The Chosen

By smoothslave

Published on Apr 14, 2005


The Chosen by:

The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people or situations is completely unintentional. If you are underage or offended by man to man sexual encounters, please do not read any further.

A special thank you to all who have sent e-mails regarding the story.. Thank you very much for your encouragement. It is great to hear from all of you...

Chapter 4 - Luke (Part Two)

I packed up my things and headed back into town... back to where my memories are the strongest... back to where I ran as fast as I could.. to get away from the bullies, the jocks, the abusers... back to where my first chosen lay tied to his bed.. back to Luke..

As I enter his bedroom, I see him laying there looking almost angelic. His arms stretched out and bound to the bedposts.. Tan muscled arms, thick and solid.. I follow the lines of his skin down to his armpits. A thick patch of black hair growing dense in each crevice. His blindfolded head turned to the side, facing away from me.. Thick black hair covering his crown, short on the sides and back, a bit longer on top... Messy and wild from his struggle earlier tonight..

His mouth slightly open.. Tanned skin surrounding his parted lips revealing bright white teeth underneath.. My eyes follow further down to his smooth muscular chest. The crease under each of his pectorals, boxing in his erect nipples, framing them.. The chain of the tit clamps falling into the creases of his body.. His chest rises and falls softly with each breath, accentuating his six pack stomach.. He has really been good to his body.. Treated it like a temple.. I follow the trail of black hair from his belly button that runs south down his frame. The hair growing more dense as it reaches the top of his waistline.. spreading out until it forms a thick triangle above his soft cock.. The hair reaching out and curling around the thick base...His balls pulled tightly and spread into two distinct egg shaped globes from the ball stretcher.. A few longish hairs poking out through the sports cream that has dried to a white paste..

My gaze taking me further down to the dark crease under his nut sack. I follow the hair down into his crack between two thick ass cheeks holding the dildo in place.. The handle poking out of his opening, his ass lips stretched around the base, inviting the full length inside.. giving the dildo a warm resting spot. I reach down and take hold of the black handle. A slight twist as my hands grasp the base... Ready to pull it out and give him another ride on the rubber cylinder..

A flash of skin..

I am blinded as his knee makes contact with my jaw, sending me to the floor.. The air from my lungs exhausted from the blow.. I land on my back and quickly pull myself to a sitting position. Trying to get my breath.. Fucking Christ.. What the hell was that.. My jaw aches behind each off my earlobes.. Ringing in my head... I look up at Luke..

His legs flapping wildly on the bed.. He has gotten them free from their bindings.. The bed bounces as he raises his legs and bangs them down on the mattress... Lifting his body off of the bed, the handle of the dildo sticking out of his rectum.. His feet planted firmly on the bed pushing his body up trying to get his arms undone.. His head forced down into the pillow as he struggles..

He fucking whacked me one.. I was unprepared.. Fucking idiot that I can be sometimes.. Jesus Christ my fucking head pounds.. I rub at my jaw.. making sure it is still attached... That fucking twat...

"Luke... Fucking settle down you fuck wad..."

"LET ME GO NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Is that the way you speak to me ? Do you think yelling at me... fucking hitting me... is going to get you free ? what are you fucking nuts.."

"LET ME GO !!!"

The sternness in his voice... He is furious with me.. I put my head into my palms and cover my eyes.. My fingers are trembling, arms weak.. legs shaking.. His hitting me has sent me back 20 years.. I feel like a little kid cowering in the corner of the gym.. Jesus I hate feeling like this.. Why does he still have this power over me.. So afraid of him as I always was.. God stop it... Don't let him do this to you...I sit and watch him struggle on the bed.. The mattress bouncing, headboard banging against the wall... Jesus.. Tears begin running down my face as I relive my past.. Afraid, alone...terrified..

Terrified as he is now.. My anger beginning to build up.. Face getting hot... ears on fire...

"You Fuck... you will pay for this Luke..."

I leap from the floor... and pounce on him.. The weight of my body on top of him pinning him down.. His legs swinging trying to hit me anywhere he can.. My head lowering between his legs, mouth open... teeth exposed... and I bite... I bite down hard....

The taste of the sports cream coating my tongue as my teeth dig into the flesh of his nut sack.. His legs stop moving... his movements cease. he screams.

I pull myself upright and sit on his chest.. spitting the minty medicine taste from my mouth onto his stomach..

"You see what you made me do... Christ Luke..."

"uhhhhhhh oh god... my nuts are killing me... ohhhh god...."

"Behave yourself and that won't happen again.. Don't be good and I will remove them.. You choose. you let me know what you decide.."

I look over my shoulder...back at him.... He is laying there motionless.. Whimpering like a wounded pup... Scared.. Frightened...

"Now you seem to want your legs up.. Don't like them down? Fine..."

I grab his right ankle and bend his leg up to his chest.. His foot almost touching his left hand then tie his ankle to the left wrist.. The process repeated on the right side. Nice... My muscle man stretched... His ass now an easy target. extended and open.. The handle of the dildo just begging to be grabbed.. played with.. He lets out a low sigh and turns his head to the side.. He has been defeated..

"Now for your punishment...You will learn never to disrespect me.. I own you... You will do as I say and like everything that happens to you... to your body... It is my body now.. To do as I please... Whatever I want... DO YOU UNDERSTAND ?!?!"

"yes..." his voice low and filled with hate...

