnant for them would not in anyway affect my life. I was beginning to think that I might want to help them out. I don't know why, but I was getting very horny and excited as we walked by all the buildings. I then remembered that I was wearing something special for Warren and wanted him to see it. We crossed a seemingly abandoned building and I asked Warren to show me what used to be inside of that building. As we entered the building, I looked around the place and saw a small tattered sofa in the middle of the room. I grabbed Warren and led him to it. As we got there I turned around and gave him the most passionate kiss I've ever given anyone. I then started to dance in front of him as I slowly took each of the buttons of my dress off and slowly let it slink down my swinging hips to the floor. Now had my red garter belt with matching bra and thong in full view of his popping eyes. I then slowly unhooked my pantyhose from the garter belt and coyly slid it off my long legs. I then unclasped the back of my bra and let it fall down as I swinged my breasts around. I turned around and let him enjoy himself as he grabbed and caressed my ass with his soft hands. I turned around to let him enjoy my breasts with his wet tongue while his hands slowly unsnapped my red thong. I lay there naked for all to see. I wanted him so bad. I ran my hands through his body and quickly took his shirt off. I then opened up his belt. I wanted to let that one eyed monster loose from it's prison. I unzipped his pants and slowly let my hand wander in his briefs. I could feel the throbbing love muscle aching to get out and meet my love box. He dropped his pants away and all he had was his briefs on and my hands inside of them. I massaged the full length of his shaft and knelt on front of it. I should've been horrified for what I was about to do, but I terribly wanted to do it. I yanked his briefs down and released his love tool. I quickly grabbed it with both my hands and leaned towards it. I wetted my lips and opened it up the most I could. I let the soft mounds of the tip slide into my mouth. I licked the tip of his shaft as my mouth got used to its size. I could feel it getting harder and harder with every lick. I then began to pump it in and out of my mouth. It was enormous, but the more I did it, the more I enjoyed giving him all the pleasure he was getting my lovely mouth. After a little bit, I got really cooking and was sucking and licking every inch of his length. I could feel his hips tensing up and I grabbed his buttocks as I keep blowing him off. I then heard a huge groan as he let the most explosive orgasm off his love tool and into my lips. I tried to swallow every bit of it, but he kept coming and coming. It certainly probed that it had been thousands of years without coming. I just couldn't handle it all and white cum ran out of my lips and down my neck and chest. I licked some white cream off my face as he squirted some into me. I them licked the length of his shaft up and down leaving a sheen to it and leaving it perfectly ready for some more hot action. It was bigger than ever now. The lips in between my hips and legs wanted a crack at that large cock staring at me with its powerful eye. I slid my body up, letting that member touch every crevice and mound in my body. I was now staring him eye to eye and tips toed up to kiss him and have him taste his delicious white cream from the vowels of my mouth. I kissed him as I leaned on him and pushed him back towards the sofa. I pushed him down to it and then I knelt towards him like a cat falling on its prey. I grabbed his very erect cock and slowly I impaled myself upon it. I let his hands ran over my hips and chest as I slowly and rhythmically moved my hips up and down his long shaft. I squeezed my vaginal muscles to enjoy every exposed and throbbing vein in his member. I leaned myself backwards to enjoy the sheer pleasure of it. I impaled myself up and down his cock very slowly torturously reveling in it. I came with an explosive orgasm that rivaled his. But I wasn't ready to leave just yet. I now grinded myself faster and faster, wanting to take advantage of my juices flowing inside my pussy. Warren grabbed my hip as and banged me harder as he began to get stiffer. I couldn't stop moaning from ecstasy with all that fucking. Our breaths began to shorten as we began to reach climax. Then we started banged harder and faster trying to reach orgasm. Then 2 huge groans emanated from our mouths as earth-shattering orgasms flowed through my pussy and his penis. I couldn't hold all those juices in and they spewed out of my lips and into our legs. We began to catch our breaths with his still semi erect member inside of me. My chest beamed by its sheer size and how erect my nipples were making them seem larger than what they were. I grabbed and pushed upwards to lick the tip of my swollen nipples to prolong my orgasm. Warren slowly pushed me upwards and around as I gave myself some tender loving care. Without noticing it, Warren was now underneath my legs licking the sides of my legs and thigh, sipping every bit of cum I was still letting go. He then did what