The Chosen

By smoothslave

Published on Apr 9, 2005


The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people or situations is completely unintentional. If you are underage or offended by man to man sexual encounters, please do not read any further.

The Chosen by:

Chapter 2 - Luke

I can hear him make his way through the living room, the click of the light switch, the chain on the front door chatters as he slides it into place.. His footsteps making a low thud on each step as he mounts the staircase. Making his way closer to me.. Closer to his destiny...

His bedroom door creaks as he pushes past, the switch on the wall clicks and floods light into the room.. His jeans, shirt, socks and underwear are removed and thrown to the floor with the rest of his clumped up laundry. After watching him for so long, I never realized what a slob he was.. making a mental note to myself to be more observant in the future. Don't fuck this up...

The light on his bed stand is clicked on and he switches off the main light. The room is now cascade is a soft amber glow.. A perfect mood setter.. Although I do prefer to work, to act, to prey in the pitch black of night. The bed springs creak above my head as he sits on the edge of his mattress and lets out a loud yawn. How many times I had been sitting outside your window, peering in, hearing those springs creak as you banged one whore after another. Making them think you were going to be the one.. The one they would love and marry.. Your devil spawn someday exiting their wombs.. They would have given anything to keep you. But you treated them like garbage, like a nothing.. Just like you had treated me.. You will never change.

The heels of his bare feet now just inches from my face. So close Luke. I can see the bandage on the back of your left foot. He banged it tonight at the gym.. wasn't too bad of a cut at all.. Didn't need stitches but boy he did enjoy the attention.. Sitting there on the floor like a fucking ass wipe, flexing his arms, supporting his weight as they looked over his bruise.. What an asshole you are.. You always were though weren't you.

The room goes dark and his weight adjusts above my head.. More yawns from his tired muscled body. The crushed up sleeping pills now doing their job.. Going to work... He never even noticed the taste in his protein powder.. Drinks two glasses like clockwork every night while watching the evening news.. Poor thing.. Tonight is the night. Tonight you join the club. The first member.. So very exclusive.. You were so easy to find.. Living where your parents once did..

I slip out from under his bed. The carpet makes scraping noises on my jeans as I scurry out and kneel up beside him. His eyes closed, shallow breaths escape his lips, his chest rises up and down.. Deep in his drug induced sleep.. Unaware as I brush my fingers through his hair, run my hands down his neck and chest and slip the covers from his naked body. My mind races.. I have planned this out so many times in my head.. I know the routine.. I move quickly and with a purpose..

Moments latter...

The darkly tanned muscled god lays in his bed.. Arms securely tied to each bedpost. Legs strapped down by his ankles with a length of rope that runs under the bed. Holding him in place. Pinning him down.. A collection of sex toys scattered around him on the sheet. Each created to give pleasure of some sort to the user.. But for me, they take on a new meaning.. They are there not to give pleasure, they are there to invade.. To teach... To break him down...

I secure a length of black fabric around his head and push foam earplugs into each canal. Want to keep him in the dark.. Keep his hearing muted. Letting him have to rely on his sense of touch and smell.. Making them work harder for him.. Heightening his experience. Luke, how I am working so hard to make you enjoy this.. Letting you fully take in the experience..

My video camera in focus and perched on top of his tv set. The perfect height and angle.. now capturing the event.. Taking it down and preserving the beginnings of his transformation..

One more look over the room.. It is set..

I turn on the main switch and flood the room in bright light. His body begins to move and squirm as the sharpness of the cold water pouring over his face and head settles in.. Shocking him, forcing him awake..

His lips open.. "What the... What the fuck.."

The bed creaks as he tries to move his arms and legs.. The posts shuddering against his strength.. The mattress bouncing near his calves as he tries to rise up.. I laugh at his predicament.. Fuck head.. now who is in control.. He settles back down finally realizing that he is trapped.. His head swings in my direction as my fingertips brush up his thigh and pass over his six pack stomach. Arms trying to pull down... His head rising up and slamming back onto the pillow.. Then becoming still as my fingers pass over his face... Luke now getting the first whiffs of my ass. The musky sweat rubbed on his top lip and into his nostrils. He is still.... silent and quiet.. Trying to figure out the aroma..

