The Chosen

By Silvenfox

Published on Jul 11, 2006


The following is a complete work of fiction.

Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author's permission.


The following story may contain erotic situations. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now. Also expect blood, gore, incredibly funny scenes and super-powered teenagers with a destiny to save the world. If you're not a fan of any of these plus strong cursing and violence than this is not your type of story.

Chapter 3

Nathaniel was officially on my bad side. After a week of training at his house I wanted to slit my wrists. Okay, maybe not that far. I wasn't completely emo over this. Oh sure the training was helping and I was coming along at a decent pace, but it was eating up time that I coveted. Usually, I spent my free time hanging with Kevin and our friends, studying, reading, really just about anything that kept me active. Now training was monopolizing all the time not spent at school. I slammed my locker door and checked the time on my cell phone. It was 3:45 and the final bell had just ringed ending the school day. I had twenty minutes to get to Nathaniel's house for training. Again.

Kevin slid in front of the locker next to mine. He stared at me crossly, with his arms folded, and frown looking out of place on his usually smiling face.

"Did I do something to you?"

I immediately felt a wave of guilt. Sighing, I shook my head. "No, bro. Listen I know I haven't been around much for the last couple of days-"

"Try a week," he snapped off, cutting me off. He lost his frown and looked down at the ground, his eyes radiating sadness. "I just feel like your mad at me or something. Usually we never go more than a couple of days without hanging out."

This may seem strange to seem people, but Kevin and me were close. Some people considered us twins since we acted so alike and you could always find one with the other. A couple of days apart were like weeks to us. We were that close. Eww... when I thought about it like that it seemed like we were co-dependent on one another. Oh well. He's my best friend and will always be in my life years from now.

I tugged on his shirt to get his attention. "I'm sorry, Kev-Kev," I said softly, using the nickname I sometimes called him. "I just have a lot on my plate lately."

"I can tell. What's going on, Chad?" he asked, concern shining through in his voice.

I choked. There was no way I could tell him I was a Chosen. One of four reincarnated warriors from a millennia ago gifted with powers to fight evil. That would be just a lovely chat. I knew it would be a hard conversation to have, but I wanted to tell him. We kept no secrets from each other. But Nathaniel was adamant about being me secret identity boy. I sighed. Damn you Nathaniel. You are really screwing with my life lately.

"I just have stuff," I replied, lamely. I winced at his crestfallen expression. Immediately, I felt guilty again. I thought of a quick plan. "Kevin tomorrow is Saturday. How about we get together and go see that new pirate movie. I heard the captain is really a laugh."

He immediately brightened, hazel eyes practically glowing as he beamed. "Sure dude! I'm there." He punched me on the shoulder softly. "I thought I was losing you for a minute there, bro."

I shook my head, feeling a little better now that he was smiling. "Never."

I had to do 80 through town to get to Nathaniel's at a decent time. I was already five minutes late and I knew I was going to get the dedication and commitment speech. My head caught a pair of golden arches and I felt a churning in my stomach. I swerved into the drive thru entrance of McDonalds, narrowly missing getting hit by an incoming SUV, and cutting off a Volvo in the process. Hey, I was hungry. I drive a little reckless when the stomach starts making those talking noises. I ordered three burgers, two orders of friends, and a super-sized Cherry Coke. I was so hungry. I have started on this new diet where I don't eat anything. If I start to feel dizzy then I just eat a cheese cube. Ha. Just kidding. I just skipped lunch to finish a test.

Nathaniel lived just on the outskirts of Centennial. His grandparents whom passed away while he was in college had left their family estate to him. If you ever saw X-men in any of its incarnations then you have a pretty good idea as to what the house was like. It wasn't even a house. It was a mansion. The Ruiz Estate was situated on a gated piece of land bordered by trees. Yes, Nathaniel, despite being a writer, was filthy rich. He had been born into wealth that went back for generations. The mansion is a two-story impressive brick structure, complimented by a pool, garden, and basketball court.

I entered my code into the security pad at the wrought iron gate. The gate swung open slowly and I drove the Blazer up the stone road leading up the house. I parked the car in front of the garage that held a fleet of vehicles. Thirty minutes late. Damn. I was really going to hear it today. Grabbing my Cherry Coke I jogged to the front door. I used the key given to me the first time I came for training, to enter the house.

"You're late."