almost made me come again. He began to lick and suck my pussy and clit. I let my breast go and let the biggest moan in my life as he ravaged my pussy and clit. I could feel myself coming again. "Ahhhhh!" I shouted as I began to climax yet again. As I climaxed on his face and he licked and sucked my clit every way possible, I began to have the enormous urge to reciprocate for all his lovely attention to me. I lowered myself upon him and landed my face over is engorged penis. I began to lick the length of his haft sipping his and mine juicy cum still glistening on that hot rod. I swallowed my favorite part of his body and sucked his brains out from that most juicy and thick head of his monster. We fucked like this for the next 15 minutes until we both almost fainted from all the coming we had. We lay there for 15 minutes resting ourselves, playing with each other golden toys with our hands and fingers. As his limp member began to spring back into life, I gave it a couple of licks and sucks to get it hard enough for us to finish this wonderful adventure. I held his toy tightly as I slithered myself down wards until I lay with my pussy on top if it and my buns lying against his stomach. I lowered myself on my back against his chest. I felt as if my body was being ripped apart. I could feel every inch of my body being penetrated by his enormous rod. I began slowly to travel the length of his shaft. He grabbed my swollen nipples and massaged them with his strong hands. And I leaned backwards to start kissing my lovely man. As I began to build up to a new plateau of horniness, he raised himself up and prodded me to lie on all fours so he could bang away at me. I was in Heaven! I can't say how many orgasms I had in all, but I would never, ever forget about this day. Never. We lazily began to put our clothes back on and whisper sweet nothings into each other's ears. I really loved being around him, being with him. I leaned towards him and kissed him lovingly for what seemed an eternity and yet it wasn't enough. I was beginning to realize that I was falling in love with him and yet he wanted me to sleep with thousands of men and get pregnant by them. He said that they could all look like him if I wanted to, but I don't think that no matter how they share their feelings with each other, that they would make me feel the way Warren does. In a blink of an eye we went back to the car, to the Los Angeles I knew and loved. No time had gone by. It was still morning and the whole day still lay ahead of us. He turned on the car again and we left for Disneyland. As we entered the happiest place on Earth I felt somewhat underwhelmed. I've had the fuck of my life just moments before and my body was still aching for some more action. I tried to settle myself down before I did something rash. I grabbed warren and we headed for the roller coasters. I was on a huge high and my adrenaline was really pumping hard. We got on the Space Mountain ride and then went to the Matterhorn bobsleds, and then Splash Mountain. As we rode around the different rides my horniness dissipated slowly as I began to get into the Disney mood. But I still wanted to make this trip extra special. As we got into the raft towards tom Sawyer Island I whispered into Warren ear to sneak around the place until we found a nice little private place for ourselves. After some looking around we found a little cave which no one seemed to be using. As we got there I quickly turned around and grabbed Warren's pants and released his already erect one-eyed monster. I slid my thong off and slid his prick into me and let him ram me against the wall of the cave. The fact that we were doing it in Disneyland with so many people around us, gave me such a perverse thrill that I couldn't help but come very quickly. Before I knew it I had come 3 times already and we had only 15 minutes doing it. I could see it in Warren's face that he was trying to come so hard, but he couldn't. Unlike that abandoned building we were a few hours earlier. We did it for a few more minutes after I came for a fourth wonderful time, he decided to give up/ I kissed very tenderly trying to let him feel that it was all right, nothing was wrong. "I guess that I spent you over at the building," I said coyly. "Yeah" He responded half-heartedly. "Don't worry. Maybe is this world that prevent you from coming." "You're right!" He said beaming, "Of course! That's why you were pregnant, because they took you. And that's why I came then." "So my hornyness really paid off, huh?" "Yes it did." He kissed me again. We walked back to rejoin the rest of society and went back to have some wholesome fun. The sex really made me relax and enjoy my time. My body was still hungry, but not so much so that I couldn't enjoy the shows and parades without having Warren fondle me for a while to keep me running. Time went by pretty quickly and before long it was getting dark and the lights went on. We were so tired of walking up and down the park that we sat for a while in the main plaza and kissed each other while sitting on a bench. We weren't aware of it, but crowds began to gather around for the night's parade