"what the fuck... who the fuck in is here..??? please just take what you fucking want... who the fuck are you....??... fuck fuck fuck"

His yelling starts as I begin slathering sports cream on his balls and cock. The cream starting off cold and wet then turning icy hot and biting into his tender flesh.. Setting his genitals on fire.. He has used this many times before, just never in this area. Stupid jar head.. You really should try new things.. Explore sometimes for Christ's sake..

The long black dildo now shines with a white gleam in the bedroom light. A thick coating of sports cream will do that.. I laugh to myself as I lift his ball sack up and begin pushing the dildo inside of his ass hole. My poor helpless victim.. You think your balls and cock feel hot Luke.. Wait until this hits you..

"fuck you.. you stupid fuck... oh god help me.. ohhhhh ooooohhh !! fuck you... ohhhhh get it out please fuck ooooohh fuckin please"

His screams for mercy fill the room.. Jesus Christ he is giving me a fucking migraine. God damned pussy that he is...Enough of this shit already.. I take out the condom from my bag and gently untie the knotted end.. Cost me 50 bucks to get this condom filled with cum. The guys at the bar aren't cheap. All laughing as they were informed that I was doing some sort of project, depositing their loads into the rubber in exchange for drinks and shots.. The knot undone, condom slipped into his open drooling mouth.. His lips taped shut.. Fucking chew on that for a while.. God damned peace and quite finally..

His head swings back and forth, the tape pushes on his lips but holds. Hmmmm. must be getting the flavor right about now as the condom unloads its contents.. Have to get him more acquainted with what I have been up to all these years.. He didn't even fucking bother to ask how I was doing.. Christ.. selfish bastard.. I remove his earplugs...

"Taste that Luke??.. That is the taste of real men.. Umm.. Or as you would call... real 'fags'.. You like ?? "

His head swings back and forth and his body bounces again on the bed.

"Good ..thought you would.. Ok Luke see this is how it is.. You have been a very bad boy all these years.. Working out and getting yourself in the shape you are.. Good job, Good money, Good body.. But you never give anything back to the community.. And you really have to start treating people with respect.. I know I know.. you want to do better.. But you just don't have the direction. Well it is your lucky day.. Well night that is.. I am here now.. and you can start your new way of life being a better person.. You can start giving back.. starting with me..."

His head turns roughly in my direction. I know he is trying so hard to see through the fabric.. Must be a bitch for him trying to figure out what the hell is going on.. Who is talking to him.. But just can't quite put his finger on the voice.. Never really tried hard enough in the past to pay attention.. Bad Mistake...

I grab hold of the dildo and give him a few rough fucks in and out of his ass. Oh yeah.. it slides roughly at first but then.. just slips right in.. Good he is opening up.. Relaxing.. I remove the tape from his mouth and he spits out the empty condom..

"you fuck you fuck.. I ain't no faggot.. fucking let me go..."

"Luke.. Luke.. Luke.. stop fighting it.. you have yourself so pumped up and to be quite honest your fucking hot... Your a natural magnet for gay guys.. You must deep down want that attention.. You would never have built yourself up like this if you didn't..."

"who the fuck are you... jesus christ.. is this some kind of fucking joke.. listen dude i won't hurt you.. just fucking let me go... i'm not gay alright.. come on dude..."

"oh come on Luke.. we are all just a bit gay aren't we?....and too late for hurting me... you have done your damage already... too late.. karma is a bitch.. Time to pay up..."

More fucking with the dildo in and out of his used hole.. Yeah 10 inches almost all the way in... He is a natural.. taking 8 without a problem.. Its the last two... that are resisting.. A hard push and yes 10 in, up to the handle.... I knew he could handle it.. so to speak.

"uhhhh fuck... jesus christ... uuuuh god... come on please...."

"Naw.. see... all those women you fuck and dump.. well they have feelings as well.. you have no problem fucking them with your big thick cock... oh... sorry.. I see.. well maybe it gets bigger, grows a bit when your excited?? hmmm guess its the reason you work out.. at least you are able to get those muscles bigger... " I laugh as he begins to whimper...

"please.... please stop this... just leave please... my wallet in on my dresser and ummm in the top drawer is a nice watch and an envelope with some money.. please.. god please help me.."

"No Luke... See I don't need your money Luke.. but umm thanks for offering.. No see... You are going to be my bitch. my plaything.. You will see how it is to be fucked and dumped and after a while you will beg me to fuck you.. You will need to be fucked, crave it, and you will like it.."

"fuck you !!!"

