The Choir Loft at College

By Frank Levy

Published on Apr 5, 2006



It was the night of the concert at my private school, and the teachers were expected to volunteer to take tickets at the door of the church and hand out programs. Also assigned to duty was a young student from the college, whom I at first dismissed as being too silly to be taken seriously. Looking again I noticed he had a nice smile with dimples, thick red-brown hair and sparkling green eyes. His white shirt was carelessly jammed in his pants but I could see his body wasn't all that bad. I guess I stared too long because he caught me looking and gave a flash of his white teeth. My mind jumped back a little and I thought "Was that a come-on? Better take this slowly" The concert began. It was the Bach mass in D minor--a piece that would continue for about 2 hours. His name was Paul and I suggested to him "We don't have to stay here. How about going up in the choir loft to listen?" He smiled and didn't say anything, so I left to go upstairs. He didn't follow, at first. Up stairs was in semi-darkness and had a semi-circle of armless, but more comfortable chairs hugging the big pipe organ. The sound up there was glorious and I would have been ok just sitting there listening, when suddenly Paul appeared next to me. He sat fairly close and I could smell a whiff of aftershave. This was odd because he had a few days growth of soft, new beard like many 18 year olds have today. "How do you like the music?" I asked "Not bad" he replied and proceeded to lie back across a group of chairs. My guess is he didn't like classical all that much. As he lay there, I let my hand stray a bit to rest on one of his chairs, as if to steady myself. My knuckle brushed against his pant leg. His thigh was firm beneath the black, polyester fabric. He didn't move nor say anything. The glorious harmony of the music rose and fell and then went up again. I slid my hand up the side of his thigh toward his hip and down. Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw some movement in the crotch area. My hand decided to travel up to the top of his thigh and since there was no protest, it journeyed on to explore. There was a definite hard lump in his pants. I stroked the rod up and down through the cloth.. "Do you like that?" I asked softly. "Mmmm..." he replied. I knew I'd have to be careful now or he might freak and run. I made sure he was rock hard before slowly sliding the zipper down. His cock was pressing against his colored boxers that peeked through the fly. I entered the cloth tunnel to fish out his lust-filled bone. It emerged luminous in the half light. A smooth, thick, white shaft capped with a cherry mushroom head. "'I'll bet his tits match that same red color" I thought. ..My cock which had been hard, suddenly began to weep for joy. The skin of his penis was like hot ivory and exuded a creamy moisture. I stroked it again and he moaned softly. I moved slowly enjoying the sensuality of the situation, and leaned forward to taste the shiny fluid I could discern at the tip. His cockhead slid between my soft lips and my tongue swirled around that big knob. His cock strained harder and he humped up to stuff more into my mouth., but I backed away slowly licking just the head. With one hand I undid the buttons of his shirt and his pants. His upper garment slipped back to reveal a smooth, pale chest with a nicely developed pecs. Just as I suspected his nips rose in small perfect cherry kisses, begging to be nibbled and sucked. I licked one using the rough part of my tongue. He sucked in air quickly. I took the other between my lips and vacuumed it tightly. His breathing was becoming rapid. I trailed my tongue down to his semi-outie belly-button , riding over his smooth muscle ridges with my tongue and down his abs, following the little trail of light brown hairs to his pubes. His pubic hair glistened in the light, bisected by his raging cock that lay flat against his stomach leaking clear liquid like a faulty faucet. I pulled his pants further down so his nice egg shaped balls could hang free. They were, for the most part, hairless and I could fit one at a time in my mouth. I alternated between sucking his cock and licking his balls until there was a copious amount of saliva and seminal fluid trickling downward toward his perineum. I took his cock deep down my throat and followed the fluid trail with my fingers under his balls and into his firey crack. I rubbed my middle finger around the outside of his hole, then added the forth finger to strum an anal tune. He started to arch his spine and moan aloud. I had to leave his hot rod and plant my mouth on his to shut him up. I sucked his lips and he responded similarly. He was so hot his eyes were either shut or rolling. I told him "be quiet, there are people..." I went down on him again and deep throated his dick, back to its full 7 inches; again I plunged into his rectum with three fingers. There was plenty of lube from his pre-cum and my spit to slide in and out easily. He had kicked off his pants and shoes and his legs were spread wide. His body language said "Do anything you want with me but don't stop!" I readjusted myself so my tongue was at his smooth, hot hole. I licked around then pushed my tongue right in as far as I could to feel his hard, eager little prostate . I continued slowly stroking his rigid member but not too fast, swirling his pre-cum around the head just to keep him humming. I tongue-fucked him ,stroked his dick, and managed to slide my pants down to my ankles. "Get up" I suddenly ordered. He sat up. "Stand up" I ordered again. He stood obediently, and I placed my hand behind his head spreading my fingers through his luxuriant hair, and slowly pushed his head toward the chair. His ass was at a perfect angle and height. I slid three fingers in again. It felt like putting on an oven-baked, silk glove. I withdrew and replaced my digits with my drooling, rock hard cockmeat. The head of my penis danced around his gaping hole and then the spongy mass squeezed slowly in. I thought I was going to shoot immediately, it was so intense. I allowed the music to reenter my brain to break concentration, then I continued to slip into his teenaged tunnel like a greased piston starting its momentum. Now it was my eyes that rolled back, as I rammed in and out of his sucking shitter. He was making little noises like "Ngh,ngh,ngh,ngh" in time to my rhythm, every time my body slapped against his bare butt cheeks. This was so unbelievable I couldn't handle it much longer. The excitement and the pleasure was beyond anything I'd experienced. His tight anal hole was sucking on my cock like a mouth. I realized his ass was spasming -- he was cumming. I reached around and felt blast after blast of his searing cum jetting from his tortured cock onto the floor in a puddle of vanilla pudding beneath the chair. I let loose my own volleys of spuge , spraying his guts with my cream. His back was sweaty and I slid up it and turned his head to take my tongue in his mouth. I couldn't stop fucking, six, seven, eight shots up his ass-- it felt so good, but finally I stopped and I slid out still semi hard. He stood and turned and fell into my arms We just kissed and held each other as the music climaxed far below. "I think I like Bach" he said.

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