and the fireworks show afterwards. We stopped kissing and sat on top of the bench as the parade began. The bench got crowded with men carrying their children on their shoulders and passerby's. As we got closer to each other with all the people around I had the kinky idea of having him fondle me while the parade passed. There was so much turmoil around us that no one noticed that I had grabbed Warren's right hand and had it slide in between a small opening through my dress and inside my thong. My arms nicely covered his left hand as it gently tweaked my nipples. I tried extra hard to hold my moans as he explored my insides in full public view. It was only 5 minutes of foreplay before I began to feel the onslaught of my first orgasm. I closed my eyes and bit my lips as it went through my body and creamy juices flowed down my pantyhose. Now his fingers inside my slit slid far more easily and my coming began to be more continuous. My second and third orgasms made almost faint as fireworks were going off in the foreground fireworks were going off in my insides. Warren blissfully stopped his finger fucking and let my juices fill my horny body. As my sexual tension died down a bit I leaned towards him and passionately kissed him and promised him that I would reward him as soon as we got back. We headed to the stores to do some shopping and that's when I realized that I couldn't buy anything. I was a girl and I had no family in the state I was in at this moment. No one in my family or friends would ever believe or understand what I was. I got so depressed that I ran out of the store and tried to find a small place where I could be by myself. Warren ran after me and caught me. Tears were running my face as he turned me around. "What's wrong?" He caressed my hair and wiped my tears away. "I'm a freak and I've lost all my family and friends." I answered tearfully. "No you are not a freak" He said tenderly, "And you're not alone" He pulled up my face and we looked into each other's eyes. "I will always be with you." He leaned down and kissed me. "Thank you" I replied as our lips parted, "but I would like some time with myself if you don't mind" "Very well, I'll be back in a little while." He kissed me on my forehead and left me by a nearby bench. "Kim.." A big hand grabbed my shoulder as I heard my name." "Warren I told you to leave me...." I snapped back as I turned to see that it wasn't Warren, it was the 2 tall men that were following me along since I've been here. Before I could react or do something I was grabbed by behind and made unconscious almost immediately. I don't know for how long I was out, but I woke up as my thighs and pussy were being expertly licked inside and out. I moaned loudly as I tried to squirm away from the oral assault, but I was behind held by God knows what. I couldn't move or see, my eyes were covered up. "What are you doing to me?" I managed to say in between my moans and groans. "We just want to make your visits here more pleasurable." A dark booming voice answered. "But I've never asked to be here." I replied as my clit began to swell up. "Yes you have." He answered. "Through your deep fantasies and desires. That's why we were able to be with you in your dreams." "So you're the one's who have been assaulting me in my dreams." "We haven't done anything that you haven't consented to.' "But I didn't know it was real." "You didn't want to admit it, that's all." "This way, we will be able to survive and you will fulfill all your dreams and desires." "What are you doing to me? Ahhhh!!!" At that moment I was having one of the most powerful orgasms I had in my life. I felt at that moment a cold sliver being slowly put around the base of my swollen clit. Then one of my hands was allowed or should I say was led down to my pussy to let me feel the little ring that had been put around my love button. "That stud is to make you more sensitive to the touch. Depending on your mood, even the cool air will make you want to have sex." "Why?" I asked meekly. "As we said before, this is to make you feel more pleasure when you come to visit us." "What if I take it out?" "You can't. It already has disappeared." And it had suddenly vanished from my touch. I couldn't find it anymore, but my clit was still aching for some attention. I unconsciously was rubbing my fingers in and out of my drenched pussy. After a couple of minutes I felt the most wonderful orgasm I've had in my life. I couldn't stop coming all my sexual nerves were on fire. "We see that you've found out what the ring can do for you." "Please allow us to show you all of the things that the ring can do for you" I felt my hand pulled away as a long and smooth rod slowly entered my wanting slit. My pussy instantly grabbed the slidind intruder in and gaved it a warm welcome. My hands stretched to the sides impeeding me from stopping a couple of hands begin to ravaged my now rock hard nipples. They didn't need to restrain me, I wanted to be fucked. I started to build the most explosive orgasm O ever had. My finger fucking was nothing against this feeling. The ring really did work! Lots of my moans and groans filled the ether that