I barely crossed the foyer before I heard the clipped tone. I looked up at Nathaniel who stood near the stairs staring a hole through me. His green eyes flicked to the fries in my hand, my drink in the other, and the fry hanging from my lip. I gave him a sheepish grin. Oops.

"My bad," I said, shrugging. "I got a little hungry."

Nathaniel held his hand out toward me and the ring on his finger glowed silver for a moment and I gave out a cry as my food and drink vanished. That damn wizard. Was it really necessary to banish my food. I had paid good money for that. I pouted, wishing I could snatch his ring and crack his staff in half. Then he would have to spend time crafting new focuses for his magic. The time and energy spent working on new tools would show him not to dick with me, but I had a feeling that Nathaniel's anger would be a sight I didn't want to see, so testing my plan out was a no go. For now.

He glided to me, his steps quiet and light in the black Docs he wore. His khakis and blue button down shirt made him look GQ and ready to go out. But it was how he always dressed. Nathaniel always looked like he stepped out from a fashion magazine. I sighed, as he stood not half a foot in front of me.

"You told me you were serious about training?" he asked in that quiet voice parents used to make their child feel guilty just by the tone. "I believed you but I'm starting to doubt your commitment."

I wanted to roll my eyes but I stopped myself. This was getting old fast. Its not like I asked for this. God, all I wanted to do was just be a normal kid with normal kids problems. I never asked for this destiny to become a champion and save the world. Part of me wanted to tell Nathaniel this but I couldn't. He understood what I was going though already. He too had a reincarnated soul. In his last life he was the advisor and mentor of the Chosen and he was now again. I looked at his face, meeting that hard gaze. I saw his young face, barely thirty and I knew that he too was giving up his life for our cause.

I looked down at the ground, submissive. "I'm sorry, Nathaniel. I'll try not to let it happen again."

His eyes softened. "Good. Let's go."

I followed him down into the basement. I almost chuckled remembering the first time Nathaniel led me down here. I called Nathaniel a perv and ran back upstairs. But it wasn't like that. Nathaniel walked past the stacked boxes and dusty old furniture stored around the room. He opened the fuse box and pressed the switches in a certain order that always left me confused. The wall next to the box literally split open revealing a brightly lit interior of an elevator. We stepped into it all the while not talking. I wasn't sure if Nathaniel was still miffed so I kept my thoughts to myself.

We descended down and then stepped into a lit corridor with reflective, silver blue walls. Did I mention that this place reminded me of the X mansion? I think that Marvel could really have a case if they sued the Chosen, maybe the producers of Charmed too if they ever heard my spells... Nathaniel led the way to the training room. It was a huge dome shaped room. Windows mounted high near the ceiling was part of a observation deck that overlooked the room. The training room was like the danger room or holodeck on Star Trek. Except when the room went all holo- y when initiated it was powered by magical spells not technology.

"So you watch a lot of X-Men?" I asked for the fourth time this week as I stopped in the center of the room. "Cause I'm starting to get the feeling that you ripped a lot of stuff from Marvel."

Nathaniel smirked. "Whose to say that Marvel didn't steal from us? Do you really think Stan Lee has that big of an imagination?"

I gaped at him. Get out of town. "Are you trying to tell me that Stan Lee is a Seer?" I asked in disbelief, remembering back to that meeting in my room when I learned of the Ever After and its hints in literature. "One of those people who looks into the Ever After but doesn't know it?"

He shrugged, still smiling. "No. More like we weren't the only ones reincarnated from our age."

"And what age is that exactly?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

I still had no idea what time period I used to live in. All I could figure is that it was thousands of years ago. Nathaniel's face closed off. He never was really comfortable talking about their past in great detail, especially events concerning who they used to be and where they lived. I picked this up from our first couple of meetings. He was very touchy about their past lives. My guess is something happened that left him still aching. His memories were more complete than mine, so events seemed fresh to him while they were fuzzy and incomplete for me.

"All I will tell you today is," Nathaniel said quietly, eyes looking into the distance, into the past. "Atlantis is far from a myth."

I knew better to question him after that. His face had that guarded look and I knew not to push otherwise the training session would be much more intense than normal. I nodded at him and he began to explain what exactly what I was going to be doing today. I prepared myself as he left the room. I heard the intercom click on and Nathaniel's voice came from above in the monitoring room.

"Chad, transform into Warlock," he said, his voice loud and scratchy over the speakers.