"No fuck you..."

The dildo rammed in and out of his hole.. his body shuddering on the bed as he takes the length in and out.. I see his ass hairs clinging to the rubber as it slides out and then slides back in.. Yeah would be a lot easier if he was on his back but I will save that for another time when he is more willing to the process.

"Ok Luke this is just the beginning for you.. You are my project and like all projects they take some time.. You will see.. it will all work out. Oh.. and don't worry about work.. I have already sent word that you are ill and will not be in.. That way we have lots of free time to get acquainted and work on things... Now I really do have things to do.. So I will leave you for the night.."

"what the fuck dude... come on.... fuck !!! please... please.."

"I do however need to keep you quiet... You are so fucking sassy sometimes.. You have to learn to control that..."

I try to insert a ball gag into his mouth but he resists me.. clamping down his teeth..... Sorry Luke but this really has to go in... I grab hold of his balls and give them a sharp twist.. His mouth opens in pain and I try to insert the gag again.. Dammit.. he is quick.. Ok you leave me no choice Luke. My hand balled into a tight fist, slamming down hard and evenly on his cream coated nuts.. Yeah see... That did the trick.. That attitude really has to go... For your own good...

"Okay.. lets get you ready for sleepy time Luke.."

Ball gag firmly in place, good.. Blindfold on... good.. ropes secure on arms and legs.. Yep.. Dildo creamed up and inserted again in his hole.. Hmmmm doesn't look complete. Something missing.... ball stretcher.. Yeah.. okay ball stretcher on and balls held nice and firm.. lacks in cock but nice low hangers on him.. Clamps on tits and adjusted to full pressure.. Yeah a work of art.. Nothing like a str8 jock learning a new way of life.. Giving a taste of the other side.. The dark side.. Seeing him squirm on his bed and bask in the moment.. The very fine line between pain and pleasure. Him teetering on that line crossing slightly between each as the pain travels throughout his body...

"Good night Luke.. see you in the morning..."

As I pass through his bedroom, my reflection is caught in the large mirror on the dresser.. I no longer see the man that I have become.. But instead the skinny kid from down the street is looking back at me. Starting at me.. Eyes intent.. smiling.. I smile back and he fades into the mirror.. He is happy.. proud.. stronger...

The muffled screams from his mouth as I descend his stairway and exit his home. My first chosen now in the place where I want him. After all he was the leader back then.. Captain of the high school football team, leader of his pack.. Only fair he is first in my club.. Have been working on this plan for years and everything must go the right way.. The others will learn how to serve me, see how it is to be treated.. in their own special way.. designed to fit their life.. designed to pay for their mistakes.. but Luke.. well I have a lot of plans for him. some special plans.. he will take some time.. but he will break.. break further than the others.. become what he must become.. what I want him to be..

Just have to be careful not to get caught.. Don't need to be found out or arrested.. Shit.. that reminds me.. I look at my watch.. Yes. almost 2:30 a.m. Just in time to see how he is doing.. Will have just enough time to make my way to the all night coffee shop.. He is there I know it.. He is always there until at least 3 a.m. Like clockwork.. stuck in his routine.. Another pattern that soon will be broken..

I work my way through the moon shadowed lanes and park my car in the barren lot across the street.. Casually walk up to the window and peer inside.. Their bodies clearly shown through the widow, illuminated by the bright light inside.. The booths are mostly empty, a few people here and there but mostly empty.. I glance to the counter and sure enough there he sits. His back to me.. He should be out working.. But no, he sits and talks to the waitress behind the counter. She laughs and giggles and pours him another coffee.. Tossing her hair around, flirting with him.. Bet she was the other kind in high school.. The girls that were always on top.. Putting the others down, picking and taunting the weak and different.. But I don't want her.. she is safe.

I can hear his voice from the past in my head.. "little fag... you like sucking cock fag.. you look like a fag with tears in your eyes.. cry for me.. fucking beg me.. fag.." I shake the sound and images from my head.. Returning myself to the present...

Yes.. you sitting there in your navy uniform. All crisp and ironed.. Authority at its finest.. Bet you think that your gun, nightstick, and cuffs, make you look big and superior.. Someone to look up to.. Well it doesn't look that way to me.. You still look like the fuck wad you always were... Your time has come.. You are next..

You are my chosen..


Next Chapter: David Please send any comments to

Next: Chapter 3

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