we were occupying. I guess it must've been very loud, because suddenly I felt a big pulsating dick approaching my panting mouth. I eagerly sucked the living daylights out of it. I now had 2 great lovers fucking my brains out. My senses reeled with the orgasms my body was having with these two young bucks. A waterfall of white cramy cum came rushing through both my holes and I desperately tried to suck every bit of that tasty love cream down my throat and pussy. I dodn't know for how long i've must've made love to these 2 men. I guess 5 or 6 straight hours worth and dozens of orgasms went by. Every conceivable position was tried. I simply adored the way these men fucked me. I couldn't get enough of them. But in the end we collapsed in each others arms and went into a restful sleep. I the suddently woke up and was back at Disneyland sitting by the bench from were i was kidnapped. Warren shook me to try to wake me up and asked if i was all right. I was foggy headed from all that fucking that i didn't knw how to respond to him. He raised me up to my feet and we walked down the Main Street towards the parking lot. As the cold air struck me, I began to regain my senses and remembered how melancholy i felt before the episode with the ring happened. I also remembered how great i felt as i made love to my 2 captors. But not only did my senses regained force buy the cold air, but my sexual senses as well. I grabbed hold of Warren's arm and nestled my head against him. As we walked to the car i hugged Warren and passionately kissed him on the lips. He asked what was going on. He didn't know why i was cold to him before and now so hot for him. I did not answere and kept kissing him. We got into the car and he started it up. As he did this i leaned down and unzipped his pants. I pulled his shorts around and released his prick to expertly be licked by my hot tongue. Warren quickly started to pant and begged me to stop. I knew that he couldn't come being in my universe, so I guess I was a tad cruel to him, but I wanted to lick and suck his dick much that I didn't pay attention to him and kept licking up and down his shaft. Suddenly we were back at his world, Warren didn't want to drive with me blowing him off. So leaned around my body and returned me the favor as we both blew each other off. Warren didn't know what hit him. I was a whirlwind of sexual desire. After making him cum twice from my sucking, i storked his enis back into life to proceed to fuck his brains out with my sloppy wet pussy. I was insatiable and drained every creamy liquid out of him. I wanted more but Warren just couldn't provide me any more satisfaction. I finger fucked myself with both my hands all over my body. I was panting heavily when a welcomed surprise hit me from behind. I was on both my hands and knees masturbating myself frenetically when a couple of rock hard ons hit both my ass and pussy. Wide eyed, I turned around to see a blond hunk ramming a strap on dildo and his old hard-on into both my holes. But before I could attemp to moan my approval a huge ram rod went into my throat and i began to suck and lick it till my hearts content. I gave a quick look to see who i was servicing and i saw a brunette curly haired beef cake, something that you might see wearing leather pants in a Chippendale's club. It was a savagely great experience being nailed on all of my holes. Before too long i was cumming on a regular basis as these 2 studs were nailing left and right, up and down. I didn't notice it at the moment, but Warren no longer was there, nor was he fucking me. Yet i didn't try to stop my lovers from ramming their members into me. They were on each side of me making a nice little sex sandwich with me right in the middle of them. I was quickly becoming a slut and I loved it. My lovers kept making love to me for the next 5 hours until i just gave up from sheer exhaustion. The following morning i woke with sores all over my body. As i woke up i realized that Warren had dissapeared last night and i completely disregarded his absence. My two lovers were sleeping on opposite sides of me. I turned towards the cute blond man who made love to me first and tried to wake him up. He wouldn't wake up, i turned around and tried to do the same to my other lover, he wouldn't wake up either. They were both exhausted from last night. But i was fresh as a daisy. I saw both their organs standing up in a semi rigid state and got the notty idea of waking them up in a much more fun way! I knealt down to the blond's waist line and slowly stroked his semi erect shaft up to life. I licked the tip as soon as it got fully erect to give it some lubrication. My own juices were flowing by now, so when i proceeded to straddle him with my wet pussy. As i started to pump myself with his shaft i knealled to the other side and slowly sucked my other lover's golden rod. After a couple of minutes of fucking and blowing my two lovers, they began to wake and get into the action themselves. Before long, they took charge of the situation and i was being fucked all over again like last night. After 3 more hours of some great fucking we stopped and i was finally