I could use my powers while not transformed into my alter ego, but Nathaniel thought it was better that I trained while transformed. He said that it was better if I trained while in the uniform I wore during combat. That way during actual fighting situations the added weight of my suit and cloak wouldn't screw with my balance. Nathaniel said it more detailed than that but that British accent constantly made me zone out. I typically always just got the basic gist of his speeches or advise.

With barely a thought, my clothes shifted and the familiar weight of my suit and cloak settled on my shoulders. I dropped my hood, running a hand through my hair. The hood was huge and hid my face in shadows. Which was unnecessary since my uniform had a spell woven into it so glamour covered our faces, preventing anyone, even a relative, from recognizing a Chosen while transformed.

I heard Nathaniel chant the incantation that initiated the spells inlaid in the room. I could feel a huge wave of something, energy or magic, fill the room almost like a veil had been lifted over my eyes. The room disappeared in a rainbow of colors. I now stood in a green grassy field. In the distance I could see Stonehenge. This was different than the usual creepy, Camp Crystal Lake forest filled with ghouls or desolate dessert with ferocious hellhounds.

I snapped around hearing a rumble. The ground shook and rattled, making me stumble backward as the dirt rose up, as if moved by invisible hands. The dirt formed quickly into three piles, each taller than me, and then before I could even react the piles exploded outward. Well fuck me. I bit back a scream. I was coming to the conclusion that super heroes didn't scream like girls every time they got scared. My arm raised as the dirt flew at my face. I was now faced with three monsters made completely of dirt, roots, and rocks. Their eyeless heads turned toward me as once. They were freaking huge and had two sharp blades at the ends of their hands. I was so dead. I swear to god this motherfucking room better had some kind of safety spell built in. I suddenly felt a little stupid for tuning Nathaniel out when he was explaining this room to me.

"Listen guys," I said, smiling weakly, holding up my hands and walking backward. "We can talk about this cant we?"

I did scream as one of those blades narrowly missed lobbing off my head, but I ducked and rolled backward. I gathered energy and my feet rose off the ground as I levitated backward with the speed of the wind at my heels. I dropped to the ground lowering myself into a fighting stance.

"Okay you bastards lets see if you like this," I snapped challengingly. "Water around me. Water circling the land at be." I raised my arms to the sky, pointing my palms to the sky. "Poseidon Rhapsody!"

Wave after wave of water, peaking at eight feet, rushed through the air separating the monsters and me. I directed my energy into the attack and the tidal wave backed by magic surged forward impacting the earth monsters, drowning them in its crushing currents. I buffed my nails and shot a smug look in the general direction of the monitoring room. I got an eerie feeling and fell backwards just in time as another blade swung at my head. This dudes were no joke. All three of them had survived my attack and were coming at me all at once.

I summoned a fireball and threw it in one of the earth monsters face, making it hit the ground with a low boom. Its head was covered in flames as if it had been drenched in gasoline. I threw another fireball at it and its whole body exploded in flames. Couldn't gloat just yet. Still two to go. I ducked another blade and fell to the ground. One of the earth monsters leered over me. Eww... can we say Lifetime movie rapist. Quickly, I brought my feet up and push-kicked it in the chest with all the strength in my legs. The monster went soaring back a dozen feet. I did a backward roll and stood up. Another earth monster came at me its blades cutting through the air with loud swooshing noises. I racked my head for a spell. Damn. This was so a good time for me to get all possessed and kick ass. Fuck it. I'll just make up my own spell. I had will and enough focus. Easy as pie. I hope.

"Freeze bitch!" I yelled, bringing my hand to my mouth and blowing across my palm, like I was blowing a kiss. Instead my blow caused a gust of white icy air to rush forward.

The blast of icy air hit the earth monster and covered it completely in its intensity. Instantly its body hardened and went from brown to white, as ice covered it from head to foot freezing it in its place. I stared at my hand, a stupid grin on my face. It actually worked. Looks like I was really starting to get the hang of this magic thing. I kicked the frozen earth monster in the chest and it shattered, pieces flying in a thousand directions. Lets see. That only left one more. Where did that thing go off. Last time I checked I had kicked it away from the fight. I scanned the field looking for it.

I walked forward toward the Stonehenge. I kept my steps quiet and light, my eyes constantly moved around, and my ears strained for so much as a peep. I leaned against one of the stones, counting on the shadows to hide me. I peered around the stone and looked around. Where did this bitch go? I stepped into the middle of the ring of stones still looking. I flexed my hand and charged a fireball in my palm just waiting to be thrown. A weight crashed into my back and the fireball went out as I hit the ground on my front. My chest ached as the weight on my back grounded me further down. I managed to roll over and away just as a foot went crashing into the space my head just occupied. I kicked the earth monster in the shin, or what amounted to a shin, and it fell. Bad move. Since it fell right on top of me. I screamed like a girl, once again...