"That is yes SIR... not yes... YES SIR !!"

"yes SIR" more hatred can be felt from his icy response....

"Good enough... You will work on it Luke..."

I position myself at the foot of the bed and take hold of the handle.. 18 years he had abused me... 18 long fucking years... Now here he is back in my life... but this time he is mine... the tables turned.. Fuck that shit, 18 years.. more like 32... he has been in my mind... taking my life away from me.. filling my every thought..

"32 years you have fucking wrecked my life Luke.. you have fucking nerve is all I can say... How dare you !!"

I look at my watch... and take note of the time.. 32 years of my life is worth 32 minutes of intense deep fucking up his asshole.. ruining my fucking life... My turn.. The dildo comes out with one firm yank and he gasps as it pulls on the flesh that had dried around it during the night.. I take the tube of sports cream and push the tip into his ass.. A squeeze of the tube sends a thick wad into his hole and he tries to squirm when the coldness hits him inside.. The next 32 minutes of his life most likely seem like an eternity as 10 inches of black thick rubber ram their way in and out of his hole.. He moans during the first 5 minutes, cries out loud during the next 10, and screams until his loses his voice as I work on his asshole for the rest of his earned punishment... When 32 minutes elapses... I stop.. I am fair..

I remove the dildo and inspect his hole.. No longer a tight pucker.. Ragged and elongated... The folds of skin loose... His ass lips no longer touching... Instead there is now a small round opening the size of a nickel, white sports cream running out mixed with his own ass juices...

"You have the beginnings of a tunnel there Luke..."

"uhhhhhh ohhhhh..." his voice weak... throat dry...

"What was that Luke..." I work my finger into his hole and poke around...

"uhhh.. yes a tunnel..."

"Come again Luke..." three fingers plunged inside spreading his opening...

"yes a tunnel SIR..."

"Good.. you are coming along just fine... But we need to make some adjustments.. There are a few things that are bothering me..."

"yes... ummm i mean... what is that SIR..."

"The hair.. The body hair...Its just... I don't know... Just not right.. We have to get rid of it.. I don't like it..."

"um.... yes SIR.."

"Good.. Tomorrow I will remove it.."

"yes SIR.."

Yeah he was coming along fine... Didn't take that long either.. It really is amazing how straight guys learn quickly when you play with their asshole.. Straight boy must have a lot of nerve endings in their holes or something.. I will heave to learn about that.. Do some light reading..

I laugh to myself.. The thought of fucking with this straight jock a real turn on for me.. They need to all know how this feels.. They have no problem sticking their cocks into their girlfriends and wives.. "Oh lets get a little kinky tonight babe, how about trying the back door.." Well all fine and good.. but they need to know how it feels.. How can they give a proper fucking if they have never been fucked.. I am doing a community service here. Yes.. a special program to get them to be better lovers.. I should charge them for my services...My mind wanders for a few more moments until I snap back into reality..

"Get some sleep Luke...I would untie you but.... I don't trust you yet... So do the best you can... Oh Jesus almost forgot... I saw David tonight... Remember David ?"

"David SIR??" his voice tired and puzzled...

"Yeah you know David ******.. Come on, the cop... David.. Jesus he was like only your best friend..."

"yes I remember David SIR.. where did you see him?"

"Where?... more like what did I see of David.." I laugh to myself.. "David is doing just great.. a bit tired in the ass, a little worn in the face but doing great..."

"did you do something to him SIR..."

"Nothing he didn't like.. Let just say that you and him.. Well he has the beginning of a tunnel as well..." I laugh again...

"oh god... oh my god.... yes... yes SIR"

"But he didn't like to be fucked as much as you do... At least I don't think he did.. Ah, doesn't matter really... He is off to a much better life. And he will learn to be used.. be fucked... suck cock.. and pay for his past mistakes.. Shit, he probably has a few cocks in him right now.."

"oh jesus.... yes... yes SIR.. please don't hurt me SIR"

"Naw.. don't worry about that... We... You and I.. Well, see we have bigger things to look forward to.. He was just a passing body.. You know? Like hell, he was a fucking loser.. I don't think I could go around town with that hanging off my cock.. But you... well look at you.. Fucking built up like a shit brick house.. Shit... Now you hanging off my cock.. Yeah that's a different story... I like you.. I always have...and soon... you will like me too.."

"yes SIR..." his voice very low.. somber... quiet..

"Oh well.. I need to get some sleep cause I have plans tomorrow and you have kept me up really late tonight... You are so bad..."

"plans SIR..?"

"Yeah... plans... I have to stop off and meet up with Craig.."

"Craig.. uhhh Craig **** ?"

"Bingo... Spot on Luke...So you do remember him I see.. Yeah good old Craig.. that big bastard was the only one of you that truly stayed in the sports field.. Big time coach at the local college.. Running those football players ragged in this summer heat.. Bet they would just love to see him get his.. That mean old bastard.. the old twat that he is.. Yeah... Anyway you need to shut the fuck up now.. I have to get some sleep.. Big plans with Craig tomorrow.." I laugh as I close his bedroom door and make my way to his couch in the tv room..

Yes..every thing is going along just fine...

I sleep well... comfortable... my head not hurting anymore... was a long night.. but well worth it.. I know that somewhere in the darkness of the room, that skinny little runt is smiling at me.. His hands up waving... happy... more content...

Next Chapter: Craig Please send any comments to

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