able to speak to them about Warren. The blond guy, named Joshua didn't want to answer me. Something was preventing him from telling me. I pleaded then with Josh then and i finally got an answer. I begged them to take me to him immeadiately. They finally relented. I was instantly transported to the Hospital were i had been a day or so ago, i couln't tell anymore with all that had happened since. Warren was lying on the bed, his face was that of living death, i couln't believe it was him. He called out to me and i approached him apprehensively. "How are you Warren?" I asked trying not to betray the pain i was feeling for him at that moment. "I'm well now that you are here." He answered very tenderly stroking my face. "I'm so sorry." Feeling ashamed of the way i let my hormones take control of me while he was dying. "Don't be sorry. I'm happy that you met Joshua and Josh. That way you can forget about me." "I don't want to forget you, I want to be with you, I love you." I was crying to him. "Shh... don't cry. I love you too, that's why we can't be together anymore, I'm dying." "I don't want to leave you." "You have to. If you love me, you have to." "Why?" "Because you are our only hope to survive." I couldn't respond to him, I knew he was right. "Listen to me." He held my hand as firmly as he could. "These past few days have been the most wonderful time of my life. As i told you before, we are interconnected with each other. The time you spend with one of us will be as if you sent it with me.' "But it won't be you." I pleaded. "No, but a little part of me will remain with you forever." "What do you mean?" "In order to change you and give you your unique gifts, one of us had to sacrifice itself. I volunteered to do it." "Why did you do that? How could you have known that i would agree to do what you were asking me?" "I didn't absolutely know, but something about you told me that you would eventually agree to help us." "What was it?" "Your heart. You have been a wonderful person all your life and you've always felt lonely. In here, we treasure your heart and kindness, and you will never be alone as long as you shall live." I hugged him, crying my heart out to him. After a couple of minutes, Warren was dead. His spirit flew around the room and invaded each of us. At that moment i could feel the thoughts and emotions of all around me. Warren had indeed given me something, he gaved me happiness, warmth, love. All the things i had desperately seeked throughout my life i had finally found. I also began to feel a stirring in my insides. I knew then that what Warren had given his life to had miraculously worked. I could feel something growing inside of me. Over these last few days i had been with many men, but somehow i knew that Warren's seed had been the one to give fruit. I stopped crying and all of a sudden my life had real purpose. I knew i was giving up my entire life as i had lived it until now, but i had a new course, a calling you can say. I approached the Doctor and asked him to give me pregnancy test. It didn't take long before i felt the presence of all this world i was now part of falling upon me as the little secret i was carrying was going to be revealed to the whole. I was pregnant. Not only was i pregnant, but i was carrying 7 impregnated embryos within me. The rebels had unwittingly (with their passion ring) made it possible for me to get pregnant virtually everytime i made love to a person. They wanted to determine how was it possible that i could do that. I told them to forget about it (if they knew the rebels had done this they might take the ring out). The embryos were detached from my vagina and taken into an incubator of some sorts. The Doctor said that within a couple of days we would know if they are viable or not. I knew they would be, i somehow knew that. What lie in front of me now was the very important issue of my family. I couldn't go back anymore, and worst of all I couldn't let them know who I was now. My only choice was to let them know that I was dead. Which for all intents an purposes i was. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life. I wrote a suicide letter that tried unsuccessfully why I no longer wished to live. But I couldn'r do that, not to my parents. In the end Josh and Joshua helped concoct an accident where a Joh Doe body was altered to look like me before my change and be believable. I couldn't bear knowing how my parents and family would react to this news, so i let Joshua and Josh do all the details. I was in a funk for the next couple of days until the Doctor told us that the embryos were healthy and doing great. I finally was able to enjoy myself once again and vindicate my decision to remain as Kimberly Nichols. And that's how I lost my life and yet i'm happier than i ever been. A lot of other things have happen to me since that day wheni knew i could get pregnant and lost my parents. The rebels came back into my life once again, but i'll tell you on another day what i did to handle those guys. Until then, have a wonderful life and enjoy yourself! I certainly do! ;-) Kimberly

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