"Goddess made you and me, plus this circle round," I screamed out, my words coming quick and without pause in my panicked state. "I summon lightning now to this ground!"

Thunder rumbled in the distance and the sky lit up as lightning split the heavens. The lightning hit the earth monster in the back and it shook and rolled around like a broken-back snake. The entire area lit up with blazing white light. I felt the tingly effects of the lightning but it did me no harm since it was my magic that called it forth. The lightning didn't let up till the earth monster was a charred, blackened mound of dirt and rocks. I kneeled on the ground near the mound breathing hard, feeling like I would never catch my breath back. Suddenly, the scenery literally wavered and the dome structure of the training room reappeared.

The doors slid open and Nathaniel entered smiling. "Bravo. You did a brilliant job, Warlock."

I rose to my feet and smiled shakily. "Thanks. It was a little more intense than normal but I think I'm getting a good hand on this whole magic thing."

"I knew you would," replied Nathaniel. "I know we normally work on your spell casting after a training room session but I think you have had enough for today."

Oh thank you god! I was ready to get out of here. Being here all week had really messed with my usual routine. I gave him a hug that surprised the hell out of him. Detransforming, I jogged toward the elevator that led up from the basement sub level. Well the Command Chamber was its official name but really who cared? I know I didn't.

I made it home just minutes before my mom. It was five minutes till eight. It seemed she was working later and later these days. I changed into a pair of black track pants and a black tank top. I entered the kitchen as mom was checking the mail. She smiled at me looking tired but vibrant in her pleated white skirt and white top over a blue blazer.

"Hi, honey," she said, kissing me on the cheek. "How did school go today?"

Morgan entered the kitchen, answering the question for me. "School was just fine mom thanks for asking."

She smirked at me and I glared. Damn tramp. What the hell was the spawn of Satan wearing anyway? I looked at her outfit my lip twisting into a sneer. She had on a pair of low cut shorts and a sports bra. Who was she trying to impress around here with her no assets? If I was a girl I swear I would smack her real good. But alas I was the older brother and if I smacked her I'm sure grounding was in my future.

"I'm going over to Kevin's for a minute, Mom," I said, grabbing my keys from the kitchen table.

She nodded at me. "Alright, just be back before eleven."

"Or be back never," Morgan muttered, biting into an apple all the while staring at me with her heated glare.

"Hey, slut bucket how about you go and drink a tall glass of mind your forking business," I snapped at her, sprinting from the room before Mom could ring me by my neck.

Kevin lit up like Times Square when he saw me at his doorstep. I felt my heart break a little. He honestly thought I had been actually trying to distance myself from him. It didn't take us but a minute to get back in the groove of things. We were finishing each other's sentences and beating each other up like the miniature rift between us had never formed.

I lay sprawled on my back on Kevin's bed staring at the ceiling. The sounds of explosions and people screams filled the room. I looked at Kevin who sat on the floor leaning against the bed. His fingers moved quickly over the controller and his eyes stared hypnotically at the video game he was playing.

"So you figure out which girl you taking to Homecoming?" I asked.

Kevin shrugged. "Not sure yet. I'm thinking either Stella or Ashleigh. Stella has that whole Latin thing working for her and Ashleigh looks so, so hot without those glasses." He grabbed at his heart and closed his eyes, swooning. "Of course any of them would be lucky to go with me."

I rolled my eyes. "Vanity has a name and it is Kevin Montero."

"Hey!" Kevin pouted, turning his puppy dog eyes on me. "I'll have you know that I tried to change my name to Vanity already but my parents thought it was too feminine."

"How about just Vain then?" I laughed.

He nodded, rubbing his chin in thought. "Hmm^Å that could work Chad old boy," he said putting on a British accent.

I snapped my head fully toward him. "Please never do that again," I said slowly, having a vision of Nathaniel and his grueling training sessions. I put on a smile to take the sting from my words.

A sock went soaring at my head and I weaved missing it. "I'll have you know I am quite the actor and my accent was on point, thank you very much," said Kevin, hauntingly.

I snorted. "Don't quit your day job."

I rolled off the bed heading to the bathroom. I peed and then walked back down the hall to Kevin's room. My stomach rumbled. I was so hungry. I hadn't eaten in, I checked the time on my cell phone, in about four hours. Yikes. I entered Kevin's room.

"Hey, Kev-kev I'm starving," I said, loudly.

Kevin peaked up from over the bed, donut hanging from his mouth, and powdered sugar around his cheeks. My jaw dropped. Son of a bitch. This was so like him! Of course he would have food and secretly hoard it. Kevin the human garbage disposal strikes again!

"You bastard," I muttered in disbelief. "You had food this whole time and didn't think to offer me any. I'm the guest here."

Kevin raised an eyebrow at me. "Please. You stop counting as a guest the third time you ever spent the night over my house, and crawled into my parents bed just because it was storming outside."

"Hey!" I said, feeling the blush creeping up my neck. "That was a long time ago and you promised never to bring that back up."

He rolled his eyes. "It was last week!"

"You liar!" I shouted out in a war cry.

He made a sound like eep as I charged at him like a pissed off bull. Too bad I didn't notice the skateboard in my path and I tripped over it, falling to the ground landing flat on my face. Ouch. My name was so not Grace. Kevin fell over laughing, tears running down his face. I rose to my feet feeling like my face was on fire. Oh god. Curse this Germanic skin of mine and its ability of showing my flushed skin so easily.

I dusted off lint from my tank top. Turning my nose up I gave him a superior look. "I meant to do that."

"You mean kiss the floor," Kevin chuckled, wiping at his tears. "Oh that was such a great plan."

I pouted at him. "Since I entertained you can I please, please have a donut. You know I'm a sweet slut."

He nodded sagely. "A big one, too. It's even in the boy's bathroom on the stalls. 'For a good time call Chad Summers. No cash needed. He's a candy ho. He'll do anything for something sweet'."

I faked a pretend gasp of astonishment. "Does not!"

"Does to."

"Does not,"

"Does not," said Kevin, eyes gleaming.

"Does to," I said suddenly, pausing. Dammit that bastard tricked me. I crossed my arms and turned my back on him. Tricky bitch.

He rubbed my back. "I know. I know. It must hurt being the dumber of the two of us, but I've been doing some checking online and they have these self help books you should really look into."

I growled low in my throat and sprung at him.

I made a stopover before I got home. It was cloudy tonight and the crescent moon top barely peaked out a bank of clouds. Some people feel on edge or fearful when they entered a cemetery. I didn't. Did that make me strange? I don't know. Maybe. I walked the familiar path, past the mausoleums and old statues of sorrowful angels. Mom and Morgan came here too but I was here more often. I came when I needed guidance or to just feel closer to him.

I replaced the flowers before the tombstone with fresh ones I bought on the way over. I picked at the growing weeds and wiped at the dirt on the marble stone.

Ryan Summers

September 7th, 1965 ^Ö December 12th, 1995



You Made the World Brighter

"Hey, Daddy," I said, softly. "A lot things have been going on lately. Recently, my life has turned into a template for a really bad anime show."

I told my father everything. I usually did. This was the place I came to when I felt down or when I felt I could get no higher. Nathaniel told me I couldn't tell anyone about my secret life, but he didn't say I couldn't tell the dead. My Dad had died when I was five and Morgan was three. I could remember him better than Morgan and I cherished the memories I had of him. He never should have died in the first place. But one too many beers and a drunk driver rammed into him, killing Dad instantly.

"In the movies and stuff they make it seem so easy. Well except on Buffy and Charmed and Stargate... okay, well scratch that then," I said, chuckling. "Being a superhero is not what I had in mind when you always called me your special little guy, Daddy. I know I have this big destiny but being normal is all I want to be." I sighed. "I'm already gay. Do I really need another secret on top of that one?"

The wind rustled the flowers and the leaves lifted up scattering across the ground. A tingly feeling went down my spine and my head snapped up. I didn't have Peter Parker's spider sense, but I could sense the otherworldly energy associated with the Ever After well enough. Right now I was feeling it. Big time.

"I'll talk to you later, Daddy," I said, rising to my feet. "I think some baddies are trying to enter our world. Looks like I'm on the clock."

I stalked through the tombstones trying to feel out where the vibes were strongest. I let my senses guide my footsteps. I halted and spun around to my right. There. I cautiously walked forward and I felt the area buzz with contained energy. Suddenly, the ground before a cracked and ancient looking tombstone began to ripple. I mean literally ripple. The ground twisted and churned like the waves of the ocean. Two pale arms appeared from the phenomena and grasped at the hard dirt to pull the rest of its self up. I stepped back as a balding man hoisted himself up and out of his grave. His clothes were covered in dirt, old, tearing and about a hundred years out of date. His skin was yellow white, cracking, and pealing in places revealing dead muscle tissue beneath. I let out a gasp as his clear, hungry, gray eyes turned to me. Only the thinnest strips of skin connected its jaw and it almost came off as he smiled at me, the ravenous look darkening his eyes.

"Oh fuck me," I blurted out slightly sick at the sight of the creature.

The creature. No it was a zombie I realized that now. How many times had I seen one of these creatures on TV, coming to life, and killing scores of people? Oh god it was going to eat my brain. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! I focused on my inner soul where my magic gathered and transformed into Warlock. I saw surprise flicker in its gaze and was that recognition? I didn't get the chance to find out before the creepy zombie rushed at me like a freaking linebacker.

I had a spell on the tip of my tongue. A syllable didn't get a chance to leave my lips before it crossed the meters separating us with an astonishing speed. It slapped me and I went falling backward, my back hitting a tombstone causing me to cry out in pain. White stars flared behind my eyes. My back felt like someone had tied a bomb to it. If I wasn't Chosen I'm sure that I would have broken my spinal column in half. But being a destined warrior made me more durable than the average mortal.

Through my haze I glared at the zombie. It picked me up by the throat and I gasped and flailed my arms about. My toes scraped at the ground and I could feel its grip get tighter cutting into my windpipe. Through my haze I stared into its eyes shivering at the dark look directed all at me. I swung my foot with all my might catching the zombie in the gut. It fell backward, not winded because it didn't breath, but the impact had obviously shocked it.

"You ugly son of bitch," I wheezed out, catching back my breath through my injured throat.

I levitated backward to distance myself from it. I ignored the pain in my back putting it in the rear of my mind. I could already feel it lessen to just a dull ache. Did I forget to mention while transformed I had advanced healing? I was no wolverine but it was faster than human that was for sure.

I had to work quickly. The damn zombie had speed. That was its only advantage over me. Strength too but I digress. I lowered myself into a fighting stance and cupped my palms at my side. Words tumbled from my lips. They weren't English. I honestly don't know what the hell I was saying. It sounded foreign and ancient to my ears. In my heart though the lyrical words had a familiar ring that resonated through me like a bell. This magic though made my insides go cold rather than warm like normal. I could fell the power pull parts from the darker recesses of my soul to work this spell.

"Tatikano, kera, halis, ocaenus," I brought my arms forward, letting my instincts guide me. My palms glowed as red, hot and pulsing light gathered and coalesced into a globe of energy. "Revenge of Lucifer!"

I released the ball and it shot forward in a scarlet ray of light. In the air the light split into numerous beams. They shot into the zombie, tearing into its flesh, making it jerk back and around like a wounded animal. Black blood flew into high arcs in the air and bits of flesh exploded outward in a grotesque manner. I cut off the attack and instantly felt better. My insides grew warmer and I breathed easier. I knew instantly that the magic I just used was the darkest of black magic. If I was on a TV show I would be worried about whether my soul was in trouble. But this was real life, and to me magic wasn't something that had a definition of light and dark. I was chosen to wield magic at its most primal no matter the stigma associated with it. Magic was apart of me like the air needed to breathe and I would use it how I saw fit.

I looked at the zombie that had broken free from the Ever After. Or what was left of it. Its head had been practically liquefied leaving only a bloody stump behind. Its chest was just gone revealing its insides that had been turned into soup in the onslaught of energy. An arm was missing and its gut was open showing the small intestine slithering to the ground. Black blood pooled around the body and the smell of spoiled meat instantly hit me. I took a step back holding my arm to my nose.

"I am seriously too much of a wuss for this," I groaned. I bent over and vomited up everything I ate today. I swallowed and wiped at my mouth.

First step in being a hero, I thought, wiping at my mouth. Learn to throw up away from the body. I stared at vomit covering the mutilated corpse. My stomach made a grumbling noise.

And threw up again.

                                                                    • This was quite a long chapter. I had some inspiration and it just came at me. Next chapter: Our dear hero will finally get some backup. And when I say backup I'm sure you can guess as to what kind.

I love to hear from people and I love, love, love the emails that I get. Keep them coming because they make me smile and constantly entertain me. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 4

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